GUILTY FL - Tayla Aleman, 13 months, dies of extreme neglect, Loxahatchee, April 2016 *Arrests*

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I just don't get it. I mean, the guy had a nice new toy(truck). they got SIXTEEN HUNDRED A MONTH in food stamps (read that in affadavits) how were they not feeding the kids? seems like the older ones were healthy weight because they were big enough to forage or feed themselves. was this a case where the mom had some compulsion to reproduce? ive heard of that. I also read somewhere in the affdavits that burnt spoons and needles were found by the owner after they were out. drugs? I just... do not get it.

I know where I'm from, the more kids you have the more money you get...maybe it's like that with this? I read the reports as well and when I saw the truck I flipped

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Justice for Susan Winters.
"One minute she was fine and suddenly she just stopped breathing"

OMG is she serious? My brain is rattling around inside my head trying to make sense of this.
Poor little baby - doomed from the start :cry:
Disgusting! Uh, mother claimed she didn't know little Tayla was "that sick," okay, uh huh. At least she can't claim the doctor didn't tell her that Tayla wasn't thriving since she'd never taken her to one. Poor little one had severe diaper rash and a black eye too. And no teeth.

I didn't have teeth at 13 months old. According to my dental records, I cut my first tooth around 14 months.

Anyways, what little Tayla endured is just heartbreaking :,(
How can a parent treat their child like this?!
That poor baby. :(

Just one more reason I seriously think one should have to get a license before reproducing.

How very very sad. I just don't have words. I had to stop reading because it was just too overwhelming for me. If you knew the line of work I am in, that would speak volumes. I deal with some wild stories but this takes the cake. I hope both parents get what they deserve.
Having thoroughly read through that entire evidence file, I couldn't be more thoroughly and totally disgusted. 1600.00 per month in food stamps, no food in the house, and a 40K truck. Yep, only in America. That poor baby and those poor children who can't even speak. Totally unattached to people and the world around them. O-M-G. I have HAD IT!!!! Enough already!!! There are SOME people that should NOT be parents and our government needs to stop paying them to PRETEND that they are. I sure could have used the money I was paying in taxes to pay for their kids when I was raising my own (now responsible) adults! I don't resent paying for those poor kids to eat. But THEY WEREN'T EATING!!!!! Yet baby-daddy got his dream truck. ... all is well with the world. Don't even get me started on the filth in that house due to the laziness that our government instills! OR, on the homeschool excuse used to beat and starve your kids. Send the kids to school!!!! When is government gonna wake up?

Sorry. Rant over.

Holy goodness. I'm just... Aghast.

Don't ask me how I know, but one can sell one's food stamps for usually 50 cents on the dollar.

So hypothetically, that's a way to buy drugs. If one were so inclined.

There are many people who just should never procreate. Or own anything more alive than a plastic house plant.
Two pounds LESS than her birthweight? God bless her little soul :(
I know where I'm from, the more kids you have the more money you get...maybe it's like that with this? I read the reports as well and when I saw the truck I flipped

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Justice for Susan Winters.

No. you get more food stamps but it'll not additional cash aid. They stopped that in the 90's

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Disgusting! Uh, mother claimed she didn't know little Tayla was "that sick," okay, uh huh. At least she can't claim the doctor didn't tell her that Tayla wasn't thriving since she'd never taken her to one. Poor little one had severe diaper rash and a black eye too. And no teeth.

Even a dog they had been caring for in the home - for two weeks! - was found locked in a crate, standing on two inches of compacted feces. Empty food and water bowls, ribs showing.

Many of the stories from the Palm Beach Post are indexed here:

Warning! The following is mildly graphic.

I'm spitting nails right now. The house was filled with flies, gnats and fleas. Feces were smeared on the living room walls. Almost no food in the house.

Direct link to the 245-page Grand Jury Indictment:

Unbelievable, has to be the House of the Devil.
No. you get more food stamps but it'll not additional cash aid. They stopped that in the 90's

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Oklahoma still gives additional cash aid. It's TANF

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Justice for Susan Winters.
Sickened. I wish the neighbors called CPS/cops after seeing the kids playing day and night no supervision in that neighborhood - especially the neighbors with the son the boys played with. May have saved her life. There's goodwill for clothes, food stamps, free services for the children/education with delays too. I hope the siblings recover from this and move on to have better lives. There has to be drugs involved - how did he buy that truck??? Its fishy.
Sickened. I wish the neighbors called CPS/cops after seeing the kids playing day and night no supervision in that neighborhood - especially the neighbors with the son the boys played with. May have saved her life. There's goodwill for clothes, food stamps, free services for the children/education with delays too. I hope the siblings recover from this and move on to have better lives. There has to be drugs involved - how did he buy that truck??? Its fishy.

Thing is, they were reported to DCF. Numerous times since 2013.

The first investigation was in September 2013. Their children weren’t in school, and the case was closed 10 days later.

The Aleman’s next run-in came in January 2015. Investigators again noted the children weren’t enrolled in school. But again, the case was dropped because the children didn’t appear to be abused or neglected, records show.

In May 2015, investigators met with the family in its Martin County home after reports that Aleman, 39, was never home and when he was, he was drunk. The children were left alone, neighbors told investigators, and one child was seen outside with a machete.

But the children were “free of marks and bruises,” according to a DCF report, so the case was closed.

Investigators made their last visit to the Alemans’ three-bedroom Loxahatchee home in November, when Tayla was 9 months old.

The children had speech and developmental delays, and investigators noted they were dirty. They suggested a follow-up visit.

Five days after Tayla died, state officials were back. Reports detail the appalling conditions in which the family of 12 — and their two dogs — were living.

IMO the Alemans got away with the abuse and neglect because DCF didn't do their job properly but also because Alejandro Aleman was streetwise about making sure they covered their tracks when social workers were coming to visit. According to documents he pretty much ran the show when workers came calling, including dictating which rooms were open to inspection and which weren't.

Those poor children were in his control and probably frightened to death of him too so they never spoke out against either parent.
I'm physically ill, sick to my stomach/rapid heartbeat after reading that report. Amazing how long these monsters got away with this torture and abuse of all these poor children! And don't even get me started on the doggies!!! I hope they both go to prison for a long time and I hope their experiences are terrifying and horrible.

No forgiveness. None. Never.

Sickened. I wish the neighbors called CPS/cops after seeing the kids playing day and night no supervision in that neighborhood - especially the neighbors with the son the boys played with. May have saved her life. There's goodwill for clothes, food stamps, free services for the children/education with delays too. I hope the siblings recover from this and move on to have better lives. There has to be drugs involved - how did he buy that truck??? Its fishy.

Definitely drugs. The in the landlord's affidavit he stated that there were numerous burnt spoons and syringes found in the house when he was doing the $10,000 cleanup and repair after they were out of the house. Just absolutely horrific all around.

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Why are people living on welfare allowed to live in a $1,700 a month house? that did not even have enough beds for everyone?

Why does children welfare agency have to make an appointment for a visit? Governments (not only in the U.S.) are too soft - cut the welfare and you would see how fast they would open the door for an inspection......

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