FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #7

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OMG!!!!! One of the workers who worked at that house is RSO! per HLN

Willen, that came out a couple of days ago. He's the construction company owner's brother. The owner said his brother worked for him, but not at that house.
Is that the construction co. owners brother we were searching the other night, or his employee?

I don't know but they said that he worked on that house & that they have searched him and his vehicle. They did not give a name but Natisha Lance who is producer on NG said that she looked him up as well & that he does have a past.
Willen, that came out a couple of days ago. He's the construction company owner's brother. The owner said his brother worked for him, but not at that house.

OK! I didn't know that so it was my first time hearing it. I just thought that info might be something you all would want to know.
CWG mentioned on the original police report is NOT local. He is unregistered from Jacksonville, (absconded). In my opinion, he looks a lot like the man standing next to the reporter. He gave his address as Jacksonville and his employment as a bar on Jax Beach. He is 37 years old. What was he doing in the area to be on the report to begin with?

Just a thought..WHAT IF...CWG was working with the boyfriend and rode home with him to help look for Somer? Maybe that is why he was at the house, hence on the PD report????:waitasec:
NSC, those Google images are sometimes very old. I wish they were dated. If I Google image my father-in-law's property, I can see my Chevy Blazer parked on the corner when I had it for sale. I sold that truck 5 years ago.

I know Paris. I was no way saying THIS IS THE GUY! I know they can be extremely old. Just trying to see any type of movements that could occur or pathways along Somers route. I have never seen a landscaper in a landscaper truck in one of those orange vests, usually a city worker which is usually a safety regulation in force. The man was holding a pitchfork coming acros the street. I didn't know if there is something over there that is maintained but it looks like a REALLY long sidewalk. I am wondering if this is what Shutterfly was pointing out about going around the crossing guard??
Sorry if this has been posted already, it's the first time I saw this:

Somer Thompson murder may be the work of serial pedophile, says 'America's Most Wanted' host

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...ile_says_americas_most_wan.html#ixzz0V4taLSEe
news article....

REALLY makes me believe there was something on her body that points to this. Like a "sign' left behind. Who was that the zodiac killer that did that??

Well, I am still all over WLK - I agree with the posters who said his gf's death could have put him into a tailspin. I did see some photos of her family and I know someone else said they didn't seem like a match, I totally think they would be, JMO ;) But I am curious as to why you didn't see it? I love hearing both sides of everything!
Good morning,
The vast majority on here are looking in the wrong direction. Pay particular attention to body language/discourse analysis in the interviews on the day of this crime, and on days immediately after.
Once you have done so, you will know more.
Add this to information gleaned from the police report, google maps and police procedure and you will know who murdered this child.

Thank you.


I just want to say that I agree with BSU1967 who dropped by this a.m. and left a very important clue to us all. And that was to watch the first interviews and read the police report objectively (parsed by me). They also stated that most of us are on the wrong track. Most of these threads are in sleuthing RSOs, which we have already been told have been ruled out, and rather quickly at that. So I went back and watched the video taken after vigil and then again without the sound. Remember what we learned in the HaLeigh case about deception and people looking to the left or closing their eyes when they are lying? Yeah. Watch the video again. Sorry, I can't find the link, but it's the video of DT with the corkscrew ribbony purple thingy in her hair.
Reading the police report and using google maps, I discovered something really interesting which really made me wonder. Okay, so DT met SP for lunch at her home. It didn't seem so bizarre to me until I learned that it was about a half hour each way from her home to her office. How long did she have for lunch? Because that's a whole hour at least just in driving time when SPs house is only 6 miles from her work. Odd. I would have met him halfway in between both places, only 3 miles, if I was just doing lunch....
We questioned how the RSOs were so quickly "cleared". I think the easiest answer to that is that it wasn't a sexual crime. They said a child Killer, not rapist or molester is loose. I think that's a huge difference.
Again, thanks to BSU1967 for the advice to look at this objectively. They're right, we have all the clues already laid out before us.
I kind of thought perhaps the older boy usually watched the younger ones after school, and perhaps he had a school function that day and couldn't watch them. And DT went to pick him up after his function was over with. Like perhaps football practice, or something of that nature. IDK...just what I was thinking.
Thank you for the link. I am going to go over all the videos to see if there is something we missed. A few things I want to say.
First, I want to know who usually takes care of the kids after school and why wasn't that person doing it that day? I read about the babysitter that spoke out but I don't think shes involved.
I want a closer look on S the guy that was home waiting for the kids to come home from school. I'm not saying hes involved, but why wouldn't Somer's mom ask him to pick them up from school instead of waiting for them at home? Does she usually go home for lunch or was this a special occassion that she met him at her home for lunch? I don't like that he didn't immediately call her when she didn't come home with her sister and brother? And also about sending them back out to really look good for them. Why didn't he go with them to look for them? I read on here that she went missing sometimes, just so weird to me? Where was she those times? I'm afraid that its possible that this was't the first time that a perp was with her.
I also want to note that this most likely wasn't the first time for this perp because hes obviously been so organized and clean in regards to not leaving any big clues. I mean if this was his or her first time, he/she would of been caught by now, imo. Its really scary that they haven't caught the person yet. It really worries me.
I'm glad everyone found that Kuhn guy, that seems a bit odd if you ask me. I believe that the empty house is the crime scene.
Today MIGHT led us to some big clues, because WHAT IF the perp attends the visitation.
My heart breaks for Somer's mom, every video I see of her and on Nancy Grace..I just cry. You can tell how much heart ache and agony she is in. I wish sick people would not be allowed in the communities.:furious:

Bold mine.

Way behind on this thread, but have read all until here. Regarding bold above...maybe the older son that Diena picked up at the park is the normal babysitter for after school. He is older than the 10 year old sister, right? Maybe he has sports after school on that certain day of the week, but is usually the one home with the little ones after school.

Also, I may be wrong, because I can't find a pic of Diena's father, but could that guy in the hat next to the reporter that peeps thought was Kuhn, actually be DT's dad with a baseball hat on?...he just reminds me of him.

Back to catching up. Great job everyone!
There has to be a reason that mom wanted SP to stay at her house til her kids got home. And, a reason she "knew" that Somer missing this time was different. Does she normally pick up her oldest son on her way home? I think it's possible that something was worrying her....some incident concerning Somer or one of the other kids....that made her want someone there when the kids got home.

I just want to say that I agree with BSU1967 who dropped by this a.m. and left a very important clue to us all. And that was to watch the first interviews and read the police report objectively (parsed by me). They also stated that most of us are on the wrong track. Most of these threads are in sleuthing RSOs, which we have already been told have been ruled out, and rather quickly at that. So I went back and watched the video taken after vigil and then again without the sound. Remember what we learned in the HaLeigh case about deception and people looking to the left or closing their eyes when they are lying? Yeah. Watch the video again. Sorry, I can't find the link, but it's the video of DT with the corkscrew ribbony purple thingy in her hair.
Reading the police report and using google maps, I discovered something really interesting which really made me wonder. Okay, so DT met SP for lunch at her home. It didn't seem so bizarre to me until I learned that it was about a half hour each way from her home to her office. How long did she have for lunch? Because that's a whole hour at least just in driving time when SPs house is only 6 miles from her work. Odd. I would have met him halfway in between both places, only 3 miles, if I was just doing lunch....
We questioned how the RSOs were so quickly "cleared". I think the easiest answer to that is that it wasn't a sexual crime. The said a child Killer, not rapist or molester is loose. I think that's a huge difference.
Again, thanks to BSU1967 for the advice to look at this objectively. They're right, we have all the clues already laid out before us.

I think you have pointed out some very interesting things. I had Googled the distance from her work and home and also thought it was odd they had lunch at her home. I'm wondering though...what was the killers purpose with Somer besides killing her? Typically, a killer has a purpose...if it wasn't sexual then what was it?



I see what you are saying....

However, DT is a single mom. Is it possible she had to go home to do something on her lunch?? Do they have a dog that needs to be let out? Is there anything? Quite a possibility?? Is it possible she told her friend to meet her at home for lunch because that is where she was headed???
I'm back after my big weekend stay at the hospital...

I still think CWG is #1 on my list... The info that I found that first day then seeing how the addy & place of employment were not correct on the police report... he's hiding something regardless & should be in jail.
Just got home, reading backwards........
1 question.........did LE ever tell us why
the neighborhood garbage goes in a town south of Orange Park land fill.
BT Somer was found in a landfill area in GEORGIA........so how or what
garbage went there instead of the general neighborhood?????
I'm back after my big weekend stay at the hospital...

I still think CWG is #1 on my list... The info that I found that first day then seeing how the addy & place of employment were not correct on the police report... he's hiding something regardless & should be in jail.

How are you feeling now? Feet still swollen? Take care girl!!!!
There has to be a reason that mom wanted SP to stay at her house til her kids got home. And, a reason she "knew" that Somer missing this time was different. Does she normally pick up her oldest son on her way home? I think it's possible that something was worrying her....some incident concerning Somer or one of the other kids....that made her want someone there when the kids got home.

I think it is totally possible that she could have been worried about an incident in general with Somer, since this fits with her behavior pattern or so we have been told. But no clue how she could be worried about an incident that had never happend yet, like hitting someone on the head with a backpack - wonder if this has been causing a problem at home for some time??

I totally respect what yall are saying. And I think anything is possible. I am just stuck on a SO at the moment.
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