FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #33

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A few observations:

"Detectives uncovered the body...."

"...identified by birthmark, clothing and evidence on the knee(?)"

"....ordered detectives to (follow and) sort through the garbage trucks as the garbage came in..."and he says if they had not done that, she would have been buried under tons of garbage.

So...they found her as the garbage came in, by sorting through the garbage trucks....so they found her in one of the garbage trucks, not in the landfill. Am I hearing this correctly? Then they know which truck she was in, from which dumpster(s), correct? Your comments, please.

Great analysis CP. I think you're right. I listened to the interview twice and I got out of it exactly what you did. She wasn't found IN the landfill, but IN garbage that was taken to the landfill. Sounds like they should know precisely which truck contained her body, thus being able to narrow down which area the trash came from.

Thanks! I have talked with him, but only online. My conversations with him have impressed me. I have always wished I had deeper faith, but I have such a skeptical mind that I just don't think it is possible. He has such deep faith and I am really glad JH was there for him.

I was so glad to hear about the fundraiser that my classmates did for him. They had set up a drop off point at the high school and had people come by with donations. We graduated in 1987, and at one point I was told they raised $1987 that day. I don't know if that is still correct, but it gave me chills.

Let's hope that 2010 brings positive news, and soon!
Hounds, in reply to your post. Dental records, I only added that to suggest that her head and face would possibly have been compacted/disfigured to the extent where it would preclude dental matching.

Re: Funeral director and your issues there.

The funeral director told me first that there were hardly ANY cases he knew of where the body could not be restored for viewing. They have cosmetics and prosthetics (similar to those used in movies, for example) which can be applied to mask almost any condition. Even partial compaction. We have to go outside of the box and realize that the body after autopsy is an empty shell and can be reconstructed.

Of course it is going to be traumatic for families of murder victims. He said, however, that funeral home routinely does encourage family to view - especially if it is a child - for closure. There is a protocol where the family is given total preparation beforehand. He stated that families have been known to sue if they claimed they were not "prepared" or "denied a chance" to view the body. He cited an instance where the deceased had been decomposed and the family threatened to sue because they said they weren't prepared for the "smell". So funeral homes have to be very careful to follow these protocols. He has also personally dealt with many murder victims (viewing, memorial, funeral) and with LE.

He said he personally knew of no instances where LE would deny the family the right to view. That in some instances, LE needs family to view for congruent identification purposes. So, I am not sure who DT meant when she said "they" weren't going to let her see Somer. I am not even sure who would "strongly encourage her" not to see Somer. Based on what he told me.

I will add my personal opinion (MOO) here. We know that Somer was found clothed, and at least her legs were intact (scraped knee) so she was not totally compacted. Was there compaction on upper body? Even so, according to C. (funeral director), she could be restored for viewing, as stated above.

I asked him why LE would take a white dress to the funeral home if the body was not suitable for viewing (compacted) and he said that the funeral homes ALWAYS dress a body for dignity purposes of the deceased, no matter what condition it is in. He said, "you would be amazed how many ways we have of dressing a body - the body is very pliable..." I found this very touching, that Somer was indeed dressed in her little white dress before she was laid to rest. Later, when I saw everyone in purple but Abby in white, I cried.

Sorry I have not spoken to him since. If anyone has any questions, he told me I could call him any time. He is the funeral home director of two homes - a family business and a long standing respected business in our community.

Hope this helps.

It does. There is no longer the story on N4J that used those very words. Sheriff REQUESTS the family not to view the body. In other news stories it was "suggested", as though it were optional. I thought perhaps the wording changed because when that first story came out, I remember a discussion about a public viewing would be held but that "she" could not. It seemed very damning at the time. It seemed a bit of too much tipping of their hand very early. In the end, no family members, nor the public were permitted viewing. I wonder if the funeral director would concur that with all the advancements in body preparation, that the only logical conclusion to be drawn from statements and actions is LE did not want certain family members to be revealed the COD. This is reinforced by the fact to this day, she has not had any info "revealed" to her.

If it were just a matter of disfigurement in some way, would this not be something handled by the funeral director. The minute LE steps in to intervene in some way, I find that very telling myself. You could ask what your friend's take on it is.

These stories of course may be out there somewhere. Just as the Casey Black videos and the reporter's interview with Casey Black, or the story with AC, but I can't find them in the listing on the news website at this time.
Great analysis CP. I think you're right. I listened to the interview twice and I got out of it exactly what you did. She wasn't found IN the landfill, but IN garbage that was taken to the landfill. Sounds like they should know precisely which truck contained her body, thus being able to narrow down which area the trash came from.

Well thankfully others are saying this now besides me!!
Uncut Friday Morning Briefing On Somer Thompson Investigation
Posted 10/23 Mary Justino talking 14:49 minutes

Tip line open 24 hours/day. Thompson Family was planning funeral; meeting with funeral homes. FDLE Team at 1080; they will remain on scene today. FDLE lab has made processing of evidence in Somer's case a priority. Detectives located and interviewed the remaining 5 predators in that 5-mile radius (says there are 90 predators and they do not have suspect in that group). Somer's case will be on AMW; Sheriff talking with John Walsh on details of that now. Going through Gano with fine-toothed comb because many witnesses place Somer at that area (last known location). They know COD but will not release any information that could compromise the investigation. They will not talk about COD or what was done to Somer. Debris in the dumpster had not been emptied. They searched all garbage receptacles before they were picked up. The ones they did not get through are the ones they are searching at the Landfill. They have collected evidence at the Landfill but she will not comment further on that. Going through that garbage may take weeks. On Monday after school in that area, it was very congested, lots of people. While they have several witnesses who saw Somer in that area, they do not have any saying that Somer left that area. Talks about the blue Nissan and the alleged attempted abduction and it was determined that it was not an attempted abduction. Figuring out who frequents that area. Monitor regular activities there because it might lead them to a suspect or a witness. Because they make a traffic stop, that does not mean they are focusing on someone as a suspect. There was no physical evidence that lead them to search the Landfill. The squabble that took place between Somer and classmate, while walking with AT and ST, AT got on her about the squabble, and Somer got upset and went off ahead. House is being repaired; they are trying to figure out who has been coming and going. Was the house locked? Mary didn't know; she'd check into that and get back to reporter who asked.

Investigators Looking Into 200 of 900 Leads in Somer Thompson Case.

Detectives are in the community following up on those tips. Encourage anyone with information to call the Tip Line. On behalf of the family, the funeral arrangements; suspect DNA at this point? Mary was not allowed to say what evidence has been gathered. White van: Not interested in divulging. Person listed on incidence report; she is following up on whether that person was here or out of town. 1080 is a crime scene in that it is part of their criminal investigation and because it's the last place that Somer was seen alive. Question asked about seizures (not sure how/who related). Making progress on the garbage; but nothing that leads directly back to that neighborhood. How often is family updated? Detective or member of agency has been assigned as liaison to the family and has become close friend of family. Media coverage of funeral will be set up by Sheriff's office and they are working with Diena as to how much she wants to allow. Will Somer's body be released in time for the funeral; autopsy was priority so that investigation could move along but also so the family could have Somer back for the burial. Has physical evidence been gathered anywhere other than 1080? They have gathered physical evidence from the home related to the search -- the canines to help with the search. of the SOs interviewed, did any of them know Somer? Mary Justino said not to her knowledge and if she did know, she wouldn't divulge. Advice to parents: Taken the safety of their children into their own hands. This incident has raised awareness in OP area, FL and nation. They've not narrowed down the dumpster/trash can that Somer was put in. 1080 was searched in the same way that the other houses on the street were searched. FDLE crime lab is to use all equipment that is of value. That is part of their process – to determine whether body was there. They have narrowed down to the truck and the driver. Service: Offender Watch … free service to sign up and be notified when an SO moves into neighborhood (in addition to the notification that they already get.
I think the videos I'd posted were lost in Thread 33.
Just scanning old videos trying to find anything.

I had never seen this before. DT talks about Little Sam just closing his eyes and ears whenever news reports were on. SO SAD.


Thanks for putting this one up. It has been awhile since I last saw it. There are many good behavioral clues given by both Sheriff Beseler and DT.
Sometimes I find watching them with sound off is helpful, but in this one there are definite linkages to words spoken and actions by the listener of both, particularly in the last segment where both are on screen at the same time.

ETA: The quote of "just drop her off somewhere, put her on a corner" is very significant to me because it is on a corner that I do believe she was found from my research confirned more or less by others.
Dee, I hope by now they have narrowed things down a little more. Hoping someone in the area threw away junk mail with an address on it. Or something like that.
My hubby said that the landfill has a map where things are to be dumped (where our garbage used to go before it went to another state).

He is not in the garbage business. He said if you lost something in the garbage, they would know exactly where to look for it. Each driver has their designated spot to dump.

So finally for those of you that have said that she was NOT in the landfill; you have your vindication.

I am amazed at the sleuthers that figured that out!

As far as figuring out how she was killed, the sheriff would not know until the ME report came back. Even if someone is obviously dead, they cannot be declared dead until the official person arrives and says it is so.

Even if something appears obvious to the sheriff, he cannot say it. A person may look like they were shot, but in fact they died of poison.
Dee, I hope by now they have narrowed things down a little more. Hoping someone in the area threw away junk mail with an address on it. Or something like that.

I run a recycling center & people sometimes dump bags of garbage or items we don't take, there is always a trail of who's garbage it is; like you mentioned junk mail is usually there, maybe a pill bottle, school work, etc. One person had torn their name and address off a box of junk & I tracked the box from the UPS code & got their name & address LOL. They know which truck, which driver so they know the precise stops and he said it didn't lead back to her neighborhood.
I misunderstood what people meant by not being found at Chesser Island Landfill.

I thought they meant she was found somewhere else completely and the whole Chesser thing was faked.

If the truck was dumped at Chesser, then I can see why LE said she was found at Chesser landfill/in Chesser landfill.

What did those of you who thought the landfill story was a hoax mean?
When I read that she was found at the landfill and they showed pictures of guys on top of mountains of garbage, I thought that they meant they were digging through the garbage and found her in the mountain.

I think some posters realized that was not true (brilliant) and may have deduced it was a hoax.

Perhaps they were digging in the landfill for discarded clothing or other items dumped by the perp as some posters have suggested.

Since I believe that dumps are mapped, they were looking where they thought the discarded items might be in the garbage mountain.

The ambulance could have been there in case any workers got sick or injured at garbage mountain.

I am SO impressed that some sleuthers figured out that she was not found in the dump. Wow!!
I follow you Human but one thing, Where in Georgia was she found? Her remains had to have been found in Georgia as the remains became the "property" of the Georgia ME. Somer was in their jurisdiction.
I think they were found in GA and AT the landfill ... Human, are you saying Somer was not IN the landfill? or that garbage trucks of any kind were not associated with where she was really found?

My take on the media reports was:

IIRC, it was reported there were 9 trucks.

The semi came to Chesser, dumped its load, and that load was gone through.

So as each truck dumped (in new spot) they went through the trash from the truck. And Somer was found.

I don't know whether it was Truck 1 or Truck 9 or somewhere inbetween but I think it was Dr. Fessel who estimated the tons of trash the semi would hold and depending on which media report you read, you could estimate how many trucks they had to look through.

The video of LE walking around trash may have been them looking for backpack and lunchbox (which at one time it was reported they were doing at the landfills anyway).

I can feel my head start to spin as I start the trash talk again. ;)
When I read that she was found at the landfill and they showed pictures of guys on top of mountains of garbage, I thought that they meant they were digging through the garbage and found her in the mountain.

I think some posters realized that was not true (brilliant) and may have deduced it was a hoax.

Perhaps they were digging in the landfill for discarded clothing or other items dumped by the perp as some posters have suggested.

Since I believe that dumps are mapped, they were looking where they thought the discarded items might be in the garbage mountain.

The ambulance could have been there in case any workers got sick or injured at garbage mountain.

I am SO impressed that some sleuthers figured out that she was not found in the dump. Wow!!

I'm slow I guess because I am still not getting it. Where WAS she found if not in the dump at the landfill? Are you saying she was found at Chesser in one of the trucks, but not in the landfill? Spell it out, please. I'm confused.
I'm just gonna ramble here...

Every time somebody tries to prove that Somer wasn't found at the landfill... something in the back of my mind tells me she wasn't found at all.

The landfill story seems hinky... the family wasn't allowed to view the body... DT has not received the lock of hair (unless I missed that)... COD has not been released. It's like the whole story was made up to try to flush out the perp.

I don't really believe any of that... but thought I'd throw it out there.
It sounds to me that they found her as the garbage truck was dumped-not in the mountains of garbage that HAD been dumped into the landfill.

They dump the truck, and there she is. That is different to me than digging through mountains of garbage at the landfill.

However, there are posters that believe that she was not even in the garbage truck-that she was found well before and was never in a garbage truck at all.

I can't see that she was mixed into the semi, however. I don't see why she wouldn't have been spotted at the transfer station. If they can identify the truck and the driver, I don't see how that would be possible if she was in the garbage that had come from the transfer station.

I don't know. It was totally clear to me when I read the statement. But it is not clear to me, if she came from the semi. I find that impossible to believe.
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