Focusing Solely on Cindy's Inconsistencies

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The thing with Cindy that has always puzzled me is her quick change from her frantic 911 call, "It smells like there's been a damn dead body" in the car to the pizza claim. I'm not sure exactly how much time elapsed, but it couldn't have been much. So how does one make that quantum leap from suspecting they smell decomposing flesh to trying to pass off the scent as rotten pizza? What did she ascertain about her daughter and her daughter's deeds in that short window that would cause her to do the 180 degree reversal?

If I were in her shoes, I don't believe I could brush that off. As much as I would hate to have my suspicions confirmed, I would have to know one way or another. So I guess where I'm going with this is do y'all think that KC revealed all or part of the truth in the time between the 911 call and the police interview? I saw how distraught both Cindy and George were last summer, and I must say that I found their pain and distress quite believable. But it could have been a deep grief also, the grief of know ing that KC killed little Caylee. It could have been a facade, their pleas to look for "a live Caylee," the mobile sign, t-shirts, etc. If true, how hard it would be to have to act one way when you feel another, all at a time of shock and mourning.

But I have a hard time believing that KC trusted Cindy enough to literally put her life in her hands with such damning information. But something caused Cindy to leap to the conclusion it was only pizza, no, no dead bodies in the trunk, none at all.

At first I suspected GA told CA to BE QUIET! IIRC GA walked in during one of the 911 calls and I think he freaked that CA had called LE.Remember ,CA was supposedly the one who insisted GA go to work after finding the smelly car.
He thought it would all be kept quiet.But then you have all those statements GA made to LE about knowing decomp,etc.So IDK.
Another way to go is to remember CA wasn't expecting KC to be arrested.She thought someone else would be held responsible.
Maybe when KC said from jail "don't worry .I haven't told them anything" it was a veiled threat.If you don't help me I will tell what I have on you.
Maybe LA got CA to cool it.
We will probably never know for sure.
Hello WS :)

Statment to LE
George Anthony(LE and George are speaking about Cindy)

LE: Let me tell you something, okay? And I tried to tell your wife this. I tried to tell you if you did go down this road it is going to, it is going to turn into a circus, okay?
GA: Yes
LE: One of the things that my opinion is, is kind of hurting, and uh, hurting our investigation somewhat, and I'm, I'm thinking maybe hurting your family is Cindy going on the news and, and saying things that she knows not to be true.
GA: Yes
LE: Such as...
GA: We have discussed that.
LE: ...her courtroom test...or when she comes out of the court room and she starts making comments that we're not doing our job and all that. Again, I understand emotion is there, but what's hurting, what might hurt your family is that obviously these things are not true. And the news isn't, you know, you, you've seen Nancy Grace(Hello Friend!) I'm sure you've heard what Nancy Grace has done, and what Nancy Grace has said, the news uh, you know they're not idiots. They're, they're going to look and say wow, is that true? And we're obligated to show them well, no, its not, you know. When an allegation is made and they're tying to turn it on us we're just going to do a thorough job. I'm here to work for you.
GA: And, and, and I can appreciate what you guys do. I mean sure the stuff that my wife has said, I kept on telling her, if you guys ever watch me I'm, I'm, I try to be quiet(inaudible). Because when we go out to these things I'm like this is what Lee, Cindy and myself talked about. This is what we need to say, this is what we need to do, keep it brief, short to the point. Let these huys work for us. Now they're getting, now its, they're dogging us and they're working against us now.
LE: Uh-hum
GA: And they should be helping you and they should be helping us...
LE: Yeah and...
GA: ...find her. And that's, and that's the...
LE: And uh, well the problem is that the situation, with all due respect, was created by Cindy.
GA: Well, that's...
LE: And, and that...
GA: That could, that's the motherly...
LE: Alright
GA: ...the grandmother thing, and, and I, I can't...
LE: Well hope...hopefully...
GA: ...say too much(inaudible)
LE: (paraphrased) Regardless of what Cindy does or says LE will continue to do their job.
GA: And the stuff that I'm saying, you guys are doing the best job you can. Remember I, I praise you guys as much as I, you know if you guys have even seen that. I do that because this is touchy, this hurts. This is touchy for your guys, you guys are doing what you can. We, we, you can't do everything just like I've tried to explain that to my wife. Even my son has tried it. Just because...
LE: Yeah
GA: ...because you might get a quote unquote lead somebody's up in Atlanta, or Bradenton, or Tampa, they can't freaking fly, they're not superman.
LE: Well...
GA: They're going to reach out to their contact if they might have one over there.
LE: I'll tell you one thing that causes problems for us. And I, I don't, uh, and, and, and clearly this might be something that you might have influence over, over Cindy with. When a lead comes in that she thinks is important, what she seems to do is try to hold it over a barrel. And y'all do this, well I'm(It's?) going to make all kinds of trouble for you.
GA: I understand that.
LE: (Paraphrased) What Cindy is doing causes LE to have trouble following leads. George responds that he understands what LE is saying and that is one of the reasons he is speaking with LE in this interview.
GA: I mean and Casey's very good at computers, well I I don't think she can do and pull someone's information out of thin air. I don't think she can do that. But I guess the reason why I am here today is I, I'm just having a hard time grasping what my wife is doing to you guys and I apologize. I, I, I don't like this freaking attorney that she has. I can tell you that right now from, from personal experience I don't like the guy.
GA: And uh, you know, that's what we thought. Because my daughter does not, I don't think she has any money. If she does...
LE: Right
GA: Well, besides stealing from me, my wife...
GA: When I drive around I told my wife, I said, this car stinks so bad I can't, I don't know how I can drive it home.
LE: What did your, what did your wife think about it being when she first noticed it? Did she actually notice it, or did she make any comments on it?
GA: Oh, after we pulled inside the garage she said, her exact words were, "Jesus Christ what died?" That's exactly what she said, but then she said it in a way, she says, "George, it was the pizza right?" And I said, yeah, it was the pizza. And that's what I left it go at that, but, I'm sitting here as the grandfather, as the father, as George Anthony and as a guy who smelled the smell before years ago and you just never forget it.
(paraphrased) George is asked why he thinks Casey might be so stubborn about telling the truth. George discusses "the pool".
LE: Do you think, do you think the reason your daughter doesn't want to tell us what happened is for fear that her mom might do, might say I told you so, or something along that? Do you think it would be so disappointing to mom and, and that's why she's, she's, she's taking this to the bitter end?
GA: And then she piles on some other stuff. Yeah, there's, this is going to sound really crazy at this point, but my wife and I still believe that Casey still resents my wife the day that our granddaughter was born, they didn't hand my granddaughter to my...
LE: Casey?
GA: Yes, Casey, she went to my, went to my wife. My wife says, "No, no, no, that's got to go." Well, they couldn't give it to her because she was being stitched up.
LE: Right
GA: So she mentioned a couple of different times, she said, "Caylee cares for you more for a mom than me." We never said that, Cindy never said she was the mom, I never said I was the dad or anything like that. So, they've had their moments. I haven't been around all the times they've gotten into it but...
LE: And what, what was...
GA: But a lot of times they've gotten into it is because of the lying about working.
(paraphrased)George goes on to say he went to where Casey said she worked to find out she never worked there. How he confronted Casey re: the four thousand dollars she lost at gunpoint, and she was never able to explain or produce any proof.
LE: (paraphrased) I'm sure we are all on the same "sheet of music here, she knows what happened."
GA: Right
LE: Well what do you think is holding her back? What's that obstacle?
GA: Okay, my wife and I discussed this thing about the pool. My wife called me at work, "Hey George, did you shut the gate?"
(paraphrased) LE and George go on to discuss the dates of the gas cans and what days were like circa 24, 25, and 27th. They are tying to figure out what day George and Cindy noticed the gate to the pool being open and the ladder being up.
GA: wife and I were brainstorming uh, all(inaudible)to our insight and I said, there's got to be more to this mess. She said, "George, do you remember that day I found the ladder down and also the gate?" I says, yeah.
LE: I think you called me on, this whole thing started the 15th at, at, late at night, rolled into the 16th. And I want to say it was like the night of the 16th, or the morning of the 17th, your wife called me and left a message saying, you know, to tell me about the gate. No, it wasn't. It was uh, it was the 16th because I remember I, I didn't answer because I was actually at Universal Studios with Caylee.
GA: Yeah
LE: Or Casey...
(paraphrase) LE asks again why Casey is still taking things "so far." They ask George what is her reason. George goes on to say that she will not open up to him, or Cindy but maybe Lee because they are siblings.
GA: Right, because when she started coming clean with the money she was taking and this and that coming up, yeah, she balled. I mean she literally balled. She didn't, because we, we just kept on catching her in stuff. I'll tell you one thing, I don't, I don't know how one time she made a forty-four hundred dollar, or a four thousand dollar deposit into my wife's account. We still don't know how she did it, it looked very real. You know, the carbon copy type thing oh, and, and it looked real.

I think that LE actualy told Cindy that none of that was true and Cindy's response was the same type of "oh I know" that Casey always does when faced with unpleasant info that she can't explain away. Then Cindy tries to just steam roller right on with her thoughts about the story and asserts that not all of it can be a lie. I found that to be a very sad moment. I knew then that Cindy was utterly lost. She is so bogged down and focused on the details that she "can't see the forest for the trees." Just like in the depo where she made such a huge deal about the signature. And how she tries to prove Zanny exists by proving she had a dog. Cindy thinks if she can prove just one little detail beyond a doubt then she will be vindicated and almost given permission to believe the whole darn lie. It's very sad really to see someone drowning and clutching at straws that way. Cindy just cannot understand that nothing about Casey was "true". It's too enormous. I think most of us parents out there would be overwhelmed as well. I just think (hopefully) that most people would respond with a willingness to accept and learn the truth however painful.

:clap: Well Said
Logically the first statement would be the closest to the truth, no time to concoct and rearrange details. This being the said, Cindy's statement says a lot about June 24th.
Cindy states that 3 weeks prior to July 15th that she had asked KC to return the car and Caylee, counting back three weeks this date would be June 24. The exact same day George reported the gas cans missing, the exact same day George confronted KC about the gas cans and the exact same day Cindy stated in her FBI interview that KC was in Tampa and that she had talked to Casey by phone....Zany in the hospital... yada, yada, yada.
June 24th is also the date that CA say's KC came back to Orlando for insurance papers.

I agree with the first statements being closest to the truth, as the A clan knows it. Although let me also state I believe the A's knew of Caylee's murder immediately or within hours of it happening. Given this belief, they had 31 days to "fine-tune" their story and still didn't give a convincing version. CA still was editing her story as she moved along daily.

This case has my brain rattling at times. I think we have a thread or post about this date somewhere. Can anyone confirm or point me to the post with phone records that CA did call KC this date? Actually, it might be interesting to view all the phone records between CA/GA and KC on this date.

The thing with Cindy that has always puzzled me is her quick change from her frantic 911 call, "It smells like there's been a damn dead body" in the car to the pizza claim. I'm not sure exactly how much time elapsed, but it couldn't have been much. So how does one make that quantum leap from suspecting they smell decomposing flesh to trying to pass off the scent as rotten pizza? What did she ascertain about her daughter and her daughter's deeds in that short window that would cause her to do the 180 degree reversal?

If I were in her shoes, I don't believe I could brush that off. As much as I would hate to have my suspicions confirmed, I would have to know one way or another. So I guess where I'm going with this is do y'all think that KC revealed all or part of the truth in the time between the 911 call and the police interview? I saw how distraught both Cindy and George were last summer, and I must say that I found their pain and distress quite believable. But it could have been a deep grief also, the grief of know ing that KC killed little Caylee. It could have been a facade, their pleas to look for "a live Caylee," the mobile sign, t-shirts, etc. If true, how hard it would be to have to act one way when you feel another, all at a time of shock and mourning.

But I have a hard time believing that KC trusted Cindy enough to literally put her life in her hands with such damning information. But something caused Cindy to leap to the conclusion it was only pizza, no, no dead bodies in the trunk, none at all.

And that is the thing I always come back to. There had/has to be some reason why KC was/is sure CA and GA will back her, and I keep thinking this has to mean they were involved, maybe not in the murder, but, in the coverup. Or there is something they don't want KC to disclose about them, that is keeping them in line on this.
I agree with the first statements being closest to the truth, as the A clan knows it. Although let me also state I believe the A's knew of Caylee's murder immediately or within hours of it happening. Given this belief, they had 31 days to "fine-tune" their story and still didn't give a convincing version. CA still was editing her story as she moved along daily.

This case has my brain rattling at times. I think we have a thread or post about this date somewhere. Can anyone confirm or point me to the post with phone records that CA did call KC this date? Actually, it might be interesting to view all the phone records between CA/GA and KC on this date.


I member the posts we had goin on about this. Yup---this could be worth looking into. In fact I think we need a thread just for this subject. Maybe just "31 days" thread. I also member it didn't take long for e-body to shoot the idea down---LOL

We don't know---maybe Caylee was hurt during the fight and KC ran out the door and left CA to clean up the mess. Maybe CA put Caylee in the Play House til she could figure what to do---KC came back and stole the body---my baby and the rest of the time was the A's investigation "fine-tune" their story.
And that is the thing I always come back to. There had/has to be some reason why KC was/is sure CA and GA will back her, and I keep thinking this has to mean they were involved, maybe not in the murder, but, in the coverup. Or there is something they don't want KC to disclose about them, that is keeping them in line on this.


I'm sure many believe Casey has something on her parents that has kept them on her side her like this..but I don't believe so.

I keep thinking about CA's brother Rick's interview when he states that CA would never reveal to the extended family if things were not perfect with her family, she would only tell(brag) to the family about the good things and never would speak of anything not perfect with her family.(Paraphrasing)

I believe this is one (of many) motiving factor for CA... keep up appearances and don't let anyone(including extended family) see that there could be anything wrong, no matter what the issue.

Anyway, that is just my :twocents:
I have brought this up in the past, Cindy's behavior of "feelings create facts". Here is a great link that gives an idea as to what the heck is wrong with Cindy, ignoring all the facts and going along as if Casey's stories are true..

"Some people are so aware of and involved with their feelings that they lose sight of what the facts are and whether or not their feelings are supported by the facts. Such individuals tend to base their opinions and decisions on how they feel, often without considering all of the facts in the situation. To them, what they feel represents what is real.

Attempting to reason or communicate with someone who believes that what they feel determines what is real is an exercise in frustration. They tend to give their feelings more credibility than the facts, regardless of how much evidence you give them..."

(bold mine)

Also known as: Perception Is Reality. A key mindset when engaged in any type of PR. The problem with Cindy is that her reality became so cemented, so early. At this point, the 'facts' could change drastically (not that I expect them to) and Cindy would still be stuck on the same reality. In other words, she married into some fantasy scenario and now she's got to see the whole thing through to the bitter end. I almost feel sorry for her. You know her pride will never let her publicly back away from her reality. Even if she does one day privately accept the facts.
I agree with the first statements being closest to the truth, as the A clan knows it. Although let me also state I believe the A's knew of Caylee's murder immediately or within hours of it happening. Given this belief, they had 31 days to "fine-tune" their story and still didn't give a convincing version. CA still was editing her story as she moved along daily.

This case has my brain rattling at times. I think we have a thread or post about this date somewhere. Can anyone confirm or point me to the post with phone records that CA did call KC this date? Actually, it might be interesting to view all the phone records between CA/GA and KC on this date.


June 24th
Cindy talked to Casey by phone. Casey said they were getting ready to leave the hospital but Zani began having complications, punctured lung and fractured rib but that the lung was not fully collapsed. Zani’s sister brought Zani’s mother to the hospital but forgot her meds so they had to go back home. Zani wasn’t released so Casey stayed with her again. Cindy said in their conversation she had words with Casey that it was Zani’s family’s obligation to take care of Zani and not Caseys. Caseys responsibility was Caylee. (Should have been a lengthy conversation)

June 24th
Casey still at the hospital with Zani
14:49:06 Casey calls Cindy’s cell no answer
14:49:31 Casey calls Cindy’s cell 4 sec
14:49:47 Casey calls Cindy’s cell no answer
14:50:11 Casey calls Cindy’s cell 1 min call
15:15:18 Cindy calls Casey 4 minute conversation
17:25:53 Casey calls Cindy’s cell 10 minute conversation
19:05:06 Anthony home calls Casey 4 sec
19:06:10 Casey calls Anthony home 12 minute conversation
[ame=""]Cindy's FBI Interview compared with KC's cell phone records - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
momtective you are good. Thank you. Off to read the link you gave.

Ok, that was certainly a lot to absorb. Can't wait to read the text messages between those calls.

Do I "assume" the VM's are not available to LE? Reason I ask is Verizon only keeps VM's, if saved, for 30 days and I can't see KC or CA saving any angry ones.
I think KC has turned the corner and CA has finally realized this. CA has finally realized her influence and control of her daughter are gone and she has been replaced by Team Baez. CA never really had control of KC-she only thought she did because KC was dependent on her. That dependence is what gave her some control-just as it gives her control of GA.:slap:
Why did CA seem so hurt? Ya got me! I mean if you could murder your daughter and then party like a rock star-how difficult is it to turn your back on your 'rents? :bang: Especially, when they are no longer an asset but a liability to your future!:behindbar jmo

On July 15 and 16, 2008, KC told LE her story of what happened to Caylee. That story has been proven to be a complete fabrication - a lie. Since then, KC hasn't said anything, other than what's been released under the Florida Sunshine Law, in audio and video - audio of her phone call home from jail, and videos of jail house visits.

Since July 16, 2008, it's been the other members of the Anthony family - GA, CA, and LA, who've been giving interviews on national television programs and haven't missed an opportunity for media exposure. The bizarre behavior of her immediate family has not been an asset to KC, and if anything, has been a liability.

KC was not happy that her parents couldn't raise the $50,000 initially to bond her out of jail. When she was bonded out by other sources, she no longer was dependent on her family for financial support. Since she's been confined to jail she's been the recipient of money to her commissary fund from strangers, and again is not dependent on her family for financial support. As far as KC is concerned, her parents are no longer needed. A sociopath only sees other people in terms of what they can do for them. There's no real emotional bond.

At this point, the only people that KC is dependent on is her defense team - they are the only ones she sees as being able to get her out of taking responsibility for her actions.

I don't think CA has yet reached that point where she understands that KC no longer has emotional ties to her family.
I think KC was used to making up lies for her parents consumption and knew they wouldn't question the little details from one lie to another. Neither of her parents would ever analyze her lies in comparison to a previous lie and ask questions. They bought what KC told them.

But now, all the little details that KC wove into her elaborate lies is being dissected by professionals. It's these little details that have exposed the lies. If presented at trial, the jury will realize that most of what KC has said is a lie. This coupled with other evidence is what will convict her.
IMO they knew it was all a lie. If they believed the whole SG apt. deal wouldn't they have hightailed it over least ONCE...searching around for answers? At first I believed that the As were abiding by LE's wishes NOT to go, but what we know now about CA's disdain for OCSO, wild horses couldn't have kept her away (if she truly believed there was a nanny living there).
June 24th
Cindy talked to Casey by phone. Casey said they were getting ready to leave the hospital but Zani began having complications, punctured lung and fractured rib but that the lung was not fully collapsed. Zani’s sister brought Zani’s mother to the hospital but forgot her meds so they had to go back home. Zani wasn’t released so Casey stayed with her again. Cindy said in their conversation she had words with Casey that it was Zani’s family’s obligation to take care of Zani and not Caseys. Caseys responsibility was Caylee. (Should have been a lengthy conversation)

June 24th
Casey still at the hospital with Zani
14:49:06 Casey calls Cindy’s cell no answer
14:49:31 Casey calls Cindy’s cell 4 sec
14:49:47 Casey calls Cindy’s cell no answer
14:50:11 Casey calls Cindy’s cell 1 min call
15:15:18 Cindy calls Casey 4 minute conversation
17:25:53 Casey calls Cindy’s cell 10 minute conversation
19:05:06 Anthony home calls Casey 4 sec
19:06:10 Casey calls Anthony home 12 minute conversation
Cindy's FBI Interview compared with KC's cell phone records - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
So I guess GA didn't see her at @2:30pm on the 24th?

ETA: So what does George know? (sorry, OT)
Logically the first statement would be the closest to the truth, no time to concoct and rearrange details. This being said, Cindy's statement says a lot about June 24th.
Cindy states that 3 weeks prior to July 15th that she had asked KC to return the car and Caylee, counting back three weeks this date would be June 24. The exact same day George reported the gas cans missing, the exact same day George confronted KC about the gas cans and the exact same day Cindy stated in her FBI interview that KC was in Tampa and that she had talked to Casey by phone....Zany in the hospital... yada, yada, yada.
June 24th is also the date that CA say's KC came back to Orlando for insurance papers.
Thats a fantastic point Momtective ! I wonder if Cindy told Casey to bring back the car before or after George was at the trunk retrieving his gas cans. My guess would be after. I would also imagine the "bring back the car tactic" was a ploy to check on Caylee. The fact that Cindy and George kept the car in their name says something to me. The car may have, at one time, been a way to get some sort of control over Casey, although it wasn't working at this point.
Thats a fantastic point Momtective ! I wonder if Cindy told Casey to bring back the car before or after George was at the trunk retrieving his gas cans. My guess would be after. I would also imagine the "bring back the car tactic" was a ploy to check on Caylee. The fact that Cindy and George kept the car in their name says something to me. The car may have, at one time, been a way to get some sort of control over Casey, although it wasn't working at this point.
Let's not forget, the car was Lee's before it was Casey's. IMO it was truly just another family vehicle. Funny how the car led to Casey's ultimate downfall.
IMO they knew it was all a lie. If they believed the whole SG apt. deal wouldn't they have hightailed it over least ONCE...searching around for answers? At first I believed that the As were abiding by LE's wishes NOT to go, but what we know now about CA's disdain for OCSO, wild horses couldn't have kept her away (if she truly believed there was a nanny living there).

Also CA stated, under oath in her depo, that she had numbers for zanny but didn't know what happened to them. According to her depo LE might have them. Like the cc receipts she talked about LE not needing.

I just see more "second verse, same as the first" song and dance scenario being given by CA.
(bold mine)

Also known as: Perception Is Reality. A key mindset when engaged in any type of PR. The problem with Cindy is that her reality became so cemented, so early. At this point, the 'facts' could change drastically (not that I expect them to) and Cindy would still be stuck on the same reality. In other words, she married into some fantasy scenario and now she's got to see the whole thing through to the bitter end. I almost feel sorry for her. You know her pride will never let her publicly back away from her reality. Even if she does one day privately accept the facts.

Also known as Dissociation.
Also CA stated, under oath in her depo, that she had numbers for zanny but didn't know what happened to them. According to her depo LE might have them. Like the cc receipts she talked about LE not needing.

I just see more "second verse, same as the first" song and dance scenario being given by CA.
If there were any such numbers and they were given to LE, it will be interesting to see which friends of Casey's are under Zanny's name come trial time. Cindy had number's for Zanny and Zanny took Caylee, yet Cindy never called any of the numbers she had for Zanny. I can see the look on the jurors faces already... :confused:
Hello WS ;)

Here is the first ten minutes of Cindy's video interview with FBI
July30th, 2008

LE: How ya holding up?
CA: It gets harder every day, it, it really does because I, I, the reason we reached out to you is because of our frustrations with the Orange County Sheriff's department and stuff and this(inaudible)I think it, I think the focus is not finding Caylee and that's really frustrating to us, and she's the most important thing finding her(inaudible)and ever thing else will fall right into place.
(another LE comes in room)
LE: Did you introduce yourself?
LE: No I did not, I apologize, I'm (name)
CA: Your the State Trooper
LE: (inaudible)Steve works for Seminole County and he's the one who arranged for us to be able to use this facility, out of the way...
CA: Yes, I appreciate this because, you know, its so nice to get away from the media and any other you know, stuff that's out there.
LE: (Inaudible crosstalk)I understand, I been around these situations before, I don't know what Josh told you but...
CA: You know, we really didn't talk to Josh a whole lot about you guys involvement and I'm sure you guys has a huge involvement in this situation. He(inaudible)knew that I was frustrated the other day and I said because, you know, they, they've been telling us that FBI was calling last, a week, not Monday the 28th but the 21st, there was, you know, we weren't sure if that was the case or not and we were kind of wondering why you guys weren't called in, in the beginning when it was said it was a kidnapping. So, and I'm sure there's, you know, channels of communication and everything but more frustration I got was from speaking with this ah, witness from the airport and you know, I urged her to reach out to the FBI and she did and she finally told me some information but I wanted to reach out as well because, I mean its just, I think we should...
LE: Are you talking about the lady that was on the plane that...
CA: (Name of lady)yeah
LE: I spoke with her twice as a matter of fact and she felt, you know, put some concern out that nothin's being done, I let her know, I mean, that day we'd sent out nine leads, um, so I'm working out of (inaudible)FBI office, I've been working out of that office for three years...
CA: Well there was some red flags with her, you know, not her, herself but her um, her reac, interaction with the sheriff's department, first red flag was when she thought it was strange as did I, that they wanted to meet up with her at a McDonald's to do her statement and a composite sketch. Her and her son at a McDonald's, I mean, I don't know what you all do I mean, this is the first time we've really had any major, my son, my husband was a deputy sheriff in Ohio fer uh, nine years before I met him and he, you know is in it for another year and a half until we said no more, that's enough I've, I've I want to have a husband, a son for my, I mean a father for my son(inaudible)I mean so we don't know all of the ins and outs and things like that, but I mean I could not imagine you would take a fourteen year old and a woman to McDonald's to do, get a written statement and do a composite sketch. That was kind of like a red flag and we were just kind of wondering were they blowin' her off? She kinda felt like they were blowin' her off, and her, her stuff was so compelling, I mean things that she said, she even said that she, Caylee had said her name and the way she said Caylee's name because when ever someone would call in and tell us they'd already spoken with the, you know, the tip line, now this particular tip came in, um, a week ago Tuesday on the 22nd, she called me, in fact I have um, I think the minutes, um she had called me on the 22nd I, we got home from the uh, bond hearing and I always listen to the messages just to see if there's anything I need to take care of right away, and her's was probably about a four minute message and then I call her back and I (inaudible)speaking with her, probably spoke for ten minutes, I immediately hang up, relay everything she told me to detective M. and I documented 8:40, I mean 8:14, that I spoke to him on his voice mail and told him everything, her sighting and what she said, I gave her the name and everything like that, ah, she told me she had a difficult time getting through to the tip line, she said that she'd been, had been trying since she got back from her trip and she didn't know until she got back from her trip, which was that weekend, that Caylee was a missing person or she would have said something prior to that, I mean, the things that she talked about Caylee. So, that's why its kind of compelling I mean, from the baby doll, to how she spoke, how Caylee would go up to her puppy, she has a Yorkshire Terrier, she was on the trip to take the Yorkie puppy, we have two Yorkie puppies at our home, um, you know, but, she came up ta her and her son and they spent ten, fifteen minutes with her, so not just sighting across a restaurant like some of them come in or across, you know, the street at a gas station or whathaveyou, but if this person said that she stated the name she state the fact that she was two almost three I mean there's a lot of things that, you know, sounded right. The other thing was she had a cap on, one kids don't like caps, Cay, Caylee has a lot of hats different types of hats, scarfs things like that, those usually don't stay on but the typical baseball cap type of thing she'll wear, she likes those and down to the baby doll that had no clothes on Caylee's m.o. is as soon as you give her a new baby doll its stripped down ta nothing, and you know Casey and I constantly would try to put the clothes on the baby doll so just things like that you know and then the fact that she said Caylee, and She said she really couldn't tell the middle name was because when Caylee speaks her name, full name she'll say, Caylee Marie Anthony, if you, if you ask her what her first name is she'll say Caylee, if you ask her middle name she'll say Marie, if you ask her what her last name is she says Anthony very clearly but what she winds it up to be, the way she says it all is one big sentence which for a little girl that's a sentence, three, you know, parts of her name, the Anthony comes out Antony instead of Anthony. So, again these are all, I told her, describe what you saw, I mean I didn't say anything to her one way or the other, oh my god, this is it, this isn't it, you know, I mean so those were the things that were very compelling, the fact, I mean, she described her down to what she was wearing, things like that and she noticed the other lady, so her frustration early on was from the 22nd until, like last friday or thursday she really didn't have any follow up and she was concerned about that um, that she hadn't had any follow up with anybody.
LE: Maybe to alieveate some of to those worries for you, in a much a lot of times that's the problem with(inaudible) tipsters they want to know what happened...
CA: I know
LE: ...and quite frankly its our job...
CA: Uh-hum
LE: run leads but we're not going ot tell them because that influences later on...
CA: Exactly
LE: ...what they come back with, we understand, we understand it we hope that they understand that but uh, we want you to know that those minutes were followed up we did identify those kids that were on that plane...
CA: Did you?
LE: Yes
CA: Okay because the detective told my ah, son on the weekend, which was saturday, just this past saturday that they um, wasted a lot of time with the Orlando airport tip and that the video did not pan out, you know that there was, you know, nothing. Well, I have peop, I know someone that works at the airport, they said the video was not available because the videos not already run over so I don't know if that's true or not so if they're telling us that they looked at a video and they didn't see Caylee on that video, then is that truthful or is, was there a video and...
LE: I don't know, I don't know about videos, I know that, that, that(inaudible)should know more about this particular instance, with the manifest and that kind of stuff.
LE: (other) I know that I talked to (name) like I said twice, I'm sorry (name), and ah, that she, you know raised some concerns on friday about nothing being done and I explained to her, ah well actually after that we received information from Orange County somebody, 'cause we are trying to handle the out of state leads and we're working with the appropriate jurisdiction we're those agents can go out and ah, contact those individuals and that's what happened in this case and that was like one of the nine others we sent that day.
CA: Okay
LE: Um, and that's really the only reason I called her in the first place was, sometimes you just don't know whether people heard what they really did, ah, 'cause this one child's name was a similar name and its, its like a female being called(name)and her dolly is(name) what's your name? It's(dolly smith).
CA: Right
LE: And that's why I want to find out, you know, is this, I mean you know is she sure and certain she heard it. I never got to that point ah, because I ah, she was confident in her mind that when the little girl said my name is so and so, this is what she expressed to me, she said and she kept on referring to her as Caylee, that's I said well my point is moot, I don't think she's , she's got the mind set that this is what she feels happened so, uh, and, and I understand that and I wouldn't try and change her mind...thought that...
CA: ...Oh, I understand that too but she's a, was a red flag too because she said the agent, at that time she'd found out it was Steve and she said that one question that they asked is um did she speak with Mr(end video part 1)
If there were any such numbers and they were given to LE, it will be interesting to see which friends of Casey's are under Zanny's name come trial time. Cindy had number's for Zanny and Zanny took Caylee, yet Cindy never called any of the numbers she had for Zanny. I can see the look on the jurors faces already... :confused:

Exactly. IF, and this is one huge IF, CA had the numbers and gave them to LE within 48 hours of Caylee being reported missing, LE would have been able to verify immediately. Of course they couldn't since they didn't have these numbers. These zanny numbers would have been discussed during the LE/FBI interviews and asked of the A's where and when they received them, and if they have called these numbers previous to Caylee being reported missing. The A clan stated no one had ever talked with a zanny/nanny. :bang:

So, like you, I will be interested when and if LE releases these specific zanny numbers. I am betting that they already know who they belong to and will be a part of the trial evidence. I am more interested in seeing what has NOT be released than the carp lies that have been thrown out there.

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