Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 1

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See also, the nature of the event is the Leo Sun in House 6 for a stellar performance by law enforcement (H.6) with subterfuge all round~opposite Neptune exact, in House 12.

The recent activity by this pair, suspects in a grisly double murder, is depicted by Pluto ruling House 8, the planet Moon in Capricorn last passed. Their "luck" has run out with Part of Fortune becoming Misfortune in House 8 and in Scorpio.
Please understand, this is only one person's opinion, one Astrologer's opinion as to what may have happened to Nathan.

I do not believe he is alive any longer since last year, a year or more now....ago. I would also be surprised if his family does not dream of him, as I am a strong believer that life goes on, and we need only watch our dreams carefully to be and find the solace (if that's possible), and contact with our loved ones who cross over.

But again, imo only.

Transiting Neptune conjunct his North Node a karmic indicator. Both Transiting Jupiter Chiron and Neptune
Actually are over his NN when he disappeared. Transiting North Node conjunct “Altair” (quite ambitious and ruthless in it’s
Ambitions at 1 Aquarius ) is over his Part of Fortune, which in the natal makes a square to his MC (the public place)

Putting it together it appears to me that he was deceived (see the Arabic Lots in the other chart) and part of his rather Unfortunate fortune in life to be so.

Although Nathan had a very positive beginning in life, with Spica a fortunate star on the MC
His natal shows an overwhleming propensity towards more inharmonious vibrations will ultimately be his to deal with.
For instance, The Chart’s Ruler is Saturn and Saturn is the planet we associate with woe (who wants to go through the Saturn Returns?)
It’s a planet we associate with karma and hard times.
It’s also a planet we associate with the father or older male figure.

So, this was Nathan’s lord or ruler of his chart and found in the 1st house means, a childhood that is not exactly carefree for him.
A lot of responsibiity perhaps.
But Saturn also conjoins Neptune here in the 1st house which suggests a kind of wooliness being pulled over on him, he can easily be fooled, although
He wouldn’t think so.

If Saturn is associated in both Tropical and Sidereal Astrology as a Malefic, albeit the ancients thought so, then Mars is as well.
In Nathan’s natal promise, we see that both Mars and Saturn are afflicted quite heavily.

Saturn is quincunx Mars , meaning, very inharmonious and in particular to one's physical health in the 8th house of obsessions, other’s assets and death .

Having two natal natural Malefics in harsh aspect to the 8th house is not good for a long life.

Mars is conjunct the Vertex, and then there is Pluto the natural ruler of the 8th (along with Mars as a secondary Ruler)
Square to Mars. The Ruler of the 8th square the sub-ruler of the 8th which is found in the 8th, while Pluto (the natural ruler)
Is found in the 10th in it’s own sign Scorpio.

This then is a heavy chart for a reputation at least that may precede Nathan. The 10th is the career or public house and how we may be perceived publically or how we may behave in a public venue.

Although Nathan’s chart Ruler Saturn is the Ascendant ruler, and found in the 1st, that is how he was perceived at home, (responsible, adult like) even more mature then his years perhaps, yet Pluto in the 10th, a public house in square to Mars in the 8th, he may be perceived as one who doesn’t back away from
Controversy with others, and with Uranus in his 12th near his Ascendent, I’d venture to say, this is certain.

I would think he’d not be one to back away from a fight, nor retreat if there was controversy. Uranus in the 12th tends to do the opposite.
As such, it’s more then probable, he was fooled (perhaps asked by someone to meet) for just a minute or two, and that is why he left everything home thinking
He’d be right back.
Perhaps simply went outside to meet with someone never to return (fooled)
Nathan’s natal Neptune is Retrograde (some astrologers believe this means we repeat certain lessons with the Rx planets)
and within 30 minutes to his natal Saturn (a malefic) quincunx to Mars
Opposed to his Sun the vitality of one's body and ego.
These are two personal vital planets (the Sun & Mars), as we term the Sun in astrology as a planet too.
Having two harsher aspects to the Sun and Mars together like this, brings much to bear in a lifetime.

He’s easily fooled by perhaps outer flash or outer pretense and to his detriment.
However at the same time, Cancer Sun created a homebody someone who loved his family and found emotional
Solace in the home for him a security for his very emotional nature. His mother, his children very important to him this way for his
Emotional nature is quite real in this way as a dad and son.

His Mercury however, in Gemini conjunct Jupiter gave him a lot of antysness that desired excitement and
Less of the boring tediousness of the known….he would be intensely curious of the unknown and
The thrill of adventure.

Jupiter opposite Uranus means the adventure he sought in life, led to the unexpected that the family now
realizes must have occurred. These are inner impulses, as we all are different and have impulses to be unique in
Different ways.

Jupiter in his natal chart did him no favors as we normally would like to see in life, "good luck" for Jupiter is called a natural "benefic", yet for Nathan it was not so.
His Jupiter is in Detriment in the sign of Gemini and has too many oppostions and semi-squares to be working on his behalf. In the 6th house of woe, even more problematic, as it rules our everyday mundane tasks in life.

Natal Uranus in the 12th near the ASC:

Uranus energies in a natal chart never gives us warning, it’s always swift and unexpected. The impulses we are born with.
True Natal with Transits:

Please understand, this is only one person's opinion, one Astrologer's opinion as to what may have happened to Nathan.

I do not believe he is alive any longer since last year, a year or more now....ago. I would also be surprised if his family does not dream of him, as I am a strong believer that life goes on, and we need only watch our dreams carefully to be and find the solace (if that's possible), and contact with our loved ones who cross over.

But again, imo only.

So very, very sad. Thank you so much Leomoon...Does the chart show if/when he will be found? And if so, is there a direction (N,S,E,W) or pointers showing where I can begin looking for located UIDs?

Again, thank you for your time...
I have checked the DWADS for Nathan, meaning, the sub-rulers of his
Sun sign, his Moon sign and his Mercury sign.
We already know his Sun is in Cancer, (a water sign) his Moon is in Leo (fire sign) and his Mercury in Gemini (an air sign)

His dwads however, the sub ruler of the sign itself, puts his Sun in a fire sub dwad, Sagittarius, his Moon in Fire Leo ; his Mercury in Aries (fire)
meaning, a lot of fire energy here for Nathan to contend with.
For me, as an Astrologer, It augments my feelings as I've written about the potential of his finding trouble....(kind of a natural nose for it), when it comes looking for you, but you aren't conscious of your own role in it...or the events that come about brought your way.

Could this have been interest in a girl that another was already having designs on?....anything is possible, here.

I'm looking strictly at the vibrations that were part of Nathan's natal chart and the path of least resistance we take with them in life.

Finding the 3 Dwads in Fire signs does not however change my opinion that he was fooled (a ruse) to get him out of the house:

Here is the natal with Arabic Lots....we do not have a "last seen time" to study however.
There is not a determined event to study for us on July 22nd 2009.

(note: Dwads not shown on the chart).....

Arabic Lots: (ancient Astrologers used these)

Part of Captivity (the term is relative, can be how we are held captive by our own mindset in life for instance), in this case, found at 19Capricorn, 1st House and opposed to the Sun in the 7th of Relationships he is committed to)
can be to our detriment as well if we are smitten by the wrong person!

The Anareta or killing planet as the name implies, it may shorten our life .
is found at 29 Degrees Cancer in the 7th house, in a critical or Anaretic degree, the last degree of a sign. It symbolizes a harsher climate for that planet or part as a vibration goes when it's at the beginning or the end of a sign.
In this case the Anareta conjuncts his Moon and Venus or his emotions as the Moon and Venus may imply. The social life, the relationships that intrigued him.

Mars is not only square Pluto but on the cusp of the 8th house (probable early death)
Remember, we are not dealing with certitudes, but probabilities.

South Node conjunct "Regulus" Sextile (a harmony between them) the planet Jupiter which I've already mentioned is in "Detriment" in harmony with detriment is one way to look at this. The South Node is also thought to reflect a karmic lifetime.

Regulus usually brings a "Fall" in the life as a natal promise.

We put this then together : SN (the dragon's tail) conj. Regulus (a promised fall after a rapid rise in life) with lluck (Jupiter) that's not good as we'd like it to be or think of luck to be. His North Node (the soul's purpose ) commonly called the Dragon's Head - in Aquarius (liked his friends very much, was eclectic, perhaps not as discrimating as he should have been with them afterall)....Trines Jupiter (in harmony with Jupiter)

the Black Moon Lilith squares the Sun.

Pluto 10th at 12 Scorpio square Mars (exact orb) (we've talked about this in the beginning posts)

Part of Deceit conjuncts Saturn conjunct FACIES at 8Capricorn.
Saturn is Rx (being repeated) and doesn't bode well here for not being deceived in life.

Uranus opposes Mercury from the 12th. Part of Tragedy (murder) opposes Uranus within 2 degrees.
Uranus is the unexpected event. Not to be forseen.

Quick and swift when it comes, just like the fall from Regulus vibrations.

There was a "T"Square between the Part of Captivity, with Black Moon Lilith and the Sun

Our Natal Charts are our vibrations we are born to. The next life, after we learn from this one the necesseary lessons integrated will be much better because we don't have to repeat the same lessons, as long as we've learned them.
At least this is how I see it to be.

I hope your Faith, helps the family to see through to the spirit of Nathan's life. His little girls are part of him who live on as an inspiration and memory of him.

You mentioned that he was just getting his life back together readying to go back to work , etc.
This is often how it goes for many.
Just as they are getting it back together they are gone.

We hear of this all the time. Life seens to be tragic for those who remain and miss their loved ones so acutely. But we need to lean on our faith that all is for a purpose in the end.

If I have read Nathan's chart correctly, then you see that God gives us these vibrations as a helpmate to help us and not to punish us.

But I'm still very sorry for your great loss. There are no right words to convey.


So very, very sad. Thank you so much Leomoon...Does the chart show if/when he will be found? And if so, is there a direction (N,S,E,W) or pointers showing where I can begin looking for located UIDs?

Again, thank you for your time...

For this, we'd need a rather specific time when he left his dwelling.
An Event chart.

Perhaps the others have an idea for you in this regard.

But as far as I know, we'd need to see a rather specific time to work with.
For this, we'd need a rather specific time when he left his dwelling.
An Event chart.

Perhaps the others have an idea for you in this regard.

But as far as I know, we'd need to see a rather specific time to work with.

Leomoon, I have PM'd the family member for more specific info. on last seen/cell phone activity. I will let you know. Thank you.
Over the top brutal killings of two little friends as they walked down this country road to their deaths:

ETA ******NOTE: Event chart will follow June 8, 2008.
Our amazing astro contributors were nice enough to look into the disappearance of Billy Smolinski some time back. Wanted to let you know today marks 6 years since his disappearance.

The family held a beautiful vigil this past Sunday for him and included other families who have missing loved ones.

Here are links to the news coverage 1 & 2
Corrected Date for murdered friends

Mars is the Chart’s Ruler this hour of day on the 8th of June, 2 years ago in 2008.
The opposition of Mars to Neptune, North Node and Chiron with these planets in the 4th house (near their home), gives us some semblance of what may have occurred.
They were “fooled” (Neptune) to their detriment (Chiron) the inner wounding.
Neptune also rules the house of the child, in this case 2 little girls, with Jupiter as the co-ruler found in the 3rd house of short trips and conjunct the Part of Fortune.

At this time of the evening, everything is the same as before, with 8th House Ruler Gemini,in the Weeping Sisters, but closer to reaching the fixed star “Hyades” a terrible star for turmoil.
Mars the chart’s co-ruler is nearly at 17°Leo, a very critical place

IF we thought Dubhe the fixed star, that conjunct Mars 2 nights prior ( on June 6th) was bad for what was to occur,or the worse degree of Leo because at 15Leo, it is called the worse in the zodiac, then Alterf at 17 Leo, the fixed star that Mars proceeded to conjoin, in this chart is even (if possible) worse for the girls:
Let's listen to the observation of the ancients for a moment, as we learn so much from them and their writings concerning the nature
of these stars:

"Who can doubt the nature of the monstrous Lion, and the pursuits he prescribes for those born beneath his sign? The lion ever devises fresh fights and fresh warfare on animals, and lives on spoil and pillaging of flocks. The sons of the Lion are filled with the urge to adorn their proud portals with pelts and to hang up on their walls the captured prey, to bring the peace of terror to the woods, and to live upon plunder. There are those whose like bent is not checked by the city-gates, but they swagger about in the heart of the capital with droves of beasts; they display mangled limbs at the shop-front, slaughter to meet the demands of luxury, and count it gain to kill. Their temper is equally prone to fitful wrath and ready withdrawal, and guileless are the sentiments of their honest hearts" [Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century AD, p.237.]

Perhaps this star is describing Mars (the energy that was expended) quite well, as to the killer and the intent.
Afterall, Mars is the co-ruler next to Pluto of this point in time. These children were "overkilled". 8 shots to one and 5 to the other!

The Moon moved to conjoin Regulus at this point in time, and conjuncts Saturn the planet of woe and sometimes death.
Certainly Saturn would represent the bodies as well perhaps an older individual , but then again, the girls were not even into their teen years when gunned down. Pre-teens I think we still call this age.

Uranus in the 22nd degree of self-undoing in the 5th house suggests the girls took a fateful walk that brought about their end..

Putting a photo or a face to these lovely little girls you can see them on this link as they once were:
(Let's not forget their killer is still out there somewhere)

These are SUNRISE charts as we do not know their exact time of birth, so this is 2nd best (ignore the houses):

June 8 2008 5PM (911 call made by grandmother 5:41PM)

Skyla’s South Node was conjunct fixed star “Scheat” for great misfortune when she was born, Black Moon Lilith was transiting over her natal Pluto when gunned down in cold blood, as Transiting Uranus opposed her natal Mars.


Taylor’s natal chart also included natal Mars (physical body in a very seriously critical place) conjunct Dubhe (near 15Leo) when TR Mars went over this place in her chart. Transiting Uranus opposed her natal Chiron

The hairs on the back of my neck are standing on end. I understand perfectly the energy from mars on this evening. Trying to fathom getting the feeling of a conquest from this brutal action leaves me totally sick. I want to ask the old question of why we agree to such a pre destined birth promise and why the powers that be allow for such acts of evil to take place against good souls in the first place. Amazing work and description, just chilling. In nature even animals kill for a reason (survival) and not for ego sadly humans own that claim exclusively.

In your opinion LeoMoon Is this a thrill killing? With the perpetrator or perpetrators under age 35. Young men who hung out together and shot guns or went hunting, played violent video games, drank, were in trouble at school for attendance, and who acted strangely around the time of these murders???
Or revenge? And EGO!?
Skyla’s brother testified against others in a murder case and made a plea deal.

It was just 4 months before the girls murders that the murder they were involeved in took place. Leomoon what do you see in the charts that leans one way or another?
The hairs on the back of my neck are standing on end. I understand perfectly the energy from mars on this evening. Trying to fathom getting the feeling of a conquest from this brutal action leaves me totally sick. I want to ask the old question of why we agree to such a pre destined birth promise and why the powers that be allow for such acts of evil to take place against good souls in the first place. Amazing work and description, just chilling. In nature even animals kill for a reason (survival) and not for ego sadly humans own that claim exclusively.

In your opinion LeoMoon Is this a thrill killing? With the perpetrator or perpetrators under age 35. Young men who hung out together and shot guns or went hunting, played violent video games, drank, were in trouble at school for attendance, and who acted strangely around the time of these murders???
Or revenge? And EGO!?
Skyla’s brother testified against others in a murder case and made a plea deal.

It was just 4 months before the girls murders that the murder they were involeved in took place. Leomoon what do you see in the charts that leans one way or another?

Your multi choice question would elicit only a guess on my part, and perhaps not even an educated one.
I don't think I can tell from this chart one way or another......for certain.

The Rising Sign by degree in Scorpio is in the Sagittarius dwad. Thus, Jupiter becomes important in this chart (ruler of Sag) as well as Mars, ruler of Scorpio the Ascendant.

Jupiter is a martial planet, or in the ancient days, often thought to have ruled the military or militia.
Jupiter in this chart is in Capricorn, so termed, “in the planet’s Fall” ….perhaps because the benevolence we attribute to Jupiter is not there in the sign of Capricorn.

The Rising Sign then, is ruled by Mars and Pluto and both are in critical places and degrees.
In Scorpio, there can be ruthlessness as it’s not a sign known for empathy necessarily, but rather a fixed sign known for focus on getting the job done.
All 4 angles (the AC, DC, IC and MC) are in Fixed signs. Focus and determination, on the job at hand. No wavering, just as a mutable sign might suggest.

The 8th house that rules Death as well the cusp lord should give us an idea of the murderer, and suggests that it could have been a hit.
A revenge killing is possible, with Pluto in the 2nd of Values….at the 0 degree of a cardinal Capricorn.
Pluto square Uranus is a cold blooded automaton …..a killing machine.
No compassion or emotion here for the subjects he murdered. I can see this by the Air sign, Gemini Stellium housed here with the Ruler of the 8th also in the 8th house., strengthening it’s position.

As for the philosophical question of why would “powers that be” allow such brutality to take place? Well , larger minds then our own have been asking this question from before the Greeks when philosophers gathered to debate these things thousands of years ago. People of depth, never stopped asking ever since.
I suppose we each have come up with our own philosphical answers to get us through life and some are satisfied with theirs, and some never.

I believe in free will, and being in the right place at the right time when the soul is ready to relinquish this mortal coil.
But I also realize there is randomness in this universe. And randomness is what may draw to one a particular killer , we simply do not know anything much about the unseen or the forces that be.
As for why a soul might choose some pre-determined vibrations in their natal chart?
The soul I'm sure is far far wiser then the egos that direct the life. Challenges in life are what prompts the soul's direction for it's ultimate growth. Overcoming challenges are like saying, once we fall and get up again we are stronger for the fall.

The FBI Behavior Lab studies victim mentality too, but no one can explain these two little girls being gunned down to our satisfaction I’m sure.

It’s anyone’s guess.

Only their souls and their God knows whether the unconscious minds played a role or not. The observers such as we are, simply shake our heads and cry.
And of course, hope that the cruel human who did this is caught.
Thank you so much Leomoon,
I really enjoy the knowledge that you are sharing with us all. I really appreciate your time and hard work. I want to see if I can find anything else related to this case to run by you, I will look hard for dates and locations? First I am going to look your work over again and again and see which direction it nudges me in.

PS. In your experience Does Lilith always mean a violent death when it appears in a natal chart? Just when it is in an event chart?
Thank you so much Leomoon,
I really enjoy the knowledge that you are sharing with us all. I really appreciate your time and hard work. I want to see if I can find anything else related to this case to run by you, I will look hard for dates and locations? First I am going to look your work over again and again and see which direction it nudges me in.

PS. In your experience Does Lilith always mean a violent death when it appears in a natal chart? Just when it is in an event chart?

Speaking from my personal observations only, I'd say, "no", we cannot see Black Moon Lilith as an indicator of a violent death only, because when we limit outselves to the symbols or archetypes of the collective, as to draw lines or parameters around the symbols, we then do ourselves a disservice, as much of Astrological symbology is about the archetypes for the Collective.

When my daughter died I had TR BML over my POF and TR Pluto over my BML.
She did not die violently.

Her children had TR BML opposed to their natal BML in the 12th house of the subconscious.

This may sound on the face of it, rather startling, however, her father loved her just as much if not more then I did, (if that is possible), and had no Transit of the Black Moon Lilith in his natal of any clear importance.

I am not one of those Astrologers who draws metes and bounds around their symbols as others might.

Everyone is different....many of us are freer with our associations, and many are not. Perhaps it's a personal or even their own natals which require and causes them to choose one way vs another . For me I have a very free association with Uranus in the 11th in Gemini conj. my North Node which may explain why I am not very much in line with the metes and boundaries others may be more inclined towards. But I do respect each person's own individual way (makes sense with Uranus I suppose as it's well expressed in the 11th house whose natural ruler is Aquarius) :waitasec:

I see the Black Moon Lilith as a symbol for cutting out or removing in some deep set way that which may symbolically block us for one reason or another. And of course connected to the Emotions, but in a way which is not observed superficially, or observed in the everyday parlance.

For instance, someone who has studied the Black Moon Lilith in the UK for many many years once told me that the Moon is about our emotions which require a catalyst to be seen (a reaction to outer events) but the Black Moon needs no outer catalyst as it's always there deep within.
I found favor with that notion.

I think the observations of the Black Moon are simply starting to be talked about in a serious manner although there are a few books out there musing about it, much more work will be done in the future long after you and I are gone.

I have one book, by Mae Wilson -Ludlam which is excellent, but I'm sure there are others out there too. Mine is entitled, "Lilith Insight"


The 23rd degree of Taurus rising, conj. Algol (widely)gives Venus as the ruler of this chart found in the 6th house within minutes of Mars in Libra. The 6th House is the house that has no outlet., and no place to go for one such as this girl who is a victim of another.

We often have this picture in our minds of Libra being the sign of peace and sociable, but it’s also ruled by Venus and lust is a part of the more debilitating vibrations for this sign, the lower part of Venusian vibrations., especially when the chart ruler, Taurus, more earthy and near Algol more dangerous as a vibration.

The 5th house cusp is the house that rules children and legally, Alicia was a child only 14 years of age. Actually, she just turned 14 in May. Born May 1st, 1996 (time unknown) Alicia had her Mercury conjunct Algol at 28Taurus.

It’s an unlucky vibration for sure…..usually brings us nothing but woe and trouble. Ask Princess Diana, who had her Venus conjunct this star.

We can eye the planets in a row in the 5th house stellium , starting with the Sun on the cusp of the 5th in the 4th is Alicia leaving home…and at 11PM, clearly seen in the 5th house of the child.
Moving into the Moon’s house or the house of final outcomes, we can see she may have already been killed by this point in time near midnight.
Moira and Atropos the 2 death asteroids, sits between the Sun and asteroid “Lie” and Mercury, so clearly this young girl had no clue she was in way over her head that night.
No clue. But why would you, when you are only just turned 14 yrs. of age on this earth and the world is your oyster.

Saturn in the house of fun and uncommitted romance and sex is also conjunct Vesta the virgin.
Can Saturn be representing the price to pay in such a harsh manner as we know it to be?

The neighbors said that Alicia liked to run with an “older crowd”, but surely this child again had no real knowledge of jailbirds and perverted pedophiles looking for young girls as he found that night.
It wasn’t the 18 or 19 year old friend, this time….as we know now.

But rather we might glance at the 11th house of opportunity and strangers, natural ruler Uranus (erratic and unstable) – and see that the ruler here is Pisces for this time, and as such, “breaking the boundaries” set up between children and men. The 10th is ruled by Aquarius in this chart, and Neptune Pisces ruler of the 11th, will easily skirt the mores of the times.

With the Pisces/Neptune style pervert, breaking boundaries of law and morality or "in a haze about them" as it were; as the Moon conjuncts Altair, moves slowly into the 9th. Altair “The Eagle” can be a star that is quite ruthless in it’s quest for what it wants…and here the Moon’s position and taking what it wants is Alicia (Sun conjunct “Regulus” the fall) and the Apex of a Yod with asteroid Lust in it’s other leg.

May Alicia Rest in Peace now.

Note: According to the Rex Bills Rulership book, often used as a reminder and reference for symbols, both Aries/Mars and the Sun/Leo rule Fires.
It appears to me to be only the one person.

The jailbird pedophile signature is here. I don't see another signature.

Neptune borne markings , with Aquarius /features.

(If you can find his date of birth, I'd really appreciate having it)

Thus far I could not locate it. He just got out of prison in Texas a few months ago however.
He's from Kansas is what i have read.

Of course I could always be wrong,but I don't think so.

Scorpio on the D/C cusp of the 7th at the 23rd degree is a focused killer, devious and evil intentions. Sneaky and devious.

Wanting a child, a young girl as the opportunity presented itself, he took what he wanted., all the while having a live in girlfriend and probably no shortage of a sex life for him.

Yet the thrill of the catch was too much to walk away from.

This appears to me to be Neptune underhandedness with an Aquarius signature, of lack of intimacy with another human being.

I don't see anyone but him.
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