FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #31

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nevermind, I found my answer, at least the little one at the vigil....not sure they are the same little girl.....
More on the lab technician. I don't know what to make of this guy. Odd that this girl had a picture of him & a note. Still can't find a court date, not sure if that is unusual or not?

About 4 a.m. Friday, August 7th, an Orange Park woman reported finding the girl on her doorstep crying and holding a picture of Silcott and a note with his name, address and the date of the incident, police said. The girl also wanted to go to the hospital, the woman told police. Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Lauri-Ellen Smith would not say how the victim got from Silcott’s home to Orange Park or how, as the report states, she was eventually transported to a medical facility where she underwent a medical procedure for sexual assault. The medical report said possible DNA evidence from Silcott was found. http://willibys-corruptjustice.blogspot.com/2009/08/cops-that-sexually-offend-part-xvi.html

A Jacksonville police officer arrested on sexual battery charges is now out on bond.Donald Silcott, an evidence technician, was arrested on Aug. 8 and went before a judge after his arrest.He was initially held on $600,000 bond, but it was reduced to $150,000. http://www.news4jax.com/news/20467417/detail.html

The records from the sheriff's office show that Silcott has been with the department for 19 years.In that time, there have been several complaints made against him, either by a citizen or a supervisor. As a result, he was ordered to take additional training or counseling a dozen times.It's a form of discipline.While his record does not reflect any trouble in the last seven years until now, he was suspended three times for unbecoming conduct of an officer in 1993 and 1994.The report does not detail each complaint. Channel 4 is awaiting other files to get additional information. http://www.news4jax.com/news/20362966/detail.html

I have a quick suggestion to make here, may be no good.

Instead of going back and forth about "blame", why don't we just work on the premise that some members are sleuthing specific areas such as locations, garbage truck info,
Kyle, LE involvement, DT/CPC, timeline, etc. For instance, SAD goes out on the sleuth and takes photos of areas of interest. Some people are drawn to the Blue Nissan former abduction issue, some like Noway who has done a great job drawing up summaries and providing links. To me, that means when we post information or theories or questions about these subjects, it takes the heat off that we are bashing or being stubborn, it resolves possible arguments about "how do you know this and this" because WE DON'T KNOW...WE ONLY KNOW WHAT WE SEE OR READ.

Everyone here now knows I am more familiar with sleuthing the mom, the bfs, the lifestyle, the interviews, MPR discrepancies, than I am measuring distances on streets and etc., since I do not live there and am not familiar with the area?

I am not on this board to pick on DT or find fault for the sheer sake of not liking anybody. I would post to SAD, can you drive by and see if there are any changes over there and then I would think about that and try to knit it all together with what I've already spent a lot of time thinking about...

I don't know if this makes sense. But I do know that on murder investigations, different detectives are assigned to or choose different areas to investigate. Some comb through garbage, some run license plates, some are great on the internet, some are fantastic in the interview room, some go door to door. That's what makes a "team of investigators". I am sure they have arguments, too, like "you're just convinced the perp is so and so and you won't try to look elsewhere...?"

Just my thoughts. I'm still listening to everybody, but my mission is to try to clear DT and prove that she is just a victim of public opinion.

Perhaps it was not made up. Perhaps because SOMER RAN OFF ALL THE TIME, nobody cared that much. SP was certainly in no hurry to do anything. A 7 year old gone and he sends a 10 year old (and some say the little twin) out twice to look before he "bothers" mom. No urgency, why call 9-1-1. Call the boyfriend.

She didn't call 9-1-1 because she never called 9-1-1 all those other times when babysitters were tracking Somer down after she'd been gone more than an hour.

Every time I think of his sending beautiful 10 yr old abby back to look for her I get sick on my stomach. Does anyone not realize how easily Abby could be dead right now too? Am I the only one who sees this? Not ONCE, but twice... to the same places her sister was abducted, murdered, thrown in the trash? I can only thank God that she wasnt harmed too.
My next task in my assignment is to check out the media lawyer issue.

I have read or seen on reports two different versions: (1) DT has a media lawyer to help her "field media requests and interviews" and (2) - this is per live interview and anchor stated it as such: the lawyer is to act as liason between DT and LE.

During the above-stated interview, the anchor asked the DT what she had been told about the case. She stated here (and in subsequent interviews) "nothing". She specificlaly added, "I don't know how she died, or even when," etc., and she said at one vigil that LE would not allow her to view the body. This has been disputed. LE apparently suggested strongly that she not view the body.

At the end of the interview, anchor asked attorney about whether he had hopes about the investigation being successful, and he stated they were doing a good job, and added that they'd sent the DNA out of the country. (Did DT not know this, or was she told it by attorney and also told not to comment on tv). I don't understand why a piece of info like this would not be shared with mom by LE. And I have never heard of LE not communicating directly with a mother about information that would help her cope during this lengthy and frustrating investigation where closure is the only thing that would help a mother move on.

My second point is about ST. He also did some interviews. Apparently he said something about dust on the body which turned out to be false? He was as emotional and broken up as mom. He gave no more or no less information. There was recently a rumor about DT and CPC taking off and apparently ST called the lead investigator on the case (according to SAD) and was informed very quickly that this was false. So my question: Why does ST have direct access to LE but DT has to go through an attorney?

Can any one add any facts to this or your ideas or speculations to help me?
TIA "team".

My new focus, as I stated above, is to CLEAR DT, CPC or others by providing valid information that either rules them out as suspects or casts doubt on them as suspects.
Misty got nailed? Man, I HAVE been shopping too long! I totally missed it! :waitasec:

Hi Emma. I confess my ignorance to the specifics on the Cummings case as my whole interest and time has been spent on Somer. I am referring to another post here and when I say "nailed", I mean more like "aha!) one step closer to proof or an arrest of some kind? I was making a comparison to DT and Misty, the circumstances being generally more damning toward the latter.
Thank you!
Good Morning ChickP,

By "foreign labs" doing some of the work, I don't think he meant out of the country. It just means outside their normal labs. Possibly commercial or university lab. Like Genentech, etc. Or Boston University, etc.
Good morning all of you... wow. Dreams upon dreams of somer. I cannot even remember one dream of anything else in yrs. Now I dream of somer almost every night. And most of them I remember upon waking. Im sure there is a scientific reason for this. My subconcious give the conscious what I want.. yada yada yada. Shes here with us and she knows she is loved. This is believe if not much else.
Every time I think of his sending beautiful 10 yr old abby back to look for her I get sick on my stomach. Does anyone not realize how easily Abby could be dead right now too? Am I the only one who sees this? Not ONCE, but twice... to the same places her sister was abducted, murdered, thrown in the trash? I can only thank God that she wasnt harmed too.

I can hear what others may post here: Of course Abby would not be dead because the killer would not come back for her, he was busy, but gee this perp could have been lurking around WATCHING little Abby look and that really blows one's mind...

A child is missing - people (some) "spring into action" based on the premise that something is wrong. The common sense action of even an animal (please don't call me cruel) would be to grab onto the other kids for dear life. And isn't this what people at vigils and in the community did? Grabbed onto and held their kids tight?

Sending that child out was totally ignorant and unfeeling. The other reason could be that nobody was that concerned in the first place, because it had happened so many times. Just go look for her, and we'll deal with her when she comes skipping down the road late, as usual.

It was upsetting to me during all of those tv appearances, when I wished mom had been home holding onto those kids, especially the twin. And when she was questioned early on how they were doing, she said (you'll have to go back and watch I don't have the exact words) "I don't know...because...they are at different places...due to the media..." and I became very outraged thinking there is no way I would have let them out of my sight for an instant, let alone send them to other places with other people when their sister had disappeared.
Hi...just stopping in here to try to wonder why LE is holding so much info back??

how was Somer murdered??

was there sexual assault or not??

that seems so "elementary my dear Watson" on any case?

do they usually wait this long to release that info?? I think it makes a HUGE difference in who and what they look for

IF NO sexual assault..then it becomes more about "Somer"....someone angry at her? (kids?) someone wanting her out of his "hair", flipped out on her? (someone in her life?)
or an "execution" like if she found someone's stash or drugs/guns?
IF it was "just about Somer" the risk to other kids might be lower

along these lines, there is also the off chance that Somer died by accident/negligence (like at a construction site) and someone flew into a panic and disposed of her body??
again risk to other kids is lower

IF sexual assault...then maybe it was just random, some pervert saw this vulnerable little girl, raped her and killed her to shut her up?? In that case other kids are much at risk

~~~~ the "how" is also huge....was it a gun? Much more planned..."execution?"

strangle?? a man?

blunt trauma..??? that could be....anyone...even kids

a knife??? or a combo?? or ???

who (if anyone) is also at risk with this murderer out there?? Is it specific to Somer alone? or to her family? (some revenge thing?)

or is it a pervert out there and all kids/girls at risk???

To me this is mind boggling that these basic facts are not being put out by the police and I would love to hear speculations as to "why not'??

Most of us are mothers.. as such we all know that feeling. The stomach lurching when we lose site for an instant.. at chucky cheese, at walmart.. I cant imagine the feeling of oh well, she does this alot and she will come home.
I just spent 45 minutes frantically looking for my moms dog that loves to run off. I saw him push the door open and dip.. thats how close he was.. and no shoes and no jacket I was right behind him, yet he was gone.. 45 mins later I find him down the street. As my feet were freezing, I thought, to hell with it.. he will come home. But I didnt, my mom would be devastated if anything happened to "the best husband she has ever had" (her words), so I kept looking... and this is a dog. Yes we love him. But still it is a dog.
How could anyone be so cavalier about a 7 YR OLD CHILD?????
Call it bashing, whatever you want. I still call it neglect... and my opinion on that will not change.
I can hear what others may post here: Of course Abby would not be dead because the killer would not come back for her, he was busy, but gee this perp could have been lurking around WATCHING little Abby look and that really blows one's mind...

A child is missing - people (some) "spring into action" based on the premise that something is wrong. The common sense action of even an animal (please don't call me cruel) would be to grab onto the other kids for dear life. And isn't this what people at vigils and in the community did? Grabbed onto and held their kids tight?

Sending that child out was totally ignorant and unfeeling. The other reason could be that nobody was that concerned in the first place, because it had happened so many times. Just go look for her, and we'll deal with her when she comes skipping down the road late, as usual.

It was upsetting to me during all of those tv appearances, when I wished mom had been home holding onto those kids, especially the twin. And when she was questioned early on how they were doing, she said (you'll have to go back and watch I don't have the exact words) "I don't know...because...they are at different places...due to the media..." and I became very outraged thinking there is no way I would have let them out of my sight for an instant, let alone send them to other places with other people when their sister had disappeared.

I think SP is more sinister than that. He either wasn't there or he had a part in killing her. Maybe Somer did make it home and he killed her. You know I'm thinking it's either PC or SP. I always had them two as my suspects. Then SP worked with kid in his pseudo therapy and had his name for fund raising. Financial gain. Maybe there was a plot for money. PC has that crazy ms account. With such low lives like them, I don't need to go far to find a suspect. The neighbors too are suspicious to me. I don't know how these people could ever be trusted. Poor little Somer had low lives all around her.
I can hear what others may post here: Of course Abby would not be dead because the killer would not come back for her, he was busy, but gee this perp could have been lurking around WATCHING little Abby look and that really blows one's mind...

A child is missing - people (some) "spring into action" based on the premise that something is wrong. The common sense action of even an animal (please don't call me cruel) would be to grab onto the other kids for dear life. And isn't this what people at vigils and in the community did? Grabbed onto and held their kids tight?

Sending that child out was totally ignorant and unfeeling. The other reason could be that nobody was that concerned in the first place, because it had happened so many times. Just go look for her, and we'll deal with her when she comes skipping down the road late, as usual.

It was upsetting to me during all of those tv appearances, when I wished mom had been home holding onto those kids, especially the twin. And when she was questioned early on how they were doing, she said (you'll have to go back and watch I don't have the exact words) "I don't know...because...they are at different places...due to the media..." and I became very outraged thinking there is no way I would have let them out of my sight for an instant, let alone send them to other places with other people when their sister had disappeared.


There is another reason...actually there could be several reasons, but I tend to think it was because it was not SP's responsibility to watch her as a babysitter would be doing, because he wasnt babysitting. It was not his responsibility.. it was at's... go get her.. YOU find her...
you are 100% correct :toastred:
It shows how little they care for her memory
Not to mention fund rasing on the date of her 2 months missing

I do not know if I am 100% correct, here I am climbing the arrogant tree again. The 2-month anniversary Fund Raiser to supplement the family...2 month anniversary of a heinous murder...call LE and ask them to put out a media notice that killer has not been caught (or has he)? GO BACK ON TV AND REMIND EVERYBODY SOMER IS STILL UNAVENGED. Ask for tips. Take attorney if you have to and have him script your replies. Grieving mother still suffers - she could get on.

I would be calling my Pastor and asking if I could have an intimate prayer circle at Somer's church. Praying for guidance and God's Will in the situation. Trying to get my head together and find peace.
How can some of you live in your own world thinking everyone is capable of murder?
The friend, the boyfriend, the neighbors, the neighbor's sons, the kids from school, various and sundry relatives, anyone who happens to be named Chris, along with the ususl suspects. Turn that inward. Do you think that about your own life? Do you suspect all your own relatives, friends, kids from the neigborhood and schools are capable of murder, too? Or just hers?
I think SP is more sinister than that. He either wasn't there or he had a part in killing her. Maybe Somer did make it home and he killed her. You know I'm thinking it's either PC or SP. I always had them two as my suspects. Then SP worked with kid in his pseudo therapy and had his name for fund raising. Financial gain. Maybe there was a plot for money. PC has that crazy ms account. With such low lives like them, I don't need to go far to find a suspect. The neighbors too are suspicious to me. AB seems like a B---- to me. I don't know how these people could ever be trusted. Poor little Somer had low lives all around her.

I certainly felt that sinister vibe from PC. (of course..I was with the "enemy" too) I didnt get that close to SP, so I dont know. I dont think AB is a B**** though, I think she tried to step up and help when DT asked her to and did her best to help with a neighbors children. I think she had grown tired of the responsibility and that was why she commented that somer was "very friendly, almost too friendly", (she spends too much time at my house). I dont think she was mean... just fed up.
Since Somer had a history of running off, squabbling and etc., I am absolutely certain that DT knew she was having problems. I just verified with a teacher that parents are called when kids are having difficulties and are offered suggestions on how to assist them, they can have conferences with teachers, after school programs, mentoring, creative activities are helpful. DT turned all of them down.

Plus, I am sure DT had lots of talks with Somer about this. Like any mother would. DT just figured it would work itself out, I am sure. Not so sure about CPC, who I venture to guess would get fed up and perhaps try to exert some authority, which Somer may have resented, resulting in even more problems.

Problem waiting for bad results. Nobody did anything to head off disaster.

I am re-reading this post and my reply again, trying to clear mom. I am basing it on DT's information and on the premise that she loves her children very much and is conflicted with work, juggling schedules, coming home tired, having a BF with his own needs going to nursing school (reportedly) and having a feisty little seven year old who runs off.

SO if I am mom and I know Somer has been getting into some fights and running off for an hour or more because a babysitter has told me, I have provided lists for people to check, Somer herself has told me, perhaps Abby has complained about it. This has probably been discussed more than once at home and even argued about. Perhaps I have punished Somer in the past about it. Nothing seems to do any good, she keeps doing it. EVen after I have told her about stranger danger she still doesn't know a stranger.

Since all of my efforts to change this child's behavior have failed, am I going to trust this little girl with the hot temper to do what I said, or am I going to back it up with a different after-school arrangement? What if the neighbors who have been "looking out" for my kids aren't there? Would I take an offer of an after school program? Would I look into changing my work hours with a co-worker to enable me to cover my shift and still pick up my child (DT said in one interview, I wish I had picked her up that day).

Would I consult my BF and my very good male friend about it? Could they be counted on to help on a regular basis?

Could I find perhaps an older retired woman to meet the kids, walk home and stay with them for a time?

Would I look for a different job with hours that were consistent with the kids' needs?

Would I have a list of sitters who would have a telephone tree in case one could not be there, to call others who would?

Would I get together with neighbors who have children Somer's age and perhaps set up a trade-off babysitting program where if they could supervise her at their home after school I would watch their children if needed?

Do I need to re-think going back to school and wait until the kids get a little older? (Working and going to school is gruesome; you have long class hours and even clinicals and from my knowledge of a co-worker doing this, sometimes she does not get home until 11:00 p.m. and then there is homework).

How many of the people in my life know about this problem? How does it affect them? Do they discuss it with her or punish her?

These are all questions and options facing all working mothers. All of them can be considered and used. Now the question is, what choices did mom make? What is the ripple effect here? With so many neighbors involved, trying to get out of work, the timelines,
the opportunity for the killer, nobody having seen anything. If I am mom, I am writing letters or calling or visiting people to talk with them because I crave any information about anything my dead child said, did or any place she was the day she died.
More on the lab technician. I don't know what to make of this guy. Odd that this girl had a picture of him & a note. Still can't find a court date, not sure if that is unusual or not?

About 4 a.m. Friday, August 7th, an Orange Park woman reported finding the girl on her doorstep crying and holding a picture of Silcott and a note with his name, address and the date of the incident, police said. The girl also wanted to go to the hospital, the woman told police. Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Lauri-Ellen Smith would not say how the victim got from Silcott’s home to Orange Park or how, as the report states, she was eventually transported to a medical facility where she underwent a medical procedure for sexual assault. The medical report said possible DNA evidence from Silcott was found. http://willibys-corruptjustice.blogspot.com/2009/08/cops-that-sexually-offend-part-xvi.html

A Jacksonville police officer arrested on sexual battery charges is now out on bond.Donald Silcott, an evidence technician, was arrested on Aug. 8 and went before a judge after his arrest.He was initially held on $600,000 bond, but it was reduced to $150,000. http://www.news4jax.com/news/20467417/detail.html

The records from the sheriff's office show that Silcott has been with the department for 19 years.In that time, there have been several complaints made against him, either by a citizen or a supervisor. As a result, he was ordered to take additional training or counseling a dozen times.It's a form of discipline.While his record does not reflect any trouble in the last seven years until now, he was suspended three times for unbecoming conduct of an officer in 1993 and 1994.The report does not detail each complaint. Channel 4 is awaiting other files to get additional information. http://www.news4jax.com/news/20362966/detail.html

This is very interesting and speaks directly to the theory about LE being involved or complicit in the murder. Especially regarding the several counselings, and etc., a sad commentary on society again. Reminding me of the perp who shot up his fellow soldiers in that holding camp BECAUSE even though people KNEW he was unbalanced they let him stay on. NObody wanted to deal with him. If it was LE, it will really BLOW SOMETHING OPEN. Again, why are there no news agencies really following up on this? Are they being pushed off by LE "no comment"?
I certainly felt that sinister vibe from PC. I didnt get that close to SP, so I dont know. I dont think AB is a B**** though, I think she tried to step up and help when DT asked her to (a yr ago Chee?) and did her best to help with a neighbors children. I think she had grown tired of the responsibility and that was why she commented that somer was "very friendly, almost too friendly", (she spends too much time at my house). I dont think she was mean... just fed up.

Fed up people in my book are B-----. Especially if she's fed up with a 7 year old. Somer needed so much more. All she had to say was no and then DT would have been forced to get someone who wasn't fed up. Her being fed up could be a motive. She may not have liked Somer. That Crazy old B---- (she's only 5 years older than me but her face looks so old, must be a smoker). I can't stand people like that. Somer deserved and NEEDED so much more.

Detective: It's all about empathy. The key words to me are at the beginning...."if we have to wait..."
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