FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #7

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what website are you using to find the RSO's -- can someone please check on someone by the name K*** S****?
Just to see if we get a hit??

Actually there is a K*** s**** in Fl

Please be careful about posting names. Now when I Google KS's name, those quotes on this thread are some of the first to pop up. Please remove it so innocent people aren't linked to this case/thread. Thanks!

one possible contact eliminated was a registered sex offender whose name and address in Orange Park is listed on the incident report that was written after Somer was reported missing. That person was named by someone who later turned out to be mistaken about the identity, Justino said.

So S.P. gave inaccurate info to LE...and just who is the person mistaken for WCG? It was obviously someone, right?

My thought, too. How do you know someone's full name and then be wrong about their identity?

...First, I want to know who usually takes care of the kids after school and why wasn't that person doing it that day? I read about the babysitter that spoke out but I don't think shes involved.

My question: who was supposed to wait on the kids that day? If mom had lunch with him and asked him *then* to wait at the house, then if he had said 'no', there would've been no one? Just trying to figure out the normal routine.

Haven't posted much all these years but this case has me very upset. I feel the key to helping solve it is in trying to determine WHY she was put into a dumpster? ....(snipped)...
My tendency is to think perp lives in the area.

Exactly. And didn't have time to drive away for fear of having someone check the trunk.

Hi! First time posting here, unfortunately it turned into a book, so I apologize in advance if this is OT or a repeat of information. Here are some of the things I have noticed:

There are discrepencies in the police report between SP and DT statements. ...(snipped)...

What do you mean? We can't bring up different possibilities? Only one and that is it? I have done nothing wrong but asked a question to which everyone got upset over. Like I said I am going back to my corner and will just con't reading due to these kind of threats. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]

I don't think anyone is saying that anything is wrong with your line of thinking. I think what they're trying to do is warn you that on other threads about Somer, the mods have warned us to stay away from the mom in terms of accusations or questions. I agree with what someone asked - if this is a sleuthing board and we're trying to look at all the players, then everything should be looked at equally. So I'm not sure why the rules here are different... Maybe out of respect for the mom and her unimaginable loss.

Maybe the mods can chime in and help out here as far as analyzing Somer's mom or not? Thanks!
For the first three days after Andrea Parsons disappeared I had dreams about her being alive and locked in a pump house. I don't think it meant anything but it did tear me up at the time. I wanted soooo bad to find that pump house. To this day when I see one it bothers me. I guess it was just a stressful time for everybody here then. Off topic of Somer's thread, apologies.
How can the Mother know what the squabble was since she didn't talk to Somer or the other children to find out anything? I don't think she has a crystal ball to know what happened at school that day or on the walk home with the other children.

TXT messages back/forth with SP and Mom-- LE can review records--- I am going with SP didn't want to txt her with false alarm that Somer was not home, hence she txt to see how things were going since they were suppose to be home.

IF going down the road it was SP -- after following the timeline I have to go with this: How would he have possibly known Somer was going to take off that day away from the group? She was not seen by any witness's going in the direction of her home or even arriving home.

Mother was at work-- I believe she is with a Dr. Office and I'm sure LE has checked her out. Since Somer did have a history of not returning home this time was indeed different-- why-- because they always located her in the past and this time it was not working.

I don't know diddly about real tears, fake tears, no tears, etc. so when it comes to Mother's on television with missing children-- most of the time I can get a clue and this time I just do not see that at all. Also I have made note: Dieanna's story has not changed-- and as MK always says-- the truth never changes.

Welcome to the board. :)

Mom doesn't need a crystal ball, her three children were walking together from school when the squabble occurred and Somer ran off. I'm sure she's talked to her children.

In the police report mom states that she received a text from Sean saying Somer didn't come home from school. My point here is that her police report is different from later statements, as you have noted.

Playing devil's advocate here, not accusing, but what makes this time different? Somer is known to take up to an hour to get home, mom says she received a text message from Sean within that time frame saying Somer didn't arrive home..

I agree, SP wouldn't know that Somer was alone and no one saw her go home.

My heart goes out to DT, I can't begin to imagine the pain of her loss, or the suffering her little girl experienced. And when I think of Somer, I have a hard time reconciling the pretense of tears.

Thanks for the welcome!
Thanks for bringing that up belli - I think we discussed that yesterday and removed - is it still posted somewhere in quotes??
I did complete the edit on my posts last night with names.
IDK the post # you are referring to that remains out there to be deleted or a quick edit.

Could you please advise, if not I will do a complete search of all my posts to try and locate my error that needs to be corrected.

Thank you in advance: :)
I did complete the edit on my posts last night with names.
IDK the post # you are referring to that remains out there to be deleted or a quick edit.

Could you please advise, if not I will do a complete search of all my posts to try and locate my error that needs to be corrected.

Thank you in advance: :)

I think from doing a google on it just now, it is someone else who still has the name in their post??? IDK
(CD was a roadworker when Parsons went missing. Don't know if that means anything at all.)

(States CD was 57 at the time, so I'm pretty sure the guy I linked earlier is the same one.)


Look, at the comments to this article. No, REALLY, please read the one about him being seen rummaging in dumpsters around the area in August. I would say if he can get into and out of dumpsters, he could subdue a 7 year old. MOO. Also tells how he approaches people.

He's ancient! But he does drive a white van. Palm City is 243 miles from Orange Park, quite a distance. Was he ever seen outside of Palm City?
Someone said Somer was found half clothed?and they think it was a SO.I tend to agree with this.Somer went and said they were doing a great job on renovating the house to kyle?and the crew?she walks away?Someone now knows she is walking alone.From looking a little at the story and people involved.I'm going for to for now think they need to question(interrogate)Kyle and all the crew members and people they hung around with about Somer.
I know technically since he is registered far away it makes it more unlikey. But what if the locals ran him off after that article was written and he is transient. Meaning, he might still "live" at that address but had an "urge" and went traveling? I mean the old goat can't have to much longer to live, do you think he figured what did he have to loose since he is so close to end of life anyway?? IDK, totally speculating .. what do you think? To big of a long shot??
He has lived in the area for a long, long time. I am trying to remember if he has family here or what his ties to the area are. Could he have moved or driven up there, absolutely. I am just thinking if he stuck it out here after all of the intense scrutiny due to the Parsons case then he is here to stay. Just my opinion though.
Mom doesn't need a crystal ball, her three children were walking together from school when the squabble occurred and Somer ran off. I'm sure she's talked to her children.

In the police report mom states that she received a text from Sean saying Somer didn't come home from school. My point here is that her police report is different from later statements, as you have noted.

Playing devil's advocate here, not accusing, but what makes this time different? Somer is known to take up to an hour to get home, mom says she received a text message from Sean within that time frame saying Somer didn't arrive home..

I agree, SP wouldn't know that Somer was alone and no one saw her go home.

My heart goes out to DT, I can't begin to imagine the pain of her loss, or the suffering her little girl experienced. And when I think of Somer, I have a hard time reconciling the pretense of tears.

Thanks for the welcome!

IDK the timeline with Mom talking with her children about the squabble at school and the reprimand by older sister on the way home.

The way I am reading the timeline of events: Mom leaves work after txt from SP... on her way home she calls BF to leave work early to help with locating summer... then upon arriving to her neighborhood she flags down LE and they go to the OPAA parking lot. Since she went directly with LE to the OPAA parking lot I can't pin her down to speaking with the other children about the squabble or events that happened while walking home.

Yes- Somer did have a history of not going home on time with the other children-- per the babysitter's comments and Mom providing the sitter with friends and phone numbers for when this happened.

Obviously I have a ton more questions than answers-- LOL
Could it be someone that was affected by the Parsons case and that's where the parallels are coming from?
I admit CD is older than dirt, I don't see him snatching and grabbing little girls off streetcorners. But, if Somer was so upset that she hit one of the othe kids with her backpack, he might not have had to do much, just open the car door, smile, and maybe say something like "Come on, we'll show them."
That last part actually could apply to any perp, not just CD.
Here is another thought:

I am walking from WLK house back toward school, I want to get to know the road and see how it looks. It was obviously garbage day when the google truck went through. Where I live you can't do this with garbage:(place in Black Bag on crub or street) Since we talked about being bagged could this have been case, therefore never making into a "dumpster" and just left outside like this?? I contradict what I said earlier though, about police finding her legs etc.. Unless rigamortis set in and this broke through the bag??
I am with you on this one!!!! This goes against my 2nd theory. But if she was snatched by this guy in a car, not a far drive to his residence and garbage is still of same area, wouldn't you think?? Therefore, she was close but not too close?

Oh yeah and the fact that the astro thread is all over him too!!!

They have him pegged as going SW after snatching her which is the direction of his address.
Hi! First time posting here, unfortunately it turned into a book, so I apologize in advance if this is OT or a repeat of information. Here are some of the things I have noticed:

There are discrepencies in the police report between SP and DT statements. SP says he received a text message from DT at 4pm asking how were the kids; he told her Somer didn't come home. DT says she received a text message from SP saying Somer didn't come home from school.

There have been conflicting reports on the "squabble" as the reason for Somer running off. Not sure if this will work (see what you have to go through with newbies), but here is a post I hadn't noticed before:
During an interview, DT is asked "What was the squabble about?" and she states "I have no idea. I really have no idea?" How does a mom not know that? It was the last time her children spoke with Somer and the nature of the fight could indicate where she would go or what she would do. Unless she was told by LE not to mention it, but that doesn't make sense either.

Is there a pattern here that BSU alludes to in following most of the interviews, body language/discourse, police report etc.? If you go in the opposite direction of the investigation, back to the very beginning, the focus is on the home, mom, Sean and the kids. The kids come home without Somer, worrisome but not unusual, there is even a list of friends to call. Sean is familiar with the family, he has been to the house many times (pr) He sends the kids out twice, the last time saying "go look really good for Somer before I call your mom." He didn't send a text to DT, he had the kids looking until mom shows up and then we really don't hear about him again.

DT says she received a text from Sean saying Somer did not come home, and in a panic she leaves work early (4pm) to go look for a child that is known for not coming home on time. Afterwards, when asked, she said she just knew this was different as in something bad has happened. Nothing wrong with this, but if she was so sure that something bad has happened why didn't she dial 911. If that were my child, I'd be on that cell so fast, every one from the police to the president would be waiting for me at the house.

So, from 4-5 or so she looks around the neighborhood, and then flags down an officer, and tells him her daughter is missing. Does that mean if she didn't see an officer she would have just kept looking? And why keep looking if you are sure something bad has happened? Has anyone heard an accounting of that time from mom, boyfriend, son?

In this interview with DT, where she is describing the clothes Somer was wearing when she disappeared, DT appears to be crying and wiping her tears away with a large tissue; however, it is apparent there are no tears on her face. It's not the absence of tears that bothers me, it's the pretense of wiping away tears that don't exist. So, what would be the reason for pretending to cry by wiping away no tears?

May be every thing can be explained away by grief, fear and panic. Grief can do crazy things to people, I've been there, but the pretense of grief is really puzzling. No accusations or implications meant for any particular person JMO and hope I haven't offended. Thanks for reading my book!

Your post made me remember a thought I had after reading the BSU post. What was not said.....DT said she knew something bad had happened this time. Why? What was not said? Could it be because SP was babysitting the kids for the first time? Could she have seen something as she started to look that was out of place or a person? Something made her think this. It was "routine" that Somer often had to be looked for up to an hour after school was out. What made her think something bad had happened this time??
Regarding the 13 y o son.....I haven't heard that he lived elsewhere, but I think I remember reading that he got out of school later than the other sibs and played in the park until his mother picked him up.
I hate to ask this, and I am not implying anything about Somer, or her attitude, or personality. Have their been any statements about how Somer's temperament was? Would she have had to have much more upset than normal to actually strike out physically, or did she get that angry very quickly?
I think from doing a google on it just now, it is someone else who still has the name in their post??? IDK
I did find one I made corrections but missed the second line, so I went back and deleted I think 2-3 to make sure, however cannot cure the reply msgs. :(
Special thanks to mom for doing this. Here is the map - bumping it up.

I really think this is the guy in the video I saw and I have looked and
can't find the video! He was a searcher and they interviewed him
right after it was reported that her body had been found.
He had a hat on and IMO it looked like his left eye had some type of
injury (inside the eye) I also got a weird vibe on his body language.
I think from doing a google on it just now, it is someone else who still has the name in their post??? IDK

I think it's this one:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4341377&postcount=185"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL-Somer Renee Thompson, 7, Orange Park thread #7[/ame]
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