FL - Yailen Abreu, 23, pregnant, shot to death, Orange County, 7 July 2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
He may have fired through his hand to make it look like an accident. I am anxious to see more details in the case of the dirty gun

Yeah, that's what I meant. I think the pain of his hand meant less to him than the financial pain of raising a child.

O.K. I am not versed at all in guns, but I must have seen on a TV program or something that a bullet can be in a chamber and the person may not notice.

I am just guessing here, as this does sound rather strange to me.....

The guns we had, it was just common sense that you check the chamber. I'm just wondering why the wife was watching him clean the gun. Maybe he called her in and said, "Sit down, I want you to see how a gun is cleaned. No, don't sit there, sit right in front of the barrel so you can tell me if it looks clean."
I am going with option B!!

NO ONE cleans a loaded gun.. it is like lesson #1 of gun safety.

I totally agree! When you clean a revolver, it's real easy to see a bullet loaded in the chamber. But when you clean a 9mm, you have to pull the trigger (at least on mine) to pull the chamber out. Before you do that, you pull the clip and eject any bullet you have in chamber or you real fire a round off. Anyone that owns a guns knows that. I chalk this up to murder.
The very fact that she was shot in the stomach makes me think it wasn't really accidental, but that he wasn't happy about the pregnancy. I mean, of all the places he could've hit her if it had been an accident...he didn't shoot her in the head, or just wing her in the shoulder. Nope, right in the stomach. (Although, without meaning to sound crass and unfeeling...I suppose the stomach was the largest area, so maybe it was inevitable that if the bullet was going to strike her, it would strike her there.)

There's quite a discrepancy in their ages, which makes me think that maybe, at almost 40, he wasn't all that thrilled about later-in-life parenthood.
O.K. this is way beyond my experience(none)in loading, handling or cleaning guns. But I do agree that this is just too coincidental that his wife was shot as he was cleaning the gun. How does a person tell if a gun is clean.

Kahskye, thought is similar to mine:

Maybe he called her in and said, "Sit down, I want you to see how a gun is cleaned. No, don't sit there, sit right in front of the barrel so you can tell me if it looks clean."

How does a person tell if a gun is clean.

There are visible powder burns around the muzzle and the chamber. If you use good (expensive) ammo, there's less. If you use cheap ammo, there's a ton. It can actually jam a weapon after firing a box or so (about fifty rounds).

You can also smell the gunpowder pretty easily. Running a cloth inside the barrel will produce black/grey powder residue. There may also be smudges and smears from the oil used previously.

Lastly, you should thoroughly clean a firearm after using it, even if you fire only one shot.
This is how my mother was killed back in 1973. I didn't go for the shooter's excuse either. Even then, cleaning a loaded gun and pointed at someone is just "stupid" to say the least.

I sure hope the cops investigate his past with this. Their technology has come along way, and so has Gun education.

Negligence comes to mind .
Hmmm.....I think we all remember Charles Stewart from Boston and Justin Barber orginally from Oklahoma, shot and killed wife on the beautiful beaches of Florida.....

I bet it will come out, if he is in fact guilty, that he was unsatisfied with his sex life or was having financial difficulties.

Anyone else notice that when these men kill their wives and children that it usually comes out that they were dissatisfied with their sex life with ol wifey?

It's getting more and more sad everyday that this people can honestly think murder is a better option than divorcing. :furious::furious: I'm almost scared of the day when my children marry off and move out.

This will end this speculation. Which hand does he beat off with? I'll bet its NOT the one that was shot.

We could probably take those odds to Vegas and leave very rich women.....Great post Jeana:clap::clap:
This is how my mother was killed back in 1973. I didn't go for the shooter's excuse either. Even then, cleaning a loaded gun and pointed at someone is just "stupid" to say the least.

I sure hope the cops investigate his past with this. Their technology has come along way, and so has Gun education.

Negligence comes to mind .

I am so sorry, Debbie for your loss.
Hmmm.....I think we all remember Charles Stewart from Boston and Justin Barber orginally from Oklahoma, shot and killed wife on the beautiful beaches of Florida.....

I bet it will come out, if he is in fact guilty, that he was unsatisfied with his sex life or was having financial difficulties.

Anyone else notice that when these men kill their wives and children that it usually comes out that they were dissatisfied with their sex life with ol wifey?

It's getting more and more sad everyday that this people can honestly think murder is a better option than divorcing. :furious::furious: I'm almost scared of the day when my children marry off and move out.

I too am so very sorry for your loss. :blowkiss: The frustration of knowing something was not an accident and not having justice would be paralyzing. Bless your heart. Hopefully this man will not get away with his excuse for murder.
From stories from one of my aunts, my mom's death was a "crime of passion" she was going to leave the guy.

It's pretty much clear cut , I am going with "he's guilty"

Hmmm.....I think we all remember Charles Stewart from Boston and Justin Barber orginally from Oklahoma, shot and killed wife on the beautiful beaches of Florida.....

I bet it will come out, if he is in fact guilty, that he was unsatisfied with his sex life or was having financial difficulties.

Anyone else notice that when these men kill their wives and children that it usually comes out that they were dissatisfied with their sex life with ol wifey?

It's getting more and more sad everyday that this people can honestly think murder is a better option than divorcing. :furious::furious: I'm almost scared of the day when my children marry off and move out.
I too am so very sorry for your loss. :blowkiss: The frustration of knowing something was not an accident and not having justice would be paralyzing. Bless your heart. Hopefully this man will not get away with his excuse for murder.

It was fustrating, until I was able to talk with the first paramedic on the scene , twenty seven years later. He said he didn't buy the guys story, so I knew my instincts were right. For me , the man didn't serve long enough, (one year give or take ) So I sure pray that the system is going to prove the truth in all of this . I feel for the family of this woman and her unborn child.
It was fustrating, until I was able to talk with the first paramedic on the scene , twenty seven years later. He said he didn't buy the guys story, so I knew my instincts were right. For me , the man didn't serve long enough, (one year give or take ) So I sure pray that the system is going to prove the truth in all of this . I feel for the family of this woman and her unborn child.

Me too, Debbie.....sometimes the justice system isn't what it should be and it seems, at times, that the victims get assaulted all over again, through the system.

A good friend of my family (she used to babysit me) was murdered by her boyfriend. He broke into her apt, God only knows how she died (when her mom broke into her apt later that week, trying to find her, there was blood everywhere) and then he disposed of her body in a trash compactor at his work. Her body was never recovered.

He was charged with and found guilty of abuse of a corpse. Sentenced to 5-7 yrs and was released after serving only 1 1/2 yrs. They never charged him with her murder :furious:

That's one reason why I rejoice when the system does work for the victims and their families.
So far it looks like he's got LE fooled, I mean on his side. I doubt the autopsy is going to show anything they don't already know. She died of a gun shot wound. :rolleyes:

NOTE to SELF________LE thinks it's NORMAL for experienced handlers of guns to clean a loaded gun. IF a wife gets shot and killed, it's called collateral damage an accident. :crazy:




So far looking at evidence at the scene investigators believe Enio is telling the truth.

They're waiting on autopsy results to back that theory up.
I believe you put this post up in absolutely the right forum, pixies.

he's a wife-murderer
. :furious: of that i have not the slightest[/I] doubt and i won't even add, IMO. because i believe L.E. knows it......

I agree...
What IF: he shot the wife, first, and then shoots himself in the hand with a 2nd bullet to make it look like an accident.
Is there any way to tell if one bullet went through the hand and then hit the wife?
How does anyone clean a gun with the bullets still in the cylinder?
To clean a gun you should be cleaning the cylinder or clip also? You certainly can't clean the holes with the bullets in the holes...imo
I agree...
What IF: he shot the wife, first, and then shoots himself in the hand with a 2nd bullet to make it look like an accident.
Is there any way to tell if one bullet went through the hand and then hit the wife?
How does anyone clean a gun with the bullets still in the cylinder?
To clean a gun you should be cleaning the cylinder or clip also? You certainly can't clean the holes with the bullets in the holes...imo

You are exactly right, you don't clean any firearm in that fashion. I have been handling & shooting firearms for over 40 years & I have yet to truly clean a "loaded" weapon. Someone mentioned a bovine meter on this & I agree, it's pegged as far as it can go toward this guy is a wife killer. I was taught, have taught & will always teach that there is never such a thing as an "unloaded" firearm. You always treat it like there is a round chambered even if you can see light clearly down the barrel. Safety, safety & safety first!

IMHO, this guy's story stinks & he is a killer. I'm Pro-Life too, that makes it a double homicide in my eyes & my opinion.
I bet they are waiting for bullet angles and stippling around the wounds from the autopsy. This reminds me of Diane Downs, remember her? She shot her kids then shot herself through her forearm. When a ME was asked later what the least painful spot to be shot would be, he said the forearm. I would like to know what part of his hand the bullet went though. The webbing between the thumb and index finger is my guess.
Thought I'd post a copy of these safety rules for everyone





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