Found Deceased FL - Tammy Alexander, 16, Brooksville, 8 Nov 1979

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm thinking the truck driver thought she took something or maybe she did take something , after all she was out there with no resources, is it possible he shot her in the truck then drug her there and emptied her pockets? Maybe the guy was helping her out and it angered him , there were no signs of rape were there?
I'm not certain how many 'panel sided' station wagons were produced through, say, the 1970's... but I'm willing to bet that there were only a handful of manufacturers... and a select number of primary suppliers of interior upholstery (cloth/leather/vinyl). And those suppliers would have been producing based on the manufacturers specs (so I'd expect them to be quite similar).

My question, then, is I wonder if fibers have been - at any time - collected from the seat of Tammy Jo Alexander's pants? The so-called heavy rain didn't eradicate the pollen samples... and I would not think that it would dislodge embedded fibers. Seems to me that there'd be a reasonable chance that that information could narrow the description of the suggested 'car at the diner'. Thoughts?
I'm not certain how many 'panel sided' station wagons were produced through, say, the 1970's... but I'm willing to bet that there were only a handful of manufacturers... and a select number of primary suppliers of interior upholstery (cloth/leather/vinyl). And those suppliers would have been producing based on the manufacturers specs (so I'd expect them to be quite similar).

My question, then, is I wonder if fibers have been - at any time - collected from the seat of Tammy Jo Alexander's pants? The so-called heavy rain didn't eradicate the pollen samples... and I would not think that it would dislodge embedded fibers. Seems to me that there'd be a reasonable chance that that information could narrow the description of the suggested 'car at the diner'. Thoughts?

They did not treat evidence the way they do now. They are not able to get trace DNA from her clothing. Pretty sure it's in the note on Cali's FB page. We know she was in a station wagon the color IIRC was not common to that area. I'm not convinced she was with a trucker but a friend.

January 7, 2014 at 11:28am

Per phone call 10/1 to LE

1. Blood type is A-
2. Shot first in the head then dragged face down into the field. No effort to hide her. Jacket was red. Road was busier then as the interstate was not built yet.
3. Dental isotopes were done in 05 and last year. First suggested Carolina to Texas. Second south west. Indication a lot of corn in the diet.
4. His gut reaction is that she was on the older end of the age range given maturity and fewer food additives then accelerating development.
5. They match primarily with DNA and dentals.
6. Native Am heritage is a possibility but month in the tests can confirm that. They recently flooded the SW with fliers including the reservations but no response.

List of questions to LE 10/3 -

1. Was a tox screen done? We'd like to request a copy of the tox screen, police report and autopsy report. Do we need to use the Freedom of Info act to request it?

A - Tox screen was done and there were no drugs or alcohol in her system. I would be happy to answer any questions you have, but releasing any documents in their entirety may prove detrimental to a prosecution should be ever get to that point. Even though this is most certainly a "cold case", it is still open and being actively investigated.

2. Was it determined where she ate her last meal?

A - It was not determined with certainty, but we believe her last meal was at the Lima Diner. They were the only restaurant within a reasonable distance that served ham and corn the evening before she was found. The witness remembered a male and female coming in and that the female wore a red jacket that appeared too big for her. This witness was unable to positively identify our Jane Doe.

3. Had she ever given Birth?

A - There was no evidence of past or present pregnancy

4. General Hygiene & Hair - Has any info been released on her hygiene beyond her tooth decay? She cared enough to frost her hair approx 4 months before her death. Did the M.E. indicate whether he thought her hair was permed? Did the ME indicate how old her perm was? Did they keep any hair? Was she brushing her teeth? Did she shave her underarms and legs? Remove any facial hairs? Her eyebrows look tweezed, so she had access to a tweezer at some point. If she had been raised or living in the SW as the isotope testing on her teeth as well as the pollen revealed, then most likely she was hitch hiking from area to area. That was common back then. When kids are out on their own, they do not follow the normal routine so knowing the above would be helpful in determining if she was hitching for a while or not. i.e. how long was she likely on her own.

A - Her hygiene appeared to be good. I would surmise that she did brush her teeth, although there was no evidence of any dental care whatsoever. She did appear to have shaved her legs and under her arms. She had minimal facial hair and her eyebrows were normal, not bushy.

5. NECKLACE RELATED - many of us had the same jewelry; it was sold at Grants before they went out of business. Some got theirs through the mail... Was the turquoise checked to see what region it came from? My understanding is that each mine has different "strains". Perhaps that can pinpoint a location.

A - We have sent the necklace to the FBI lab on two occasions, but to my knowledge there has never been a "location" determined for the turquoise.

6. AGE RELATED - What was taken into consideration to get her age range? We know wisdom teeth; were growth plates used too? What was the age change from 20 to mid teen based on?

A - There was an original autopsy done at that time by a local doctor who was our County Coroner. There was a follow up exam done as well by someone from the Monroe County Medical Examiners Office. The original doctor thought 19-21 yrs. old. The second examiner estimated her to be 16-18 years of age and described her as "mid to late adolescence". I do not believe growth plates were used in any of these estimates. X Rays done at that time showed what the doctor described as a "lack of bone development for someone over 18 years old". He then estimated her at 16 years of age, plus or minus 2 years.

7. TEETH RELATED - What type of dental work was performed by a "foreign" dentist? Had her Canines come all the way down?

A - I have no idea what you mean by foreign dentist. She had never had any type of dental care. Two wisdom teeth had erupted, another was severely eroded and the fourth was still below the gums. Yes, her canines were all the way down.

8. CLOTHING RELATED - Brands and sizes and gender of shirt, pants, and shoes. Brand of panties and size. Did her shoes fit her? Size of her pants, shirt, panties and shoes. Were the pants also mens pants?

A - Her pants were a size 7. Bra was 32C. Blouse was a medium. Jacket was a large. There were no labels or size located on her panties. Shoes were a size 8. I have no information on fitment. I would say the pants were not mens due to size (7)

9. DINER RELATED - What was the name of the Diner ( in LIMA?)? How far from where she was found? Was she wearing the same outfit when at the diner? Since the waitress described the guy she was with, did they act like they knew each other?

A - Lima Diner was the name. The distance from where she was found to the Diner is just under 9 miles. The waitress noted the red jacket that appeared too big for her. The waitress noted that she appeared younger than the male she was with and the waitress assumed maybe they were brother and sister. She did not note any unusual behavior between the two.

10. TRUCKER RELATED - How many truckers actually remembered seeing her hitching? Where was the truck stop that the trucker saw her at (at 20 and 5 or somewhere else?)? How many thought her destination was Boston Mass Vs NY? How many truckers actually admitted seeing her the night before?

A - We checked every restaurant and truck stop headed east between Hopewell, NY (Ontario County) and Caledonia. We did not locate anyone other than the waitress at the Lima Diner who had any information. I am not aware of any truckers that saw her.

11. MISC - What part of her body was the spent slug found under? Since the slug was found under her the shot had to have exited her body, so most likely was the last shot. Were attempts made to get touch DNA off her clothing? If she was drug by feet into the cornfield, there should be touch DNA on her somewhere. The slug being under her says to me, the killer did not turn her over. Yet, no harm in checking that since one of us will have him on the phone anyway, right?

A - The slug entered her back and exited under her left arm near her breast. The slug was located while sifting the dirt under the body. Its location was consistent with the exit wound. We believe she was shot in the head at the shoulder of the road. Then dragged into the field by the feet face down. She was then shot again in the back. There was no such thing as touch DNA back then. Therefore, the evidence was not handled like we would today. Touch DNA was completed on the evidence, but was done recently.

12. Will they consider sending her DNA to 23andme to get ancestry line done? It is $99; they may be able to have it donated. It very well could provide a lead to her family name via matching cousins or siblings. Will provide info

A - Maybe. I would want more information first. We would need to know if we can provide a DNA profile as opposed to a swab. Due to the circumstances, we don't have a swab to send them. but there is already a profile for her based on our exhumation in 2005.
As I understand it, the station wagon was said to be light colored with (wood?) paneling. I'd agree that, in general, those were not highly common in WNY in the 1970's... with the exception of the Ford/Lincoln/Mercury models. A fair number of white/tan/yellow's were delivered here. Even light blue (that could be confused with a white in the dark.) Indeed, yellow Ford models were quite common in WNY from ~1969 until ~1977. The most popular being "Meadowlark Yellow". Much like Chrysler's most popular color of the time was green (I forget the actual name of that color... Ivy Green, maybe?).

And while I realize that 2015 evidence handling protocol is different/better, 1979 was not the stone ages... and this was a high profile (both in terms of seriousness and in terms of how rare - for the area - it was/is) matter. I understand, unfortunate stuff happens. Seems to me that if one can get the pollen years after the fact, fibers are probably there, too. Maybe not.

I tend to agree that the assumption of a truck driver is far from rock solid. As for a "friend"... hmmmm. It'd be interesting to know how many classmates have tried to reconnect with her over the years. I've only heard of two. Hernando High School was not a tiny school.

And, yes, I realize that all of my comments are easy to say/type sitting behind a keyboard a couple of counties away. heh Peace.
Thank you , so no evidence of rape , station wagon , I swear I had read she was recoginized as having tried to hitchike at a truckstop? See how convlouted things get over the years? I had in my head also that she had seen a dentist that might have been trained in a foregin country...... its the little "off" details that make such a difference
Thank you , so no evidence of rape , station wagon , I swear I had read she was recoginized as having tried to hitchike at a truckstop? See how convlouted things get over the years? I had in my head also that she had seen a dentist that might have been trained in a foregin country...... its the little "off" details that make such a difference

There was a report of a couple arguing on the side of the road, and the police had to divert away from responding to that call because of a fatal auto accident that was more urgent. LE was never able to locate the person who reported the incident, and they were never even able to determine where on the highway the incident occurred.

It should be very clearly emphasized that there has never been any evidence found to connect that reported incident to Tammy's murder.

Having said that, the person who called in the disturbance also described a late 1960's or early 1970's model station wagon with artificial wood-style paneling on the side (similar to the models shown below).


So both of those examples are early 70's ('72, maybe?). Not sure how precise the witness might have been. If it was, say, a '72, it would be seven years old +/- (depending on if it was an early delivery or late delivery). And the car would have lived through six or seven winters. A car - of that time period - that had gone through six Western New York winters is probably going to look different than the same car from, say, Florida. Rustproofing/undercoating (though available) was not really popular until the mid 70's. In WNY, Ziebart was the king of that stuff. A seven year old WNY car at that time is probably going to be rusting... or, at least, be chalking... especially the wood grain applications. If was late 1960s, of course, the condition could/would be worse.

I wonder if the witness made any notice of the condition of the car?
I'm slowly reading through the thread -- don't think I'll quite finish it up now, as I am SO sleepy.

INCREDIBLE, incredible work, folks!

As I've read the comments/media accounts with the different versions of "Tammy wasn't reported missing" vs. "Tammy WAS reported missing, but nobody really listened" -- I just have to think about how common that kind of refrain is in many cases, especially from some years back. We may never know EXACTLY how it all transpired -- I am just so glad she has been identified NOW!

In those aspects, reading through this thread really reminds me of the case of Ima Jean Sanders, who went missing from Warner Robins, GA, in 1974; her remains were recovered not too far away in 1976; but it took until 2011 for her to be identified. If I remember correctly, it was the same sort of thing -- family said she was reported missing, LE had no record of any report. I think so much of the problem WAS that "likely (and often not-so-likely) runaways" were treated so differently in years past -- not in every case, but often. Hopefully that has changed...

Ima Jean turned out to have been a victim of serial/spree killer Paul John Knowles (who was long dead even when Ima Jean's remains were found in 1976).
Her thread:
I don't know when Timothy Jay Vafeades started trucking but he has ties to NY, and FL and was a cross county trucker. He lived in New Port Richey in 1983 and had ties to Hernando. They have been looking find other victims and he had a hearing in UT in Dec, not sure what happened there, but I know he has been tight- lipped about his evil deeds. He has a thread here on WS in the serial killers I think or just put him in as a search. FBI has his case.

Just a note: Vafeades liked to file down the victims teeth with a dremmel tool and knife. I'm not sure when that began but after 1983 or 84 I think, as that is what his victims reported.
Has anyone ever thought about the connection between caledonia Jane doe (tammy) and the sumpter county does (male and female). It was a few years apart (2/3). However, both were shot very similar and left on the side of the road. Both could have been hitchhiking and the male sumpter John Doe was wearing a racing shirt. According to a witness, sumpter county John Doe was heading back from Florida...tammy was wearing a racing jacket, from Florida...just a thought if anyone else finds the similarities strange
OK, now I'm confused. I thought the first shot was to the back. So, if she were shot in the temple, which would surely be fatal, why drag her out into the cornfield, and then shoot her again? Wasn't the head shot point blank? How could that happen -- with them outside the car, without her flinching?

Regarding those wooden panel sided station wagons. Those were fairly common in the 1970's. Our family had one -- I can't remember the model (I think it started with a "C" -- Caravelle??) but it was green -- looked almost like the top one pictured above. It was bought sometime in the mid-70's, but I think it was several years old at the time.

Regarding corn in diet -- lots of rural Floridians ate grits every morning for breakfast. Plus lots of cornbread and corn on the cob. The isotopes placed her first in the southeast and then in the southwest, based on the corn, I guess, but kinda passed over Florida. A lot of folks think of Floridians as being a bunch of transplants from up north, and that's true in the coastal regions, but Brooksville, and most of central and northern Florida back in those days (and even today, to an extent) were dyed in the wool southerners (my mother's side of the family have been in central Florida since the 1850's (and some of them are buried in the graveyard in Brooksville, and there's a park in Brooksville named after one of them). I guess Tammy's family (at least her father?) came from Georgia (and they probably eat a lot of grits too), but sounds like she still has loads of family in Florida, which leads me to believe that maybe her mother's side were native Floridians. But anyway, the isotopes and pollen were all well and good, but not especially helpful in the end in pinpointing her origins.
I'm thinking the truck driver thought she took something or maybe she did take something , after all she was out there with no resources, is it possible he shot her in the truck then drug her there and emptied her pockets? Maybe the guy was helping her out and it angered him , there were no signs of rape were there?

This is what I think too; the trucker or driver thought she had stolen from him, went nuts and boom! But he's a coward see...that is likely HIS jacket Tammy had on but he can't bring himself to take it off of her. He does go thru the pockets but can barley stand to do that because he's so afraid that she'll come to life and sit up screaming, (much like the "missing" young lady in my avatar did back in 1918 following the murder of her family).

So he just takes what is his. I wonder...what became of her stuff in his truck? Into what ditch, what garbage can ect did he dump it?
OK, now I'm confused. I thought the first shot was to the back. So, if she were shot in the temple, which would surely be fatal, why drag her out into the cornfield, and then shoot her again? Wasn't the head shot point blank? How could that happen -- with them outside the car, without her flinching?

Regarding those wooden panel sided station wagons. Those were fairly common in the 1970's. Our family had one -- I can't remember the model (I think it started with a "C" -- Caravelle??) but it was green -- looked almost like the top one pictured above. It was bought sometime in the mid-70's, but I think it was several years old at the time.

Regarding corn in diet -- lots of rural Floridians ate grits every morning for breakfast. Plus lots of cornbread and corn on the cob. The isotopes placed her first in the southeast and then in the southwest, based on the corn, I guess, but kinda passed over Florida. A lot of folks think of Floridians as being a bunch of transplants from up north, and that's true in the coastal regions, but Brooksville, and most of central and northern Florida back in those days (and even today, to an extent) were dyed in the wool southerners (my mother's side of the family have been in central Florida since the 1850's (and some of them are buried in the graveyard in Brooksville, and there's a park in Brooksville named after one of them). I guess Tammy's family (at least her father?) came from Georgia (and they probably eat a lot of grits too), but sounds like she still has loads of family in Florida, which leads me to believe that maybe her mother's side were native Floridians. But anyway, the isotopes and pollen were all well and good, but not especially helpful in the end in pinpointing her origins.

I know! For years, the story was that she was shot in the back first, then the head. I pictured her countless times running into that field...running towards some distant yard light...praying she'd make it then suddenly the world spun sideways and the ground gave way.
Another thing I find confusing is when did the trucker info come in? If the local LE are saying they only found one person (the waitress at the Lima Diner) who saw her, then how did the trucker(s?) saying she was trying to hitch a ride to Boston come in? Wasn't that on her NAMUS page? I mean, it's a reasonable assumption that she did hitch a ride with truckers from the truck stop where she worked up to New York (esp. since she'd done so before to California). But, could she have arrived in New York via car?
OK, now I'm confused. I thought the first shot was to the back. So, if she were shot in the temple, which would surely be fatal, why drag her out into the cornfield, and then shoot her again? Wasn't the head shot point blank? How could that happen -- with them outside the car, without her flinching?

She wasn't shot in the temple. The first shot was to the forehead from a straight-on angle and at point-blank (or nearly point-blank) range. The second shot was in the back (below the left armpit) after she had been dragged into the cornfield. The slug passed through her body and was found buried in the dirt below where she was found.

Another thing I find confusing is when did the trucker info come in? If the local LE are saying they only found one person (the waitress at the Lima Diner) who saw her, then how did the trucker(s?) saying she was trying to hitch a ride to Boston come in? Wasn't that on her NAMUS page? I mean, it's a reasonable assumption that she did hitch a ride with truckers from the truck stop where she worked up to New York (esp. since she'd done so before to California). But, could she have arrived in New York via car?

Yes, I was very confused all along by that. The Lima Diner is east of the crime scene. So after eating dinner, they headed west toward Buffalo, not east toward Boston. I am pretty sure that Boston lead was a false lead. Chief Dep. Burgess told SSA that he was unaware of any lead pertaining to a sighting of Tammy at a truck stop. People might have confused her for Walker County Jane Doe, whose narrative includes a sighting at a truck stop prior to her death. But that wouldn't explain how Boston worked its way into the narrative.
If the head shot killed her instantly, why shoot her in the back?
If the head shot killed her instantly, why shoot her in the back?

Over kill? Rage? He was so pissed off by something that he shot her; then dragged & shot in the back.
Really would like to see this guy caught; I really want answers
Various thoughts:

The 'guy at the diner' was (presumably) said to be 5'8" to 5'9" tall. I didn't find anything suggesting weight.. so I'll assume he was "average". A guy that size doesn't wear a "large" jacket, does he? Wouldn't that be more "medium"?

Ret Sheriff York apparently said that his office had concluded that Tammy Jo Alexander had been travelling the New York State Thruway... because the heart/key keychains were believed to have been purchased in a vending machine on the NYS thruway- I assume at one of the travel plazas. I'd expect that one could determine if they were new from the edges/mould die marks. If so, what makes you get off the NYS thruway and go to Lima to eat? (Instead of simply stopping at another travel plaza which are pretty frequent = maybe every 30 miles or so.) Possibly, familiarity with the area?

The 'guy at diner' was driving a wood paneled station wagon; there was allegedly a report of a couple arguing on a roadside in the area (with a wood paneled station wagon). Quite a coincidence in a rural area. However, that red jacket is pretty "bright". If I called to report the roadside argument, I'm fairly certain that I'd mention "the woman was wearing a red jacket".

"No attempt to hide the body"; "the road was busier then"; It appears that she was just off the shoulder of the road (not really a far 'drag' IMO). Nobody saw her overnight... or in the morning - until 10am?

"Heavy rain" washed away everything except a single spot of blood on the road? Was the blood confirmed to be that of Tammy Jo Alexander?

A full size station wagon (if that's what it was) of that era probably had a good size V8; ran at ~15-18 MPG highway; with a 20-25 gallon tank. A range of 300 to 400 miles I'm guessing. Had to get gas somewhere.

Presumably, Tammy Jo Alexander ate ~2 hours before she was killed. Law enforcement apparently indicated that they checked as far away as Hopewell, NY... but that is barely a one hour distance - if even that.

I've never been in the situation, but to have a gun pointed at my face and not flee it would have to occur extremely/lightning fast, or I'd have to absolutely 100% believe with certainty that the shooter would not pull the trigger. Someone I trusted. I wonder if Tammy Jo Alexander was comfortable around firearms?

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