For All The Mothers

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Instinctively you want to protect your child. In this case, though, I really feel that the Anthony's truly adored little Caylee. I don't know how it would be possible for them to hide their anger toward Casey if they knew she hurt her.

Blood isn't always thicker than water. Look at the Unibomber. It was his brother that turned him in.
My mother loves my daughter a lot more than she loves me so I know that she'd never cover for me in that situation.

As far as would I cover for Jenn?
I'd like to think that I would not, but I can't even fathom her ever putting me in that kind of position in order to give an adequate answer.
My mother is 63 yrs old and she would support ,love and in all likelyhood protect me even in a situation such as {Casey's}.
Being Italian/Irish she'd probably beat the tar out of me behind closed doors,but still defend me.
I am a Mother and would be exactly like my mother.
When I had my girls, I wanted them for SOOO long that I knew I was pregnant before any pregnancy test. I started loving them, before they were conceived. They are mine. I was the one who would DO ANYTHING to protect them and love them, regardless if they were difform, ugly or stupid ! I always knew that. Thank God they are beautiful and brillant, but you know what I mean ? Their father adores them, but I can only say, for sure, what I know ! I WOULD LOVE and PROTECT THEM NO MATTER WHAT. To me, that is what a mother should be.

That's why, I think Cindy would protect Casey. Who would protect her if Cindy didn't ?? I think that Cindy CHOOSES to believe that Caylee is alive. She will find any reason to ignore the evidence because, accepting it would mean that HER baby killed her own child and who would choose to believe that until they find Calee's little body? She has to believe what everyone else knows to be lies. Caylee was taken and is still alive.

I can't even start to imagine how I would feel. We are not in her position. I hope I would find the courage to face reality but I don't know...

If and when Caylee's body is found, she will still try and protect her daughter. She will find tons of people to be guilty of that crime: the media, for reporting that Caylee is dead instead of looking for her, Tim for looking for a dead child instead of a live one and LE for not persuing "credible leads". Unless Casey tells her the truth, I don't think she will ever be guilty in her eyes.
I guess we all can say what we'd like to think we'd do, but luckily for us on this board, we've not had to go through this (I'm assuming anyway. ) But, I like the rest of you would like to believe that I wouldn't be so clouded by my feelings for my daughter that I would deny another child that I loved a chance to come home and to be laid to rest peacefully. At the very least, I doubt seriously even if I was in such denial, that I'd be spouting out further lies and obstructing justice. I will tell you a story though.

I have an aunt and her son committed murder. He vanished and then was finally caught after about 6 years. During this time, she refused to admit he was responsible, knew where he was, and never turned him in. I believe she knew he did it, cause after all - who runs (or withholds information) if you're innocent? But - sadly, defending him so vigorously cost her her 44 year marriage, the relationship she had with her other children, respect from other family members, her retirement and her health. Denial is a strong thing, that's for sure.

I just hope and will pray that I never - and you all - never have to endure what this family or other families have had to endure with these types of situations.

I hope that the GPs can find closure in all of this and that they can see what we all see... but what makes one more special than the other child (child and g-child)? I do not know this, but I know what my mom would do... she'd torture me herself until I told her the truth. Wrong is wrong - no matter how you paint it. And Cindy - if you're reading, I'd keep my mouth shut from here on out. You definitely aren't helping ANYONE. The truth will surface, no matter how hard you try to protect your loved ones. BTW - the truth can be good or bad - but it's the truth, so embrace it - cause that's all you'll have in the end. GL all.
I have 2 children - my son is 17 and my daughter is 20 (soon to be 21) - in addition there is always some "stray" child that ends up at my house overnight :crazy: -

My daughter is bipolar - and I have hospitalized her one time - and would do it again in a heart beat if I felt it was necessary. (She has never been a threat to anyone but herself) - Now I have made SOME accomdations for her - I have allowed her some extra time to finish school and she still lives at home -Both of my kids must work - mama is not a bank - period.

Now if EITHER of my kids were in the situation Casey is in - I would be heartbroken, I would truly want to believe that Caylee was alive, but I would not let a child that was lying about where their child is, what has happened to the child, etc. into my home out on bond. In fact - I don't think they would WANT to be in my house - because regardless of what the lawyers said etc. - If your in my home - I will be in your face - 24/7 until you tell me what the H**L is going on! Instead of hiding from the public and allowing my child out on bond in my home - I would definately be out there searching my heart out for my grandbaby - and BEGGING for help - (not turning it away :mad:)
I'm a mother of a seven year old daughter and I would take a bullet for my child in a heartbeat. I would protect my daughter from everything and anything EXCEPT when laws are broken!

I find it very hard to understand KC's motivation, manipulation, and lies regarding her Caylee. I guess she never emotionally bonded with her child and never felt that "Momma Bear do ANYTHING to protect your child" instinct. I really believe CA was the "mother" figure for Caylee and that CA bonded with Caylee as a mother and KC was jealous of that bond.

I honestly believe CA's still in denial about both her daughter and Caylee. She's been manipulated by KC so many times already that I think that deep down inside she really does believe her granddaughter is dead, but I don't think she'd go as far as protecting her from the consequences of her actions.

If KC were my daughter, I would use "tough love" and if I knew ANYTHING in terms of my granddaughter's dissappearance (I'm not a grandmother though) and my daughter's involvement, I would go STRAIGHT to LE and make my daughter "face the music."
You know - the one thing that I just thought of when going back and re-reading this thread... we all will do whatever is necessary to "protect" our children, but at some point when do you, or when can you not protect them from themselves???
I personally would love to see the opinion of a Mental Health professional here. I think there is something wrong with this family. My mom was an alcoholic/pill addict medical professional who gave me drugs at twelve thinking she was helping me but what she really wanted was a drug buddy. Families can do some really sick things...CA's focus is not where it should be, it should be on Caylee...Her protecting KC is so very odd.
I am Mom of 3, oldest 19, then 17 and Baby is 2. I would not overprotect my oldest from facing her mistakes they are her mistakes and her lessons.
BTW..Mom went to Rehab 10 years ago and no longer wants a drug buddy.
Great question, and one of the reasons I actually registered for this site over this case. I am the mother of a 19 year old who I practically worshipped for the first 18 3/4 years of her life. She was, quite literally, my sunshine. I tried to un-do all the wrongs done to me, in raising this child, and until recently, the last time she disappointed me was when she was in SECOND grade! Out of the blue, over the last several months, she's started doing things that I disapprove of strongly, and suddenly the young adult living with me is not the person she has been for the first 18 years. I would not think her capable of doing anything REALLY bad, but man, all of a sudden, I don't know?????
I base my answer on something that happened when my daughter was about 9. My husband (her step dad at the time) kept saying she exhibited signs of ADD. I couldn't for the life of me see them. He'd say "but she does this" and "she does this" and "this" but I literally could not see them. Still, wanting the best for her, I took her to a child psychologist and after testing, she indeed had significant ADD without the hyperactive component. I was BLIND to the signs that others could easily see.
I think I would be in as much denial as Cindy.
And if they found my granddaughter's body, and could prove that my daughter did it, I'm pretty positive that'd be the end of me.
I feel for Cindy. As an outsider looking in, I do see all the evidence, and I believe that she'll never recover, when she finally sees what happened.
I think at the start of all of this, I would have WANTED to believe ANYTHING other then my granddaughter was dead. However, I think as a rational person, after all of the evidence of the decomposition started I would have no other choice then to KNOW the obvious. I can tell you one thing, there is no way in hell my daughter would have been sitting in her room on a computer. She would have been GRILLED by myself and my husband every day all day as to what happened!!!!
"I can't find my granddaughter. ... There's something wrong," Cindy said. "I found my daughter's car today and it smelled like there's been a dead body in the damn car."
I thought about this long and hard last night before responding.

The bond that I have with my children isn't something I can explain...I love my children more than I could ever begin to describe. When they are sick, I feel sick. When they are in pain, I'm in pain. It's just something that goes beyond words! When I was pregnant, a friend told me a story that has stuck with me over the years. She said that she had heard of a little boy being stuck on some railroad tracks. A man saw this and went to try and get him off but was unable to. When a train suddenly appeared, the man worked furiously to get the little boy unstuck but was unable to do so. So he layed his body over the little boy to protect him as the train came. The man ended up being okay but was hurt pretty badly. She told me that when she heard this story, she wondered if she would do the same thing this man did. She hoped that she would. When she became a mom, she KNEW she would do this for her child. When I became a mom, I thought of this story and she was right! There's nothing I wouldn't do for my children.

Having said all of that....I am not a grandmother and won't be for many more years. However, I've heard that the bond you have with your grandchildren is pretty much like what you have with your children. I can't imagine! So, I can't really compare that when I tell you how I feel about this and being a mother.

If one of my children did what Casey did....I would be heartbroken. I would wonder what I could have done to raise them better and wonder what fault I personally had in the situation. I would not bail my child out of jail for many reasons. One of which is the fact that they would be safer in jail. I would NOT make excuses for my child of this caliber. Heck, I don't even make excuses for my daughter when she is in trouble at school! I would not enable them by getting them out of jail and bringing them into my home to look on the internet or watch tv. There would be no fun and games in my house....their only choice would be to talk to me. Period.

I do think that Cindy is worried about losing her daughter. But Casey is not DEAD. She can visit her in jail whenever she wants. She can still write to her. She can still talk to her on the phone. It isn't as if she has lost Casey forever. Casey is alive and well. NOW, I would fight tooth and nail to keep my child from the death penalty but that's a whole 'nother story. I understand that Cindy wants to hold on to Casey but I don't think it's because she loves Casey (and I know she does). It's because when you look at your child, no matter how big they get, or how much they grow, you still remember when they were babies and you protected them and loved them. As they grow up, they detach from you a bit and you hold on to those times that it was YOU that made everything better in their world. IMO, it's not about Cindy loving Casey for what she is now, it's about Cindy loving Casey so much despite everything that has happened and wanting to protect her and make everything better again. We all know that she can't do that but I think Cindy is in her own little world right now.

I don't know what it's like to lose a child....or a grandchild. I can't imagine though. I would think that my heart would stop immediately if anything ever happened to either one of my kids. After all, they are my reason for being here in the first place. However, I don't think this is the case with Cindy. I truly believe that she is not holding on to Casey because she fears that Caylee is no longer with us, I think she is holding on to Casey because that's what a mother does. She protects her children. I don't agree with the way she is doing it for the record...but I can see why she is.

I can say this, when my Kaileigh is in trouble, I do not make excuses for her at all. I WANT her to deal with the consequences so that she can learn. If she were to do something really bad, I would want her to be held accountable. I'm not just saying this because I'm following this case so closely. I'd be embarassed and ashamed that it was MY child that did this unspeakable thing. I'd be telling people that I don't know where I went wrong?! I'd be telling everyone that while I don't want my child to suffer, I do want them to be accountable for any actions that hurt another. I'd tell everyone that would listen to please not HURT (physically) my child but that I understand that angry words will be spoken.

I can not relate to Cindy at all. She is ENABLING Casey and that's not what a mother does. I do on some level believe that she wants Casey to like her and love her but I don't think Casey does at all. Another thing I want to add about this is that I think that Cindy wants to be Casey's best friend and supporter. Cindy knows Casey is going to jail but she doesn't want Casey to blame HER for it. Does that make sense? Cindy knows that if she says anything against Casey, Casey will blame her because that's the kind of person Casey is. Because Cindy isn't acting like a mother but as her daughter's best friend, she doesn't care WHO doesn't like what she says or WHO yells at her....she will defend Casey to the death. Casey is going to jail for murder regardless but Cindy will no way have a part in it in her mind.

Sorry this is so long and a little unclear....I have a lot of feelings wrapped up in this because I truly feel heartbroken for Caylee. I want her to be found and I want justice. :(
I tried to post twice now both were long posts with good comments and such but unfortunately I am not about to sit here and rewrite it again. Every time I got finished and hit submit it said you are not logged in. What is up with that?
I think at the start of all of this, I would have WANTED to believe ANYTHING other then my granddaughter was dead. However, I think as a rational person, after all of the evidence of the decomposition started I would have no other choice then to KNOW the obvious. I can tell you one thing, there is no way in hell my daughter would have been sitting in her room on a computer. She would have been GRILLED by myself and my husband every day all day as to what happened!!!!

I totally agree with you!!!

I have 4 sons, ages 30 to 24..The 3 older sons are married and each one has a child, Taylor is 3 (one week older than Caylee), Joshua just turned 3 last week and my granddaughter Dakota will be 3 in Oct.

I have baby sat Taylor everyday during the week, while my son and daughter-in-law are at work and have since she went back to work after she had him, so since he was 6 weeks old.

I found out when I became a grandmaw, you have a love in you, you didn't know you had. And in knowing that, I can not understand Cindy at all. If it was me, my child would want to stay in jail to get away from me. They would never, ever have any peace around me. When I wasn't grilling them, I would be begging for help to find my grandbaby, I would be out there myself, trying to find my grandbaby. I would be so grateful for those trying to help me.

I sit here and watch my grandson and he is calling me, 'Mawmaw, I need you'..needing help getting a certain toy out of the toy box and I can not imagine the heart ache of not be able to get kisses and hugs from him.

So, NO I would not protect my child, if there was any chance, they were involved in a situation like this. They would need protection from ME!
As others have said, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to explain the bond a mother has with her child. I love my daughter more than anything in the world. That said, I tend to be a person who tries to look at every side of a situation and tries to understand "why". From what it sounds like, Caylee was not only Cindy's granddaughter, but almost like a daughter as well. It also sounds like Casey has had problems for quite a while. Cindy may very well wonder what she did or didn't do to make Casey that way, and Caylee was her second chance. Now, some part of her knows Caylee is gone. However, believing that would mean she doesn't get a second chance, she loses someone she loves dearly, and, if she believes Casey is at fault, not only "loses" Casey in a sense, but has to deal with all the "what if I caused this" thoughts. While I do not agree with the way Cindy is acting, I do think she is honestly terrified to face the truth. I believe some part of her knows, and that's why she is so desperately clinging to the outrageous stories. Believing Calyee is dead and believing Casey killed her, causes a chain reaction of revelations that may very well break Cindy. The combination of circumstances, beliefs, and history will make every case different. While we can guess what we would do based on our upbringing and family dynamics, those are different than the Anthony's set of circumstances. No two families will ever have the same dynamics. While I, truthfully, cannot stand Cindy, I believe that her denial is based on the fact that she can't accept the truth. The consequences would be too great for her psyche. No matter how crazy the stories and theories are, she needs to truly believe them in order to emotionally survive.

I really hope all of that made sense! JMO.
I found out when I became a grandmaw, you have a love in you, you didn't know you had. And in knowing that, I can not understand Cindy at all. If it was me, my child would want to stay in jail to get away from me. They would never, ever have any peace around me. When I wasn't grilling them, I would be begging for help to find my grandbaby, I would be out there myself, trying to find my grandbaby. I would be so grateful for those trying to help me.

I couldn't agree with you more. A love for a grandchild is so different from any other love you have. I would do ANYTHING for my two grandchildren, ANYTHING!
Also want to add, there is NO WAY 31 days would pass without me seeing Karmella, EVER!!!
I hope you all don't mind I am bumping this to see how everyone is feeling about the mother-child bond between CA and KC at this point out. It's been 9 mos 1 week since Caylee went missing, KC has been incarcerated for the last (almost) 6 mos. Caylee's remains were found/identified just over 3 mos ago.

Shirley said in her LE interview Cindy had to believe KC in order for Caylee to be alive. That's what I thought her motivation was too. Since so many things have been released, it's been fairly quiet in Camp Anthony.

Just curious how everyone is feeling about Cindy and KC, who is apparently not speaking to her family at all. That phony smile and quick "hello" KC gave her parents at the hearing a few weeks ago (at JB's urging), seeing them for the 1st time since her arrest in Oct, KC's statement read by JB before Caylee's memorial.

Does anyone think Cindy is questioning everything she did for KC following her arrest last July? All the money that Shirley confirmed was stolen by KC, that Cindy never pressed charges for. Anyone wondering if Cindy will toss KC under the bus (where she belongs) in the up coming depo?
I think it would be a hard decision to make. I would have to tell the truth, since I would be afraid of burning in hell for being a part of a cover-up to a murder, but if it were my daughter, I don't know how I would do that. Casey is all her mom has left. Maybe Cindy has convinced herself someone else COULD have done it. If Casey gets out, she can have more grandchildren for C and G, and she could redeem herself in C's eyes. I wonder if C would turn on her once she had more kids to take Caylee's place?
The sun rises and sets on my Daughter. And I have been know to go into 'Tigress' mode when she has been hurt or abused in any way.

That said, I would have been the first in line to kick her royal butt myself had she ever been caught doing anything illegal, i.e. stealing. And from her Grandmother? She would have felt some serious contrition seeing the look of disappointment in her Mama's eyes.

If she ever committed a serious crime, I would do everything I possibly could to help her to own up to it, make restitution, help the victims, participate in counseling and anything else I could. And I'd let her butt sit in jail and visit her quietly, supporting her love and helping her to reconnect with the decency she was raised with.

Part of that complex bond of Motherhood is teaching *them* how to be good parents.

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