Focusing Solely on Cindy's Inconsistencies

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I have found that with all the statements where any of the A's use their verbs and pronouns in a mixed up way (lack for a better less sterile word) is when attention needs to be paid towards these statements for being decieteful. My humble opinion only. It would be time consuming, but if we put CA's odd sentences that make us scratch are heads, we will find all of those statements lacking a "forthrightness. The A's seem to use this form of speech when it appears they are in a pickle and feel they need to distract or explain away there false Whens, Whys, and Hows. I actual heared that Jon of Jon and Kate fame, spent hours with a coach recently on how to avoid giving a direct answer. This seemes to come natural for CA and KC, LA and GA. If CA continued her education she would be excellant as an instructor teaching this to others who are not quite as savy when dealing with the media. Now that wasn't bashing I hope because that would be a viable way to have an income and could be offered to families of missing children. That me be a conflict of interest for a not for profit foundation but as we have seen there are always loopholes when you want something to go in ones favore. I wish & pray for cA's continued strenght in figuring out her lifes truths.
Snipped from CA's 8/1/08 interview with LE, as posted by Chiquita71 above: "CA: Jeff, two and a half years ago, he, right about, just before Jesse, I'll tell you how he introduced Jeff into our lives as a person. Casey was still working at colorvision or Kodak and I can't remember when the switch went..."

What in the world does this mean? Introduced Jeff into our lives "as a person"?:bang:

(Hope this isn't considered bashing CA. I just truly do not understand the speech patterns and its difficult to ignore)

vs as a KC fantasy character?
Snipped from CA's 8/1/08 interview with LE, as posted by Chiquita71 above: "CA: Jeff, two and a half years ago, he, right about, just before Jesse, I'll tell you how he introduced Jeff into our lives as a person. Casey was still working at colorvision or Kodak and I can't remember when the switch went..."

What in the world does this mean? Introduced Jeff into our lives "as a person"?:bang:

(Hope this isn't considered bashing CA. I just truly do not understand the speech patterns and its difficult to ignore)

(Snip Respect Juliana) :)

I do not understand this speak either, except to say that my Mother speaks like this too: That Boy. Those People. If it is the same for Cindy...

I think it is when you have no respect for a person you are speaking like this: and if he was "introduced as a person" does that mean Cindy met him in person? I am pretty sure by the statements we have that she did, Juliana...I am wondering too...even deeper what she means by that? It is probably just because she is lying and lying about a person she does not know and has never met. How can anything she is saying make any sense?


I missed what KageyKaren said about this...yes...what KageyKaren said that is something I saw in their words but did not have a way to express...yeah...what you said...thanks.

Hello WS

I am still looking to see where I got that transcript I posted for Cindy's Aug1st interview. I found these theads:

Now, I think these theads are saying they are discussing the Aug1st statement I am not sure which date interview I posted. Nice WSer huh? Anyway...the information on these threads goes right along with what we are talking about...I feel the urge to transcribe that interview. I will end up doing all of them...I want to do the FBI one next...and from the info on those two theads there is another one I did not read before because what I am reading is not what is contained in my notes as to Aug1st, 2008.

This caught my eye (quoting from transcript above):

LE: What about her clothes for her trip she took on the 16th, how much, you said initially about that night that she didn't take anything except a regular diaper bag and baby clothes...
CA: That I saw, again, George and I are at work I don't know, she had access to the house during the day, she could have come in at any point and gone into the house. You know they were still not in Tampa here(pointing to calandar)so any point she still could have..

Did she say here that neither she nor George saw Casey (and Caylee?) leave on the 16th? Or am I misreading this?

Interesting change of tense to present tense, "George and I ARE at work". The rest of her sentence is in past tense, "she HAD access", "they WERE still not in Tampa".
Hello WS

I am still looking to see where I got that transcript I posted for Cindy's Aug1st interview. I found these theads:

Now, I think these theads are saying they are discussing the Aug1st statement I am not sure which date interview I posted. Nice WSer huh? Anyway...the information on these threads goes right along with what we are talking about...I feel the urge to transcribe that interview. I will end up doing all of them...I want to do the FBI one next...and from the info on those two theads there is another one I did not read before because what I am reading is not what is contained in my notes as to Aug1st, 2008.


Bold mine.
You are a brave soul. Godspeed :crazy:
To you and others who have spent countless hours typing these things up, it is so appreciated. :blowkiss:
Hello WS

Here is some of the GVS interview:

CA: No, its June 15th, Father's day, which was mistaken early on because, you know, I never even thought about what day Father's day was. I just, I knew it was a Sunday in June I had taken that video, and I know that was the last day I physically saw her, even though I knew where she was sleeping the next morning. My husband actually saw Caylee and Casey leave on the 16th of June.

And here is where George goes into his famous story of the "normal day."

"even though I knew where she was sleeping the next morning." What an odd way to say..."I saw her on the night of the 15th when I put her to bed"...does she say "and never saw her again?" No. This must be the part of the story she added in another interview where "she could hear them breathing" but she does not add that "fact" here. Why?

If you put the child to bed...why wouldn't you "know where she was sleeping the next morning?"


Sounds like both GA & CA are reading from a script! They must have many "rehearsals" before giving statements and appearing at depos & on TV shows.

Very good thread, Chiquita! Thanks!:blowkiss:
"Casey had her key and everything so she could get into the apartment." If Casey had a key to Zanny's on June22nd, 23rd or 24th(pick any day Cindy says Casey was in Tampa and came home to get Zanny's insurance papers)then did she have that key the day she went to pick up Caylee and nobody was there so she sat on the porch? You would think she would let herself right in...and wait for them to arrive.

What is crazy is that Cindy originally gives the June8th date as the last time she saw Caylee...and we have covered that one on other threads and we know it was really the 15th and Cindy does correct that after the video tape is brought to her attention. But Casey(please, correct if wrong!) has never given any other date? How can she stick to June8th/9th when we all know Caylee was with Cindy on the 15th?

I am asking a question that we know the answer to: Casey did not have a key to Zanny's apartment because Zanny did not exist. But Casey sure told Cindy an awful lot about this person who was watching Cindy's granddaughter...enough that Cindy told her mother all about Zanny...they talked about it so much that SP thought they were saying "Danny." Seems like the nanny was just as convienient for Cindy as it was for Casey.

Not only that little bit of info, she tells in the depo that CA/GA HAD all of Zanny's phone numbers. Conveniently she doesn't know where they are. LE might have them.
You could be right. The way I read it initially was that, they (or GA) only saw KC take a diaper bag, etc but that KC could have entered the house on a subsequent day while GA and CA were at work and taken more clothing without GA or CA knowing about it.
I believe this is more in line with her thinking. Let's not forget that initially Cindy said that Casey and Caylee were off bonding. Also noted in another post the mention of George seeing her in the car prior to the gas can incident on the 24th. I would like to know one way or another if the "car chase" occured.
Great work Chiquita!! You really pin-point all the inconsistent statements that helps us somewhat lead to the truth! Thanks. :woohoo:
Now thats what I'm talking about. Yeah! Can any of us help? Maybe you could section off a group of pages to work on individually. Think of me as a volunteer! <3
What exactly is the topic? I'm sorry, I need help.
The most mind blowing thing, to me, about the August 1st interview is that Cindy spends most of the interview telling investigators this loooong, drawn out, detailed story about Tampa, Casey, Zanny and all the rest, then at the end says, "well I know this isn't true now". I do believe she was trying to convince them that it was true and when they brought many inconsistencies up (like Casey went to the same apt she showed me to get Zanny's insurance paperwork ?) she let them know that the story, in her mind, was not true. Crazy !
(Snip Respect Reagan) :)

Okay. This is my last post today...I am all over this thread and I am sure people have had enough of me for one day. Husband is coming home and crockpot supper is smelling like its done... gem of the day is finding out that George did say that Casey left her purse with her I.D. and everything! Wonder what wallet Lee had in his possession when LE took whatever I.D. they took from there?

Crazy thoughts are coming to me...(hey...where was Casey going to two years is where I'm going to have ta read next 'cause...) Was Casey going to fake her own disappearance? Leaving her info in the abandoned car...knowing she can't really show up at her parents house too many more times without Caylee...was she just going to ignore her parents and live with Tony? If Amy had not spilled the beans that day...Cindy had no idea where Casey was at or who Tony was. I did see text messages between Tony and Casey where he is trying to get her to let him come over to Cindy and George's house. Casey speaks of having some "respect" for her folks and that is why he can't come over. I think she did not want her parents to know about Tony so she could keep them in the dark about her "new life."

Yeah, I think Casey had a plan but not a very good one.:rolleyes:

And, I wonder if it is a ko ink E dink that LE put Cindy's purse on the table like that and told her they were afraid she would forget it-I wonder if they wonder why George and Cindy did not call LE as soon as they found the purse in the car. Why wait to take it home, clean it out and then call? If you hadn't seen your daughter and granddaughter in a 'month' and you just found her car, purse still inside and no daughter or granddaughter around? Knowing the car had been sitting there for weeks? Maybe they don't find that odd...let's find out...

LE: I don't want you to walk out with your purse...
CA: Oh, a woman never leaves...

So...why wouldn't Casey's purse be a red flag for these people? I think these are more details that Cindy does not know of...George saw the car at Amscot before July15th. He saw the purse, smelled the smell and he too left the car where it was at-I have that whole theory in the George solely thread. Even if it did happen the way they say...all on july15th then I wonder what they did with that purse? Give it to LE?

I could answer those but it'd get the thread shut down so I won't :)
Interesting change of tense to present tense, "George and I ARE at work". The rest of her sentence is in past tense, "she HAD access", "they WERE still not in Tampa".

Just to chime in that when people switch tenses like that it is an indicator that they are lying about that portion of the statement. Switching to present tense is showing that they are making it up on the spot. They are visualizing whatever they want to add, change or put a different spin on so the tense changes (accidentally) to the present.
The most mind blowing thing, to me, about the August 1st interview is that Cindy spends most of the interview telling investigators this loooong, drawn out, detailed story about Tampa, Casey, Zanny and all the rest, then at the end says, "well I know this isn't true now". I do believe she was trying to convince them that it was true and when they brought many inconsistencies up (like Casey went to the same apt she showed me to get Zanny's insurance paperwork ?) she let them know that the story, in her mind, was not true. Crazy !

I think that LE actualy told Cindy that none of that was true and Cindy's response was the same type of "oh I know" that Casey always does when faced with unpleasant info that she can't explain away. Then Cindy tries to just steam roller right on with her thoughts about the story and asserts that not all of it can be a lie. I found that to be a very sad moment. I knew then that Cindy was utterly lost. She is so bogged down and focused on the details that she "can't see the forest for the trees." Just like in the depo where she made such a huge deal about the signature. And how she tries to prove Zanny exists by proving she had a dog. Cindy thinks if she can prove just one little detail beyond a doubt then she will be vindicated and almost given permission to believe the whole darn lie. It's very sad really to see someone drowning and clutching at straws that way. Cindy just cannot understand that nothing about Casey was "true". It's too enormous. I think most of us parents out there would be overwhelmed as well. I just think (hopefully) that most people would respond with a willingness to accept and learn the truth however painful.
That's an interesting idea about the two purses. I wonder if Casey was one of those girls that switch purses all the time. Some women that I know that do that end up leaving a significant amount of stuff in the purses and only switch the essentials back and forth. This is probably one of those details about Casey's behavior that we will never really get an answer about.

Guilty of doing this :crazy: If I am just going to do a short trip and don't want to carry my entire life around with me, I have a small bag by the door that I pop my card case in that has my license and those little pesty store cards in and a tube of lipstick.
Oh well shoot! I don't think I will be able to participate in this thread, because I can't think of a single nice thing to say about CA. :behindbar
Quoting myself so this whole post is together.

Video 5 out of 7 around the 2:52 mark

GA: I took a quick glance inside, before I even opened it up. To see if there's anything I could see.
I could see my granddaughters carseat in the back, in the passenger side rear.
I could see my daughters purse, clothes, and it was in disarray.

FBI: Purse? You mean like her regular purse?

GA: Her regular purse.

FBI: Was her drivers license and stuff in it? Do you recall?

GA: Yes

FBI: So wherever she was she was without any I.D to your knowledge.

Anywho, going to read those threads you provided Chiquita

So, which purse was the one they dumped out and CA grabbed the money out of the first night? Cause I remember there was ID in there, actually I thought it was more than one.

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