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REF: Quote:
Originally Posted by aksleuth
Wow. Thanks, Tuba. I had no idea Virginia had begun using the electric chair again. Of course, this guy was beyond cruel, writing threatening letters to the surviving victim and the family from his prison cell!

Anyone who's interested can read about the case here:

Powell comes back to the house with 2 knives after "lunch" Note that
Jupiter (ruler of the 7th house of known enemy i.e. Paul Powell, is also square the Vertex
(fated event)

Stepfather of Kristie & Stacie comes home and witnesses the carnage
in the house:

Execution Date:

I'll bet this guy natal chart is interesting. I found these links while looking for his birth info, which I haven't found.

I found the date of birth for Mr. Powell so erected these charts which might prove helpful for learning

As for his NATAL (Sunrise cht.)

Only water in chart is very critical 0 degree Cancer a lack of emotion for others, that would be constructive or empathetic towards others. The emotion is only for his own self interests.

Aries (fire ) Sun conj. Aries Mercury combust, which is RX in the natal.
Moon may be Gemini or more likely, Taurus the day he was born.
More about him and his desires then for another.

Venus in Taurus and Mars at 0 Leo another critical point.
Mars squares his Sun in Aries (2 fire signs) a lot of anger within as his Sun is already ruled by Mars let alone having Mars in Aries, augments and
intensified his rages.

Saturn in Leo late degree and Uranus (erratic nature of the young man) is 15Scorpio a degree associated with murderous rages.
Noteworthy is that Uranus squares Saturn (self – control) is not a keyword here, rather the total opposite, out of control within himself.

This square to Uranus is the only known or seen inharmony with Saturn in the Sunrise natal chart
And Uranus was also opposing Venus when he was born.

The planet Pluto in this chart, is opposed to both the Sun and Mercury as well as
Quincunx (a harsh aspect) to his natal Venus (extreme in the self-destructiveness as well as destroying others, because others is seen by the oppositions to Pluto)
The impelling force to control others.

The Nodes are to Libra and Aries, for whatever that’s worth, his lesson in this life Was to learn to interpret relationships correctly and work on them.
He also had his North Node in Libra Quintile (72 deg.) to natal Neptune (Illusions and delusions) about relationships….

It’s a shame to see someone so out of control of their own internal self that for the sake of society and others he needed to be put out of his own misery.
1:15PM Returns to the house with 2 knives:

The threat is seen by the 7th house Pluto conjunct the Black Moon Lilith. Within minutes.
Very dangerous and both at 2Capricorn.
Paul may be seen as the Ruler of this house or Jupiter which squares the Vertex (the fated person or event) in the 6th house Ruler being Mars (which happens to be his Sun sign ruler)
The ASC of this chart is Gemini, an air sign, and probably somewhat deranged, if not a LOT deranged. Ascendent squares the Moon in Pisces squares Saturn and Uranus and Squares Ceres.
He has spent many years in and out of mental facilities for youth. (see link):
Ruler of Gemini Ascendent is Mercury found conjunct Mars in the 8th house of Death

The extreme mental agitation of Powell towards Stacie for preferring a black student over him for a date can be seen by Uranus in the “public 10th house” and on either side, Venus and the Moon.

The Moon is opposite Saturn (Ruler of the house of Death)

The asteroid Pallas, one of 4 which are sub-categories of Venus as asteroids having to do with Venus herself, is the symbol of the inner vision that he held of what the Ideal represented to him.
The “Ideal” in this case was Pallas at 5Gemini conjunct “Hyades” in the Pleaides.
Quite sick mentally I think….there is no doubt of this.

POF in the 2nd house at 25Cancer is conjunct “Pollux”
Suffice it to say, that 25Cancer seldom helps in a harmonious way:

According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Mars; and, to Alvidas, of the Moon, Mars and Uranus. It gives a subtle, crafty, spirited, brave, audacious, cruel and rash nature, a love of boxing, dignified malevolence, and is connected with poisons. [Robson*, p.185-186.]
Pollux has a strong Martian nature and has the name 'the wicked boy' of the of the sibling Twins. According to its nature, this star is brutal and tyrannical, violent and cruel if in conjunction with the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, MC or with malefics.
Stepfather comes home to find carnage chart and Stacie dying :

The Ascendent of the Chart is the Moon found in the 9th house of Law enforcement.
Venus in peril, conjunct the Moon and Uranus in the 9th, the carnage and violence that took place in this blood soaked house.
The Moon and Uranus are within one minute, so the scene had to be horrific to all, even the EMTs who arrived shortly on the scene for Stacie to be able to whisper who did this to her.

Quite unusual (Uranus) for a victim to be able to utter in her dying breath and point the finger. So I think Uranus fits well here.

Part of Fortuna in 2nd house - opposed to "Skat" (often a symbol in murder or victimization charts at 8Pisces) in the Death house.

POF is also quincunx (150 deg.) Jupiter and Jupiter is assigned to the other event chart for Paul Powell and Jupiter in this chart is found in the 7th house of known enemies...conjunct NN at 9Aquarius - whose ruler Uranus is also a focus of this chart.

I'd love to know what others think about the Saturn quincunx to Neptune aspect in this chart and to whom you might assign this aspect?
Originally Posted by shannon2008
Hazel Alice Klug
Born: August 22, 1962 (location unknown, whole family in Virginia though)
Missing: May 20, 1986 (23 yrs old) from home in Richmond, Henrico County, Virginia
Time missing between 11:30pm and the next day
Unsure about date/time of police report.

Shannon: This lady had a very afflicted natal chart from the get-go.
The chart posted is the Sunrise chart because we do not have the exact time of birth.

I seldom see them with this many critical stars all positioned in one chart, and when we do, it’s usually not a good omen, too many inharmonious vibrations often to overcome
First she had her Sun conjunct Regulus at 28Leo50’, with a Moon in Taurus, the Sunrise chart at Algol. Her Moon may be either in Taur or Gemini – my guess is Gemini and probably near the Weeping Sisters.
IF so, that’s two strikes against favorable endings.

Then she had her Jupiter conjunct Fixed Star “Skat” (Fatal and a degree of suffering)
Mars was critical at 29Gemini, not a good position
Urnaus very critical conjunct Regulus, which means her Sun and Uranus were “combust” or as one.
Not good to be so very close to Uranus as the Sun is the vital principle of our lives.

Uranus is also opposite Jupiter and square to the Moon.

Disappearing from the life she had is not a surprise for someone with this many critical fixed stars in these planets.

Her Neptune conjuncts Fixed Star “Crux” or Acrux a great burden to bear.
Neptune squares Saturn, squares the NN and squares Juno and Pallas, two asteroids that are offshoots of Venus. This suggests her marriage was not good or probably never would be. Too much inharmony here.

Did I mention Pluto yet? Added to all I’ve mentioned, at 9Virgo, the classic “Body in the Ditch “ degree .

Chiron at 8Pisces is only 2 minutes from merging with Jupiter….great loss here for her family and an overabundance (Jupiter) of much misfortune the fixed star (Skat)

Quite honestly with 8-9 very critical placements of fixed stars hunkering down on this natal chart, again, I’d be surprised had she not had some great unfortunate event befall her early in life.

By aspect she had Saturn quincunx to Pluto (destruction of the physical body) and Saturn
Conjunct the South Node (two malefics together aspecting a 3rd malefic )

Then she also had Saturn opposed to the asteroids of love and marriage and Idealism.

I would think she was heavily intriuged by some man, OR perhaps had an argument with one she met (if not married when she disappeared)
It does appear that when she disappeared, there was a Transit of the North Node and Atropos making a Quindecile aspect to her natal Venus (from the NN) and this is an aspect of obsession.
I do think it had to be related to someone who was either obsessed with her or she with him.

The Transits for the day she was last seen puts the Sun Transiting with Mercury the vicinity of Algol or Al-Ghoul the notorious one.

I studied the event chart for leave taking at 3:40 p.m. daylight savings time. This time is also in the very link inside the article giving the noon plus 15' time. If 3:40 is correct, she was dragged off and killed but let's not work from fluctuating times. Although time is obviously of the essence in a fresh missing persons case, the horoscope is meaningless if the time is wrong. Irrelevant, altogether.

News full of abductions & murder, why would any mother send a child off to return at night alone? I realise Kayleah never made it to the party if she left at 3:40 but if she had, she wasn't due home until after dark! There may be a police press report and the true times will become available from that.
Tuba, Here is another confirmation of times:

3:40 p.m.: Kayleah Wilson says goodbye to her mother, April Wilson, and leaves the apartment in the 2800 block of 28th Street. She's walking to meet a friend south of the Greeley Mall, then to go to a birthday party. It's likely she crossed U.S. 34 Bypass to get to the Greeley Mall.

» 10 p.m.: Discovering Kayleah did not make it to the party and did not return home, April Wilson calls Greeley police to report her daughter as missing. As is standard with missing older children — Kayleah is 12 — police handle it as a possible runaway and put out an alert to watch for her.

Here is her NCMEC poster. Her birthdate is June 25, 1997;
Well, then that is very bad news, is it not? See above post titled with her name.
I studied the event chart for leave taking at 3:40 p.m. daylight savings time. This time is also in the very link inside the article giving the noon plus 15' time. If 3:40 is correct, she was dragged off and killed but let's not work from fluctuating times. Although time is obviously of the essence in a fresh missing persons case, the horoscope is meaningless if the time is wrong. Irrelevant, altogether.

News full of abductions & murder, why would any mother send a child off to return at night alone? I realise Kayleah never made it to the party if she left at 3:40 but if she had, she wasn't due home until after dark! There may be a police press report and the true times will become available from that.

When you posted 'dragged', does that indicate no vehicle involved? TIA
Soulscape examined the natal planets for this victim and saw the same sad end. As for the use of a vehicle, since the Moon's penultimate aspect is opposition Uranus, the perpetrator had a vehicle of some kind at his disposal. Moon's ultimate aspect was conjunction to Saturn at 0° Libra, cuspal. The H. of the child was ruled by Jupiter which applied to the same degree as the nodes: an oncoming fatality.
Soulscape examined the natal planets for this victim and saw the same sad end. As for the use of a vehicle, since the Moon's penultimate aspect is opposition Uranus, the perpetrator had a vehicle of some kind at his disposal. Moon's ultimate aspect was conjunction to Saturn at 0° Libra, cuspal. The H. of the child was ruled by Jupiter which applied to the same degree as the nodes: an oncoming fatality.

This child was born with SUN partile conjunct MERCURY 03 Cancer, with both partile inconjunct natal PLUTO 03 Sagittarius.

Transit PLUTO 05 Capricorn currently afflicts the entire natal set-up.

Additionally transit PLUTO is the focal point of a T-square involving SUN (Lord 1 Kayleah) and SATURN (co-ruler Lord 7 the Perp).

Event CERES at 01 Capricorn conjoins Event PLUTO 05 Capricorn, the midpoint of which sorely afflicts Kayleah's natal SUN 03 Cancer.

PLUTO-CERES often symbolizes kidnapping (with sexual intent). In this chart, we see that marker in the 5th House of the Child (Kayleah's 1st House if we turn the chart). With this marker square the SUN (Lord 1), it is double confirmation she is the target and the victim.

The Last Seen Ascendant 25 Leo is the exact same degree as Kayleah's Secondary Progressed MOON (based on sunrise natal). With Lord 1 SUN posited in the 8th House of Death square the evil PLUTO-CERES in the 5th House of the Child, and SERPENTIS (19 Scorpio), the 'cursed degree of the cursed sign,' at the 4th House End of the Matter cusp, the outcome, unfortunately, looks bleaker than bleak.

I found the date of birth for Mr. Powell so erected these charts which might prove helpful for learning

As for his NATAL (Sunrise cht.)

Only water in chart is very critical 0 degree Cancer a lack of emotion for others, that would be constructive or empathetic towards others. The emotion is only for his own self interests.

Aries (fire ) Sun conj. Aries Mercury combust, which is RX in the natal.
Moon may be Gemini or more likely, Taurus the day he was born.

Shouldn't that be "Moon may be Gemini or more likely, Cancer"? Not Taurus. On the day of his birth, the Moon spent about 18 hours in Cancer. It would add more water to his chart, plus, BML is right there in Cancer, too. With his Mars just going into Leo from Cancer, I would suspect his emotions would lean mostly toward (unfounded) rage. There's also that Sun/Mercury opposition Pluto, which can't be good.

Reports say it was Kristie who identified Powell as she lay terribly wounded, Stacey was already dead when Kristie arrived home.

Thanks so much for posting these very helpful charts. I will take time to go over them more carefully. This is very helpful. Muchas gracias. :bow:
Thanks AKSleuth, you have a very "good eye".
No doubt Virgo?

I must have gotten the sisters names confused..
But it's just horrible isn't it?

I also think that the State of Virginia, let down everyone by not keeping him locked up, and that includes him.
I've read that he was in a mentally and emotionally disturbed institution for young males, and they said they let him go, "because he was too disruptive"

It's rather obvious he was born disruptive and needed great help to learn how to live amicably amongst his fellow man & women.
But he certainly didn't get this help or instruction from the "system" and fell between the cracks I suppose.

Yes, certainly Pluto in his natal at 15Libra and opposed to Mercury & the Sun, plays a huge role in his does the SN
(Ketu) conjunct his Mercury in Aries the polarity of Libra or opposite sign of his NN. Lessons for him all around I suppose from the past comes in to play in the present. All about integration of relationships, which he simply could not seem to master this time around.

On the day of his birth, the Moon spent about 18 hours in Cancer. It would add more water to his chart, plus, BML is right there in Cancer, too. With his Mars just going into Leo from Cancer, I would suspect his emotions would lean mostly toward (unfounded) rage

I'd guess that the Moon was in Cancer, and the interesting thing about this would be that Cancer can also be all about the self, to the extent, (esp. with the Moon there), that all the pain and angst felt within the self, offers no potential for objectivity whatsoever when the emotions gets involved.

Emotions out whack, and all control (Saturn again)....

I'll see if I can find that Serial Killer study.
(Here is one that is getting rather dated, but perhaps you have not seen it yet):
Step-father says Kayleah may have gone to California to see her father

Kayleah is asthmatic

Sunrise Chart for Kayleah:
Day of disappearance: TR Saturn 0Libra 49min. applying to natal Mars at 2Libra45min.
TR Atropos (cuts the ties) conjunct TR Mars both at 0-1 Leo (Chelsea King had this degree too with TR Mars I believe) (violence or homocide with the 0-1deg.Leo) is quite possible.

TR Mars and Atropos also squares her natal Atropos which is 3Taurus.

Her natal Venus at 25 Cancer (Pollux and critical) opposes 29 deg.Capricorn (rx) Neptune which is Anaretic
She is probably very trusting and vulnerable .

Pluto inconjunct the Sun and Mercury and squares her Moon. Her Sun and Mercury are combust within 20 minutes of each other at 3Cancer.

From just the transits alone, it doesn’t appear likely that she is still alive,
But certainly she was abducted and isn’t on a bus trying to get to California.
More likely IF that were the motive to see her dad, she took a fateful and agonizing
Ride as a vulnerable trusting naïve child might.

today's news:

She had a boyfriend at one time, but he has been questioned by police and is not considered a person of interest at this time, according to Tymkowych, who added that he wasn't sure of the boyfriend's age. The girl's father has not been in touch with the family for several years and is now living in California.

Tymkowych said 25 Greeley police officers are involved in the case, some searching the neighborhoods around her house, some searching U.S. 34 Bypass, which passes in front of the family apartment building in the 2800 block of 28th Street. Her destination Sunday was near the Greeley Mall, which is across the bypass and east of the family home.

Scent dogs have been brought in, but despite the efforts, there's been no trace of Kayleah.
Last seen by her mother leaving for a party:

The Rising sign for the Last Seen chart is in a degree of homocide. 25Leo.
With the Sun at 8Aries, the event itself may have been quite violent. The Sun in Aries in the 8th house of death is also square Pluto, and Pluto in the 5th house of children is square to Uranus (abducted) and square to Saturn. Mars at 2Leo squares Venus in late Aries.
Actually all this Aries and a Virgo Moon with Mars in Leo and Jupiter in Pisces are all signs and locations (degrees) I’m sure you are all already quite familiar with.
This is a harsh chart. All this fire energy with the Leo Ascendent – speaks volumes.
Saturn at 0 Libra is VERY critical in this Cardinal Sign, and exalted in the sign at the same time., opposing Uranus and the Sun suggests that he is getting away with this crime

Saturn may even suggest it being an older man, someone who seemed like the authority to young Kayleah.

To find his true colors however, we look to the 7th house cusp, and Aquarius is on the cusp hence the Ruler Uranus conj. "Scheat"a great misfortune - in the 8th, co-ruled by Saturn (the original ruler of AQ before Uranus was discovered and assigned) in the 2nd (older male?)
Look at Neptune conjunct the cusp of the 7th and Chiron (the inner wound) here.

This man fooled this little girl into believing something about him, that was incredulous (Neptune) probably, and it’s possible she met him on the internet? After all, she was a lonely little girl from all appearance (broken home, foster home at times, etc)
Did she have siblings?

Near the home (4th house and the cusp of the 4th), we see the I/C at 18Scorpio a very critical degree in Scorpio, as well which Charubel called "The Evil Degree"
As suggesting it was a black & white issue here. Pallas at 22 Scorpio (the do or die)
With the “black & white”…may suggest that she thought she didn’t have any kind of say in the matter.

This person seemed to be the authority for her.

I hope they solve this case quickly because we might have a serial killer on the loose in Colorado if not.
News stories state this little four year old Canadian boy went missing outside his family home on Wed. 3/31/2010 at approx. 3:00 pm, when one of his parents left him for a few minutes. Unfortunately, Nicholas's home is very close to a powerful river.


The chart produced suggests that things do not look good for little Nicholas.

We see the SUN which always describes the Event posited in the 8th House of Death partile opposed the Fixed Star VINDEMIATRIX, often prominent when there is a death in the family. This opposition is squared exactly by the previous Lunar Eclipse 10 Cancer (not shown). The Arabic Part of CATASTROPHE shares the same (10th) degree while conjoining the EQ, a secondary ASCENDANT.

The MOON 03 Scorpio is posited in the 3rd House, showing the action took place in the Near Neighborhood. MOON sesquisquares JUPITER Lord 5 the Child (Nicholas), is posited in the Via Combusta (the Burning Way, a most stressful place to be) and squares MARS, co-ruler of the radix 4th House End of the Matter. MOON rules the unfortunate 12th House of Misfortune, Sorrow & Woe. Note well that the radix 3rd House is the turned 11th House of Accidents befalling the 5th House Child.

Both the VERTEX (Fate) and MISFortune are in Fateful Degree (same degree as the NODES), always foretelling a catastrophe/ tragedy/ fatality.

JUPITER Lord 5 the Child (Nicholas) is posited in the 8th House of Death and close conjunct the Arabic Parts of the Killing Planet and MISFortune times 3 (because FORTUNE is in the 8th House; in Pisces; and conjunct the significator of the 5th House Child). Furthermore, the radix 8th House of Death is the turned 4th House End of the Matter of the 5th House Child.

The Part of the Killing Planet 16 Pisces shows accidental drowning because Pisces is a water sign and NEPTUNE disposits this Part. It is an accident because NEPTUNE (water, drowning) and URANUS (accidents) are in Mutual Reception not only by sign but by exact degree, and because the Arabic Part of PERIL 21 Capricorn partile squares the Part of ACCIDENTS 21 Libra.

Note also that NEPTUNE and URANUS are in the same degree as HADES (27 Gemini), a death marker, located in the radix 11th House of Accidents. NEPTUNE (drowning) is partile inconjunct (a death aspect) --- and URANUS is partile square.

The Arabic Part of SONS 07 Capricorn conjuncts PLUTO, Lord 4 End of the Matter, and the Part of DEATH in the 5th House of the Child.


The baby's natal chart would confirm or refute this unfortunate judgment, but my understanding is that securing Canadian birth data is next to impossible...

Dear little Patrick, a tiny Sagittarius Sun missing from his foster mother's home or apartment in Brooklyn, NY.

Logic tells us this can't be, that he could just go missing and be a runaway, while she went to the trash compactor with him in tow. But this is what she claims and also had no kind of problem in 22 yrs. of Foster Care work for the city until now. She even has Patrick's 4 yr.old sister who she says, cries for her brother now.
Where is Patrick?.....Did he truly run away as he kept saying he would to see his mother? His 23 yr.old mom says she hasn't seen him.
New York is brutally cold, we all know this and this occurred January 22nd.

I'm only now trying to investigate via Astrology this child and his chart, so if anyone has alternate views, I'd love to hear them of course, as I always say.

Logic tells me something is fishy in Denmark, but the charts say it's very possible Patrick did what he said he would do and ran.
The "fishy smell", comes from Neptune in the 6th, but I've since concluded with was the foster mom's story originally to the case workers when she reported him missing. (it's possible she did not include the fact she "ran to get the phone" and was negligent afterall!) This is the timed event of 9PM when he "ran down 10 flights of steps" and perhaps never to be seen again!

This link will tear at your heart (a video of the last time he was with his mother),0,5547988.story

Here is his Sunrise Chart

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