Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 1

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Pluto Trine Mars a harmonious aspect, in the 3PM (her time) chart, (the corporal body), and also
the Puto Bi-Quintile (a creative aspect) to Mercury (the lower mind)
saved the day and her life.

Her own creative mind, that Uranus/Neptune did it and pulled through for her.

The Book is hot on the presses soon, with a whole new chapter she had not even
conceived of when she first started it!

The prayers were heard and it wasn't her time yet.

Congratulations Abby and god-speed. We'll be hearing about her for years to come I'm sure.

Crystal’s natal Sunrise chart shows us that her Saturn was critical at 9Libra (Vindiamiatrix) and conjunct her Jupiter 10Libra and both were rx when she was born. For those who suggest the Retrogrades are about a repeat lesson in life, we didn’t get in the last one, I note the rx for this purpose but not to suggest anything more.

Her Vesta which is also retrograde at birth, is at 8Virgo is also critical and happens to be opposed to fixed Star “Skat” and conjunct fixed star “ Thuban” in Draco, often seen in the murder charts.

Her natal Mars is considered critical too in the Fixed signs, and here at 25th degree Aquarius. Often with this degree in the fixed signs, there is too much drinking and therefore, a possibility (*unless one is a tea totaler), to overindulge and makes the
Senses less then they should be, not as sharp then, especially at 2AM all night out.

Since her Mars in this critical degree is also conjunct her natal Mercury (about 5 deg. away), it’s very possible this was the case at
2AM when she was in the bar last seen, potentially then, “inebriated” and therefore simply trusted the wrong people in her condition that wasn’t “up to par” for right choice.

The link said that she was to go someplace after the bar closed with the Bartender, they had a date to meet up just after closing, or 2AM or close to then, but she was last seen around that time with these two brothers and the bartender could not find her.

I’m pretty sure that she would have been one who drank too much and simply was taken advantage of then, in this condition according to this natal chart and it’s critical degrees.
Then, we see that she also had the South Node conjunct closely to her natal Sun itself, surely a malefic here, and of the past called by the Vedic Astrologers “The Dragon’s Tail”Because we drag into this life things from the past. (see retrogrades)

We are sorry to see her Venus square Pluto, as it’s always a tell tale sign of trouble connected to Venus and others taking advantage of you as well.
I’m pretty certain that is what happened to her.

Let’s look at the POI chart for that same night or the 2AM chart for "Last Seen" for Crystal Ann.


She was overpowered (Scorpio on the cusp of the 7th) by a known enemy, probably those she left with at 2AM when the bartender couldn’t locate her.

Atropos is conjunct Venus and both in the 1st house conjunct “Algol” the fixed star that often shows up on the murder charts. I’d see her as Venus in this chart found in the 1st house and Ruler of the Asc. Venus opposed the Part of Fortune found in the 7th of the others. The cusp of the 7th is also in the degree of murder near the 15th deg.of Scorpio.

Saturn in the 9th degree Gemni conjuncts fixed star "Aldebaren" 2nd house, is opposed to both Pluto (death ) and Mars (body) in the 8th house of Death and Sex.

Perhaps she thought she was going to a party after 2 or an After Hours place, but she was fooled by them (Neptune in the 10th trine to Saturn & Venus) into thinking she was safe.

Neptune (delusions, lies or drugs even alcohol induced) squares the Asc.

The 11th of Opportunity, is ruled by a double sign, Aquarius, hence, Uranus is the natural Ruler here and strong conjunct the evil Black Moon Lilith both in the 24th degree AQ, within 8 minutes of each other.

Event Chart: 2AM Last Seen

Mr.Turner has his natal Mercury conj. Algorab at 13Libra, so the mind, (mentality ) is somewhat at risk here as a weak spot for him and the strokes then make sense that it would have happened this way eventually ….,
Transiting Mercury on the day he went missing was at 3Gemini, conjunct his natal North Node at 3Gemini also critical in it’s connection to the Pleaides and exact orb triggering perhaps confusion if he drove himself somewhere, or got turned around, disoriented perhaps is what I’m thinking based on just the transits that day to his natal planets.

His Natal Neptune (again that weak spot for disorientation in his chart) confusion can ensue as the mind is weaker here or at least subject to such physical ailments) transiting Mars at 2Virgo was transiting that day when he disappeared over this area (over Neptune connected to Regulus) in the natal chart.

His natal Neptune conj. Regulus at 29degrees Leo is also conjunct Atropos at the same, 29 degrees Leo.

It appears that Transiting Neptune (28AQ) just across from his Natal Neptune “Triggered” the downfall that day that was his natal promise with Regulus connected to Neptune & Atropos.
The catalyst however, may be Mars as it made it’s way over his Neptune with the trigger across the heavens via Transiting Neptune in it’s opposite sign of Aquarius.

He may have fallen literally and hurt himself, or hurt by another is also possible, with the
Combination of planetary forces here. Neptune, Mars, Mercury & Ceres.

Since Transiting Mercury (3degrees Gemini) transited over his North Node (the spiritual purpose of the life), and therefore, the square to his natal Ceres was also triggered at
Ceres 8 degrees Pisces (conjunct “Skat), I’m afraid Mr. Turner is not only lost but gone, from the disorientation or worse.

I say this because besides the Neptune, Mars, Mercury triggers to his natal chart hitting
His own planets, but Transiting Ceres often seen in death charts is conjunct his natal Lachesis (cutting the ties) with this plane.

Let’s look at the time he disappeared and said, “I’m going to see a man about Peaches” to see if we can get more concrete clues as to what may have occurred.

Sea Nymph:

Are we sure it was a man he was going to see?

The ascendent in this chart or the object of our study,the missing man or
Mr Turner, so I’m assigning the Sun to Mr.Turner and it’s located int the
11th house of Opportunity conjunct the Moon
Both in Gemini ruled by Mercury.

Mercury in the 10th, is not in the hiding places, yet in the 4th degree conjuncts Hyades the fixed star that often brings trouble.
Mercury is also quincunx to Pluto in the 5th house
“Gambles, speculations games, entertainment and love affairs” all are ruled by this house.

In the house of “known enemies” the 7th; not hidden ones, but known to us, lies Neptune & the Black Moon at 28 degrees Aquarius along
with Chiron 0 deg.Pisces, marking a change.

Both Jupiter and Uranus conjunct at 0 Aries in the 8th house of Death obessions, and /or Sexual encounters which is also opposed to Saturn in the 2nd house of Values.

Was he disposed to visiting women friends, even in his older age and health or lack of health?

Venus in the 27th degree of Cancer in the 12th or “hidden house”
Ali Lowitzer

Despite being used up and drawn through a knothole, Ali is seeing red, Mercury square Mars.

That carefree Moon of activity in House 2 Libra is bent only on picking up her check at the Burger Barn but is just minutes from entering Via Combusta or the fiery star path where bad things happen. Late in June, Jupiter will reach the antiscion of rising Saturn in the disappearance chart.

Hi Tuba. I've heard a rumor regarding Ali...rumor only. Any chance you can elaborate on your last sentence? Do you see a resolution or answers forthcoming? Thank you for all that you have done for Ali.

Sea Nymph:

Are we sure it was a man he was going to see?

The ascendent in this chart or the object of our study,the missing man or
Mr Turner, so I’m assigning the Sun to Mr.Turner and it’s located int the
11th house of Opportunity conjunct the Moon
Both in Gemini ruled by Mercury.

Mercury in the 10th, is not in the hiding places, yet in the 4th degree conjuncts Hyades the fixed star that often brings trouble.
Mercury is also quincunx to Pluto in the 5th house
“Gambles, speculations games, entertainment and love affairs” all are ruled by this house.

In the house of “known enemies” the 7th; not hidden ones, but known to us, lies Neptune & the Black Moon at 28 degrees Aquarius along
with Chiron 0 deg.Pisces, marking a change.

Both Jupiter and Uranus conjunct at 0 Aries in the 8th house of Death obessions, and /or Sexual encounters which is also opposed to Saturn in the 2nd house of Values.

Was he disposed to visiting women friends, even in his older age and health or lack of health?

Venus in the 27th degree of Cancer in the 12th or “hidden house”

Leomoon, you are absolutely amazing.

First, Mr. Turner has been found, about 7:45 this evening, a good 30 mins after you posted your findings.

He was found, alive at this moment, having fallen in a ditch, on a dirt road, near the is very likely he was confused where he was going, and got turned around. At this moment, his truck has not been found so there is still some question as to how he got there. If we find the truck it is a good chance it is as simple as that and no one else intentionally harmed him. Right now they do suspect he has had another stroke. The weather the past three days has reached triple digits with the heat index. It is truly amazing he is still alive, and understandably, and reading your charts, I can see we may not be completely out of the woods at this moment.

As to your specific questions on this quote, I can only say, <<ahem>> yes.

Thank you beyond words. What you all do is truly amazing. I can't wait to show your findings to his daughter.
Sea Nymph:

Please tell his daughter, I'm very glad she has her father back safe and unharmed.

I'm thinking that if I were to change any part of my reading, and at the time I really did want to say, "Chiron - and NOT Ceres" is usually prevalant or transiting in the death charts.
He had Ceres not Chiron . Ceres is about nurture (he was looking for, not peaches, lol)
and Chiron is about the inner wound, hence the soul takes us home to heal us upon the death and often seen in the death charts.

It's not yet his time.

Bless you all,



3rd house of mind ruled by Air Aquarius, with Black Moon conj. Neptune (the new possible stroke) conj. Chiron (the inner wound) A short trip (not far from home) as the 3rd house is not a long distance away house.
The Found man is ruled by Jupiter, or the event in which he was found and Jupiter is
In the 4th or &#8220;home&#8221; sign&#8230;hence, we find him coming home albeit in a physically
Debilitated state (Uranus an unusual and totally unexpected event) here which put him into this very critical condition (29th Anaretic degree on the I/C cusp) opposed by Saturn at the MC (the found public condition)

The Finger of God or &#8220;Yod&#8221; as it&#8217;s termed can be see by the broken green lines pointing to the Black Moon conj. &#8220;Neptune&#8221; , to the Vertex (the event itself) and then to Saturn
(the critical condition) he is found in or being in the ditch for almost 3 days.

Mercury (the mind symbol here of Mr. Turner&#8217;s poor mental condition) in the 6th house of our Health
And caretaking, in this case, conjunct fixed star Aldebaren appropriately and square to Mars (the body corporal) Neptune (the undermining mental state) and Chiron (the inner wound)&#8230;and Mercury opposes the Ascendent. the vitality.

I hope Mr. Turner does well in his rehab and will pray for both him and his daughter.
I know I lost my mom rather early in 1998, and I still miss her every day of my life.

Hopefully they will have the time for more fond memories built together yet.
This was posted by one of his daughters around 3 AM:

"Daddy is doing great! When we left MICU about an hour ago and he was alert, talking, laughing, and so thankful as he listened to my son, my brother and I tell what went on. I asked him, "Daddy, what did you do all of that time?" He said, "well I prayed of course!" Thanks again!!!"
Thank you again, Leomoon for your insight.

I believe blessings come in all disguises; I myself having gone through a terrible experience as a crime victim that revealed many blessings in the long run.

Without revealing too much, this family has been troubled in recent years by distance of the hearts and I really believe this experience may bridge that gap and show them all how fragile life and our time here together is. I see not only physical healing in his future but spiritual healing for many, many people who only have one thing in common - they love him.
That last sentence was meant to hold out hope for closure in late June, yes.


Ala. prof charged in brother's 1986 shooting death

Amy Bishop, the biology professor charged with killing three of her colleagues at an Alabama university, has been indicted on a first-degree murder charge in the 1986 shooting death of her brother in Massachusetts, prosecutors announced Wednesday.

Prosecutors who originally concluded that Bishop accidentally killed her 18-year-old brother, Seth, now say police failed to share important evidence, including an alleged carjacking attempt by Amy Bishop after the shooting. They reopened the case after Bishop was charged in February with gunning down six of her colleagues at the University of Alabama-Huntsville, killing three.

We have opened a Thread for the NANCY MOYER case

[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - NANCY MOYER missing 3/6-7/09 Tenino, WA - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Edited to add:

Personally, I wouldn't go by anything a self-described "Empath" has to say, but , "hey" that's just me talking! :waitasec:

And PLEASE don't waste your money on online sites promising you something for your money again. ......:furious: and then they never deliver the goods.

As for the 2 who were with Beth?
We need to be sure, before running charts as to date and place of birth (helpful too)

And YES, IF you have a link for that LAST BOAT RIDE, I'd be more then happy to run a chart for the time of that boat ride if indeed she (wrote or reported somewhere) and said she did go on one, on May 22nd.....that's "breaking news" stuff as long as it's valid from Beth herself.

If you don't have a link, but some other source, you can always PM me anytime.

Thanks Leomoon!!!! Totally appreciate it. I don't have a time for the boat trip. I asked if they could possibly check her credit card receipts because there's always a time listed on those. If I get one you will be the first to know! :dance:

We have opened a Thread for the BETH BENTLEY case

[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - BETH BENTLEY last heard from 5/23/2010 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]


***Posts will be moved over to the DEDICATED Thread

BREAKING NEWS: Ex Husband of Venus ARRESTED for her murder. There is also a co-conspirator:Authorities said Spencer pretended to be Doug so he would appear to have an alibi .

News link w/ Video:

As it turns out, he did use a' hireling' as seen in TUBA's chart and analysis.

***********************************************​ Cases/VenusStewartMissingMIMother001.jpg

On April 14, there was a New Moon opposite the Part of Fortune involved in this abduction. The motivation was stirred then, the plan formulated then.

The rural property of Ms. Stewart's parents was an unlikely site for this abduction at 7:32 a.m. EDST. More so, was it odd to seize someone at the private mailbox there. A court ordered situation, for e.g., the child custody, was about to change due to Capricorn switching to Aquarius at the cusp of authority, the midheaven. Divorce or Uranus was taking over from Saturn of responsibility in the House of children. Who physically performed this kidnapping? The extranged husband claims he can prove he was at home hundreds of miles away in Virginia. Did he use a hireling?
I'd like our highly regarded astrologers to take a look at this case. His family isn't getting much help from LE in this missing person case.

Zachary Pittman had a disagreement with his sister on June 24th, 2009, left the house about 11:20 pm in Hickory, Louisiana (near Pearl River, LA), and hasn't been seen since. His family is desperate to find him. They'd like to know if we can see anything from the charts that could give insight. He left the home on foot, with no car, no driver's license, no money. They live in a rural area, about 45 miles northwest of New Orleans, surrounded by swamps, thick brush, etc.

Zachary was born November 29, 1983 at 1:07 PM in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Thanks so much.

Last Seen Chart


Natal Chart

Just starting to look at this last night, so I'll post what I found so far....and add to it later. picutre of the SWAMP&#8230;&#8230;near where he disappeared.

I see that two stars stand out in his natal adding towards his Natal Promise&#8230;for good or woe. If we count Chiron, then 3 points to his fate. Curiously enough, Chiron conjuncts the Weeping Sisters and his 3rd house cusp, the house of his siblings.

Saturn is conjunct Crux at 11Scorpio and Uranus conjuncts &#8220;Antares&#8221; the red star known for strife and attraction of violence into the life. Antares or Anti-Ares is also referred to at 9Sag.

Chiron is another, at 29°59min, into Taurus, conj. the Weeping Sisters.

Natal Venus in the 22nd degree and Atropos conjuncts his natal Pluto in the same degree.

The Vertex (seen as a fated event or person), had Registered for him when he disappeared at age 27. Transiting Uranus was the trigger which opposes this place in exact orb.

Vertex at 26Virgo (not on your chart) in the 7th and conjunct the D/C cusp, has it&#8217;s fate connected to that critical Saturn (with it&#8217;s semi-square to Saturn) and it&#8217;s square to Neptune and square to Mercury.
And his Mercury conjunct Neptune sits conjunct the MC&#8230;.hence, he is one who will harbor illusions, or be deceived himself, as Neptune skews his perspectives and creates illusions for him about people (7th house issues)&#8230;..when the Vertex registers. Ruler of his 7th IS Mercury at the MC

Saturn conj. Crux (Acrux) sits in his 8th of other&#8217;s assets and death.
Not a good place for Saturn to be , as it&#8217;s the greater malefic and in a house that can be quite problematic for us.

Since Jupiter , Neptune and Chiron are all Rx in Aquarius and were transiting over his 12th house when he disappeared, he may have had some type of psychosis or mental debilitating episode, during this time as the 12th is seen as undermining him and these 3 planets over the 12th speak of subconscious angst probably ongoing back and the rx may show us.
Seemingly disappearing and improving, then backsliding.

Was there drugs involved?

Certainly seems to have been a lot of depression (posted Event chart with
12th house Planets in Aquarius) Neptune Chiron & Jupiter with the North Node present and the South Node in the opposite or 6th house of health issues conjunct the Moon in Leo.

He seeems to not have been able to help what he did by separating himself from the family as he was in deep trouble here, with psychological issues and inner pain.

Part of Fortune in Aries conjuncts Uranus conjunct &#8220;Scheat&#8221; (separation of the self) in the 1st house

I do think that Zachary is gone by his own hand.

That is just my first impression, but let's move on to other readings and factors and weigh the results.

The Event chart has Regulus at the cusp of the 7th of marriage or commited relationships.

I see Regulus as a downfall of someone after a rise up for a short period of time.
A rapid decline..without warning.

Saturn in the 7th of the event chart is in Virgo&#8230;.I wonder if he was given an ultimatum by the girfriend and simply didn&#8217;t think he could cut it any longer or meet the expectations that were expected of him?

The Event chart has Aquarius Rising, 29th degree, the end of the sign&#8230;.and the MODERN Ruler Uranus in the 1st conj. the POF which I believe is telling us he left of his own volition.

The 4th from Zachary, if Uranus is Zachary is then Gemini with lord Mercury in the 4th of the end of the the 14th degree. Mercury ruling Gemini, is strong, but his mind was pretty much made up, and it worked against him in the end.

I'll try to check his Solar Return from the prior year. I already saw the one for 2009, which suggests he no longer is here.

For the Solar 2008-2009, or his Last Solar Return Birthday in November of 2008 which runs until 2009 Nov., and prior to his missing in June of 09:

Ruler of the Asc in this S/R is Mars found in the 8th House
and in trouble.
Shows us a very active 8th house with Mercury conjunct Mars and Antares.
This stellium in a succeedent house, so not to happen in the beginnning of the Solar Return but more towards the middle, which indeed he did go missing in June of 09.

The end result of this year, is shown by the Cadent house 9th, with Pluto in the 0 degree Capricorn conj. the Black Moon.

The Ascendent and the asteroids Atropos and Moira seem to be setting the &#8220;tone&#8221; for this
Solar Return. With the Part of Fortune in the 1st house of the personality itself.

The S/R 8th house is the most obvious this year, but Saturn a singleton in the 6th of health shows
hardships in the daily everyday life just the daily grind shown by the 6th house. Saturn then,
opposes a separating force or Uranus in the 12th of the subconscious undermining him and his mental health.

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