FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #31

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I strongly blame the school system.These little ones are too small and young to have to walk and shouldn't have too.As for daycare NOTHING is ever free any more.I wouldn't accept free day care.I do not know who is really taking care of my children.

I thought the schools job is to educate our children. If we dont like the system we can home school.

I was a single parent for many years and I managed a full time job and after school care for 3 children. I also had time for softball,football,cheerleading and tie kwan do for the kids.

It all about what our priorites are.. and how we spend that paycheck
Turn off the cell phone, internet, cable TV, no nail appt, hair do , drive a used car, no fast foods.
It does not matter what you would have done, how you raise your children, that you would never let them out of your sight or make someone this young walk home, that you could not have buried your child without first viewing her body, etc. ad nauseam.

THIS thread is about Somer Thompson. Who was 7. Who did start to walk the 1 mile to her house. Who ended up in a Georgia Landfill.

It doesn't matter how you attack me either.

There is NO EVIDENCE that Anna Braddy said what you keep claiming she said. According to the report in the link posted above, Anna's own daughter (singular) was picked up by a babysitter.
Abbreviate please. I will go back and find where I read it. I did read she didn't have room for 3 kids.
I agree that it is a school systems responsibility to educate but...
I feel our tax dollars fund these systems and I feel it is a horrible way for them to save gas money (again, our money) buy not providing safe transportation to and from school for ALL elem aged students. No matter where they live.
It doesn't matter how you attack me either.

I am not attacking and you means everyone on this thread (in my post above).

You (Pin) clearly have some issues with Diena and Anna and that is fine. All I am asking is that you keep the name calling out of it. And this is name calling. [ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4590214&postcount=725"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL - Somer Renee Thompson, 7, Orange Park, Thread #31[/ame]
I agree that it is a school systems responsibility to educate but...
I feel our tax dollars fund these systems and I feel it is a horrible way for them to save gas money (again, our money) buy not providing safe transportation to and from school for ALL elem aged students. No matter where they live.

Although I agree with you Kimberly, Jaycee Dugard was taken on the way to the bus stop, witnessed by her Dad. There are babysitter molestors, coaches, teachers, clergy the list goes on and on. A bus doesn't necessarily make your child safe.
Hi Guys,
Can someone help me with this... I apologize in advance if it's already been clarified, but I couldn't find it...

In Noway's very good and thorough listing of the details in this case, there are two different times for Somer leaving school...

Somer went to school (GPE) and left school at regular time (2:32 p.m.).
• Somer was released from school at 2:50 p.m. Source

It may be totally irrelevant since she clearly left the school with a whole group of kids and not alone or anything... I was just wondering if anyone knew where the discrepancy came from.
I was thinking about the fact that the other kids got home (according to CPC) at 3:10--- If Somer ran ahead and got home ahead of everyone else- a time frame of 20 min could make a big difference in the possible scenarios?
Anyway, if anyone knows, TIA!

Annie, initially it was said she left school with her siblings, and someone sleuthed that GPE was released at 2:32 p.m. (ShareTheLight put together the lions share of this list to begin with and that may have been listed in her post or provided by someone else.)

ETA: Found a ShareTheLight post about "what we know" and did not see 2:32 in that.
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4387978&postcount=757"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL-Somer Renee Thompson, 7, Orange Park thread #15[/ame]

On Tuesday morning, Dan Mahla reported that Somer was released from the school at 2:50 p.m. and caught up with her siblings in the 1100 block of Gano.

In various reports, including the Sheriff talking, it is said that Somer was last seen by her siblings at 2:45 p.m.

Obviously, Somer could not have left school at 2:50 p.m. and caught up with her siblings, had a conversation and left them at 2:45 p.m.

I basically left these all in there because I don't know the truth about when she left school, and this emphasizes the many discrepancies there are between seemingly basic facts of the case. (Would there be a reason for LE to want the times of events kept a mystery?)
The case is dragging out a bit and people just want the case solved, but turning on each other will not solve it.

So in the spirit of the holiday we should all just give it a rest.

Noway you have done a great job with putting all our efforts together like you have so I want to thank you
I didn't see you post before writing the above or I would have incorporated it into my answer. Well, for a start, I wouldn't just take a person and try to fit the case around them to see how that would work. I have seen that happen so many times. I am not very much liked or appreciated for my views, I can tell you that. But, I would rather step on toes here than have someone who had nothing to do with this have their life poured out on these pages in an unwarrented way. Think like LE. If this were your case, how would you conduct it? Then act accordingly. That is the best adivice I could give you.
But, hey, I am in retail so what do I know. :)

To sincerely respond:

I'm not trained detective and don't know what they would do - lol the only info I have gotten on methods was crime shows like Prime Suspect or NYPD or etc. It seems the lead detective will assign the others to specific areas. I don't want to be redundant. It's you follow up on so and so, you run the plates, etc. So that doesn't mean the det. is out to get anyone, they are out to try to figure out if person(s) of interest have alibis, what were their actions before, after the murder, etc. I guess the point of what you are saying is "unwarranted", I am guessing you are referring to what you feel might be unwarranted criticism of DT, CPC, SP, etc? There is a diff., I think, in name-calling a person, just picking on them as a person, or taking a good hard look and maybe questioning motives or activities.

After all, if there is no solid evidence of substance (hairs, prints, DNA) what choice does one have other than be trained on timelines, lifestyles, behaviors, influences, discrepancies in testimonies, other things that "don't make sense"? One reason I come back to these persons is there aren't any OTHER persons who can be reasonably connected where there is information to fit them into a profile or a timeline, etc.

People come on here and say they looked at so-and-so, he/she looks like a low-life, acted hinky, gave them the creeps, etc. Ted Bundy didn't give anybody the creeps and look what he did. It's not right to convict anyone on face value but one has to look somewhere.

It's kind of tricky and what comes to mind is, say a crime is commited and there were several people of different races and mixtures there. A white person reports a person who is black and says he looked shifty-eyed and nervous, etc., how else are you going to differentiate the person from the others in the crowd? Then you are called a racist who automatically targed that person as guilty?
Although I agree with you Kimberly, Jaycee Dugard was taken on the way to the bus stop, witnessed by her Dad. There are babysitter molestors, coaches, teachers, clergy the list goes on and on. A bus doesn't necessarily make your child safe.


But, I feel it is safer to walk from a bus to your door than it is to walk 1-2 miles from a school to your door.

I know things happen in front of houses all the time. I am familiar with Jaycee's case. I realize the fact that babysitters, coaches, teachers, clergy, ... do sometimes hurt our children.

But, If people are going to say DT was neglectful for letting her children walk home from school, I would have to counter that with I feel it's neglectful for schools to allow any student that lives less than 2 miles from the school to walk home.


IMO the bolded part is rumor.

If indeed it is a rumor, it can be easily ruled out by checking out teachers and/or social service agencies who have those types of programs and know DT or Somer and would have offered the services. I personally would like to know what is in Somer's school and guidance records, which would reveal if there were any conferences called with mom and BF about in-school fighting, difficulties performing, the running off, or other behaviors. These things are documented and if a teacher suspects the child has problems they will refer to guidance, who will also document the outcomes of the meetings with child and parent(s). Also carefully noted are any recommendations made and whether or not they were followed up on.
If indeed it is a rumor, it can be easily ruled out by checking out teachers and/or social service agencies who have those types of programs and know DT or Somer and would have offered the services. I personally would like to know what is in Somer's school and guidance records, which would reveal if there were any conferences called with mom and BF about in-school fighting, difficulties performing, the running off, or other behaviors. These things are documented and if a teacher suspects the child has problems they will refer to guidance, who will also document the outcomes of the meetings with child and parent(s). Also carefully noted are any recommendations made and whether or not they were followed up on.

I understand what you are saying.

But, it has been repeated over and over again that DT refused childcare. I was pointing out that is rumor as far as we know. There has been no link provided and Sad has said she knows it's true but will not say how she knows. So, at this time, it is a rumor and should not be repeated as fact IMO.

As far as it being easily ruled out, I don't think it would be easy for any of us to rule it out since we do not have access to Somer's records. So, as far as our conversation on this thread, it is rumor IMO.
I'm going to offer my prayers to Sam. I think it is tomorrow that they go back to court and it will be determined whether he gets visitation.
Sadnpod thinks she may have posted about someone not having room for Somer but that it was rumor.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4552065&postcount=332"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL - Somer Renee Thompson, 7, Orange Park, Thread # 29[/ame]
It does not matter what you would have done, how you raise your children, that you would never let them out of your sight or make someone this young walk home, that you could not have buried your child without first viewing her body, etc. ad nauseam.

THIS thread is about Somer Thompson. Who was 7. Who did start to walk the 1 mile to her house. Who ended up in a Georgia Landfill.

I thought the schools job is to educate our children. If we dont like the system we can home school.

I was a single parent for many years and I managed a full time job and after school care for 3 children. I also had time for softball,football,cheerleading and tie kwan do for the kids.

It all about what our priorites are.. and how we spend that paycheck
Turn off the cell phone, internet, cable TV, no nail appt, hair do , drive a used car, no fast foods.

ITA! I don't blame the school system at all. The school system is only responsible for your children while they are at school or while riding home on a school bus. They should not be accountable for children who walk home after school. If so, they would have to take on the responsibility of making sure those who ride home in cars or those driving home (high school kids) until they all arrived safely. To blame the school for things that occur AFTER school is ridiculous IMO.
I agree totally...and I refuse to duck. :dance:

In this case, though, Somer was a flight risk. It can hardly be expected of a 10 year old who also has charge of another 7 year old (and who would probably prefer to walk and play with her own friends) to supervise, have authority and be obeyed by a headstrong (DT and ST have both called Somer that) feisty little girl who runs off regularly. This running off often lasted for an hour or more. BTW the legal age for babysitting is 16. The 17 year old former sitter up and quit because she was so stressed calling all of the neighbors.

So it's not just Somer walking home and following her siblings, it's her running the neighborhood freely. It's the business as usual attitude of "oh well she will show up at the last minute. Then she died.
ITA! I don't blame the school system at all. The school system is only responsible for your children while they are at school or while riding home on a school bus. They should not be accountable for children who walk home after school. If so, they would have to take on the responsibility of making sure those who ride home in cars or those driving home (high school kids) until they all arrived safely. To blame the school for things that occur AFTER school is ridiculous IMO.

New1, I understand what you are saying but when we were discussing this, it was not that the school should be responsible for walkers and car riders.
It was that some of us (me me me) think that it's horrible that some of the school systems do not provide transportation to and from school if you live closer than 1-2 miles from school.

It would be ridiculous to expect the schools to watch every child walk or ride in cars all the way home. But, I do not think it's ridiculous for schools to spend our tax dollars giving ALL elem aged children a ride. JMO
Although I agree with you Kimberly, Jaycee Dugard was taken on the way to the bus stop, witnessed by her Dad. There are babysitter molestors, coaches, teachers, clergy the list goes on and on. A bus doesn't necessarily make your child safe.

Yes. Why don't we blame it on the one responsible, the killer?
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