Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 1

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This is just so wonderful Paulette & all,
from the article:

“I am just elated to be involved in a miracle,” Hodges said.

I happen to be one who believes in free will, and the charts are reflecting to us that of choice at any given time. I noticed that the Vertex (fated event and/or person) is at the D/C cusp (Robert & his wife)...who heard the "yelp" as they defined the little girl's cries.

The Vertex at 29.29 and the cusp of the 7th Hs. at 29.58, so within minutes of finding her.
Saturn critical at 1 degree (hypothermia for Zoey, an older man for Mr. Hodges)
perhaps near death for the little girl, but certainly critical, conjuncts the Ascendent, (already mentioned as extreme critical in the Anaretic degree)

11th Hs. POF conj. asteroid "Child" in the house of "hopes dreams & wishes" :)
makes everyone's day a bit cheerier I'm sure.

Thanks for posting the chart, it's a wonderful chart to contemplate for sure.


Our core Astros sincerely wish to thank and express our appreciation
to the many readers of our Forum for all their efforts
in obtaining dates, times and dates of birth necessary to cast the Event and Natal charts.
You are truly wonderful PARTNERS to work with.

We would never be able to do this work without the support and assistance
of our outstanding WS members.

and our 24/7-Angel Who Cares for going the extra mile.

Love & Gratitude to ALL~

Thank you so very much for looking at Darlie's chart. When i looked at the chart and saw all the house cusps as well as other signs in the chart, I knew i was in over my head. What I am understanding is you believe there was some top of "plot" to possibly rob the house which she may have known about, however, something went terribly wrong and the boys were murdered and Darlie herself almost died. Perhaps one of the children recognized the "intruder" who panicked....

Sorry, I haven't been on much lately. I see you have started looking at some other cold cases also. I know where I'll be for the next few hours. :clap:

Thank you and all the Astros for all your hard work.

Darlie's Husband Darin DID try to hire people to have his house burglarized.
He signed an affadavit saying so and it was notorized.
I don't believe in the Death Penalty myself, too many innocent people after the fact
have been put to death.
There are far too many unanswered questions about this case, and I think the husband as a lot of them but isn't talking.
As he said to an interviewer:
"When I told him that the complete truth might help get his wife a new trial, he insisted that he wanted to do what he could for Darlie. "But I don't want to end up with some kind of bull**** charges brought against me either," he said. "I don't want to help her at the expense of my life."
The only chart I’ve seen for Darlie Routier, is the Sunrise Chart, so without a time of birth that is proven accurate, we cannot know the Part of Fortune, (which is in this chart)
As the POF has to do with the Ascendent in it’s calculations (and the Sun & Moon)
All the other Arabic Parts likewise, need the Ascendent to be accurate.

So, what do we have then?

We can see Darlie was as she was reported to be, quite materialistic a person because of the Capricorn planets aided by her (probable) Scorpio Moon (a fixed sign and fixed mindset sometimes in the lower vibration a problematic place for the Moon) , shown in the late degree
For the Sunrise OR, it would be then a Sag Moon (muteable sign and potential for partying hardy as well as drugs would be high with either Moon possible)

IF her Moon’s position is anywhere near what the Sunrise chart shows, then it probably is opposed by Algol, one of the more malefic stars known to Astrologers.
We already can see she has Neptune conjunct her Moon in the Sunrise chart as well.
Something else to consider when we look at the rounded picture of the person.

It’s possible too, that drugs were a big part of her life, just as I recall reading they were (my memory however is short now concerning Darlie & Darrin), but I think they both had taken drugs together. This would be more surprising for a Cappy Sun or even a Cappy Stellium as she has with her Mercury , Venus and Mars, however we’d need to see what is mitigating that arrangement too. For instance her Venus is afflicted by fixed star
“Facies”, making her rather ruthless as this star seems to portend.
Ruthless in what way?………This we can only conjecture, and that may not be fair to a woman who sits on death row in Texas which is rather loose and free when it comes to the Death penalty, and may after all, be quite innocent other then for bad choices, (including the husband choice), bad choices all around (drugs, making the house and material objects her god, extremely poor behavior at her sons' gravesite, etc)
That’s not good, but it’s not enough to blame her for murder of her two sons (imo)

This then, should be looked at more carefully, IMO before we make such an assumption, even though the jury obviously thought she was guilty as hell, we KNOW now that at least one juror said had he seen those photos of Darlie that the prosecution somehow kept from the jury, he NEVER would have convicted her. (The photo where he neck had been slashed), and the jury was told she had “some superficial cuts”.

So in light of all of this, including her rather poor & trashy behavior, (the gum chewing bimbo video of her at the gravesite in shorts, with the Silly String), which ALSO helped convict her by a Jury of her peers, I still am not at all comfortable with this jury’s verdict.

Too many questions abound about this case including a person found to be in the area, who also may have “dropped socks”, after his robberies?

Here are just a few questions that have come up:

Questions her defense team want answered:
· A bloody fingerprint was found on the living room table. Who does it belong to?
· There was a bloody fingerprint on the door of the garage. Who does it belong to?
· Darin Routier's jeans had blood on them. Whose blood is it?
· A pubic hair was found in the Routier living room. Who does it belong to?
· How did the blood on Darlie's nightshirt get there and whose is it?
· Did the police get debris on the knife in the kitchen while investigating the murder or did it come from the screen door?
Darin Routier has admitted to trying to arrange an insurance scam, which included someone breaking into their home. He has admitted that he had begun the initial steps to arrange a break-in, but that it was to be done when no one was at home. No jury has heard this admission.

You can read on this legal Petition – about a few of these questions that still haven’t been properly investigated :

(just use “F” to find sock and you’ll see the various other issues)

Let me find the other charts (for house cusps) and we'll see what we can find there.
Sorry, didn't have a chance to come back until just now.

Here are a few photos and facts on the case, and the photos not seen as evidence by the jurors:

Anyway, concerning Darlie and her conviction for murder, I think we need to reconsider all that was left out of her trial, as there is jut so many loose ends, and although we ourselves cannot do anything about any of this, we can at least look before we jump to convict her even en masse as a collective, albeit, we cannot reverse the decision.

We can look at charts however.

Here is her husband's and her is the 911 Call she made that early A.M.:

We see that Darrin has his Moon in Aquarius, 1 deg. In this noon chart, or if born in the early A.M. it was in late Capricorn. That in itself, is not a good warm place for a Moon position, and certainly doesn’t really auger well for Darlie’s emotional well being, with a
Scorpio Moon. His feelings are perhaps more “shark-like”….ones that are cold and non-feeling I’d say far more analytical then hers would be.

Overall, his natal is one that appears to be able to take the lead in the marriage, moreso then Darlie’s muteable Mars in Pisces – the husband has Mars in “thinking all the time” Aquarius. His Venus in Scorpio, the Anaretic critical 29th degree.
Again, sharklike…imo.

The husband has no Pisces nor Cancer signs, only Scorpio for water with the sole exception of Chiron in Pisces the 25th degree.

His Nodal Axis is 24Aries (NN) to 24Libra (SN, rather questionable in the late degrees for any type of warmth or concern for Darlie originally, taking the rap.

Not that I think either Darlie OR Darrin killed their children, because I think there is far too many unanswered questions in this case – however, if there was a swinging of a knife in the wee hours of the A.M. with a burglary gone bad….(more probable, imo),
Then Darrin was supposedly upstairs on the second floor asleep with his baby son and Darlie downstairs to confront the burglar or attacker (in her version, an unknown assailant)

IF Darlie didn’t tell all she knew about the burglary scam “gone bad”…and decided with her Mars in Pisces (a very sacrificial sign) and Mars is her physicalness – then I think she fully realizes no longer under the stupor of drugs that her husband needed to both get a job, and be capable of supporting their only son Drake who survived this debacle.
IF this is the case, then I can picture a Capricorn with a Scorpio Moon and a Mars in Pisces conjunct Neptune, doing this “selfless” or sacrificing mea culpa or falling on the sword to take the onus away from her baby’s father as an "unfit father" involved in burglary set-ups.?:waitasec:

IF she has a Moon in Scorpio
(and in the Vedic Sidereal she does ), then no doubt, she is extremely strong minded, and with the Mars in Pisces, (willing) to take this hands’down. Not that she hasn’t of course insisted all along that she was the victim of
An unwanted intruder (who would have NO motive for killing her two children btw ), I don't think that any of her jewelry or money was missing.
But IF my suspicion is even given an iota of thought, then it’s possible that she avoided mention originally of the “staged burglary” gone awry and fought with this man at 2AM or so, to save her life and in the end, lost the children.

My original belief, was that it was potentially a revenge killing for drug money not paid....but i have nothing but personal thought to back that one up .
(no insight) only using logic from the case as I understood the facts to emerge from their background.

I do not have a Sunrise Chart for Darrin, but I did another hypothetical one awhile back that of
Noontime without an Ascendent commonly known as the Aries Chart.

There have been other women willing to sacrifice for their man and child and Darlie “may” be one of them.

I’m not saying I believe one way or another, I’m simply concerned about the conviction and whether the State of Texas will execute an innocent person based on her own stupidity and bad behavior, remembering that G.W. Bush as Gov. said on 20/20 with B. Walters, before he achieved the Presidency, “We don’t make mistakes in Texas” when asked about the rather new evidence of DNA and retrials on appeals.
His neighbor Arkansas, and it’s governor, put a halt on the Death Penalty being carried out until more of the DNA evidence could be supplied and proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
There IS room for doubt in the Routier case, imo.
Read Barbara Davis turn-around AFTER studying ALL of the evidence against Darlie and AFTER
she wrote the definitive book called "Precious Angels".....about the Routier murders:


911 Chart:

The Angles are all extremely critical at the 01 degree on this chart with a “known time” of the call to the police.
The children were dead, and of course this shows in the 8th house of Death, Atropos (cuts the thread that ties), Pluto conjunct Ceres (mother) was with the children.
The Black Moon in a critical degree in the “house of children” the 5th House;
And opposed to Neptune (my hypothetical theory) in the sign of Capricorn 27th deg. Conjunct the 11th house cusp (house of Dreams, Hopes, Wishes and of course, Friendships) Note that Neptune is conjunct Uranus (weird strange and perhaps even drug related with Neptune) Uranus is strong in it’s own ruler Aquarius.

Part of Fortune can be calculated with this time of the call, and it falls at 0Leo (murder deg.?) in the house of children and opposes this combination of Uranus/Neptune in the 11th.

Juno (the marriage asteroid of committment) sits at the 29th degree in the “hidden house” of secrets
– and may be the hypothetical theory of taking up for the husband and the entire scam gone horribly wrong intrusion and murder of the children?
An accident?……..or a knife wielding nut case?…….Or two “knife wielding nut cases?”

Vertex falls at 0 degree (very critical) Libra, (cardinal sign) and conjuncts the D/C cusp of “known enemies’
Which, btw, opposes both Juno & the ASC and Saturn! Vertex is thought to represent the fated person or fated event.

Mercury conj. Mars (conj. Algol) falls in the 2nd house of Values – whose values?
And opposes Pluto & Ceres in the 8th, in this “Axis of Desire”

Was the desire for revenge ?…..The 8th house Ruler is Scorpio and this is also the house
Known for “other people’s assets”….

Drug money not paid ? Bad debt? “Scam robbery gone amok?”

It's really just called, "resonable doubt"
If Jonathan were dead on or about the trail, he should have been discovered on March 7 when the Sun in Pisces opposed (D), which is 17:31 Virgo. That is square the ASC and the lunar node when he took off on his bike was fast approaching, from 18:25 Capricorn. The Sun would have brought the awareness necessary to finding him. But I see from the planets that the full strength of the company was not out searching on that Sunday.

Now the Sun opposes Saturn, ruler of his House 8 and the search parties are massive.

Paulette never saw my request for the asteroids opposite 1:57 Pisces, so I looked them up: 1:29 Virgo, Vinefera; 2:18 Virgo, Frieda; 2:29 Virgo, Buda; 2:46 Virgo, Kressmannia and 0:55 Virgo, Montana. They do not speak to me, apart from Montana. There may be a connection there and of course, the word itself means mountain.
The family of Lachlan Cranswick, is coming all the way from Australia today to try and find out what happened to him( he seemingly vanished) whilst living in Deep River, Ontario.Any light brought to this dark mystery would be greatly appreciated ,thankyou.
Joan Renee last Text chart – shows that Jupiter opposing Neptune in the 4th/10th Axis and Jupiter may be reflecting angst on her part – of the parental obligations as the 4th and 10th is the parental axis and the oppositon to Neptune may be indeed, undermining her as for the mental health of state of mind she was in.

Neptune in the 19th degree of Scorpio is very critical and in the 19th century was called by Charubel, an “evil degree”…not so much because it is evil, but because Charubel, was said to be a medium and astrologer during the Victorian era, when all was either black or white (no grey or in between)…So it then became known in his book “The Man of Degrees”as the Evil degree meaning, seeing things in only one way or the other.

Neptune in this degree may show that Joan Renee, was having a breakdown of sorts, as I see the Black Moon near the Ascendent of this chart as well.

It appears then, that she was feeling very stressed and over the top with the worries or concerns she had.

I’ve heard it mentioned more then once on the forum, that Part of Fortune in the 12th house becomes the Part of Misfortune……and so I think it’s apt for Joan Renee, that there was misfortune that came along for her and that is why she is no longer with her family.

POF in the 12th is certainly dire enough, but it’s also square to Mars in the 9th and
With Pluto and Uranus in the 9th house, the planets of erratic and untowards behavior with destructive vibes of Pluto – inconjuncts both the Sun & Ceres in the 2nd house of Values.

Was she alone and is she still among the living?

The South Node conjuncts the Part of (mis)fortune in the 12th house, so this is dire enough, however I’m not going out on a limb here to suggest she’ll not be back home again, until the body is found.

With the Vertex and Lachesis opposing the 1st house Sun & Ceres in Aquarius, it does appear to be mental illness involved, and hopefully she will find herself and come back to her young daughter.

But to tell the truth, with Atropos and the North Node in the 6th house in Gemini, it doesn’t look good for her. Atropos is the asteroid for ending of the life. The 6th can be about our own health.


This chart reports an event that occurred three days earlier on August 24, when Bill Smolinski disappeared. What the chart does is to confirm all the indicators from the Disappearance chart.

Certainly the obvious suspects have not been sufficiently pressed for answers. Cherchez la femme!

info only:
News reports from Bridgeport, CT say that human remains were found and there is a tentative i.d. of the remains.
(They could be Billy Smolinski.)
The skeletal remains discovered Sunday along the shore of Ash Creek are apparently those of an adult male, police said Monday.
Police Lt. Chris Lamaine said there has been a tentative identification of the body, but officials are waiting for dental records to confirm that finding.
There also is no indication that foul play had a role in the man's death, he said.
The remains were found about 4 p.m. along the creek near the intersection of Canfield Avenue and Fox Street.
Lamaine said the skeletal remains were clothed and mainly intact, although some bones were scattered a short distance from the others. New Balance sneakers were on the body's feet.
Hazel: (Thank you for your thank you)'s appreciated.

I hate to say this one is a "slam-dunk" meaning, the Natal Promises, appears for him to have promised an earlier demise rather then a later one in old age, and it appears to be brought about by the Yod in his natal chart (the "Y")
with the Apex to Jupiter and the connecting planets of Pluto and Venus.

Pluto is about control & manipulations.....Venus we know is about love and social life, (sometimes beneficial to money & good graces)....and Jupiter is over board in this case. His natal Venus is very critical as well (ver #3?)
with 17deg. 30min. Scorpio (like the SN vibrations)...conj. 0SAG Mars.

Controlling and manipulating, overboard and the lessons inherent when one skirts the issues of self-responsible behavior, (the Saturn squares)

Saturn square Venus, square Neptune (deceptions) square the Black Moon Lilith in the Sunrise natal chart.

The natal promise is the critical "Body in the Ditch" which afflicted his Uranus planet at 9Virgo. (8 degrees 55min.) conjunct fixed star "Zosma" and of course, this is a so-called generational planet, affecting many people and they all don't end up "in the ditch", so sometimes, these critical degrees are rather generous in their implications, and we shouldn't take them to heart if we have them in our natal chart, as ALL other indicators should point to the Natal Promise, at least 3 verifications minimum!

His Natal Uranus is conjunct to Pluto (verification #2 for me)
His Atropos conjuncts the Moon which conj. Saturn in Aquarius (sunrise cht.)
There is a Yod (as I said) with these all important planets, and for me, the Yod is very telling, I may call it verification #3.
Death will be promised (Pluto ) through overdoing (Jupiter) in the love life (Venus)
Seldom however, do we get the message we are given vibrationally, until it's just too late for us.

That's sad.

I believe the Last Text chart
is from the killers and I'll tell you why after I post it here.


I think the Last Text is from the killers because Algol is on the D/C cusp so called "known enemy" or enemies.....
Uranus conjuncts juno in the 4th (final separation from his wife)and home
3rd house (the communication or text) shows deception with the BML present
Violence at the midpoint of Sag planets conj. "Antares" the violence & anger star at 9deg.SAG

8th House brings about death with a Sun/Moon Quincunx aspect (150 degrees see broken green line)

Moon conjuncts the Vertex (a fated person or event) quincunx (harsh aspect to) the Sun Venus conjunction and "Antares" connection in the 1st house.

And last but certainly not least, is the fact of death with Zosma (9Virgo) the "Body in the Ditch" conjunct the MC in the Last Text chart.
Sorry for his children and must be terribly hard for all of them.
Michelle Sigona did send a nice reply but it contained no time this young woman was last seen. That, of course, had been my question. There is still some possibility I will hear from Cherice's good friend Charisma.

Meanwhile, it was the day of the Sun when Cherice disappeared in Catonsville, MD. The Sun formed a stem in a Y formation with retrograde Mars and retrograde Saturn as the arms. The Y to these two "malefics" has been the signature of many crimes in late winter here at WS. The Yod brings crisis and a situation that seems unresolvable and compromising. An intense dilemma where you are forced to take action. Circumstances are beyond personal control and you must do something at the stem Sign, House and planet. We do not have any Houses because we have no time when Cherice was last seen but we have the planet and it is the Sun, which also rules Sundays (date of the event fell on Sunday) and we have the Sun's Sign and it is Pisces. She had an appointment with power but there were many facets to her fate that she had not foreseen and which confused her, Pisces.

To add to the day's inharmony, Moon in II was square the Sun. This adds a contentious, jarring note to male-female relations. There would be another Yod but the Moon is too light weight and too fast moving a body to form a significant stem. None the less, the Moon is under additional strain from a quincunx to both Saturn r. and Pluto: another predicament with no ready solution. Because both the Moon and the Sun were mutable (in Common Signs), the customary indecision of the quincunx flickers to a standstill. We also know that the Moon in II never arrives at her planned destination. Something of a surprising nature takes place. Few details on this missing person have been released so she may have met with her intended party and gone astray on her way home or she may never have kept her appointment due to an unexpected incident. All we know is that she made it to Route 40 where it joins Rolling Road.
I dug around a bit after I saw your request yesterday. Don't think I have ever seen so little info released on a missing person. Could not find her on any of the social networks either. The officer interviewed on television seemed kind, I wonder if a call directly to him would be of any help to you Tuba? I'll do it if you still need the info tomorrow.
Thank you for offering. Let's hope Charisma responds to the inquiry. She put up a website on her missing friend, so I know she cares a great deal.
I did a synastry chart for the Ex who has custody and the Event of the
"Last Text" as it's known to be called "Text From Who?"

There are some interesting connections here, one to the other.

Note Neptune on both as well as Pluto (the text) with the Sun (the ex)
then there is a rather curious Black Moon on the text (outer rim), with
the Moon (inner g.f.)

Uranus & Juno (the separation from the wife) on the "last text" outer rim
in red - consoles (Chiron ) given by the ex (inner rim)

Some curious and interesting conjunctions being made here., but we cannot really say more then that.

The case remains "open" I'm sure.....till today. But you can draw your own conclusions too.

Thank you for offering. Let's hope Charisma responds to the inquiry. She put up a website on her missing friend, so I know she cares a great deal.

An Aunt posted a number to call for info on Cherice at the site you mention above...
Your welcome Niece.

Actually, I'm new here, so did not yet know the ropes of responding.

I wanted to say, how sorry I am, and express my condolences to your family.
I lost my daughter 2 yrs. ago, a beautiful young woman, who looked a lot like
your aunt although not through a stranger, and in grief, we can still have the faith that we will be reunited once again when we are through with this world.

Again, I shall pray for your family and for peace to eventually come into your hearts, as I pray for my own.

P.S. as mentioned by Soulscape, the Quindecile between Mars and Jupiter may indeed point to an Obsession someone had with your aunt.
This is becoming well known now. Although a minor aspect but also now through observation and study seen as one of some repute for being an "Aspect of Obsession" (see Noel Tyl's work, with further reading, "Quindecile, the aspect of Obsession" by Ricki Reeves, the last review from the bottom for what the Quindecile may represent)

Thank you so much for all your help!!! I am so sorry to hear about your loss of your daughter. I dont fully understand all of this but I am trying. The links you have provided have been very helpful.
My heart breaks for the loss of my Aunt Kelly and healing seems so far away. I know finding the answers to who did this to her wont bring her back to me but I still need those answers. After reading the charts and other things on here I do think I have limited the list of suspects to a very short list. Just proving it is the hard part. Thank you and everyone else who has helped my family in this difficult time. Please pray for answers and for healing...Thank YOU
This story as I read the lengthy posts tonight on his strange case, which
seems to get stranger by the post day to day, makes me think I better revisit all of the charts, and not miss anything crucial that may be here now.
I'd still like to have the child's time of birth if that's possible to get, and would like to know whether or not the baby girl, and her mother are in town (the ex gf) there is much speculation going on about this case and all the parties integral to it.
On one hand, it's reported she remarried, and on the other hand, it's speculated that he left his wife to be with her (potentially) and the baby girl.
His parents (it is said by two posters in contact with them ), are now saying the police tell them he's alive (if I'm understanding correctly?).....according to one lady who has spoken to them.
And the parents are moving away from his home town which certainly seems odd given the situation.
The entire case seems wierder then wierd.:banghead:

But there is no doubt that the vibrations of these charts......portend lots of control, womanizing, (Venus is a woman) Pluto is control and manipulations,
and it's possible I need to look again at these symbols in light of this informaiton.

I do think however, the 9Virgo at the MC of the event chart (Alioth-the Black Horse star) an extremely crucial link to this missing person - indicates he is gone....
and he also has Alioth 9 Virgo - connected to his own natal Uranus (erratic nature or unusual and unexpected events)

Critical degrees 9 Virgo "The body in the Ditch" term from
it's association with Alioth (the Black Horse) comes this rather dire concern for this man's well being, now that he is missing , but it does not seem to jive with the reported wife and familys input with the police.:waitasec:

as we can see (again), there is deception in the 3rd hs. of the Text Message (the house of communications with BML and Neptune) which opposes Mars in Leo (in a critical degree) and there is also the 4th house moving away from the home (Uranus conj. Juno (the wife).......yet there is also the POF in the 5th which I haven't yet ascertained how to read quite frankly.
It's in a very late degree, somewhat critical, in Aries and quincunx the Ascendent. (usually affecting one's health or betterment to the negative)
So all in all, the chart tells me he's gone........yet the so-called evidence (police talking to the family?)
suggests otherwise.

I'll keep posted, and hope you keep me up to date on this case.

This story as I read the lengthy posts tonight on his strange case, which
seems to get stranger by the post day to day, makes me think I better revisit all of the charts, and not miss anything crucial that may be here now.
I'd still like to have the child's time of birth if that's possible to get, and would like to know whether or not the baby girl, and her mother are in town (the ex gf) there is much speculation going on about this case and all the parties integral to it.
On one hand, it's reported she remarried, and on the other hand, it's speculated that he left his wife to be with her (potentially) and the baby girl.
His parents (it is said by two posters in contact with them ), are now saying the police tell them he's alive (if I'm understanding correctly?).....according to one lady who has spoken to them.
And the parents are moving away from his home town which certainly seems odd given the situation.
The entire case seems wierder then wierd.:banghead:

But there is no doubt that the vibrations of these charts......portend lots of control, womanizing, (Venus is a woman) Pluto is control and manipulations,
and it's possible I need to look again at these symbols in light of this informaiton.

I do think however, the 9Virgo at the MC of the event chart (Alioth-the Black Horse star) an extremely crucial link to this missing person - indicates he is gone....
and he also has Alioth 9 Virgo - connected to his own natal Uranus (erratic nature or unusual and unexpected events)

Critical degrees 9 Virgo "The body in the Ditch" term from
it's association with Alioth (the Black Horse) comes this rather dire concern for this man's well being, now that he is missing , but it does not seem to jive with the reported wife and familys input with the police.:waitasec:

as we can see (again), there is deception in the 3rd hs. of the Text Message (the house of communications with BML and Neptune) which opposes Mars in Leo (in a critical degree) and there is also the 4th house moving away from the home (Uranus conj. Juno (the wife).......yet there is also the POF in the 5th which I haven't yet ascertained how to read quite frankly.
It's in a very late degree, somewhat critical, in Aries and quincunx the Ascendent. (usually affecting one's health or betterment to the negative)
So all in all, the chart tells me he's gone........yet the so-called evidence (police talking to the family?)
suggests otherwise.

I'll keep posted, and hope you keep me up to date on this case.

Wow, thank you for the info and insight. Very interesting... I hope this is not the case here.

I definately agree that this is a very bizzare case. Strange for me, because I know these people (no relational ties though) and I have received several inconsistant stories from Brenda and incomplete stories from Tonys family. :waitasec:

I will check with Oklahoma online newspapers and see if I can pull up the childs birth announcement...the time of birth should be on there.

Also, Tonys parents are not saying whether or not he is alive...they are saying that they have been advised not to talk about this case...PERIOD. Brenda Day is the person who said that the OSBI told her that Tony is alive and would not give her any more information.

I will update you on any new info I receive.

Thank you!! :o)
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