FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #7

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So, maybe I'm slow...

The kids walked home from school every day, right? So walking home that day would be par for the course.

Why was SP asked to stay? Who babysat normally? Has it ever been established why that person wasn't there? Because you do have to explore the incredible coincidence that is Somer disappearing the same day that there was a routine change. I've always been a 'SP didn't do it' advocate, but the change has bugged me. It could very well be a coincidence, but what a day for this to happen.
Almost what I am thinking too... I have been wondering all along, if she was concerned enough to secure SP to ensure the safe arrival home of the 3 younger kids via bus...why not instruct him to wait AT the bus stop for them and WALK them home?

I have a sinking feeling this case is about to take a turn..

I thought about this as well, but in order to have someone pick up the kids, you have to have the name on file with the office. SP might not have been listed on their contact card, so mom just asked him to wait at home for them. Still- he could have driven close to the school and picked them up on their way home if they knew him well enough. I picked my niece up once on her walk home when her mom couldn't get there in time.
I thought it odd that both would change their websites, not just one or the other. I know that if my kid was missing, I wouldn't care who saw my profile.
okay since we are looking at everything----

Who sent the first text message? Was SP to Mom or was Mom to SP?
They both tell different story.

According to Mom... Somer never did take off ahead of the other children--she didn't raise her kids that way. AND according to the babysitter-- Somer had a habit of taking off ahead of the other children and not arriving home until 30mins to hour later. Also-- Mom gave babysitter friends and phone numbers for when this happened.
So which is it: Somer never did this or yes Somer did infact do this per babysitter?

Mom stated she knew immediately something was wrong with her not coming home. Why? Was it too much time passed by and the other children could not find her? IDK

Since we need to look at everyone and everything I'm not so sure about the SP being at the home for the children.
Oh, I know the answer to this.

Unless it was pre-arranged, I would not have someone else pick up my kids at dismissal at the elementary school. There is no way in hell they would find my children in the sea of kids!

My own children have walked right past me and gotten on the bus without me noticing when I've gone to pick them up without them expecting it.

Far easier for them to go home the usual way.

it seems the kids walked home daily correct? im sure she wouldn't have had anyone pick them up if they did this daily.

FWIW, here, if it's a last minute decision to pick up kids from school, the parent calls the school and lets them know that someone will be picking them up. Each child is called over the intercom in their classroom and told of the new arrangements. I know that there are certain passcodes in place to know that it is the actual parent calling. Also, at the beginning of the school year, each parent lists persons approved for picking up their children early from school. Same thing applies here as well as proof of identity when they pick the child up from the main office.

There are ways of keeping our children safe while they are at school and their trips to and from. I wish they would enforce Standard Practices to be followed by all schools throughout the US. Thats my opinion of course.

we have a standard procedure of selecting pin numbers to protect fraudulent use of debit/atm cards but yet we have nothing for our children....
Oh, I know the answer to this.

Unless it was pre-arranged, I would not have someone else pick up my kids at dismissal at the elementary school. There is no way in hell they would find my children in the sea of kids!

My own children have walked right past me and gotten on the bus without me noticing when I've gone to pick them up without them expecting it.

Far easier for them to go home the usual way.

I pick up my grandkiddies sometimes but it must be prearranged/name on list with the school or they will not let them go with me.
It is ODD when a person does 1 post and runs.........had that happen on Haleigh's thread also.
Wonder if it is a TIP/ENEMY/FRIEND/

Well, since they basically just instructed us to look at what was already here in the first few days, I'm going with a "tip". I don't think it was a friend or enemy, they neither defended or defamed anyone. And it doesn't need to be from LE, it could just be someone who hasn't been swayed by emotion like I have by words-which are suddenly meaningless when you see someone who appears to stifle laughter behind a handkerchief.
I know that if I lost someone's kid, I would at least be by their side until said child was found. So where is SP? Why isn't the media at his house, too?
To me, this case is about Somer, not mom. And, I think it's perfectly legitimate to wonder why, on that day, SP was asked to stay at the house til the kids got home. If that is the definition of "disecting", I plead guilty.

I so didn't mean that in a mean way :)
The thing that's always bugged me about the timeline (despite my being hesitant to point at SP) is that according to Diena, he waited for her to text him before reporting Somer missing. Perhaps it's just the case of him not knowing the childrens' routine and not thinking the worst early on, but you'd think someone charged with watching the kids for the first time would be hypervigilant. A quick 'Is it normal for Somer not to be here?' call or text.

I wish I knew exactly how close they are and how often SP spent time at the home. Did the kids know SP would be sitting them that afternoon? Would they have come home to find a different situation than to which they were accustomed? Could Somer have had a reason NOT to go home and then coincidentally fell into foul play?

I really don't even want to go there, but the more I think about it, the more I have questions. I'd assume by now there'd be polygraphs, right?
Mom was at work so that leaves SP home alone waiting for the children to arrive home.

What time was Mom home with SP for lunch? And it does seem odd to make a 30min trip home for lunch and 30min back to work with literally zero time left to have lunch. kwim

Diena works as a receptionist in a Dr.'s office. Maybe her day at the office didn't start until after lunch. So she was home in the morning, SP came for lunch and she took off for work after lunch, and asked him to stay for the kids. Just a possibility.
I think I am the only that disagrees with this. According to HLN there was more than one person working on that house on the day that Somer went missing. Unless everyone who was there that day is covering the butt of the person who did this then I don't see how it could be possible. Someone would have had to see or hear something.

But that doesn't keep one of them from leaving and going after her, out of site of the others. If the perp knew she was alone and thought 'here's my opportunity'.

FWIW, here, if it's a last minute decision to pick up kids from school, the parent calls the school ...(snipped).

There's no way my kids' school would ever do that - there is no 'code'. We have to have a written note ahead of time or have them on the contact card in their file (and this has to be updated every year). I guess each school is different.
Your post made me remember a thought I had after reading the BSU post. What was not said.....DT said she knew something bad had happened this time. Why? What was not said? Could it be because SP was babysitting the kids for the first time? Could she have seen something as she started to look that was out of place or a person? Something made her think this. It was "routine" that Somer often had to be looked for up to an hour after school was out. What made her think something bad had happened this time??
Regarding the 13 y o son.....I haven't heard that he lived elsewhere, but I think I remember reading that he got out of school later than the other sibs and played in the park until his mother picked him up.

Yes, it was the cryptic post from BSU that got me to thinking...I went back to the original missing person's report posted here and used it as the basis for information. What you said makes sense because Mom says she went straight to Grove Park (OPAA) picked up her oldest son AT and continued looking for Somer. She flagged LE around 5pm, the report is timed at 5:20. The son is not mentioned again. What time does his school let out? Could Somer have met him in the park. Maybe he saw something? I really don't know the area or the timing.

It was later during one of the tv interviews that she said she knew right away something had happened. Could it have been a phone call, an offhand remark, a tone of voice, something maybe she saw when leaving for work after lunch that triggered that gut feeling ? JMO..Even though it hasn't been confirmed, it does seem like the work of a SO. Something set off that 'mom alarm.'
Diena works as a receptionist in a Dr.'s office. Maybe her day at the office didn't start until after lunch. So she was home in the morning, SP came for lunch and she took off for work after lunch, and asked him to stay for the kids. Just a possibility.

Okay... could be that way I guess. So if true why didn't she take the kids to school that morning instead of Somer riding with a neighbor, and I don't know if the other children walked- I would assume yes. IDK
SP website originally was working with children and then changed adding adults. Was SP working with Somer I wonder?

I get a feeling Somer was having trouble with the other children teasing her, and then the babysitter stating she often didn't arrive home with the other children. Still don't know if Somer was hit with a backpack or she hit someone with a backpack. So many stories right now. At any rate I would like to know how long SP has been a family friend and if he was working with any of the children-- Indigo Healing Therapy?

Since the BF lives with Mom and she called him at work to come home early-- I wonder if he knew about Mom having lunch with SP, and SP being there at their home alone waiting for the children. That would have to be a pretty close family friend, or maybe I am wired a little different??
Diena works as a receptionist in a Dr.'s office. Maybe her day at the office didn't start until after lunch. So she was home in the morning, SP came for lunch and she took off for work after lunch, and asked him to stay for the kids. Just a possibility.

But, we have A B saying she took Somer to school that day, and it was a normal day. If DT didn't work in the morning, she could have taken Somer to school and bartered with AB ie, "I'll take the kids and you can pick them up" like we used to do. http://www.news4jax.com/news/21389523/detail.html

We have to really stretch to make DT and SP's stories plausible. There should be no contradictions as to who called whom in the police report either. How could you not remember?
I thought it odd that both would change their websites, not just one or the other. I know that if my kid was missing, I wouldn't care who saw my profile.
But you would if law enforcement asked you to, because it cuts down the number of crackpots that can contact you and therefore, cuts down the amount of crackpot leads they have to try to run down.
But that doesn't keep one of them from leaving and going after her, out of site of the others. If the perp knew she was alone and thought 'here's my opportunity'.

There's no way my kids' school would ever do that - there is no 'code'. We have to have a written note ahead of time or have them on the contact card in their file (and this has to be updated every year). I guess each school is different.

Written notes happen also... BUT parents can call the school with a passcode also... If it's a last minute decision for whatever reason, they can call in and state who they are and where they need their kids to go. They provide the pin number, it's verified...and the children are notified of the change.

Written notes ahead of time spook me as well. Anyone can write a note to the teacher...but not just anyone would know your pin number...
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