Focusing Solely on Cindy's Inconsistencies

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With mad respect to Chiquita for the transcription/highlighting below.... if you didn't read it then, you need to now, and if you did then, well how's about a trip down memory lane.... Taking you back now to a time just two years and 10 days ago, when CA and LE had a moment to have a little heart to heart.... :croc:

Statement to LE
August 1st, 2008

CA: Now on the 22nd I talked to her in the morning and Zanny's, actually I think she said Zanny's roommate has come in, Raquel, that's right, Raquel was with her, ah, when they went to Busch Gardens. That was the 21st, Zanny and her roommate were together.
LE: She called you on the 22nd and told you that?
CA: Yeah
LE: So, they were going to stay at the park for the day?
CA: Because, they were going to stay at the park for the day, uhm, because Zanny had taken, Zanny and Raquel had taken the girls to see the animals as Busch Gardens.
LE: Did you ever meet Raquel?
CA: No
LE: Did you ever meet Juliette?
CA: No, and I never met Zanny.
LE: Well, we know that.
CA: I know, I was just saying I never met them.
LE: (inaudible)
CA: No, but she talked about Raquel and Jennifer long ago as being Zanny's roommates.
LE: When did they get back?
CA: Well, here's the deal, they ended up staying at the park so Casey and Juliette could actually go to the park too, so all four adults and the two girls went to the park that day and then she said they stayed one more night and was on their way back Monday morning on the 23rd.
LE: When was the accident?
CA: On the 23rd, Monday, she said it was just, they were getting off, I hadn't heard from Casey all day. She told me they were supposed to be home by around noon.
LE: On Monday?
CA: Yeah, on Monday. I think at some point I called George and asked if he heard from Casey, if she had gotten home, I can't remember what time and he said no. So I think I left Casey a message or two to find out what was going on because I just wanted to make sure they got back safely. I finally got, Casey called me back, because she hadn't called me back and realized we were worried and I had a little sick feeling that something wasn't right. So she finally called me back later evening, probably after 5:30 pm because I was already leaving work and she was apologizing, she said I, I finally got, "mom I know I should have called you..."
LE: This day?
CA: Yeah, sometime after 5:30 I'm sure because I was on my way home from work.
LE: On your cell phone?
CA: Yeah, it was on my cell phone I'm pretty sure, I'm positive, eh, at some point she called me back, I know, I wasn't at work. She may have tried to call me at work but...
LE: What did she say?
CA: Raquel's mom lives in Jacksonville

(Long explanation of hospital accident: sorry I was going crazy at this point...):crazy:

LE: She stayed over from the accident on the 23rd? And she stayed over in Tampa again on the 24th, Tuesday?
CA: Right. So, they kept her overnight. She also started complaining of some difficultly breathing and she said she had a fractured rib and it was pushing on her lung but it didn't puncture the lung.
LE: So Casey was staying in Tampa while Zanny was in the hospital?
CA: Yeah
LE: So she stayed from the 24th to the 25th?
CA: She told me that on Wednesday over here on the 24th(pointing at calandar)that the sister had come up, Zanny's sister...
LE: Did she say her name?
CA: No, I think her name is Stephane or something like that.
LE: But she arrives the 24th June, Tuesday?
CA: Yeah, with Zanny's mom from what Casey's told me over the last several months has been in and out of the hospital.
LE: Which hospital?

(Cindy goes into detail about Zanny's mother and where Zanny visits her "in and out of the hospital")

CA: Casey said Zanny's sister and mom had come up to the hospital that day. They thought she was going to be released but when Zanny couldn't be released, her sister took her mother back home because she didn't bring her medicines and stuff and her sister had other things to do. Sop that's why Casey said she came home to pick up Zanny's insurance information. And I though that was kind of weird, I said well that stuff could be told over the phone or faxed but she said the sister didn't know where to look in the apartment.
LE: So Casey's there the 24th and 25th but she comes back home to get insurance work?
CA: Casey said she drove home on the 25th, to get, eh, Zanny's um, insurance paperwork at the apartment. Zanny told her exactly where to go, Casey had her key and everything so she was able to get in the apartment, I asked her why Raquel or someone just call it in when they get back?
LE: Do you know if that's the same apartment that she took me to?
CA: I would assume it, wherever this Zanny person lives, where she was going to but I have my suspicions.
LE: Please share
CA: Let's go with this before I take you off kilter with this...
LE: That's even better...
CA: Let me finish this...
LE: You can see already that I jump around and get lost easily.
CA: Yes and I can jump around and get lost too and I don't want to do that.
LE: Let me finish this one, she went to the apartment to get the insurance papers.
CA: Right and then she stopped home to grab something and that's when George saw her.
LE: That was the 25th?
CA: Yeah

(Side note: Casey's Facebook or MySpace message to TroyB on June24th @ 2:40pm: "She still has yet to move into the house. hell, in the past 9 days, I haven't even been living at the house. DRAMMMMMA. I'll fill ya in later on. Miss ya, yo.")

LE: Are you sure about that?
CA: I think it was the 25th.
LE: Was it the same day the report was made to the Sheriff's office?
CA: George and I had gotten back our, I think we got back that refund check, that stimulas check and he and I both had to go to the bank and he had told me earlier that day that he had made that report about the gas can and him and I met up at the bank and for some reason he was going to go right from the bank and something, he said he had to go back home for something and Casey was at the house.
LE: And to make a long story short with the gas cans, Casey had taken the gas cans earlier and he confronted her, she gave them back. When would she have taken the gas cans if she had just come to the house?
CA: I have no clue.
LE: And she was in Tampa?
CA: I don't know. But see George had, I don't know, the last time he remembers seeing them, we were trying to figure out was, maybe mowing the grass, I don't know.
LE: So Casey being in Tampa for one, tow, three, four, five days...first off let's clarify one thing, the report actually said the 24th(June24th)Tuesday. So we're off on a day here now...that being said...
CA: (inaudible)
LE: So if she's in Tampa how can she get the gas cans?
CA: One of the days she said she came home to pick up the gas cans, after George saw her in the car she had come to get the gas cans, the day she got the gas cans was the day she was coming to pick up Zanny's insurance information that she came back to the apartment to pick up the insurance information and while she was in town...
CA: ...whatever day George made the report.
LE: Tampa, the accident...
CA: No, that was the same week, I'm sure George made the report this week(pointing to calandar).
LE: Right, you mean on the 24th?
CA: If that's the day, that's the day she said she came home and got the gas cans but she told me at one point during that time she had come home to get the insurance information.
LE: And stopped by your house to get what?
CA: She said she was going to pick up some clothes and there was a few of her clothes missing.
LE: What about her clothes for her trip she took on the 16th, how much, you said initially about that night that she didn't take anything except a regular diaper bag and baby clothes...
CA: That I saw, again, George and I are at work I don't know, she had access to the house during the day, she could have come in at any point and gone into the house. You know they were still not in Tampa here(pointing to calandar)so any point she still could have...
LE: Didn't you tell me you asked her about baby clothes and she told you she bought all new clothes?
CA: Yes, for Caylee
LE: Right
CA: No, no, no, I said Zanny keeps clothes. She said there's always clothes for Caylee at the babysitters but then she said on the weekend that they did shopping and Zanny took them shopping and bought more clothes.
LE: Because that was one of the things you were worried about because you asked her...why don't you take her clothes and she said we don't need the clothes because we bought her all new clothes because I remember you told me that night.
CA: Right, on the 21st, they bought clothes but she told me because I started asking her about Caylee's clothes here and she said, "Mom, Zanny always has extra clothes, shoes and things at her house."
LE: Let's get back to the weekend, we're a little off...this is the first interview I've ever done with my interviewer standing behind me.
CA: Sorry, I 'm trying to look at the dates, sitting over there I can't see the calendar. You want me to sit, I don't mean to intimidate you.
LE: You're not intimidating, its just like a pain of new pants, it takes a while to get used to.
(Another LE moves the interviewer chair and then puts Cindy's purse on the desk in front of her) I'm going to put this right up here because I don't want you to walk out without it.
(MY note: was Casey's purse left in the car? Anybody know? Why do I think that?)
CA: Oh, I'm not gonna walk out without my purse. Women don't leave their purses in cars or other places. Bottom line is one of these days, I always thought it was a wednesday but whatever day he filed the report. But I thought the 24th was a wednesday too so...anyway this is, it ended up being the day they were coming back from Tampa, the 27th. I remember because I got a phone call form Casey in the afternoon they were going straight back to work. Juliette and her needed to check in because they had been off all week. They'd been communicating with Tom, Tom Frank, her boss at the event coordinating place. Later I thought for sure when I got home they would be home but I found out later that she said Jeff was in town,...Jacksonville...
LE: Last name Hopkins, Jeff Hopkins?
CA: The one who introduced her to Zanny
LE: Did you see him or meet up with him at all?
CA: No
LE: You just knew he was in town because Casey said?
CA: And she told me Jeff was in town from the 28th until the 30th and Casey was excited to see him because they hadn't seen each other since December, somewhere around there, December, somewhere around the first of the year when he went to Jacksonville. And Jeff is the one that has Zachery.
LE: (Inaudible)
CA: Jeff, two and a half years ago, he, right about, just before Jesse, I'll tell you how he introduced Jeff into our lives as a person. Casey was still working at colorvision or Kodak and I can't remember when the switch went...
LE: The hostile takeover?
CA: Yeah, it wasn't hostile but that really did happen I remember, I spoke to her bosses then. But anyway, uhm, Jeff was one of the IT guys and I remember Jesse, she said Jesse was jealous, and Jesse tells me he remembers them talking about this person...:eek:
LE: Jesse was jealous?
CA: Jesse was jealous and they were still engaged then when she first met Jeff. And Casey and Jeff were friends and Jeff had a child, a son that was almost a year older than Caylee. And he was dating this person Zanny at the time. And, the same Jeff, Jeff introduced...
LE: There are so many names that...
CA: I know, I can imagine, Jeff uhm,
LE: I took you off track
CA: (chuckles) That's alright, so I mean anyway, after Jesse and Casey broke up in June, probably a couple of months later Jeff and Casey started seeing each other and Jeff and Zanny remained friends and she continued to watch his son Zachery and Jeff encouraged Casey to let Zanny watch Caylee as well, save money just do whatever, Zanny was doing it whatever basically as a friend and Jeff was taking care of all that. And that happened...
LE: So when Jeff and Zanny broke up she still watched both Jeff and Casey's...
CA: Yeah, they remained friends and Zanny stared dating someone else from what she said, and that, Zanny became Caylee's main, primary babysitter, from what Caey said, probably form October, probably right around Caylee's first birthday, into present time, you know what I'm saying so this person wasn't made up, just a month ago or whatever. But what I'm thinking, I think Zanny is now whoevers watching Caylee. In my mind...
LE: Transferred the responsibility...
CA: Yes, so I think she refers to, I believe...
LE: You think we are spinning our wheels looking for a Zanny?
CA: I'm not sure but my, I have two theories and I'll share that with you. I think Zanny could be either Amy or Jesse at this point. Which, we're going to need another hour after we're done to go into because I only have 20 minutes.
LE: I'm here for twenty more years.
CA: I know but we do have to get to that other...
LE: But real quick on this thing...
CA: Finish telling you all this stuff...
LE: On this week, on the conference week, do you ever get on the phone, do you remember...
CA: I talk to her everyday.
LE: Every day you talk to the baby?
CA: No, I stopped talking to Caylee, the last time I talked to Caylee was the 15th I did not have a conversation with Caylee after that and...
LE: What time was your last conversation, do you remember?
CA: With Casey?(Is anyone this dumb?):mad:
LE: Uha, no Caylee
CA: Sometime on the 15th when we put her to bed. Now George had a conversation with her in the morning, she was there in the morning, had breakfast and the normal stuff.

With mad respect to Chiquita for the transcription/highlighting below.... if you didn't read it then, you need to now, and if you did then, well how's about a trip down memory lane.... Taking you back now to a time just two years and 10 days ago, when CA and LE had a moment to have a little heart to heart.... :croc:

They'd been communicating with Tom, Tom Frank, her boss at the event coordinating place.

The "event coordinating place"????? I thought that was Universal????? Hmmmmmmmmmm
With mad respect to Chiquita for the transcription/highlighting below.... if you didn't read it then, you need to now, and if you did then, well how's about a trip down memory lane.... Taking you back now to a time just two years and 10 days ago, when CA and LE had a moment to have a little heart to heart.... :croc:
Casey knew then that she had been out of the house 9 days...24-9= 15 as in June 15th (?). I guess she lost track of time later on.
LE: Let's get back to the weekend, we're a little off...this is the first interview I've ever done with my interviewer standing behind me.CA: Sorry, I 'm trying to look at the dates, sitting over there I can't see the calendar. You want me to sit, I don't mean to intimidate you.
LE: You're not intimidating, its just like a pain of new pants, it takes a while to get used to.
(Another LE moves the interviewer chair and then puts Cindy's purse on the desk in front of her) I'm going to put this right up here because I don't want you to walk out without it.
(MY note: was Casey's purse left in the car? Anybody know? Why do I think that?)
CA: Oh, I'm not gonna walk out without my purse. Women don't leave their purses in cars or other places

Those were the days.....I don't see where Cindy has changed much.
...and, of course, some of those phone calls that she speaks of were never recorded by the phone company. Now, how does that happen? A particular inconsistency that boggles my mind is when she speaks of Casey going off to bond with her daughter...I wish I could remember where/when that first appeared because Cindy made it sound like they were on a mini-break...I don't think the "nanny" even figured into it during that time. Cindy has spent more time excusing away her own behavior than anything else if you ask me. Everyone was dumbfounded (media and regular folks alike) that she knew so little about her daughter's life.

Minibreak info begins page 3 lines 18-25


Cindy says they were going to bond and in her July 3rd my space note she says Jealously took her away and on and on.

She is not to be believed about anything - take your pick - Cindy or Casey.

But one thing for sure, Cindy is going to be called on these lies and not just by one source - many - e.g. Brittany who said Cindy called her and said Casey was coming home (during the 31 days) and stealing money. While she is not stealing and lying, she is bonding.

Cindy says there were no red flags and there were so many reasons to take Caylee away from her that if she admits them anymore, she will have to admit that she is somewhat responsible for this child's death (in my opinion). I know that I would have a very hard time getting up in the morning if I were in her shoes.

But then again, it would have driven me crazy not knowing where Casey was going (when she said she was working) that this would not have gone this far. I would not have made it through the day knowing she is lying to me about work - so where is she and I most definitely would have found out, but then again I would have never let her get away with the stealing.

Who lets their accounts be broken into after you know that someone in your house; namely, your daughter, has stolen from you and your son and your father and friends. Wouldn't you have a code inserted into your accounts (In fact, I would be very very surprised if the credit card company or the bank did not suggest this) so that only you could access them. So tell me, did Cindy want to enable her by not doing this. I think to a certain degree yes, because it kept Caylee around and Cindy did not have to go after custody (which apparently she was afraid to do - only because of the repercussions she mistakenly believed would ensue-) She should have had Casey arrested and went for custody. Casey would never have the means to support the child and Cindy would have had her. Big mistake on Cindy's part and now she pays dearly for it and Caylee also.
Didn't Cindy tell one of the neighbor girls outside one day that Casey and Caylee were off on a vacation and "bonding"???
That they would be gone for a couple of weeks??

That seems to ring a bell with me for some reason ~
Didn't Cindy tell one of the neighbor girls outside one day that Casey and Caylee were off on a vacation and "bonding"???
That they would be gone for a couple of weeks??

That seems to ring a bell with me for some reason ~

Rings a bell with me too. Depending on how she felt that day (frenzied or whatever). But there is no doubt that she was concerned because she told her fellow workers and they were concerned.

But when you KNOW your daughter is coming home (while she says she is away) and is stealing money from the home and you let it ride, you are NOT TAKING CARE OF YOUR GRANDAUGHTER. You are hoping everything will be okay.
There have been so many lies told regarding the Casey Anthony case and many were told by Cindy that I cant keep them straight. I would like help in recalling all the stories Cindy has told since this case began in order to add them to the upcomming testimony in the trial:

1. Original 911 call where Cindy says the car smells like a dead body has now become:
a. I was telling the 911 operator anything to get them out there quicker;

2. I washed pants and cleaned the car
a. Cindy now claims she is the one who put all of the dryer sheets in the car which now accounts for the chloroform in the car

3. Cindy claimed she searched for Chloryphill not chloroform or she said something to the effect the searches were done innocently by her;

4. When the truth comes out we are all gonna know Casey is innocent

5. Casey will get the mother of year award when the truth comes out

6. Cindy claims to have a number for zanny but lost it.

7. Caylee told Cindy zanny had a dog. Really Annie had a dog not zanny

Can anyone help me with this list?
Merker has a list of these. She loves lists!

Maybe she will hear the shout out, lol. ;)
There have been so many lies told regarding the Casey Anthony case and many were told by Cindy that I cant keep them straight. I would like help in recalling all the stories Cindy has told since this case began in order to add them to the upcomming testimony in the trial:

1. Original 911 call where Cindy says the car smells like a dead body has now become:
a. I was telling the 911 operator anything to get them out there quicker;

2. I washed pants and cleaned the car
a. Cindy now claims she is the one who put all of the dryer sheets in the car which now accounts for the chloroform in the car

3. Cindy claimed she searched for Chloryphill not chloroform or she said something to the effect the searches were done innocently by her;

4. When the truth comes out we are all gonna know Casey is innocent

5. Casey will get the mother of year award when the truth comes out

6. Cindy claims to have a number for zanny but lost it.

7. Caylee told Cindy zanny had a dog. Really Annie had a dog not zanny

Can anyone help me with this list?

There's so many, it could take years, lol.

Right off the top of my head....

Cindy's phone call to John Allen, "KC had to have help, no matter what you think the senario is!"
Outrageous one: When she told Larry King that LE leaked the diary pics to the media. BradC is sitting right next to her, disputing what she is saying, pointing out that it was released via discovery, but she rolls over him like a freight train, so eager to trash Yuri & The Guys.

Cindy says they were going to bond and in her July 3rd my space note she says Jealously took her away and on and on.

She is not to be believed about anything - take your pick - Cindy or Casey.

But one thing for sure, Cindy is going to be called on these lies and not just by one source - many - e.g. Brittany who said Cindy called her and said Casey was coming home (during the 31 days) and stealing money. While she is not stealing and lying, she is bonding.

Cindy says there were no red flags and there were so many reasons to take Caylee away from her that if she admits them anymore, she will have to admit that she is somewhat responsible for this child's death (in my opinion). I know that I would have a very hard time getting up in the morning if I were in her shoes.

But then again, it would have driven me crazy not knowing where Casey was going (when she said she was working) that this would not have gone this far. I would not have made it through the day knowing she is lying to me about work - so where is she and I most definitely would have found out, but then again I would have never let her get away with the stealing.

Who lets their accounts be broken into after you know that someone in your house; namely, your daughter, has stolen from you and your son and your father and friends. Wouldn't you have a code inserted into your accounts (In fact, I would be very very surprised if the credit card company or the bank did not suggest this) so that only you could access them. So tell me, did Cindy want to enable her by not doing this. I think to a certain degree yes, because it kept Caylee around and Cindy did not have to go after custody (which apparently she was afraid to do - only because of the repercussions she mistakenly believed would ensue-) She should have had Casey arrested and went for custody. Casey would never have the means to support the child and Cindy would have had her. Big mistake on Cindy's part and now she pays dearly for it and Caylee also.

Responding to a post by Solace 8/11/2010 -

There were red flags, many, many of them. No one took heed because they took life for granted as so many do that things would be fine in the end.

Thinking now that KC held Caylee over her mother's head. That's how she got what she wanted. It worked for over 2 years. I do believe there was a fight that night of the 15th and I think CA threatened to go for custody. That's when the "spiteful "beotch" did what she did. She wanted to show CA she was not going to have the baby......period.

I now see CA as the mother of ICA that sees her as her daughter still and loves her but, she is also seething inside knowing that however ICA carried this out, she took her grandaughter away from her forever. She does not like her daughter or what she has become IMO. I don't know how extensive the guilt is, but I can only assume that when CA and GA are in the privacy of their own home, the conversations must be volatile, to say the least. They have to deal with this the balance of their lives. I only hope and pray that their daughter does also.
There have been so many lies told regarding the Casey Anthony case and many were told by Cindy that I cant keep them straight. I would like help in recalling all the stories Cindy has told since this case began in order to add them to the upcomming testimony in the trial:

1. Original 911 call where Cindy says the car smells like a dead body has now become:
a. I was telling the 911 operator anything to get them out there quicker;

2. I washed pants and cleaned the car
a. Cindy now claims she is the one who put all of the dryer sheets in the car which now accounts for the chloroform in the car

3. Cindy claimed she searched for Chloryphill not chloroform or she said something to the effect the searches were done innocently by her;

4. When the truth comes out we are all gonna know Casey is innocent

5. Casey will get the mother of year award when the truth comes out

6. Cindy claims to have a number for zanny but lost it.

7. Caylee told Cindy zanny had a dog. Really Annie had a dog not zanny

Can anyone help me with this list?

8. Caylee is still alive.

9. She left her 'work purse' in the car.

10. I was not worried about Caylee because I trusted Casey.
Casey was/is my best friend .... Ummm no she is your daughter, the same daughter you seem to nothing about things like:

Her being Pregnant
Who the father is (never met him)
Where she works oops actually i mean to say you don't know that she doesn't work.
Who her friends are
Where she spends her time
Who she is dating
Who looks after her child (your grandchild who resides with you)
If she graduated highschool

Ackkk I give up can't rehash them all.. it makes me ill... I think i know more about my neighbours than she does about her daughter err i mean best friend sigh...
In a post last August, I think, Solace commented that Cindy will someday have to admit she was somehow responsible for Caylee's death. This is a stong statement that I too believe in.

If I can recall way back there was information that when Casey was nearing the time of Caylee's birth, she had made up her mind to give the baby up for adoption. And, when she told CA, her mom wouldn't hear of it. What I heard was that Cindy insisted Casey keep her child.

I got the feeling then, that Cindy was set on Casey keeping her child as a punishment, to teach her a lesson, and that Casey follow through and be a full-time, all out mother to the child.

The deadly irony of this is of course that had Casey followed through and put her child up for adoption; gave the baby the home she deserved, Caylee would be alive today.

I often think of the life Caylee may have experienced in the home. Was she confused as to just who was her mother?

It would appear to me that the fighting and arguing between Cindy and Casey was never ending. And, did George get into the arguments? And this caused arguments between he and Cindy as well. Is this what Caylee was exposed to- people raising their voices in disputes, constant unrest in the home? I do believe if that were the case, poor Caylee could not have had a peacful, calm life in that home.

I hate to even think this was the enviroment where this adorable girl lived her very short life.
Oh, and also,

" She left her work purse in the car."
LE: Let's get back to the weekend, we're a little off...this is the first interview I've ever done with my interviewer standing behind me.CA: Sorry, I 'm trying to look at the dates, sitting over there I can't see the calendar. You want me to sit, I don't mean to intimidate you.
LE: You're not intimidating, its just like a pain of new pants, it takes a while to get used to.
(Another LE moves the interviewer chair and then puts Cindy's purse on the desk in front of her) I'm going to put this right up here because I don't want you to walk out without it.
(MY note: was Casey's purse left in the car? Anybody know? Why do I think that?)
CA: Oh, I'm not gonna walk out without my purse. Women don't leave their purses in cars or other places

Those were the days.....I don't see where Cindy has changed much.

BBM - Especially their "work purses".

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