Found Deceased FL - Taylor Wright, 33, Pensacola, 8 Sept 2017 #1 *Arrest*

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AbuDrake, the woman that moved in after you moved out, is she still around in the general Pensacola area or has she moved elsewhere? Any chance Taylor would look for her? What I am really aiming for here is to see if you could think of someone that was stationed and/or living in the area that has since moved elsewhere. Someone that she could just walk back into their lives. Or does she really burn all bridges behind her?
Couple of thoughts.

"When she says "You underestimated me" she means "You have no idea what I'm capable of....I am willing to be more harmful, illicit, and vindictive than you think." So where we should she go?"

I get what she was conveying to you with that comment. That was during a contentious time.

Oddly enough on occassion I've used a similar phrase of "Don't underestimate me" referring not to vindictiveness but more to don't overlook my capabilities--strong points. (I often say it jokingly-not as a retort in anger). And when I read your use of her phrase I thought about it in that term as wel. From your descriptions, she sounds strong minded and is a resourceful person who can eke out her existence without the help of others. With that in mind, and not having to call upon friends, is there someplace you can think of where she would go into hiding? Someplace that doesn't involve other people?

On another note, are you at all perplexed that she would go off and not be concerned about the affect on your son?
Another thing that would be helpful is knowing if this is the longest period of time she has been out of contact with your son? Had she taken off before and roughly how long was she gone if she did so previously?
Things were actually pretty good after she left JPD (Fall '13)...the stress of that job was awful. She was working the 1500-0300 shift, was always tired and recovering from the shifts, and had significant friction with her coworkers. After she quit, things were better until I got orders in April ’14. Then things were even better for a few months – we were really happy for a short while, summer of ’14. The new location and beautiful rental house brought excitement and we both felt like we had ‘arrived.’ But I was gone constantly and she was left to her own devices.

Things got really bad by the fall. She became suspiciously close with a friend she’d only just met, and Taylor and I started fighting like never before. She was hostile, paranoid, and angry to the point where friends were advising me that I had to do something or else risk Drake’s well being. I was walking on eggshells all the time but couldn’t avoid the fights. December is when I started to get that feeling of things being really awry…and in February I learned of the affair. I left in March, and the other party moved into the house in April.

After a few incidents between the two of them requiring police/EMS being dispatched to the house, the landlord declined to extend the contract (this was a $2700/mo property with a beautiful outdoor pool in a prime location…most neighbors were SOF E-8/O-4 or higher) and Taylor ended up couch surfing for a while. The downward spiral was in full effect by that point – she was arrested a few weeks later (10JUL15) after assaulting me in my new home.
I noticed upthread that you mentioned abuse from her. At that time I just assumed it was a figurative reference, but now that you mention an arrest I'm curious if there was a history of DV prior to the girlfriend, or if it started around the time she seemingly escalated the odd behavior.

**Obviously this is a sensitive question so please only answer if you feel comfortable/appropriate, completely understandable if you prefer not**

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AbuDrake....since you have known Taylor since middle school (I believe you have mentioned) have known each other for quite a long time. Do you know of anyone that would have wanted to harm her? Or any reason for her to harm herself? Or do you believe she will just resurface one day? How is your son handling he used to not seeing his mom for some time? Thank you for taking the time to enlighten us all on your observations and understanding of Taylor.
I wonder if perhaps she went to gamble/play poker with the cash, and had intended to return quickly, with treble the amount.
She may have originally left by her own free will, but it's possible she is now missing against her will.
Especially if someone noticed her with the cash.

In case she is hiding out, flyers should be brought to all motels in surrounding areas and areas she has frequented - and ask the desk clerks...
AbuDrake, I'll read your comments in depth but wanted to clarify this one first:

She doesn't have long term friends or family left

What about her step mother you mentioned? She's not close with any family who may have a clue where she would head?

Nancy is her adoptive mother - Taylor left her parents @ age 13. She lives in Tallahassee, but there is zero chance that Taylor would go there if trying to stay hidden. Among other reasons, Nancy wouldn't keep quiet about her presence.
AbuDrake, the woman that moved in after you moved out, is she still around in the general Pensacola area or has she moved elsewhere? Any chance Taylor would look for her? What I am really aiming for here is to see if you could think of someone that was stationed and/or living in the area that has since moved elsewhere. Someone that she could just walk back into their lives. Or does she really burn all bridges behind her?

No, she's Louisiana, come to think of it! And when Taylor was hiding from the cops on the night of July 10th 2015, she went to this person's house. She's trying to move on with her life and professes not to have heard from her in quite some time...but would likely be unable to resist taking her in if she showed up. This is definitely worth looking into...I'll relay to PPD in the morning for sure.
Couple of thoughts.

"When she says "You underestimated me" she means "You have no idea what I'm capable of....I am willing to be more harmful, illicit, and vindictive than you think." So where we should she go?"

I get what she was conveying to you with that comment. That was during a contentious time.

Oddly enough on occassion I've used a similar phrase of "Don't underestimate me" referring not to vindictiveness but more to don't overlook my capabilities--strong points. (I often say it jokingly-not as a retort in anger). And when I read your use of her phrase I thought about it in that term as wel. From your descriptions, she sounds strong minded and is a resourceful person who can eke out her existence without the help of others. With that in mind, and not having to call upon friends, is there someplace you can think of where she would go into hiding? Someplace that doesn't involve other people?

On another note, are you at all perplexed that she would go off and not be concerned about the affect on your son?

I cannot imagine her being somewhere without social support. She absolutely thrives on social contact and validation.

And no - I don't think that Drake is a large part of her calculus.
Another thing that would be helpful is knowing if this is the longest period of time she has been out of contact with your son? Had she taken off before and roughly how long was she gone if she did so previously?

No, she's never gone missing before. Longest period of time without contact with Drake was maybe a week and change? This was when their relationship was strained about a year ago. Now that it's better, they've been in regular contact.
No, she's Louisiana, come to think of it! And when Taylor was hiding from the cops on the night of July 10th 2015, she went to this person's house. She's trying to move on with her life and professes not to have heard from her in quite some time...but would likely be unable to resist taking her in if she showed up. This is definitely worth looking into...I'll relay to PPD in the morning for sure.

Well now, score one for Websleuths! Looks like we're helping spur some thoughts.

The goal here is to find her and hopefully as you mentioned previously she's just decided to disappear for awhile. But all clues must be investigated. The information you present helps us put ourselves in her mind. Nothing is too trivial in terms of leads.
Nancy is her adoptive mother - Taylor left her parents @ age 13. She lives in Tallahassee, but there is zero chance that Taylor would go there if trying to stay hidden. Among other reasons, Nancy wouldn't keep quiet about her presence.

Pardon the bombardment of questions...

Taylor left her parents @ age 13. Can you explain that? Yet another bridge she burned behind her? Do you mean she went to live with her father and new wife?
I noticed upthread that you mentioned abuse from her. At that time I just assumed it was a figurative reference, but now that you mention an arrest I'm curious if there was a history of DV prior to the girlfriend, or if it started around the time she seemingly escalated the odd behavior.

**Obviously this is a sensitive question so please only answer if you feel comfortable/appropriate, completely understandable if you prefer not**

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She does have a history of violence. First one was at 13 during the events that got her removed from her parents home. Story varies wildly depending on who you believe, of course. She's attacked me twice: first time was when we were newly married. I was cleaning up after the puppy **** on the carpet, and I said those words no man should say to his wife: "You are acting like your mother." She charged at me from across the room, as if she was going to kick my *advertiser censored*. I ended it as gently as I could, with a hip toss. Second time was 10JUL15, when she tried to get me to hit her IOT get the upper hand in the divorce case. She barged into my house and was shoving me, saying stuff like "Oh look at you. You are so mad...don't be such a ****ing pussy, I know you want to hit me." It didn't work: I kept my hands up, and had an eyewitness and a video camera...she ended up going to jail, not me. (Interestingly enough, before that incident she had coached at least two women to make their husbands hit them as a way of getting all the cards in a divorce case.)
AbuDrake....since you have known Taylor since middle school (I believe you have mentioned) have known each other for quite a long time. Do you know of anyone that would have wanted to harm her? Or any reason for her to harm herself? Or do you believe she will just resurface one day? How is your son handling he used to not seeing his mom for some time? Thank you for taking the time to enlighten us all on your observations and understanding of Taylor.

Nope, wrong case. We met after I graduated college, before I started my service.

Nobody that I can think of has a long-term relationship with Taylor enough to want to harm her. Self harm is unlikely too...that's for people find fault with themselves and don't think there's hope for the future. She thinks she's the victim of XYZ and that some scheme will get her revenge...not a suicide profile in my layman's opinion. I do think she'll resurface one day soon. My best bet is that she's trying to figure out how to do so now...but doesn't know what story to tell. Perhaps she wanted to wait for this all to blow over, but it's just getting worse for her. A friend who knew her well back in the day said "Maybe she doesn't know how to come back. What would you say to everyone if you were her in this situation?" But - I could be wrong, and she could genuinely be in trouble. That's why I'm here - maybe I can help someone figure out where she is in case she needs help?

Drake is handling things quite well. His world is about having fun with his friends, playing sports and going to school...he wasn't too interested when I told him that nobody has heard from her a while and we don't know where she is. He is the most resilient kid I've ever met. Ever seen those National Geographic photos of kids playing in squalor, oblivious to the rubble and misery around them? That's Drake. He just wants to be happy and focus on good stuff in life. I think we could all take a lesson from the young man, actually. (And the fact that we live in a pretty idyllic neighborhood helps out - he's totally insulated from all of this).
Abudrake do you know how Taylor got involved with her current girlfriend? Do you know her?
Abudrake...are you in contact with Taylor's employer who is concerned about her missing?
Pardon the bombardment of questions...

Taylor left her parents @ age 13. Can you explain that? Yet another bridge she burned behind her? Do you mean she went to live with her father and new wife?

There was an incident at her house involving conflict between her and her parents. As a result, DCF removed her from the house and she ended up as a ward of the state for a time. A close friend's mother (Nancy) found out that she was in foster care, and adopted her. Her parents stayed together until her mother's death, many years later. This is still an extremely sensitive topic for all involved - the only reason I'm speaking about it at all is to underscore this vital point: Taylor is no stranger to life-altering drama involving police, courts, hospitals, etc. She considers herself adept at navigating such situations - or used to, at least.

Also, note that she established a familial relationship with Nancy in a matter of weeks. She went from acquaintance to daughter in a snap. This is what I meant earlier when I said that she's likely to be with someone that is her new BFF, blood oath for life....despite having scant knowledge of them a short time ago.
Abudrake do you know how Taylor got involved with her current girlfriend? Do you know her?

I never met her before Taylor's disappearance. Since then, we've spoken often. I've found her to be an intelligent, caring, and thoughtful person. I don't know how they met, but they've been dating since April and Taylor moved in sometime in early August.

The girlfriend did a 180 after deciding that Taylor is unwell and in danger. After about a week of her being missing, she went from fearful of Taylor and her motives, to being her prime apologist and parroting her party line. I think she means well and I respect her compassion...she just doesn't know Taylor well enough to be cautious in giving her the benefit of the doubt.
Abudrake...are you in contact with Taylor's employer who is concerned about her missing?

No. I don't want to endanger her employment prospects. When she comes back - she will need to be able to earn a living if she wants to get well, and I do NOT want to endanger that for her.
I never met her before Taylor's disappearance. Since then, we've spoken often. I've found her to be an intelligent, caring, and thoughtful person. I don't know how they met, but they've been dating since April and Taylor moved in sometime in early August.

The girlfriend did a 180 after deciding that Taylor is unwell and in danger. After about a week of her being missing, she went from fearful of Taylor and her motives, to being her prime apologist and parroting her party line. I think she means well and I respect her compassion...she just doesn't know Taylor well enough to be cautious in giving her the benefit of the doubt.

How is Taylor "unwell and in danger"? I've gotten confused...I thought she ran off with hidden cash and doesn't know how to return?
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