FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #3

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While this could happen anywhere and does happen in many states, what is it about Florida?
I do not understand. Does this state, in particular, attract child molesters and killers?

This just breaks my heart. I pray for this precious child and her family.

I think a lot of it has to do with the large population.

Florida is the fourth most populated state in the nation.

My only problem with the RSO that we research - what about the SO that HAVEN'T EVER BEEN CAUGHT???? This is what worries me the most. I know there are statistics (don't recall the numbers) of how many children a SO offends before being caught. It makes me sick and I don't know how we can track these pervs!

Great point! Research of SO is always after the fact...after they have been caught. Some sex offenders have as many as two-three hundred victims. Many, many begin as adolescents. Those that cross over into the world of sadism or murder - never go back to being satisfied with raping and leaving a child alive. Their sadistic ways escalate as do their murders. Something has to be done - research is poorly funded. Putting together a research pool of pedophiles is next to impossible. I know, I've been there and done that..research is critical and yet, the research out there to back up a political point. It's all so depressing mho
I know that everyone is upset with Nancy Grace but you have to understand that she had an interview scheduled BEFORE it was found out that Somer's body was found. She is covering Somer tomorrow night and already has it on the show page. Not to mention the full show was not dedicated to Balloon Boy they covered Haleigh Cummings on there as well.

What I don't understand about Nancy Grace is how she can put on 5 minutes of people actually talking then the rest of time show replay after replay of old videos and make any money from it. The last few months the show has taken a real dive.
I've been lurking for awhile...but this is my first post. Since I see some of you have linked RSO's in the area...I figured it was ok if I did the same. This one lives on Gano ave...a little over a mile from where Somer was last seen. He caught my attention because he has the same last name as one of the mom's friends on her MS page. I won't post her name....and the mom's myspace page is private now...but if any of you saved a screen shot..you will see her. Probably a coincidence...but you never know. I'm sure LE checked it out fairly early on.

I apologize if someone has already posted this. A lot of posts to go through.

Good catch! Her MS is private, and last log in was 10/16. I ran the addresses for both, and they don't match up.
sorry left out some info on that arrest: 4 were arrested at the Horton St address.
Bruner, Christopher M (B M, 19) Arrest on chrg of Robbery-armed Firearm/other Deadly Weapon (F), at 1706 Horton Dr, Orange Park, FL, on 10/21/2009.
Patterson, Deanglo Monreece (B M, 19) Arrest on chrg of Robbery-armed Firearm/other Deadly Weapon (F), at 1706 Horton Dr, Orange Park, FL, on 10/21/2009.
Sarver, Bryan Gregory (B M, 21) Arrest on chrg of Robbery-armed Firearm/other Deadly Weapon (F), at 1706 Horton Dr, Orange Park, FL, on 10/21/2009.
Howard, Montrail Isiah (B M, 18) Arrest on chrg of Robbery-armed Firearm/other Deadly Weapon (F), at 1706 Horton Dr, Orange Park, FL, on 10/21/2009.
There's a poster with the signature name of GladysKravitz on W/S. Remember her from the old Bewitched series. She was always looking out her windows and knew what was going on with everyone in the neighborhood. I think we need to go back to the days when we all did a little window snooping, especially when there are kids playing in their front yards, walking home from school, and wandering off from the unwatchful eye of their parents.

LOL, that's what my neighbor friend calls me, Mrs. Kravitz. I'm a DEF watcher/noisy person.
There's a poster with the signature name of GladysKravitz on W/S. Remember her from the old Bewitched series. She was always looking out her windows and knew what was going on with everyone in the neighborhood. I think we need to go back to the days when we all did a little window snooping, especially when there are kids playing in their front yards, walking home from school, and wandering off from the unwatchful eye of their parents.

LOL...my hub calls me Nosey Nellie. And I am proud of it! I always keep a an eye out to neighborhood stuff. Ever since I started following cases, I am more aware of my surroundings.
bold is mine

Where the extraction needs to be done for these offenders....IMHOO... is in the BRAIN... the exact location? Well, I think it is not completely known... but the BRAIN is where these things go wrong... not the genitals. Cutting off the balls of these people does not cut off the control center of those balls. It just renders their primary weapon of assault powerless. What needs to be explored is what controls those urges and they start in the brain. So, what is an appropriate neutering proceedure? A lobotomy? If it keeps this from happening again I am ALL FOR IT.

My guess is that a lobotomy might do it...probably for good. There is research on different parts of the brain having to do with emotion or lack of it. It's very interesting and has some excellent findings. Mean while, these sick rabbits keep multiplying.
Sometimes it's not the RSOs I worry about. It's the absconders. That said, SOs aren't easily rehabilitated and it probably doesn't matter what side of the fence they're on.

Sadly, this area isn't really even that much of a hotbed. I see people shocked at the numbers, but it's pretty average. I live in a small town with the lowest crime rate in our region. I'm not sure we've ever had a stranger abduction, knock on wood. Yet there are 30 here within a few miles. It's pretty shocking. There's a predator a couple streets over.
I want them castrated or dead. How do they like them apples? Who'd have the most votes? Put it on a ballot:furious:

I'd give you ten zillion thanks for that post Nore if I could.
What I don't understand about Nancy Grace is how she can put on 5 minutes of people actually talking then the rest of time show replay after replay of old videos and make any money from it. The last few months the show has taken a real dive.

Just the last few months? Nay I say.....much longer.

Does anyone happen to know what the BF did or was doing for the HOUR, while he sent Somers sister and brother to look for Somer?

For his sake, I hope he rushed in and took a poly....and was cleared....

Ok I am a bit behind on this thread but I don't think that SP was involved.

Thisis what I understand happened: the kids were walking home, Somer became upset and ran off. The other children continued home and told SP that Somer ran off. He sent them to look for her.

How could he be involved? The only possible way would be if Somer ran home and he did something to her before the other kids got home (which would have only been a few minutes) and then sent the other kids out awhile he disposed of the body.

I'm not much of a poster but this case has me all bent out of shape.

What the hell is going on in the world???

How can some just pluck an innocent child from their world ........... I'm so so SO angry.

I feel such saddest for her parents and her brother and sister. I can't imagine what they're going through. With all my heart and soul I wish I could comfort them in some way.....

I pray that when the autopsy is done we all find out that when Somer passed she went quickly and without being exposed to any of the sickness running wild in this world.
watching foxnews right now and on the news update break the reporter said the birthmark does match but no id official yet. sad.very very sad
I am ALL FOR and eye for an eye. If you hurt someone on purpose, adult or child you should get life in prison (that is unless you choose to end your own life) which I think should also be an option. If you kill a person on purpose than you give up your life in exchange, wont bring anyone back, but it will keep the dangerous people off the streets.
As a mother I am sick with all the hate I see. It seems like so many children like Nevaeh never even have a chance. If the parents don't dump them some where, then there is a perv out there in the wings waiting. No wonder kids are getting over weight these days, cant really go out and play any more can they? IMO <------sorry for the venting.

Well I am going to go give my little one a kiss and hug and remember how precious life is.
I am ALL FOR and eye for an eye. If you hurt someone on purpose, adult or child you should get life in prison (that is unless you choose to end your own life) which I think should also be an option. If you kill a person on purpose than you give up your life in exchange, wont bring anyone back, but it will keep the dangerous people off the streets.
As a mother I am sick with all the hate I see. It seems like so many children like Nevaeh never even have a chance. If the parents don't dump them some where, then there is a perv out there in the wings waiting. No wonder kids are getting over weight these days, cant really go out and play any more can they? IMO <------sorry for the venting.

Well I am going to go give my little one a kiss and hug and remember how precious life is.

I think you must be reading my mind because all these same thoughts just crossed my mind, including giving an extra long goodnight hug tonight and just being thankful my arms are around my cuddly girls.
God be with Somers parents and sibs now,and always. Those poor people.
I want them castrated or dead. How do they like them apples? Who'd have the most votes? Put it on a ballot:furious:

bold is mine

Where the extraction needs to be done for these offenders....IMHOO... is in the BRAIN... the exact location? Well, I think it is not completely known... but the BRAIN is where these things go wrong... not the genitals. Cutting off the balls of these people does not cut off the control center of those balls. It just renders their primary weapon of assault powerless. What needs to be explored is what controls those urges and they start in the brain. So, what is an appropriate neutering proceedure? A lobotomy? If it keeps this from happening again I am ALL FOR IT.

I'm all for dead, forget wasting tax payer $$$$ on castration, housing them in our prisons and studying their pathetic brains to see what makes them tick. I say justice should be swift, trial and conviction within 90 days, no appeals, and certain death within 120 days of the crime of killing a child. No three strikes you're out, no registry, and not a chance in hell they will ever harm another child! Cruel? Maybe but I'm fed up...I've had it. If they have killed a child, I want them all dead, flat and simple. I think once we start executing them rapidly, those who might offend or are thinking about offending just might learn how to control their urges. :furious::furious::furious:
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