GUILTY FL - Tayla Aleman, 13 months, dies of extreme neglect, Loxahatchee, April 2016 *Arrests*

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I really wonder how much worse situations like this are going to get before some brave government is going to bring in forced sterilization - for both parents. Cases like this make forced sterilization (and maximum imprisonment) the only answer. It is the innocent victims (the children) who suffer - they should never have been born. The parents made sure they had plenty to eat and HE bought a flashy car while the children starved. Sterilize them both, and the maximum penalty.
After reading this, im going home and deep cleaning my whole apartment. Sad for everyone involved (except the parents... they can rot) I don't understand how people can receive such benefits and yet still manage to starve their children and have a filthy home.

Same. I want to scrub everything in my house from top to bottom and then have a shower. I feel filthy just reading all this. I'm quite lost for words

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I am finally reading the docs, and I am just amazed at this. The mother has a degree. At some point in time, she must have been at least functional! How do you get to the point where it's ok to let urine and feces take over your home?
She didn't work, supposedly home schooled the kids, which she clearly didn't as most of them could barely speak. I mean, aside from the question of how can anyone let their home get to that point to begin with, HOW could they stand to be in there? Maybe I'm naive because I've never had a bad drug habit, but I can't fathom being able to cope just being there. Two able bodied adults, one educated, one at least capable of going to work every day.... just HOW?

I can't help but think that the 'nephew' that came by once a week was their supplier. But even if so, I don't think they were taking anything that would render them utterly incapacitated.

I can't imagine breeding over and over and over again, only to let their children being eaten by insects in a poop filled house. Were THEY (the 'parents') covered in bug bites? Were their clothes clean?

Are they somehow just so evil that they want to inflict pain on their innocent children and pups to the extent that they were willing to live like this, while taking some precaution on their own useless behalfs? Why? For gods sake, how?

I am only 44 pages in and my mind is just blown. I'm afraid to keep reading.
I used to have to do home visits as part of a preschool/social services agency where I worked. As they do with cps, families would spend hours and days cleaning before my visit, and the "clean" versions were often quite scary. Like sitting down on a couch then realizing I'd just sat in unidentifiable pee, or talking to a dog and a toddler who shared the same eye infection. Kids having literally a trail through all the crap in their home and no play space at all. Ugh. To get parents to even let me in I had to discuss the difference between a messy home and an unsafe one and that they weren't always one and the same.

Ugh. Some people should not breed.
Do you think Aleman tried to distance himself by saying he didn't even live there? It seems like the police are going out of their way to ask everyone interviewed (so far neighbors and DCF worker) whether he actually resided in the house or not. He totally strikes me as the kind of a-hole to do that, and put all the blame on 'mom'.
I really wonder how much worse situations like this are going to get before some brave government is going to bring in forced sterilization - for both parents. Cases like this make forced sterilization (and maximum imprisonment) the only answer. It is the innocent victims (the children) who suffer - they should never have been born. The parents made sure they had plenty to eat and HE bought a flashy car while the children starved. Sterilize them both, and the maximum penalty.

I agree the parents were eating just fine, at least in their photos they do not appear the least bit undernourished.

I have to wonder what relatives thought of their pig sty. Apparently the kids' grandfather had visited as well as the sperm donor's nephew and girlfriend. According to neighbors, the nephew was a regular visitor to the home. A messy house might not be noticed by some people but that house goes way beyond messy--it's more like a 2,000 square foot petri dish. The smell alone would have been impossible for anyone to ignore.
I am finally reading the docs, and I am just amazed at this. The mother has a degree. At some point in time, she must have been at least functional! How do you get to the point where it's ok to let urine and feces take over your home?
She didn't work, supposedly home schooled the kids, which she clearly didn't as most of them could barely speak. I mean, aside from the question of how can anyone let their home get to that point to begin with, HOW could they stand to be in there? Maybe I'm naive because I've never had a bad drug habit, but I can't fathom being able to cope just being there. Two able bodied adults, one educated, one at least capable of going to work every day.... just HOW?

I can't help but think that the 'nephew' that came by once a week was their supplier. But even if so, I don't think they were taking anything that would render them utterly incapacitated.

I can't imagine breeding over and over and over again, only to let their children being eaten by insects in a poop filled house. Were THEY (the 'parents') covered in bug bites? Were their clothes clean?

Are they somehow just so evil that they want to inflict pain on their innocent children and pups to the extent that they were willing to live like this, while taking some precaution on their own useless behalfs? Why? For gods sake, how?

I am only 44 pages in and my mind is just blown. I'm afraid to keep reading.

Has to be drugs/mental illness, right? Especially mental illness of the most disabling kind and the kind that shows up only in later adulthood. Some kind of schizophrenia or induced psychosis (possibly induced by drug use). I've seen people disabled by their psychiatric illnesses to this degree but thankfully children were not involved or they were taken off them well before this could happen. Because the adults do appear at first glance to be """normal""" (I feel like one set of quotation marks isn't enough).

ETA reading through the report, and I'm reading about a prior visit by DCF. Regarding the speech issues with all the children - if the 'mother' really, truly didn't recognise that her children had speech problems (and wasn't just dismissive of them), then I have to wonder about intellectual/cognitive disability of some kind.

ETAA: the photos :( the poor sad pupper, I'm glad that he at least has now got a better life.
Click Here for an excellent article from Crimeonline's Jacquelyn Gray.

Now for a quote that is even worse than the one I just posted. "There's no law that I have to hold my daughter," said the loving father. Note my sarcasm.

I think that everyone failed this child, and the other children, in this home.
The Florida Department of Children and Families investigated the family several times before Tayla Aleman died, and the state agency admits they made mistakes that led to her death.
The mother is supposed to have had a degree, she probably had a dependent mentality and was quite capable whilst at school and completely dependent on her parents. However someone with a dependent mentality would be the only type of woman who would be attracted to a bully, every other sensible minded woman would see what a dangerous man he was. After they married and she had a few babies, her mind probably started disintegrating. She obviously cannot take any responsibility; she probably has an infantile mind herself by now after having 11 children.
I read that his own mother tried to take out a restraining order on him. When this whole family was evicted from every property they rented they ended up moving in on his mother who tried to evict the lot of them. He bullied and threatened his own mother so much she tried to take out a restraining order on him. He bullied her into withdrawing it and they all moved out.
The neighborhood where they lived did keep reporting the plight of the children, but as we have all read nothing was ever followed up. The children did all beg food and water from the neighbors, probably the food the neighbors gave the children is the only nourishment that kept them going. I was horrified to read that SCABIES was one health problem the children had - among all the other health problems they had - -SCABIES !!!
The parents were well fed and I doubt they had scabies. :hills:
From page 56

'A large screen television (off) was atop the dresser. Atop the dresser, behind the north side of the television, was a gallon size container labeled Publix drinking water that was approximately'/ full of clear liquid - expires 10/12/2016, a gallon size container labeled Nice purified water that was approximately IA full of clear liquid (no cap) - expires 02/02/2018, and an open canister labeled Parent's Choice Sensitivity birth - 12 months milk-based powder infant formula with iron 33.2 oz. (Item 9) - use by 05/30/2018, approximately half full of pale yellow powder.'

Why were the makings of food for Tayla hidden behind a TV? Was mom trying to sneak her food?
Alex Aleman doesn't feel safe in jail. :boohoo:

More at the link.

I actually think the monster is proud of the "high profile" status of his crime. Sick.

And the T stands for Temporary. An adult is supposedly limited to 60 months of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families total.

SNAP; HUD housing assistance; WIC -- supplemental food for Women, Infants, and Children; state-arranged health insurance CHIP, all available.

Nurses for Newborns & some other home visitor programs provide diapers. Bright Futures is another help-in-the-home program.

Parents As Teachers is available nation-wide.

The children are eligible for special services such as Speech on the third birthday. Florida has universal Pre-K available to 4 year olds.

Help & support was available.

These adults probably bothered with the big-ticket HUD rent support and SNAP (formerly known as Food Stamps) and didn't bother with the rest.

So, so, so sad for the children. This combination of physical, emotional, and intellectual damage is difficult to overcome & costly.

Kids are also resilient!A supportive family & supportive teachers & therapists can facilitate amazing growth in children.

Hope we hear some follow-up on the kiddos!


BBM. Unfortunately, the oft repeated mantra that kids are "resilient" is a terrible myth with sometimes terrible consequences. Children are the most destroyed by trauma:

"[T]he ACE study (Adverse Childhood Experiences)...estimates that 2/3 of American adults had adverse experiences as children that are negatively affecting their health and wellbeing. The effects of abuse, neglect and trauma on physical and mental health are longterm, even with interventions."

"Because children are impressionable, trauma can have a long-lasting impact on them. Their brains are still developing, so trauma can have a greater effect on their malleable brains than an adult’s brain that is no longer developing. Makes a lot of sense, right? Neuroscientists have literally found how trauma can leave its imprint on their developing brains through brain imaging. There are other things to consider as well. Children have not had the life experiences to teach them that traumatic experiences are an exception and not the rule. They have not developed as many coping skills as an adult might have. They do not have as much control over their life situation and support systems as an independent adult does. Maybe they were traumatized by someone who was supposed to be a support to them. The idea that because they are children they will be fine is a sad myth for these reasons and others."
I'm against the death penalty.

I hope these two are sentenced to death. Sorry for the hypocrisy.
I'm against the death penalty.

I hope these two are sentenced to death. Sorry for the hypocrisy.
Imo, no need for apologies! I'm forcing myself to read the entire indictment documentation, and the more I read, the more I hope for DP. I don't like that I'm feeling that way, but the shoe sure seems to fit.

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Well, I'm done reading it all. I think I need a shower. If nothing else positive can come out of this horrifying story, the one dog, who was kept in that disgusting crate, seems to have escaped its nightmare existence. His convoluted story about obtaining it from the woman on the road is more probable that he'd picked up the Boxer up on the side of the road (who was the only healthy being in the home). Unless they get it out, its life is going to now turn into a horror story. What on earth will happen with the surviving children? It's as if they've been raised in the wild. Does anyone know how DCF would handle that? Nine siblings who are mostly non-verbal? That's a tall order. Those poor children. Their poor little sister.
I'm against the death penalty.

I hope these two are sentenced to death. Sorry for the hypocrisy.

Was going to post the same. Poor baby girl, too much to fathom.
Just going thru some of my "older" threads -

Found an update - an April 2017 article.

Jury selection set for January....

9:15 a.m. UPDATE: Jury selection will begin Jan. 11 in the death-penalty cases of Loxahatchee parents charged in their young daughter’s starvation death, a judge ruled Tuesday.
What remained unclear is whether Alejandro Aleman, 39, and Kristen Meyer-Aleman, 43, will have separate trials in the death of their 13-month-old daughter, Tayla. Both are charged with first-degree murder.

Haven't been able to find any "recent" - but I see this trial should start January 11, 2018.


JUSTICE for TAYLA! :rose:
Just :bump: this up for Jury Selection to start on January 11th!

Oops - just looked up the case on the court site: (this is for Alejandro)

01/11/2018 09:30 AM CANCELLED - JT - JURY TRIAL
10G (Main Branch)

01/29/2018 08:30 AM STCK - STATUS CHECK

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