Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 1

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one of the articles also said that clothing of his was found... after looking at THIS PICTURE: he had NO coat on when he left on his bike! Also... I will bring over in a second the map I did of the last cell phone ping on Belle Isle and where these items were found (not near any trail I could note) 2-3 miles from the last ping. Do you guys see foul play in this case or a guy going swimming in March in Virginia???? (((also note while his backpack and some clothing was found in the cement area his BIKE has NOT been found. I have a hinky vibe going)))
Thank you very BIG for the google map, nursebeeme! Passionflower will be confirmed in her affinity with the Moon and all that its passages reveal. The Moon soon to become full is directly atop the Moon of Jno Dorey's disappearance. 9° Libra - 9° Libra. But we are left with a sinking feeling for this very young man's fate.

Coat found but he was not wearing it? And, considering his size, it would not have fit into his back pack. The Sun is doing its part in discovering what happened to Mr. Dorey. Sun had just opposed the Saturn of his disappearance, when the individual spotted these belongings. Saturn rules House 8 of the Last Seen chart. That House is investigations, death, other's money and debts.
Thank you very BIG for the google map, nursebeeme! Passionflower will be confirmed in her affinity with the Moon and all that its passages reveal. The Moon soon to become full is directly atop the Moon of Jno Dorey's disappearance. 9° Libra - 9° Libra. But we are left with a sinking feeling for this very young man's fate.

Coat found but he was not wearing it? And, considering his size, it would not have fit into his back pack. The Sun is doing its part in discovering what happened to Mr. Dorey. Sun had just opposed the Saturn of his disappearance, when the individual spotted these belongings. Saturn rules House 8 of the Last Seen chart. That House is investigations, death, other's money and debts.
Tuba, his clothing was found (clothing items). And from the cctv picture of him leaving on his bike he had no coat on... just jeans and a long sleeved flannel-like shirt... (cctv picture is linked in my first post above for you to take a look at)
police in Virginia, USA, said six items found by a member of the public were Mr Dorey’s. There are unconfirmed reports that one of them was his backpack.

wow... six items found. keeping that look at the cctv picture of him leaving on his bike!

(and note that of the six items found his bike is not one of them)

cctv picture link:
I know his coat was found but he was not wearing it. That was what I found passing strange!
This article states the "belongings were found under the concrete pad, and a picture shows a man pointing to where the backpack was on TOP of the concrete pad. That does not sound like a normal activity. If Dorey were to jump down with his things, he would have kept the backpack on his back.

"Yesterday a passerby alerted authorities after finding some of Dorey’s belongings under a large concrete pad..."
Wow, thank you for the info and insight. Very interesting... I hope this is not the case here.

I definately agree that this is a very bizzare case. Strange for me, because I know these people (no relational ties though) and I have received several inconsistant stories from Brenda and incomplete stories from Tonys family. :waitasec:

I will check with Oklahoma online newspapers and see if I can pull up the childs birth announcement...the time of birth should be on there.

Also, Tonys parents are not saying whether or not he is alive...they are saying that they have been advised not to talk about this case...PERIOD. Brenda Day is the person who said that the OSBI told her that Tony is alive and would not give her any more information.

I will update you on any new info I receive.

Thank you!! :eek:)

I am not sure if Tonys time of birth, or place of birth is correct...We need to check into that. I am still looking for Tonys daughters time of birth.
Tuba - do I rememeber correctly that the significator representing Jon Dorey was in Pisces? Should they be checking the river? TIA
The significator WAS in Pisces and it was the dangerous stem of a Y formation or "Yod". He was also combust the Sun so his vital force was uncustomarily low. You know how it is when you just feel exhausted or weak, at the core of your being.
Jessica’s natal has a “Y” or Yod (the finger of god ) formation with Neptune (in the 5th)
One leg, with Pluto in the 3rd Hs. (2nd leg) and Apex pointing to Venus & Chiron.
She confused love with relationships outside of marriage, with this Yod and was easily fooled by men easily manipulated by them.
She had her natal Yod positions in various critical degrees, such as Neptune being
At 0Capricorn , Pluto in Anaretic 29th degree (the last degree is always critical) and then her Venus conjunct the “Weeping Sisters” or Pleaides star cluster at 1 deg. Gemini.
This was a set-up astrologically speaking for a disaster in matters of love being confused by overt manipulations of others, as her Moon also opposed Pluto the master manipulator
And her emotions being very vulnerable to such.

With Jessie’s natal Mars (the physical part of life) our flesh & blood body, at 15Scorpio (a very critical degree for murder)….when all else is in place; enhances one vibration when there are many to enhance same.
Her very critical natal Mars is conjunct her natal Saturn and together on the day she went missing, Transiting Jupiter made a station there, at 18°Scorpio, another extremely critical degree called by chance, “The evil degree”
I see Jupiter as a spiritual planet, and we often will see Jupiter in the death charts transiting to bring the soul back home.

It’s more then possible, imo – that Jessie gave him her notice, she was leaving….or gave that notice to someone, because Jupiter at the 18th deg.of Scorpio, suggests there was a confrontation of “I will do this and no other way”…..(that’s the nature of this degree)
Having one’s mind made up! This is how the transits appear to me that day she went missing (that late night after the phone call)
She had made up her mind, or someone else did, if she wanted to leave, she wasn't able to.


Last Phone Call to Sister: 2nd chart attached:

This is the chart for the Last Heard or Phone call. We can see that the Part of Fortune (or misfortune) in this case, conjuncts the Ascendent, moving shortly to the 12th house
Pluto the planet of destruction in the 1st House, with it’s Opposition to Mars in the 7th house of Relationships….is very dire for Jessie here. Antares Rises.

Venus in the 3rd hs. of communications, may be seen symbolically as the phone call to her beloved sister,
And Uranus (the separation planet ) in the 3rd, conjunct Mercury the final goodbye.
This is a chart showing vibrations for the mind as well of Jessica, her subconscious thoughts and vibrations associated with her.

The Sun conjunct Moon in Aries 4th house may symbolize Jessie and the perpetrator being in the same house,
And the North Node is in the same degree as Saturn in the 8th house of Death along with the Vertex.
Jupiter in the 18th deg.of Scorpio 11th house of “hopes, dreams and wishes” is very critical and is also square to Neptune, Venus & Chiron.

These 2 planets were also mentioned as part of the Yod in Jessie’s natal chart with Pluto, so it’s seen here as triggering this final event in her life.
As sad as this is, perhaps the family might find some peace in knowing that Jessica is not in any pain and has crossed over in peace with Jupiter the spiritual planet guiding her to the higher realms.
I was reading last night the case file of Trenton Duckett posted somewhere on the forum, asking for a post of his natal chart.
I didn't know IF this had been done for the lady who requested it, so I erected his chart since she gaved the time of his birth:

Originally Posted by Jaylergirl Post #309
Trenton Duckett, missing from Leesburg, Fl

Trenton J. Duckett -
Birth date: 8/10/2004 - Time of Birth 5:36 pm
Reported Missing: 8/27/2006 around 9:15 PM

Reported missing by his mother, Melinda Marie Duckett, from her Leesburg apartment. Less than 2 weeks after reporting Trenton missing, Melinda commits suicide in her grandparents home.

Melinda -
DOB: 8/14/1985 - Place of birth, Korea
DOD: 9/08/2006 - Time of death btwn 3 - 3:30 pm

Please, please, please!! Can you provide a chart for him? TIA

Here is the natal for Trenton Duckett:

For little Trenton Duckett, his mom unfortunately is seen in his chart at the conception of this child; with an inherited vibration of 9 degree Virgo, or conjunct fixed star “Alioth”,
The death star or “Black Horse”star.
This position came up on another chart as being termed the “Body in the ditch degree”
If all else supports and confirms this potential happening, then this placement can be deadly.

For Trenton, Mercury conjuncts the conception cusp of the 9th house conj. “Alioth”
And therefore symbolizes a very critical state of mind for the mother because it IS Mercury (the lower mind)
Was she suicidal even then, when Trenton was conceived? The Sun & Moon are well aspected, so the parents conceived him in love with this harmonious aspect, however
The fact that Mercury lies at this degree, on the cusp of the conception house, we would have to wonder about her state of mind even then in 2004 (late 2003)
We see the Sun in the natal conjunct the Vertex in the “inheritance ” or 8th house
As well as a critical Mars conjunct “Regulus” the fixed star which opposes Uranus in the 2nd house (erratic behaviors)of both the mother and father. After all the father is symbolized by the Sun, but the inheritance of vibrations in the fetal state is from the biological support of the mother.

It was reported that the couple didn’t get along too well, and waited until Trenton was almost one year of age to actually marry each other. So it’s interesting to see that
Juno is conj. the Ascendent, and trine to Mercury (that critical planet) marriage and commitment was very important to Melinda Duckett.
But at one year of age, Trenton’s natal Uranus in the 2nd would have “registered” for him, thus the mother’s pre-conception troubling mindset, (the inherited 8th house)
Negative vibrations of that fixed star “Alioth”, likewise, registered and the stage was set for the finality of his life (Alioth – i.e. “body in the ditch”…. And it wouldn’t be long in coming.
Employing the Tad Mann approach of seeing the parents (mostly the mother) in the natal as to her mental and emotional state while conceiving and surrounding the conception of this child:

Was the father involved with another woman?
Sun conj. Vertex in the 8th Hs. same degree in this pre-conception house.
Suggests something kept the marriage from occurring on time prior to the baby’s birth.
There are more indicators of the mother’s obsessions and mental illnesses seen in the child’s conception chart and natal – such as Pluto in the 12th Quindecile to Venus in the 6th on the cusp of the 7th.
Pluto (obsessive and controlling) quindeciles Venus within one degree to exact, and
Also opposes the Moon (mother) i.e. feelings and emotions….in this chart.
The chart is showing me the mother quite clearly as the unfortunate woman had been even much prior to her death.

Pluto may have foreshadowed the death of this child, with the square to Jupiter in the 9th (the conception house)
Of course it’s always easier to see these potential problems after the fact then before,or at least to pinpoint, exactly how something might turn out, albeit we could see that Trenton would have had the scars and vibrations that he inherited from being in the womb during this crucial prebirth gestation period.

There does appear to be another obsessive minor aspect, the Quindecile between Mars and Neptune as well.
His mother’s mental problems then should be traceable to that very critical Mercury at the cusp of the 9th, conj. Alioth and the Moon (mother) in Trenton’s chart – square to
Pluto and more then likely to Jupiter which is also square to Pluto.
Obsessions which went overboard in her mind.

Jupiter (overboard thoughts and reactions) quindecile to Uranus (erratic and strange)coupled with Mars (very critical conj.Regulus), Quindecile to Neptune (delusions) and obsessions.

The death of little Trenton, is easily seen then, by the transits over his 8th house of Death
And the NN approaching natal Atropos conj. “Scheat” or “misfortune in death”

If we had the birth time of Melinda, we could tell much more about her mental state possibly up to’and including her own suicide.
Post #354 on the Request board asked for us to look into the Sabrina
Aisenberg cold case.
I cannot find the dates of birth for either Marlene (mother) or Steve (father)
Aisenberg who currently live in Maryland. They lived in Valrico Florida when
Sabrina went missing however in 1997, near Tampa.

There are still active websites with progressed photos of how Sabrina might look today, IF she indeed was kidnapped as the parents maintain till today they believe.

The chart for the missing baby is quite startling, for the Event of course as we'd expect it to be....but I really would love help in finding these parents dates of births and places of birth before speculating at all on this case as to what may have occurred here.
From the looks of this 911 call, it appears the baby died however, from all indications, but doesn't say "who" did it.

Meanwhile, here are two charts, one for Baby Sabrina (does anyone know her time of birth? .......very important imo in this case, and the Event 911 call to the Police by the mother Marlene:


I found Tonys ex's fathers DOB: 08/24/1948

Also, there had been some altercations with Tony and the ex's brother...I think he is incarcerated now for a few felonies. His DOB is 8/14/1972
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