GUILTY FL - Tayla Aleman, 13 months, dies of extreme neglect, Loxahatchee, April 2016 *Arrests*

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I almost didn't come back to this thread after reading the indictment (which I only got 3/4 of the way through), but I haven't been able to get it off my mind. I know there are lazy mothers out there, but I can't understand why continue to keep having children? I would almost feel that having CPS come around would be a godsend to the mother, because she could get some help! Did she sleep all day? It seems to me that none of these children were even toilet trained (feces on floors, walls, toilets not flushed, piles of urine soaked laundry). Probably what the one child was hiding in the bushes for. I can't for the life of me, get if off of my mind. Did the father work nights sometimes....maybe they both spent their days in bed, neglecting the kids, but I mean they couldn't even talk. Did the mother even communicate with them during the day? Wouldn't they learn to talk from the older siblings or tv...(they had enough tvs in the house!)? My minds just reeling from all of this and I keep asking myself questions, that can't be answered. Just so so upsetting & disgusting...and the dog, I bawled because of the poor dogs as well :(
why wasn't she fed? I don't get it. there are social services if you are poor. ffs. so far from what I have read the older ones were taught to distrust any authority as well. something not right going on. why keep getting pregnant if you cant take care of them?

I have the feeling the mother will claim domestic abuse and how her husband controlled her, JMO
Oregon gives TANF as well

In CA from what I understand, if you apply for aid when you have a bunch of kids already, you get more than a person who applies and has just one, but once you are on it you don't get more cash.

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Oregon gives TANF as well

And the T stands for Temporary. An adult is supposedly limited to 60 months of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families total.

SNAP; HUD housing assistance; WIC -- supplemental food for Women, Infants, and Children; state-arranged health insurance CHIP, all available.

Nurses for Newborns & some other home visitor programs provide diapers. Bright Futures is another help-in-the-home program.

Parents As Teachers is available nation-wide.

The children are eligible for special services such as Speech on the third birthday. Florida has universal Pre-K available to 4 year olds.

Help & support was available.

These adults probably bothered with the big-ticket HUD rent support and SNAP (formerly known as Food Stamps) and didn't bother with the rest.

So, so, so sad for the children. This combination of physical, emotional, and intellectual damage is difficult to overcome & costly.

Kids are also resilient! A supportive family & supportive teachers & therapists can facilitate amazing growth in children.

Hope we hear some follow-up on the kiddos!

In CA from what I understand, if you apply for aid when you have a bunch of kids already, you get more than a person who applies and has just one, but once you are on it you don't get more cash.

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This is what I understand as well, plus the time limit. A person can no longer just qualify for cash grant & continue to receive it forever.

Read & learn to your heart's content:
Yea I know all of that. Thanks for trying to explain the laws in my state. But like most things people find ways to beat the system. My one time friends (this actually caused the separation) they had a kid. So the mom and son filed for all that assistance under her last name bc she still had it and then the dad filed with the same kid but under his name. You ever wonder why you see people on government asst. with too many kids driving around in cars with wheels and tires or payin cash for new nice flat screens? That's why. More kids more money. No real job bc of the asst but sell drugs for an "income" but that can't be taxable so they file for help. It's a cycle. And it's 60 months. All they have to do to get back on it is show that they "went out looking for a job"

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Justice for Susan Winters.
And the T stands for Temporary. An adult is supposedly limited to 60 months of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families total.

SNAP; HUD housing assistance; WIC -- supplemental food for Women, Infants, and Children; state-arranged health insurance CHIP, all available.

Nurses for Newborns & some other home visitor programs provide diapers. Bright Futures is another help-in-the-home program.

Parents As Teachers is available nation-wide.

The children are eligible for special services such as Speech on the third birthday. Florida has universal Pre-K available to 4 year olds.

Help & support was available.

These adults probably bothered with the big-ticket HUD rent support and SNAP (formerly known as Food Stamps) and didn't bother with the rest.

So, so, so sad for the children. This combination of physical, emotional, and intellectual damage is difficult to overcome & costly.

Kids are also resilient! A supportive family & supportive teachers & therapists can facilitate amazing growth in children.

Hope we hear some follow-up on the kiddos!


I hope the kids don't have RAD [emoji45]

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I am hoping a jury decides the worst, for those responsible, for the abuse of the children and the death of the baby.
The Palm Beach Post has been covering this case. Here is a link to all of that coverage.
I hope the kids don't have RAD [emoji45]

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They all probably do have trust issues and attachment issues. That's harder to fax than dental issues....
Mother of little girl who starved: I didn’t realize how small she was
In an interrogation recorded on tapes released by the State Attorney’s Office Thursday, Meyer-Aleman argued and interrupted detectives. When confronted with the piles of clothes found in her Loxahatchee home, several feet high and reeking of urine and feces, she said the landlord hadn’t provided a working washer and dryer yet she also said she did laundry every day.


Her husband, Alejandro, on the other hand, said he never once picked up his 13-month-old daughter.

Nor had he ever cradled any of the other nine children born before Tayla when they were babies.

“I won’t hold a baby until, until like 2 years old,” Aleman said. “I don’t do little kids. I don’t,” adding that he was “scared” of them.

EXCLUSIVE: How did baby Tayla Aleman starve to death?
Instead of a pudgy toddler, Tayla looked gaunt, old. Her skin was loose and wrinkled. The hair on her tiny head was thinning and falling out, but her body was covered in hair — which can be a telltale sign of starvation, nutrition experts say, when the body reacts to the feeling of cold caused by lack of nutrition.

The baby couldn’t crawl. She had no teeth. Her tiny body was wracked with influenza, Streptococcus, e. Coli, pneumonia — found in the baby’s blood and in her lungs, detectives told her mother. She was severely dehydrated. Tayla was covered with raw sores and a rash on her genitals that was so red it resembled a burn.


“Excuse me, you have more excuses than someone writing a bad check,” Detective William Vaughan told Meyer-Aleman.

“You need to give your daughter some dignity. You need to take responsibility for what you did for your daughter,” Vaughan said.

The detectives repeatedly asked the mother how the household could get so out of control, how a child could starve to death. Was she overwhelmed?

Could little Tayla be a victim of poverty? Could the Alemans simply not afford to feed their children?

The Alemans received $1,000 a month in food stamps. But Alejandro Aleman bought a “huge show truck,” a 2007 Ford Super Duty F-250 valued at $40,000, in October 2015, according to a Palm Beach County sheriff’s report. He told a neighbor that the extravagant purchase was going to anger his wife: “She’s going to kill me because I spent what we had in the savings account.”

And the father kept himself fed as the neighbors knew he frequented a Cuban sandwich shop.

Much much more at the 2nd link.
OMG THIS QUOTE: Father: “Is there a law that your baby has to go to the doctor?” Aleman asks.“Yes,” a detective responds. “It’s called medical treatment.”

These people are MONSTERS.
What a vile pair these two are. I just don't understand the living in filth or continued production of children when they wouldn't/couldn't even feed the ones they had. Well, there's a lot I don't understand about this case but that's nothing new with the cases on here.

Since I'm a huge animal lover, of course I had to find out about poor Achilles, the dog found in the crate standing in two inches of feces with no food or water. "After officers removed Achilles from the home and he was cleaned at Animal Care and Control, investigators noted he was “terrified of almost every person that walked toward him.” His hips and ribs were visible and he had sores all over his body, according to the report. His white and brown coat was discolored with urine and feces to the point where even after being bathed, investigators said the fur would remain stained. Investigators noted the first time Achilles wagged his tail while in their care was when he was put in his kennel and given a comforter."

I checked out the Palm Beach County animal control FB page and it appears he went to a foster home after he was taken by the officers last April. His health was restored in the foster home and he was adopted in June 2016. He looks great in the video they posted before his adoption. I hope his former owners rot.

Thank you (seriously, thank you) for following up on Achilles. So happy to read that he was cared for and is now in a safe environment.

ETA and of course, i am sickened and saddened by all of the details and all that these children have gone through. Just feel so helpless...
After reading this, im going home and deep cleaning my whole apartment. Sad for everyone involved (except the parents... they can rot) I don't understand how people can receive such benefits and yet still manage to starve their children and have a filthy home.
My understanding is that starving to death is quite painful. Add to that e-coli, strep, influenza, pneumonia, various rashes and likely bedsores...

There better not be a deal offered to either of these inhuman beings, and both better be sentenced to the maximum allowed by law.

I read the entire report. I can't stop shaking.

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