FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #3

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I'm lost....what's the deal with Horton Dr. address?
Yey for you!!!! Research has found chemical castration does NOT work...so much for that, it doesn't prevent the obsessive fantasies of power and control over little ones....There is NO cure nor any treatment...yet. Their fantasies and desire for children are here to stay.

The US Supreme Court will hear arguments about Megan's Law and decide it's Constitutionality. Their job is to interpret the Constitution. When SO take their case to the State Supreme Courts - they win. This entire upcoming saga makes me so upset, rageful :furious:...what if the SO win?

Then execute the sick bastards or lock them away FOREVER!!!!
I'm not much of a poster but this case has me all bent out of shape.

What the hell is going on in the world???

How can some just pluck an innocent child from their world ........... I'm so so SO angry.

I feel such saddest for her parents and her brother and sister. I can't imagine what they're going through. With all my heart and soul I wish I could comfort them in some way.....

I pray that when the autopsy is done we all find out that when Somer passed she went quickly and without being exposed to any of the sickness running wild in this world.

Plucked from her world and thrown in the trash.
What can we expect when a child molester serves less time than a car thief ?
Most of the sexual predators I'm seeing on the registry spent less than 2 years in prison. We can thank the justice system for placing so little value on our children.
I'm not talking about LE, I think most feel the same.
I prefer the death penalty for child molesters but I'd settle for giving them a choice... life in prison or castration.
They serve a couple years for destroying the innocence of a child then cry about being on the SO registry.We need underground vigilante groups in every state willing to take out the real garbage as soon as they're released.
How many tears will it take before we can protect our children?
:furious:I know we keep saying something must be done,but SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!!! If we could only band together,not just websleuths but every decent person. Get petitions do anything to stop this murder of beautiful children MY GOD i cry!! Someone with knowledge please help our children!! I want to see anyone who kills a child die for it.ACLU ~ go to he** we have rights too.I am beginning to think we need vigilanty groups to go after them.No more beautiful kids having a nanny steal them, beating them to death drowning them they die YOU DIE:furious:We have Mollycoddled enough.America, be ashamed.

I agree with you 1000% something has to change.I lost my cousin to a monster in 1977 and I feel that pain every day.No one should lose a child this way ever.If the government will not protect our children vigilantly groups might be the answer.I really feel that when a monster is caught the parents should get to dole out the punishment.I learned first hand the evil that walks among us in 1977. My generation was taught you do as adults say, I taught my kids different I made them aware of the dangers that are out there.I was always with them or watching from a distance.They had a great childhood both grew up normal and are very close to us.Parents want kids to be kids but you can not put your head in the sand and ignore the dangers.
severely off topic.. and sorry for being so..

but the reasons we all are here are varied. Mine has to do with the abduction, rape and murder of my gradeschool classmate Tina Marie Harmon who was abducted on the way home from my small town Ohio school while we were in elementary school together... It has never left me.. this fear of some sicko taking you from the store while you try to buy penny candy after school.. .after you get off the bus and are in the fluffly part of the cloud of dozens of other kids while it happens!


this above link happened to my classmate...my friend... my school... my town.. When I see Somer's case I cannot help but draw parallels to a child walking home from school and getting taken! It breaks my heart! It takes me painfully back too. I want whomever did this FOUND....and RIGHT AWAY!
If they can not be rehibilitated WHY let them out??? Why Why Why are we allowing this to happen to our precious children??!!
Frankly, I meant it to be harsh. I can't imagine allowing a 7 year old to walk with an older sibling home from school, to the store, etc., PRECISELY for the reason that they may become separated. Which is exactly what happened!

Yeah the world is a bad and dangerous place, it sure was for Somer.

Why should you care if I call him pudge face? Yes, it does imply someone that won't relinquish their spot on the couch. I walk my grandson 1.7 miles uphill every morning to school, I ain't no pudge-face!

Just curious as to why a Grandmother would have to walk their grandchild to school. Where are the parents ?
Just curious as to why a Grandmother would have to walk their grandchild to school. Where are the parents ?

Oh, Come on. that is what Grandma's are for! Do you have Grandchildren? You help the parents while they work!
I want to know how so many RSOs are living so close to the school to begin with! Is there not a limit in Florida to day care centers, child care facilities, schools and such?
Frankly, I meant it to be harsh. I can't imagine allowing a 7 year old to walk with an older sibling home from school, to the store, etc., PRECISELY for the reason that they may become separated. Which is exactly what happened!

Yeah the world is a bad and dangerous place, it sure was for Somer.

Why should you care if I call him pudge face? Yes, it does imply someone that won't relinquish their spot on the couch. I walk my grandson 1.7 miles uphill every morning to school, I ain't no pudge-face!

Nice. Wow.
severely off topic.. and sorry for being so..

but the reasons we all are here are varied. Mine has to do with the abduction, rape and murder of my gradeschool classmate Tina Marie Harmon who was abducted on the way home from my small town Ohio school while we were in elementary school together... It has never left me.. this fear of some sicko taking you from the store while you try to buy penny candy after school.. .after you get off the bus and are in the fluffly part of the cloud of dozens of other kids while it happens!


this above link happened to my classmate...my friend... my school... my town.. When I see Somer's case I cannot help but draw parallels to a child walking home from school and getting taken! It breaks my heart! It takes me painfully back too. I want whomever did this FOUND....and RIGHT AWAY!

I'm so sorry nursebeeme.
I have a feeling this one is not a registered sex offender.
I'm all for dead, forget wasting tax payer $$$$ on castration, housing them in our prisons and studying their pathetic brains to see what makes them tick. I say justice should be swift, trial and conviction within 90 days, no appeals, and certain death within 120 days of the crime of killing a child. No three strikes you're out, no registry, and not a chance in hell they will ever harm another child! Cruel? Maybe but I'm fed up...I've had it. If they have killed a child, I want them all dead, flat and simple. I think once we start executing them rapidly, those who might offend or are thinking about offending just might learn how to control their urges. :furious::furious::furious:

Very well said !
I 100 % agree...
Why do sex offenders kill their victims so quickly after the abduction? It seems in most cases, the children are dead within the day. What is the psychology of it? Just to avoid detection?

That said, maybe this isn't a SO. I keep having this bizarre and persistent thought that it could have been a hit-and-run and they deposited her body in the first available dumpster. Weird thought, I know, but it was my first thought and it's stuck with me all day. Atypical for me.

What really boggles my mind is that she must not have left that area, at least by much. They knew exactly where to track that garbage. I cannot believe they didn't have SOME clue on where to look. I just can't buy that it was simply routine. Whether it was a dog hit or a tip, I think they know something.

Even if the BF had Somer inside the house when the kids got home, he would have had to leave during the melee of the search. Something would have been noticed, right?

Just my unconnected thoughts. I just don't get this. And I don't blame the mom for letting her kids walk home from school. "Safety in numbers" all that. You get complacent in a mindset and don't think of the little things that the girl running ahead, etc. You think "Okay, there are a lot of kids walking that street. She's with her siblings." It's sure making me reevaluate how I picture my future as a parent of school-age kids more and more. I'm just not going to get all holier-than-thou on a parent who just lost their angel and who never once thought that this could happen to her daughter. You don't have to be a 'pudge-face' to lose a child. You just have to be really unlucky. It can happen to ANYONE, and even if you walk the 20 miles through the snow with them, it doesn't mean you can keep harm away. There's no need for blame-casting here, IMO. Save it for the people who truly neglect their children.
Frankly, I meant it to be harsh. I can't imagine allowing a 7 year old to walk with an older sibling home from school, to the store, etc., PRECISELY for the reason that they may become separated. Which is exactly what happened!

Yeah the world is a bad and dangerous place, it sure was for Somer.

Why should you care if I call him pudge face? Yes, it does imply someone that won't relinquish their spot on the couch. I walk my grandson 1.7 miles uphill every morning to school, I ain't no pudge-face!

Whoa......I understand your feelings, but aren't you maybe putting too much blame out there without facts?

I think, imo, that hundreds, or thousands of children walk to school without adult supervision across this country on a daily basis without incident. It is something that many parents are comfortable with given that they are in groups, there are many crossing guards along the way, etc. Many parents are not afforded the good luck of having a grandparent nearby to walk their children to school on a daily basis.
Please Do Not Attack Poster... Please Don't fight and argue with each other.. This is hard on all of us.. Just take a few breathes and remember WHY we are here.. We all have great hearts and are just so upset at this situation.. Please ......
I want to know how so many RSOs are living so close to the school to begin with! Is there not a limit in Florida to day care centers, child care facilities, schools and such?

Glad you brought that up Carolina - I thought the same thing. But my guess is the excuse will be the probation officers are overworked and don't have time to check on everyone.
Did Nancy Grace cover this at all tonight? I'm watching her now (rerun) and it's all about the balloon boy story (which I'm incredibly sick of heating about..)
The Thread will be closed if we pic and nib at each other.. I for one Do NOt want this tread closed.. thanks

ETA: just for the record . channel 4 just said mothers boyfriend is in the house with her.. channel 4 was invited in and boyfriend is in the house..

can watch here if you would like.. commercial now but will start back up . reporter will be in house with mother..

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