FL - Terrorist Discussion/49 Killed in Orlando at Nightclub Pulse

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From the TIME article:

They rallied to his call: the violent and the suicidal, the lawless and the fanatical, gathering in cyberspace from around the world to pledge allegiance to his self-proclaimed caliphate. Some acted in his name in the real world, killing hundreds of innocents at hotels, mosques and concert halls from Paris to the Sinai, Beirut to San Bernardino. A handful of adherents were close to him, like the woman who ran his sex-slave operation. Others were thousands of miles away yet under his command and control, like those behind the attacks in France on Nov. 13 that killed 130 people. Still others may have had no more connection to him than a declaration of allegiance on Facebook—like Tashfeen Malik, who posted right before she and her partner killed 14 people in Southern California on Dec. 2. He is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the brooding muezzin of death who leads ISIS.

Time for some bin Laden action.
Didn't the idiot Omar state that the United States should stop bombing Syria.

Is he stupid or what. The United States strikes in Syria is because Isis used the civil war in Syria to conquer both the rebels and Assad.

We are only bombing areas that have already been over run by the unwanted Isis. Jmo.

Syria wants us to continue bombing Isis in Syria.

So why couldn't the idiot Omar understand this before stating what he did.

Now I blame the rebels of Syria that had dreams of over throwing Assad like things were done to over throw Libya.

But Assad was no where as bad as the serial/torturing rapist Muammar Gaddafi and his regime. Jmo

The rebels of Syria over played their hand and was to busy trying to feed in the revolts that were happening in other countries. Now I understand that Assad made sure that the most wealthy or the best jobs and economics were in certain regions. So maybe others did feel like some things were not equal.

But still. Syria was starting to boom. But the rebels decided that they wouldn't stop until Syria was back to 1805.

And now the rebels have their wish. Jmo.
Doubt it. I think he is DEAD.

An Islamic State-linked news agency has claimed that the terror boss was "killed by coalition air strikes on Raqqa on the fifth day of Ramadan"

I could be wrong, but I don't think we know for sure yet whether or not he was actually killed.



I heard from numerous sources that while the DOJ was busy redacting and changing the transcripts in order to "protect the victims", they also inserted the word GOD in place of Allah. This may be old news, since this is the first time I've logged on today. They injected GOD in place of Allah, for all the obvious reasons, they didn't want this to be a Islamic or muslim problem. I'm sure they were being directed by the top boss.

All the DOJ has accomplished is burning the bridge down while they were standing smack dab in the middle of it.

Since 2010, hundreds of names have been "scrubbed" (deleted) from the terrorist watch list, according to an ex-employee of DHS. He was on the Sean Hannity show last night, and according to him, the names of hundreds of people suspected of having terrorist ties were ordered to be deleted back in 2010, with another "scrubbing" going on around 2014. The orders came from the top.

He believes that had this information not been deleted, but had been followed up on and pursued, that both San Bernardino and Orlando may have been prevented all together. These orders came from the top, both the DOJ and BO.

I think what we've witnessed the last couple of days is the FBI, NSA, DHS, and other government agencies actually fighting back against a corrupted system.
They all knew way back then that it was going to hobble them to have that kind of information destroyed. There wasn't much they could do it about it though, they just had to live with it. Now that their under fire for missing the warning signs, I think they are striking out at the very administration that crippled them for the last 7 years.

There's definitely some sympathy and denial going on at the top of the ladder. This country is much much weaker today than it was 8 years ago, and you can bet the terrorist groups are just loving it. To me, it almost amounts to borderline treason.
I don't really believe anything Lynch says now................about anything.

She is the ultimate politically correct hand puppet.

If OM's wife makes it out of the country, it was by design..............ordered from the top.
I heard from numerous sources that while the DOJ was busy redacting and changing the transcripts in order to "protect the victims", they also inserted the word GOD in place of Allah. This may be old news, since this is the first time I've logged on today. They injected GOD in place of Allah, for all the obvious reasons, they didn't want this to be a Islamic or muslim problem. I'm sure they were being directed by the top boss.

All the DOJ has accomplished is burning the bridge down while they were standing smack dab in the middle of it.

Since 2010, hundreds of names have been "scrubbed" (deleted) from the terrorist watch list, according to an ex-employee of DHS. He was on the Sean Hannity show last night, and according to him, the names of hundreds of people suspected of having terrorist ties were ordered to be deleted back in 2010, with another "scrubbing" going on around 2014. The orders came from the top.

He believes that had this information not been deleted, but had been followed up on and pursued, that both San Bernardino and Orlando may have been prevented all together. These orders came from the top, both the DOJ and BO.

I think what we've witnessed the last couple of days is the FBI, NSA, DHS, and other government agencies actually fighting back against a corrupted system.
They all knew way back then that it was going to hobble them to have that kind of information destroyed. There wasn't much they could do it about it though, they just had to live with it. Now that their under fire for missing the warning signs, I think they are striking out at the very administration that crippled them for the last 7 years.

There's definitely some sympathy and denial going on at the top of the ladder. This country is much much weaker today than it was 8 years ago, and you can bet the terrorist groups are just loving it. To me, it almost amounts to borderline treason.
This belongs in the Terrorism forum. Please check the first post of this thread for the link. I will remove this post later tonight so you will have a chance to move to the correct forum
This belongs in the Terrorism forum. Please check the first post of this thread for the link. I will remove this post later tonight so you will have a chance to move to the correct forum

I thought this was the terrorist forum.......?
I heard from numerous sources that while the DOJ was busy redacting and changing the transcripts in order to "protect the victims", they also inserted the word GOD in place of Allah. This may be old news, since this is the first time I've logged on today. They injected GOD in place of Allah, for all the obvious reasons, they didn't want this to be a Islamic or muslim problem. I'm sure they were being directed by the top boss.

All the DOJ has accomplished is burning the bridge down while they were standing smack dab in the middle of it.

Since 2010, hundreds of names have been "scrubbed" (deleted) from the terrorist watch list, according to an ex-employee of DHS. He was on the Sean Hannity show last night, and according to him, the names of hundreds of people suspected of having terrorist ties were ordered to be deleted back in 2010, with another "scrubbing" going on around 2014. The orders came from the top.

He believes that had this information not been deleted, but had been followed up on and pursued, that both San Bernardino and Orlando may have been prevented all together. These orders came from the top, both the DOJ and BO.

I think what we've witnessed the last couple of days is the FBI, NSA, DHS, and other government agencies actually fighting back against a corrupted system.
They all knew way back then that it was going to hobble them to have that kind of information destroyed. There wasn't much they could do it about it though, they just had to live with it. Now that their under fire for missing the warning signs, I think they are striking out at the very administration that crippled them for the last 7 years.

There's definitely some sympathy and denial going on at the top of the ladder. This country is much much weaker today than it was 8 years ago, and you can bet the terrorist groups are just loving it. To me, it almost amounts to borderline treason.

AND they knew this was an Islamic terrorist attack from the very beginning; he told the 911 operator, for crying out loud. Yet they acted like they had no clue who it was or why he did it.
AND they knew this was an Islamic terrorist attack from the very beginning; he told the 911 operator, for crying out loud. Yet they acted like they had no clue who it was or why he did it.

I'm starting to really get a feel for how low our government has stooped in the last 7 years. If these attacks hadn't happened, no one would be any wiser. But they did happen, and now all the dirty details are coming out about how and why they happened.

Seeing now just how much information was ordered destroyed. and how hobbled the security agencies have been, it's a miracle that we haven't had a dozen of these attacks occur right here at home. So tell me, is this the equivalent of the fox guarding the henhouse ?
SOrry about posts in a row - the thread had been moving along so I did not check and see if that happened!!
Didn't the idiot Omar state that the United States should stop bombing Syria.

Is he stupid or what. The United States strikes in Syria is because Isis used the civil war in Syria to conquer both the rebels and Assad.

We are only bombing areas that have already been over run by the unwanted Isis. Jmo.

Syria wants us to continue bombing Isis in Syria.

So why couldn't the idiot Omar understand this before stating what he did.

Now I blame the rebels of Syria that had dreams of over throwing Assad like things were done to over throw Libya.

But Assad was no where as bad as the serial/torturing rapist Muammar Gaddafi and his regime. Jmo

The rebels of Syria over played their hand and was to busy trying to feed in the revolts that were happening in other countries. Now I understand that Assad made sure that the most wealthy or the best jobs and economics were in certain regions. So maybe others did feel like some things were not equal.

But still. Syria was starting to boom. But the rebels decided that they wouldn't stop until Syria was back to 1805.

And now the rebels have their wish. Jmo.

Here is an article on conditions in Syria. Not that long.

I don't really believe anything Lynch says now................about anything.

She is the ultimate politically correct hand puppet.

If OM's wife makes it out of the country, it was by design..............ordered from the top.

I want to say I appreciate the other post you just put up. I absolutely believe everything you have been told. Great post as usual.

I do think Lynch is a puppet but a very very willing puppet. I first had hope she would be much fairer than Holder but sadly IMO she has turned out to be just as bad.

When I first saw the word 'God' displayed in the partial/redacted version of the transcript I immediately thought it had Lynch's fingerprints all over it. This is a woman who has had no qualms about saying her department would arrest anyone who threatens a Muslim/s but fully ignores the calls for death to happen to a specific group/race by a specific group. Her biases reek. So no one would be better suited for AG under Obama's watch than she is. She carries out very well all of the biased mindset he and his administration has had since the beginning.

What is terrifying to me is to know how many high ranking Muslims this President has in his administration. Those who would know every move made by the FBI or the CIA when it comes to trying to find Muslim radical extremists. Why were the last two terror attacks ....which consisted of three terrorists in total... conveniently not being investigated anymore even though they had more red flags waving than a construction site? How lucky for the three terrorists.

I totally agree with you. The directive to stop investigating these Muslim radicals came from the very top. The very one who is known to closely micromanage everything that goes on yet tries to pretend he wasn't aware of anything that was going on no matter how grave and dangerous the circumstances were.

I do believe if Lynch had not received heat and pressure she would have gladly left the redacted version up. When I read it I instantly didn't feel those were the words Mateen had used and someone had marked that out and tried to make it more benign.

If anything is positive about our federal government today it is the majority of the American people are no longer willing to believe one thing that comes out of any federal government officials' ;mouth. Nor do they believe that the media is unbiased in their reporting and know now its more about following their own political agendas hoping to keep brainwashing others into believing their lies like they have been able to do for years. Its no longer working and that is a good thing.

We have seen the corruption done in this administration. I cant think of one department who hasn't had some kind of scandal in the past 6 or 7 years with some departments having multiple scandals. . If it isn't about showing how totally inept they are it is showing how corrupt some of them are and how this administration will fire no one even if there is evidence of criminal wrongdoing like the VA fiasco or the IRS or the totally ineptTSA (HLS). Instead of firing and prosecuting these people they cover for them, rewarding them, and giving them bonuses instead.

So I really wouldn't believe one thing Lynch says about this Islamic terrorist attack. If she could cover it up what is found out about Mateen she would imo. She should be front and center telling everyone in America that her department will fully support and protect anyone who comes forward with information about any suspicious activity a Muslim/s in this country may be seen doing. However; I wont hold my breath though.

No longer is the silent majority willing to be silent anymore. They are finally questioning THIS federal government and all who are in charge.

I heard from numerous sources that while the DOJ was busy redacting and changing the transcripts in order to "protect the victims", they also inserted the word GOD in place of Allah. This may be old news, since this is the first time I've logged on today. They injected GOD in place of Allah, for all the obvious reasons, they didn't want this to be a Islamic or muslim problem. I'm sure they were being directed by the top boss.

All the DOJ has accomplished is burning the bridge down while they were standing smack dab in the middle of it.

Since 2010, hundreds of names have been "scrubbed" (deleted) from the terrorist watch list, according to an ex-employee of DHS. He was on the Sean Hannity show last night, and according to him, the names of hundreds of people suspected of having terrorist ties were ordered to be deleted back in 2010, with another "scrubbing" going on around 2014. The orders came from the top.

He believes that had this information not been deleted, but had been followed up on and pursued, that both San Bernardino and Orlando may have been prevented all together. These orders came from the top, both the DOJ and BO.

I think what we've witnessed the last couple of days is the FBI, NSA, DHS, and other government agencies actually fighting back against a corrupted system.
They all knew way back then that it was going to hobble them to have that kind of information destroyed. There wasn't much they could do it about it though, they just had to live with it. Now that their under fire for missing the warning signs, I think they are striking out at the very administration that crippled them for the last 7 years.

There's definitely some sympathy and denial going on at the top of the ladder. This country is much much weaker today than it was 8 years ago, and you can bet the terrorist groups are just loving it. To me, it almost amounts to borderline treason.

Why would anyone do that? Everyone could be somewhere where a terrorist strikes. There are no guarantees that they or a loved one wouldn't be on the receiving end of destruction
Steelman, since you have been told that 'God' was replaced for the word "Allah" do you think their intentions at the time was to muddy the waters to make people think that Mateen was possibly a Christian, and not a Muslim radical extremist? TIA Whoever changed any of these transcripts should be immediately fired.

I just cant think of any other reason to change it and find it very creepy that it was changed at all to begin with even though I instantly thought words had been added and others removed.

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