Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 1

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This is a cold case recently brought to my attention. See thread at [ame=""]NE NE - Ann Kelley, 36, Beatrice, April 2008 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

This poor woman has one of the most afflicted natal charts I've ever seen, with multiple testimonies of difficulties/abuse/brutality from men/father/husband.

Marrired, and a mother of four, Ann Marie Kelley disappeared into nowhere on April 15, 2008.


The Last Seen chart is unfortunate with ASCENDANT 28 Taurus locked in a choke hold between ALGOL, the most malefic Fixed Star in the Heavens, and ALCYONE, the Weeping Sisters, always giving something to cry about. There are blatant testimonies of an attack by a 7th House Person (partner/husband/open enemy).

Lord 1 VENUS
11 Aries (Ann Marie) is posited conjunct the 12th House of Misfortune cusp and disposits to, and is afflicted by, a very unhappy MARS in Fall (17 Cancer), who just so happens to be co-lord House 7 the Partner/Husband/Open Enemy. Ann Marie's Tertiary Progressed SOUTH NODE shares this exact placement --- 17 Cancer --- another extremely unfortunate testimony.

The Last Seen Part of MURDER 27 Virgo is smack on Ann Marie's Secondary Progressed ASCENDANT (sunrise) and the Last Seen Part of DEATH 21 Virgo is within 2 minutes of Arc parallel (acts as conjunction) to VENUS, Lord 1 and significator of Ann Marie.

The MOON, which shows the activity, is posited in the 4th House of Endings (a.k.a. 'The Grave') besieged (trapped) between malefics (MARS and the malefic SOUTH NODE on one side and SATURN, classic significator of Death on the other).

MOON applies semisquare MARS (co-lord 7 the partner/husband/open enemy) and trine PLUTO (a death marker, as well as the other co-lord of House 7). As you can see, PLUTO is posited in the 8th House of Death.

Lord 4 End of the Matter SUN at 25 Aries (violence) partile conjunct MERCURY Lord 2 the Near Future with HADES, another death marker, just within.

The Part of MARRIAGE 15 Capricorn opposes MARS co-lord 7 the Perp, squares VENUS Lord 1 (Ann Marie) and sesquiquares both MOON and ASCENDANT.

English translation: the chart seems to be pointing directly to the husband (William Kelley), currently incarcerated in Tecumseh, NE:


William Kelley, 38, is currently in prison in Tecumseh serving 16 years for child abuse and a weapons conviction. He was originally arrested for having sex with a minor after giving her drugs and alcohol.


If anyone can advise us of his date of birth, we may be able to astrologically 'pin the tail on the donkey'...........

Notice too, that although H.E. has a nice Trine from Neptune to Saturn and a harmonious Trine from Neptune to Venus and even a Sextile to his Uranus,
his Neptune itself, is severly afflicted by a critical degree in Scorpio, the degree known for a "Definite Loss"

This is a relative term, but all too often, it's VERY literal as well.

Thank you Leomoon!!

There are two others who were arrested with Herman Evans in connection with Sunday's murder. Ruby Canoly-Evans, Sunday's MIL and a friend of Herman's. I am not so interested in the friend as he was charged with helping to dispose of her body after the fact. But I would like to see Ruby's chart. When time allows can you please look at her?

Ruby A Conoly
(Age 45)

Birth Date: 02/13/1965
Born in Florida, not sure of the city.
Thank you Leomoon!!

There are two others who were arrested with Herman Evans in connection with Sunday's murder. Ruby Canoly-Evans, Sunday's MIL and a friend of Herman's. I am not so interested in the friend as he was charged with helping to dispose of her body after the fact. But I would like to see Ruby's chart. When time allows can you please look at her?

Ruby A Conoly
(Age 45)

Birth Date: 02/13/1965
Born in Florida, not sure of the city.

Oh I didn't make that connection that it was her mother in law, how terrible is this?
I thought I read she was living with the mother in law who helped her take care of her little girl until she could get her life back together, off of drugs and onto a job to take care of her child?

I'll try to see if I can find some location to use in Florida tomorrow for Ruby.
I believe I also read that Sunday was getting ready to move back to Florida with her child for a new job?

Had talked to her sister and was getting ready to move to that state?
At least Nancy Grace continues to work the Venus Stewart case but what about the perpetrator of Phuong Le's murder, what about Jno Dorey, Cherice Ragins, Ilya Lastovkin, Adji Desir, Ester Westenbarger, Kristi Cornwell, Lindsey Baum, Nancy Moyer or Kara Kopetsky, Kellisue Ackernecht, Jennifer Kesse, Brittanee Drexel, Christina Whittaker, the killers of Thomas Hunter, Morgan Harrington and Mackenzie Cowell, the recovery of the whole McStay Family? And then there is a certain redhead from upstate New York, Bethanie L. Dougherty. Updates appreciated on any case here.
For Ruby C in the Sunday Blombergh murder case: ( she was Sunday's mother in law)

using Talahassee Fla.and a Sunrise Chart.

Snipped from the news link;
Blombergh's step father-in-law, Herman Evans, and her mother in law, Ruby Evans, made their first appearances in court this afternoon on murder charges. The GBI says the Evans' killed their daughter in law to prevent her from moving away with their seven year old granddaughter.

"It is our expectation that the evidence will show later in the case that Sunday and the child lived with Ruby and basically Ruby wanted the child, just plain and simple," said Tift County Sheriff Gary Vowell.

This Sunrise chart is showing you how she needs to deal with the Law (Jupiter) who will exact a price (Saturn) opposed to Jupiter
and Saturn is conjunct her own natal Mars . (incarcerated!)

Her natal is that of a "cold fish", All that Air and Air ruled Virgo, an earth sign.
Any empathy she has would be for herself, with this chart. Sorry to say. Rather selfish human being, imo.

Here is the latest in this case:

OK, this one tugged at my heartstrings, but the charts really don't speak to me very much, so I'm hoping others will respond to them too.

Jupiter conj. Uranus in the 5th house of children, is her son taking flight,
And the 4th house is the place that he abscounded from.

The Black Moon Lilith, Neptune (disappearing act ) and Chiron (pain)
Tells the tale that he wasn’t liking at all the enviornment (opposed to Mars)

Look at so many late degree planets here, including the Vertex.

11th house Saturn quincunx to Neptune in the 4th, the runaway runs to an older person
in the house of friendships. But Sun conjuncts Algol in the 7th house of known relationships and it’s not in a good position with this fixed star…for harmony in any way.
Sun squares Mars and squares Neptune, so he is angry (Mars) and wanting to hide (Neptune) not thinking straight.
The Moon in the 9th, is quincunx to Ceres and Pluto, and may suggest that emotions run high to control this boy, yet he isn’t one to be told what to do or listen to anyone or wishing to be nurtured by anyone in any way.
Moon is trine to Uranus and Jupiter, in the child’s house 5th indicating Tyler is not in the mood to bond with anyone as Neptune rules the 5th found in the 3rd and is not communicating (BML in the 3rd) and square to the Sun , just plain angry
(opposition to Mars at the MC)

IF you do find him this weekend, I’d suggest you not be too hard on him because he is already a very angry young person, who feels that he needs to control his own destiny and is very antagonistic towards others who try to control him.

With his natal Moon conjunct Pluto in Scorpio the definite loss degree for the Moon,
He is in need of psychological counseling more then most, yet will hold a lot of revenge and anger towards those who try to help him now.

He probably feels the mother (*Moon square Saturn) tries to control him and he is adament about not letting her do so.
He probably feels the father (*Sun quincunx Moon, square Mars Uranus and Neptune)
Is either not there for him, or is a mean person himself, one who skirts the law and therefore, this boy feels he can do likewise.

According to his natal chart, it appears he is rebelling against the father figure or lack of one.
With Jupiter in the 12th house opposed to Venus he may have some luck on his side at least a guardian angel watching over him as Jupiter in the 12th tends towards escaping harm ultimately.
With his freedoms for awhile some luck…possibly hoping he can stay hidden until he is 18 and then free of the family restraints on him. However, with Saturn approaching his 12th house cusp sooner then later, it may mean he will return to a halfway house or be institutionalized in the not too distant future.

This is not your average 17 yr. old, he is tough, street smart, resilient and angry.
Uranus conj. Neptune in the 3rd suggests he skirts authority and I wouldn’t be surprised if
He took drugs and that is what landed him in the group house to begin with.

He has a very keen observant mind however, and will do what he needs to do to get by
In life, and definitely isn’t a throw away.
He is smart, intelligent but very lost in his own anger.

If found, he would respond best to praise in the future, rather then the harsher hand of discipline.He doesn't like to be talked down to. Of course he needs self-discipline, but first he needs to calm down
And see that he is a worthwhile human being and feel like it too.
As an Aries, he needs lots of praise to feel good about himself, he wants to be seen and heard, and gets angry being second place or 3rd. (that won’t do) and he’ll rebel.

With proper counseling I think he could make a turn around, but
Not without a lot of emotional work both from himself and with a good counselor who is use to working with wayward teens. Again, he’s very angry feels abused by the world, and holds these feelings in , and it looks like its with the father mainly, or lack of one.
He wants to be both noticed and appreciated but feels he is neither.
So, he’s angry at the world.

I pray the mother finds her son soon,
but do feel he will be okay, if not and find some accomodating shelter for himself with acquaintences he has made in the past.
He may even call his mother, as the aspects to the Moon aren’t really bad natally, they are quite harmonious with mother, other then the degree of his moon itself, he seems to get along okay with mom and understands she is there for him.
He just rebels against what he sees as a heavy handed approach.

Wanted to let you know that Tyler has been found safe! Thank you again for taking the time to do his chart. You were spot on with basically everything. I don't even have to tell you what happened. One only needs to read your post, LOL.

He did seek shelter with an older female and her mother. He also made "the phone call" to his mother, which is how she was able to get him home safely.

Now it is just a matter of getting him the type of counseling and help that he needs. I pray that all will work out well for Tyler. He is loved by many.

You guys are all awesome with the work and time you put into helping people and may God Bless you all.

So GOOD to hear Tyler has been found safe and with family. Thank you for getting back to us.

LeoMoon's suggestions as to his sensitivities & how to approach his needs will be beneficial in helping him get past his anger and in to a more healthy & productive mind space.

Spica, that lucky fixed star is not only conjunct to Venus, but conjunct her MC
(the place that metaphysically, we believe the Soul enters into this plane)
So how can we possibly see this for this child as “lucky?
That’s the dilemma here.:waitasec:

We now know with the exact time of her birth, that Saturn that planet of woe and karma, as well as restrictions, is now seen in her 4th house of home life, the early foundation house., and the “houses” are simply reflective of mind itself.

Since this chart is both the Transit of the mother when Melissa came to her (the conception) as well as the natal of the child at birth, I’d see Saturn in the 4th then
As both reflecting then, the biological mother’s predictament, (Moon inconjunct to Saturn) and
Moon (mother) opposing Chiron (the inner wound) and an incredible loss to mother, (something shocked her) either at the time near Melissa's conception there was another loss to the mother herself, as Pluto appears in the 9th house of the Conception with the Ruler of the 9th as Virgo., and appears to me to impact this house severely as a transforming event.

What happened to the mom near the time when this conception occurred?
That’s the bonus question! Something happened, some event perhaps long ago hidden that surrounded this chart, as Pluto in the 9th can also suggest a mystery.
But why in the house of her conception?

This was an immensely busy time for mother during the conception period, up until she found out she was pregnant and had it confirmed, a very happy time I think for mother, because that puts the lucky Spica imprinted on the MC (where the soul of Melissa enters) following that vibration. So, this (the general psychological atmosphere ) of the mother gave her the ability to attract a soul that wanted a luckier life (this time around), perhaps, and so, Spica graces her with Venus at the MC.

This conception and birth chart appears to be then, one that shows a happy mom, however, there is trouble at home or something going amiss for mom, as Venus is also opposed to Saturn in the 4th house.
Saturn restricts movement, restricts in other ways….so was the mom herself, being restricted by something or other,(husband/father?) that then created a hardship even though she herself was happy to be pregnant with Melissa. Venus near the MC shows she was helped by a woman however.

Regardless, this is an intensely heavy karmic burden that Melissa has taken on in this lifeitme, surrounding the home itself, Saturn in the house that speaks of Mother (the 4th)
The beginning or foundation is laden with the brunt of Saturn’s restrictive force.

Her (Melissa’s) Chiron was “triggered” at almost 3 years old, meaning the inner wound somehow relating to both the biological mother became triggered by the age of 3 for Melissa.

The planet , Chiron (a dwarf planet), that is immensely important and seen in Astrology as the “Inner wound” we all have somewhere, for Melissa is in the house of Siblings, (the 3rd hs.) and also opposes the Moon (mother), opposes Pluto (the 9th house
Of conception) and therefore, the abduction itself the removal (cutting off) Pluto rules this as well….cuts off to transform the life when Pluto is involved.

The natal Chiron placement also opposes Uranus (the unexpected chance occurrence, and abduction) placed in the 9th…….so the “stage was set” so to speak at the conception of Melissa….the psychological counterparts for this “stage” can be found then in time.

The planet Pluto in the 9th is also conjunct to the South Node, considered a malefic in Vedic Astrology, and often points then to the past.

I know this is simply gobbleygook astrological terms thus far, but I don’t think
Melissa has passed or died, I do think as I said in the original reading (before we had the time of birth), that she lives and is lucky in some ways in life financially or without the burdens that many have because of Spica and Venus in her chart.
Perhaps, by some miracle (and it would take a miracle, I’m afraid) she will be prompted at sometime in her life to be suspicious of the birth itself and the mother who raised her.

But this is only “my hope” I’m expressing interspersed with symbols, nothing more.

Let me check some other charts and hopefully others will chime in IF they are so inclined to do so, for their opinions as to what the fate of Melissa might look like.
I don’t like to give false hope, however I see no reason to believe she left this earth
At an earlier age.

By the way, the house of the siblings in a person’s natal, that rules our siblings is the 3rd house and in this chart, ruled by Neptune (found in the 11th conjunct the Part of Fortune)
You can see the green symbol for Jupiter sitting atop this natal position of Neptune when
The little girl was stolen from her mother by the faux babysitter that day.,
As Jupiter provided a “lucky break” for the abductor. The “luck” however, was done
By obstructing the truth, lying and deception because Neptune shows us in the 11th, (that ruler of the 3rd) that this is how the wool was pulled over the mother’s eyes by a
Thief who wanted a child herself.

Neptune makes all positive aspects to her planets for the most part, so I see her as a person who lives blissfully as another, not aware or cognizant of what happened to her biological mother of course, just an overall happy person.

She does have some inner agression and ambition going on however, (Mars conjuncts Altair the Eagle) like Sarah Palin has for her Mercury this same star and expression….and is in a sense a bit like this perhaps, one who is ambitious, going after what she wants letting no one stop her, but Mars is also connected to Ceres (the nurturer)…which Trines the Moon and Uranus.
A well adjusted woman I think in spite of the background of tragic proportions to which she has no clue .

If the family is actively looking for her, there is always DNA and the police who perhaps with this new science would be willing to look into this old cold case now?

I see that at age 50 for her (she’s 40 now),
her Vertex will be triggered, and then at that age, the semi-square to the Moon and the square to the Sun may create an opportunity for
An event or person to change her life once again.

Let's look at a couple of Solar Returns (Birthday anniversary Charts) since we know her time of birth now:

Birthday! Going into her 3rd year
Here is the Solar Return for the next birthday (after the kidnapping) showing us that
Melissa has a new enviornment, a new home (Mars in the 0 degree Pisces quincunx to
Pluto) by a “forced” and manipulated “arrangement” with Pluto in this position with Mars.
She may be a bit traumatized by the new (mother) Moon in the 12th house and “hidden” in this house along with Ceres House 1 becoming important this year (square Sun) however, her Sun is now in the 4th house
Of home life, albeit in Scorpio and square to Ceres. (forced to call her mother)

The 5th house is about entertainment and fun, and it looks that like any 3 year old, there would be plenty for her , probably lots of new playmates, perhap even an extended family situation? (5th house stellium, with Mercury 1Sag,conj. to Neptune / Venus/ POF & Jupiter) all rather benign planetary arrangement here.

However Saturn (big brother in the form of the Law) is in the 11th and opposing all these
Playful planets in the 5th so, it’s time to “lay low” too.

Saturn is Rx and conjunct to Pallas at 0 Gemini, (the Weeping Sisters), so there is no doubt that something akin to the end of our Hopes, our Dreams, our Wishes for this little tyke, yet I think she is unaware of this consciously, but subconsciously, the chart reflects this.

3rd house of “Communications” is reflecting a change, and perhaps even identity changes such as the careful attention to detail this year (Virgo on the cusp) and the controlling and manipuating forces at work in this Identity change (papers perhaps, false I.D. perhaps change of hair color and /or looks being carefully attended to (virgo carefulness)

with Juno 29th (Anaretic) Pluto 1 deg. Critical , Uranus (the abductor) and the Black Moon all in a “row” very neatly tucked in here.

Look at Juno and Pluto with the broken green line to Mars 0 deg.Pisces, - showing this being done…carefully, and methodically so.
Busy, busy….. go back to the Missing Child report and see that this woman has the signature of a Virgo (neat, careful, crisp white gloves, etc.)but controlling & manipulative (Scorpio signature) too, a combination here of these traits.

7th House cusp is ruled by Aquarius this year. With the NN 9 degrees AQ, I think there is a very strong likelihood the woman who kidnapped her is Hispanic or another culture (very strongly felt) as Aquarius rules different culture (foreigners) Uranus the planet.
This new home has a signature of a new type of culture.


Perhaps by posting these charts others might engage with you
to help solve this perplexing sad case for the return of Melissa someday.

Time flies. Melissa is now 40 years of age and no doubt a mother and wife herself. But she'll always be frozen in time for her biological family, as their little girl and sister.

Age 4-5 Her Solar Birthday 4th birthday:

May have been a “pivotal” year….perhaps a family member died or something important may have happened this year, because there is a Yod present and it is comprised of Neptune (cusp of the 12th) thus, strong here, as the 12th is ruled naturally by this planet, Jupiter in the 2nd in “quirky” Aquarius and then the Apex of the Yod points to woe in the area of close family members or committed relationships.

Someone may have passed this year or perhaps if there was a family here, then one left as the 4th house of home life is in peril and upset (as far as the child would be concerned), Chiron near the cusp (the wound again)
POF conj. “Hamal” square Jupiter and semi-sq. the Moon
Critical Asc near the Anaretic degree this year and conjunct Ceres (her perception of nurture) being somewhat compromised.

Thank you so much, Leomoon80! I really appreciate this! Thanks!
Bones found in East Bay are remains of Ryann Bunnell Crow

The Monterey County Herald
Posted: 06/08/2010 04:00:36 PM PDT
Updated: 06/08/2010 07:57:51 PM PDT

Her husband, Jesse Crow, was arrested Feb. 16 and is charged with killing her. He remains in County Jail.
Earlier,prosecutors had filed a murder charge though the woman had not been found.

Hayward police found the remains after a man reported finding a bone on May 26 while looking for marine wildlife in the rocky shoreline area south of the San Mateo Bridge.
VIDEO- News Conference

NOTE: (remains were located approx 75 'street' miles NNW of Prunedale/Salinas where Ryann lived)

Husband has a Preliminary Hearing July 1st, 2010

PRAYERS go out to RYANN's family.
We have opened a thread dedicated to the KYRON HORMAN case.

[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappearance 6/4/10 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

NOTE: Posts regarding Little Kyron will be moved over there.
We've opened a thread referencing JORAN Van der SLOOT.

[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - JORAN Van der SLOOT - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

**too many posts congesting this CASE BRIEFINGS thread.
They'll all be moved over there.
Please realize these charts may be "tweaked" for both time, and geography, but this is what I get so far:

There is 11 hours difference between where the parents are in PDT Calif.
and where Abby is in the Indian Ocean.
I get this location from Google Earth: (approx. location)
It "may" get tweaked however for now and expediency as I know the poster is anxious to know something:

last Satelllite CONTACT WITH PARENTS (Their time was 4AM PDT) Her time 3PM same day.

Rising Sign in this chart is 9 Scorpio, Ruler being Pluto and Mars, with Mars conj. “Regulus” 11th house cusp of “Hopes, ,Dreams & Wishes”
Denoting a rapid fall from a higher place in life.

From the parent’s perspective or chart in Calif. The Fall connected to Regulus is in the daughter’s house or the 5th hs. Here it is in the 11th or the House of Dreams & Wishes. Pluto ruler of this chart is also in the 3rd house of the Communicant. The I/C is very critical at the last degree of the sign Capricorn. The concern is clearly shown by the location and aspects that Chiron makes here also in the 29th degree but in Sagittarius, the sign of the adventurous risk taker.

There is a large stellium of planets in the 5th House of the Gamble she took, and every single one of them is very critical! From the Black Moon, to Neptune (the illusions she was under of making a successful trip) to Chiron , Uranus & Jupiter all 3 in the 0 degree
And all indicating a crisis point and a change.
The change perhaps the 60 foot swells she told her parents about before they lost
Contact with the satellite.
Part of Fortune is now misfortune in the 12th house.
While Saturn is on the cusp of the 12th and opposing the 6th house cusp of caretaking.
The Vertex in this chart, or an event is not like the LA Pacific Daylight Time chart but instead is in a critical degree of Aries.

Semi-Square to Chiron and Mercury. Abby is living the nightmare her parents perhaps
aren’t quite understanding yet at their local timed chart

This natal chart is the Sunrise chart because we do not know her true time of her birth:


Interesting to see from an astrological objective viewpoint, that her natal Uranus conj. Neptune (taking chances on impulse connected to delusions of what might be) are only a few minutes apart when she was born. These two great planets are extremely close and only less then 2 degrees apart! That is very noteworthy, imo. And suggests she would have pursued the extremes in life regardless of how the life turned out and the home life.
She was or is, an extremist.

According to the Vedic Astrologer James Braha, this conjunction only occurs about once every 170 yrs. During the last Neptune-Uranus conjunction some rather noteworthy people came into existence, including, Mary Baker Eddy (Founder of Christian Science)
Clara Barton (originator of the Red Cross) Karl Marx, and Walt Whitman,.

It’s a rather extraordinary combination but isn’t an easy one personality wise,
Headstrong is a good adjective to use I think. Independent another, and original a 3rd
All traits of such a Uranus position. However, her Uranus does square her Sun
And squares Jupiter making her more extreme then if it did not with gradiose plans for herself in life. Probably aided by Dad (Sun archetype) square Uranus.

A ton of wishful thinking goes on with someone with this squares between these two bodies, and a real need for discipline and curbing the infatuations that Jupiter (largesse) may bring in her life.

Transiting Mars conjuncts her natal Chiron, bringing down (a rapid fall) as Regulus promises in the natal at some point,to those two planets again, Neptune & Uranus with it’s harsher aspects to Chiron.

These same two planets only just over 2 degrees apart, then makes Semi-Squares to
North Node in Sagittarius . She has a book ready to go, wanting the fame and fortune of this great adventure, yet those two planets Uranus and Neptune did not support this trait in her. This is another example of the far reaching effects of such a combination which isn't supported by a Saturn with supportive aspects for self-discipline. In Abby's case, there is Saturn square Mercury, Saturn square to
(2 malefics in hard aspect to each other) and Saturn square to Pluto.

Perhaps if she makes it through by some absolute miracle, she will try to calm herself and the rather unrealistic dreaming in the future, with such a difficult chart it won't be easy for her.

Transiting Jupiter and Uranus which are currently entered into Aries the 0 degree (very critical), brings down those illusions with a thud (Regulus) a great fall.

We are all praying for Abby and her family.

the teenager was spotted half way between Australia and Africa and the plane crew spoke with her by radio.
"Abby's in an okay condition; the yacht's damaged but its seaworthy," Woodward told The Associated Press. "She's aware that there are other boats on the way to her location."
Bennett said Sunderland told searchers she was inside the boat and doing fine with a space heater and at least two weeks worth of food.
Sunderland's parents, Laurence and Marianne, wrote on her blog: "We have just heard from the Australian Search and Rescue. The plane arrived on the scene moments ago. Wild Eyes is upright but her rigging is down. The weather conditions are abating. Radio communication was made and Abby reports that she is fine!

"We don't know much else right now. The French fishing vessel that was diverted to her location will be there in a little over 24 hours. Where they will take her or how long it will take we don't know."

(Abby had last communicated with her family at 4 a.m. local time (7 a.m. EDT, 1100 GMT) Thursday and reported 30-foot swells but was not in distress, Pinkston said. One hour later, the emergency beacon signals were recorded)
Yay Abby!!

Thanks, Leomoon!
Thanks, FifthEssence!

That's a pretty interesting chart there...I knew it would be;)
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