Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 1

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Here is something I neglected to say then about Lester's personality.
It was (deep down inside), with the Sun in Scorpio, (16 - 17 degrees) and Moon most likely in Libra constellation if in Virgo- a rather honest individual, who had his own mindset (fixed) as to right and wrongs. Scorpio Sun near this degree often does. They don't often
"suffer fools well" as we might say :)

It's hard to believe this was a suicide, (stabbed in the heart 5 times?) I don't believe so personally... and I don't think his chart supports it. - more like confrontations or anger - Suicide signs would be too much "overkill" for the chart (no signs like Pisces suggesting a martyr mentality for instance) but this one of Lester's was not self-hating that I can see, nor sacrificial in that regard for another.

Sure, with Scorpio he had a clear internal vision for himself of right and wrong, no middle of the road,
but I don't see suicide here.(although of course I'm not always correct either in the interpretation of these symbols, can get blind-sided sometimes) by my own repulsion of suicides (my own daughter's)

With Mars square Pluto, it's possible of course,.........but overall, it appears a confrontation may have occurred .

To SEE moreso, I'd need the date and time of where the event occurred.....and I take it you don't know the time of his death or all of the cirucmstances surrounding it?

His Sun is Combust to Venus, meaning the personality and Venus were very much aligned almost to being "one" I'd think a passionate person, who loved who he loved and perhaps hated who he hated.
(not a sit on the fence type of person) a Libra sign normally might be.
(some believe the combust Sun is in a debility position, that you can read about here)

But with the Sun, Venus & Jupiter all aligned as it were, I'd think Lester was by and large a good person at heart, generous (sometimes to a fault), willing to give the other the benefit of the doubt (IF in the higher vibrations of these signs positions)

Yes, artistic is easily seen because of Venus so close to the Sun (combust) as one.
Venus rules Art forms, so he'd easily be a "natural" as we say with this tight combo.

We ALL have what is called "natal promises" and with Lester, the Black Moon at 29Aries,
(ruled by Mars) as Aries well as his Scorpio Sun (co-ruler is Mars)
would then bring him into harm's way at some time in the life (more probable then not)
so I'm not surprised how it turned out for him. In reading the symbols here, I'm more apt to believe
we see "probabilites" of events, including the natal probabilities (as promises), with Free Will intact.

His natal Uranus
(the erratic planet) is in a critical place, conjunct fixed star "Dubhe", and it opposes his Chiron (the inner wound that needed healing) in Aquarius. So it's not all that surprising to me to see TRansiting Uranus conjunct his natal planets for a death (plus the Algol factor) for Mars.

Aquarius is a fixed sign (fixed mindset) as is Taurus & Scorpio.

Look beneath his chart in the box or graph of symbols there.

Look at the letter "F" meaning Fixed Signs......and you'll see just how many there were for him.

Not to fret, he has learned from his mistakes in this lifetime, I'm sure of it.
As I said, some of us take the harder path to learn, but learn we will.

Thank you, I have made a call to try to get his birth time. Yes it was definitely overkill as he was set on fire after the stabbing and his home burned down around him. That would be the destructive part also. You are so correct with his inner wound that needed healing, he did not speak about this wound but his close friends could tell it was there.
Lester Levitt:

These degrees are what I'm looking at for Lester's natal chart:
(so you can see how easily he'd fall into (with Venus) and the Sun Combust
such Artistic traits in this life:)

16°....Growth; painting. (both his Sun & his Venus)


17°41'.Mercury South Node.

Note: With Tr Uranus over his natal Venus, would be interesting to know if this event was triggered by upset over a woman.
We'll never know, as it's probably "case closed" for the investigators, (if there ever was one) :(
I am so sorry about your daughter, such a tragedy and such a young life.

I am not sure about the time of his death, his brother's birthday was on the 16th so they had been celebrating this on the 15th (a saturday night I believe) so it happened late the evening (after 10ish) of the 15th or the early morning hours of the 16th. Nothing was discovered until the fire was noticed (after 2 am) in the morning. I can't recall all the details anymore. I don't know what his official death date is, I will ask that also. This brother was also murdered some years later but that one was solved.

Yes he was very artistic, he was left handed and could really draw/paint. Ahhhhh the music, I remember him singing along with Drove my Chevy to the levee and some Three dog night. Those were the days. :)

You are so very correct with this chart.
It's the symbols or reflection of the planets, and then the ability to discern what those symbols represent that counts.
But thanks anyway... for the feedback.

It's best to always think positively of those who cross over in such tragic ways,
I believe it continues to help them even then to be surrounded by the Light.

You are doing so, and for this I commend you .

Unfortunately, it appears so, Knox, however, I do not have Azriel's DOB to confirm, so perhaps there is some hope...

Amongst the several death indicators for Shantina, her natal SUN 16 Taurus is partile conjunct the Arabic Part of MISFORTUNE in the 10:00 am 'Car Found' chart discussed above.

If anyone can uncover Azriel's birth data, please let me know.

Thank you,

I cannot find Azriel's birth data.
I did find that Shantina met Azriel's dad in Hawaii.
I do not know if that is where Azriel was born.
I think of him and the fishing/swimming we used to do and I am sorry nobody has ever been brought to justice for his death, that is so very unfair. No, there was not much of an investigation at all and with the fire there was probably not much in the way of evidence. :(

There was a rumor at the time that Lester (when he was younger) had witnessed a young girl (woman involved in confrontation?) being injured by an adult. This had bothered Lester and he was threatening to tell on the adult. This was supposedly investigated but LE couldn't find the young girl in question or find out her name.

Yes it is a closed/cold case and I have hopes of one day it being solved.
I cannot find Azriel's birth data.
I did find that Shantina met Azriel's dad in Hawaii.
I do not know if that is where Azriel was born.

Thank you for looking, Dreamweaver.

This article gave good info, perhaps it will be helpful in finding Azriel's DOB. It appears he was born in November 2001 in Longview (WA?).


Azriel is a second-grader at Vinland Elementary in the North Kitsap School District, according to The Olympian. Daily News archives show that he was born in Longview in November 2001. Simmons said he told the boy's father in New York state what has happened.

The ASCENDANT 07 Scorpio is in the Via Combusta (Burning Way), a malefic and unpredictable influence.

The Solstice Point of ASCENDANT Lord MARS, as mentioned in a previous post, is 29 Taurus = ALCYONE, a.k.a. The Pleaides indicating 'something to cry about.' What makes this even more sinister is that 29 Taurus is the degree on the 10:00 a.m. 3/14/2010 'Car Found' Chart.

Additionally, MARS is parallel (acts as a conjunction) the Death Star HAMAL on the Turned 1st (radix 7th) House cusp. MARS is also square the Arabic Part of PERIL at 29 Aries (not shown).


MISFORTUNE is posited in the 1st House close opposed CAPUT ALGOL, the most malefic Fixed Star in the Heavens, 26 Taurus.

I have assigned Shantina to House 7, making it the Turned 1st. Turned ASCENDANT degree 07 Taurus is partile conjunct malefic Fixed Star HAMAL, a.k.a. the Death Wound, which is parallel MARS as noted above.

Turned Lord 1 VENUS (Shantina) at 08 Aquarius is partile sextile (opportunity) the Arabic Part of Death 08 Aquarius and applying close square to the Part of ACCIDENTS 09 Capricorn (not shown).

Part of FATALITY 16:19 Taurus (not shown) is partile conjunct Shantina's natal SUN.

One of today's news reports stated a wine bottle similar to one Shantina had just purchased prior to the disappearance was found floating in the water where the car was found. Note the Asteroid BACCHUS, associated with alcohol, is partile conjunct the 4th House End of the Matter cusp, also symbolizing the End of Life or the Grave.

Photo of Melissa Progressed to age 36:

Without Melissa's time of birth we are limited in what we can tell of the little girl's fate. The Arabic Lots for instance, depends upon an accurate time of birth for the Ascendent is very important with them.
However, I can post a Sunrise Chart, for which I'm getting good results as well as an actual time of her abduction by a "faux" babysitter who absconded with this little girl under such pretense of offering her mother babysitting services.

According to the link the parents are now divorced, but have other natural children who would then be Melissa's natural siblings (house 3 in a time of a known time birth chart)

I'll post the thumbnail Charts (click once then again to make them larger)
and we'll see what we can see with what we have to work with here:

Note: that the Transits on the day of the kidnapping, show the Black Moon Lilith, the arcthype of the evil in women, or symbol of thievery of another's love perhaps, - transits in a very critical 9 deg. Libra, conjunct (aligned with) Tr. Uranus over the child's natal Uranus (a very slow moving planet)

Melissa has her natal Venus conjunct the fixed Star “Spica” which suggests she will be lucky in love, lucky in some facets of her life – such as career, is artistic and because her natal Venus conjuncts Jupiter – these are two benefics in astrology, working in unison for her, so much luck (ironic as this sounds) abounds in her life.

IF we look however at the natal Mars at 1Aquarius, conjunct fixed star “Altair” or the Eagle, we see ambition here, not unlike Sarah Palin’s ambitious nature, so Melissa too has an ambitious nature about her.

I’d think she’d be very curious naturally and instinctively about her background, with Scorpio planets as she has, and her Mars, so keeping her picture out there in the public eye, makes sense of course….not that I’d ever suggest otherwise, but in this case, there is hope she will come to an awakening perhaps, or question enough someday…although I must admit
By now, (age 40?) it seems rather unlikely, as no doubt she has her own family, children of her own now.

Saturn the planet of karma (as we term it) and also the planet of woe in one way or another, meaning responsibility at an early age, etc. is highlighted in her natal chart because it’s alone, (a singleton), with many oppositions and squares (challenges in her life) and curiously also the Quincunx to Uranus (the strange and unexpected abduction possibly) which occurred early on.

In spite of everything, I do think she’s a fairly well adjusted human being, with a lot Of things to look forward to in her life a life which was handed to her by one mother and taken by another to be known as mother.
I do not see any type of serious psychological harm having been done to her nor do I see any alarming signs in her natal chart……(if we are looking for them)….
Only the Saturn and the hardship of not knowing her bio. Mother and perhaps not having a father figure in her life ( even with the other woman)…Saturn opposes the Sun (the symbol for the father)

The event chart shows us that the kidnapper (Sun in the 12th house conjunct “Regulus” in the Hidden, and self-undoing house is at the top of or peak of her ability to carry off the baby successfully in an underhanded (sneaky and hidden 12th house ) way of doing so.

The mother is not in attendance of the child (6th House Mars conjunct NN in Aquarius) Fate gets it's way here, NN in
The so-called, “care giving” house.

The house of the event chart that rules Children (the 5th ) is ruled here by Saturn and we find Saturn at the MC the uppermost or highest part of the chart. In this regard,
She successfully extracts what she desires, that is the child.
· Saturn opposes Neptune (sneaky and lies) on 4th house cusp of home ……conjunct
· Jupiter (luck) in doing so.

South Node in the karmic house, in a very critical degree indeed, that of nearing the 15th degree of Leo.

The Moon (mother archetype) is combust to Pluto (read the link in the other post for
Lester on Combust planets)
Moon combust Pluto makes for an intensely manipulative woman (moon is woman)
EXTREME here, in the Moon conj.Pluto within only minutes and conjunct the Part of Fortune.
Then we see in the chart, the Black Moon and Uranus. The dirty deed is done, the kidnapping of the baby girl for the “new mother” (pluto combust Moon)

The ruler of this Chart is Mercury with a Virgo Ascendent, and in 5 degrees Virgo, it is opposed to “Hyades” at 5Gemini (in the Weeping Sisters) star cluster of Pleaides.

This is bad, real bad………not for the little girl but for the biological family.
The little girls’ chart seems to make out “okay”, and she is now a grown woman. I cannot see that anything "untoward" has happened to her other then the original event, her chart seems good overall.

The parents I’m sure suffer ever day over this breach of security of their child.

I feel the child is safe, grown up woman now, probably with a family of her own
And is non the wiser of the entire event.

She does have some lucky stars to count for this psychology.
NATAL: (SUNRISE) (corrected)


Note: Rex Bills book gives "Saturn" as symbolic of bears
Saturn is in the 1st house closely aligned with Sun in the Sunset Chart.
(we don't have her time of birth).... to know the exact houses for this child.

Event Chart:

Little Zoey is represented by Cancer Rising, or the Moon.
Saturn in the event chart is found in the 3rd house opposing Uranus, the Sun and a critical
The 3rd may also represent short journeys
I'm afraid it's not looking too good for little Zoey.
Sadly to say.
If the Car was Found 10:00 am Sunday 3/14/10 Olympia WA, time had changed (at 2:00 am) to PDT giving ASC 29 Taurus = ALCYONE -- The Pleiades, 'something to cry about'.

SUN & MOON are intercepted in Pisces in 11th House == most unfortunate circumstance beyond one's control == with MOON partile CONJUNCT PART OF DEATH 11 Pisces.

Point of DEATH 00 Aries close opposed SATURN 01 Libra RX across the 12/6 axis.

Lord 1 VENUS in radix 12th House of Misfortune, Sorrow & Woe, and MOON last passed over NEPTUNE in Aquarius (accidental drowning).

The Part of FORTUNE is MISFORTUNE in this chart (12th House placement) @ 16 Taurus.

The LAST SEEN chart 10:10 pm PST Saturday 3/13/10 Olympia WA gives 07 Scorpio Rising (never a good sign on a Missing Person case) and if we assign Shantina to House 7 (turned 1st) @ 07 Taurus we know it is partile conjunct HAMAL The Death Wound, with Lord Turned 1st VENUS, URANUS of accidents and the SUN in Turned 11th (radix 5th).

URANUS & SUN are posited in Pisces (accidental 11th House drowning Pisces) with Lord Turned 1st VENUS 08 ARIES partile sextile PART OF DEATH 08 Aquarius.

The Solstice Point of Lord 1 MARS (radix chart) = 29 Taurus = ALCYONE, same degree as on CAR FOUND ASCENDANT.

Shantina's birth data confirms the death judgment.

**Please note: a chart cast for the 10:30 am Sunday 3/14/2010 'Car Found' gives equally unfortunate testimony.

Judgment: death by drowning; accidental.

I will add the charts later this evening.



It appears Azriel's body was found this afternoon, approx. 12 miles from where the car was abandoned; they are still searching for Shantina as I write this.

I am very sad.

R.I.P. little Angel boy and Mom.



Note: Rex Bills book gives "Saturn" as symbolic of bears
Saturn is in the 3rd house of close journeys....

Little Zoey, is the Sun (9th hs. ) conjunct Uranus (separation - unexpected) and opposite Saturn in the 3rd.

Thanks for the interpretion of Saturn being the bear, incredible symbolisn. One would think LE would have reported bear paw prints & to my knowledge they haven't. Or lion prints either.

How did you arrive at the birth time? I thought a sunrise chart put the Sun at the ascendent, but yours looks like you used the black moon lilith. Is there a reason for that?

Thanks, Paulette
thanks Paulette for informing me the chart was wrong. I'll correct it
shortly and it will be the Sunrise Chart.

As for the Rex Bills book of's just a guide. He was not even an Astrologer, although his wife was. They did do a lot of research gathering all of these signs from various sources however and checking and rechecking.

They put this compendium together and for the most part it helps us to find various symbols in Horary and Event charts.

Why Saturn? Good question, I haven't a clue, other then it's of the earth and a mammal. The book also gives "beasts of burden" a Saturn sign which makes sense because of the burdensome nature of Saturn for many who aren't naturally a Capricorn or Saturnine person.
Little Zoey is a Cancer Sun - (same day as my eldest daughter)....July 14th.
And I'm also sorry to see her Sun is conjunct Saturn in her natal chart
Moon & Sun are square to each other.

I'm thinking however the 12 House actually rules "large undomesticated animals" and the 6th house rules "domesticated and smaller pets"


A sad day indeed Soulscape, thank you for the accurate chart reading.

RIP Little Azriel, your precious spirit will be missed on this earth.
thanks Paulette for informing me the chart was wrong. I'll correct it
shortly and it will be the Sunrise Chart.

As for the Rex Bills book of's just a guide. He was not even an Astrologer, although his wife was. They did do a lot of research gathering all of these signs from various sources however and checking and rechecking.

They put this compendium together and for the most part it helps us to find various symbols in Horary and Event charts.

Why Saturn? Good question, I haven't a clue, other then it's of the earth and a mammal. The book also gives "beasts of burden" a Saturn sign which makes sense because of the burdensome nature of Saturn for many who aren't naturally a Capricorn or Saturnine person.
Little Zoey is a Cancer Sun - (same day as my eldest daughter)....July 14th.
And I'm also sorry to see her Sun is conjunct Saturn in her natal chart
Moon & Sun are square to each other.

I'm thinking however the 12 House actually rules "large undomesticated animals" and the 6th house rules "domesticated and smaller pets"



Zoey Dorsey has been found ALIVE about 1 mile from her home. Thanks God she is safe.
The Curry County sheriff's office says a missing 4-year-old girl was found crying in the woods late Thursday less than 200 yards from her southwest Oregon home. Little Zoey Dorsey vanished from her house two miles east of Brookings on Wednesday afternoon.

The sheriff's office says she's been taken to a Crescent City, Calif. hospital.

Read more:

And this:

a plane had circled the area earlier in the day playing a recording of her grandmother's voice asking her to come out in the open.

This one says she was three miles from home, cold, scratched, but alive:

Zoey had many scratches and was extremely dirty, but she was expected to survive her case of mild hypothermia, Bishop said.

“She’s exhausted; she looks a mess, but she’s okay,” he (Sheriff) said.

Let's hope she makes a quick and full recovery.
Leomoon: Robert Crump found her at 7:30 pm. Did this chart w/asteroids Roberta, Dorsey and Melpomene (tragedy) . All angles at 29 degrees. POF 29:29 Pisces. Melpomene at 29 degrees also.

Pluto 5:19 Cap. trines Moon 5:17 Taurus. Asteroid Dorsey 5:16 Aries square Pluto.

"Robert" 22:27 Taurus sextile Zoey's Sun 22 Cancer. Zoey also has asteroid "Child" at 22 Cancer, conjunct her Sun.

This chart looks fated. Every angle was ready to flip over to zero & she would have been lost had Robert Crump left when the helicopters made a racket & he couldn't hear. Instead he waited 10 minutes to listen for the original yelp that had stopped him in the 1st place.
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