Focusing Solely on Cindy's Inconsistencies

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Oh, and I find it interesting that CA made a point to say, "women don't leave their purses in cars", when in fact that's exactly what Casey did.. per GA and LE.

That part of the interview was interesting, a little banter back and forth over a small item about women leaving purses in cars, etc.-sortuv an uncomfortable "gotta have the last word" thing.
This and the GA sister-thread (and I still have a lot on my mind about LA's thread) are the best ever....I have to admit, it is difficult really dissecting their interviews and such, and so much video to keep up with. Between these two or three threads, we can pull some valuable info :) and for me, at least, re-focus on the events of that time, not solely the courtroom antics that have happened post-arrest. I hope there are more answers here, as there have been in so many other threads!

ETA: HOWEVER! I am sure CA's depo courtroom antics will be discussed here! I will follow the chronology that better sleuthers than I put out for this thread, and chime in if I must!
Hello WS :)

Wow. I am enjoying this thread too and if I wait a few more minutes I will have told the truth and stayed away until tomorrow. There are posts that came up while I was away and they are great and I want to cover everything that everyone is bringing in. I could not hold all the info that I had gotten here on WS and to be able to put it out like this and have everyone add in all that they know is super great for me, so it is I who should be thanking you. :clap:

What NocturnalLady said in her whole post on Cindy "not seeing the forest for the trees" was deeply right on for me...I love to know the facts and get facts straight but I also love the insight into deeper emotional, human behavior reasons that events manifest in people's lives, and how and why they react to them the way we do. So, I love when people give that kind of insight and it clicks. Thanks :)

This part of the GVS interview is heavy with George's "normal day" story and I wanted to see it posted up, it get's referenced so much. I figure it can belong here because of Cindy. Btw, having both this and the George thread rules, I am going back and forth between them and after all of the Cindy stuff I want to head on to Lee.

But what I personally have not focused on as a detail per Cindy, is the bamboo and how it is another detail in the time frame and why it is there. Probably just more nonsense but if we started ruling that out we would not have much to discuss. :rolleyes:

August 5, 2008

CA: No, its June 15th, Father's day, which was mistaken early on because, you know, I never thought about what day Father's day was. I just, I knew it was a Sunday in June I had taken that video, and I knew that was the last day I physically saw her, even though I knew where she was sleeping the next morning. My husband actually saw Caylee and Casey leave on the 16th of June.
GVS: Alright, so this is the 15th is Sunday, Father's day. Everything's normal, every things fine. The next morning is the last day that either you or George saw her. Do you remember what time of day it was?
GA: Oh, specifically I remember it was 10 minutes to 1:00 on Monday the 16th, early afternoon. I was watching a favorite TV show I like to watch on TV, a news...
CA: Before you go to work.
GA: Yes, its, was a Food Channel thing I watched, so...
GVS: And was it, you were watching here in the living room?
GA: Right, and I was sitting right here, just watching it, and saw my granddaughter and daughter came out, you know, with their backpacks and...
CA: Like any other day
GA: Just like a normal type thing.
GVS: Do you know where they were headed with the back packs?
GA: My daughter said that she was going to work, dropping her daughter off at the Nanny's house, and that was it. I give them both hugs, kisses and saw them go out the door like a typical thing that they've done, that she's done.
GVS: Nothing out of the ordinary?
GA: Just smiles, hugs, Dad we'll see you tomorrow because I might be working a little bit late, type deal and that was it.
GVS: Now, I know you won't reveal the details, but can you just tell me, has Casey told you what happened to that child?
CA: Yes, in her way and I can't reveal that.
CVS: But in her way, so that, I mean, I know, George, that it was at least reported that you came out the other day and said that Casey said that Caylee was close, which is, you know, rather vauge. Is that, is that the kind of information that, Cindy, you have or do you have, like, specific information that satisfies you?
GA: She just feels that Caylee's close, she's still safe.
GVS: Does Casey say she borrowed a shovel from a neighbor?
CA: Yes
GVS: And what did she say her purpose of borrowing a shovel...
CA: To look for the bamboo.
GVS: So to remove the bamboo, which grows very...
CA: Rapidly
GVS: ...aggressively.
CA: Right, it does and if we don't keep track of it, if I don't get rid of that today, I'll have other shoots coming into the rest of the yard.
(Skip)(Paraphrased) George's confusing information re: gas can date but GVS seems to get them to clarify.
GVS: Alright, so as best you can tell, it happened between the 22nd and the 24th, sometime in there.
GA: Uh-huh, that's when I saw my daughter. I was getting ready to go to work, and the garage door goes open and my daughter comes in, this is about 2:25, 2:30 in the afternoon on the 24th. As she comes in the house, and I said, hey, how're your doing? And she says, "Fine dad." I says, well, what's going on? And she says, "Oh, I'm just stopping home for about ten minutes to get some clothes. I got to go back to work." Where's Caylee? "She's with Zanny" and I said, okay, when are you guys coming home? She says, "Oh, we'll be back home maybe later tonight or the next day." I said, okay have you been talking to mom? "Oh, yes, I talk to mom every day." I said, I know but did you talk to mom today? She sort of hesitated for a moment and she says, "Yes" and she says, "Oh, by the way, its a shame what happened in the shed" and I said...
CA: Yes, because(inaudible)
GA: And I said, really? She says, "yes", I said, interesting. And I just said, hey, by the way, I said, I'm getting ready to rotate your mom's tires on her car, there's a little metal wedge that fits underneath your tires so the car does not rock back and forth. And I said, well I'd like to have it, so in case your not here over the weekend, I'd like to be able to do it. She was hesitant about letting me get in the car and I said, well listen, I got an extra key, I'll just go get it. Well, she was adament about, about that.
GVS: What, not letting you into the car?
GA: Yes, didn't want me to get into the car to get the stuff out. "Dad I'll get it for you, dad I'll get it out." I said, its no problem, I know where its at, I'll go get it, get it out and be done with it. So as we're walking out through the garage, she's still telling me, "Dad, I'll get it, give me a minute, I'll get it." I said Casey, I'm capable of reaching inside your car, and i got it. So...and she opened up the trunk of the car...
CA: The gas cans were there.
GA: (Inaudible) the gas cans there, she's the one that took the gas cans.

I would like a rule that says interviewers can only state interviewees answers back to them not make up answers of their own. And, when interviewees do not give an answer to the question-interviewer should thank them for the response and then ask the question again that was not answered. This should continue until said question is answered. Is there a serious face? :mad:

(Snip Respect Juliana) :)

I do not understand this speak either, except to say that my Mother speaks like this too: That Boy. Those People. If it is the same for Cindy...

I think it is when you have no respect for a person you are speaking like this: and if he was "introduced as a person" does that mean Cindy met him in person? I am pretty sure by the statements we have that she did, Juliana...I am wondering too...even deeper what she means by that? It is probably just because she is lying and lying about a person she does not know and has never met. How can anything she is saying make any sense?


I missed what KageyKaren said about this...yes...what KageyKaren said that is something I saw in their words but did not have a way to express...yeah...what you said...thanks.


I don't think CA meant that they had actually met JH in person. The statement by JH indicates that he knew KC, but that was it, they didn't have a close relationship.........nothing outside of work.

I think what CA meant by "introduced to us as a person" is that at some point KC built an imaginary character named JH - the name was real, but the vital statistics were completely made up. KC presented JH to her parents as a friend of ZFG, and that JH had ZFG babysit with his son, Zachary. But, the real JH isn't married and isn't a father with a son named Zachary, and never met anyone named ZFG.

I think KC was trying to legitimize her choice of ZFG as a sitter, saying that a co-worker recommended her and trusted her to babysit with his own son.
This, IMO, is a very telling statement made by Cindy on LK early on. Bolded by me.

LK, Do you have any thoughts, Cindy, as to what happened to your granddaughter?

CINDY ANTHONY: My thoughts are a lot clearer now than they were that night that I made three 911 calls. I'm very confident that -- I'm very confident that Casey will be exonerated of all charges once we find Caylee, so that's why our focus is on trying to find our granddaughter.

Thank you Searchfortruth I have not gotten to this yet, I had not even joined WS when they were making this interview-I am very behind. I think it will be interesting to see how Cindy's story unfolds as we get all the statements together. That plus doing the same in the George forum, etc. is interesting to me. This was LKL. We can compare the first interview with the last when they are posted.

Rock On!
Interesting change of tense to present tense, "George and I ARE at work". The rest of her sentence is in past tense, "she HAD access", "they WERE still not in Tampa".

I read on one of those body language interpretation sites that a change of tense is supposed to be indicative of deceit. No idea whether or not that's valid, but it's interesting.
"Casey had her key and everything so she could get into the apartment." If Casey had a key to Zanny's on June22nd, 23rd or 24th(pick any day Cindy says Casey was in Tampa and came home to get Zanny's insurance papers)then did she have that key the day she went to pick up Caylee and nobody was there so she sat on the porch? You would think she would let herself right in...and wait for them to arrive.

What is crazy is that Cindy originally gives the June8th date as the last time she saw Caylee...and we have covered that one on other threads and we know it was really the 15th and Cindy does correct that after the video tape is brought to her attention. But Casey(please, correct if wrong!) has never given any other date? How can she stick to June8th/9th when we all know Caylee was with Cindy on the 15th?

I am asking a question that we know the answer to: Casey did not have a key to Zanny's apartment because Zanny did not exist. But Casey sure told Cindy an awful lot about this person who was watching Cindy's granddaughter...enough that Cindy told her mother all about Zanny...they talked about it so much that SP thought they were saying "Danny." Seems like the nanny was just as convienient for Cindy as it was for Casey.

I think KC was used to making up lies for her parents consumption and knew they wouldn't question the little details from one lie to another. Neither of her parents would ever analyze her lies in comparison to a previous lie and ask questions. They bought what KC told them.

But now, all the little details that KC wove into her elaborate lies is being dissected by professionals. It's these little details that have exposed the lies. If presented at trial, the jury will realize that most of what KC has said is a lie. This coupled with other evidence is what will convict her.
"Casey had her key and everything so she could get into the apartment." If Casey had a key to Zanny's on June22nd, 23rd or 24th(pick any day Cindy says Casey was in Tampa and came home to get Zanny's insurance papers)then did she have that key the day she went to pick up Caylee and nobody was there so she sat on the porch? You would think she would let herself right in...and wait for them to arrive.

What is crazy is that Cindy originally gives the June8th date as the last time she saw Caylee...and we have covered that one on other threads and we know it was really the 15th and Cindy does correct that after the video tape is brought to her attention. But Casey(please, correct if wrong!) has never given any other date? How can she stick to June8th/9th when we all know Caylee was with Cindy on the 15th?

I am asking a question that we know the answer to: Casey did not have a key to Zanny's apartment because Zanny did not exist. But Casey sure told Cindy an awful lot about this person who was watching Cindy's granddaughter...enough that Cindy told her mother all about Zanny...they talked about it so much that SP thought they were saying "Danny." Seems like the nanny was just as convienient for Cindy as it was for Casey.

I bolded the above - this is the first I remember reading this. Am I correct that CA is saying that Casey came the whole way back to Zanny's to get Zanny's insurance papers? Because when I first read the post it almost sounded to me like CA was saying that Casey had returned to the Hopespring address to get Zanny's insurance papers.

But, I guess it really doesn't matter because CA was recalling for LE what was told to her by Casey, and I really don't think any of it was true at all. In fact, reading through the long depo of Cindy's, it is quite clear that all of what she is relating that Casey told her is beyond believable, as in many instances the logistics just make no sense. IE - how could she be in Jacksonville for 2 weeks, and during the same two weeks, be with Zanny in Tampa while she was in an ER due to an accident? I honestly get a headache and feel dizzy just reading the whole depo. I have known several parents whose children were "saints on earth", but the extent of the unbelievable in this case defies reason. I feel sad for CA because she has to try so hard to make sense of whatever Casey has told her. JMHO
The most mind blowing thing, to me, about the August 1st interview is that Cindy spends most of the interview telling investigators this loooong, drawn out, detailed story about Tampa, Casey, Zanny and all the rest, then at the end says, "well I know this isn't true now". I do believe she was trying to convince them that it was true and when they brought many inconsistencies up (like Casey went to the same apt she showed me to get Zanny's insurance paperwork ?) she let them know that the story, in her mind, was not true. Crazy !

At the time the August 1st interview was released publicly, I couldn't believe how much time was wasted on telling a story in great detail when all the parties know that the story was a complete lie to begin with. :shakehead:
The thing with Cindy that has always puzzled me is her quick change from her frantic 911 call, "It smells like there's been a damn dead body" in the car to the pizza claim. I'm not sure exactly how much time elapsed, but it couldn't have been much. So how does one make that quantum leap from suspecting they smell decomposing flesh to trying to pass off the scent as rotten pizza? What did she ascertain about her daughter and her daughter's deeds in that short window that would cause her to do the 180 degree reversal?

If I were in her shoes, I don't believe I could brush that off. As much as I would hate to have my suspicions confirmed, I would have to know one way or another. So I guess where I'm going with this is do y'all think that KC revealed all or part of the truth in the time between the 911 call and the police interview? I saw how distraught both Cindy and George were last summer, and I must say that I found their pain and distress quite believable. But it could have been a deep grief also, the grief of know ing that KC killed little Caylee. It could have been a facade, their pleas to look for "a live Caylee," the mobile sign, t-shirts, etc. If true, how hard it would be to have to act one way when you feel another, all at a time of shock and mourning.

But I have a hard time believing that KC trusted Cindy enough to literally put her life in her hands with such damning information. But something caused Cindy to leap to the conclusion it was only pizza, no, no dead bodies in the trunk, none at all.
You could be right. The way I read it initially was that, they (or GA) only saw KC take a diaper bag, etc but that KC could have entered the house on a subsequent day while GA and CA were at work and taken more clothing without GA or CA knowing about it.

This is from Juliana and LA. Sandy's convo that I did read earlier but it just hit me right now what you are saying here(MamaBear got it right away I see...)

LE: What about her clothes for her trip she took on the 16th? That was what I saw and it was a bombshell for me to have LE state that Casey was going on a trip on the 16th and we all see how that is coming together...I completely disregarded the next part of the statement and it holds so much!

LE: much, you said initially about that night that she didn't take anything except a regular diaper bag and baby clothes...

Oh, my goodness(said softly) is that confirmation that Casey and Caylee were packing or packed and planning to go on a trip the night of the 15th? Do we now know where George and Cindy thought Casey and Caylee, and the car...would be on June 16th? Yes. I think we do, because she didn't take anything except a regular diaper bag and baby clothes. We also know that it was Cindy not George who was aware of these facts: George only knew what "his wife had reiterated to him."

As I said in another post, this is all too much for one mind. Thank you Juliana and LA. Sandy

Rock On!

Update: I tried multi quote and I was not sucessful. Every post I read makes me say, "oh, yes...thank you for bringing that up" so until I learn multi quote I hope I do not get annoying but this is just what I hoped would all come together.

What exactly is the topic? I'm sorry, I need help.

Hello JBean :)

I took this subject from LittleBitty35's thread(Thank You!) "Focusing solely on George Anthony." I enjoyed it so much and loved where it was going, when MamaBear suggested that we start a "Focusing solely on Cindy Anthony" thread I was happy that she said that(I am new), because I had notes of interviews with Cindy I thought I would start the thread with. I have already learned more than what I have posted, I hope no one sees that I am getting them to spill their beans about what they have read and where it is at...and then I don't hav ta! :blowkiss:

I hope everyone will post what they have discovered about Cindy or any thoughts about her, of course thoughts that are not bashing her. Intuition on the part of those who know so much information about a subject has real merit in my book, esp. when so many can agree with something that really can't be proven. Those extra things are something we can speculate on as WSers because we are not the jury, I am glad I am not on this jury, we are just people who are offering their opinions.

I learned that from you guys! :blowkiss:

Thank you :)

Update because I can not multi quote: Capri quotes La. Sandy re: their convo on the tenses used in the interviews. Yes, as many WSers have I have read up on statement analysis and as I read the transcripts(this is why I like to read them so much)I get information that way. I am excited to listen to all that anyone has to say that also enjoys statement analysis. Thank you.

...just my opinion...
I don't know if this is the place to ask this BUT....The Anthony's were reported chasing people in their car for leaving a cross at the memorial?????

The story on NG was a few women were placing crosses at the memorial and then they would return and the crosses would have been removed. So.....they staked it out and it was the Anthony's. As CA and GA were photographed removing a cross a chase began! The women called LP and 911. How in the world do CA and GA think this is going to come off as normal behaviour? Why would anyone in their shoes remove a cross that shows nothing but respect to Caylee? But, Mark Klaas came on and said as much that he was glad when people stopped putting things at Polly's site. I dont' know I haven't walked in those shoes but I think there is love and thought put behind people going and placing soemthing at a memorial site. But, going there just to remove those things bothers me. JMO

Hello easttexas :)

The title of the thread is: Mystery: Who removed the memorials?...

It's not a mystery anymore.
I think that LE actualy told Cindy that none of that was true and Cindy's response was the same type of "oh I know" that Casey always does when faced with unpleasant info that she can't explain away. Then Cindy tries to just steam roller right on with her thoughts about the story and asserts that not all of it can be a lie. I found that to be a very sad moment. I knew then that Cindy was utterly lost. She is so bogged down and focused on the details that she "can't see the forest for the trees." Just like in the depo where she made such a huge deal about the signature. And how she tries to prove Zanny exists by proving she had a dog. Cindy thinks if she can prove just one little detail beyond a doubt then she will be vindicated and almost given permission to believe the whole darn lie. It's very sad really to see someone drowning and clutching at straws that way. Cindy just cannot understand that nothing about Casey was "true". It's too enormous. I think most of us parents out there would be overwhelmed as well. I just think (hopefully) that most people would respond with a willingness to accept and learn the truth however painful.

I have brought this up in the past, Cindy's behavior of "feelings create facts". Here is a great link that gives an idea as to what the heck is wrong with Cindy, ignoring all the facts and going along as if Casey's stories are true..

"Some people are so aware of and involved with their feelings that they lose sight of what the facts are and whether or not their feelings are supported by the facts. Such individuals tend to base their opinions and decisions on how they feel, often without considering all of the facts in the situation. To them, what they feel represents what is real.

Attempting to reason or communicate with someone who believes that what they feel determines what is real is an exercise in frustration. They tend to give their feelings more credibility than the facts, regardless of how much evidence you give them..."
Alright- I have offically changed my mind. Too many things keep adding up to this and I believe I was wrong in thinking Casey was not working as an Escort.

Too many little things (though no big things do) point right at it.. I just have to let go of the Casey with no money, stealing from people to pay cell phone bills, driving an old used car, living in her mothers home when she hates her mother. For whatever reason, maybe she just got into it when she started dating TonE... bumped into it at Fusion, tried it once or twice? But this is the second thing that has been said about this purse stuff that has grabbed my attention.

When you work as an Escort you learn to carry important things such as hygene products, wash cloths, spare stockings, panties, some tampons, etc. That's typically what one ends up calling their "work bag".

The second purse is for the stuff that has to go into the call with you (you don't bring your "real" purse in) notebook- credit card slips, cell phone, condoms, lip stick, whatever.

I worder what was in the spair purse and the work bag
in Casey's car?

BTW- great thread!!

And great post, OLG! Fascinating. I didn't know all of that stuff above. I tell you, girl, u got material for a dozen books. (If you just kept copies of all your posts
over the years, all you'd have to do would be to sort 'em into stacks and get going on it.) When are you gonna do it, huh?

But, I'm like J. Bean. I'm lost about any focused topic on this thread, so writing about writing is OK with me. :sunshine:
I actually woke up in the middle of the night and began thinking why Casey would not even look over at her own mother in court last week. Interpretation of that is easy, however, why did Cindy seem so hurt by this? Can she really believe Casey is innocent? Or does she think she is her mother forever and will love her no matter what? Can she not fathom Casey's coldness....even though she once called her a sociopath? I just can't put my finger on this.

I think KC has turned the corner and CA has finally realized this. CA has finally realized her influence and control of her daughter are gone and she has been replaced by Team Baez. CA never really had control of KC-she only thought she did because KC was dependent on her. That dependence is what gave her some control-just as it gives her control of GA.:slap:
Why did CA seem so hurt? Ya got me! I mean if you could murder your daughter and then party like a rock star-how difficult is it to turn your back on your 'rents? :bang: Especially, when they are no longer an asset but a liability to your future!:behindbar jmo
I have brought this up in the past, Cindy's behavior of "feelings create facts". Here is a great link that gives an idea as to what the heck is wrong with Cindy, ignoring all the facts and going along as if Casey's stories are true..

"Some people are so aware of and involved with their feelings that they lose sight of what the facts are and whether or not their feelings are supported by the facts. Such individuals tend to base their opinions and decisions on how they feel, often without considering all of the facts in the situation. To them, what they feel represents what is real.

Attempting to reason or communicate with someone who believes that what they feel determines what is real is an exercise in frustration. They tend to give their feelings more credibility than the facts, regardless of how much evidence you give them..."

One Lost Girl, ITA. IMO, CA believes what she wants to believe and to her that is fact. Also, I do believe that she has moments of doubt, that is quickly swept under the carpet. For example, that whole long story that she gave to LE, then ended it by saying that is all wasn't true. But as I read that, I felt like she did believe it was true. Does that make sense?

I re-read the LKL interview and certain statements jumped out at me. I hope it's Ok that I posted them. If not, I'm sorry and please delete. Also, I cut Q and A's and just some answers specific to my point. Bolded by me

CA: I watched my daughter for nearly three years be the best mom. I mean she's loving and caring. And there's nobody that has come forward that said that Casey wasn't anything other than a loving mother. IMO, this is how she feels but not what is fact, she give zero examples of how CA was a loving mother.

LK: Did you ever ask her if she did it?

CA: Yes.

LK: And she says?

CA: No. And I believed her. That's it? She said no and CA believes her?IMO, her feelings would not let her believe that KC could do this, so leave it at no, learn no more. CA does not elaborate with the reasons for the no, just no, leave no room to doubt her feelings

CA: You know, when you are away from someone and something is ripped out of your -- your life so suddenly, I mean the thought of Caylee being with someone else -- I mean, not knowing where she's at. I mean, you know how panicked you get if you lose your car keys or your cell phone?

Imagine a child -- not having that child around. And, you know, weeks into it, not knowing where she was at and what had happened to her was devastating. And it was very hard. It was hard to get up in the morning and, you know, and go on with your day. And, yes, you get -- you get to a point where you feel like there's no hope.

LK: What stopped you?

CA: My faith. You know, I knew that's not the right -- it's not the right thing to do. I mean, you think about it. I mean I think anybody in a -- in a situation where something bad happens to you, you start feeling hopeless. But my faith and my friends.

LK: But none of it had anything to do with the thought that your daughter did it?

CA: No. In fact, at that time, I still -- you know, still believed and had hopes that Caylee was alive. This entire snipet is controdictory IMO, she felt that she had no hope, likely because she did believe KC did something horrific. That feeling was swept away and her feeling of hopelessness became hope and that was the feeling she decided to believe

CA: Yes. I see the love in Casey's eyes. Every single picture that you see of Caylee and Casey together, you can see the love in their eyes. Again, IMO this is how she feels. Again, not one example of that love, like she worked long hours and devoted all her free time to Caylee, she sacrificed. You get the idea.

LK: But she did act kind of weirdly, didn't she, at times?


CA: You know, she's a -- she's a 20 -- she was a 22- year-old kid at the time. I mean she just turned 23 in March. But I don't know, you know, what weirdly means. I mean...

LK: Well, there have been reports that she was, you know, out partying and...

CA: That's not weird. I partied at 21 and 22 years old, too. IMO, here CA is controdicting herself again. She says she doesn't know what werdly means then justifies KC's behavior with the fact that she was 21/22. Her feeling that 21 year old's party outweighs the facts surrounding Caylee

CA: They made an arrest based on the fact that she lied about where she worked. That had nothing to do with Caylee. This statement is absolutely unbelieveable to me, but IMO she feels that this is the real reason for the arrest as absurd as that may be to me

LK: All right. The heart of -- the body is stuffed in a laundry bag. The skull is wrapped in duct tape.

Could you imagine your daughter would do that?

CA: No. And I don't... IMO, this speaks for itself.
Hello WS :)

I have been enjoying the thread "Focusing solely on George Anthony" and MamaBear(yes?)I believe was the poster who brought it up. (Not trying to get her in trouble if I am wrong by starting this thread, I just wanted to give credit if it is a good and okay idea). :blowkiss:

I did see a post by Tricia that said no new threads in this forum but it is gone now so...if this needs to be somewhere else, thank you! And sorry. I want to start this thread by posting what statements I have from Cindy. Here are two: one to LE and one in an interview with the Orlando Sentinel. I have a longer one from LE that is dated Aug 1, 2008. I will post that next.

Statement to LE
July15th 2008

CA: 3 wks ago asked my daughter to bring my(word "her" crossed out)car home along with my granddaughter Caylee. She told me she was in Jacksonville for the last 2 1/2 wks. Today we got a registered letter RE: my car being in Orlando since the last week of June. We picked up the car today at Johnson's towing Co-car was abandoned @ Amscot on E-50 x3 days then towed on 6-30-08. Since June 27th the car sat at Amscot for 3 days and was towed June 30th to Johnson's towing. When my husband and I retrieved the car I found a # for a friend of my daughters. Called her and she led me to my daughter at her boyfriend's(word "house" crossed out)apt. I took my daughter and told her to take me to my granddaughter. When I called the police she finally stated Caylee was missing. I last saw my granddaughter Sunday June 8th.

Casey for the last month has told me that Caylee has been with her. She refused to let me speak with her because she said I would upset her. I found Casey with her friend Tony @ his appt. around 7:30p.

Cindy's interview with Orlando Sentinel
(Video begins: cannot hear question interviewer asks Cindy)

CA: June the 8th. Her and I spent the day, we went up to, we went to sss, to visit her Greatgrandpa and she's coloring tying to to help my dad color too and sitting there reading a story to him and at that moment it meant so much because it was my granddaughter. But now that's the last day I saw...Caylee.
Q: I saw...
CA: I had called Amy to see if she had seen Casey lately and she said yeah she'd seen her on, um, Tuesday. She, in fact, just several hours before I'd called her, she'd actually picked her up from the airport, Amy had come back from Puerto Rico, um Casey had picked her up. I asked her if she knew where she was at, and she said, "yeah." I said, well can you take her to me, she said, "sure." So, I picked her up, and when we went, when we got Cay, Casey and I was hoping to find Caylee with her...but she wasn't with her. That's when I started to ask Casey questions. When she couldn't tell me where Caylee was at, well she said she was at the sitters but I wanted to go pick her up, I hadn't seen her in a month. I wanted to go see her, wanted to bring her home and let her sleep in her own bed and she made an excuse, "we don't want to disturb her mom its nighttime, she's putting her down, by the time we get there she'll be sleeping. Why do we want to wake her up?" And, I said because I'm being selfish and I want to see her. Well, ya now I got a gut feeling, and my gut feeling was that there was something not right and my daughter's voice and something wasn't right, though I asked her to drive her to, you know to take her to me, when she said, "no" I, um, I called the police department.

Logically the first statement would be the closest to the truth, no time to concoct and rearrange details. This being said, Cindy's statement says a lot about June 24th.
Cindy states that 3 weeks prior to July 15th that she had asked KC to return the car and Caylee, counting back three weeks this date would be June 24. The exact same day George reported the gas cans missing, the exact same day George confronted KC about the gas cans and the exact same day Cindy stated in her FBI interview that KC was in Tampa and that she had talked to Casey by phone....Zany in the hospital... yada, yada, yada.
June 24th is also the date that CA say's KC came back to Orlando for insurance papers.
The thing with Cindy that has always puzzled me is her quick change from her frantic 911 call, "It smells like there's been a damn dead body" in the car to the pizza claim. I'm not sure exactly how much time elapsed, but it couldn't have been much. So how does one make that quantum leap from suspecting they smell decomposing flesh to trying to pass off the scent as rotten pizza? What did she ascertain about her daughter and her daughter's deeds in that short window that would cause her to do the 180 degree reversal?

If I were in her shoes, I don't believe I could brush that off. As much as I would hate to have my suspicions confirmed, I would have to know one way or another. So I guess where I'm going with this is do y'all think that KC revealed all or part of the truth in the time between the 911 call and the police interview? I saw how distraught both Cindy and George were last summer, and I must say that I found their pain and distress quite believable. But it could have been a deep grief also, the grief of know ing that KC killed little Caylee. It could have been a facade, their pleas to look for "a live Caylee," the mobile sign, t-shirts, etc. If true, how hard it would be to have to act one way when you feel another, all at a time of shock and mourning.

But I have a hard time believing that KC trusted Cindy enough to literally put her life in her hands with such damning information. But something caused Cindy to leap to the conclusion it was only pizza, no, no dead bodies in the trunk, none at all.

CA said she just needs to look deeply into KC's eyes to see if she was lying or telling the truth & apparently KC did not give in like in the past as this may be the biggest lie she told in her life and has way too much to lose if she gives in and imo may be why she does not want to face her parents in jail and look them in the eye. CA wants to desperately believe KC didn't do this horrific thing to poor Caylee and KC aint giving in.

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