Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 1

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Thank you Leomoon for doing this. I figured that that is what happened to Tommy, but I knew you would really see it. I don't know what time he was discovered missing either. I did read somewhere that the hike was around 5ish, before dinner, and that he was seen by two witnesses a half-hour after he was discovered missing by family at the ranger station.
Could this man have fooled Tommy into thinking it was safe to go with him?

I thought about this last night. I feel he was fooled because a witness saw him coming off of one of the trails, crying. The witness said a man was following him. Then another witness(es) see him at the ranger station, also crying. I think he got lost and this man said "I'll take you to the ranger station and we can find your family," or something like that.
I could also find no birthdate for Edwards other than what you found. I wish I could! Anyway, thanks again for your hard work.
27 March 1957

Twi: 5:22
Sunrise: 5:47
Sunset: 18:08
Twi: 18:34
Moonrise: 3:34
Moonset: 15:10

I think the 6PM Event chart near Sunset, is appropo for Tommy’s disappearance from the family group and safety of His family unit.

Since he was seen by the eye witnesses, and near the Ranger Station, it was not yet too dark, to not be able to make out the crying child’s description, and man following him…..but probably around the sun setting time.

This chart seems to reflect for us what may have occurred in that it also gives us a few hints with Neptune at the Apex or point of the Yod, (taking the child as if he was his own personal property through coercion and deception) the Yod, includes the Sun (the man) and Mars (perhaps being on the road with this man at this time, traveling because Mars is in the 9th house…..Neptune found in the 2nd and Sun found in the 7th, of the abductor or other , the focus of this chart is about the disappearance of Tommy.

We find Tommy represented by Saturn Ruler of the 5th of children and found in the 3rd conjunct Asteroid “Hopi”.

I was reading the other day a bit online of a book you can read some of it there, on Amazon books. It is called Forensic Astrology and is a compilation of many different asteroids that the author feels from various sources is worthwhile to use in Forensic cases, having borrowed most of them from well know older Astrologers .
Anyway, I checked Hopi, as it’s said to be associated with knives, stabbings and ambush .(the author says, according to Martha Lang Wescott’s writings)

I then checked for Toro – said to be about brutality, rage, violence, aggressiveness and the martial arts.

Inserting them both in this chart as well some of the Transneptune planets or TNPs such as Hades, Kronos, and Cupido (object of affection) ….
I think its interesting to see how they come out in the event chart concerning the possible disappearance of Tommy around the Sun Set time.

It’s also sad to glance at the 5th House of the child, Tommy, and see Chiron here with the Black Moon (I call the boogeyman in the closet of our minds)….and see it’s in the 22nd degree of self’s own undoing, obviously, going with the man to the man's car. 3rd house of travel and the auto.

The 6th house of captivity ruled by Neptune found in the 2nd, the Apex of the Yod (very important then)…and of course we can easily ascertain it’s about the man fooling Tommy and him following the man willingly because of being afraid and lost.

In the 2nd is Scorpio at the near 21st degree (degree of a definite loss) and it’s the North Node ….
Putting the South Node conjunct “Kronos” a TNP (TransNeptune hypothetical planet)…said to depict the best in one’s field (in this case, the field is pedophilia and serial murdering) and conjunct “Algol” in the 8th of Death.

The 8th also contains, memorable for Forensics in these cases all too often seen,
That of Ceres (nurture) between “Hades” and “Atropos or life being cut (shorn) by the Shears of the Moira)

Look again at the 6th house and see Venus the object of affection for this man being Tommy as the Chart’s Ruler or ruling the Ascendant Libra.
See that the connecting planets to the 2nd Yod by broken green lines are connecting to
Both Neptune (again) as in the other Yod…..highlighting the deception that took place!
Then connecting to Pluto (the death of Tommy)

The Moon in the 4th (the end of the matter house), is in Detriment in Capricorn, the Ruler being Saturn again, pointing to Tommy = which sits conjunct “Hopi”….the ambush that took place by
Knife and/or other means of harming the child as witnessed by “Moira” the death asteroid,
Conjunct the 4th house cusp (end of matters)

Once again thank you! Poor Tommy :( it's so hard to read this.
Chart Post 846 - was a guesstimate of when Keisha may have disappeared.
This will now need revision, IF this photograph (timed and dated at what appears to be the hospital perhaps visiting her new baby brother born) and dated July 7th, 2010

(Click "Next" for the 2nd Photograph of Keisha): (Link to

We can see the infant stalls (cubicles) here on this photo, so she was alive on July 7th after 5PM . On July 8th, the Node is still where it was on the 7th,
at 11#Cap, the Transiting SN was conj. Saturn and Medea (in mythology, killed her children) ...conjuncts critical star, "Alcoyne" at 29Taurus
where the TR Moon meets Medea and makes a conjunction

Any ideas? How about the fact that the photo says, "5:35PM when in the UK, the time clock would have said 17:35? Is this altered then? Or would the camera use the U.S. method of time keeping ? :waitasec:

I'm praying for Keisha's safe return of course, but it doesn't look good at all.
Chart Post 846 - was a guesstimate of when Keisha may have disappeared.
This will now need revision, IF this photograph (timed and dated at what appears to be the hospital perhaps visiting her new baby brother born) and dated July 7th, 2010

(Click "Next" for the 2nd Photograph of Keisha): (Link to

We can see the infant stalls (cubicles) here on this photo, so she was alive on July 7th after 5PM . On July 8th, the Node is still where it was on the 7th,
at 11#Cap, the Transiting SN was conj. Saturn and Medea (in mythology, killed her children) ...conjuncts critical star, "Alcoyne" at 29Taurus
where the TR Moon meets Medea and makes a conjunction

Any ideas? How about the fact that the photo says, "5:35PM when in the UK, the time clock would have said 17:35? Is this altered then? Or would the camera use the U.S. method of time keeping ? :waitasec:

I'm praying for Keisha's safe return of course, but it doesn't look good at all.

The camera would use New South Wales, EST, Australian time. It's plus 10 hours from GMT.
Chart Post 846 - was a guesstimate of when Keisha may have disappeared.
This will now need revision, IF this photograph (timed and dated at what appears to be the hospital perhaps visiting her new baby brother born) and dated July 7th, 2010

(Click "Next" for the 2nd Photograph of Keisha): (Link to

We can see the infant stalls (cubicles) here on this photo, so she was alive on July 7th after 5PM . On July 8th, the Node is still where it was on the 7th, at 11#Cap, the Transiting SN was conj. Saturn and Medea (in mythology, killed her children) ...conjuncts critical star, "Alcoyne" at 29Taurus
where the TR Moon meets Medea and makes a conjunction.

Any ideas? How about the fact that the photo says, "5:35PM when in the UK, the time clock would have said 17:35? Is this altered then? Or would the camera use the U.S. method of time keeping ? :waitasec:

I'm praying for Keisha's safe return of course, but it doesn't look good at all.

Although it was reported no one saw her around or after the date the mother had the baby, we again see having the CORRECT DATES and TIMES is necessary in order to get a reliable reading. (re:guestimated date & time used for outer wheel transits in post 846).

I have no idea about the time stamp on the photograph linked above although it certainly appears she's in a hospital environment. Also, setting proper times and dates on a camera are the responsibility of the owner, so again we don't know how reliable that date & time is.

IF you do post a chart using the time-stamp in the photo, please indicate it as your source.

Thank you.
Correction: Post 841 -

I think he was a "relative" stranger to her actually....because of the 11th house cusp in Capricorn (older male) and Neptune in the 11th in Aquarius (the ruler of both Saturn found in the 4th with the Sun (him).......of the missing chart.

The 11th house Cusp is Aquarius, (stranger and opportunity), and the 10th is Capricorn.
BOTH are ruled by Saturn is what I meant to say!
Sorry for any confusion, if any. But I think you all got the "gist" of it anyway.

The camera would use New South Wales, EST, Australian time. It's plus 10 hours from GMT.

Thanks for your "impression" of when that photo may have been taken, I suppose we will learn in time the facts as they unfold. But clearly, little Keisha is in the hospital ward either the day stamped OR perhaps the following day.

I really don't know,
but it clearly shows little Keisha here in the hospital ward and I thought it important to share once I found it online.

However, I'm new to the Cranky Crankerson ? web site that shows photographs and legal documents which is where I found it, so I don't know if he alters in any way or even where he came upon it.
I'm thinking a member from Oz may indeed tell us if they know.

As for the Chart for the Mother's original telling LE that Keisha was gone, I think it's a valid chart actually, because it shows what's in her mind and heart when she made the missing report.

That is the importance I would put onto that chart, even though it may be based on deception, we actually do not know this for a certainty yet as we cannot get into another's head.
Deceptions are in the mind and heart of the deceiver afterall....Such as perhaps the case of that little boy lost in Arizona, from the campsite.

We only know the time and dates given to us by the press and/or based on the teller, which stated August 1st, 9:30AM, thus a valid date for something, even if that "something" is a deceptive statement by a mother or father.

At least that's how I'm attempting to look at it and makes sense to me to do so this way.

When deceptive, then the lie is shown in the event chart as well as given earlier on this thread with the addition to the chart mentioning the 2nd house and the "lie" as revealed.

I was glad to have the opportunity to share with the group my findings
both on the event chart as well as finding this new (not previously known) Photograph of Keisha.
Without dwelling too long on the various and sundry parts of this chart, I’ll try to get to the heart of it only.
This family (mother and 2 daughters) suffered terribly with rape, perhaps torture, then murdered in the sanctity of their own home, then the house torched and burned, all the while the father was in the house not able to do anything to help, as he too had been attacked viciously.

Essentially, that IS the heart of this case and the event chart for the time Mrs P went to the bank near her home to withdraw $15,000 to try and save her children, is the timed event.
We see the plea with the teller to call 911 in the 3rd house of communications with the Moon in a dire position, both in it’s Fall and in the maximum degree (near 15 degrees)
Of the sign.
Note, that the Moon opposes Mars ….the threat back in the house in the 9th house
And conjunct Admetos, in latter degrees of Taurus, always a sign of big trouble, for it approaches Algol after the 20th degree .
Perhaps the law enforcement is being represented also, by the Moon’s opposition in the 3rd and 9th house Axis, for they did respond of course, but only in a way in which proved fatal to the family inside.
They (the Law) saw this as a potential hostage case, and did not enter the house while the horror was going on inside.

In the 4th house of the home itself and the house of endings, you can see that Pluto resides here in this chart with the Part of Fortune nearby, hence, the mortal calamity that takes place.

Pluto also squares the house of other’s and Uranus which is in Pisces, a sign of two (double) and so it was in this case, two out of control felons, completely crazed that day
With Uranus conjunct Pallas same degree in Pisces.

The Ruler of Pisces is Neptune (modern style) and we find Neptune in the 6th of hostage taking, (the family who was imprisoned here) and could find no release from this savage attack for Neptune falls between Chiron the inner wounding, and the Vertex in Aquarius Uranian style , same degree as Neptune or the degree of loss.

Obviously in their deranged mindsets, the attackers (Pisces ruled) believed somehow they’d get away with this, (burglary, robbery and rape) and hide the evidence via the fire or burning down the house North node in Pisces conjunct “Skat” in the 6th, the star associated with murders, and opposing the South Node between Venus in the 12th and Lust the asteroid.

Obviously it doesn’t get any worse then this, for the husband, the only survivor, and I find him as Juno in the 2nd house alone there, incapacitated, in between Zeus and Apollo, and conjunct Atropos, (the deaths)
Apparently too, it doesn’t get a lot worse then a totally deranged out of control, Mercury in the 10th house (check out the broken green lines) quincunx (always bad) to Jupiter (over the top behaviors) in Sagittairus conjunct the 4th house cusp. (exact orb), very powerful or full force.
Mercury is the Ruler of this chart, because it is Virgo Rising – and Mercury (the communication to the teller) is again, showing the out of control situation back at the house and trying to get that across in the bank in an effort for help.

It’s far too late however, because Saturn in the 12th, a karmic planet in a karmic house, for those who believe in such things.
Often showing us the body itself,Saturn is already in place, and opposed to Neptune and the Vertex (the fated event)

These 3 victims were shortly in a much better place and their pain over with, but the two perpetrators, hell is only just beginning.

As usual, not to teach, but to share , I'll show a link which compares Pallas Athena, the goddess of War to the Statue of Liberty (see below)
Pallas or Pallas Athena or Pallas Athene, also known as Minerva, is associated with wisdom and intuition. Brought in with these attributes are those of logic and applied strategy. It is also creative of original thought, showing artistic ability.
favorite god of the Greeks was Pallas Athene, who was dressed in the armor of a soldier, with ram's horns on her helmet.
Roman soldiers were later to wear this emblem on their uniforms.

Also as we may see in the chart, there is the asteroid Pallas tightly conjunct the Middle of the Heaven, the MC, which is the most prominent position in a chart. Pallas (Athene) is a symbol of the warrior woman, survivor in difficult conditions, with an uncanny ability to make the most out of the least amount of resources.

Pallas is therefore the very core of the Statue of Liberty symbolism. ( the link which would be their opinion)

I was not intending to exploit or post the natal Charts of the 3 victims, 2 daughters and the mom.
However I do want to mention that Pallas often not put into the natal charts, seems to have or play an uncanny role in the sameness for the victims.

For instance,

older daughter:
Pallas in 5Aries – squares all of the following: Ceres, Neptune Uranus Saturn Jupiter and opposed to Mars which conjuncts Videmiatrix. Pallas also squared her Vesta in a critical degree of Capricorn – and Vesta is seen as the purity or Virginal woman.

Pallas Athena as the Goddess of war was exceedingly very strongly impressed upon her natal chart.

Younger daughter:

Had Pallas at 10Libra (same degree and star connection as her sister with Mars there)
For this 12 yrs. Old girl at the time of her death, Pallas conjunct Vindemiatrix also
Squared Juno and Vulcan ,

For Mom who had MS (Multiple Sclerosis) her husband:

(perhaps in remission or under control) Mother's obituary spoke about her love of music, and great talent at the Piano which the
article reports, inspired her 2 daughters to the love of music as well.

Pallas Athena also has to do with such talents.
Her Pallas was very critical at 9Virgo (the Body in the ditch degree) or so it’s been termed by some. Pallas conjuncts fixed star Alioth extremely dangerous for health and a lucky life.
Also opposes the fixed star Skat which is not desireable for a healthy and lengthy life.
Requested by members Jenny and Frigga;


Here we can see a truly wierd natal chart for Bruno Hauptmann (Lois Rodden data - according to his mother on the telephone) not confirmed otherwise.

I see that the Black Moon Lilith conjunct "Regulus" brought about for him,
it's infamous promised "Fall"....the moment he decided stupidly to take this child.

Transiting Neptune clouding his common sense, over the Black Moon certainly had to have played a role in this crime at the time, billed the "Crime of the Century"

Has anyone ever seen a natal chart with this many squares to the Moon?
I know I haven't, at least that I can recall and I see hundreds and hundreds perhaps over a 1,000 natal charts in a yr of more.

If I had not put all of these asteroids in the natal, you'd see just how the Moon in the 7th, "stands out like a sore thumb" for him.
No doubt mothering "issues" in his early life as well as father issues.

This is a chart with an Unaspected Sun - so his father archetype is in question, as the Sun symbolizes the father in our lives.
My husband has an unaspected Sun and loved his dad.....but my husband pretty much has all he ever needed within him. I'm sure that the unaspected Sun is not a perilous thing (perhaps from child to child depending upon the soul's growth or needs) to have in one's natal chart, but it does and is worth noting, the ancients did.

Did Bruno H have serious parental issues then? I think so, because the Moon (mother) is in the 7th, and receives all those squares from the various planets.

The Sun is prominently placed near the Midheaven, yet the ONLY aspect it makes would be to Uranus, (and the ancients didn't know about Uranus so we are talking about the Unaspected Ptolemaic planets).....
and in this case, the conjunction to the planet of extremes may speak volumes about his home life prior to entering the United States from Germany
in the mid 1930s.

It does appear to me that all of that huge stellium of planets incuding the Sun in Sagittarius, and in the 10th house region, including the 9th house of
Philosophy, long distance travels and religion, appears to say that there was huge expectations upon Bruno set by his parents and he did not meet them. Probably religious or philosophical ones as well, as meriting a higher position then the jail cells he attaind in Germany before entering the U.S.

Sometimes, the Sagittarius can become the petty thief or the Madoffs of the world, for Jupiter overdoes everything when 'out of balance" such as this one is.
Pisces Rising, shows the weakness of the mind here (original ruler was Jupiter prior to Neptune's discovery) , for it's co-Ruler Neptune is found in the 4th of the home life, opposing all of that Stellium above with the father. This was a miserable home life for Bruno as a child, and he reacted badly trying to prove himself to a ghost image of that father who was never really there for him, IMO.

The stealing of this baby, was another step in an attempt to be famous and rich.
It went badly and not according to plan somehow. The weak-minded little man with a huge Jupiter laden ruled chart, failed in every way.

I can't imagine however, how the baby died, if the man hit the child purposefully over the head, but there was a skull fracture on the badly decomposed little body.
We don't know if this was an accidental drop of the child (he was only 2 yrs. of age) OR whether or not he was attacked by the man.

Perhaps the Event Chart will show more., but I'll need to correct the time from 9PM to 9:30PM according to the Wikipedia list of Events that evening.

I noticed that Juno in the 11th House for Bruno H. is also semi-square to Jupiter (that "in trouble over the top and in your face Jupiter"....conjunct fixed star Facies (8Capricorn), so, double all I said above about Jupiter (the chart's ruler) and SAG.

Juno represents (to me ) his parents, their marriage while his mother was carrying him in utero. Since maligned in such a fashion, I'd say that I'm on the right track about their marriage, their Ideals and the son's role in their life was one of a huge disappointment from the get-go. He didn't stand a chance to satisfy their expectations so he didn't even try. Instead, he took the "path of least resistance" as most do.

Here is the Kidnapping Event :

The planet of woe and karma lies at their door, the 4th house of the home.
The baby in his crib is evidenced by the 5th house of the child, The Sun's location here in Pisces conjunct to Mercury and Mars, with Vesta and the North Node in this house. The innocent one and the sacrifice (symbolically speaking)

The frantic mother and nanny, may be symbolized by the Moon in the 3rd, on the telephone calling the Police with the Moon conjunct Ceres (the nurturer)
But Toro is here too, (Brutality, rage, violence and agression all keywords) for this asteroid in a very critical 0-1 degree of a Cardinal Sign, that of Capricorn in this case.

The 6th house of "caretaking", perhaps with Uranus here, (the abduction)
also shows Venus which rules this chart.....and Venus then, the child's abduction.
With the Black Moon Lilith in tow, conjunct the D/C cusp - at a very Martian, agressive degree of 25Aries (Hauptmann) it will not be long before that 0 Degree of the Vertex conjunct the "Weeping Sisters" is all over the news and headlines.

In this case Jupiter in the 10th may symbolize the Police and FBI, the investigators looking for the tyke, of the most prominent family in America,
and the 11th house of the strangers, Uranus ruled; has Neptune near the cusp in Virgo, nearing the 8th of Virgo at 6.29 deg. This means the star Alioth is nearby, and the 8th of Virgo is termed the "body in the ditch" as a critical place, although it's not yet's within "reach" or orb.

The Transneptunian, Kronos, keywords (and found in the 7th, conj. a critical star Hamal): Assessment of your own through people in the public eye; Authoritative positions; questioning of competency; shows he was certainly "in control" or just thought he was, for he was completely out of control if the truth be told and Kronos shows this to be so.

The Transneptunian planet, Vulcanus found in the 8th house of Death :
(Keywords seem to fit quite well, for we know he killed the child somehow, either by accident or force)
VULCANUS: Surge of power/strength; feeling forced to associate; compulsion; awareness of invisible power & the power of influence; periods of burn‑out alternate with a “whatever it takes” attitude.

Vulcanus is square to both the Sun in the child's house, or the baby himself, as well as square to Mercury there.

For Frigga, and Jenny the 911 Call from the Ramsey home does show imo, that there was someone directing the conditions in the home on the home front with Saturn conjunct the 4th house cusp. Saturn is also the ruler of the 3rd house of communications.

This direction I cannot tell who it is from, although I would tend to think it (Saturn) may be the late Patsy Ramsey for she was a Capricorn Sun sign ruled by Saturn. Jon Benet was a Leo 13 degrees (a critical degree because of the star it conjuncts being Acubens (in Cancer and the claw of the crab)said to give helplessness to the person connected by the Sun; and her Sun was conjunct Ceres., ironically, the symbol of nurture.

Suffice it to say, her Sun was in a critical degree then, so weakened by the vibrations associated with it.

Jon Benet had for her Rising sign, the Constellation of the Weeping Sisters (0Gemini) Rising....and her Mercury, the Ruler of her natal chart, was in 10Virgo conjunct "Alioth" or "body in the ditch"
as it's commonly termed.
Needless to say, not everyone with this degree of Virgo will be harmed, but it's not a pleasant vibration to own or vibrate with.

Now, the vibrations are "adding up" to what I call a pile-up of negativity.

With the little princess, Uranus conjunct "Facies" an evil vibration in the 8th house of Death along with it's conjunction to Neptune and SAturn exactly opposed to her natal Venus , there was bound to be upset, turmoil and even an early death more then likely for her.

To top it off, Mars at 15Taurus in her 12th house of karmic implications and woe, called the house of our imprisonment, is also opposed to Pluto, (destruction) in the 6th house exact orb at 15Scorpio.

The question is, who took the life of Jon Benet? But I don't think we'll be answering that question here, as the case is CLOSED!

The request was for the 911 Call made by the late Mrs. Patsy Ramsey.

Some things are simply best left to the final arbiter of Justice, our own higher selves or God, imo.

And true justice lying there in his capable hands is always done., rest assured of this.

One cannot lie, steal, cheat or be jealous or hate your fellow man, gossip, backbite,harm another, and not then make a blemish or a mark/stain on one's eternal soul, that will need rectifying the end. It's just a matter of time, and the Universe has all the time there is.

Don't fret then over Jon Benet, she's at rest and eventually her killer will be facing him or her self. You need to have Faith in this life, because often that is all there is.


Thank you so much Leomoon! I am bringing this over from the general forum, thought everyone might want to take a look (It was posted by Madelain BTW, to give proper credit).

I was under the impression too, that the case was NOT considered 'closed' by the BVPD as it has never been solved!

Leomoon, can you give a bit more clarification on weather a voice was heard in the background on the 911 call, and if it were then someone was being untruthful- yes?! TIA. I do understand that whomever is responsible will face justice by their maker/higher self (IMOO), I just wondered what the charts say?!

Exclamation Boulder Police meet with JonBenet Ramsey's now adult brother

DENVER - FOX31 News has learned that Boulder Police detectives recently met with Burke Ramsey, the brother of six year old JonBenet Ramsey, to talk with him about his sister's murder.

JonBenet Ramsey was found murdered in her family's Boulder home in December of 1996. Burke was 9 years old at the time.

He is now 23 and recently graduated from college. Sources tell Fox31 News that detectives traveled out of state in the past few weeks to re-interview Burke about the case.

Burke has never been considered a serious suspect, but he was in the house the night of the murder.

His parents claimed he was asleep. But at least some investigators are skeptical.

Some believe you can hear Burke's voice in the background of a 9-1-1 call Patsy Ramsey made to report her daughter had been kidnapped.

Shortly after that, Burke was sent to stay with a family friend. And hours later, his father found JonBenet's body in a basement room in the house.

Boulder Police are not commenting, except to say it is an open and active investigation.
Frigga: As to "whether or not, there was a voice in the background on the 911 call and was it the brother?"

My opinion is Yes it was, because if we take the 5th house of the child (in question of the phone call), the subject of the call, to be Jon Benet, then the Ruler of the 5th is Venus found in the hidden (or 12th house) and 3 from 12 is her siblings.....or in a Saturn Ruled sign., found again on the 4th house (home place, and endings) cusp.

So, yes I think so. It appears the testimony of the Event chart (911) call suggests a yes.

But that's just, IMO.

p.s. I could not get your link to open for me, but I managed to find the article plus a Video from a local Boulder TV station:
Excerpt from the article:,0,6492962.story

Sept.20, 2010

DENVER - FOX31 News has learned that Boulder Police detectives recently met with Burke Ramsey, the brother of six year old JonBenet Ramsey, to talk with him about his sister's murder.

JonBenet Ramsey was found murdered in her family's Boulder home in December of 1996. Burke was 9 years old at the time.

He is now 23 and recently graduated from college. Sources tell Fox31 News that detectives traveled out of state in the past few weeks to re-interview Burke about the case.

Burke has never been considered a serious suspect, but he was in the house the night of the murder.

His parents claimed he was asleep. But at least some investigators are skeptical.

Some believe you can hear Burke's voice in the background of a 9-1-1 call Patsy Ramsey made to report her daughter had been kidnapped.

Shortly after that, Burke was sent to stay with a family friend. And hours later, his father found JonBenet's body in a basement room in the house.

Boulder Police are not commenting, except to say it is an open and active investigation.

Thank you so much... his voice being heard is what I always suspected (my intuition), although I never suspected him as the killer. MOO has always been the Mother, nothing else made sense to me, in light of the ransom note etc. I just don't see her covering for an abuser husband- I could be wrong though!

I am very interested to see where things may go after this interview with the son. My middle child is 9, and I can guarantee she would be aware and remember the issues and events surrounding the murder!

Thanks again!
The accompanying horoscope charts a hugely notorious murder of successful, prize winning playwright Joe Orton. It was a very personal bludgeoning by hammer, like many of our cases which are neither random nor the work of serial killers. It has a lot to tell us.

This was not a lovers' quarrel but a lover's revenge issuing from a heart full of rage and jealousy. This very day, Venus stationed and turned retrograde and in the horoscope, you can see the love planet Venus turning on Pluto, ruler of the romance & the love object, Scorpio on House 5 . Scorpio co-ruler Mars squares the rising Leo planets in a jealous frenzy (Mars is also in Scorpio). Leo representing Kenneth Halliwell, suffers not only from spurned love but also Leo pride. Leo marks this as a crime of passion.

Although it was a Wednesday by our way of reckoning time, post midnight, in the day & hour tables this crime took place on a Mars day which did not end until dawn. Therefore the very bloody scene of obvious violence took place in a Mars hour of a Mars day. The victim kept a diary faithfully and Halliwell's suicide note referred to the latest entries in it. This diary is the Mercury on the Ascendant and Mercury squares the south node of the Moon in the House of endings where we also see Mars. Mars in House 4 means a violent end.

The way Kenneth Halliwell saw this was Uranus sextile Neptune, "You drove me to do this and to kill myself. " Neptune represents the 22 Nembutols he took which poisoned him to death immediately. His victim lingered, dying from the nine hammer blows that cratered his head. The drugging is also seen in Neptune quincunx Part of Fortune on the Fixed Stars Phact, Mintaka & El Nath.

Another feature in the horoscope is Saturn in fall at the top in House 10, the mark of one who is overly ambitious and it rules Halliwell's work, intercept in House 6, for which he had great unrealised hopes. He too was an author and playwright but an unsuccessful one, unlike his famous victim.

This is an old murder suicide but an infamous one and as far as I know, it has not been charted before. Note that Mars is parallel Neptune for treachery & betrayal and that the Moon is parallel Uranus for the explosive moments occurring inside this Islington flat.
Films and books have been written about Orton and Halliwell and this horrific scene.


This was a sixteen year partnership between opposite Signs. Halliwell was born 23 June, 1926 in Birkenhead, England. Orton, 1 January, 1933 in Leicester, England.
This is regarding Jon Hemingway - Missing boater from Nantucket - March 17th, 2010. There has been a new development this week.

To refresh your memory about the case:

Initial case request:

Leomoon answer:

And followups from Leomoon, Tuba & FifthEssence here - post # 633 to 644

New Developments:

Cops: Human leg washes ashore on Nantucket
Saturday, September 25, 2010

A skeletal human leg, in a sock and a boot, was found yesterday by two rangers where it apparently had washed ashore near Great Point on Nantucket, police said.
Two Trustees of Reservations rangers were walking along the beach when they made the grisly discovery about 4:20 p.m. yesterday.
They told police they were in the area of Great Point known as Chord of the Bay.
snipped....more at link

Human Leg washes ashore on Coatue
By Jason Graziadei
I&M Senior Writer
September 30, 2010

The skeletal remains of a human leg, with a sock and boot still clinging to the foot, washed up on Coatue last Thursday afternoon. The grim discovery was made by rangers working with the Trustees of Reservations, the conservation group which manages the remote wildlife area, on the northeastern side of Coatue in the Chord of the Bay, which faces Nantucket Sound. The rangers reported the find to Nantucket police, and detectives were dispatched to retrieve the remains.

Investigators with the Cape and Islands District Attorney’s office and the state medical examiner are now working to identify the victim, but the results of DNA testing may not be available for four to five months, District Attorney Michael O’Keefe said.

Authorities also declined to say whether the remains might belong to Jon Hemingway, the Nantucket man who is believed to have drowned after falling from his boat on a return trip to Nantucket from Hyannis with his wife and two young children in March. Police have contacted Hemingway’s wife, Katie Hemingway, regarding the discovery on Coatue, and retrieved his old toothbrushes from her Field Avenue home to assist with the DNA testing, she said.

“I feel in my heart that it’s him,” Hemingway said this week. “I have to say I’m a little annoyed by the speculative nature (of media reports). They (police) did contact me last week to go over the evidence, but it will be weeks before we know anything. I feel like it’s him, but that’s not science.
“This whole story has been incredulous,” she continued. “I’m surprised that it happened here, but I’m grateful there’s hopefully going to be some level of closure and to have something of him I can bury.”
Hemingway added that she showed the investigators a pair of her husband’s work boots, which they said were similar to the one found still attached to the human remains which washed up on Coatue.
Fifth Essence did a chart for this missing student. I looked at it this morning. Dwight struck up against an older person who appears as his "inferior". Take that as you will, whether status, fortunes in life, education or an utter drifter. This was a very unlucky happenstance, meeting this older person.

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