Focusing Solely on Cindy's Inconsistencies

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DNA Solves

Yeah and here's a contradiction even to that, imo, as she admits "a lot of red flags" in 'retrospect':


Oh, here's a great inconsistency that I forgot about until you put that page back up............CA wants to see Caylee's BLUE eyes??????? I'm pretty sure they were hazel, KC makes a big point of that when talking to LE, you know, brown with green in them.....
Elaborating on magic-cat's post #366. (thanks magic-cat)

CA's FBI interview, July '08:
CA: ...And the other thing was when they towed it. No one's ever opened up the trunk of that car. The tow company didn't have the keys to the car. When we got on sight the guy says, listen before you come to the car.. my... they warned my husband, it stinks. And it's been progressively smelling worse. He said you know it's been progressively smelling worse since it's been here. Um, he said it didn't smell great when they picked it up. But it certainly was, you didn't even, and George said, you didn't even have to get too close to it. Well, the guy from the tow company was there with my husband because you can't just get into the car and drive away. (Included because, as Lin pointed out, we could just post the entire transcript. This is inconsistent with her infamous line, "There was no odor.. no odor!")
SB: Right
CA: So, when they opened the trunk of the car there was, um, a collapsible bin, I think a couple of hangers, a pair of Casey's.. I think a pair of her pants back there in the bin. and then this bag that my husband saw, which I never saw. And in the bag he said there was like one or two pieces of pizza and a ripped up box...

GVS interview, August 8th
GVS: Now, earlier today Cindy, the grandmother, said this about some of the contents that she had obtained from the car after July 15.
CINDY ANTHONY: All right, here's what happened. 3:00 or 4:00 in the afternoon, brings the car home, pizza smell in the back trunk. No evidence of Caylee, no evidence of Casey.
I didn't have any issues, did I? What time did I make the 911 call? Ok? I found a pair of pants in the back seat. And, by the way, the two pair of shoes were left in the back seat.
I took the pants out, threw them in the wash with other wash that I had that day, not knowing that that might become evidence.
And that night when the police arrived at my house, the first thing I said "I took a pair of pants out of the car and I washed them." Do you think that they cared? No, they didn't care.
(END VIDEOTAPE),2933,401921,00.html

CA's FBI interview, August, '08:
A: She had, well there was a, her work bag was in the white car on the front seat. And then she had a pair of pants in the back seat and her boots and a pair of shoes back there.
Q: With the pants and all the clothing collected by or did you guys keep that stuff.
A: Um, I think everything that was in the car, oh I told the one girl when she picked things up, the boots were still in the trunk, I mean in the car, in the back seat of the car. (It was the boots that CA slipped and said were in the trunk and immediately corrected herself to say back seat. In an earlier post, I recalled this as being the pants.)
Q: Boots.
A: The boots and and the shoes. She had a pair of shoes and her boots were in the back seat on the floor behind the driver's side. I never touched them.. (okay) Those were still in the car when they took the car, I told her I had taken the gray pair of slacks out and that I actually had washed them cause they smelt nasty. So I washed them and I told them that and she didn't take them. They're hanging up in Caysee's closet. pg.2080-2081

It seems the pants were in the trunk and I believe the boots and shoes were as well. I remember GA mentioning the blue bin being in the trunk but don't recall if he named any of it's contents.

I also want to add:
Shouldn't it have been a red flag to CA that, in the middle of a busy work week in Tampa, extended due to a car wreck with injuries and hospitalization, KC would drive all the way from Tampa to Orlando and back to steal gas for her car and return a day or two later to gather insurance information for ZG?

Something's wrong with the gas can/Tampa story. CA should have known early on that KC wasn't in Tampa. Here's your "red flag" CA; Why is KC telling such an outrageous lie? Followed with, Does this have any thing to do with you not seeing Caylee or even talking to her on the phone since the 15th? I'm not buying it. This was at least one of CA's "red flags". She knew something was very wrong as early as the 24th and probably earlier.
Elaborating on magic-cat's post #366. (thanks magic-cat)

CA's FBI interview, July '08:
CA: ...And the other thing was when they towed it. No one's ever opened up the trunk of that car. The tow company didn't have the keys to the car. When we got on sight the guy says, listen before you come to the car.. my... they warned my husband, it stinks. And it's been progressively smelling worse. He said you know it's been progressively smelling worse since it's been here. Um, he said it didn't smell great when they picked it up. But it certainly was, you didn't even, and George said, you didn't even have to get too close to it. Well, the guy from the tow company was there with my husband because you can't just get into the car and drive away. (Included because, as Lin pointed out, we could just post the entire transcript. This is inconsistent with her infamous line, "There was no odor.. no odor!")
SB: Right
CA: So, when they opened the trunk of the car there was, um, a collapsible bin, I think a couple of hangers, a pair of Casey's.. I think a pair of her pants back there in the bin. and then this bag that my husband saw, which I never saw. And in the bag he said there was like one or two pieces of pizza and a ripped up box...

GVS interview, August 8th
GVS: Now, earlier today Cindy, the grandmother, said this about some of the contents that she had obtained from the car after July 15.
CINDY ANTHONY: All right, here's what happened. 3:00 or 4:00 in the afternoon, brings the car home, pizza smell in the back trunk. No evidence of Caylee, no evidence of Casey.
I didn't have any issues, did I? What time did I make the 911 call? Ok? I found a pair of pants in the back seat. And, by the way, the two pair of shoes were left in the back seat.
I took the pants out, threw them in the wash with other wash that I had that day, not knowing that that might become evidence.
And that night when the police arrived at my house, the first thing I said "I took a pair of pants out of the car and I washed them." Do you think that they cared? No, they didn't care.
(END VIDEOTAPE),2933,401921,00.html

CA's FBI interview, August, '08:
A: She had, well there was a, her work bag was in the white car on the front seat. And then she had a pair of pants in the back seat and her boots and a pair of shoes back there.
Q: With the pants and all the clothing collected by or did you guys keep that stuff.
A: Um, I think everything that was in the car, oh I told the one girl when she picked things up, the boots were still in the trunk, I mean in the car, in the back seat of the car. (It was the boots that CA slipped and said were in the trunk and immediately corrected herself to say back seat. In an earlier post, I recalled this as being the pants.)
Q: Boots.
A: The boots and and the shoes. She had a pair of shoes and her boots were in the back seat on the floor behind the driver's side. I never touched them.. (okay) Those were still in the car when they took the car, I told her I had taken the gray pair of slacks out and that I actually had washed them cause they smelt nasty. So I washed them and I told them that and she didn't take them. They're hanging up in Caysee's closet. pg.2080-2081

It seems the pants were in the trunk and I believe the boots and shoes were as well. I remember GA mentioning the blue bin being in the trunk but don't recall if he named any of it's contents.

I also want to add:
Shouldn't it have been a red flag to CA that, in the middle of a busy work week in Tampa, extended due to a car wreck with injuries and hospitalization, KC would drive all the way from Tampa to Orlando and back to steal gas for her car and return a day or two later to gather insurance information for ZG?

Something's wrong with the gas can/Tampa story. CA should have known early on that KC wasn't in Tampa. Here's your "red flag" CA; Why is KC telling such an outrageous lie? Followed with, Does this have any thing to do with you not seeing Caylee or even talking to her on the phone since the 15th? I'm not buying it. This was at least one of CA's "red flags". She knew something was very wrong as early as the 24th and probably earlier.

Wow, when you put her statements together like that, it really shows how much of a mess CA is.

All of the outlandish tales about what KC was doing, not seeing Caylee, and yet, NO RED FLAGS? Huh?
Wow, when you put her statements together like that, it really shows how much of a mess CA is.

All of the outlandish tales about what KC was doing, not seeing Caylee, and yet, NO RED FLAGS? Huh?

As many as we've found, it's not our full time job. I bet we've only scratched the surface compared to what the invesigators have put together.
A kids suite! Casey was the most spoiled and pampered person ever. Ummmm, most parents want to see their kids independant and on their own when they are in their twenties. So, when Cindy says Casey "moved out" that is completely out of character for her. She obviously wanted to keep her with her FOREVER.

Control, control, control
CA wasn't dumbfounded but she sure did play act the part. She knew exactly what had been going on with KC for months and wasn't about to let anyone know she knew. She did and does have this image she feels she has to project and protect. Silly her.
Yes...image is key.

ETA: which only gets me angry (again) that the family did very little in REALLY trying to find them both.
Elaborating on magic-cat's post #366. (thanks magic-cat)

CA's FBI interview, July '08:
CA: ...And the other thing was when they towed it. No one's ever opened up the trunk of that car. The tow company didn't have the keys to the car. When we got on sight the guy says, listen before you come to the car.. my... they warned my husband, it stinks. And it's been progressively smelling worse. He said you know it's been progressively smelling worse since it's been here. Um, he said it didn't smell great when they picked it up. But it certainly was, you didn't even, and George said, you didn't even have to get too close to it. Well, the guy from the tow company was there with my husband because you can't just get into the car and drive away. (Included because, as Lin pointed out, we could just post the entire transcript. This is inconsistent with her infamous line, "There was no odor.. no odor!")
SB: Right
CA: So, when they opened the trunk of the car there was, um, a collapsible bin, I think a couple of hangers, a pair of Casey's.. I think a pair of her pants back there in the bin. and then this bag that my husband saw, which I never saw. And in the bag he said there was like one or two pieces of pizza and a ripped up box...

GVS interview, August 8th
GVS: Now, earlier today Cindy, the grandmother, said this about some of the contents that she had obtained from the car after July 15.
CINDY ANTHONY: All right, here's what happened. 3:00 or 4:00 in the afternoon, brings the car home, pizza smell in the back trunk. No evidence of Caylee, no evidence of Casey.
I didn't have any issues, did I? What time did I make the 911 call? Ok? I found a pair of pants in the back seat. And, by the way, the two pair of shoes were left in the back seat.
I took the pants out, threw them in the wash with other wash that I had that day, not knowing that that might become evidence.
And that night when the police arrived at my house, the first thing I said "I took a pair of pants out of the car and I washed them." Do you think that they cared? No, they didn't care.
(END VIDEOTAPE),2933,401921,00.html

CA's FBI interview, August, '08:
A: She had, well there was a, her work bag was in the white car on the front seat. And then she had a pair of pants in the back seat and her boots and a pair of shoes back there.
Q: With the pants and all the clothing collected by or did you guys keep that stuff.
A: Um, I think everything that was in the car, oh I told the one girl when she picked things up, the boots were still in the trunk, I mean in the car, in the back seat of the car. (It was the boots that CA slipped and said were in the trunk and immediately corrected herself to say back seat. In an earlier post, I recalled this as being the pants.)
Q: Boots.
A: The boots and and the shoes. She had a pair of shoes and her boots were in the back seat on the floor behind the driver's side. I never touched them.. (okay) Those were still in the car when they took the car, I told her I had taken the gray pair of slacks out and that I actually had washed them cause they smelt nasty. So I washed them and I told them that and she didn't take them. They're hanging up in Caysee's closet. pg.2080-2081

It seems the pants were in the trunk and I believe the boots and shoes were as well. I remember GA mentioning the blue bin being in the trunk but don't recall if he named any of it's contents.

I also want to add:
Shouldn't it have been a red flag to CA that, in the middle of a busy work week in Tampa, extended due to a car wreck with injuries and hospitalization, KC would drive all the way from Tampa to Orlando and back to steal gas for her car and return a day or two later to gather insurance information for ZG?

Something's wrong with the gas can/Tampa story. CA should have known early on that KC wasn't in Tampa. Here's your "red flag" CA; Why is KC telling such an outrageous lie? Followed with, Does this have any thing to do with you not seeing Caylee or even talking to her on the phone since the 15th? I'm not buying it. This was at least one of CA's "red flags". She knew something was very wrong as early as the 24th and probably earlier.

Great job with this post :Banane37:
I hope during Cindy's Depo. the SA's office has cleared up most if not all her inconsistencies.
Unlike the Morgan depos which went something like this :argue:, followed by :snooty: then a:hand: and again a :argue: then a ;) to her lawyer while chewing gum :gum: and got in the last word :argue: before :run: from the media :dj:
A kids suite! Casey was the most spoiled and pampered person ever. Ummmm, most parents want to see their kids independant and on their own when they are in their twenties. So, when Cindy says Casey "moved out" that is completely out of character for her. She obviously wanted to keep her with her FOREVER.

I believe Cindy is, ahem, stretching the truth as she describes her house with a kids suite..
They have a typical split plan single story home ...the master bedroom is on one side of the home and the secondary bedrooms and bath on the other...I guess that is her way of saying its a Kids Suite...

And I agree most parents want to see their kids indepedant by the time they are out of school, in their 20's and ,ahem, have a great full time job like an Event Planner at Universl Studios.
I believe Cindy is, ahem, stretching the truth as she describes her house with a kids suite..
They have a typical split plan single story home ...the master bedroom is on one side of the home and the secondary bedrooms and bath on the other...I guess that is her way of saying its a Kids Suite...

And I agree most parents want to see their kids indepedant by the time they are out of school, in their 20's and ,ahem, have a great full time job like an Event Planner at Universl Studios.

I think CA is saying she wishes she had a bigger house with a kids suite...not that she already has one. Not that that would have worked out for her with KC.
Oh, here's a great inconsistency that I forgot about until you put that page back up............CA wants to see Caylee's BLUE eyes??????? I'm pretty sure they were hazel, KC makes a big point of that when talking to LE, you know, brown with green in them.....
I had caught that, but wonder if it had been transcribed wrong...meaning the transcriber didn't hear her correctly. It was bizarre to state her "blue" eyes.
A kids suite! Casey was the most spoiled and pampered person ever. Ummmm, most parents want to see their kids independant and on their own when they are in their twenties. So, when Cindy says Casey "moved out" that is completely out of character for her. She obviously wanted to keep her with her FOREVER.

I never saw this before - I wish we had a kid's suite - huh?

I wish I had the Penthouse in Trump Tower. Geesh!

CA really does offer too much information that really has no bearing as to what went on. But noone needs me to point that out - ha!
Oh, here's a great inconsistency that I forgot about until you put that page back up............CA wants to see Caylee's BLUE eyes??????? I'm pretty sure they were hazel, KC makes a big point of that when talking to LE, you know, brown with green in them.....

Since we can't believe either of them, is there a way to find out?

Have you heard of the third party rule? It's when a husband and wife never can agree on anything so they call a third person over and ask them "hey, would you mind telling us what color the sky is tonight - she says it's soft white but I call it grey - and you?" I mean what does it really matter anyhow? Some people are like this. Even if you tell them while looking right at it, they'll argue with you. You'd think they would both know what color Caylee's eyes were - what's up with that?
Yes...image is key.

ETA: which only gets me angry (again) that the family did very little in REALLY trying to find them both.

That's because they already knew - imo of course. Remember KC sent a text to Mr. California (Marine?) that she needed to see him and that she "already told my mom and my brother."

Wonder what that was about. As far as I know, we haven't heard from that guy either. I know LE sent someone out to meet with him. Did I miss something?
And then we have this little trip that was caught by an Orlando station!

YouTube - Another Contradiction In Today's Interview


Quote Respect essies and Thank you so much for posting this, it made my day. :blowkiss:

I just can not stand lying. I can not stand inconsistencies. With a person such as Cindy Anthony, I just want to know if I am "taking crazy pills" or what is being said is not consistent(and I'm not the crazy one) at the least, and huge lies at the worst.

Between this video you posted and the one I posted on the JoseB. thread today, there is hope for the media to begin reporting real news.

And, I agree with everything everyone said on this page about Cindy and her "red flags" and everything. :blowkiss:

Oh, and everybody's use of emotocons is cracking me up. :rotfl:

Someone(at another forum) picked up this little slip from Cindy! It's a good catch! In the CBS interview Cindy says Caylee was missing 5 months before she was found. The middle of June to the middle of November is 5 months!!
The middle of November is when Cindy (IMO) sent DC to the woods!!
[nomedia=""]YouTube - Caylee Anthony Anniversary[/nomedia]
Someone(at another forum) picked up this little slip from Cindy! It's a good catch! In the CBS interview Cindy says Caylee was missing 5 months before she was found. The middle of June to the middle of November is 5 months!!
The middle of November is when Cindy (IMO) sent DC to the woods!!
YouTube - Caylee Anthony Anniversary

CA just erases the month between June 15 and July 15 - she doesn't count that month and nor should you. :confused::bang::rolleyes::waitasec:
CA just erases the month between June 15 and July 15 - she doesn't count that month and nor should you. :confused::bang::rolleyes::waitasec:

OR-maybe she erases the month from the Nov. 15th to Dec. 11th!!
Someone(at another forum) picked up this little slip from Cindy! It's a good catch! In the CBS interview Cindy says Caylee was missing 5 months before she was found. The middle of June to the middle of November is 5 months!!
The middle of November is when Cindy (IMO) sent DC to the woods!!
YouTube - Caylee Anthony Anniversary

Quote Respect essies :)

In my reading of this case(I came in, in February)I had not gotten to DC (not)finding the remains etc. After seeing video(his/their)video and (embarassed to admit) listening to Casey's backward speech this is what I think happened:

(RE: What I bolded in post quoted) is a inconsistency/lie of Cindy to say they had no knowledge of where Caylee was before LE was aware and I think that is the reason Cindy has the discrepancy of "a month" also. I also think they could not bear "finding" Caylee as remains and so had to hire someone to do that i.e. a : Private Detective.)

When Casey came out on bond, she told them where Caylee was, or they figured it out(Cindy and George), WSers have come up with all of these and now I know why. Why were they out there video taping? And now I remember you all talking about JB and him maybe telling DC not to call 911 if any"thing" was found. Do we know if that is true, or...?

That man/those men...they were looking for Caylee. Then, when on the phone they go to the "house", just found out about the abandoned house. First DC says he was on the phone with his sick daughter then a psychic? There must be something to that house...I have to read up on this stuff. I am sure there are threads here that have covered all of this: I will look but if someone is faster...:blowkiss:

Thank you Websleuthers(Yes, you.) :clap:

Well fellow WS's, I think I have the biggest CA inconsistency found so far.

As ya all know, I have spent the past few days re-reading docs. My eyes are tried, my brain is close to fried (doesn't take much right now) but I came across this doc of CA's cell phone records.

I about fell from the chair looking at it. Is it the photo of Caylee crying, holding her hands up, wanting to be picked up. Dated 8/12/06 20:23:08.

I don't know where the clearer photo is but someone else discussed and posted it sometime recently.

Now if this had been KC taking the photo on CA's phone, I would suspect CA would have erased it immediately. But it's on CA's phone.

Why, oh why would she keep a photo of Caylee crying like that? Not out of love in my humble opinion. Sick, just as KC is sick.

page 1502, file image 7

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