Food and Recipes while under Coronavirus quarantine #7

And just noting, aloe! Have you got any aloe gel? Or aloe oil, like maybe supplement capsules? Any kind of aloe. It's great for burns.
Another treatment for minor burns is cold yellow mustard. If I get a kitchen burn, first I use cold water, then dry and use cold mustard to coat the burned area and let it dry. Works great for me. This is only for minor burns.
Learned about this home remedy from The People's Pharmacy.
I do put chocolate / coco powder in my Chili dishes. They put Mexican chocolate in the mole sauce. I never had a homemade Mexican Mole dish, and wish I had.

Yesterday I saw some already prepared mole product in the store, and hesitated. Do I have to put it on Chicken? Should I buy it? Would it represent authentic mole? I think I should start with the already prepared mole so I know what it's suppose to taste like.

Anyways, we were talking about different chili peppers and I saw this recipe from Pati. Has anyone here had or made Mexican Mole?

As I list the ingredients, we’ll go through some Mole basics…
Four chiles (or chilis) are typically used: The reddish Ancho (6 o’clock) with bittersweet and fruity flavors; the black Mulato (12 o’clock) with much sweeter, chocolaty and fuller tones; the raisin colored Pasilla (3 o’clock) with a deep, strong and bitter bite; and the tobacco looking Chipotle (9 o’clock) smoky, rich and spicy.
I do put chocolate / coco powder in my Chili dishes. They put Mexican chocolate in the mole sauce. I never had a homemade Mexican Mole dish, and wish I had.

Yesterday I saw some already prepared mole product in the store, and hesitated. Do I have to put it on Chicken? Should I buy it? Would it represent authentic mole? I think I should start with the already prepared mole so I know what it's suppose to taste like.

Anyways, we were talking about different chili peppers and I saw this recipe from Pati. Has anyone here had or made Mexican Mole?

As I list the ingredients, we’ll go through some Mole basics…
Four chiles (or chilis) are typically used: The reddish Ancho (6 o’clock) with bittersweet and fruity flavors; the black Mulato (12 o’clock) with much sweeter, chocolaty and fuller tones; the raisin colored Pasilla (3 o’clock) with a deep, strong and bitter bite; and the tobacco looking Chipotle (9 o’clock) smoky, rich and spicy.
Luuuv to cook Mexican food, and I have to admit, I have never made a mole. This deals with me being a candy bar kid who can't picture chocolate on chicken. I love peanut sauce on chicken, though. So your post has inspired me to go ahead and try to make a mole!! Looking at Rick Bayless beginner mole and it's got all the chiles you noted.
Beginner's Mole - Rick Bayless

Am seeing you can use it on chicken, pork, beef, eggs, nachos, duck-- just about anything.

Because it has chocolate in it, I'd be tempted to try for a mole ice cream, LOL Unfortunately, our ice cream machine is on the DL.

Played it safe yesterday and prepped for fried pork tenderloin today. Made red cabbage slaw last night (apple cider vinegar, honey, mustard, olive oil, honey mustard dressing, s&p). Dumped in the slivered red cabbage and let the flavors marry overnight. Today, got my raw cutlets, s&p, into the flour, into the egg, into panko w/paprika & cayenne. Fried em up, shook a little celery salt on, warmed the buns, topped the cutlets w/the cabbage. Came out nice. Wish I'd topped with a little bit of sunflower seeds, we've still got one cutlet over so am trying to remember to shake on some sunflower seeds tomorrow.
It’s been so hot here. I’ve been doing a lot of work in the yard so I haven’t cooked much.

Last week I made my “upscale beanie weenies.” (My kids were never big on hotdogs.) It’s Polska Kielbasa fried & drained and doctored up baked beans. Quick & easy.

I thawed a frozen dish of chili I had made. I made a box mix of cornbread in my skillet. It was such a filling lunch that I didn’t need dinner.

I found 2 more jars of PeaNot chickpea butter. They had the chocolate kind so I bought a jar of that too. I like that I can now have a PB&J as a quick lunch!

I finally made fudge for my dessert. I will cut it up and freeze a lot of it. It is so rich and sweet, a few tiny squares is enough.


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So your post has inspired me to go ahead and try to make a mole!! Looking at Rick Bayless beginner mole and it's got all the chiles you noted.
Beginner's Mole - Rick Bayless
I love Rick Bayless! Couldn't remember his name though because it's been awhile since I watched his show. Also, I can't remember this plant he mentioned several times on his show. He adds it to his dishes a lot. He grew it.

Last week I was trying so hard to remember this ingredient that starts with an A and is popular in Mexican food... wait, I can look at his recipes..... It's Achiote!
1719199139151.png I found it once, but didn't get it because the one I found had food dyes which seemed unnecessary. Some don't though. 1719199244388.png
Am seeing you can use it on chicken, pork, beef, eggs, nachos, duck-- just about anything. Because it has chocolate in it, I'd be tempted to try for a mole ice cream,...
Good to know that it doesn't have to be chicken. Ah, you are adventurous to start off considering mole ice cream. @snooptroop88, please let me know if you make mole and tell me how it turned out.
Made red cabbage slaw last night (apple cider vinegar, honey, mustard, olive oil, honey mustard dressing, s&p). Dumped in the slivered red cabbage and let the flavors marry overnight.
That sounds delicious. You sound like a great cook.
It’s been so hot here. I’ve been doing a lot of work in the yard so I haven’t cooked much.
We've been sweltering here in metro Detroit, too, and have done as little cooking as possible. Even with A/C running all day long, it is not fun to stand in front of a hot stove or turn the oven on. If it can't be grilled outdoors, we don't eat it. Takeout a few times, as well. Watermelon tastes so good when it's this hot!

We'd been waiting for weeks for a landscape project, and the crew finally showed up just before the heat wave hit. We replaced some tired burning bush shrubs with lovely wine & roses weigela. It was a challenge to keep them well-watered in this extreme heat, but they are looking wonderful and don't seem to be stressed. The landscape crew also spread eight yards of mulch in all our plant beds. Wine & Roses® - Weigela florida | Proven Winners

Hopefully, this heat wave will pass, and we can get back to enjoying home-cooked meals.
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We've been sweltering here in metro Detroit, too, and have done as little cooking as possible. Even with A/C running all day long, it is not fun to stand in front of a hot stove or turn the oven on. If it can't be grilled outdoors, we don't eat it. Takeout a few times, as well. Watermelon tastes so good when it's this hot!

We'd been waiting for weeks for a landscape project, and the crew finally showed up just before the heat wave hit. We replaced some tired burning bush shrubs with lovely wine & roses weigela. It was a challenge to keep them well-watered in this extreme heat, but they are looking wonderful and don't seem to be stressed. The landscape crew also spread eight yards of mulch in all our plant beds. Wine & Roses® - Weigela florida | Proven Winners

Hopefully, this heat wave will pass, and we can get back to enjoying home-cooked meals.
We’ve been having a heat wave here too, in the 90s every day last week. A bit of a break today with a high of I think 82 degrees.

Due to the heat I have been making a lot of salads. I went to Costco last week and stocked up on vegetables for salads.

I’ve had to water my patio plants twice a day throughout the heatwave. I picked my first red cherry tomatoes yesterday.
It's been horrible here, too! In the Midwest, and I've been running the AC more this summer than I have in years. It's a hot one. Need to pick up deli meat for sandwiches cuz I'm not putting the oven on in this.
We've resorted to sandwiches for dinner a few times in recent weeks and had California BLTs last night. The temperature had dropped nearly 10* by dinner time, so it wasn't a major issue to have the oven on long enough to cook bacon. We finally got some much needed rain, and it is significantly cooler than it has been for more than a week.

Today is our 53rd wedding anniversary. We have mani/pedi appointments this afternoon and will have dinner at one of our favorite special occasion restaurants this evening. I love Oysters Rockefeller, and there aren't many restaurants that offer them. Bloomfield Hills - Joe Muer Seafood
We've resorted to sandwiches for dinner a few times in recent weeks and had California BLTs last night. The temperature had dropped nearly 10* by dinner time, so it wasn't a major issue to have the oven on long enough to cook bacon. We finally got some much needed rain, and it is significantly cooler than it has been for more than a week.

Today is our 53rd wedding anniversary. We have mani/pedi appointments this afternoon and will have dinner at one of our favorite special occasion restaurants this evening. I love Oysters Rockefeller, and there aren't many restaurants that offer them. Bloomfield Hills - Joe Muer Seafood
Happy Anniversary, and enjoy your special dinner!
We've resorted to sandwiches for dinner a few times in recent weeks and had California BLTs last night. The temperature had dropped nearly 10* by dinner time, so it wasn't a major issue to have the oven on long enough to cook bacon. We finally got some much needed rain, and it is significantly cooler than it has been for more than a week.

Today is our 53rd wedding anniversary. We have mani/pedi appointments this afternoon and will have dinner at one of our favorite special occasion restaurants this evening. I love Oysters Rockefeller, and there aren't many restaurants that offer them. Bloomfield Hills - Joe Muer Seafood
Happy Anniversary to you and Mr. BDE!!
We've resorted to sandwiches for dinner a few times in recent weeks and had California BLTs last night. The temperature had dropped nearly 10* by dinner time, so it wasn't a major issue to have the oven on long enough to cook bacon. We finally got some much needed rain, and it is significantly cooler than it has been for more than a week.

Today is our 53rd wedding anniversary. We have mani/pedi appointments this afternoon and will have dinner at one of our favorite special occasion restaurants this evening. I love Oysters Rockefeller, and there aren't many restaurants that offer them. Bloomfield Hills - Joe Muer Seafood
That is SO sweet, seriously.


Oysters Rockefeller, yum!!! (I make "stuffies," lol. Don't know if anyone familiar with stuffies.)
That is SO sweet, seriously.


Oysters Rockefeller, yum!!! (I make "stuffies," lol. Don't know if anyone familiar with stuffies.)
I've had stuffed clams but don't recall them being called "stuffies". Stuffed clams are on the menu at Joe Muer, and a woman at a nearby table ordered them for her appetizer, while her dining partner ordered Oysters Rockefeller. Both are large portions, and neither DH nor I could eat an entire order by ourselves. I barely ate half of my Dover Sole or the side of asparagus with Bearnaise and will have leftovers for dinner.

We also have not been enjoying the excessive heat, but the best news is that those cute, red-eyed 17 year Cicada's are finally gone!

We grilled and enjoyed our patio tonight. Silence, perfect temperatures and no bugs. What more can you ask for?

We made an interesting observation during the 17 yr Cicada invasion. We normally have a really active (year round) bird feeder outside our family room windows. I usually fill it at least twice a week. From the time the Cicada's emerged to their final death this week, the bird feeder sat untouched with a sizeable bowl of seed. The last few days, it has been standing room only at the feeder, I've had to refill it after 48 hours.

I think what happened was that the birds were eating the Cicada's.

Glad to see the birds back and the Cicada's least for 17 years!
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