Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 1

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Angelica's story has zero credibility, although we know she was at the store. I don't believe Jada was. Even that time wavers 10 minutes. What interests me is the time Jada's mother gave her to Angelica but I have not heard any reporter or interviewer talk about that or even ask the mother that question. I would hope the mother could be believed as she seems sincere. That hand-over should reveal what was to come while Jada was in Angelica's "care".
Re: Jada Justice

Angelica's story has zero credibility, although we know she was at the store. I don't believe Jada was. Even that time wavers 10 minutes. What interests me is the time Jada's mother gave her to Angelica but I have not heard any reporter or interviewer talk about that or even ask the mother that question. I would hope the mother could be believed as she seems sincere. That hand-over should reveal what was to come while Jada was in Angelica's "care".

Tuba, ITA. we need to look at this if at all possible. I know the handover date was June 8, 2009. Can anyone track down the time mother handed Jada over to EC?


The Times has learned that charges are expected to be filed Thursday against the baby sitter of 2-year-old Jada Justice and the young woman's boyfriend, and a source familiar with the case told The Times the girl's body had been recovered.
The charges against Engelica Castillo and Tim Tkachik could come as early as 5 p.m., when Hobart police are scheduled to hold a news conference to update the status of the case, the source said.

Meanwhile, various reports surfaced throughout the day Thursday that Justice's body had been recovered. Though Hobart police and other officials would not comment on those reports.

Found in a field!,jada-break-625.article

Poor poor little baby. PRAYERS got out to her Family.
okay, i feel REALLY strange. i woke up the other day and said to my housemate. somethings are going to come to a head on the cases i follow. i told him i feel a lot is going to happen. later that day, they found haylee, then they found the body of travis...the also arrested his murderer. now jade, that not counting michael jackson and farrah. oh and they found the two siblings that were missing.
Have attached a copy of the .pdf AFFIDAVIT

You will note, there is a different DOB for Engelica on the Affidavit from what Vinelink had listed originally. I went to Vinelink and copied the following.

CASTILLO ENGELICA ELISA 08/06/1990 18 In Custody Lake County Jail Lake County Jail
CASTILLO ENGELICA ELISA 08/06/1990 18 Transferred Unknown Agency Porter County Jail
CASTILLO ENGELICA ELISA 09/06/1990 18 Out of Custody General release Lake County Jail


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Have opened a Forensic Astro Thread for LINDSEY BAUM and will be moving related posts from here over to that dedicated thread.​

[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - Lindsey Baum missing McCleary,WA 6/26/09 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]​
Authorities issued an Amber Alert for 11-year-old Damian Duncan, last seen by his parents on Wednesday, July 8, 2009. According to news articles, the parents stated they left home Wednesday around 8 am. When they came home around 4 pm, they said they couldn't find him.


Chart testimonies are dire.

05 Leo rises, a degree of homicide. The NODES hug the ASC/DSC axis; SOUTH NODE inconjuncts PLUTO and opposes MOON. These are death markers.

NEPTUNE of lies sesquisquares MERCURY the Day Ruler, and Lord of the 3rd House of Information True or False. A common sign on House 3 makes the 'story' questionable and with Lord 3 MERCURY in House 12 of Secrets sesquisquare NEPTUNE (lies), I think we have a problem...

Lord 1 the SUN is also posited in the unfortunate 12th House. Since SUN is both chart ruler and the planet that describes the event, I further suspect a secret agenda (SUN in 12th House of Secrets). Something is being hidden. Also note that radix House 12 is the 8th House of Death of the 5th House Child, making SUN in the 12th a doubly unfortunate placement.

The 5th House of the Child cusp = 00 Sagittarius, partile opposed ALCYONE, a.k.a. The Weeping Sisters, always giving something to cry about. Lord 5 the Child JUPITER is partile conjunct the 8th House of Death cusp. Notice the Arabic Part of Children is also there, exactly conjunct JUPITER the Child and the 8th House cusp.

The Arabic Part of Sons is close conjunct the Part of Death which itself is partile square VENUS 03 Gemini.

VENUS is Lord 4 the Father, here conjunct the Part of the Father, while Part of the Mother 00:07 Aries is partile trine the malefic SOUTH NODE. MOON, always showing the action, has just separated from MARS, Lord 10 the Mother, and MARS the Mother & VENUS the Father form an out-of-sign conjunction. Notice House 4 has Scorpio (ruled by MARS) intercepted while House 10 has Libra (ruled by VENUS) intercepted. This, in conjunction with the SUN in 12th House of Secrets and the suspicious connections involving the parental Parts as well as their significators VENUS & MARS leads me to highly suspect their involvement in this 'disappearance.'

Damian's natal chart shows strong natal promise for abuse.

A tri-wheel showing Damian's natal as Inner, his secondary progressions as middle, and the Last Seen as Outer gives disturbing testimony, not the least of which is Event SOUTH NODE partile conjunct his natal SUN and square his secondary progressed MIDHEAVEN.

Is LE accepting the parents' story at face value? I sincerely hope not!

Damian Duncan has been found. He was hiding 5 miles away from his house in a home under construction. Thank God he was spotted and is safe...that is, alive.
Quoting Soulscape in the Last Seen Chart, NEPTUNE of lies sesquisquares MERCURY the Day Ruler, and Lord of the 3rd House of Information True or False. A common sign on House 3 makes the 'story' questionable and with Lord 3 MERCURY in House 12 of Secrets sesquisquare NEPTUNE (lies), I think the story portrayed by the father & stepmom are exactly that. A tale of sorts based on the aspects I bolded. The events of the night before and that early morning have much to do with young Damian wanting to 'escape.' I fear this will not be his last attempt to get away ( a cry for help) from those things that have troubled him and caused him to act up.
Hoping DCF requires a look into the home life and offers counseling for both parents and therapy for Damian.
I agree Fifth. With the child running away and hiding in an empty house 5 miles from home, you have to wonder what the parents are doing. The parents freely admit the child was "being punished." What was the punishment the child ran from?

Also, I wonder about the timing, I thought it was hinky from the start. Most folks have to be AT work at 8:00 a.m. so it is likely the child was really last seen sometime between 7:30-8:00 a.m. especially if they were off work at 4:00 p.m. I don't think either time given by the parents was accurate (my own opinion) but rather rounded down to make it look and sound better. Neither parent worked 8 hours based on the times given.

I to hope Damian gets some counseling and maybe he should go live with his mom if she is able to provide for him? He is obviously unhappy at home.

Soulscape with those death markers in Damian's charts if he were to be sent home is there a possibility of further abuse in the future that could be deadly? Just trying to figure out if something like this turns up in a chart is there a way to change his course or will it eventually materialize.
Soulscape with those death markers in Damian's charts if he were to be sent home is there a possibility of further abuse in the future that could be deadly? Just trying to figure out if something like this turns up in a chart is there a way to change his course or will it eventually materialize.


I would need to see Damian's father's (and possibly step-mom's) chart and compare with Damian's to answer your question.

As it is, Damian's natal chart is challenging to say the least with aspect patterns that lead me to believe he is surely 'at risk' for abuse. We cannot 'predict' how chart energy will manifest, however. With caring guidance and direction, Damian could learn how to manage the difficult energies and use them constructively, wisely and creatively.


I would need to see Damian's father's (and possibly step-mom's) chart and compare with Damian's to answer your question.

As it is, Damian's natal chart is challenging to say the least with aspect patterns that lead me to believe he is surely 'at risk' for abuse. We cannot 'predict' how chart energy will manifest, however. With caring guidance and direction, Damian could learn how to manage the difficult energies and use them constructively, wisely and creatively.


It is amazing how what you don't know about what is in your chart can hurt you.
It is amazing how what you don't know about what is in your chart can hurt you.

The true value of Astrology is that it can help you identify your weaknesses so you can manage/control them more effectively and identify and develop your strengths.

Knowledge is power.

The true value of Astrology is that it can help you identify your weaknesses so you can manage/control them more effectively and identify and develop your strengths.

Knowledge is power.


Spread the word. I guess Astrology allows us to see the light in the forest. I'm sold. I love and respect all our astrologers on this site. You do great work.
Friends are a salient feature of this chart but what sort of "friends"? The Moon, Jupiter, Neptune plus Chiron are all in the friendship Sign of Aquarius and House 11 of friends has to be read with House 12 of secret enemies. When Jupiter-Neptune is afflicted it is a conjunction of the con, falsity, the phony sell and hypocrisy. Here it is square to Mercury on the Weeping Sisters and the Moon is also part of the fraud.

Note that the Sign of secrets rises as well and the intercepts reek of facts that are masked. Bad acts are involved because the ruler of House 7 is found in House 6, acting against the public weal. The Moon applies in days to the Sun in II in House 8 in the Sign of notes (as in paper money) or checks. That was the attempt to cash her check. Declined by the bank. That was a foolish move, Mercury square Jupiter. Follow the money.

***************** Sadly, REMAINS FOUND ON 10/10/09*****************
WADMALAW ISLAND, SC (WCSC) - Four months after Kate Waring's disappearance, the tireless search by her family, friends, and Charleston authorities has come to a close. Charleston County Coroner Rae Wooten said skeletal remains found on Wadmalaw Island Saturday are those of Waring.
Charleston police had no new information about the case until October 7, when two people were charged with obstruction of justice and forgery.

Ethan Mack, 29, and Heather Kamp, 30, are both being held in the Charleston County Detention Center, police said. Mack and Kamp are dangerous, added Judge Linda Lombard, who said the pair's criminal record also contributed to her decision to set a high bond.

Kamp is a fugitive in four states with a second degree robbery conviction, Lombard said. Mack had a couple of drug charges and one gun charge from 2007 that is still pending, she added.

Here the link for the Thread regarding Katherine.

[ame=""]SC-Katherine Waring, 28, Charleston - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Pluto from the underworld rises, the odd man out. He is inconjunct the Sun, ruler House 8. A death aspect, which also falls on Moon-Venus in her relation to chart significator, Saturn.

From heliocentric perspective, Venus is 4:13 Capricorn on the ASC, confirming what this crime was about (see analysis beneath chart) and Mars is conjunct Uranus from heliocentric positions at 25:04 and 23:21 Pisces, respectively. This is the act of a frenzied, rabid fiend. See chart.

The last lunar aspect is a sextile to Jupiter-Neptune, ruler of travel H. 3 and significator Saturn is on the hidden side of H. 9 for return to the Central Growing Valley, the San Joaquin. The planets show a drug purchase too.

Tuba the killer is known to Davina? Referring to " He lusted after her" and "activity first to quarrel, then kill". Do the charts indicate how he would be associated with her? Her family farmed in Somis for generations, wonder if this a link to the killer returning to CGV/San Joaquin. Someone who knew she and her family? Does the chart give any more details on the drug purchase? Was it associated with the Husteds or just an event that occured while he was in Ventura County and is unrelated to the killings?
WS member Idaho4Groenes reports:

Luca lives with his custodial father in Boise. Father not home at the time of the abduction. Older teenage sister was home at the time. The man asked for Luca by name, and Luca came to the door. Sister did not see a vehicle. The abductor is believed to be working with Luca's non-custodial mother, who lives out of state(? I think I heard that right). The FBI is involved.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - ID - AMBER Alert, Boise 7 year old![/ame]

The Last Seen chart supports this hypothesis.


The Event involves a man and woman in collusion to take the child 'far away.' This is shown by SUN (man) and MOON (woman, mother) conjunct in 9th House of long distances.

It is a MERCURY day and MERCURY hour. MERCURY is Lord 10 the Mother of the 1st House person. Notice Lord 1 JUPITER at 21 degrees in partile Yod formation with VENUS partile conjunct VERTEX (fate) both at 21 Cancer and SATURN 21 Virgo.

With JUPITER Lord 1 = Luca, VENUS is Lord 11 of circumstances beyond one's control. SATURN is Lord 2 the Near Future and Lord 3 symbolizing (among other things) cars, transport. BLACK MOON LILITH is partile conjunct the 3rd House cusp and JUPITER (Luca) is within.

This child was taken 'far away' (SUN & MOON in 9th) in a vehicle (3rd House) at the direction of the Mother.

He will be recovered because his significator JUPITER is retrograde.

Thursday, August 20th, 2009
BOISE - A second degree kidnapping warrant has been issued for the biological mother of Luca Principali, the Boise boy abducted from his home Wednesday.

Police have reason to believe that Luca Principali may be traveling in a silver colored minivan with California license plate 6GQC981.

Boise police say Luca Principali, 7, is home with his father in Boise.

According to a release, Ekaterina Principali voluntarily turned herself into Boise police Tuesday afternoon at the urging of officers.

Luca was with the suspect when she turned herself into police. He appears unharmed and in good physical condition and has been reunited with his father.
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