Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 1

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Michelle Lee, 24 year old female working for NYPD as a forensic investigator, was found dead by her roommate approx. 8:00 am on April 27, 2009 in Queens, New York. She was tied to her bed, had been stabbed repeatedly, burned on her stomach with an iron, and strangled with the cord of a cell phone charger. A knife was stuck in her neck.


HADES (death) rises, exact semisextile Lord 1 MERCURY (Michelle). BLACK MOON LILITH (death) opposes ASCENDANT and sesquiquadrates the SUN (life principle).

Lord 1 MERCURY (Michelle), as well as SUN (life) and MOON (the action) are all in a house of endings, the 12th. ALGOL, the most malefic Fixed Star in the Heavens, conjuncts MERCURY Lord 1 (Michelle). This Star is associated with 'losing one's head' literally or figuratively. Both MERCURY and SUN are in Taurus, sign of the neck, with SUN conjunct Fixed Star HAMAL, the Death Wound.

20 Leo is the degree on the 4th House End of the Matter, same degree as the 2/9/09 Lunar Eclipse. Part of Death at 16 Capricorn (not shown) is disposited by SATURN Rx in the 4th House of Endings on the dark side of the 5th House of romance. Libra, sign of partnerships, is intercepted in the 5th House suggesting a possible hidden romantic connection. VENUS, Lord of the intercepted 5th, is beseiged (trapped) between URANUS and MARS with both MARS & VENUS intercepted in 11th House of circumstances beyond one's control. This was a sudden (URANUS) violent (MARS) murder (MARS partile square PLUTO), possibly by a person with whom she had a previous romantic relationship. The VERTEX is just inside the 6th House of Everyday Routine/ the 'day job' close opposite SUN. Lord 6 is MARS the murderer. Did she work with him?

Upon his arrest as the suspected Craigslist Killer, Philip Markoff's fiancee rallied to his defense, insisting he was 'a beautiful person inside and out' and that he 'could not hurt a fly.'

After examining Markoff's natal chart (cast for Sunrise), I would counsel all flies residing in the Quincy-Boston MA area to head for the hills.


The chart features a close conjunction of MARS and SATURN, a classic astrological indicator of brutality, cruelty and sadism. Markoff's natal MARS-SATURN conjunction at 06-08 Sagittarius opposes victim Julissa Brisman's natal VENUS. His natal URANUS squares the victim's natal (sunrise) MOON and contraparallels her VENUS. Contraparallels act as oppositions. His natal PLUTO opposes her SUN.

Markoff's MERCURY (thought process) is in addicted, fantasy-prone Pisces square CHIRON in Gemini (the mind) and also square the sadistic MARS-SATURN conjunction.

MERCURY the thought process is peregrine, in detriment, in Fall, under the Sun Beams, and in Fateful Degree --- same degree as the NODES, always foretelling a catastrophe, tragedy or fatality whether in a horary or natal chart.

While we don't know exact MOON position without time of birth, Markoff's Sunrise MOON at 05 Aries trines his MARS-SATURN conjunction 06-08 Sagittarius, exactly squares natal NEPTUNE 05 Capricorn, and inconjuncts natal PLUTO 07 Scorpio. All of this points to destructive (PLUTO) fantasy (NEPTUNE) issues while the trine of MOON to MARS-SATURN suggests that it may be 'easy' (trine) to be cruel.

At the time of the attack, Event chart ASCENDANT 28 Scorpio was partile square Markoff's natal JUPITER which in turn was close square Julissa's natal CHIRON, perhaps contributing to Markoff's going overboard (JUPITER) and attacking her (CHIRON = damage, hurt).

I've done a chart for Briant Rodriguez, seized after a home invasion & burglary. He was abducted by two young men, placed in a vehicle of unknown description. As the felons left with him, they told the family (tied up and immobile) that they were taking him to Mexico, there to kill him. No amber alert was issued until 9 hours later but the felons were fast moving and the border with Mexico is only 120 miles from the home. The plans for a getaway were upset at 6:31 p.m. yesterday when they were observed.
I think the event chart for the Markoff attack has revealed also his natal ascendant. I have known many fair individuals with Scorpio rising who bear strong physical resemblance to Philip. It is common for Aquarians to have the strong and resiliant Scorpio for ASC because support is needed for the Sun in detriment (Aquarius).
The video of Briant's abductors is really helpful as it gives a good look at both men. I think the police artist captured both of these men. When we combine the video with the composites, we have a very good idea of whom we're hunting. And now we have the vehicle!
There is car trouble for the Rodriguez kidnappers. Flight to Mexico had been discussed but the Cusp of that House, 9 is ruled by Venus and Venus is square the co-ruler of the Bronco or whatever it is (Pluto). If Mars is examined as the other co-ruler, it squares the Part of Fortune. Furthermore, the ASC is ruled by Mercury in H. 9 and Mercury is inconjunct Pluto. Actually, with Pluto of complications, several things are now wrong with this older vehicle and Mercury has turned retrograde too.

The question has become Locate the Hideout! Moon in H. 12 in Virgo, they are near an intersection of two streets, a crossroads. Very ordinary neighborhood.
Briant lived at 5th Street & Pedley Road. There is an incomplete freeway to the west and close to his house. I think the kidnappers would choose instead Hy 395, which goes all the way to the border. Riverside is the first big stop along the way. Looking at the planets involved in making determinations about their Bronco, it is easy to see why they wanted to steal the Rodriguez family car, and tried to do that. However, their car would have made it as far as Riverside.
I've done a chart for Briant Rodriguez, seized after a home invasion & burglary. He was abducted by two young men, placed in a vehicle of unknown description. As the felons left with him, they told the family (tied up and immobile) that they were taking him to Mexico, there to kill him. No amber alert was issued until 9 hours later but the felons were fast moving and the border with Mexico is only 120 miles from the home. The plans for a getaway were upset at 6:31 p.m. yesterday when they were observed.

Tuba, it is being reported that they may have just found Briant. LE is down there now in Mexicali Mexico.


I hope I don't offend anyone or wound sensitive feelings but the figure captured in the video at the Huntington Condominium is one of the weirdest looking people I have ever seen. If you also look like that, please accept my apology. But I doubt that you do. The conduct is also past strange. He could have just put some items onto a food wagon for all the involvement he shows. The uniform, the hair style~it's all too much for me. But because of the very oddity of this person, he should have been sighted by now.

I have looked at Jennifer Kesse's planets; we do not have a birth time or place. But her Sun is at Alcyone in the Weeping Sisters star cluster and her Uranus is directly opposite, 28° - 28°. I do believe her description as strong because she was born with Mars on the north node of the planet Mars. That is intense Martian energy and, on the day she was taken, Mars was right back there on her own Mars. The Moon was late in Scorpio closing on her own Uranus which so afflicts her Sun. Part of misfortune opposed her natal Sun.

Her assailant was terribly frustrated sexually and determined to "have her". He operated out of extreme lust. As mentioned, Mars was on the north node of Mars, it was a Mars hour on a Mars day. Venus was trine Mars and the Moon had opposed Mars overnight for fantasies about her. Sun, Mars and Saturn were all lined up in declination.
According to Tammy's friend Happy Chic:

<snipped for clarity and relevance>

Tammy was an alcoholic and prescription drug abuser. After she quit drinking a few years back, she relied more on the prescription drugs. ... she wanted to get off of the pills and entered rehab. She had also returned to drinking. She only stayed in the rehab a few days and begged her boyfriend to take her home on Memorial Day. ... Her boyfriend ... was taking her to work so as not to leave her alone. ... She was acting very strangely ... over the past year or so. ... So last Saturday morning (6/9/2007), as her boyfriend was leaving for a job ... she ran out and begged him not to leave her, stating that she might not make it through the day or that she would probably be dead when he got home. Other circumstances are that she turned in a drug dealer and told her mother on Thursday night that he had threatened her life. She was afraid of her ex-boyfriend and begged her current boyfriend to leave one gun in the house for protection as he removed them when she started drinking again.

Her 14 year old son ... found her dead of a shotgun wound to her face. Nothing left of her face . . .

Investigation is ensuing for various reasons. It looks like suicide but she took the time to write a short note, why didn't she close and lock the bedroom door so her son didn't have to see her like that and be scarred for life? Why is her ring missing? Why did she have a flat tire. Why were strange cars in their driveway that morning? She had been at her sister's house the day before and was unusually calm so maybe she had a plan but if she did, she didn't want to follow it through or she wouldn't have begged her boyfriend to stay home. ...

The subsequent investigation determined Tammy's death was a suicide, but because of the circumstances noted in the last paragraph of above quote, the family suspects Tammy was murdered.

What can the Stars tell us?

While most Western astrologers won't 'go there,' a correctly timed natal chart will give clues as to the manner and circumstances of death. Because planetary energies can manifest in a variety of ways depending on the life circumstances of the chart owner, it is important to remind you that a natal chart can never be read blindly. Each person is unique. Please do not compare this chart and analysis with your own chart or that of loved ones and freak out because you think you see similarities!!


Tammy Lynn's natal chart gives multiple testimonies of depression, anxiety and susceptibility to addiction. Her natal SUN at 29 Virgo is partile conjunct URANUS which can sometimes be like walking around with your finger plugged into an electrical socket --- one shock after the other. It doesn't help that she has a powerful Virgo stellium involving JUPITER, PLUTO, MOON, SUN and URANUS which connects all these energies and throws them against CHIRON at 01 Aries. Because of the projection noted in oppositions, this could seem like someone else (opposition) is always hurting her (Chiron) but in reality, it is herself.

MERCURY is her chart ruler and dispositor of her Virgo SUN, making this planet enormously important. MERCURY is the mind and in this chart it is close opposite depressing, frustrated SATURN Retrograde in Aries. MERCURY is conjunct the Part of Suicide 27 Libra, so suicidal thoughts would be expected. This becomes even more important because MERCURY/SUICIDE opposes SATURN Rx (frustration, depression), the ruler of Tammy Lynn's 8th House of Death.

The natal 8th House cusp is given to Capricorn which among other things denotes emotional depression. Lord 8 SATURN Rx in Aries forms a Yod involving PLUTO and NEPTUNE. Ebertin describes this planetary picture: SATURN = PLUTO/NEPTUNE as 'dark forebodings, pessimism, self-torment; grievous emotional suffering, gradual decline of one's powers and faculties.'

All of this so far strongly points to emotional depression, pessimism, self-torment, overwhelming emotional suffering and the like (and with NEPTUNE involved, likely connected to alcohol/drugs) being the causal factors of Tammy Lynn's death.

In addition:

1. the Arabic Part of Depression at 24 Aries is close conjunct Lord 8 SATURN Rx, partile opposed natal VENUS 24 Libra (Lord of 12th House of Self-Undoing) and close opposed natal MERCURY 25 Libra (chart ruler and dispositor of SUN).

2. the natal Prenatal Lunar Eclipse (23 Libra), Part of Death (24 Libra), Asteroid TORO of brutality (24 Libra) and Part of Suicide (27 Libra) are all conjunct Tammy Lynn's natal VENUS, ruler of her 12th House of Self-Undoing and natal MERCURY (the mind-set) which as mentioned earlier is both Tammy's chart ruler and dispositor of her Virgo SUN --- with all of these opposite frustrated, depressed SATURN Rx Lord of 8th House of Death.

There is nothing in this natal chart that suggests Tammy Lynn will ultimately be murdered.

To confirm, we look at the Death Chart:


Because this is a Death Chart, we must pay special attention to SATURN, the classic significator of death. SATURN is posited at 20 Leo in the 12th House of Self-Undoing, close opposed NEPTUNE of suicide in critical degree, 21 Fixed. SATURN sextiles the SUN and sesquiquadrates the MOON, showing opportunity for death (SUN sextile SATURN) and an aggravated emotional state of mind (MOON in angry Aries sesquiquadrate SATURN of Death).

Lord 8 MARS at 18 Aries is strong in his own sign in the House of Death. Aries is the energy of the Self. When placed on the 8th House, this suggests death by one's own hand. Again, we see the opportunity (there was a gun in the house) with MARS, agent of Death, partile sextile SUN (life, the life principle), and applying trine to SATURN (death) opposite NEPTUNE (suicide). It was easy (trine) to accomplish. URANUS is also in 18 degrees, partile square SUN, showing the death's sudden, shocking nature. Notice URANUS is posited in Pisces, a sign associated with (among other things) suicide.

The manner of death is clearly illustrated: MARS (gun), self-administered (Aries), applied to face/head (Aries).


1. The Arabic Part of Self-Undoing at 08 Pisces is partile opposed Event chart EQ (a secondary Ascendant) in the 12th House of Self-Undoing.

2. The Part of Suicide 11 Capricorn is in Fateful Degree (same degree as the Nodes) and close opposed to chart ruler MERCURY at 10 Cancer.

3. The 4th House cusp End of Life at 11 Sagittarius is in Fateful Degree with Lord 4 End of Life JUPITER opposite SUN (the life principle), trine SATURN (death) and partile square the ASCENDANT 14 Virgo (the body). This again suggests it was 'easy' (trine) to embrace death/ act against the body (life).

4. With Leo on the 12th House cusp, we see yet another connection between Life (SUN) and self-undoing (12th House).

5. Death chart Lord 1 MERCURY placed in natal 1st House (see bi-wheel) is another indication of self-initiated action.


The preponderance of the astrological evidence is death by suicide.


I hope I don't offend anyone or wound sensitive feelings but the figure captured in the video at the Huntington Condominium is one of the weirdest looking people I have ever seen. If you also look like that, please accept my apology. But I doubt that you do. The conduct is also past strange. He could have just put some items onto a food wagon for all the involvement he shows. The uniform, the hair style~it's all too much for me. But because of the very oddity of this person, he should have been sighted by now.

I have looked at Jennifer Kesse's planets; we do not have a birth time or place. But her Sun is at Alcyone in the Weeping Sisters star cluster and her Uranus is directly opposite, 28° - 28°. I do believe her description as strong because she was born with Mars on the north node of the planet Mars. That is intense Martian energy and, on the day she was taken, Mars was right back there on her own Mars. The Moon was late in Scorpio closing on her own Uranus which so afflicts her Sun. Part of misfortune opposed her natal Sun.

Her assailant was terribly frustrated sexually and determined to "have her". He operated out of extreme lust. As mentioned, Mars was on the north node of Mars, it was a Mars hour on a Mars day. Venus was trine Mars and the Moon had opposed Mars overnight for fantasies about her. Sun, Mars and Saturn were all lined up in declination.

Hi Tuba, thank you so much for doing this for Jennifer. Not to be dense but I take it that the chart indicated that Jennifer has passed? My hope of course is always that someone is being held but is still alive and able to be bought back home to their families so I just wanted to clarify. Also I have done some more googling and I think Jennifer may have been born in Virginia but I can't say 100%.

Does the chart give any more information about the POI at all? We are at such a dead end here :(

Thanks again for all your help.

I hope I don't offend anyone or wound sensitive feelings but the figure captured in the video at the Huntington Condominium is one of the weirdest looking people I have ever seen. If you also look like that, please accept my apology. But I doubt that you do. The conduct is also past strange. He could have just put some items onto a food wagon for all the involvement he shows. The uniform, the hair style~it's all too much for me. But because of the very oddity of this person, he should have been sighted by now.

I have looked at Jennifer Kesse's planets; we do not have a birth time or place. But her Sun is at Alcyone in the Weeping Sisters star cluster and her Uranus is directly opposite, 28° - 28°. I do believe her description as strong because she was born with Mars on the north node of the planet Mars. That is intense Martian energy and, on the day she was taken, Mars was right back there on her own Mars. The Moon was late in Scorpio closing on her own Uranus which so afflicts her Sun. Part of misfortune opposed her natal Sun.

Her assailant was terribly frustrated sexually and determined to "have her". He operated out of extreme lust. As mentioned, Mars was on the north node of Mars, it was a Mars hour on a Mars day. Venus was trine Mars and the Moon had opposed Mars overnight for fantasies about her. Sun, Mars and Saturn were all lined up in declination.

This is so sad. I really had hopes that she was still with is somewhere.
DO you think she was kept alive for long?

I hope I don't offend anyone or wound sensitive feelings but the figure captured in the video at the Huntington Condominium is one of the weirdest looking people I have ever seen. If you also look like that, please accept my apology. But I doubt that you do. The conduct is also past strange. He could have just put some items onto a food wagon for all the involvement he shows. The uniform, the hair style~it's all too much for me. But because of the very oddity of this person, he should have been sighted by now.

I have looked at Jennifer Kesse's planets; we do not have a birth time or place. But her Sun is at Alcyone in the Weeping Sisters star cluster and her Uranus is directly opposite, 28° - 28°. I do believe her description as strong because she was born with Mars on the north node of the planet Mars. That is intense Martian energy and, on the day she was taken, Mars was right back there on her own Mars. The Moon was late in Scorpio closing on her own Uranus which so afflicts her Sun. Part of misfortune opposed her natal Sun.

Her assailant was terribly frustrated sexually and determined to "have her". He operated out of extreme lust. As mentioned, Mars was on the north node of Mars, it was a Mars hour on a Mars day. Venus was trine Mars and the Moon had opposed Mars overnight for fantasies about her. Sun, Mars and Saturn were all lined up in declination.

So, the poi seen on the security camera is the person who abducted her?
Or an accomplice?
Was the person who took her known to her?

Is she still with us or?

Can you tell from her chart where she is located?

Would having her birthplace time of birth make a difference in the chart reading?

What does 'I do believe her description as strong because she was born with......''' snipped respectfully.... mean?

I pray Jennifer K can be found.
Would this help?

Jennifer Kesse DOB: 05/20/1981
Reported Missing on: 01/24/2006 in Orlando, FL
Per Wikipedia she was born in Orlando
Her father has said that she is a strong young woman, physically strong. It is part of her description on her web page. Her planets also show physical strength. That is what I was referring to. She may have seen the perpetrator before but she did not know him.

On the day he surprised her, the Moon was in late Scorpio (see chart). Her progressed Moon was also in late Scorpio and that is where her birth Uranus is. As I wrote earlier, her Uranus opposes her birth Sun. That is the cause in chief of problems in her life: Uranus in Scorpio afflicting the Sun: a deadly shock to the system. I cannot overstate how harsh it is. There is about one chance in twenty that one could survive such a jolt. Whatever her condition, he placed her in seclusion to the east of town. The man caught by the surveillance camera cannot be innocent nor do the police consider him innocent. I believe, judging from the chart, that he acted alone by cornering her and preventing movement.
As you can read in the analysis, I used both the planets from her day of birth, 20 May, 1981, her planets progressed and the horoscope for the event of being surprised at Mosaic Condominium.
Her father has said that she is a strong young woman, physically strong. It is part of her description on her web page. Her planets also show physical strength. That is what I was referring to. She may have seen the perpetrator before but she did not know him.

On the day he surprised her, the Moon was in late Scorpio (see chart). Her progressed Moon was also in late Scorpio and that is where her birth Uranus is. As I wrote earlier, her Uranus opposes her birth Sun. That is the cause in chief of problems in her life: Uranus in Scorpio afflicting the Sun: a deadly shock to the system. I cannot overstate how harsh it is. There is about one chance in twenty that one could survive such a jolt. Whatever her condition, he placed her in seclusion to the east of town. The man caught by the surveillance camera cannot be innocent nor do the police consider him innocent. I believe, judging from the chart, that he acted alone by cornering her and preventing movement.

Tuba: Thank you for responding so quickly to the questions.

I will continue to pray that Jennifer Kesse is found.
Although, as we know from the Caylee A case, Orlando is full of wooded areas, swamps, ponds, rivers, etc.

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