Focusing Solely on Cindy's Inconsistencies

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Am I wrong in thinking Cindy claimed the gas can incident never happened, or if it did took place much earlier than the 24th? I thought that was one of the major issues that George claimed that this event happened and Cindy denied it. Or was that the car chase..but then I thought that happened the same day. I'm so confused.

I think it was the car chase that CA claimed no knowledge of when first asked about it and then in a later interview when asked she said that GA was mistaken on the date of the car chase, that it had happened much earlier, like in April, I think she said. CA said that she knew it had happened earlier as GA called her and she told him not to follow her and she remembers that as she was in the house coloring with Caylee at the time GA phoned her. BUT, and now this I am fuzzy on, but I seem to remember they then asked her what that was the earlier chase about, why was GA so upset that day and wanting to chase her down. She then told then that she couldn't answer that as she only found out about the chase later after GA told this info to investigators. That made no sense to me. She had just told them she was on the phone at the time GA was chasing her (in April), but then in the next sentence she says she only found out about it when it came up during LE/FBI questioning. So how does that jive??? Did I misunderstand this? Does anyone remember? Or is it just another example of CA telling "mistruths" ? JMO
I think it was the car chase that CA claimed no knowledge of when first asked about it and then in a later interview when asked she said that GA was mistaken on the date of the car chase, that it had happened much earlier, like in April, I think she said. CA said that she knew it had happened earlier as GA called her and she told him not to follow her and she remembers that as she was in the house coloring with Caylee at the time GA phoned her. BUT, and now this I am fuzzy on, but I seem to remember they then asked her what that was the earlier chase about, why was GA so upset that day and wanting to chase her down. She then told then that she couldn't answer that as she only found out about the chase later after GA told this info to investigators. That made no sense to me. She had just told them she was on the phone at the time GA was chasing her (in April), but then in the next sentence she says she only found out about it when it came up during LE/FBI questioning. So how does that jive??? Did I misunderstand this? Does anyone remember? Or is it just another example of CA telling "mistruths" ? JMO

I remember hearing that, and when I heard it I interpreted it to mean that she wanted them to ask George about the specifics of the chase itself, the only information about it she could provide (that was first hand) was that she personally remembered the date it had happened after learning about it being during the chase George was referring to.

So, simply I got the impression that she didn't want to present any hearsay concerning it, and they needed to get the specifics from George. KWIM
It is my opinion that CA spoke inconsistantly only because she didn't find the information they were looking for "RELEVANT" to what she considered should be the focus of the investigation!

It was mighty arrogant of her to want to be the one to determine the relevancy of the information she had, and also I'm guessing that if she could say what she really thought, it might sound something like this....

"I really don't think it is any of your business about THAT because it doesn't relate to my granddaughter being missing, or finding out more about Zanny because, if it was relevant that would mean Caylee really never went with the sitter and 1.)I could have stopped this from happening, 2.)I might have been the straw that broke the camels back to make Casey snap, or 3.) I'll look like I'm stupid! My psyche just can't handle those options right now, much less the idea that all those things might have culminated in Caylee's death."

So, as long as it's relevant to finding Zanny or a living Caylee.....I'd be happy to offer my assistance, otherwise it is just not relevant, IN MY WORLD.

It is my opinion that CA spoke inconsistantly only because she didn't find the information they were looking for "RELEVANT" to what she considered should be the focus of the investigation!

It was mighty arrogant of her to want to be the one to determine the relevancy of the information she had, and also I'm guessing that if she could say what she really thought, it might sound something like this....

"I really don't think it is any of your business about THAT because it doesn't relate to my granddaughter being missing, or finding out more about Zanny because, if it was relevant that would mean Caylee really never went with the sitter and 1.)I could have stopped this from happening, 2.)I might have been the straw that broke the camels back to make Casey snap, or 3.) I'll look like I'm stupid! My psyche just can't handle those options right now, much less the idea that all those things might have culminated in Caylee's death."

So, as long as it's relevant to finding Zanny or a living Caylee.....I'd be happy to offer my assistance, otherwise it is just not relevant, IN MY WORLD.

Yep. I totally agree with you! That's exactly her attitude. She's one "smart cookie" isn't she??!!!

:bowdown: :bowdown: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I admire all of you for being able to read through these CA vs LE interviews.
I get a migraine and feel crazy when I read 2 or 3 lines. Thank you for interpreting
these painful reads for those of us that can't make it through without going
crazy. :crazy:
Respectfully, I disagree. All the stuff you're talking about comes at a different part of the interview than what I'm referring too. SB doesn't entertain any of that nonsense while he's leading her through the timeline and Cindy knows it.

Starting on page 7674, line 20, the FBI agent begins to lead CA through a very careful timeline, beginning with the last time CA saw Caylee.

SB: Alright, now we're gonna go back to, when did Caylee and, and I'm gonna play completely dumb with you.
CA: Okay no problem.
SB: Okay. 'Cause I don't know all the specific dates I know that...
CA: You want to know the last time we saw her. Yeah.
SB: We'll start with the last time you saw them.

The agent then leads her carefully through each date and CA tells him everything she knows about each day. The agent gets to the 20th, (with the agent naming each date in chronological order as they come to it) where CA begins to talk about the Tampa trip. The interview continues until they get through the Tampa story which ends on p.7688 All the talk of clues and such came prior to beginning this timeline (and some after). SB does not stray off the timeline he's putting together with CA. There's no nonsense or speculating about clues throughout the timeline discussion. Reading through it you can see right where she should have inserted the trip KC made back to Orlando on the 24th. CA's story doesn't even have a place to put it if she did just leave it out. It doesn't match what she's telling SB. This is a major part of the story that doesn't fit in nor is it even mentioned to the FBI agent. When she interviews with the detectives two days later, she fits it right into the story. She makes it match up in this interview. The detectives are doing a timeline with her in this interview as well. There's no way she could have just left it out when doing the timeline with the agent, imo. You really have to read it to see what I mean.
Thank you for disagreeing respectfully. :) I'm okay with that. And you might be right. As I've said, I haven't read the recently released transcripts and I will admit that watching the video of the interview was at times very hard to follow so perhaps I missed the transition from CA talking about what KC told her to talking about the actual timeline. I'll try to find time to read the transcript over the weekend.

In the meantime, can you help me understand how she could be talking about events in a timeline that she knew at this time weren't true? I mean, she knew by this time that the car had been towed rather than Jeff had put it in the shop and she knew that KC wasn't where she'd been telling her she was so why was she still including these details in a timeline discussion with the FBI?

By the way, I'm not asking you to explain Cindy's logic as I'm not sure that's possible at this point - I'm just wondering if you got something out of reading this that I didn't get in viewing it a few months back that might shed some light on why she talked about things she knew to be false when she was trying to help reconstruct a timeline.

Thank you for disagreeing respectfully. :) I'm okay with that. And you might be right. As I've said, I haven't read the recently released transcripts and I will admit that watching the video of the interview was at times very hard to follow so perhaps I missed the transition from CA talking about what KC told her to talking about the actual timeline. I'll try to find time to read the transcript over the weekend.

In the meantime, can you help me understand how she could be talking about events in a timeline that she knew at this time weren't true? I mean, she knew by this time that the car had been towed rather than Jeff had put it in the shop and she knew that KC wasn't where she'd been telling her she was so why was she still including these details in a timeline discussion with the FBI?

By the way, I'm not asking you to explain Cindy's logic as I'm not sure that's possible at this point - I'm just wondering if you got something out of reading this that I didn't get in viewing it a few months back that might shed some light on why she talked about things she knew to be false when she was trying to help reconstruct a timeline.

Being only 2 weeks into the investigation, I would think investigators (FBI and OCSO) were interested in every detail surrounding Caylee's disappearance. What KC told CA is to be included in an actual timeline as much as facts known to be true. (CA's account of the week left out the fact that KC was in Orlando on the 24th) Two days after the FBI interview, CA included the information about KC returning to Orlando while working on a timeline with OCSO. What KC said she did was just as important as what KC did at that point. KC's alleged trip to Tampa was relevant and the part of the story that puts KC in Orlando on the 24th, at the family home, should have been given to FBI on July 30th. It was just as important to them as it was to OCSO 2 days later. This was very early in the case and CA should have left nothing to the imagination when she spoke with the FBI. CA ended her account of that week with "She called me on the 27th and told me that they were back in Orlando.", never having mentioned that KC returned on the 24th. The context in which CA included the information on the 1st of August was the same as that on the 30th of July when she left it out. She either left it out the story purposefully or she didn't know about it, imo.
Fairness is a real hangup of mine, so when I'm in doubt about what's fair or unfair -- just or unjust -- I play a "Switch Around" game in my mind.

In order to decide whether I'm biased against the A's or whether LE has truly been much too lenient on GA, CA, and LE from "Day 31, I play the "Switch Around" game--which means I switch only one single factor. In this instance, I switch Casey from Caylee's mother to Caylee's babysitter. Everything else about the case remains the same.

Now, I can honestly ask myself if LE would have been so d@mned tolerant of GA, CA, and LA while they lied, misled, refused lie detector tests, and did everything to obstruct the investigation into the disappearance of little Jane Doe Smith who was suppiosedly in the full care of Casey and who lived under the A's roof.

The answer I come up with is H@ll No! There's no way LE would have coddled those people while they continually lied and lied and lied to protect Casey. Long before little Jane Doe Smith's skeleton was found, LE would have treated the A's like scum of the earth co-conspirators. (OMG, can you imagine how the world would have reacted to the A's next starting a foundation for missing children in the above situation?)

My mental Switch Around game has told me two things: Either the A's have received much more consideration and leniency than they deserve/deserved from LE....Or, if this is the norm, then it's "safer" and more okay to protect the murderer of a helpless, little close relative than to protect the murderer of a helpless little stranger.

Poor little Caylee. The Anthonys keep her chained to them with lockets and bracelets filled with her remains, while they openly and brazenly continue to protect her killer. In death, as in life, she has nowhere to flee for safety from these dreadful people who were her family.
I think you're right. This is a perfect example of how the family was not united in their story telling. When she tells the story after GA, she includes his tale in her's.

I think this is why she is careful to record things now.

BBM: Because you must keep track of LIES.............there is no need to remember the truth..........
In the meantime, can you help me understand how she could be talking about events in a timeline that she knew at this time weren't true? I mean, she knew by this time that the car had been towed rather than Jeff had put it in the shop and she knew that KC wasn't where she'd been telling her she was so why was she still including these details in a timeline discussion with the FBI? TIA

IMO, Cindy shared with LE what Casey was telling Cindy during those crutical weeks that Caylee was missing. Although the information that Casey told her mother was not factual, but perhaps somewhere within all those details a clue might be found in order to find Caylee.
My mental Switch Around game has told me two things: Either the A's have received much more consideration and leniency than they deserve/deserved from LE....Or, if this is the norm, then it's "safer" and more okay to protect the murderer of a helpless, little close relative than to protect the murderer of a helpless little stranger. .

The A's were getting some sympathy from LE in the beginning, I think because GA was a former LE officer and ofcourse, they were the grandparents. The detectives were easy on them, but I do not believe that is now the case. LE is out of it and SA has taken over and you will not see the same type of consideration given to them as in the past. Free pass days are gone, I would imagine. Plus, they have an attorney who should be advising them that they need to be truthful and stop playing games it could cost them dearly. Their lying at the Morgan depos I blame on their attorney. Neither of them were properly prepared and their attorney did nothing to try and stop them from disrupting the proceedings. JMO
Does anyone recall when Cindy called Tim Miller and told him that her granddaughter was alive and that, Casey gave her to a family. This upset Miller because he said if a family did have Caylee, why didn't the Anthony family go to that family.

Then we have when TES needed something with Caylee's scent on it and Cindy refused. Yet, she claims or the psychic claims that Cindy sent her Caylee's bear.

See, this is why since way back I have felt that Cindy knew what happen.
Sorry, I don't have the links it was so long ago.
Does anyone recall when Cindy called Tim Miller and told him that her granddaughter was alive and that, Casey gave her to a family. This upset Miller because he said if a family did have Caylee, why didn't the Anthony family go to that family.

Then we have when TES needed something with Caylee's scent on it and Cindy refused. Yet, she claims or the psychic claims that Cindy sent her Caylee's bear.

See, this is why since way back I have felt that Cindy knew what happen.
Sorry, I don't have the links it was so long ago.

It might be in this thread:

Not 100% sure but if it is not try a search. :)
Now that it is a year later and we know Caylee is safely in Heaven, KC is behind bars hopefully for her natural life, and the foundation is floundering-these performances by Cindy of the past year now make me giggle!!

[nomedia=""]YouTube - Tips & Tricks! Avoid Questions the Anthony Way![/nomedia]
Now that it is a year later and we know Caylee is safely in Heaven, KC is behind bars hopefully for her natural life, and the foundation is floundering-these performances by Cindy of the past year now make me giggle!!

YouTube - Tips & Tricks! Avoid Questions the Anthony Way!


The Village People have come here to sing their new hit-YCMA!!

OMG -this women is crazy....
And then we have this little trip that was caught by an Orlando station!

[ame=""]YouTube - Another Contradiction In Today's Interview[/ame]

Now that it is a year later and we know Caylee is safely in Heaven, KC is behind bars hopefully for her natural life, and the foundation is floundering-these performances by Cindy of the past year now make me giggle!!

YouTube - Tips & Tricks! Avoid Questions the Anthony Way!


The Village People have come here to sing their new hit-YCMA!!

"I changed my mind on that, I never changed my mind on that." :waitasec: I reiterate :waitasec: and add a WTF!!

Thanks Essies. I think that video is used in JB's class! :crazy:
And then we have this little trip that was caught by an Orlando station!

YouTube - Another Contradiction In Today's Interview


It appears from their short lived "reality tour" that they've learned to just STFU! Why their lawyer allowed them to keep talking is beyond my comprehension. I think it would be beyond a member of MENSA's comprehension!

Well more fodder for the trial when she takes the stand. :woohoo:
Soooooo true, SD, hard to believe ANYONE EVER listened seriously to this woman or gave her any credibility.
Now that it is a year later and we know Caylee is safely in Heaven, KC is behind bars hopefully for her natural life, and the foundation is floundering-these performances by Cindy of the past year now make me giggle!!

YouTube - Tips & Tricks! Avoid Questions the Anthony Way!


The Village People have come here to sing their new hit-YCMA!!

ohh how I love these little treats you sprinkle on us like confetti! :blowkiss:

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