FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #31

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I'll see if I can find it for you...IS it CBS in Florida?

Im sure they havne't stop and might have an idea of who they are looking for. Or what kind of car or truck...I remember they did mentioned a white truck early on.

I just posted today the correct name of the CBS you can get on YouTube it is somewhere on this page (tired)...they know, they are watching and waiting. Watch the video, it gives a lot of hope. Detectives are smart people, generally. I miss Andy Sipowicz (NYPD BLUE) and I know he would have cracked this by now.

I join your prayer...

I really wish that if LE can clear DT they would do so, just so people could move on. I think (or hope) they would just to stop the hate mail/other negative things that not clearing her bring to the table. I dont get it.. clear her if you can for her sake and the familys..

Wasn't it pretty specific evidence that nailed Misty, where as in this case, with the broad daylight and the alleged information given on the police report, there have been no specific measurable behaviors in context of the crime that makes it so obvious. Only LE and the perp(s) know what happened. They have to get something substantial to move.
I think if we knew if Somer was sexually assaulted or not would help a lot in trying to figure this out. Was this a sexual crime that resulted in murder or was this a murder because someone just wanted this baby to be dead. KWIM

With the LE having done with the autopsy they KNOW if she was sexually assaulted, and if she was, that would immediately clear people who would have not commited this act.

Nobody is cleared.
IKWYM... I heard she reads this website along with two others even though her friends caution her not to because the posters are picking her apart.

If you heard this about DT and two others reading the posts, I surmise you have some pretty specific information about her. I am sure it is very hurtful for her to read things such as what has been said. Why does LE not come out in her defense to clear her out of respect for her as a mother of a murdered child? That would do a lot to stop people speculating. On a tv interview, the announcer said that attorney was her liason with LE to make sure she gets all of the information on the investigation. Why would she need legal assistance to get information about the murder of her child? Why would they not let her know like others? I had never heard of a police-parent liason before. I think these are 2 valid questions and do not fall into the category of bashing the mother. Do you have information as to why she can't get anything, including the autopsy report? I have never heard of that, either, in any case. Can you help with this?
BBM: Do you think Somer would appreciate some of the things being said about her Mother?

Where Somer is, she understands everyone's concern. She knows her mother can take care of herself. Somer knows who killed her. Somer also had another mother, AT, who looked after her every day after school. We don't know how much mothering there was at an empty house. I am sure Somer is not judging anyone. She sees the big picture.

I want to point out that in many of DT's videos, she is wracked with guilt over several things: not taking time with Somer when she was "busy", "did I forget to tell her I loved her?" "I wish I had picked her up that day" "I wish I had done this or that..." Somer hears it. But is mom who is practically labeling herself neglectful, except when she changes and says "Somer never did this before..." "the neighbors watched out for her..." "I couldn't get her bused", etc. DT made bad choices by turning down opportunities for after-school care and saying the neighbors would watch over her child. She failed to make attempts to have them monitored and keep them safe. She placed the responsibility on others, including Abby. Abby was not only supposed to take care of Somer, but her twin also. And who would they find at the house? CPC, SP, not mom.

I want to think that Somer has great love and compassion for her mother, and wants to see her mother happy and at peace. I don't think Somer blames her mother for anything. But I also don't think Somer was very happy when she was on this earth - otherwise she wouldn't have been running away. Somer was a very affectionate child always looking for love and acceptance. She has it now.
Infinity...I know you're not here but I'll post anyway. I was google mapping again. Found another convertible (at least I think it is). Can't tell if its cream or white. Anyway....street view 1770 W. Papaya dr...If you want to take a look.
When she said, "somer you're not in trouble", I thought: In trouble with whom? Also she said to the perp: just bring her back, you can drop her off anywhere, we won't tell...and I'm thinking, drop this kid off? Hasn't she been through enough...I am trying to cut her slack for being emotional and blabbering but OMYGOD, drop her off...? I know, I know people will say she meant "drop her at police" whatever. She says some bizarre things. ACtually I had just tuned in having never watched a crime show before. I was like, "who is this woman and what the H _ _ _?"

The "it's NOT okay to drop MY BABY in the trash..." was like it was a personal insult to her, more than Somer. Just me, probably. Those tomatoes, o-k.

It's even more not okay to kill a child. Hiding the body was just what happened after the horror of what ever happened to kill Somer, unless she was only injured and died in some dumpster. I thought that was odd choice of wording for such a horrible crime, but who knows, Diena may have been medicated. Those words "not okay" are very different when compared to the tough threatening words of saying she hopes LE gets to him before she does and "we're coming".
IMO she may have said she never wandered so that LE would take this serious from the get go. Sometimes we say things to get action. I don't see that as a red flag. JMO

I don't mean to be combative or argumentative here, but that makes NO sense. It makes more sense to say "SOMER OFTEN RUNS OFF, SHE IS A BIT FLIGHTY, I AM WORRIED ABOUT HER." Knowing that a 7 year old little girl was running off would show a pattern right away that would get the attention of a SO or a perp. DT said that to avoid being labeled as neglectful. Other posters have speculated that she told white lies on the police report about SP having been asked to babysit so LE would not know the kids were unchaperoned or not looked after.

There is no positive reason that DT should have said Somer never wandered - and it is an outright lie. Which is not a good thing to do on a MPR.
When a mothers little girl has just been murdered and thrown in the garbage like trash it's not the time to say things that can hurt the family.That's cruel and not helping anything at all.Especially if we do not know all the facts.Who are we to post just to get our point out there.Has anyone walked in her shoes?

Here's some news: When detectives are on a case, they don't care who they "hurt" as long as they get to the truth. Why should we care who get's hurt. Their daughter is DEAD. There are no places for emotions when it is facts, behavior patterns, anything that can lead to an opening or a way of digging until this is over. Let DT, CPC, or anybody in the family or friends, SHOW SOME EVIDENCE to substantiate their statements on the MPR and on the inconsistences in statements to stop people from wondering. At the very least, CPC should change his MySPace page from "single" to "in a relationship" and change his favorite viewing activity as *advertiser censored* when this is a crime of resulting in the murder of an innocent seven year old who lived in intimate proximity to him, and some people still wonder if that child was violated sexually. This makes him look like a totally, ignorant and unfeeling idiot.
She could have done that AND call the police. I wonder how much time she wasted. I think it was 5PM before the police even knew Somer was missing. If SP was there, I wonder why he didn't call her or she didn't call to see if Somer was home. Whole story seems made up to me.

Perhaps it was not made up. Perhaps because SOMER RAN OFF ALL THE TIME, nobody cared that much. SP was certainly in no hurry to do anything. A 7 year old gone and he sends a 10 year old (and some say the little twin) out twice to look before he "bothers" mom. No urgency, why call 9-1-1. Call the boyfriend.

She didn't call 9-1-1 because she never called 9-1-1 all those other times when babysitters were tracking Somer down after she'd been gone more than an hour.
What do you think Somer would really think of people picking her mother apart or being cruel to her mother.What do you think Somer's brother's and sister really think of all this.It must be very hurtful to them.

Somer's brother and sister have enough to worry about dealing with life after having a sibling murdered. They have no reason to even know that people are "being cruel" to their mother unless they are over her shoulder reading WS or are being shown her so-called hate mail, or unless she is complaining to them.

If I were Abby, I would probably be destroyed - for having let my mother down, because I had failed in being a good surrogate mother. I am sick of hearing about how DT is being picked on. She made her choices, there was no adult supervision for her child, and her child was snatched and killed. Who is to blame for that other than the perpetrator and the circumstances which set the child up to be taken out?

Somer is not going to benefit from any improved level of financial support which has raised the family's standard of living considerably; she lived with them when they were "struggling" and it is her death that is taking care of them now. So she knows mom is o-k, in a way, this is her last will and testament.
I'm almost sure that she was scared and alone. The only way she would have gone is unwillingly.

This is the last post I am going to make here: Coffee, smell, wake up.
We ABSOLUTELY KNOW WHAT MOOD SHE WAS IN WHEN SHE WAS TAKEN! She was angry and upset and hurt, she took off like so many other times in THE SAME CIRCUMSTANCES, leaving a pattern for a perp to track her and wait to move in for the kill. THIS HAPPENED ALL OF THE TIME. Go back on threads and interviews with people like her babysitter!

She was not lured into a car, she did go WILLINGLY and that is why it was so quiet. She knew her killer and it is someone she trusted. She expected to run off and go to a friends, or up a treehouse, or circle around and come home, as EVERYONE SAYS SHE ALWAYS DID - everyone but her mother.

GO into her life: She was picked on (according to mom), she was klutzy (according to mom), she was always looking for friends to play with; she was affectionate, guileless and impulsive toward adults, she was always trying to fix things for everybody and make people happy and please everybody. She was "everybody's little sister" and how could that be unless everybody knew her and took her under their wing? This child was desparate for attention. She was allowed to run wild. FACT FACT FACT.

Oh, Pin, this is not in answer to you, I am answering the post that said nobody knew what mood she was in.
Here's some news: When detectives are on a case, they don't care who they "hurt" as long as they get to the truth. Why should we care who get's hurt. Their daughter is DEAD. There are no places for emotions when it is facts, behavior patterns, anything that can lead to an opening or a way of digging until this is over. Let DT, CPC, or anybody in the family or friends, SHOW SOME EVIDENCE to substantiate their statements on the MPR and on the inconsistences in statements to stop people from wondering. At the very least, CPC should change his MySPace page from "single" to "in a relationship" and change his favorite viewing activity as *advertiser censored* when this is a crime of resulting in the murder of an innocent seven year old who lived in intimate proximity to him, and some people still wonder if that child was violated sexually. This makes him look like a totally, ignorant and unfeeling idiot.

you are 100% correct :toastred:
It shows how little they care for her memory
Not to mention fund rasing on the date of her 2 months missing
DT would only know what she was told about the fights. She was not there.

Since Somer had a history of running off, squabbling and etc., I am absolutely certain that DT knew she was having problems. I just verified with a teacher that parents are called when kids are having difficulties and are offered suggestions on how to assist them, they can have conferences with teachers, after school programs, mentoring, creative activities are helpful. DT turned all of them down.

Plus, I am sure DT had lots of talks with Somer about this. Like any mother would. DT just figured it would work itself out, I am sure. Not so sure about CPC, who I venture to guess would get fed up and perhaps try to exert some authority, which Somer may have resented, resulting in even more problems.

Problem waiting for bad results. Nobody did anything to head off disaster.
Here's some news: When detectives are on a case, they don't care who they "hurt" as long as they get to the truth. Why should we care who get's hurt. Their daughter is DEAD. There are no places for emotions when it is facts, behavior patterns, anything that can lead to an opening or a way of digging until this is over. Let DT, CPC, or anybody in the family or friends, SHOW SOME EVIDENCE to substantiate their statements on the MPR and on the inconsistences in statements to stop people from wondering. At the very least, CPC should change his MySPace page from "single" to "in a relationship" and change his favorite viewing activity as *advertiser censored* when this is a crime of resulting in the murder of an innocent seven year old who lived in intimate proximity to him, and some people still wonder if that child was violated sexually. This makes him look like a totally, ignorant and unfeeling idiot.

I totally agree with your statement.

When LE investigates a case, especially a serious case like homicide, they aren't concerned in the least with "hurting" anyone's feelings. They are concerned with one thing & one thing only - collecting evidence that will lead to a conviction. They are trained to pursue a case objectively. If they allow their feelings to interfere, they will sabotage their own investigation.

And in terms of your comment about CPC - well, need I say more? You said it all, and you said it perfectly.
Wasn't it pretty specific evidence that nailed Misty, where as in this case, with the broad daylight and the alleged information given on the police report, there have been no specific measurable behaviors in context of the crime that makes it so obvious. Only LE and the perp(s) know what happened. They have to get something substantial to move.

Misty got nailed? Man, I HAVE been shopping too long! I totally missed it! :waitasec:
I just bought and wrapped 200 gifts for people who are either (1) senile and have no clue of what they are; (2) will say, "I don't want that"; and (3) are we playing Bingo today. Not to mention that the gifts will probably have been pilfered by night staff before the people have a chance to use them. I have more to do tomorrow. I am very tired and cynical right now. So I apologize if I am abrupt, sometimes the bottom line for me is the only safe place to keep my santiy.

God Bless you and Good Night.

c.Pants really swan dying
Here's some news: When detectives are on a case, they don't care who they "hurt" as long as they get to the truth. Why should we care who get's hurt. Their daughter is DEAD. There are no places for emotions when it is facts, behavior patterns, anything that can lead to an opening or a way of digging until this is over. Let DT, CPC, or anybody in the family or friends, SHOW SOME EVIDENCE to substantiate their statements on the MPR and on the inconsistences in statements to stop people from wondering. At the very least, CPC should change his MySPace page from "single" to "in a relationship" and change his favorite viewing activity as *advertiser censored* when this is a crime of resulting in the murder of an innocent seven year old who lived in intimate proximity to him, and some people still wonder if that child was violated sexually. This makes him look like a totally, ignorant and unfeeling idiot.

Or murder suspect number one. He's a shady and controlling guy. DT did right by her kids to entrust him. Not.
At one of the vigils, a little girl sang "you are my sunshine", at the benefit concert, a little girl sang "you are my sunshine"....who is this little girl? Anyone know? friend? family?
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