Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 2

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last seen on 28 DEC 10 at 1330 hrs.

TR NN and Mercury over her natal Lachesis when she went missing from this Pikesville neighborhood in N.W. Baltimore City.

Both TR Sun and Pluto although a ways from a conjunction to her natal Stellium planets beginning with Mars, do create a square aspect to Transiting Uranus (abductor or strange and unexpected occurrence) which is now at 0degree Aries, a critical or crisis degree and opposes her natal Zeus exact degree at 0Libra.

Natal without the time of her birth:


Asteroid Melpomene, (a Tragedy) does conjunct her natal North Node within 2 degrees, quincunx to TR Jupiter and the Black Moon.

TR Mars is squaring Natal Hades and Kronos – and forming a square to TR Cupido and Mercury which may suggest a sexual motive by force.

Saturn, the planet of woe and karma, does seem to be the trigger here that is activating her critical Juno square Mercury square Moon and even square by association, asteroid Moira.Lachesis is transiting at 23Aquarius, coming up to her natal Saturn, and Transiting Neptune hits her Saturn smack on, suggesting she was double crossed, or lied to, perhaps trusting when she should not have someone. TR Hades is opposing TR Pluto and the Sun on that day, the 28th when last seen.
That would not be good for vitality and life.

Now, the question is, who took her by force? Pluto is force, and Hades is up to no good.
Has anyone gotten any further with the information I posted with a link from WJZ TV reports that she had contacted a Shelter and that the Shelter person contacted the police who came to get her?
What’s up with this??

I just noticed that TR Vesta is over her natal Pallas (shades of sexuality and attraction) and that Vesta is transiting conjunct fixed star "Fomalhaut" which we have seen before in the children's charts missing over the summertime in Az.
Two of them, Sylar and the other child the same week nearby. There have been many others too, I'll need to check who they were and post here later when I do.

Fomalhaut a Royal Persian Star - means, "An immortal name" and often can be seen to bring about events that puts a person in the news media or newspaper in some way in this century. Thousands of years ago the ancients noticed that when Fomalhaut was prominent, it meant "An Immortal name" in their midst.

We just hope of course today, it is not a name in infamy (like Sylar and the other children) but rather in finding someone after they go missing for awhile so a temporary time in the newspapers or media.

Look opposite this place in Pisces over to Virgo. You will see she has Chiron (inner wound) 8.55 degrees Virgo (the critical degree referred to sometimes as the "body in the ditch" degree) and it conjoins asteroid "Hopi" (ambushed)
This IS her natal chart.
And IF this actually happened to her, we might call it a "natal promise" that occurred when the transits were right to bring about and complete the promise.

Oftentimes however, we can read these symbols incorrectly, that's not hard to do actually, as astrology is a symbolic art subject to biased interpretation and that is what I meant earlier when I posted about Ascendents.

Not to say "this one or that one " is biased, that was not my intent at all. Just to objectively point out that it's easy to get lost in the symbology of it all, and we need to constantly be double checking our objectivity.

For instance, should "Hopi" or the conj. to Chiron in the "Body in the Ditch" degree be taken literally?

Sometimes it proves to be exactly so, other times, not so sure.

I'll post the Event chart to help along in the objectivity.

No, it doesn't appear at all to be a runaway case Boxermom.

Each chart we create we can add new and interesting data to see what comes up.
Some use the Arabic Lots and I seldom do. But I may later on in this case.

For now I’ll show you two variations of the “Last Seen chart” and in this 2nd one, I’ll insert the TNPs in only one of them.

In this case we are seeing Kronos & Hades in the 2nd
and 3rd, the “near future” is Hades 29th degree and Kronos in the 3rd house not sure, but very close to the apt. she was in.

Vulcanus (like it sounds) often said to be likened to Pluto is very destructive (like a volcano) and here it falls on the I/C cusp in the 4th house conjunct the cusp. This “appears to me for now” to say, “close to home” or where she was in Pikesville, outskirts

Baltimore City (north) and generally speaking can be a rough neighborhood. There are malls nearby. And she said (reportedly) she was hungry, and was leaving to get some food.

IF this was the case, you’d think we would see something in the 5th of self-indulgence, recreation, but we do not.

We see only Hopi meaning “ambush”

All those many planets in the 6th house.
Zeus (overpowering) conjunct Moon (the event co-ruler) same degree and within minutes.

Next, Saturn and the Vertex in this house.

Apollon means many. Meaning more then one of anything. Perhaps I should not have inserted the TNPs after all (see what I mean by we can confuse our symbology sometimes by our choices) it appears to be saying there are more then one here. Sometimes as I often take on these cases by myself, I do stick my neck out a bit too much "me thinks",
but yet I hate when a request goes unanswered and someone is missing, so I make the attempt regardless.:innocent: I know what it's like when your child is missing.
I'd rather take the chance and do something, and be wrong then, if the other choice is doing nothing. So forgive me if I am wrong in the end. I don't claim perfection here.

Venus ruler of the Chart in the 7th house of the other. Venus is nearing the 21st of Scorpio, a “Definite Loss” degree.
Venus conjuncts Atropos, so I don’t like it here. It’s too frightening actually.

As I move to the 8th house I know I don’t like it for certain, as we see Mercury the ruler of the 6th of decision making, in this house perhaps the killer conjunct Cupido and Vesta.
Then there is also the North Node (fate) and Lachesis in the same degree within minutes, and Lachesis decides the moment to die.
Pallas is here too, (premeditation?)

Part of Fortune in 21Aquarius, squares Venus the Ruler of the Chart or the young woman in question and also is semi-square to the Sun (possibly the event itself) found in the 9th between Mars & Pluto
Death and destruction to the physical body, is how it appears thus far.

Asteroids Astrae (a witness) and Persophone (abduction) in the 12th. Take that as you may……sounds to me to be literal.




We are so sorry for the Family. PRAYERS go out to them.

Have a look at LEOMOON's work which I've brought forward. Better look hard into the person who saw her last. Surprise attack, in or near apt, sexual implications.
(thanks LEOMOON)
Keisha has been found dead and buried in the bushland, 6 kilometers from home. The mother and step-father have been arrested.

Snipped from Fifth Essence post 814 in the 1st thread.

"There is a problem with the TIME & last seen info provided by the mother. A story has been concocted Neptune H6/ Mercury H12 opposition regarding her 'welfare.'

brief observation:
The Arabic Part of Death is found in Scorpio H2 (possessions, finances, step parent-opposite sex), it's ruler-Lord Pluto is in Capricorn H4 of Endings squaring it's Lord Saturn in H12 conjunct Mars (both planets in hard opposition to Jupiter) which rules H7 Aries (enemies/the perp?) where we find the Moon (feminine) in critical 13 degrees. THE MOTHER KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPEN TO THIS CHILD."

And you were right. I'm amazed that you saw it (though I shouldn't be after all this time).

They were in close proximity to the grave in the woods when arrested - on Keisha's birthday.
Background of case:
Cerilla Doyle has been missing for 2 1/2 years
from Bentonville, AR, 10/27/2008

date reported missing: 10/27/2008
dob: 9/02/1957
place of birth: unknown (AR)
7am approximately: she talks with daughter
9:30am: At Walmart in Jonesboro, AR, Cerilla bought a hoodie, a tote/gym bag and a hat. She got $1000.00 out of Walmart AtM.
12:00pm: friend from Pearidge PD stops by her home in Bentonville, AR.
4:49pm, daughter calls police dept to report her mother missing.
1:50am - 10/28/2008, bus leaves Jonesboro, AR to Tulsa, OK.

Cerilla Doyle was a sergeant in the Pea Ridge AR police department
for over 20 years. Her husband died in Feb. 2008, after a lengthy illness.
She started to see someone and then quit her job due the boyfriend who caused frequent problems while on the job.
The night before she disappeared, she was detained by Jonestown, AR police. This because her boyfriend drove her to the police dept and
allegedly said that Cerilla was upset and was carrying a gun.
She had a concealed weapon’s permit, but her gun was taken from her.
Cerilla’s daughter, who is a police dispatcher for Jonestown, AR police department, came to get her mom.
The daughter last spoke with her mom the next morning, 10/27/2008.
Daughter reports that her mom said she was going to do the bank, post office and would not have her cell phone with her.
When the daughter arrived home at 4:30pm, Cerilla was not there.
When she opened her mom’s bedroom door, all of Cerilla’s clothing was on the bed, identification, cell phone, and a power of attorney letter to her son. Two checks made out to her son and daughter, giving them her money.
Her car was left at the house.

WAL MART TRIP 9:30am: (ATM and shopping)


Such a tragic story.

A woman with a stellar career, yet brought down by her poor choice of a man.

Arrested, defamed and now missing.

Murder or /Suicide is the question, and we do not have her time of birth. However the event chart for the ATM withdrawal and Walmart purchases, appears to say a crisis indeed was at hand. 29 degrees 56 minutes is a crisis degree Rising and this chart in Scorpio, ruler being Mars (and modern ruler is Pluto) hence, death and violence very likely.

(2nd) Ruler of the chart found in the 12th is most unfortunate, for it’s the body evidence and conjunct Part of Fortune here in the hidden house of self-undoing.
Anubis, the asteroid depicting suicide is here in the 1st house 6 degrees away from the ASC. Venus conjuncts Antares then in the 1st, we see the Black Moon, Juno and Pluto. Certainly a man somewhere in the picture here, but in what capacity and his role, is the question.

The 2nd house cusp is 0Capricorn, so the close future to this chart, is dire as well.
Jupiter opposes the Vertex (a fated event) in the 8th house of Death.
Uranus in the 4th the “End of the Matter” house is in quincunx aspect to Mercury and the Moon . The Moon is exactly semi-sextile therefore, harmonious with Saturn as is her mindset.

The planetary arrangement shows her despair.

Lachesis is in the worse degree of the zodiac (so termed) for the vibration of 15Leo is so very harsh. Still another symbol pointing to her demise.
With Pallas Athena in Gemini, the indicator of a pre-meditated act, I’d think that the square it makes to both Saturn (woe) and Uranus (erratic and separating oneself) or because Pallas is in the 7th house of the other – it may be someone separating her from the loved ones.

What in the world happened that made this woman want to disappear forever? What did this man say about her to get her fired (as reported) on the thread?

I hope Dreamweaver is successful in getting more feedback on this chart, as I really don't know if the lady left town or not. It appears however, that the 3rd of short trips, gives us the hint that she did not go a long journey, (that would be house 9)
And Uranus in the 4th, suggests (to me) that she met her end near home.

Cerilla Doyle remains missing. One of the issues is that some things point to suicide,others to just leaving the area.
Suicide: She gives away her car and money to her two adult children.
She has never contacted her children, siblings or her mother since that date.
Leaving: She makes plans on the internet to leave on the bus. She shops at Walmart for new clothes. She turns over her car and money to her children. The police chief of Pea Ridge AR, her former boss, viewed the security camera footage at the bus depot and felt it was Cerilla. Family members feel the same.

Other details:
Her bf did not get her fired. She quit (forced to resign). The bf had caused problems for her on the job. She chose the bf over her job of over 20 years.
She was not arrested the night before she disappeared. She was held briefly at the police station until her daughter came to pick her up.
She did have a visitor around noon the day she disappeared. He was a former co worker.
The note left for her daughter, was innocuous.
It said, paraphrasing, water the plant, .....

Could she be alive?
Searching for a chart on Krista Dittmeyer (now found deceased) & wondering if someone can point me in the right direction. I think I remember one, but not Astros :)
Searching for a chart on Krista Dittmeyer (now found deceased) & wondering if someone can point me in the right direction. I think I remember one, but not Astros :)

Krista's charts were not posted.
SOULSCAPE had been working on the Last Seen charts (10m & 11am) along with the neighbor reporting the dogs possibly stolen 1PM same day as well as the Reported Missing charts and had privately relayed the following:

The Event charts for the boys show SUN in the 11th House in both charts = event not planned / accidental / death in family all possibilites.
In addition, I can tell you REPORTED MISSING 9:00 AM Monday 4/25/2011 does not look good. Lord 8 SATURN 12 Libra RX opposite VENUS Lord 5 Children. MERCURY Lord 4 End of Matter critical (13 Aries) semisq NEPTUNE (disappearance) and opposite Lord 8 SATURN. MARS is also Lord 11 of Disaster/Unplanned Events/ Accidents, etc.

MOON 10 Aquarius semisq MISFortune (Pisces), sesquiquad SOUTH NODE and will square DEATH exactly before going VOC.)

The testimonies are numerous and dire. An example, REPORTED MISSING MOON 10 Aquarius partile conjunct A. Mitchell's natal URANUS 10 Aquarius (and partile opposed his n. ASC 10 Leo) with RM SUN 05 Taurus conj. his n. MC 04 Taurus. POSEIDON associated with drowning 09:29 Scorpio conj. RM VERTEX (Fate) 08:56 Scorpio and square A. Mitchell's n. ASC/URANUS opposition 10 Leo/Aquarius. RM 12H cusp 11:39 Taurus also close square A. Mitchell's ASC/URANUS opposition. URANUS = unplanned for, accidental, disaster. Accidental (URANUS, Aquarius) drowning (NEPTUNE, Pisces).

There were several indicators involving A. Russell as well, starting with RM ASC 18 Gemini conj. A. Russell's Tertiary Progressed SUN 19 Gemini & conj. his n. MOON 20 Gemini & opposed his n. SUN 21 Sag. RM Part of MISFORTUNE 23 Pisces close sq. A. Russell's n. SUN 21 Sag.

One of the boys or one of the dogs got into trouble in the water & the other three jumped in to save. A horribly tragic ending for all.......... may they rest in peace with the Angels

A Dutch engineer has admitted killing the landscape architect Joanna Yeates, whose body was found by a roadside verge near the village of Failand, Somerset, on Christmas morning last year.

"Outside court, Detective Chief Inspector Jones said: "The not guilty plea to Joanna Yeates' murder, entered by Vincent Tabak today at the Old Bailey, means that there will be a full trial in due course. Tabak has entered a plea to manslaughter, however this has not been accepted by the crown.
Sep.21, Monday - Brian arrives @ family home in Carrollton,GA

Sep.22, Tuesday - ? nothing mentioned for this day.

Sep.23, Wednesday - Had dinner with sister. spoke withboyfriend

Sep.24, Thursday - 2a.m. last seen by neighbors of family home.
9a.m. Brian misses family meeting(reason he is in
3:17p.m. record of Brian paying water bill, but no one
at water co. remembers/recognizes him.

Sep.25, Friday family calls police after not hearing from brian.

Brians cellphone, clothing, toiletries, money & heart
medication left behind at his parents home. family says it
would appear that he was coming back.

Sep.26, Saturday - Brian was to travel to Jacksonville, Florida to see
another of his sisters. Trip had been pre-arranged.

Dec.2nd - Brians car found parked on Judson Lane with stolen lic. plates.

none of brians financial accounts or cellphone have been used. the car was found on dec. 2nd. parked on Judson lane., Chattanooga, TN with stolen lic. plates.(plates were reported stolen on Oct.14th). car was left in the same condition as brian left it with a taco bell reciept and a book in the front seat.
Brian had in his natal chart, the aspect Mars square Uranus which means he would be subject to some unusual or strange occurrences in life that may take him away from his loved ones. Estrange him , so to speak, from them as his natal Mars was “in Fall” in the sign of Cancer and inharmonious to Uranus the “strange” planet of separations.

Secondarily had his Sun square to Pluto which doesn’t in and of itself bring about any dire circumstance or have such a promise of same, but moreso, the square of Mars to Uranus I think is where I’d focus in on this chart. Sun square Pluto however can put the person more likely in the crosshairs of a combative other in life.
Note that Transiting Uranus at 24Pisces was also opposing his natal Pluto at 24Virgo at this time.

On the last day Brian was seen, the Sun was located at 1Libra, a critical degree in this cardinal sign, and it made a conjunction to Brian’s natal Moira (also at 1Libra) Moira is a symbol of the Greeks which is comprised of 3 sisters all of them having to do with death, the length of life and the fate and cutting the life short, the others being Atropos (the thread of life) and Lachesis (the dreaded shears cutting the life off)

In Brians’ case, we see that Transiting Lachesis and the Sun were conj. his natal Uranus, and remember I mentioned above that his Mars at birth was square to Uranus, hence, “triggering” this natal promise.
Someone killed him. That’s obvious because Anubis is not operative so this is not a suicide, but a murder, imo.

Lachesis picks the time of one’s death., and it was not Brian doing the choosing.

Checking further, we see asteroid BAM at 15Cancer with Asteroid Lachesis at 24Cancer being Transited on 9/24/09, by “fate” Moira and Mars, effectively triggering that Mars square Uranus and Lachesis (death or life cut short) via gunshot (BAM)

Pluto was transiting at this time in the critical 0 degree of Capricorn, and squaring transiting Sun in 1Libra. The North Node of the moon that day can be seen at 27Capricorn along with Black Moon Lililth, always a darker omen, which puts the South Node at the opposite pole at 27Cancer which conjuncts his natal Venus & Lachesis.

I’d say those people he referred to as “Interesting people”, are the key and clue to his death.

Somewhere, sometime during that drive he made contact with people who did him harm, and brought about his death would be my best astrological guess here, although of course, having his time of birth we may see more of the various symbols and give more information along these lines.
Very sad for Brian and his family. I hope the perp or perps are caught and brought to justice. Does anything in the chart indicate more than one person being involved?

OT- Good to see you back Leomoon! You are always missed, as are your chart interpretations and explanations! I hope you had a wonderful trip~ Frigga
Very sad for Brian and his family. I hope the perp or perps are caught and brought to justice. Does anything in the chart indicate more than one person being involved?

OT- Good to see you back Leomoon! You are always missed, as are your chart interpretations and explanations! I hope you had a wonderful trip~ Frigga

Thank you Frigga, glad to be back.

Brian was reportedly last seen by a neighbor at 2AM near his the family home.


On Thursday, Jupiter’s day which is exalted in Cancer the Rising sign this A.M. morn. 21 degrees nearing the 22nd degree is one of self’s own undoing. What could he have done that turned to be his undoing? This is the question here.

Brian’s own Mars is in Cancer, and his Venus is 26Cancer conjunct fixed star Procyon for which Constellation of Words gives the following notations:
“According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Mercury and Mars; to Simmonite, of Venus and Mars, which is probably a misprint; and, to Alvidas, of the Moon, Jupiter and Uranus. It gives activity, violence, sudden and violent malevolence, sudden preferment by exertion, elevation ending in disaster, danger of dog bites and hydrophobia, and makes its natives petulant, saucy, giddy, weak-natured, timid, unfortunate, proud, easily angered, careless and violent. Two cases are on record of death or injury by dog bite in which Procyon and Sirius are involved. [Robson*, p.191.]

I’m looking particularly (since it was a Jupiter ruled day, being Thursday) at Jupiter and it’s relationship to this star itself, Venus conj as Venus people do like their friends and in Brian’s case, he met some new people.
Note that Uranus is part of the traits given by Alvidas along with Jupiter and the Moon. Meaning, “akin to”…..or “in sync with”.
Jupiter then, tends to “overdo” leaps often without thinking first, the moon covers emotions that are dependent upon outer catalysts, whereas Uranus is the strange and/or unexpected events in life.

These 3 then seem to have played a large role in Brian’s disappearance, imo.

The likelihood of Venus in connection with the other symbols seems to lead me in this direction of thinking.

With Hopi in the 1st house of this 2AM chart, it appears he was kidnapped or taken , not long after 2AM and with Atropos near Hopi, killed soon thereafter. Perhaps a “ruse” of these new people he thought might be a new potential friend?

Notice the POF in the 10th, conj. the cusp of the 11th of friendships , conjunct Menkar near the Eye of Cetus (the Sea Monster) which promotes one to be in the center of other’s attentions. "Zyntara" ezine, the online star and constellation blog wrote an article you may be able to find online, if you google Cetus (Darrlyn Gunzburg and Zyntara) may find it.

People in the “eye of Cetus” tend to be exactly that. So I think his fortune for this time frame was in the eye of others who took advantage perhaps of his willingness to trust them, and openness of the Uranian spirit.

The MC a very important angle to this chart gives the following at 8-9Aries:
The astrological influences of the star Algenib
Of the nature of Mars and Mercury. It gives notoriety, dishonor, violence, misfortune
This does not bode well either for his safety at this hour as we see the Asteroid BAM conjunct this star at this designated hour.

The connection to Brian’s own natal chart is his Chiron at 9Aries which opposes spiritual and hopefully “lucky” Jupiter putting his as less then good luck, and his Chiron in the natal also squares Venus.

We’ve already talked about his Venus vibrations not working in his favor, nor Uranus nor now, his Chiron & Jupiter. Overall, the chart is marked with as many have, lessons along the lines of these particular planets and their overall vibrations here, puts him in a time and place of bad luck along these lines.

We also see near the Ascendant of this chart, the opposing karmic force of the South Node the Dragon’s Tail, which is never a good omen for health, wealth or happiness.

Mars conj. Moira in the 12th, says his body is well hidden.
Perhaps the locational Astrologers, those whose skills are well honed towards finding in the charts the symbols of where a body can be found can help in this regard.
The 12th is about hidden things, Mars bodes negatively for any hope of life. With Moira here,I do not believe he is in the physical plane any longer.

I also see that the 3rd house of short trips and communication, has Saturn which restricts him in this 2AM last seen chart. If this is indeed the time and place last seen then he may have been driven much further as Uranus is in the 9th, the opposite house of long distance travel. Pluto squares both Uranus and Saturn boding ill for his welfare at this hour.

It’s also rather disconcerting to see the Yod (Finger of God aspect) comprised of Mars (the lesser Malefic) and Saturn, (the Greater Malefic) along with Jupiter (Ruler of the Day) and the fact that Jupiter is exalted in Cancer – puts great emphasis along these lines and planets that someone or people decided (6th house ruler is Jupiter) that Brian would be murdered (8th house Jupiter) and possibly his vehicle was stolen then.
UPDATE: Our deepest sympathies and prayers go out to the Family of young DEVON whose body was recovered near the Townsend Dam on the Beaver River May 5th.

By all accounts in researching this young fella, he was well liked by his peers, easy going by nature and very much loved by his Aunt who brought him up since very early childhood. No one had any idea he was in distress. Heartbreaking when we hear of young people taking their own lives.

Thank you SOULSCAPE for the chart work. Sadly, the analysis told the likely tale of his fate.

May DEVON rest in Peace.


This 18 year old college student was last seen leaving a Geneva College dining hall around 8:00 pm on Thursday, 1/20/2011.

News reports state he had posted a Facebook message about having a problem and saying no one could help him.


The chart gives cause for concern.

1) ASCENDANT is in Fateful Degree (same degree as the NODES), foretelling catastrophe/ tragedy/ fatality.

2) ALGOL 26:19 Taurus conjuncts the MIDHEAVEN. This Fixed Star is notorious for 'losing one's head, either literally or figuratively.' The MIDHEAVEN shows what comes before the Public Eye.

3) The same sign is on the 1st and 2nd House cusps, suggesting that the 1st House person (Devon) knowingly walked into whatever came next; i.e., for whatever reason, he made a conscious decision to 'go forward.' This testimony is corroborated by the EQ (secondary Ascendant) placement in the 22nd degree of Leo --- the degree of being one's own worst enemy, and posited in the 12th House of Self-Undoing.

4) SUN the Event is posited at 00 Aquarius, close conjunct MARS 03 Aquarius in the 5th House of Actions Taken. MARS itself, associated with violence, also symbolizes actions taken and, in Aquarius, gives a detached quality. Here we see that the Event / Action Taken is based on something ruled by the 12th House (Leo on the cusp), again pointing back to Self-Undoing.

5) SUN is quindecile MOON (165 degrees), an angle of extreme compulsion/ obsession/ stress. There is a perhaps 'pressure-cooker' impulse to act (SUN conj. MARS) against the best interests of oneself (SUN quindecile MOON) or perhaps to destroy/ quash/ obliviate the emotions (MOON) one may be enduring. MOON's 12th House placement suggests a deep sorrow and/or 'imprisonment' of some sort, strengthened by her exact opposition to the Arabic Part of FORTUNE 16 Aquarius. Moreover, FORTUNE itself is quindecile ASCENDANT, further supporting that Devon was under unfathomable stress at the time he was Last Seen.

6) Lord 1 MERCURY (Devon) at 09 Capricorn applies square Arabic Part of DEATH 11 Aries (not shown). Death in Aries can be by one's own hand. The Arabic Part of SUICIDE1 00 Libra (not shown) is posited in the 2nd House of the Near Future. It is partile trine the SUN and opposes JUPITER in anaretic (last ditch; 'end of its rope') degree (29 Pisces). JUPITER is the traditional Lord of Pisces, the sign on the 8th House of Death in this chart, and is strong, posited within.

On a JUPITER Day in a JUPITER Hour, we can only reluctantly conclude an unhappy ending, unless Devon's natal chart can counter some of this unfortunate testimony.

Should anyone come across his Date of Birth, please let us know.

This is just my attempt to read a Horary I asked on this baffling case.
Please refer to the link for the Victims (between 2005-09) all found in the general location of Jennings LA.

Hover over the pictures to get the info about each woman:

All victims and info here:

note: All alternate or similar views on the Horary are appreciated.


Ruler of the ASC is Mercury found in the 7th and since the one asking is the Astrologer, in the appropriate house and inquiry appropriate sign . Chart appears to be radical.

Mercury conjuncts Venus, Mars and Jupiter, but opposes Saturn in the 1st house – and is restricted there.
The many bodies may be seen by Mars conj. Jupiter in the 8th house of Death, and the Sun at 16Taurus may be the perpetrator in the sign of brute force and in the “Stare of Cetus”, probably known to many people including these women but the Stare of Cetus the Sea Monster also suggests in the "public eye" as his crimes certainly are and have been.

The signifier of the chart's answer, Moon is at the MC conj. the South Node and may suggest he is dead. The SN being malefic, and the Moon being the sub-ruler of the chart and answer – with Sun in the 8th of Death.

The POF sextiles Pluto – the fortune ties with the control planet and planet of life & death issues.
Juno in the 12th suggests rage, jealousy and abuse of power Trine the Sun in the 8th house.

Although it appears the killings connected have stopped since 2009, logic tells us he can be of course in prison or dead, but this chart suggests a suicide.

at the MC conj. the Moon with opposing Pluto in the 4th of Endings.

All Angles are the same degree as the Nodes, an important sign of fate and here, potentially death seems reasonable to assume.
THANK YOU so much for that chart Leomoon80!!! Very, very much appreciated.
Can you possibly elaborate on the "abuse of power" part?
THANK YOU so much for that chart Leomoon80!!! Very, very much appreciated.
Can you possibly elaborate on the "abuse of power" part?

Juno in the 12th has certain keywords, and abuse of power is one of them.
Each planet and asteroid has certain traits attributed to them.
For Juno like the planets themselves, not all are positive traits, some are negative ones.
I've given the negative ones because of the chart's question, we are looking to learn about the one who took control of these girls and took their lives.

Makes sense, seeing the Sun (the attacker) trine Juno in the 12th.

Astrology is mostly a symbolic language, and we try to read the symbols as we go along for the story line.

The 12th house is typically seen as a house of no power or control, one of being kept prisoner (literally or metaphorically speaking), a house (or state of mind) that represses rather then enhances.

Any planet in the 12th has less potential of gaining power or control.

The Sun (the attacker) is trine (a harmonious aspect) to Juno,but in the 12th, my feeling is that it is reflecting his keeping the women hostage, and the rage or inner rage he expressed towards them, ultimately come back to him and haunted him.

This chart may be seen by another Astrologer in either the same way overall or perhaps differently, but I think all will see it as a strange chart, in light of those strong symbols of Pluto, Anubis, the Moon and the Nodes, not to mention the Angles all the same late degree.

It's rather startling to see and appeared to me to say he is gone.
Thank you Frigga, glad to be back.

Brian was reportedly last seen by a neighbor at 2AM near his the family home.


On Thursday, Jupiter’s day which is exalted in Cancer the Rising sign this A.M. morn. 21 degrees nearing the 22nd degree is one of self’s own undoing. What could he have done that turned to be his undoing? This is the question here.

Brian’s own Mars is in Cancer, and his Venus is 26Cancer conjunct fixed star Procyon for which Constellation of Words gives the following notations:

I’m looking particularly (since it was a Jupiter ruled day, being Thursday) at Jupiter and it’s relationship to this star itself, Venus conj as Venus people do like their friends and in Brian’s case, he met some new people.
Note that Uranus is part of the traits given by Alvidas along with Jupiter and the Moon. Meaning, “akin to”…..or “in sync with”.
Jupiter then, tends to “overdo” leaps often without thinking first, the moon covers emotions that are dependent upon outer catalysts, whereas Uranus is the strange and/or unexpected events in life.

These 3 then seem to have played a large role in Brian’s disappearance, imo.

The likelihood of Venus in connection with the other symbols seems to lead me in this direction of thinking.

With Hopi in the 1st house of this 2AM chart, it appears he was kidnapped or taken , not long after 2AM and with Atropos near Hopi, killed soon thereafter. Perhaps a “ruse” of these new people he thought might be a new potential friend?

Notice the POF in the 10th, conj. the cusp of the 11th of friendships , conjunct Menkar near the Eye of Cetus (the Sea Monster) which promotes one to be in the center of other’s attentions. "Zyntara" ezine, the online star and constellation blog wrote an article you may be able to find online, if you google Cetus (Darrlyn Gunzburg and Zyntara) may find it.

People in the “eye of Cetus” tend to be exactly that. So I think his fortune for this time frame was in the eye of others who took advantage perhaps of his willingness to trust them, and openness of the Uranian spirit.

The MC a very important angle to this chart gives the following at 8-9Aries:
The astrological influences of the star Algenib
Of the nature of Mars and Mercury. It gives notoriety, dishonor, violence, misfortune
This does not bode well either for his safety at this hour as we see the Asteroid BAM conjunct this star at this designated hour.

The connection to Brian’s own natal chart is his Chiron at 9Aries which opposes spiritual and hopefully “lucky” Jupiter putting his as less then good luck, and his Chiron in the natal also squares Venus.

We’ve already talked about his Venus vibrations not working in his favor, nor Uranus nor now, his Chiron & Jupiter. Overall, the chart is marked with as many have, lessons along the lines of these particular planets and their overall vibrations here, puts him in a time and place of bad luck along these lines.

We also see near the Ascendant of this chart, the opposing karmic force of the South Node the Dragon’s Tail, which is never a good omen for health, wealth or happiness.

Mars conj. Moira in the 12th, says his body is well hidden.
Perhaps the locational Astrologers, those whose skills are well honed towards finding in the charts the symbols of where a body can be found can help in this regard.
The 12th is about hidden things, Mars bodes negatively for any hope of life. With Moira here,I do not believe he is in the physical plane any longer.

I also see that the 3rd house of short trips and communication, has Saturn which restricts him in this 2AM last seen chart. If this is indeed the time and place last seen then he may have been driven much further as Uranus is in the 9th, the opposite house of long distance travel. Pluto squares both Uranus and Saturn boding ill for his welfare at this hour.

It’s also rather disconcerting to see the Yod (Finger of God aspect) comprised of Mars (the lesser Malefic) and Saturn, (the Greater Malefic) along with Jupiter (Ruler of the Day) and the fact that Jupiter is exalted in Cancer – puts great emphasis along these lines and planets that someone or people decided (6th house ruler is Jupiter) that Brian would be murdered (8th house Jupiter) and possibly his vehicle was stolen then.

Leomoon: Thank you for your time with this chart.
Is there any way of knowing if he will be found?
Does the chart show where he might be located?
Thank you again.
A very baffling case made moreso because we do not have Gail's time of birth which may help a great deal to decipher these symbolic planets and asteroids on the day she went missing.

See background here:
[ame=""]TN TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #3 - Page 21 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Family Searches For Missing Signal Mountain Woman

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TN TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #1[/ame]

May 15, 2011 6:14 PM

The family of Gail Nowaki Palmgren, 44, has been continuing to search for the missing Signal Mountain mother since she was noticed missing April 30.

Diane Nichols drove to Tennessee from New York with her husband Dan a week ago, trying to find out what happened to her sister. "We distributed close to ten thousand fliers already and no body has even spotted her vehicle."

Nichols says neighbors last saw Gail Palmgren dropping off her 9-year-old and 12-year-old children at home on the 30th. No one has heard from her since. Nichols says that is highly uncharacteristic of her sister. "She has her doctorate degree. She's sharp, she's well balanced and she loved her children."

Gail Palmgren's whereabouts are a mystery that has only been intensified by her last conversation with her sister Diane, moments before Palmgren was last seen.

"She was nervous. She was anxious. She sounded scared," says Diane Nichols. Palmgren wouldn't say why she was scared but the Nichols made out this much, "She just thought she was being followed."

It was a bizzare conversation and Diane wonders if it's in any way connected to Gail's husband, Matthew Palmgren. "I know they had some marriage problems

This is the reported "Last Seen" by a neighbor leaving her home chart from Tennessee, after returning back with the children that morning from Alabama, her Lake Front home where she had spent the previous day.

Her neighbor there in Alabama, said she didn't say goodbye and left in a hurry that morning:


I do not know nor was it yet verified that her sister spoke to her as well around this time, but we can see the Ruler or Moon in the 9th of long distances, conjunct to Venus. The question is, was Gail planning on driving a long distance for she left her children (ages 9-12) in the house, other important things like her driver’s license, so it certainly appears that is not the case, but she probably expected to be home again in a short time.

Why then, would she have left before her husband arrived to meet the children ?

But as it goes, we do not have that knowledge, only that about this point in time, the neighbor says she saw her friend leaving the house in her Jeep.
I’m afraid what awaited Gail however, was the abduction, but I cannot tell from what street corner, only that Hopi, the asteroid for “Ambush” , awaited her shortly after leaving, as Hopi moved into the 1st house -approx. 1 hr. later, and relevant to this chart’s Ruler Cancer or (Moon) and the “end of the matter” in this case, her disappearance may indeed be related to Hopi.

By 1PM, Hopi was here in the 1st House and that is very important to know, because this is approx. the time and it was approx.. at 1PM or 1:15PM that Pallas (pre-meditated acts) moves into place on the D/C (others) cusp of the 7th house, to join this very important cusp and fixed star ARMUS, a star known for a contentious nature, and trouble.
The planets and/or asteroids on this cusp on the 7th house would provide clues as to who met up with her or the nature of that person or persons.

It is also approximately at 1:45 that the Sun which appears in the 10th house and quincunx to Saturn
in the 3rd (Gail’s predicament) moves to join the MC and this inconjunction aspect (called a Quincunx) appears to seal her fate (Saturn) more exactly.

At 1:45PM or approx. 1 ½ hrs. later from the posted chart , Saturn in the 3rd house of this chart then makes an exact opposition to the Moon at 11 degrees 56minutes, still in the 9th house

In this event chart (12:15PM) the neighbor (a witness Astrae) found in the “house of circumstance” or 11th house along with Tisiphone (exacting revenge in the family or justice asteroid 466) along with Persophone, (abduction) is here along with Astrae (a witness) perhaps to a crime.

All 3 are conjunct the Weeping Sisters, a constellation called the Pleiades , bringing about something to weep about in life.
This is a constellation of 7 sisters (stars) so termed, but of course has many more then 7 in the constellation, but usually gives us the understanding that anything wrapped up within this constellation with usually not turn out good, but instead, the opposite or “very sad”…….

Here are some references from Constellation of Words , about the Pleiades from more ancient sources, and as you can readily see, it is not a good omen to have in an event chart:

Pleiades culminating: Disgrace, ruin, violent death. If with the luminaries it makes its natives military captains, commanders, colonels of horse and emperors. [Robson*, p183.]
The Pleiades causes bereavement, mourning, sorrows and tragedies. [The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, p.39.]
Pleiades Rising: disgrace, wounds, stabs (operations nowadays), exile, imprisonment, sickness, violent fevers, quarrels, violent lust, military preferment. If at the same time the Sun is in opposition either to the Ascendant or to Mars, violent death. [Robson*, p.182].

Note: The Sun is not in opposition to Mars, however, it IS Quincunx, (just as bad) to another known Malefic, i.e. Saturn!....Saturn is the greater malefic while Mars is called the lesser malefic. Both in harsh aspect are bad when connected in harsh aspect to the Pleiades via a planet or a Light such as the Sun is.

If we look at the 6th house of Decision Making, we find it ruled by Jupiter (found in Aries, in the degree of self-undoing, the 22nd degree conjunct Mars in Aries, in the degree of “a loss”) and opposed to the cusp of the 4th house of home life.
Pluto in the 6th, exacts control and we can see in the graph below the chart that Pluto makes a square aspect to 5 planets (a death) via force and control in Facies, (ruthlessness) while Pluto makes a harmonious Trine to the Sun itself (mission accomplished)

As to the final determination of whether this was a suicide or a murder, I’d still like to see the time of her birth for a final rundown on the Arabic Lots.

Using what we have at hand for a timed event (the 12:15 Last Seen chart) The Sunrise places and Solar Return for this year for Gail:

Part of a Suicide (1) is Cancer 20°36’ conjunct Gail’s Natal midpoint between Jupiter & Anubis
Part of a Suicide (2) is Virgo 21°35’ conjunct Event chart “BAM”
Part of Murder or Assassination (1) Scorpio 27°59’ opposed to Tisiphone (revenge) and Astrae (witness) in the 11th of the Event chart
Part of Murder or Assassination (2)Aries 19°51’ conjunct Mars & the MC in the Event Chart

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As you can see from the above post, I'm leaning more in the direction of having been ambushed then a suicide which is what her husband has been suggesting, that she was depressed. I'm sure she was depressed and it showed by the various text messages and cell phone calls (at least one or two to her sister), as well telling the neighbor she was being followed.

In cases like this, we try to look to the Natal Chart of one's birth to see whether there may be signs of serious depression that one might be inclined toward, or even if there is the serious possibility of danger to harm oneself.

Sometimes we can see the patterns such as in this case with formations between certain planets, their symbols known to Astrologers for trouble, yet in Gail's case, we really do need her time of birth for it's quite difficult to see IF she herself brought the harm upon herself, or another did so.
Thus far, I'm leaning towards "another bringing harm to Gail" and that is why I've mentioned the ambush asteroid and inserted it into the event chart for she was seriously concerned about being followed and her neighbor now says she did see a vehicle in their neighborhood stopping in front of various homes and thought back, to what Gail had been telling her all along. Giving more credance to her after noting the car and Gail's disappearance.

Until we come upon her time of birth, we'll have to make do with this
Sunrise Chart:

I do not see anything here in Gail’s natal Sunrise chart at first glance, (I’d rather have her time of birth of course) that would suggest a suicide, (caveat would be the time of birth chart) but after examination of the Arabic Lots for the Event of 12:15 or Last Seen driving away, there is plenty that gives me pause, both in the correspondences to her natal (tob unknown) and for both possibility of Suicide or murder.

As strange as this may sound to us, we have to remember that each of us has a Black Moon Lilith shadow that pursues us relentlessly in our lives. For Gail, in her natal chart it was 9Aries.

The noted astrologer Demetra George has said this about Lilith and the Black Moon : The Dark Moon Lilith describes our period of exile where the rejected shadow becomes distorted by the anguish of our pain. As it festers it poisons our psyche with images of revenge and retaliation. The Black Moon Lilith describes how and where we cut away our pretensions, false roles, and delusions and actualize our true, essential selves.

I’m afraid I cannot tell you whether this was one or the other, but perhaps together we can unravel and go through the finer points of the charts and even rework them, especially if we get her time of birth (crucial, in this case) IMO

Gail had a KITE formation in her natal chart when born, which points to a possibility of an event totally unforeseen, unplanned (Uranus) and even an abduction (Uranus conj. Pluto) would be possible and entirely within the scheme of the natal chart. There are also, indications I did not see until later, (the Arabic lots) that points to her end by her own hand and that is why I need the time of birth to try and decipher one versus the other here.

If we look to both natal promises, and the critical or sensitive places in this Sunrise natal chart, we see

1)Sun Pisces 27 degrees conj. “Fixed Star Scheat” possibility of drowning, or near drownings
2)Mars in it’s own sign - Scorpio semi-square to Pluto today’s Ruler
3)Saturn very critical and rx – at birth – 1Aries and quincunx to Mars (that is a critical Saturn by virtue of it’s degree in the sign of Saturn’s FALL)adding a quincunx to the lesser malefic Mars to the greater Malefic, (Saturn) suggesting something would befall her, that would be dangerous to the body itself., probability of violence and/or murder or bringing it upon herself as there is also the subconscious when we see squares that is affected.
The KITE formation is very troubling with the planetary aspects involved.

The Sun in sensitive Pisces a water sign, in a critical place (conj. Scheat) and besieged by Chiron in close conjunction for much pain and an inner wounding coming to the forefront, as well as being connected to Saturn in close conjunction to the Sun.
We see one part of the Kite is Neptune near the very critical degree of Scopio, or near the 25th degree at 24.14 degrees Scorpio is not good and some say it's a degree of murder . Subject to being deceived in life via Neptune and triggering this Kite’s energies.

We also see Jupiter in the same or the 24th degree on another leg of this KITE, between JUNO (marriage, jealousy and partner) and on the other side, Anubis (suicidal tendencies possible) or depression. HOWEVER, with the Apex of Uranus/Pluto the energies of this KITE seem to suggest that the abduction mentioned in the prior chart seems more the likely to me but seeing the time of birth chart can then very possibly swing this opinion in the other direction.

The large stellium of planets going over her natal Saturn, Black Moon Lilith, Tisiphone, and natal Venus appears to be triggering the KITE formation into action.

We also can see her natal Persophone 18Pisces (the asteroid named after the daughter of Ceres, kidnapped by Pluto in Greek mythology) is being triggered by transiting Ceres – and opposition to TR Juno (partner, jealousy, marriage) which is conjunct her natal PLUTO/Asteroid BAM Tr. At 21deg.41min. Virgo over Uranus.
The Kite when triggered was her natal promise. We each have one or many.

TR Moira (fate) over natal Neptune says she was fooled by someone or possibly is in the water as a 1:45PM chart is Scorpio at the I/C cusp a water sign., and remember her Sun is conj. Scheat in Water .

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Lutricia Steele WS
She went missing from Schenectady NY 5/1/2008.

DOB: 01/26/1980
Place of birth: Schenectady, NY
Date missing 5/1/2008
Time last seen: approximately 2pm, 5/1/2008

Brought over from the Case Request board:

I hope one of our WS astrologers can take a look at Lutricia Steele’s chart.

The natal promise of Regulus, was triggered for this fall – when Saturn transited and repeated (rx) over her natal North Node conjunct “Regulus”.
She was born on Saturn’s Day, a Saturday, so Saturn gains prominence in this lifetime as it appears in the chart at 26 degrees Virgo rx square to Neptune, trine Sun & Moon and sextile to Uranus.

The Sextile to Uranus suggests that this ending for her was “in harmony with the Sextile” or harmoniously attuned to a unexpected end which Uranus usually suggests through deceptive means, i.e. Neptune which is in aspect to Uranus.
Someone deceived (fooled her) into meeting them and the purpose was deceptive and deadly in the end.

Note: Her Uranus is 25Scorpio, termed a degree of murder. Gail Palmgren’s own Neptune was near this degree as well, and being transited (triggered) the day she disappeared. For Gail, it was Sextile to Pluto in her natal, as well transited by Moira, but for this lady, Lutricia, Uranus in this critical degree is square to the North Node (fated) and opposed to her natal Moon.

Sensitive and critical places in the natal charts which alert us to issues that need awareness.

Hopi for ambush at 16Aquarius,
Tisiphone (revenge in a family) at a critical degree of 13Capricorn conj. her natal Moira (Greek asteroid for fate)
TR Moira : 13Aries which squares exactly asteroid Tisiphone, suggesting revenge is the motive within the family construct.

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Event Chart Last Seen:

Day of Jupiter
(a Thursday) with Jupiter at 22nd deg. Capricorn, a self-undoing critical degree, suggests that Lutrecia, told someone she was pregnant, and someone obviously would have to pay big time for this baby. (5th house contains planet Jupiter in the house of children, square Venus and opposed to Mars. Mars being the killer and found in the 11th house conj. fixed stars in PROCYON (CANIS MINOR) THE LESSER DOG CONSTELLATION.
Note that Saturn is the Ruler of this 5th house, found on the Ascendant, and showing the death of the fetus or child, as well as the mother.
Description from Constellation of Words suggests :
Procyon has a Mars-Mercury nature
and therefore makes people hasty, jealous, pig-headed. But it also confers will-power and ability to put thoughts and plans into action. According to tradition there is also a tendency to a hot temper and impudence. Rise and success are found with it, but fall from high position later, is indicated. Enterprises created in haste therefore do not last. People who "want to go through the wall with their head" only cause injury to themselves. Procyon gives drive and a good sharp mind. Linked with positive stellar bodies, success is made greater, but the native, in order to avoid a fiasco, has always to take care not to be imprudent. Especially dangerous is Procyon configured with Mars and Pluto.

Since Virgo 3 deg. is rising, (Puts Fomalhaut on the opposing cusp) we look for the Ruler Mercury found at the MC (public place) and conjunct in Perseus, the right arm of the champion which raises an arm to cut off Medusa’s head.
So this is a very negative star and suggests the event we are looking to, at 2PM in this time and place, led to a murder .

The opposing cusp of the perpetrator is 3Pisces placing it in the realm of connecting to fixed star Fomalhaut bringing about much controversy with this disappearance and as often the case with Fomalhaut, the "Immortal Name" that is promised with this star in modern days talk and newspaper articles, etc. often leaves an unresolved (no arrest made) case.

Looking to the perpetrator or the 7th house Ruler, we find Neptune in the 6th of Decisions, in Aquarius, and there is “no love for this woman here – ruler of the 6th is Saturn, (bringing the arm of karmic justice down) as he saw it to be. A rendering decision made, of not deserving to live.

Saturn is near the ASC, but in the 12th house so the body is hidden, and conjunct Regulus at 1Virgo.

Juno (revenge/jealousy/abuse of power and rage ) is conj. Pluto (death) and conj. the 5th house cusp of lovers and children.

Black Moon Lilith 2SAG, has only inharmony in aspects, and of course, Lilith in mythology killed babies
In the 4th “End of the Matter house”….BML squares the ASC & opposes the MC , Opposite Mercury, Quincunx Venus and squares Saturn in the 12th on the angle, suggests this was a vicious murder

The Star associated at this degree of the Black Moon, 2SAG: Delta (δ) Ophiuchus,Yed Prior, is a deep yellow star in the left hand of the Serpent Bearer. In this constellation, we see a human (in the form on the constellation) the other Perseus (the right arm of the champion) and this one, the “left hand of the Serpent Bearer” who crushes the serpent with his hand.

Since the Part of Victory is on the I/C 4th house cusp with the Black Moon, it appears he may get away with it.

No evidence?

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