FL - Terrorist Discussion/49 Killed in Orlando at Nightclub Pulse

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Over the next hour, Mateen had three conversations with crisis negotiators. The first lasted nine minutes, the second 16 and the final call lasted three minutes, according to the FBI.


Orlando Police Dispatcher (OD)
Shooter (OM)

OD: Emergency 911, this is being recorded.
OM: In the name of God the Merciful, the beneficial [in Arabic]
OD: What?
OM: Praise be to God, and prayers as well as peace be upon the prophet of God [in Arabic]. I let you know, I’m in Orlando and I did the shootings.
OD: What’s your name?
OM: My name is I pledge of allegiance to [omitted].
OD: Ok, What’s your name?
OM: I pledge allegiance to [omitted] may God protect him [in Arabic], on behalf of [omitted].
OD: Alright, where are you at?
OM: In Orlando.
OD: Where in Orlando?
[End of call.]


An FBI source told FoxNews.com he also made 16 phone calls from inside the club after the bloody spree began. Investigators are tracking down each of the recipients of those calls.


I wonder who the other 13 calls were to.
I hope he did not dial a wrong number. Wouldn't that be special if someone had to answer why he called? Even if you said you did not know him, you would be investigated.
(BBM ^^) You have got to be freaking kidding me! You do realize that traditional Jewry also forbids shaking of hands? The rule is that people of the opposite gender do not even touch each other, let alone shake hands, unless they are husband and wife, siblings, or children with parents and grandparents.

Just shaking my head at the --------- (self edited)...

NO I didnt know that it was just a thought. No need to be rude. Self edited.
One of our nation core values is freedom of religion tho. We can say peopleof all religions do terrible crimes. It would be the same as bringing a pork platter for some of the jewish fatih, or require bible people to stand naked with , in a group, of 5 other naked men, or whatever group wont drink force 5 shots of something etc etc

I agree, it was only a thought, what the message is..if we put our heads together we can surely come up with good ways to vet people prior to entering. I would not make people stand with naked people, or drink 5 shots. It has to be something that the Jihadist would only be affected by..a way to tell. Obviously we cannot predict every person but I'm sure our DHS given the right tools etc can get a lot of them

I also do not think that any of them should be let into our country until they have been fully vetted. I had to have an FBI background check to get my insurance licenses, and to get jobs at certain places. Why should I have more of a check than a refugee?

Again, again, and again; because someone is Muslim DOES NOT mean they are dedicated to destroying the United States!

And remember who's watch Sept. 11 happened on!

Honestly, I believe in being vigilant and doing everything we can, preemptively and defensively, that is consistent with our American core values, to prevent and/or respond to terrorism; however, as far as fear goes, I'm far more afraid of the ideology being expressed here in regards to how we treat people simply for being Muslim.


I said that we have no obligation to allow people to enter or remain in this country who follow a religious-political philosophy that is dedicated to destroying the United States.
he forgot to use the word allah. Ever. He used the Western, American,European term , more than once G.O.D.

(Snipped by me.)

I wouldn't say that is a fact.

Appears that at least several of his mentions of a diety were made in Arabic and we are seeing the English translation for at least some of those mentions.


OD: Emergency 911, this is being recorded.
OM: In the name of God the Merciful, the beneficial [in Arabic]
OD: What?
OM: Praise be to God, and prayers as well as peace be upon the prophet of God [in Arabic]. I let you know, I’m in Orlando and I did the shootings.
OD: What’s your name?
OM: My name is I pledge of allegiance to [omitted].
OD: Ok, What’s your name?
OM: I pledge allegiance to [omitted] may God protect him [in Arabic], on behalf of [omitted].
OD: Alright, where are you at?
OM: In Orlando.
OD: Where in Orlando?
[End of call.]

I'm reminded of the Ebola outbreak and the steps that were taken to protect our citizens from the deadly, rampaging illness. Those coming from the countries with documented cases weren't permitted to come in and expose us until they were examined and tested to determine whether they were a risk to the citizens of our country. Those already here who had recently been in the infected countries were also checked out because it was possible they were unknowingly exposed and carrying Ebola here before we were aware of the dangerous possibilities. That didn't mean that we were insisting that everyone from those countries absolutely, positively, without a doubt had Ebola. What it meant was that the possibilities and dangers were too high to risk the health and safety of the people of the United States just because it caused a temporary hardship on those who were more likely to be carrying (or already carried) Ebola here. It didn't mean we didn't care about the difficulties and hardships they had to endure, it was necessary and the only way to fight Ebola here.

In the same way I think most of us realize that not all muslims would ever become involved in terrorism against our country but unfortunately there is such a thing as radical islamic terrorism and it is killing our citizens. In the same way we protected the US from Ebola, I think we need to be protected from radical islamic terrorism. How can we do that without invading the rights of muslims and causing temporary hardships on them? How can we do it without being accused of being judgmental, bigots, racists and islamaphobic? :tomato:

IMO, we can't.
(Snipped by me.)

I wouldn't say that is a fact.

Appears that at least several of his mentions of a diety were made in Arabic and we are seeing the English translation for at least some of those mentions.



This redacted translated crap is BS. We need to know what he actually said, not what what someone wants us to think he said.

And it allows people to claim that he never mentioned Allah or ISIS or the leaders of any of the Islamic terrorist groups.

However, even with these redacted translated prettied-up versions, it's clear what his focus was on.
I pledge allegiance to [omitted] may God protect him [in Arabic], on behalf of [omitted].

Are we really supposed to believe that these redactions were because the FBI doesn't want to "propagate violent rhetoric"?
The FBI is coming under fire for redacting key information in the transcript of the Orlando shooter's calls with police

Assistant FBI agent-in-charge Ronald Hopper reiterated on Monday that Mateen was radicalized domestically and not directed by any foreign terror group. But critics have accused the FBI of trying to downplay Mateen's sympathies for the extremist group by omitting its name from the transcript.


I said that we have no obligation to allow people to enter or remain in this country who follow a religious-political philosophy that is dedicated to destroying the United States.

Exactly. I totally agree. It's not watching out for our citizens or the best interest of our country to allow this. I only have to look at some of the other countries who have allowed this and see what is going on there, we don't want or need that here, we should learn something from it.
Assuming that the quotes are direct quotes of OM, do you guys find it odd that he wasn't more specific?

We can't know how specific he was or wasn't when who he pledged allegiance to is censored.

This is so absurd:

"[Mateen] does not represent the religion of Islam, but a perverted view," Hopper said, later adding: "Part of the redacting is meant to not give credence to individuals who have done terrorist attacks in the past. We're not gonna propagate their violent rhetoric."

Well, by substituting the word "God" for Allah, what view did you then pervert?

If this had been any other religion, would the FBI/DOJ have censored all religiously toned phrases and words so as not misrepresent the views of that religion? That defies belief.

I agree, it was only a thought, what the message is..if we put our heads together we can surely come up with good ways to vet people prior to entering. I would not make people stand with naked people, or drink 5 shots. It has to be something that the Jihadist would only be affected by..a way to tell. Obviously we cannot predict every person but I'm sure our DHS given the right tools etc can get a lot of them

I also do not think that any of them should be let into our country until they have been fully vetted. I had to have an FBI background check to get my insurance licenses, and to get jobs at certain places. Why should I have more of a check than a refugee?
Refugees are already screened by the State Department, DHS, FBI, National Counterterrorism Center, the Defense Department and USCIS. Syrian refugees also go through another layer of scrutiny (Syria Enhanced Review process). Even non-refugee emigrants seeking relocation to the US must pass a background check, submit biometric data, character references, financial details, etc regardless of country of origin.
The calls came after Mateen twice exchanged gunfire with police officers at Pulse and fled to a bathroom, authorities have said. Orlando police officials have said the gunfire stopped after he entered that bathroom, and negotiations began.


He declined to say whether officers had inadvertently wounded bystanders in the encounter but said Mateen bore responsibility for what transpired.

Negotiations ultimately broke down with Mateen about 5 a.m., authorities said, and SWAT officers scrambled to break holes in the walls to the bathroom and free those held captive. The FBI said Monday that about 12 minutes after they started doing so, they received reports of shots being fired.

IIRC none of the people taken to hospital have died. If I heard correctly earlier the ones that died were shot after 5:00, after swat entered.
We can't know how specific he was or wasn't when who he pledged allegiance to is censored.

This is so absurd:

Well, by substituting the word "God" for Allah, what view did you then pervert?

If this had been any other religion, would the FBI/DOJ have censored all religiously toned phrases and words so as not misrepresent the views of that religion? That defies belief.


No its only this paticular religion. I have never seen it done for any other.
Refugees are already screened by the State Department, DHS, FBI, National Counterterrorism Center, the Defense Department and USCIS. Syrian refugees also go through another layer of scrutiny (Syria Enhanced Review process). Even non-refugee emigrants seeking relocation to the US must pass a background check, submit biometric data, character references, financial details, etc regardless of country of origin.

They are supposed to but even people working on these screens have said they cannot keep up on the flow and now that it is going even faster then they cannot possibly do a good job. I will try to find links if necessary. Remember these people are on some special fast track deal.



As you can see, there is reason for concern.

Refugees are already screened by the State Department, DHS, FBI, National Counterterrorism Center, the Defense Department and USCIS. Syrian refugees also go through another layer of scrutiny (Syria Enhanced Review process). Even non-refugee emigrants seeking relocation to the US must pass a background check, submit biometric data, character references, financial details, etc regardless of country of origin.

Syria has no database against which we can check.


And FBI Director Comey:


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