Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 1

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Yes, I understand that hun, please don't feel I am complaining. I have just called an x-friend of hers and she is only in her 40's. My bad, I am so sorry.

But does the time change of when the truck was dumped or the text message sent change anything on the charts?
Yes, I understand that hun, please don't feel I am complaining. I have just called an x-friend of hers and she is only in her 40's. My bad, I am so sorry.

But does the time change of when the truck was dumped or the text message sent change anything on the charts?

It's hard to retain (remember) all the ins andn outs of all these cases.
I do not believe however, that 5 min. would make a difference for the Text message in this case.
It's still Algol on the DC cusp......and possibly then, between Scorpio Rising 28 to Sag Rising 00.
So no - it's the same result.
The 3rd house of communications,i.e. texts is still vitally in trouble, with the stellium intact, (Jupiter conj. Chiron/ Neptune) seems like a deception took place.

Has the ex moved out of this town,and is she around with the child any longer?
Has the ex moved out of this town,and is she around with the child any longer?

There is a lot of activity at her houses and her family member’s houses, but no sign of her or the baby. No one has seen the baby girl since before Tony went missing.

Thank you so much for asking. This site has brought me much comfort and gets me from one day to the next. When Tony is found I plan to stay and help other peeps as much as I can in any way I can.
Stars in Perseus (includes 23-24 Taurus or Capeus (hilt of the sword)
Sun as the event itself the abduction of Mr. Neff:

From Skyscript:

The constellation Perseus lies between Cassiopeia and the Pleiades. It is represented by Perseus holding a sword above his head in his right hand and the decapitated head of the gorgon Medusa in his left

As a whole, the constellation is said to give a bold, courageous and intelligent nature, but the group depicting the head of the gorgon is considered quite evil. Pliny and Hipparchus referred to this as a separate constellation and it was usual for the whole group to be referred to as 'Perseus and the Gorgon's Head'.

Also is seen in conjunction with Mercury (the mindset) at 29Mercury conj. “Alcoyne” another evil star.
Between these two lie Algol. The star most associated with Death.

We see the Rising sign is at 0Leo and conjuncts the South Node at the Ascendent.

As for the North Node at 2Aquarius conjunct Al-Geidi , its nature is reckoned as like Venus with an influence of Mars. Robson states that it is symbolically called 'The Slain Kid' (in the constellation of Capricorn the goat)

The Black Moon Lilith, never a symbol of good news, is in the 6th house and is square to both Venus and Mars which conjunct each other in Aries near the MC. Aries usually depicts a death via a head wound, and I believe Mr. Neff had been shot in the head.

The Part of Fortune is very critical for him at 1Aries (a Cardinal Sign), and is conjunct Uranus, the planet of abductions (isolating and separating a person) yet forms a trine to the ASC, so probably luck is on their side for getting away with it.

Uranus is square to Pluto found in the 6th house and is the murder itself.

Since the Cusp of the 7th house falls into a 0 degree Aquarius (a double bodied sign), there were more then two people, as believed, possibly even a gang of people, as Aquarius in this degree (conjunct Aquila) is ambitious and ruthless…..and rules a group situation .

Again from Skyscript UK:
main star, Altair, is named from the Arabic Al Tair meaning 'The Eagle'. Lilly, adhering to Manilius, says that this 1st magnitude yellow star represents "a bold, confident, valiant person, never yielding, guilty of bloodshed, of distempered manner

So, by and large we know that this chart is “reflecting” that which Mr. Neff was unfortunatley
Having to experience that day.

There may be a woman involved in the “gang” because Venus is conjunct Mars (man & woman) but probably laying low, if in town and not spending the money too flambouantly
(Leo the ASC ruler rules the 2nd house of money )but with Saturn here, restricting .

The 8th House – Neptune conj. Chiron and Jupiter all in Aquarius- may point to a well thought out murder plan of abduction for the assets of Mr. Neff (the safe) by holding him until they were able to get what they wanted (the 2nd house Saturn)….for awhile; but
the Moon in late Capricorn in the 6th does appear that it was a very cold-hearted operation (needless to say I realize), but I’m simply seeing Moon in Capricorn, quite ruthless here, and may be a woman involved as well for the gain.

bumping SO QUESTION will not be overlooked.

Sorry to hear about your dad. It's always tough to lose a loved one, especially in such circumstances as this.

IF you have his time of birth and place of birth; it may help further to understanding the dynamics involved. But if not, that's okay too.

OK, I see you did say, he was "born and raised" in this town, so we know "where"
or approx. the location of birth.

Do we know the dob of the g./f?.....has anyone checked on it on the forum, and did she leave town since the murder occurred?

Mr. Neff had natally, Jupiter square to Pluto in his natal, so at some point in his life
He would no doubt be meeting up with some violence one way or another, as a natal promise
With this aspect. He also had the dubious Saturn conjunct Pluto within one degree.
These are malefics as far as vibrations are concerned.

He can also (with this aspect) be a person who can engender dangerous enemies, known people who think he is far too dogmatic. So, yes there could have been a revenge or anger element to this murder, although I think the “missed $750.00 in the pocket” simply wasn’t noticed in the hurry to rid themselves, after robbing the safe, of the body.
They simply didn’t even notice what was on his person very probably.,

His Jupiter is 18Scorpio, and this can be an impelling force for what is described….as having a very firm mindset on right and wrong which can come across to others as combative perhaps.

His North Node was at 0Gemini, the “Weeping Sisters” again, a 2nd notification of the promise of the natal chart of things to come.

He had a beautifully aspected Neptune, giving him an ability to overlook other’s shortcomings
Which is quite rare in this world…..a very loving and kind person for sure.
However, even with such nice and harmonious aspects to his Neptune, it’s still located 8 degrees Libra – a 3rd indicator of a natal promise (we look for 3 to confirm )
And this then puts his Neptune conjunct fixed star “ Vindiamiatrix” often called a “Widow maker” and seen on this forum as a very destructive star indeed, often causing an early demise and even murder for forensic Astrology.

These are vibrations he was born to, and we try through life to overcome many of them of course by growth and evolution however some simply cannot be totally overcome such as the natal promises given. They are far too impelling as a force of nature often.

As for transits on the day of the murder and abduction:

TR Saturn 14deg.55min.rx was stationed over his natal Moira (15.11min.)Virgo

TR Lachesis was over his natal Pluto conj. within one degree as well as conjunct his natal Saturn (both are very close)

Lachesis, like Moira are two Greek pointers to deaths in a chart with the 3rd being Atropos (see link) below.

Transiting South Node was tr over his natal Venus (never a good sign)....for love or being thwarted by love or a woman.

Juno the asteroid, transiting at exact orb conjuncts natal Pallas at 15Pisces.
a deceptive influence perhaps.

I say "perhaps" because these two asteroids have to do with Venus *ultimately* and making this exact conjunction over his natal itself connected exactly to the conjunction with "Achernar" or the star that means "The Southern end of the River" loosely called "The Mouth of the River" and it's vibration is rather neutral (meaning of Jupiter) can be good or evil.
It's connection with the River may be in floods, drownings, trade or travel over waterways.

I hope this helps a little bit., but i know nothing ever will. All we have in the end is Faith.
he was born at home on the same street he lived on when he died. so right next door was his parents old home place. he was born there on country club road, poteau oklahoma, leflore county. on july 31, 1947. i will call my aunt tomorrow to see if she recalls a time of birth. i do not think i have a birth certificate on dad. i will find out though. thank you so much
Unfortunately, it appears so, Knox, however, I do not have Azriel's DOB to confirm, so perhaps there is some hope...

Amongst the several death indicators for Shantina, her natal SUN 16 Taurus is partile conjunct the Arabic Part of MISFORTUNE in the 10:00 am 'Car Found' chart discussed above.

If anyone can uncover Azriel's birth data, please let me know.

Thank you,

I found mention of Azriel's birth date at this web address - Carver/?action=view&current=azObit.jpg.

DOB = November 28, 2001
I found mention of Azriel's birth date at this web address - Carver/?action=view&current=azObit.jpg.

DOB = November 28, 2001

You will note, Soulscape had requested his date of birth early in the case in hopes that it would aid in confirming if he was alive or passed on because the initial event chart had death markers. Sadly, he did drown and the body was located shortly thereafter.
Thank you for your interest.

See event chart:[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only[/ame]
With Leo Rising, 2nd degree and the Sun at the 1st degree conj. the ASC but in the 12th Hs. it appears she is no longer alive.

What happened then?

MC Aries 11 degrees,
suggests violence occurred. Pluto in the 29th Anaretic therefore, critical deg.of Sag in the 5th
House and square to Uranus suggests abduction and murder.
Moon in Aries (anger and violent) is quincunx to Mars .

The Sun (Ruler of the Chart) is in the 12th house near the ASC or death, suggesting that the “hidden” 12th house events that went on here, are part of the departure.
There seems to be a money angle too…..The 2nd house cusp ruler is the Sun (the missing or last seen event) in the 12th, yet Venus is in the 1st house (the woman or probably Charlotte herself) ….and Saturn in the 2nd restricts the money conjunct Mars in Virgo
(stinginess perhaps)…….or wanting the money and using force (Mars) to obtain
Mars is opposite Uranus (abduction) in the 9th house just following the 8th of the murder when the planets move later on.

Note the Yod (finger of God), combining the energies of Neptune (scam?) in Aquarius,
(stranger) with the apex of the Yod pointing to Mercury in the 12th and Pluto in the 5th
(sexual connotations in the 5th with an unmarried episode very likely)
(the 5th is also about sex without marriage) and the Black Moon is here, in Sagittarius
(overdone), Juno, the Vertex & Pluto ……

POF conj. the MC with the Moon conj. “Mizar”

From Constellation of Words (Anne Wright’s site) the stars were observed
Thusly and of course IS in a “Maximal position” at the MC 15th deg. Moon & POF:

Supposedly, Mizar portends a Mars nature. The reputation of Mizar, if it is in maximal position in a mundane map, is that of being connected with fires of a catastrophic extent and mass calamities. In personal charts Mizar is not helpful if conjunct with 'bad' planets. It is not wrong to assume that, besides these handicaps, artistic emanations can also be attributed to Mizar. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.55.]
Presages the death of a loved one. [Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.5.]

She probably died around 7AM when Uranus moved into the 8th house of Death
And the POF conjuncts the MC (outer world)….exact at 27degrees Aries conjunct Atropos at 2 degrees Taur.

You will note, Soulscape had requested his date of birth early in the case in hopes that it would aid in confirming if he was alive or passed on because the initial event chart had death markers. Sadly, he did drown and the body was located shortly thereafter.
Thank you for your interest.

See event chart:Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only

I'm sorry ... I was aware that the autopsy report showed accidental drowning. I've been watching for the DOB to appear with hopes that perhaps more could be told with his birth date information (ie. Was it truly accidental?).
I'm sorry ... I was aware that the autopsy report showed accidental drowning. I've been watching for the DOB to appear with hopes that perhaps more could be told with his birth date information (ie. Was it truly accidental?).

Yes, appears ACCIDENTAL in the charts.

Add'l chart indicated the same.
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only[/ame]
OK, so is your chart saying that she was with a man for money (as newspapers say was a prostitute) who murdered her.. or she was with the man, took the money, left the hotel and got murdered (for money) afterwards by a different man?

Does it give any idea of where her body is located?
Zaha: I did not read any newspaper accounts, and didn't see any. So are you saying that the newspapers DID say she was prostituting herself??

I simply said (if you read the briefing) that money seems to be involved here, (the 2nd house and Saturn is about restricting money, and Virgo isn't known for wide or big spenders)

That is what I said. So IF there is a newspaper article speaking of such as thing as prostitution, kindly give us the link so I can read it for myself. I really did think money was part of the chart's vibrations and point in time (6AM) and a dispute over it.
Didn't I also point to the possibility of some type of scamming? (as I recall, Aquarius in the 7th? and Neptune may show this)
and it doesn't mean she was the scammer either....Could be the other person, actually I would think so.

As for your other 2 questions.......

1) where the body is located
2)whether it was a different man?

These are Horary Questions....I would think.
Not for the 6AM chart.

I hadn't looked into this nor did I study any of the posted links, really inquire into the chart for this information.

However I did say that it appeared to me, that after 7AM she would have been murdered, as the planet Uranus moved into the 8th house of Death at that time and it squares Pluto. We do not have a time however, or a body in order to reveal that chart based on the time of the murder.

That much I can tell you.

IF there is any other times or witnesses, etc. we can then look into it further.


[ame=""]Claudette Osborne - 7/08 Winnipeg - Cold Case Investigations[/ame]

Zaha: I did not read any newspaper accounts, and didn't see any. So are you saying that the newspapers DID say she was prostituting herself??

I simply said (if you read the briefing) that money seems to be involved here, (the 2nd house and Saturn is about restricting money, and Virgo isn't known for wide or big spenders)

That is what I said. So IF there is a newspaper article speaking of such as thing as prostitution, kindly give us the link so I can read it for myself. I really did think money was part of the chart's vibrations and point in time (6AM) and a dispute over it.
Didn't I also point to the possibility of some type of scamming? (as I recall, Aquarius in the 7th? and Neptune may show this)
and it doesn't mean she was the scammer either....Could be the other person, actually I would think so.

As for your other 2 questions.......

1) where the body is located
2)whether it was a different man?

These are Horary Questions....I would think.
Not for the 6AM chart.

I hadn't looked into this nor did I study any of the posted links, really inquire into the chart for this information.

However I did say that it appeared to me, that after 7AM she would have been murdered, as the planet Uranus moved into the 8th house of Death at that time and it squares Pluto. We do not have a time however, or a body in order to reveal that chart based on the time of the murder.

That much I can tell you.

IF there is any other times or witnesses, etc. we can then look into it further.


Thanks for the links.....Incredibly sad to read!.........:(

But at least she did bless the world with 4 healthy loved children...Let's hope they
will fare okay without their mother.
Almost reminds me of the Bonnie Bakley story in some sad ways.


p.s. IF they ever find the body, please let us know, I'll be thinking of this case as the Fixed Star at the MC
mentioned she may have been burned...fires are a potential with that star.
Thank you so much for your help..
Here is another link. This one is naming SOME of the women who have gone missing or murdered in Winnipeg area... Claudette's name is located half way down the list... I think Winnipeg has a serial killer on their hands that goes after easy prey, that being addicted to drugs and/or prositiute and young...


Thanks for the links.....Incredibly sad to read!.........:(

But at least she did bless the world with 4 healthy loved children...Let's hope they
will fare okay without their mother.
Almost reminds me of the Bonnie Bakley story in some sad ways.


p.s. IF they ever find the body, please let us know, I'll be thinking of this case as the Fixed Star at the MC
mentioned she may have been burned...fires are a potential with that star.
Thank you so much for your help..
Here is another link. This one is naming SOME of the women who have gone missing or murdered in Winnipeg area... Claudette's name is located half way down the list... I think Winnipeg has a serial killer on their hands that goes after easy prey, that being addicted to drugs and/or prositiute and young...

Yes, it certainly does sound like it, and the chart may indeed support that is so.
She died or was abudcted and murdered AFTER 6AM, and more then likely after 7AM. So was she on her way to another "appointment?"....or did someone follow her after this one was over? We only looked at the 6AM chart.

Meanwhile, I took a look at Charlotte's natal chart in light of now understanding what her trade was and the addictions she had.

The natal reveals quite a bit for the Tertiary (minor) Progressions, so I'll just post that chart first, then the Sunrise natal afterwards.

Look at this amazing Stellium in the Teritary Progressed chart!
All pointing to Jupiter in a very critical place. Her planets had aligned for her to make it a "do or die" year of change.....obviously.

Now compare that one to her natal chart (Sunrise) w/out houses known:

Quite a difference because Jupiter progressed to the position of near Algol, and Alcoyne...the "Weeping Sisters" is 29Taurus and Algol is 27 Taurus.
Something "had to give" in her life.

It was just a matter of time.

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