FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #7

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I think you have pointed out some very interesting things. I had Googled the distance from her work and home and also thought it was odd they had lunch at her home. I'm wondering though...what was the killers purpose with Somer besides killing her? Typically, a killer has a purpose...if it wasn't sexual then what was it?



Well,even us RDI's never really came up with a reason why. Rage, jealousy, accident, we don't know. It's just speculation. But like Mizz Nancy says, we don't need a motive.

I just want to say that I agree with BSU1967 who dropped by this a.m. and left a very important clue to us all. And that was to watch the first interviews and read the police report objectively (parsed by me). They also stated that most of us are on the wrong track. Most of these threads are in sleuthing RSOs, which we have already been told have been ruled out, and rather quickly at that. So I went back and watched the video taken after vigil and then again without the sound. Remember what we learned in the HaLeigh case about deception and people looking to the left or closing their eyes when they are lying? Yeah. Watch the video again. Sorry, I can't find the link, but it's the video of DT with the corkscrew ribbony purple thingy in her hair.
Reading the police report and using google maps, I discovered something really interesting which really made me wonder. Okay, so DT met SP for lunch at her home. It didn't seem so bizarre to me until I learned that it was about a half hour each way from her home to her office. How long did she have for lunch? Because that's a whole hour at least just in driving time when SPs house is only 6 miles from her work. Odd. I would have met him halfway in between both places, only 3 miles, if I was just doing lunch....
We questioned how the RSOs were so quickly "cleared". I think the easiest answer to that is that it wasn't a sexual crime. They said a child Killer, not rapist or molester is loose. I think that's a huge difference.
Again, thanks to BSU1967 for the advice to look at this objectively. They're right, we have all the clues already laid out before us.

Did you watch all the videos from the beginning or just a select few?
I am open to anything. SP in my mind could not have known Somer would leave the other children over a spat and take off away from them, right?
So if Somer infact made it home and caught SP doing something did he go into a rage and kill her, have time to stuff her in his car while he sent the other children out hunting for her? Then he takes off after all the police and searches, and haven't heard about him since? The day Somer was found he on that very day took his picture off his web site and made sudden changes. I had ask back then-- what was so important about doing this computer junk during such a crisis?

Hmmmm... could go right back to Somer racing home and made it there first. possibly
There has to be a reason that mom wanted SP to stay at her house til her kids got home. And, a reason she "knew" that Somer missing this time was different. Does she normally pick up her oldest son on her way home? I think it's possible that something was worrying her....some incident concerning Somer or one of the other kids....that made her want someone there when the kids got home.

For alibi?
I'm finally all caught up. I have to admit I am torn on the BSU "post n run" incident. On one hand I think the screen name says it all, AS IN "come on, I wouldn't BS you". On the other hand I would love to believe that we don't have an really sick SO on the loose. IDK, need more info. Sorry, I've been sitting on my hands all day waiting to catch up. I had to type something :)
Did you watch all the videos from the beginning or just a select few?
I am open to anything. SP in my mind could not have known Somer would leave the other children over a spat and take off away from them, right?
So if Somer infact made it home and caught SP doing something did he go into a rage and kill her, have time to stuff her in his car while he sent the other children out hunting for her? Then he takes off after all the police and searches, and haven't heard about him since? The day Somer was found he on that very day took his picture off his web site and made sudden changes. I had ask back then-- what was so important about doing this computer junk during such a crisis?

Hmmmm... could go right back to Somer racing home and made it there first. possibly

Bold By Me - now this is something I could potentially buy! She seemed like a sweet SASSY girl from some of her pics. Intelligent! Could she have come home and caught this friend doing something in the home and she threated to tell her mother??? And then the bold above occurs?

I don't know - still on the SO but ANYTHING could be possible. I just hear John Walsh talking about a serial pedophile...
I kind of thought perhaps the older boy usually watched the younger ones after school, and perhaps he had a school function that day and couldn't watch them. And DT went to pick him up after his function was over with. Like perhaps football practice, or something of that nature. IDK...just what I was thinking.

I heard/read the 13yr old son did NOT live with her and the children.
Does anyone know where the 13yr old lives? In the beginning of all of this it was reported he does not have the same father as the others and lives elsewhere? Does he live with his Dad locally or the Grandparents? Somer's grandparents-- do they live local or just came to OP when this happened?
I think it is totally possible that she could have been worried about an incident in general with Somer, since this fits with her behavior pattern or so we have been told. But no clue how she could be worried about an incident that had never happend yet, like hitting someone on the head with a backpack - wonder if this has been causing a problem at home for some time??

I totally respect what yall are saying. And I think anything is possible. I am just stuck on a SO at the moment.

But, maybe something had happened. Something to worry mom enough that she asked SP to stay at her house.
But, maybe something had happened. Something to worry mom enough that she asked SP to stay at her house.

Yes, but then why wouldn't mom take it a step further and simply ask him to pick the kids up at school, instead of making them walk that LONG walk??? What say you? :)
As if there weren't already enough RSO's that we know the residence of...We've got this creep too.

I had ask back then-- what was so important about doing this computer junk during such a crisis?


That could also be said of Diena...her page was changed the same day.

I tend to lean towards protecting their privacy. If the mother can do this and it be accepted as OK, then why not her friend?


For alibi?

Even for alibi situation how would anyone be able to predict the squabble at school, and then getting into it with the sister on the way home-- hence taking off ahead of them. Seems the Mother and SP would have to know this was going to happen, and I can't see that.

I can see Somer racing home ahead of everyone, however that is not her track record, but it could have very well happened. She could have arrived way sooner than SP thought and she caught him doing something.
He then could have silenced her and had her hidden in the home-- easy to get her to his car hidden since he sent the other children back out TWICE and the second time telling them to look real GOOD.

In a panic he could have dumped her in the trash dumpster later when he was cleared by speaking with police, and the search efforts. He would have been front and center to know what they were doing and the search plans.

I haven't seen him at any of the vigils either.
Did you watch all the videos from the beginning or just a select few?
I am open to anything. SP in my mind could not have known Somer would leave the other children over a spat and take off away from them, right?
So if Somer infact made it home and caught SP doing something did he go into a rage and kill her, have time to stuff her in his car while he sent the other children out hunting for her? Then he takes off after all the police and searches, and haven't heard about him since? The day Somer was found he on that very day took his picture off his web site and made sudden changes. I had ask back then-- what was so important about doing this computer junk during such a crisis?

Hmmmm... could go right back to Somer racing home and made it there first. possibly

I watched the one after they had tentatively I'ded her. I didn't even need to go further than 4 minutes of an I think, 11 min video. I just backed it up at about the 3.30 mark, watched it a few times and went "Aaahhhh". I too wondered about the computer changes at such a horrible time. Who does that when a child is missing? And I remember remarking that it almost seemed like someone gave them a heads up about the websites and what we were posting here. Interesting, no? Would kids lie if asked by someone important in their lives? Look at the Heene family. No one saw an evil predator snatch a child that day, but how many people thought nothing of a mom picking up her kid?

That could also be said of Diena...her page was changed the same day.

I tend to lean towards protecting their privacy. If the mother can do this and it be accepted as OK, then why not her friend?



I didn't know the Mother changed anything on the computer, so thanks for that tid-bit of information. What did she have-- Myspace or facebook?
Yes, but then why wouldn't mom take it a step further and simply ask him to pick the kids up at school, instead of making them walk that LONG walk??? What say you? :)

Maybe...something had happened after the kids got home....in the past few days or week, etc. Crank phone calls? Stranger hanging around? Some kind of threat? Enough to be concerned about, but not serious enough to call LE?

I just wish we knew what was the normal routine concerning the kids and after school care. Was the babysitter sick that day? Was there usually someone there when the kids got home?? There has to be a reason that she asked SP...who had never watched the kids, before....to stay there til they got home.

House Searched Where Somer Last Seen

Anna Braddy, whose daughter Kayla is best friends with Somer, said she took Somer to school the day the 7-year-old disappeared. Braddy said it was a normal morning and Somer was her usual self.

In case some missed this with posts going so fast.
Swelling is gone :) feeling better ...just on bed rest...

i was sure hoping new news would be out regarding Somer :(

Glad to see you're home and feeling better. :dance: Behave yourself. This is your WS mom speaking :blowkiss:
Alright, I see us disecting every move mom made. Which is fine. But this is the land of Florida and the Caylee Anthony Case - Is it possible a friend or someone woudl know if this turned into something that the press and media would be looking to disect mom???

For us Vets that do this stuff all the time. Ask yourself if your neighbors child went missing, we would offer to protect privacy or no???? IDK - just playing devils advocate

That could also be said of Diena...her page was changed the same day.

I tend to lean towards protecting their privacy. If the mother can do this and it be accepted as OK, then why not her friend?



SP didn't just change his page for "privacy". He added information~ like adding that he worked with Indigo adults and not just children... THIS alone raised my hinky meter on him. If you have nothing to hide in working with children then why would you feel you need to add "adults" in your job description? Just strange....
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