FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #38

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I didn't realize the fight Somer was involved in that day was physical. I always thought it was verbal - a spat. I haven't followed this case as closely as many of you, so please forgive me. Does anyone have a link handy to some reading material I could peruse that describes the physicality of the fight?


Hi BeanE - I've followed this case since day 1 and I have NEVER heard that Somer was in a physical fight - I heard she and another little girl got into a 'tiff', some call it an argument, some call it an altercation, but I've never once heard it was an actual physical fight. My guess is that if mom works, there must be another way to deal with it.
ETA: The school hitting a first grader is outrageous in my eyes. yikes!
ETA2: Some call it a squabble
I didn't realize the fight Somer was involved in that day was physical. I always thought it was verbal - a spat. I haven't followed this case as closely as many of you, so please forgive me. Does anyone have a link handy to some reading material I could peruse that describes the physicality of the fight?


I can say in all the reading that I have done, that i never read anything about a physical altercation. Considering school children at that age, I always took it to mean that she was in a verbal squabble with the other child. I don't think fists were flying between a couple of 7 yr girls. I could see maybe a little pushing match or something.
I didn't realize the fight Somer was involved in that day was physical. I always thought it was verbal - a spat. I haven't followed this case as closely as many of you, so please forgive me. Does anyone have a link handy to some reading material I could peruse that describes the physicality of the fight?


Only a few websites have reported it in this wording - bloggers. However, there is a member here who has approval from mods - this was also info as obtained.

I can't see the fight at school being "reported" by the media-- ESP by the school as they are not allowed to give out ANY information on ANY students. I believe we are ONLY aware of the "fight" is because it was released in the MPR as stated by witness her sister who mentions this. Her SPAT was with that of her siblings and also her friend. 3 total for the day.

This poor child seemed to have an awful day as it was and then this happens to her. God Rest Her Soul.
I didn't realize the fight Somer was involved in that day was physical. I always thought it was verbal - a spat. I haven't followed this case as closely as many of you, so please forgive me. Does anyone have a link handy to some reading material I could peruse that describes the physicality of the fight?


I can say in all the reading that I have done, that i never read anything about a physical altercation. Considering school children at that age, I always took it to mean that she was in a verbal squabble with the other child. I don't think fists were flying between a couple of 7 yr girls. I could see maybe a little pushing match or something.

Anything PHYSICAL including pushing another student, teacher or faculty member would be considered a level 3 offense. It's in the manual.
Fact is we don't know what happened at school that day.

Could have been physical, could have been verbal.
Somer could have been sent to the office, or maybe just talked to by the teacher.
DT may have been called, may not have been called.

We base our personal theories on what we believe happened IMO.

So, if it were physical, office, phone call to parent it would be much different than verbal, talked to by teacher, DT not being called.

It's all about what you think happened.

I personally don't think what happened at school that day had anything to do with Somer being killed with the exception that she got into a tiff about it with her sister and that made her run ahead. JMO
If you read the Grove Park/Clay County schools code of conduct manual regarding discipline - you will see that ST would have been removed from the classroom for physical fighting. Then it lists a variety of actions that can/will be taken. It states that sometimes more than one will be implemented. It also states that is MANDATORY to alert the parents. I think a few things COULD have happened. Though, I do believe for reasons that could be considered "rumor" here -- that Somer DID IN FACT sit in the office for the remainder of the day after the fight in school. So let's keep it as opinion not to start anything, k? Just keep it theoretical.

1) Somer is in the office - waiting for a parent or person to pick her up and the bell rings, she gets antsy and just decides to bolt out of there without permission to be released. Therefore, being behind as reported.
2) Somer is in the office - the bell rings - she is waiting - and she is told she can walk home with her siblings as nobody is able to leave work to pick her up. Therefore, being behind as reported.

--- Somer runs up Miller and catches up with her siblings on Gano. Her sister gets on her about her "fight" - she runs up ahead upset. She was reported being seen at the tanks - she waits for them to walk by them. She then starts walking again on Gano - her siblings are at Grove Parkway crossing with the guard, who did state to the media S was not with them. In the meantime the kids are looking behind to see if they can spot their sister - who is keeping an eye out and ducks really quickly into the burnt out Gano house property -- says "hi" to the guys as she stays out of site. S walks back out to Gano - Runs across the street into the park parking lot.

I think a variety of things COULD have happened from here -- where MC walk factored in - it could have been anywhere in between.

But IF the reports are true that the dogs lost her scent right before Grove Parkway - my guess is she got into a vehicle --- I will not go beyond that as it is not popular.

This is also not a blind theory on my part. But the school policy for me sealed the deal with all the other things that had been factored in.

So, theoretically, lets say it was physical and Somer was sent to the office. I am not sure what difference that makes. Whether or not she was sent to the office, she walked later with her siblings. I am really confused as to where you are going with this? Are you thinking that she got into a vehicle with someone she knew, and not JH?
We have seen zero evidence Somer got into a physical fight with anyone that day.


I see that in a later post, you explained that you were talking about disciplin in school. From your original post, the one I was asking you to expand on, that was not mentioned and I did not know that's what you were talking about. Sorry.

As far as the paddling, I think it still goes on in some schools in our country. I know for a fact, private schools do it in my area as my nephews have found out on several occasions.

When my son was in public school (graduated 2006) you had to sign a consent form and the parent was notified before it actually happened to be there if the parent chose to.
When my son was in public school (graduated 2006) you had to sign a consent form and the parent was notified before it actually happened to be there if the parent chose to.

That's how it was when I was in school also. I graduated in 1992 so it's been a while.
It drives me batty trying to figure out what happened that day. I had read that she had a spat with friend (hit with backpack) One version is that Somer did not get out from school til 2:50, no sibs and she walked with friend (remember the one who's Uncle commented to Press, friends initials are MC) Then another version is that all Thompson kids walked home and Somer and Abby had a tiff over the prior spat Somer had with friend, now is that friend MC or? Nov ABC interview with DT , she states that Abby and Somer were walking home (Sammy was the one that lagged behind) Somer ran ahead and when Abby caught up to the second crossing no Somer.
We have seen zero evidence Somer got into a physical fight with anyone that day.

Thanks, Dr. F. I like to stick with facts, so I appreciate it.

If anyone comes across a credible source such as MSM or LE/court documents that states the fight was physical, I'd be very interested. What interests me about it is how it might be applicable to Somer's reaction to her killer, if she may have struck out at him.

I can see how, if JH was accustomed to any previous *advertiser censored*/molestation victims being timid, docile, frightened, compliant, and then Somer was fiesty, that that might be why this time it was different, and he resorted to murder. Assuming of course he has not murdered in the past, which wouldn't surprise me.

It drives me batty trying to figure out what happened that day. I had read that she had a spat with friend (hit with backpack) One version is that Somer did not get out from school til 2:50, no sibs and she walked with friend (remember the one who's Uncle commented to Press, friends initials are MC) Then another version is that all Thompson kids walked home and Somer and Abby had a tiff over the prior spat Somer had with friend, now is that friend MC or? Nov ABC interview with DT , she states that Abby and Somer were walking home (Sammy was the one that lagged behind) Somer ran ahead and when Abby caught up to the second crossing no Somer.

I know. It gets very confuseing. I think in part because a lot of the info is coming from children. Sometimes they get times mixed up or sequences mixed up. You know?
And I'm sure there were several children with their version. Not saying any were not correct, just that children's versions can vary.
Thanks, Dr. F. I like to stick with facts, so I appreciate it.

If anyone comes across a credible source such as MSM or LE/court documents that states the fight was physical, I'd be very interested. What interests me about it is how it might be applicable to Somer's reaction to her killer, if she may have struck out at him.

I can see how, if JH was accustomed to any previous *advertiser censored*/molestation victims being timid, docile, frightened, compliant, and then Somer was fiesty, that that might be why this time it was different, and he resorted to murder. Assuming of course he has not murdered in the past, which wouldn't surprise me.


I remember her dad saying she would have fought the guy.
I am a little curious as to who took down Jarred Harrells myspace accounts AFTER he was arrested. Would LE request that they be removed?
I am a little curious as to who took down Jarred Harrells myspace accounts AFTER he was arrested. Would LE request that they be removed?

I was wondering about that too. The police would have had his passwords since they went through the computer so maybe they did it.
Yep, it looks like he arrived at Clay County on 2/24 and was booked with a bottle of "Stackers" on him. Doesn't make sense that MS didn't confiscate them though, maybe he was hiding them or something?

Hard to believe that Jarrell carried 95 pills with him traveling from Mississippi to Florida! There has got to be some kind of explanation. MOO
I was wondering about that too. The police would have had his passwords since they went through the computer so maybe they did it.

I am a little curious as to who took down Jarred Harrells myspace accounts AFTER he was arrested. Would LE request that they be removed?

Yes I think it is standard, I have seen it before where LE takes down the accused MS and FB.
Hard to believe that Jarrell carried 95 pills with him traveling from Mississippi to Florida! There has got to be some kind of explanation. MOO

Hmmm, I was thinking maybe whatever he had on him when he was arrested in Mississippi was confiscated and then transferred along with him. As on, with any other possessions he had. These pills can be bought over the counter correct? So it would not even be illegal for him to have them? They would take your jewelry and other belongings and bag them for you to keep until you are released....of course his "stackers" will be long expired before that ever happens i would hope!
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