For Those Who Do Think Avery was Framed & Evidence Planted - Discuss

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So, that field was owned by a company that went B/K in 2011. Ironically, the owner was a construction contractor suing the City of Manitowoc. Wow, just WOW! Who wasn't suing Manitowoc. That list might be shorter.

I have read that before.... probably on reddit lol There are people over there that have gone through minutes of meetings, etc. When you look at things in their totality.... it really does look like there is "an old boys club" thing going on there. That being said... I don't think they are the only city/town/county that has that issue.... or even country LOL

For example, the province I live in.... new highway being built, land owned by people that shouldn't have owned the land... and they got way more for their property then they should have... it happens all over the place, unfortunately. Giving a buddy a heads up... not bidding out things that according to bylaws, they are required to be.... profiting from public money for land that was conveniently just acquired right before the province wants to buy it, but nope, they had no idea LOL
yep, they have all the standard lights any vehicle would have. Sometimes they are driving on the highway, they would have too.

Here's the thing BCA.... if it was a tractor tail lights that he saw that night... when he went back to check.... where did the tractor go? If it was the neighbour harvesting or doing whatever on their own land, there would be no need to "hide" it. I'm 99.999% sure it would not have been a tractor. JMO

And it really seems like something that would have been "solved" by now had it just been a tractor in the field. Someone would have come forward, either the tractor driver himself or someone saying so and so often runs the tractor at night, etc.

I read somewhere that someone in the Avery family stated that in the past, people have been seen/caught coming down that way to steal parts from the salvage yard.
And it really seems like something that would have been "solved" by now had it just been a tractor in the field. Someone would have come forward, either the tractor driver himself or someone saying so and so often runs the tractor at night, etc.

I read somewhere that someone in the Avery family stated that in the past, people have been seen/caught coming down that way to steal parts from the salvage yard.

IIRC, the people who have been seen/caught stealing parts from the salvage yard were coming thru the back, not thru the field.
I can't even imagine what it would have been like to have LD and SA as parents, reading this just makes me so sad for them. Evidently, both had some issues. But what is most interesting is that he threatened LD with sexual mutilation.


  • Motion-to-Deny-or-Increase-Cash-Bail-with-Exhibits-1-3.pdf
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I can't even imagine what it would have been like to have LD and SA as parents, reading this just makes me so sad for them. Evidently, both had some issues. But what is most interesting is that he threatened LD with sexual mutilation.

Thanks for the link!

What am I missing? Why werent both charged with sexually abusing minors? I am missing something here i think... omg!
After reading some of these doccuments, I can see WHY LE might have wanted to frame him...
Thanks for the link!

What am I missing? Why werent both charged with sexually abusing minors? I am missing something here i think... omg!

I think the judge said that LD had taken steps to become a "better" parent.
TH's phone was not used again after 2:41pm & was not pinging to any tower (because the phone was disabled) by 4:35pm. And by sheer coinky-dink that phone ended up burned, along with TH's camera & pda in SA's burn barrels. Ping data is not going to explain that nor explain how TH's body ended up burned in SA's fire pit. SA didn't leave his own property so why would his phone have? Whoop-dee-do.

Here's another head-scratcher from the "framer": TH's camera would have had photos of the vehicles TH took that afternoon, proving she was at SA's property. Why would the "framer" want TH's camera and the pictures on that camera to be obliterated in a fire? Those pictures would have helped prove TH was at the Avery yard that very afternoon, and the time stamps on the pictures might have corroborated that fact, assuming the date/time in the camera was set & was correct. (Dumb Dumb Framer, destroying useful evidence to help nail SA even more).

"Moore to the Story: An FBI Agent's Take on MaM: Episode 5 3 of 3"

I so wish this guy had been lead investigator in the Halbach case in 2005 when it was all going down...I have no doubts that there would have been justice for Teresa and the Halbach's way back then, without all the disrespect and questions surrounding the real "investigation" that supposedly took place. :(
A bell that can NOT be UNrung, hmm. Sound about SPOT ON!!

KK sure did know what he was doing, IMO. And the Judge SHOULD have taken action, as stated in article,. 90 plus % of courtrooms would have! Of course, NOTHING was done by the book, up until this point.

WHY am I so pi**edd again? after reading yet another bit of info?..

Right & Wrong Perhaps?

"Moore to the Story: An FBI Agent's Take on MaM: Episode 5 3 of 3"

I so wish this guy had been lead investigator in the Halbach case in 2005 when it was all going down...I have no doubts that there would have been justice for Teresa and the Halbach's way back then, without all the disrespect and questions surrounding the real "investigation" that supposedly took place. :(
I saw that too. I also saw where it said " his abuse of the trust of a parent is mirrored to a certain extent in the history of this case as it was relayed to me by his wife, petitioner. She was no Paragon either as a parent. " Page 10 Those two really put those kids through a lot. IMO. It's too bad SA didn't get the help for his mental health challenges then =(

Personally, I think he was stuck on the, if I receive ANY type of therapy while I'm here mentality, I'm admitting guilt!
( Keeping in mind he was locked away for the false rape )

I keep trying to put myself in his shoes, if that were me. In those circumstances.
The anger, desperation. It's NO excuse for dragging the CHILDREN into anything. Just some of the letters he and his ex that WERE flashed on MAM, lot of anger on both sides and nothing much at all to help either cope.

Hubby, Wife, Family, gone.

He screwed up often, there's proof of this, he admits this.

However I CAN see the reason for having the attitude he had " at this particular time " with the, getting help" POV

Still not sure why he was the only one put away for the cat, but he did it and needs punished.
Threats are never ok.

I know this, always have.
I've never threatened to kill anyone. Or Mutilate them..
I HAVE, in my young 20s whipped an occasional beer bottle or ashtray at a person. * being honest *
Thankfully, I've never been investigated for murder.
I think the judge said that LD had taken steps to become a "better" parent.

Seemed as if everyone walked on eggshells where this case is concerned.
Nothing seemed, ordinary, IMO.

And the Judge..:D

Never mind, I'll just leave that one alone..
It is one of those things that just makes absolutely no sense to me. One side should have entered that evidence. If the State was so sure that it was her last stop, the pings should have proved it, right? It would have strengthened their case.

If the Defense was so sure she left (which I'm not sure they were sure of that since they did want to implicate others that lived there), the pings could have proved that too.

I remember following cases back then.... the pings were everything in some cases!
I saw that too. I also saw where it said " his abuse of the trust of a parent is mirrored to a certain extent in the history of this case as it was relayed to me by his wife, petitioner. She was no Paragon either as a parent. " Page 10 Those two really put those kids through a lot. IMO. It's too bad SA didn't get the help for his mental health challenges then =(

Personally, I think he was stuck on the, if I receive ANY type of therapy while I'm here mentality, I'm admitting guilt!
( Keeping in mind he was locked away for the false rape )

I keep trying to put myself in his shoes, if that were me. In those circumstances.
The anger, desperation. It's NO excuse for dragging the CHILDREN into anything. Just some of the letters he and his ex that WERE flashed on MAM, lot of anger on both sides and nothing much at all to help either cope.

Hubby, Wife, Family, gone.

He screwed up often, there's proof of this, he admits this.

However I CAN see the reason for having the attitude he had " at this particular time " with the, getting help" POV

Still not sure why he was the only one put away for the cat, but he did it and needs punished.
Threats are never ok.

I know this, always have.
I've never threatened to kill anyone. Or Mutilate them..
I HAVE, in my young 20s whipped an occasional beer bottle or ashtray at a person. * being honest *
Thankfully, I've never been investigated for murder.

It was my understanding that she was threatening to kill the children or abandon them outright. Awful stuff. Threats on both sides are never ok. Two low educated poverty stricken desperate people. I can see how violence and domestic disputes arise.
On the issue of the head lights ....

Colborn goes to Avery's at 7:00

7:20 Then drives by Zipperers lights on

8:00 the tail lights are seen back behind the house

* my opinion it was Colborns tail lights that they could take highway q to Avery salvage yard going right past Steven Avery's trailer...

9:15 Colborn back in office

A lot of missing time

Then goes back to the Zipperers at 10:00 to join other detectives...calls dispatch and speaks to Karen about Zipperers criminal history

I personally believe he called back in to verify her plates after they were at the Zipperers
So, I see a headline that says Buting is writing a book and I can't help but think "uggh", after reading the article... it's not so bad LOL

“The kinds of issues that came up in the Steven Avery trial that a lot of people think are unique to that case … are far from unique and happen all too often,” he said.

Buting says after practicing law for 35 years, he has seen the same problems from one case to the next with the criminal justice system.

His book, expected to be released sometime in 2017, will address proposed reforms to the criminal justice system, including police interrogation methods, addressing prosecutorial misconduct, and properly maintaining evidence.
It was my understanding that she was threatening to kill the children or abandon them outright. Awful stuff. Threats on both sides are never ok. Two low educated poverty stricken desperate people. I can see how violence and domestic disputes arise.

I can kind of understand her (sad to say). After all, she was a single parent raising 5 KIDS, that would be enough to put me in the loony bin.
On the issue of the head lights ....

Colborn goes to Avery's at 7:00

7:20 Then drives by Zipperers lights on

8:00 the tail lights are seen back behind the house

* my opinion it was Colborns tail lights that they could take highway q to Avery salvage yard going right past Steven Avery's trailer...

9:15 Colborn back in office

A lot of missing time

Then goes back to the Zipperers at 10:00 to join other detectives...calls dispatch and speaks to Karen about Zipperers criminal history

I personally believe he called back in to verify her plates after they were at the Zipperers

Very interesting take. The tail lights were seen in the field in front, not in the back though....

There is a street that dead ends into the field--I wonder if someone was coming home at that time. The thought also occurred to me that it was a kid playing on a 4 wheeler.
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