Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 1

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Thank you very much for taking the time Leomoon,

Your welcome static.

I just looked at her last Birthday (Solar Return) chart for February, when she would have turned 33.

SOLAR RET. FOR HER LAST BIRTHDAY: Pluto squares Uranus and Saturn
With the health aspect (never good) Quincunx from Pluto (destruction) to Mars (physical body) ....and these seriously inharmonious
Pluto squares do not appear in her natal chart, only in her last birthday Solar Return!
I’d say she is no longer alive and more then likely by her own hand.

Furthermore in the Solar Return:

Saturn opposed Uranus , quincunx Venus and Quincunx to Jupiter.
(over the top mental and emotional distress over love issues i.e. Venus)
it appears to be.
Note to Forum Members: please continue to make your requests for forensic astrological analysis of cases via the FORENSIC ASTROLOGY REQUESTS THREAD. Should an Astrologer decide to comment on a case, they will post their intention to do so on the FORENSIC ASTROLOGY REQUESTS THREAD so that interested Forum Members will know to check the CASE BRIEFINGS THREAD regarding that case.

I can't find the astrology requests thread. Am I just missing it? I wanted to add the recent disappearance of a little 12 year old girl named Kayleah Wilson from Greeley Colorado. Some of the information I have posted in the Missing Children thread.
Look at page 21 of this thread, the one preceding the page you are on. There are several posts on Kayleah Wilson.
Kayleah Wilson

FBI says creditable witnesses seen Kayleah in the mall at 4:15. Would a chart for the last seen in the mall show anything different?
Kayleah Wilson

FBI says creditable witnesses seen Kayleah in the mall at 4:15. Would a chart for the last seen in the mall show anything different?

It may indeed.

Do you have the link for the credible witness, something to post that shows us indeed, she was seen by someone there?

If so, then perhaps we can look into it.

(all I can find is post 448 from this site and also, on a previous post (posted on #415 comes this information if correct:)

So, I guess this does sound credible afterall.
Perhaps someone will look into it then.


Ref: from link

I just got off the phone with Dave Joly from the Denver FBI, he says at this hour more than 300 leads have come in on this case. Earlier today the FBI announced a reward up to $10,000 for any information leading to Kayleah. Joly also says they have two credible witnesses who reported seeing Kayleah around 4:15 p.m. at the Greeley mall last Sunday. Right now the command post to find Kayleah runs from 8 a.m. – 10 p.m., but if leads come in after the normal hours, investigators will follow up with them immediately. Joly says agents did a search of Kayleah’s mother’s home, “We did a forensic search of the house, went into the home with the consent of the homeowner – we collected DNA samples we felt were Kalyeha’s, and collected DNA samples from everyone in the residence.”
Here is the latest known sighting at 4:15PM
Compare it with the prior or her mother's last goodbye to her at 3:45PM

You see that Algol has now moved into position at the MC (the uppermost part of this chart) And it's a fixed star known for it's reputation for havoc and even death

You can see that Mercury, the Ruler of the Ascendent in this new sighting chart has moved from the 9 th of "stranger" into the 8th House of death and/or other's assets.

Not good.

I still wonder about a computer and the internet. IF her mother didn't have one in her apartment, did Kayleah have access at either a friends' home computer or the library (did they check the library she attended regularly?)
or the school computers? I would think the FBI has already checked the friend's houses, and their computer access for Kayleah when she visited them.

If not a computer internet date, then perhaps someone who knew someone (an acquaintance?) of a b.f.

Hard to say, at least for me with this chart, but this new chart doesn't look very good for the outcome I'm sorry to say.

Pluto squares the Sun, Uranus & Saturn. All harsh aspects.

(check the moon's minutes between the two charts to see which way the planets are moving, i.e. clockwise)

the prior last seen by mother for comparison:

she was known to spend a lot of time at the library (perhaps used the internet there?)
We haven't heard from Kayleah's girlfriend. She was to meet her so that they could attend the party together. She would have information to contribute. Did she herself fail to make the appointment? Was Kayleah early or late? What was her opinion when they didn't connect?
she was known to spend a lot of time at the library (perhaps used the internet there?)

I'd think any FBI agent worth his or her "salt", would already have scoured those computers in the local library somehow, someway?

After all, they supposedly can do this with Homeland Security stuff......every person who has a personal Library card can be researched as to what they looked up in the library (last I heard):waitasec:

From the looks of the 4:15Chart however, I'd say they should be looking for a body not a live person.

Sad as that sounds and is, and concentrate their efforts on who did this to this vulnerable little girl. What manner of predator do they have in that town of Greeley Colorado now?

But I'm sure they are doing so....afterall, it's the FBI. Cases/ChericeatWoodlawn001.jpg

This is a new chart, based on freshly released information that issued from Baltimore police interviews with the boyfriend of our missing person. Cherice was last known to be with this man, who claims she went to Catonsville. The police have not excluded him as a suspect and state that his accounts do not support one another.

There are the same two bedevilling Yods in this horoscope that we have seen in the late winter crimes. Sun is the stem of a Mars-Saturn Y and Mars is the stem of a Sun-Pluto Y. These particular Y spell murder.

Fixed Stars Spica and Arcturus are here by soltsitce point with Sun and Jupiter and, Spica bringing chance luck and Arcturus providing navigation, the new searches should succeed.
I just saw that CapeCodder posted on the thread for this man, and said that most of the "islanders" believe that he is still alive somewhere.

This flys in the face of my opposite point of view, however, I've been wrong before and no doubt will be again and again.

Here is what I found so far, but remember, this is "generic" when it comes to anyone born on that day in that town, (longitude and latitude), and the transits as explained by me, are "symbolic" at best.

We do not have a time of birth of the "victim" whether he lives or isn't still being debated. But the charts do give us some clues.


In THE Sunrise natal chart there are some signs of a person who may meet up with an early demise. For instance, there is Pluto square Saturn and Pluto quincunx Mars, Pluto square the NN.

Neither says of course, “how” this may come about, as Free Will is always at play.

On the day of the “accident”, Transiting Saturn was over his natal Pluto (the afflicted Pluto) and opposed Transiting Venus in Aries.

Transiting Uranus at 26Pisces – (conjunct fixed star Scheat which means extreme misfortune) is square to natal Uranus at 22 Libra.

The 22nd degree is often seen as the degree of “self-undoing”……perhaps strange or erratic behaviors is possible as his natal Uranus squares Jupiter and conjuncts the Sun albeit by 8 degrees so rather wide conjunction to the Sun.

The B] natal Venus is in late Scorpio [/B]almost 28 degrees and semi-square to the Sun in Libra.

Perhaps marital problems then or even problems with friendships. Venus rules both the social life and marital spouses. His Juno is in SAG 16 degrees (an asteroid related to Venus) and by and large has good or harmonious aspects to Juno. Other then the semi-square to Jupiter (an over the top person), he’d more then likely be attracted to, someone who was extroverted and having Jupiter type of qualities (see below) or more then likely, Sagittarius type (there are the higher and lower of all expresssions) ....and the low can be quite low indeed for all signs.

Pallas also in late Scorpio and conjunct Venus suggests a certain core depth about him that could penetrate others and know what they are thinking or doing quite easily probably aided by Mercury in Scorpio as well.

I cannot say whether he was “accident prone”, I don’t think so – however, anyone can have such an accident with Uranus square Uranus for sure.

But his natal Mars(rx) conjunct Hamal ( potential for a murder) might suggest he was argument prone as well.
(Mars square Jupiter and opposite his Mercury in Scorpio)

So, I’d be wondering myself.

Let’s look at the Event chart next, when the reported boat went “erratic” in the seas.

This story kind of reminds me of Natalie Wood’s death, which was similar but different too.
They (Natalie, her husband the TV star, and a friend of their’s Chris Walken who starred in a movie with her), were all on a relaxing trip off of Santa Catalina. Natalie could not swim either and always had a “fear” of drowning .

Anyway, there was reported to have been arguing between the three, and Natalie for some reason drinking, exited the craft and must have missed her footing into the dingy landing in the water.
She drowned.

Three people, and a drowned woman. But of course these are movie stars, and nothing untowards Natalie that I’m aware of was ever mentioned.

As for (anyone) who owns a natal chart such as this one goes; it’s possible that the person might be “impelled” towards an insurance scam with the planets such as
Jupiter square Mars, square Uranus and square to Mercury (in Scorpio)…..
Not to say that this “victim” of course was involved in anyway, however, in general and again, "generically speaking"
These aspects might “impel” someone to such behaviors., and “generically speaking” of course., and with Neptune quincux to Mars (Hamal) and quincunx to Saturn.
These are all harsh aspects of course…..we are speaking about, and the planets themselves must be “weighed in”

However with Transiting Uranus “quincux” to natal Uranus (exact orb) in his natal
I’d think that he is not among the living any longer and indeed succombed to either
1)an accident
2)a murder

This is just looking however, at these particular planets and how they aspect each other
Leans more in this direction then a disappearing on his own.

Saturn transiting his natal over Pluto and opposing (within minutes of exact) Transiting Venus (a woman) suggests something here as well doesn’t it? However, IF the local authorities who investigated say “case closed” who are we to question this even in the face of astrology?


Jupiter (money, luck (or lack of it. White collar crimes, and over the top behaviors - ) and benefit of money) Generosity, etc.
Mars (conjunct) Hamal?

From Skyscript UK:
Hamal 7Taurus (Mars in this case): (in the Head of the Ram):
The brightest are in the head and the main star, Hamal (meaning 'Head of the Sheep') marks the forehead. Its influence is generally unfortunate and it is associated with violence, danger, and head injuries.
The nature is akin to Mars/Saturn

Sunrise Cht.:

from a "supposed" unnamed friend to the police?

Here is how I see this particular event chart:

Sun (phone call reporting missing man) is conj. “Scheat” (emblematic of having drowned
As well as “extreme misfortune) this star speaks to. I've spoken to people who have "near misses" many times in their lives with water & near drownings with this star.

from Skyscript:
star widely known for its pronounced malevolence is Scheat.

Scheat was known as the 'Upper Spout', probably because it was regarded as an extremely dangerous star, from which poured forth with all kinds of disaster and misfortune associated with water. Catastrophies, floods, shipwreck, mining accidents, airplane accidents, and suicide attempts have been recorded as the effects of this star by Ebertin and Hoffman, whilst Robson acknowledges it as a star of extreme misfortune.

Sun is also conjunct “Uranus” (missing suddenly or accidentally)
Mercury is critical at 1Aries (lies or just extreme in the communications that is necessary?)

The entire phone call a lie that he himself involved himself in misleading the Coast Guard and the Nantucket Police as to thinking Jonathon actually called him and he spoke to him, when this never happened, whoever the original "friend" was from the report IF, THIS IS THE SAME ONE!

Mars at 0Leo (some on Forensic Astrology) calls this a degree of murder
Mars squares the Moon in 29th degree Aries. (Anaretic and critical) …..and Aries rules the Head.
Saturn 1Libra (very critical in the cardinal sign) to have a 0-1 degree and Saturn opposes Uranus and squares Pluto.. often a sign of death (not just disappearance, but dead)
As Pluto squares Saturn, Uranus Venus Mercury and the Sun …..sounds quite a bit like a dead man here and not hiding out somewhere., although we must understand too, the depths of maniuplations that Pluto is capable of as well.

Of course we are now looking at a chart which reflects a phone call made by a “family friend” and I’m not sure IF this is the same “friend” who lied about Jonathon calling him on the cell phone hours before?

However, IF we check out the houses for “friend” in this chart (typically the 11th)
And then again, the 9th….we see here a friend we’d not be enamoured with.

Having the Black Moon Lilith in the `18th deg.of Aquarius conjunct Neptune (deception symbols) from an Air sign – Neptune then square the Vertex (fated event or person)
Square to Pallas (the Ideal) square Juno (marriage committed partner)and opposite Vesta
IF this indeed then (the BML) in the 9th house, is the maker of the phone call report, then we’d see this person as less then honorable.

Caveat: I don’t know however, who made the call or even IF the 9th house BML should be assigned to him, I’m simply guessing here, not being a Horary Astrologer myself, but reading the symbols of the vibrations inherent within this chart.
Actually, it’s NOT a Horary Chart is it, but often the symbols are the same pretty much.
Saturn in the 4th, would be the death of this man…..near his home.
Note it is quincunx to the Moon . A woman possibly along with Juno or a spouse in the same house or the 11th house of “Hopes, Dreams, Wishes & Friendships”

I'd say this particular chart at this point in time, is full of deception and I don't know anymore about it, nor do I wish to, as it "reeks":

(you know some families like the Kennedys of Hyannisport do get special preferential treatment, I would think?:waitasec: ) and this may be the case with this well-heeled family as well. Preferential treatment is not unheard of.

Reading the lengthy forum messages about what occurred that cold March long night,

:waitasec: does that make sense here? It gets worse actually,with the good friend who purposefully lied about a phone conversation that never took place! Now that's wierd.
The effect of which delayed any appropriate search for the husband.

OK -

What do we see here? What do the transits say may have happened that night?

Natally - with the sunrise chart someone born as she was on this day and place

This chart intrigues me, because she was born only 6 days AFTER my middle daughter was born. They share the same Sun in Capricorn (differing degree of course), probably different Moons (her's appear to have been in Leo that day, quite the dramatist?)....I have a Leo moon too (takes one to know one):dance:

Then, she has Mercury in Cappy, BUT square (inharmonious) to Uranus that erratic and strange planet that oftentimes suggests a problem in the natal chart when connected to the mental plane.

Uranus also happens to oppose Mars, squares the Sun and squares as mentioned Mercury. This isn't good for straight shooters, straight thinking...rather tends towards living erratically and strangely and isolating the self from loved ones.

Mars in Taurus near Hamal - happens to be *as mentioned* opposing Uranus
BUT also Quincunx to Neptune and the same (150 deg) from Pluto:waitasec:
This is problematic by any stretch of one's imagination for a natal owner to have these vibrations to then be plagued with.

One can want to control the situation, control the people who oppose you (Mars opp Uran) use Plutonian force to get one's own way

All of these things are strong inclinations depending upon one's own soul's growth and ability to overcome them.

Theoretically , what may have happened then, when the transits of March 18th came upon such a chart?

Check the transits in the above linked posted two charts to see where the planets are (in what degree and sign) to follow along here:

1)In this case, Transiting Saturn approached her natal Pluto at 1Libra (natal Pluto is 6Libra), thereby "triggering" that Mars quincunx Pluto in the natal.

2)Beyond triggering the quincunx, we'd have to understand that there is another part of this scenario aspect wise, not shown or mentioned, which is a "Yod" or called "Y" and the planets involved besides Mars & Pluto was "Neptune that became "activated" that night.....

3)NOW it gets a bit interesting, because this Yod, in which "Mars" is at the Apex of - is as follows: Pluto 6 Libra, Mars 6.14Taurus, and Neptune (the 3rd factoring planet) is conjunct "Antares" the star of violence and anger
which is natally, 8 degrees 25 minutes Sagittarius in the natal for anyone born this day at that longitude and latitude.

So we can see that this Yod in this type of chart, might then on this day have been "activated or triggered" to potentially blow off the steam of the planets involved in this Yod or "Finger of God"

Other incidental transits that day (you can follow them on the posted charts)
NN at 18Capricorn conjuncts the Sun in the wife's Sunrise, (or anyone born that day in that locale)
Black Moon Lilith at 16Aquarius separates from natal Jupiter at 18Aquarius

An interesting stellium (check the charts) of a drowning episode (because it is connected to "Scheat" the fixed star I mentioned) is exactly within orb to square the NN of the wife at Pisces stellium (Uranus (loss, accident, whatever) the Sun at 27Pisces connected to a very critical Mercury Transit at 0Aries all squaring to wife's Sagittarius 28 deg. NN)

Transiting Ceres (the nurturer) is squaring Saturn that night which transits right over the wife's Pluto (within 5 degrees applying transit)

Transiting Pluto (now this is interesting), is over natal Pallas Athena (having to do with Venus) and therefore, because of this trigger of Pluto to Athena, seems to be then triggering the natal Pluto square Pallas Athena at the same time Tr Pluto squares Tr Saturn over the natal planets.

I was just reading today in "Mythic Astrology" Archetypal Powers in the Horoscope, by Ariel Guttman and Kenneth Johnson on page 103 under the chapter for Pallas Athena (by sheer coincidence):

........In identifying Athene's specific mode of wisdom in any given birth chart one must first determine how she relates to the signs and planets that represent the father symbolism in the chart.

When Athene is dominant in a chart there is often a strong projection onto the child in early life by the father. Whether accepting the father's projection which Athene would most likely do, or rejecting it, which might be symbolized by a transit of something like "Uranus " to Athene Pallas - the ultimate goal is to break through the shield and armour and get in touch with one's own wisdom.

It often comes as a shock to those who have been living in the father's shadow all their lives to learn that this no longer works for them"

(in Jungian psychology, Athene type is often called the "armored Amazon"
but this is only one aspect of Athena, and not her most healthy manifestation.

Remember too, when reading astrology it's highly symbolic and the Archetypes are also quite laden with ancient symbology in the natal charts.

Caveat: Remember this type of Sunrise chart can fit anyone born this day in this location or near there.
It is NOT specific to anyone in particular.

Sorry to hear about your dad. It's always tough to lose a loved one, especially in such circumstances as this.

IF you have his time of birth and place of birth; it may help further to understanding the dynamics involved. But if not, that's okay too.

OK, I see you did say, he was "born and raised" in this town, so we know "where"
or approx. the location of birth.

Do we know the dob of the g./f?.....has anyone checked on it on the forum, and did she leave town since the murder occurred?

I have been reading the info posted here on Tony and the ex-girlfriend R.C.G.J. and you have been given the incorrect DOB for her. Her correct DOB is 12-22-1958, not 48. Yes, she had a child late in life.

Second, I believe the correct time of Tony’s disappearance is 5:45 am, and that the cell phone text may have been received by his wife at 6:13 am. But there is no way to be sure if that is when the text send button was hit or if bad reception in that area caused it to take awhile to actually go out.

I look forward to seeing if this changes the charts, and if so what to.

Thank you for your time and help.
Actualy the synastry chart posted for the two of them puts the ex dob
as 1968 provided as a "corrected" dob from another member.

But to answer your question , YES, it would change I'm sure. A decade makes a difference.


Originally Posted by dreamweaver Tony Gene DayMissing Dec. 3, 2009 from Jones, OK. Possible foul play.Date of Birth: 10/26/1963Place of Birth: Harrah, OK
Ex girl friend: date of birth: in Atoka, OkEX gf dob correction: 12 / 22/ 1968 Dob: 9/26/07 of child in custody battle.
But the correct birth year is 1958 and your chart shows 1968. (My 48 was an error)
Suffice it to say, we do the BEST we can with information we have at hand:

Originally Posted by dreamweaver
Tony Gene DayMissing Dec. 3, 2009 from Jones, OK. Possible foul play.Date of Birth: 10/26/1963Place of Birth: Harrah, OK

Ex girl friend: date of birth: in Atoka, Ok EX gf dob correction: 12 / 22/ 1968 Dob: 9/26/07 of child in custody battle. Ex girl friend’s new spouse: date of birth: 05/11/1962Tony is described as a hard worker, never misses work. He was married in 2008. He has 5 children. He has one son in the military.*But he was involved in a contentious custody case with an ex girl friend.The custody court date was 12/04/2009, Oklahoma City.Timeline:5:30a.m.: Tony Day left for work Dec. 4, 2009.He never showed up. He has not been found.5:52a.m.: GPS discovered that the company truck stopped at a 4 way intersection. It was there for four minutes. The 4 way stop was in a very rural area.6:00a.m.: GPS says truck was in the field where truck was found that night.6:18a.m.: The last text from Tony’s phone. Wife believes it was not Tony who texted. The text was : ‘we need to talk.’ When wife texted back, phone was off.Tony’s keys, wallet, cell phone and lunchbox were in the truck. Truck found at 10;30pm (approximately) that night. 8:52a.m.: Dec 3, 2009, ex girl friend filed for a marriage license.There are numerous court documents. Restraining orders on both sides.It has been reported that two years ago Tony was beaten up by the ex gf’s dad, brother, and friends. Police had to break up the fight.Rumored that ex gf told Tony that she would make him disappear, that her father threatened Tony after the fight.
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