Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 2

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They have now said she did commit suicide.
Cops: Missing Mother Dead From Apparent Suicide

"While the cause and manner of Mrs. Dubois’ death will not be released until the completion of the Orange County Medical Examiner’s report, a note and evidentiary items recovered at the scene, and the fact that there were no signs of trauma to the body or evidence of foul play indicates that she took her own life," the sheriff's office wrote in a release issued Thursday afternoon.
Thanks SOULSCAPE. You were emphatic and very clear in your analysis about her distraught condition. The distress was evident in your writing as you kept getting validation off each one of the charts.
brief quote:
In the LAST SEEN chart, I assigned Michelle to the radix 7th House (Turned 1st) 10 Libra and I read this partile square of natal MARS/SATURN as cruelty/brutality against herself (1st House = one's body).

Aries Rising in this chart and MOON in Aries gives a sense of self-initiated action / self-destruction, particularly with MOON's placement in the 12th House of Suicide / Turned 6th House of Stress/ Distress/ Deliberate Choices.

From what you wrote, seems she struggled all her life with these bouts of depression running deep through the core of her whole being.

PRAYERS go out to Christopher, the Twins and the families.
No names to give you because police are withholding them today. Last evening, a woman and her son and her companion were accosted as soon as they reached their building. They had been at the market but noticed a neighbor on their doorstep upon arrival home.

The neighbor & the boy started going off on each other, loud and harsh but just words and the mother ran to get the building manager or security, while the step-father tried to cool the scene. The neighbor wasn't having any and stabbed him and the boy to death before the mother could return.

The chart is a clear example of felony assault in that the Sun is in the House of battles and war, 7. Mars is with the Sun and offers the rage component and the violence and the knifings. Leo rises but its ruler, Sun, is as far from his personal business as is possible~he is over in the face of people he considers adversaries. Venus rules the neighbor relationship as these parties share a landing in the building and Venus is found with Pluto, ruling the domicile. But this pair is in House 5 and the cusp is ruled by Jupiter, which squares from the Ninth H. The police and the mother have no knowledge of any motive for these stabbing deaths but due to the House 9 affliction, the killer disapproved of the boys' conduct on moral grounds.

The attempt to appeal to security or to someone in authority is shown by the exalted Moon in Taurus at the top of the chart, Moon being the mother in the case. The prompt apprehension of the killer is attributable to the trine from Saturn ruling the police of H. 6 to the violent perpetrator. Part of Fortune on the guide star Arcturus helped trace him to Colombes, a near section of town and the mother provided his description. The star was not enough to protect the home, however. My understanding is that the killer stepped inside and the chart confirms that, Venus ruling neighbors conjunct Pluto ruling the home in risk taking House 5.

The importance of the parallel is substantiated by Neptune ruling the House of death // the outcome.
Yes. I pursued this because the names of those involved left undisclosed, as though the city and the police were trying to put a lid on public reaction. The step-father's throat was slit.

As per the chart, the accused assassin was wearing a black shirt & a full djellaba, described by the victim's mother, when apprehended. He was covered in blood & still armed with this knife.

The accused murderer is saying now that he received orders from God to kill his neighbors (see chart and the Jupiter square from H. 9 to Venus of neighbors ruling H. 3 conjunct Pluto of death and ruling the domicile). I would provide headlines in English but Google has only information in French about these knifings and you will be able to make out the bold case headline. He is considered extremely dangerous and is already confined. Thank God, the police caught him so quickly!
WS member Dommienika asks us to look at this case.

On Friday, March 26, 2010, this 21 y.o. woman went to the home of her soon-to-be ex-husband to pick up their two year old daughter. She was not supposed to go there without an escort, but that day, she did.

According to the husband, when she arrived, Julie Ann seemed depressed and 'spaced out,' and wound up asking the husband to keep the child over the weekend. She then left and was never seen again. Her car was found abandoned about a week later.

In August 2010, Austin police named the estranged husband the primary suspect in Julie Ann's disappearance. He was not placed into custody despite the facts that a search warrant states police believe he murdered Julie Ann and investigators found blood and evidence of violent trauma at his house.

What is wrong with this picture?!


The Last Seen Chart clearly points to murder:


Whenever Capricorn is found on the 8th House cusp, the Arabic Part of PERIL is conjunct the ASCENDANT. Here we see not only PERIL, but the SUN/MOON midpoint and the VENUS/MARS midpoint as well.

In a chart where we are exploring how two (married/ partnered) people may be relating to each other, SUN and MARS describe the man/ husband and MOON and VENUS describe the woman/ wife. Finding the SUN/MOON and VENUS/MARS midpoints conjunct PERIL and the ASCENDANT strongly suggests the Event has more to do with the state of the marriage / feelings surrounding the marriage than it does with dropping off or picking up a child.

I note the SUN/MOON and VENUS/MARS midpoints at 12 Gemini are partile trine the Arabic Part of MURDER which itself is partile conjunct the transneptunian ZEUS (force) 12 Libra, and HADES, a death marker, is posited within the 1st House.

It is a VENUS day, SATURN hour. VENUS rules marriage / wife and SATURN is a death marker and, in this chart, rules the 8th House of Danger / Death. This supports the sense of death (SATURN, 8th House ruler) of a marriage/ wife (VENUS). At 23 Aries, VENUS is partile opposed Julie Ann's natal SUN 23 Libra. At 00 Libra, SATURN Lord 8 of Death and Hour Ruler is critical (00, 13, 26 cardinal). The picture forming is that we have a crisis, the outcome of which is death by murder.

Further support includes JUNO the marriage asteroid at 17 Taurus in Fateful Degree, same degree as the NODES, as is MERCURY 17 Aries, Lord 1. Planets and points in Fateful Degree point to tragedy/ catastrophe/ fatality.

The Arabic Part of MARRIAGE 29 Capricorn is in anaretic degree (last degree of a sign) --- last ditch / end of its rope position. The marriage is over, collapsed, made abundantly clear by MARRIAGE close square DEATH 28 Libra and close inconjunct SATURN.

The 1st House person (husband) MERCURY 17 Aries is angry, thinking angry thoughts in secrecy (intercepted), thinking murderous thoughts (MERCURY close opposed MARS/PLUTO midpoint 18 Libra) in secrecy (intercepted).

Notice the triangle I've drawn from SUN to MOON to PLUTO. SUN (husband) sesquisquare MOON (wife); SUN square PLUTO (death marker); MOON sesquisquare PLUTO. SATURN Lord 8 of Death also squares PLUTO and JUPITER Lord 7 the Spouse/ Turned 1st (Julie Ann) has just separated from quindecile (165 degrees) SATURN of death.

I do believe she was dead by 11:00 am.

ASCENDANT degree 11 Gemini is a degree of deception (Charubel) and excess (Sepharial).

MARS in the 3rd House can bring on a secret attack within the home (Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson) because the 3rd is the 12th of the 4th. Here, MARS 01 Leo, symbolic of husband/ rage/ anger/ violence/ attack/ murder applies sesquisquare 44 minutes of Arc to JUPITER Lord Turned 1st (Julie Ann).

MARS (violence/ attack/ murder, etc.) is the last planet MOON (Julie Ann) passed over, showing what just happened. MOON next conjuncts SATURN, Lord 8 of Death, in crisis degree and a death marker in and of himself.

At the time of the Last Seen, Julie Ann's secondary progressed SUN was sesquiquare secondary progressed MARS and her secondary progressed MOON (based on sunrise, relocated natal) was quindecile (165) degrees that MARS. These aspects certainly could suggest problems, if not outright crisis and violence, between/ from marital partner(s).

Julie's natal MOON 28 Sagittarius (sunrise position) was close opposed Event HADES 27 Gemini (a death marker). Her tertiary progressed SUN 06 Leo inconjuncted (150 degrees) Event PLUTO 05 Capricorn, a marker of violence and death, (the inconjunct in and by itself is often a death indicator) and her tertiary progressed MOON 06 Cancer (based on sunrise natal) close opposed Event PLUTO as well.

These strong chart testimonies clearly support police assertions that Julie Ann was violently murdered at her then-soon-to-be ex-husband's home. Why he has not been arrested and charged with her murder is beyond my comprehension.

As to where her remains may be today, please keep in mind this Event took place over 10 months ago and the primary suspect has been free to come and go as he pleases. He has had plenty of time to move or destroy evidence.

I do not see much hope for recovery in the chart.

Thank you Soulscape! I am trying to get the information together. So far here is what I have found..

George De La Cruz DOB (I am still looking for this information)

Last Seen By: George De La Cruz, according to George De La Cruz, between 10AM and 11AM on March 26, 2010.

Reported missing by: George De La Cruz, 24 hours later

Soulscape, I finally found the DOB for George, estranged husband the primary suspect according to news reports.

Delacruz-Jaimez, George Oct 11 1987

Dominique :)
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Mr. Wheeler's widow is asserting that his death was a targeted hit and she wants action and justice. We know Gareth William's death was also a targeted hit and he had just returned to Pimlico from Virginia, where Mr. Wheeler worked.
Vincent Tabak, the other tenant at Canynge Road, was charged this month in her Miss Yeates' murder and remains in custody. He did not apply for bail. He will plead on May 4 and case management comes before the bench on that date. Trial is provisionally fixed for October 4.
GOOD NEWS- Husband of VENUS ROSE found GUILTY!!!

Doug Stewart guilty of murdering Venus Stewart
Friday, March 11, 2011, 11:21 AM
Updated: Friday, March 11, 2011, 11:34 AM
Kalamazoo Gazette By Rex Hall Jr.

CENTREVILLE — Doug Stewart is guilty of murdering Venus Stewart.

The jury in the Doug Stewart trial weighed the evidence they were given in the case for about four hours before its foreman stood and delivered the verdict Friday.

The evidence included cellular phone records, the statements and testimony of Stewart's alleged accomplice, Ricky Spencer, and Stewart's partial fingerprint on a tarp wrapper that was found outside the home of Venus Stewart's parents


We hope he comes clean while in jail and reveals where he hid you

As it turns out, he did use a' hireling' as seen in TUBA's chart and analysis.



On April 14, there was a New Moon opposite the Part of Fortune involved in this abduction. The motivation was stirred then, the plan formulated then.

The rural property of Ms. Stewart's parents was an unlikely site for this abduction at 7:32 a.m. EDST. More so, was it odd to seize someone at the private mailbox there. A court ordered situation, for e.g., the child custody, was about to change due to Capricorn switching to Aquarius at the cusp of authority, the midheaven. Divorce or Uranus was taking over from Saturn of responsibility in the House of children. Who physically performed this kidnapping? The extranged husband claims he can prove he was at home hundreds of miles away in Virginia. Did he use a hireling?
Corey McGriff, known professionally as D.J. Megatron, television host & radio personality, was shot in the chest outside a Staten Island store, a fatal wounding. This occurred today, March 27, 2011 at 2:00 a.m. EDST.

He had contact with bad people, who are south node - Hades and was an available target on a lit street in the small hours when streets are relatively empty. Another brazen murder of a public figure.

Sadly, TRACY OCASIO who has been missing since May '09 has NOT been found.

Below you will find copies of the chart work done by SOULSCAPE shortly after Tracy went missing back in '09 regarding Tracy's demise & this MEAN SPIRITED FELON who was the last person to see her.

Our charts indicate Hataway is absolutely responsible for her disappearance.

Will he ever give it up and tell LE where she can be located?


TODAY, James Hataway was convicted of Attempted Murder of another female he had assaulted in 2008 prior to Tracy going missing.
The jury was swift with their determination of GUILT. Took 2-1/2 hrs only!
He'll be sentenced at a later date.
This trial took 3 day total.,0,2655922.story

Police also believe he is involved in the disappearance of his acquaintance Onda Chris George whose wallet and bones have been located and found in a wooded area Hataway was seen leaving the night his friend went missing.


Post #61 CASE BRIEFING Thread 1
Tracy Ocasio's nightmare began in the early morning hours of Wednesday, May 27, 2009. Planetary hours show it was still a MARS day and at 1:00 am, a MERCURY hour.


MARS is noted for action, aggression and sex drive (among other things) and at 26 Aries, was in critical degree (26 Cardinal). This is a strong, aggressive MARS that is out to get his way no matter what. Not shown, Hataway's natal MARS/PLUTO (cruelty, violence) midpoint is posited at 26 Scorpio in his birth chart, partile inconjunct this ugly Event MARS.

Additionally, Event MARS makes a partile sextile to the CHIRON-JUPITER-NEPTUNE triple conjunction at 26 Aquarius, showing opportunity (sextile) for disappearance. [Note: By 1:30 am, the time news reports give as the 'Last Seen,' the CHIRON-JUPITER-NEPTUNE conjunction was partile conjunct ASCENDANT, emphasizing critical action (MARS in critical degree) that resulted in disappearance.]

Event Chart TORO (brutality) at 20 Aries is partile conjunct Event VENUS, co-ruler of House 8 of Death (due to interception of Libra) and partile inconjunct Tracy's natal VENUS at 20 Virgo, foreshadowing terrible violence to come.

Tracy was still at the bar at 1:00 am, likely having conversation (MERCURY) with James Hataway. This may have been the time she agreed to give him a ride home, a most unwise decision. MERCURY at 23 Taurus was Retrograde and not far from ALGOL, suggesting hidden motive with most unpleasant consequences.

I am confident 1:00 am was the time the trouble started because that time puts 17 Aquarius on the ASCENDANT --- partile opposed Tracy's natal SUN. Moreover, Hataway's natal SUN conjuncts the MIDHEAVEN of the 1:00 am chart at 00 Sagittarius (clearly tying him to the Event) --- partile opposed ALCYONE the Weeping Sisters on the IC. Several hours later, when Tracy had not returned home, there was weeping, indeed.

An examination of Hataway's natal chart shows disturbing placements.

SUN conjunct URANUS with MARS/PLUTO midpoint partile conjunct URANUS: a person prone to hasty physical action; cruelty, violence, brutality. Sudden disasters or calamities of great consequence. (Ebertin)

MARS/SATURN = MOON (exact opposed to Sunrise MOON): Weakness of will, a mood or fit of depression, lack of courage. Illness, separation or death of members of the female sex. (Ebertin)

I also most sadly note that Event chart Part of Death at 01 Taurus is in the same degree as Tracy's natal NODES, another ominous testimony.

Hataway's natal EROS (sexual compulsions) 9 Sagittarius conjuncts his natal midpoints of VENUS/VERTEX (fated encounters with women) and PLUTO/CERES (kidnapping, rape).

The astrology suggests he gets off on kidnapping/raping women...

The VX (fated encounters) of the 1:00 am Event Chart was at 10 Virgo, partile conj. his PLUTO/CERES and VENUS/VX midpoints, both square his EROS.

His natal MARS/PLUTO midpoint (violence, murder) 26 Scorpio partile conjuncts his natal URANUS --- sudden violence --- triggered by all those placements at 26 degrees in the chart not the least of which was Event MARS 26 Aries in critical degree and partile inconjunct his natal MARS/PLUTO conjunct URANUS.
Dreamweaver posted the background of this case on the Case Request Board.

She may be able to find out the time of birth however, she did ask if I could do a preliminary chart or two, so this is the result of that request. Hopefully, more work can be done on this baffling case.

The 2 charts I did, are a Sunrise natal Chart and Event chart for the WalMart trip, where M's Doyle was seen purchasing a hoodie and then took money ($1,000) out of the WalMart ATM machine at about 9:30AM on 27th of October, 2008.


I constructed a Sunrise chart, for we do not have her time of birth. There are quite a few ominous signs here however, not the least being Sun conjunct Alioth, at 9Virgo, often a sign of big trouble in life . Actually, it’s been termed by those who publish the critical degrees, “The Body in the Ditch” degree. But is this necessarily a homicide or can it also be suicide?

Her Pluto is conjunct fixed star “REgulus” and Ceres was transiting over this area of her chart’s planet and TR. Anubis the suicide asteroid accompanied this transit.

The symbols seem to suggest the story of grief and depression over being fired and relieved of duty.

Regulus is a natal promise to her of a steady rise but a fast and rapid decline when triggered . Her natal Saturn is also conjunct a fixed star that suggests violence will come into her life, as it’s “Antares” and either invites violence consciously or subconsciously without her conscious motivation.

Another tragic symbol I see would be the Transit of asteroid Lachesis, choosing a time of death and it being opposed to her natal Chiron. See also over Chiron the transit of her Chiron Return to the natal place as well as the NN and past Neptune transits undermining her mental state suggesting grief and depression as reported.

When Carilla disappeared Transiting Pluto was stationed over her natal Moira conjunct Juno within one degree. This makes me wonder about the reported B.F. she had, and whether or not he has been checked out by the LE.
TR Persophone the symbol of abduction is in the mix and Juno is often about jealous partners.

It’s also curious to see her natal Juno is conjunct Hades at 5Gemini59minutes and also conjunct Persophone.

Unless I can check the Arabic part of suicide vs murder, I would be looking at the B.F. or significant other very closely. There is no question even with this Sunrise chart she is one who was marked for a tough life of hardship and violence being introduced however whether or not she is the one who decided when the end would come, or if it was by the hand of another, that I cannot tell with the Sunrise chart.
She also has two malefics, Saturn and Mars in square to each other, which is ominous and one of them again, conjunct Antares.
My first feeling about this chart is that she succumbed to a devious plan perpetrated or brought about by another, (the Juno conj. Hades) although taking money out of the ATM to leave for her 2 children as originally told , certainly would make one pause as she had a plan for something it would appear. I believe Dreamweaver later said, it wasn't this money however, that she gave to the two older adult children. More reason for concern.

It may be a suicide, yet Hades Juno connection, shows us that she was attracted to, and would bring into the life, a significant other that is left wanting, morally . One who may have been immoral or even part of the underworld or of some definite ill repute.
Background of case:
Cerilla Doyle has been missing for 2 1/2 years
from Bentonville, AR, 10/27/2008

date reported missing: 10/27/2008
dob: 9/02/1957
place of birth: unknown (AR)
7am approximately: she talks with daughter
9:30am: At Walmart in Jonesboro, AR, Cerilla bought a hoodie, a tote/gym bag and a hat. She got $1000.00 out of Walmart AtM.
12:00pm: friend from Pearidge PD stops by her home in Bentonville, AR.
4:49pm, daughter calls police dept to report her mother missing.
1:50am - 10/28/2008, bus leaves Jonesboro, AR to Tulsa, OK.

Cerilla Doyle was a sergeant in the Pea Ridge AR police department
for over 20 years. Her husband died in Feb. 2008, after a lengthy illness.
She started to see someone and then quit her job due the boyfriend who caused frequent problems while on the job.
The night before she disappeared, she was detained by Jonestown, AR police. This because her boyfriend drove her to the police dept and
allegedly said that Cerilla was upset and was carrying a gun.
She had a concealed weapon’s permit, but her gun was taken from her.
Cerilla’s daughter, who is a police dispatcher for Jonestown, AR police department, came to get her mom.
The daughter last spoke with her mom the next morning, 10/27/2008.
Daughter reports that her mom said she was going to do the bank, post office and would not have her cell phone with her.
When the daughter arrived home at 4:30pm, Cerilla was not there.
When she opened her mom’s bedroom door, all of Cerilla’s clothing was on the bed, identification, cell phone, and a power of attorney letter to her son. Two checks made out to her son and daughter, giving them her money.
Her car was left at the house.

WAL MART TRIP 9:30am: (ATM and shopping)


Such a tragic story.

A woman with a stellar career, yet brought down by her poor choice of a man.

Arrested, defamed and now missing.

Murder or /Suicide is the question, and we do not have her time of birth. However the event chart for the ATM withdrawal and Walmart purchases, appears to say a crisis indeed was at hand. 29 degrees 56 minutes is a crisis degree Rising and this chart in Scorpio, ruler being Mars (and modern ruler is Pluto) hence, death and violence very likely.

(2nd) Ruler of the chart found in the 12th is most unfortunate, for it’s the body evidence and conjunct Part of Fortune here in the hidden house of self-undoing.
Anubis, the asteroid depicting suicide is here in the 1st house 6 degrees away from the ASC. Venus conjuncts Antares then in the 1st, we see the Black Moon, Juno and Pluto. Certainly a man somewhere in the picture here, but in what capacity and his role, is the question.

The 2nd house cusp is 0Capricorn, so the close future to this chart, is dire as well.
Jupiter opposes the Vertex (a fated event) in the 8th house of Death.
Uranus in the 4th the “End of the Matter” house is in quincunx aspect to Mercury and the Moon . The Moon is exactly semi-sextile therefore, harmonious with Saturn as is her mindset.

The planetary arrangement shows her despair.

Lachesis is in the worse degree of the zodiac (so termed) for the vibration of 15Leo is so very harsh. Still another symbol pointing to her demise.
With Pallas Athena in Gemini, the indicator of a pre-meditated act, I’d think that the square it makes to both Saturn (woe) and Uranus (erratic and separating oneself) or because Pallas is in the 7th house of the other – it may be someone separating her from the loved ones.

What in the world happened that made this woman want to disappear forever? What did this man say about her to get her fired (as reported) on the thread?

I hope Dreamweaver is successful in getting more feedback on this chart, as I really don't know if the lady left town or not. It appears however, that the 3rd of short trips, gives us the hint that she did not go a long journey, (that would be house 9)
And Uranus in the 4th, suggests (to me) that she met her end near home.
We have opened a new Thread dedicated to the HOLLY BOBO case.

[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - HOLLY BOBO abducted 4/13/11 Darden TN - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
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