GUILTY FL - Three women, 6yo girl shot to death at Jupiter Thanksgiving dinner, 26 Nov 2009

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I just can't believe they haven't found this freak yet. Lord only knows what more he's capable of doing.
I think he took his own life or left the country. NO reported sightings. Like they said, he had a plan and is sticking to it. JMO

He could still be in the U.S. or even Miami, but I would be surprised.

JUPITER - The FBI is now involved in the search for a suspect in the fatal Thanksgiving Day shootings of four of his relatives, according to documents filed Friday in federal court in West Palm Beach.

The filing indicates the FBI has joined the Jupiter Police Department and the U.S. Marshal's Service in the manhunt because prosecutors believe he has fled the state. It also noted Paul Merhige had collected clothing and a computer hard drive, and withdrew "a large amount of cash" before the shootings.

According to the sworn statement by FBI task force agent Paul Bruno, Merhige "had travel funds available to him" and got his passport from his mother a week earlier.

more here

JUPITER - The FBI is now involved in the search for a suspect in the fatal Thanksgiving Day shootings of four of his relatives, according to documents filed Friday in federal court in West Palm Beach.

The filing indicates the FBI has joined the Jupiter Police Department and the U.S. Marshal's Service in the manhunt because prosecutors believe he has fled the state. It also noted Paul Merhige had collected clothing and a computer hard drive, and withdrew "a large amount of cash" before the shootings.

According to the sworn statement by FBI task force agent Paul Bruno, Merhige "had travel funds available to him" and got his passport from his mother a week earlier.

more here

I am very glad to hear this! If I were his family member I would not rest until he was caught. Who's to say he wouldn't try to come back and finish the job?
Accused brother in Jupiter slaying may have plotted murders, police say

Details that police say outline Merhige's careful preparation for the attack have emerged bit by bit during the past week.

A day before the rampage, Merhige stopped at a South Florida gun shop, police said. Security camera footage also made public Friday shows Merhige standing at a gun counter, chatting with a clerk.

Police wouldn't say if Merhige bought a gun during the visit and refused to identify the shop.

As authorities continued their search, a Jupiter business Friday morning offered an additional $10,000 for information on the fugitive, raising the reward to $35,000.

Police refused to name the company, which they said had asked to remain anonymous.
Jupiter To Honor Thanksgiving Massacre Victims

JUPITER, Fla. -- The Jupiter community will pay tribute to the four victims of a Thanksgiving massacre on Saturday.

Also on Saturday, the youngest of the victims is expected to be laid to rest.

"Well, we're burying my baby tomorrow, but as far as the public memorial, I'm really looking forward to sharing my baby with the world," said Jim Sitton, Makayla Sitton's father.

Sitton was present at the Thanksgiving dinner when Paul Michael Merhige killed four relatives, including 6-year-old Makayla.

"He sat right across the table from Makayla," Sitton said. "I had no indication that he was dangerous."

Sitton said he believes Merhige killed his twin sisters because he was jealous of them. When he saw Makayla was also a talented musician and dancer, he decided to shoot her as well, Sitton said.

"When he saw the light of my little girl ... he's the darkness, and darkness hates the light, and I think he just decided to snuff her light," Sitton said.
"Sitton said he believes Merhige killed his twin sisters because he was jealous of them. When he saw Makayla was also a talented musician and dancer, he decided to shoot her as well, Sitton said.

"When he saw the light of my little girl ... he's the darkness, and darkness hates the light, and I think he just decided to snuff her light," Sitton said."

This is about the only explanation I can think of for him killing Makayla ~ if there is to be any explanation at all behind his evil actions. :furious:
Gun control: Thanksgiving Day massacre in Jupiter points up holes in system

JUPITER &#8212; In retrospect, the warning signs seemed to be in plain sight: the chronic depression, the death threats to his sister, the frequent refusals to take medication.

Paul Michael Merhige's mother knew he was troubled, but she didn't know how deeply. She didn't know he had bought a gun.

Days after the horrific Thanksgiving Day attack, in which police say Merhige shot dead four relatives and wounded two others in Jupiter, Carole Merhige had many questions.

Among the biggest: Why was her mentally troubled son able to buy a firearm?

"A person with a history of mental problems should not be able to get a gun," she said last week. "This is such a big country. Why isn't there a database of mentally ill people?"

Though not widely known, a database does exist. The FBI maintains a list of "mental defectives" barred from owning a firearm just as most felons are barred.
Friends, family of Thanksgiving shooting victims remember 6-year-old Makayla and grandmother

At the center of it, Makayla was a hero and ultimately a "martyr" whose death reflects light upon her faith.

That is the only way the family can make sense of burying a child a day before her 7th birthday.

The evidence of her faith was in plenty Saturday afternoon.

A Sunday school classmate recalled from a step stool at the podium: "She knew the Bible more than anybody" and that "Makayla would always hug everyone at church especially those who were sad and needed it most."

By all accounts, the girl quoted scripture from memory as easily as she held tea party chats with her dolls.
Another comfort to Makayla's parents: They say she was escorted into God's kingdom by her grandmother.

Raymonde Joseph was an attentive grandmother to all her grandchildren. She visited even the most distant ones regularly on their birthdays, they said Saturday. But she treasured her standing weekly date with Makayla, when she took the home-schooled girl to her ballet lesson.

Raymonde hand-made the girl's flowered dresses and fawned over her singing, dancing and piano playing.

Thanksgiving at the Sitton house, it turned out, was something Makayla commandeered.

Sure, 17 relatives were coming, but with the help of her parents she designed a program, planned a short speech on the meaning of Thanksgiving, a recital of Psalm 100 and the handing out of symbolic kernels of corn.

:cry: R.I.P. :rose: :rose:

They have to grieve in fear. So terrible.
I hope it generates leads...(I missed AMW becuz I'm watching Univ.of TX play Nebraska)
Here is the Psalm that Makayla recited from memory at the dinner table the night she was so cruelly murdered:

1 A Psalm for the thank offering.
Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the lands! 2 Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! 3 Know that the LORD is God! It is he that made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. 4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him, bless his name! 5 For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures for ever, and his faithfulness to all generations.
Victim's Father Uses Facebook To Help Catch Massacre Suspect

Police: Merhige bought 4 guns, including high-powered rifle, month before Thanksgiving massacre

Merhige now among top 15 most wanted

November is 2009's deadliest month in Palm Beach County

Palm Beach County homicides last month hit a high for 2009 after the Thanksgiving Day family massacre in Jupiter.

Thirteen people were killed in the county in November, according to the Medical Examiner's Office and law enforcement agencies. In 2008, November and December were the bloodiest months, with 11 and 13 homicides, respectively.

It's a national trend, experts say, with homicides peaking toward the end of the year.

Palm Beach County had 108 homicides last year and 87 through November this year, records show.,0,547384.story
I am following this case a bit because the girls went to high school with me. I also find it interesting that if and when this guy is caught, some psych professional will say he is mentally disturbed, but this guy may definitely be sick in the head, but he certainly had the wherewithal to evade the FBI and the police and the forethought to plan this out and his escape. This is not a guy who is not accountable for his actions. I absolutely do not think that at this point he is lying in a ditch somewhere...he went through all the trouble to escape, why kill yourself? why not do it on the spot? No, he's running. I hope they catch him because this guy is so evil to just kill that little girl he barely knew.

I am also curious about the parents. They have spoken out or made a plea for his return. Of course, you never know what hte handbook on parenting when one of your children kills the other says, but I would think I might tell him child to come home and be accountable for his actions.

The only thing I have heard from the parents was the article in the Palm Beach Post where the mother seems to blame her son's ability to access guns as the problem, but I have not seen any other statements from the parents.
I don't think he's crazy, at all. I think he's an incredibly selfish piece of crap. He's a brat who thrives on attention, even negative, this is why he fakes OCD according to US Marshals Service. He's mean, simply. He did this to be mean and to hurt people because he is full of self loathing and jealous of those who aren't. And to be honest, I would hate myself if I were him, too. This didn't happen because he was overcome by mental illness. He methodically planned the murders and his escape right down to taking the hard drive from his computer so his activity couldn't be tracked, enabling him to remain on the run longer. I think he left the country. And his only mental illness is low self-esteem, IMHO.
I agree Tizzle, this guy appears to be just plain evil. I sure as hell hope he isn't in Canada. I live at the Sault border. This past year has been easy for us getting back into Canada. Half the time they don't ask for our passports. I hope they check all Non-Canadian citizens coming through.

As far as the parents not making a plea for him to turn himself in. They may in the future, but I think they have more than enough to deal with at the moment.
Thanksgiving Massacre Suspect Using Aliases

PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. -- The U.S. Marshals Service has designated the suspect in the Thanksgiving massacre as one of the 15 most wanted fugitives.

Paul Michael Merhige, 35, is wanted on four counts of first-degree murder and two counts of attempted first-degree murder. He is accused of killing his 6-year-old cousin, Makayla Sitton, and four others after Thanksgiving dinner in Jupiter.

U.S. marshals said Merhige has a large scar on his chest and has been using the aliases of Paul Mariage, Carlo Ribisi and Michael Manis. They also said he purchased four guns, including a rifle, in the month before the shootings.

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