Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 2

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By progression, Tabak's Sun has arrived at his Moon where Jupiter and Uranus joined on the night Joanna was abducted. His progressed Mercury was on the natal node and Vindemiatrix. As he came into his thirty-third year, because the node of the Moon moves backward, the new position was conjunct his Venus. Progressed Moon herself is somewhere in II.

His Mars moved very little over the years because it was retrograde at birth and then went direct when he came of age. It is still out of bounds and it is trine the above trio of Moon-transit Uranus & Jupiter for unblocked flow.

Transit Neptune was not only on his Sun and Venus but opposes his Saturn for a notable lack of defenses to this crime. Since his own Uranus never moved over the years due to forward, then backward motion, and because it was in play on 17 December and not well integrated into his chart, we need to look at 16°+ Scorpio. Charubel reads, "A female in a state of nudity. Denotes a voluptuous person, liable to be carried away by the lower passions." Sepharial describes this as a degree of "ABANDONMENT, A battered hulk lying upon the seashore."
Harking back to the event chart for Joanna's confrontation at the flat, we can certainly say that Neptune in Aquarius, mutually received by Uranus in Pisces, describes an Aquarian adversary with a Piscean Moon.
Thinking the WS members might like seeing his chart I erected it with the Sunrise because we do not have the time of his birth, and you can see Uranus that planet of extremes in Scorpio, (see Tuba’s notes on the degree) square to Sun, Mercury & Venus. He’s really “quirky” I suppose we might say, and Uranus in Scorpio, (deadly when enraged) and all those Aquarius planets (Mercury Sun & Venus) is not exactly in touch with his feelings or anyone else’s for that matter.

Never be fooled by a Pisces Moon, as it’s a prime moon for serial killers too, when the chart makes it’s case for abnormalities, Pisces or even Cancer Moon can be as deadly as one with a Capricorn or colder moon sign. Remember the Killer Clown he had lots of Pisces in his chart.

Pluto square Mars in Cancer (Mars in Detriment in Cancer) is weakened here…..making him a weak person and we have seen a few killers lately with this position to watch (Mars in Cancer) can produce weak men in particular it seems. One that comes to my mind is Zahra’s father has this position and did not stand tall for Zahra up to his new wife. Allowing her full sway to do as she wished to the child.

Perhaps (manly) Mars then, quincunx to late Aquarius Venus suggests some sort of sexual problem he had (Jo wasn’t raped) yet there was DNA on her breast and other body areas.

Yes, he is Uranian, quirky and weird in all likelihood. Did I hear that he and his g.f. had broken up recently?.....The potential in laws liked him, that’s obvious by their initial comment as well as this link of more admirers.
Sometimes sexually frustrated individuals (apparently more men then women) go off the deep end in violent ways. :(

Transiting Saturn atop his natal Pluto with Transiting Neptune over natal Venus - (his attempt to convince her?) simply didn’t work to his or her advantage.

I’m not familiar with, nor conversant on on the so-called love asteroids, but this chart shows natal Cupido (Cupid?) said to be prominent at times of marriage and is a TNP (TransNeptunian) pronounced (coo-PEE-doe)
Keywords are : Getting together, family, marriage , society, organizations, corps. Art
I see that it has some disturbing aspects in light of what he is being charged with, Cupido is semi-square to Neptune, square to Mercury and opposed to Chiron.
This could be the area of misery for him….not “connecting” sexually.

IF we had Paulette look up a few asteroids, it may help along these lines.
I tried AMOR (love) as the asteroid , and found it to be too close for comfort, so I added it to the chart afterall.
Sun conj. Amor conj. Venus…………hmmmm.

I found a Quindecile in this chart - From Ricki Reeves book "165 degrees of Obsession" and to within one degree either way.....she says (actually Noel Tyl was her teacher and together they studied thousands of charts and quideciles)
that having ONE makes the energy more condensed vs having more then one in the chart then the energy is more likely scattered obsessions.
Many of us have them. But most of us don't kill with them.

He has his Mercury Quindecile Mars.

Remember, Mars in weakened Detriment Cancer. He's an opportunist and tried to have her sexually but it didn't work so he strangled her.

(imo) sorry, my "thumbs down" ended up in the wrong place in the header.

They do things quite differently in England then in the U.S.A. apparently:

Read more:

When you arrest somebody you effectively open up the inquiry from a new point and gain access to new evidence, meaning checks on telephone records, emails and financial *transactions will be made a priority.
Because the evidence threshold for arrest is not that high – perhaps 15% of what you need to convict someone – it is not unusual to have several suspects in mind at any one time.
The arrest of a second person by no means automatically exonerates the first, and the SIO will keep an open mind until one has been charged and the other cleared.
When I havent got an actual birth time I use a solar chart for noon of that date. The chart I have has Gemini Rising with Jupiter on the Asc with the Sun conjunct Venus conjunct M/C in the Eight house, with Mercury in the eigth too. These planets square Uranus. This would indicate a very iratic personality with a very bad temper.

The Moon is square Juper and Asc and trine Mars. This is a softening of the harshness of the difficult squares and could indicate his emotional intellect.

I could go on but not sure if it is allowed on here.
Because we do not have his true time of birth, we can't be sure of the ASC whether we use Sunrise or Noon time when casting a Natal chart, therefore an attempt to discuss the Houses carries no weight.

Do keep in mind, the focus of THIS FORUM is the Forensics of a crime EVENT.

In the case of Tabak (a Natal chart), using a sunrise time gives him a Pisces/26degree Moon. If the Moon moves on an average of 1degree plus every 2 hours and if this person was born later that afternoon, he possibly could have an Aries Moon. In terms of the other planetary transits, they pretty much remain the same give or take minutes.

In Forensic Astrology, the Event Chart is the 'story-telling' chart (time of crime, time reported missing, time last seen, etc) and is most reliable when confirmed times are provided.

The Natal, whether using sunrise or noon times or the true time of birth, helps confirm those energies/influences surrounding the victim or possible perp themselves (whomever the individual is we are looking at) at the time of the Event, but does not provide the details of the crime activity an Event chart is capable of revealing.

We appreciate your interest in this case.

I thought I would share my scratch tablet notes, in case someone is interested in the event of Vince Tabak's arrest & hold for the murder of Joanna Yeates. He does have the opportunity for a defense in that the Sun is sextile Jupiter ruling the House of self-protection. Moon opposite Mars has him well tangled in the toils of the law.
What an angelic little boy, his face is beautiful to behold
Snatched from his grandmother's arms in an apparent revenge motive towards his ex girlfriend, no one knows where they are now.

These charts don't look good to me for longevity, but I'm keeping my heart open and fingers crossed that they are found.

I don't get a "read" on the kidnapper, Jose, other then the following, so I'll not be posting his chart. Perhaps someone else will follow up and see what I cannot for him:

on Jose Rodriquez:
Transiting North Node conjuncts his “Lachesis” a death asteroid. Natal Uranus conjuncts AntaresA violent star and Uranus opposes his natal Mars in Gemini 9GEM, so exactly opposite Antares.

The mother feels he would never hurt her son……..I’m not as sure as she. He appears erratic and violent with unhinged emotions of a Venus in Cancer. Venus semi-square Mars and square to Pluto. Venus also is square Saturn.
He doesn't get along well with females.

Perhaps not with anyone.


Moon is the Ruler of this event chart and found in the same degree as the ASC within minutes in the 12th house. My take is that this is a suicidal attempt with the child in tow. The 4th house cusp is the crisis end of the line 29th degree and Saturn lies in the 4th .

The 5th of the child is ruled by Mars found in the 7th house in Aquarius. Mars conjuncts the Sun or the mother’s b.f. Mars is also the same degree as the Nodes the 2nd degree.

Persophone the kidnap itself found in the 11th at 6degrees Taurus with asteroid Anubis (suicide)
Medea (taking the child to kill) is here as well and wide conj. to SN

Although there are planets in the 9th such as Uranus, Jupiter and the Black Moon Lilith, I do wonder if he has driven a far long distance or simply plunged into the canal as the witnesses say.

Here is Julianis Natal Sunrise Chart.....from Missing Kids links the dob.
Such an adoreable child. But aren't they ALL. :(

The article says they will resume searching the canal tomorrow (Tuesday)
They should!
It must be incredibly deep and murky. They've retrieved at least 5 cars already.

TR Juno conj. his SN and opposes TR Uranus a rather volatile set-up of
Planets and asteroids with the malefic SN. Natal NN 29th deg.Pisces (conj.Scheat)
Misfortune with water…….NN is also conj. Lachesis
Juliani has a Yod formation which includes Mercury Venus and the apex is Pluto

Here is the natal Sunrise chart of this tortured soul J. R. last seen taking
little Juiani from grandma's arms that day:


Attempting to track the Greek Fates (Atropos, Lachesis and Moira) in this chart we see:
TR Saturn opposes natal Persophone (abduction indicator) conj. TR ZEUS (via force)
TR Moira 10.38Scorp conj. "Crux" (the Cross) a fixed star conjunct (N) Cupido
TR Atropos opposes "Algol" a fixed star of remarkable note for negativity
and opposes Natal Chiron (the wounding)
TR Medea (kills a child) at 12Gemini 39' conjunct his Natal "Atropos"(i.e. = "If I can't have my child, (she is 6months pregnant with his child), THEN
you can't have Juliani!"

TR NN 2Capricorn conj. his Natal "Lachesis"
This 18 year old college student was last seen leaving a Geneva College dining hall around 8:00 pm on Thursday, 1/20/2011.

News reports state he had posted a Facebook message about having a problem and saying no one could help him.


The chart gives cause for concern.

1) ASCENDANT is in Fateful Degree (same degree as the NODES), foretelling catastrophe/ tragedy/ fatality.

2) ALGOL 26:19 Taurus conjuncts the MIDHEAVEN. This Fixed Star is notorious for 'losing one's head, either literally or figuratively.' The MIDHEAVEN shows what comes before the Public Eye.

3) The same sign is on the 1st and 2nd House cusps, suggesting that the 1st House person (Devon) knowingly walked into whatever came next; i.e., for whatever reason, he made a conscious decision to 'go forward.' This testimony is corroborated by the EQ (secondary Ascendant) placement in the 22nd degree of Leo --- the degree of being one's own worst enemy, and posited in the 12th House of Self-Undoing.

4) SUN the Event is posited at 00 Aquarius, close conjunct MARS 03 Aquarius in the 5th House of Actions Taken. MARS itself, associated with violence, also symbolizes actions taken and, in Aquarius, gives a detached quality. Here we see that the Event / Action Taken is based on something ruled by the 12th House (Leo on the cusp), again pointing back to Self-Undoing.

5) SUN is quindecile MOON (165 degrees), an angle of extreme compulsion/ obsession/ stress. There is a perhaps 'pressure-cooker' impulse to act (SUN conj. MARS) against the best interests of oneself (SUN quindecile MOON) or perhaps to destroy/ quash/ obliviate the emotions (MOON) one may be enduring. MOON's 12th House placement suggests a deep sorrow and/or 'imprisonment' of some sort, strengthened by her exact opposition to the Arabic Part of FORTUNE 16 Aquarius. Moreover, FORTUNE itself is quindecile ASCENDANT, further supporting that Devon was under unfathomable stress at the time he was Last Seen.

6) Lord 1 MERCURY (Devon) at 09 Capricorn applies square Arabic Part of DEATH 11 Aries (not shown). Death in Aries can be by one's own hand. The Arabic Part of SUICIDE1 00 Libra (not shown) is posited in the 2nd House of the Near Future. It is partile trine the SUN and opposes JUPITER in anaretic (last ditch; 'end of its rope') degree (29 Pisces). JUPITER is the traditional Lord of Pisces, the sign on the 8th House of Death in this chart, and is strong, posited within.

On a JUPITER Day in a JUPITER Hour, we can only reluctantly conclude an unhappy ending, unless Devon's natal chart can counter some of this unfortunate testimony.

Should anyone come across his Date of Birth, please let us know.

Last Seen Chart 7:30AM:

Chart ruler is Saturn found in the 8th house conj. Zeus (controlled, directed energy) with the planets in the 1st house all intercepted in the sign of Aquarius, the Sun in Detriment in this sign and conjunct Mars.
Whatever happened to her, appears to have been done swiftly and soon near this time of morning.
The Moon rules the 7th found conj. BAM along with Zeus, Hopi & Juno (in the crisis degree).
I’ve been seeing Juno appearing in many murder charts lately when it’s not the husband, btw or even anyone who was familiar with the victim. Juno can be a symbol of jealousy and resentments.
Juno (according to Demetra George’s book “Asteroid Goddesses” can also be a symbol of powerlessness battered wives, victims, minorities, crimes of sexual violence, seduction incest and rape. (pg.169)
It does then, give the appearance of something “personal” in this chart, moreso then not.

Part of Fortune 18Taurus is also quincunx to Saturn and quincunx to Venus

This appears to be a pre-meditated crime as the 12th house of hidden things, suggests with Pallas conjunct Mercury conj. Lachesis, and Pluto conj. the NN.
Appears (thus far to me) that this was planned (Mercury) attack (Pluto conj. NN)

I looked at the 9:30AM time range as supposedly someone came to the door, knocked and she didn't answer this locked door.

Here is what I found in this timeframe:

Fomalhaut Rises in this chart at 3Pisces – truly an Immortal Name now a mysterious Neptune like disappearance with few or no clues available. The Ruler of the Chart Neptune found in the 12th conjunct Chiron (the inner wounding)
Black Moon Lilith and Uranus with Jupiter all in the 1st house signifying the mystery is surrounded by a shadow of the Black Moon yet to be unwrapped and seen. Persophone in the 2nd, means that soon, to this point in time was the kidnapping event.

The 7th house Ruler is Virgo hence Mercury is the Ruler, square Saturn semi-square Neptune. Could be reflecting that Mercury is (the other) who knocks on the door expecting a response.

Since Pallas Athena sits in the 11th house of Opportunity conjunct Mercury, it appears to be a premeditated event that took place here.

And the Sun (focal point) is in the 12th conj. Mars, and the cusp of this house is the 29th Crisis degree, she is already in harms way.
The part of fortune in the 8th and in Scorpio, is a misfortune in this chart already, as it squares the Sun,
Squares Mars and Trines the ASC.

(Note): IF 9AM for this knock on the door, pretty much the same chart, other then Aquarius RisingWith Saturn in the 8th conjunct Part of Fortune trine Neptune and trine the ASC.

Note: Perhaps she was not dead at this point in time, (9AM) as Moira does not join the POF until 9:30AM.

Event of the Press Conference Thursday Morning Jan.27:

The Press Conference being held to discuss the case of missing mom Amy Sue.

A real mystery if there ever was one. (Neptune in the 1st house, lead planet conjunct Chiron in crisis degree.)

Neptune (the mystery) squares the POF which falls at 27Scorpio, so “misfortune) and also opposes Algol (the worse)

Note that PO Misfortune is also wedged in a conj. with Atropos (death) on one side and the Moon (co-ruler of the chart) nearing the 21st degree of Scorpio, a “definite loss” A few more troubling parts of this chart puts Hades at 29th (crisis deg) in the 5th of love affairs rx with Kronos, and the 7th house gives a 15 deg. Leo cusp lord (the worse degree of the zodiac) which happens to square Moira (the other Greek Fate) in the 9th.


Here is something else to consider however: :twocents:
(At 8AM the POF was at 27degrees Taurus (conj. Algol), on the 24th of January when she disappeared. This is a very curious chart, and it appears with the 0 degree crisis in Aquarius and location of the POF that she was already in peril at this time in the morning.) The Sun (ruler of the DC cusp) or the perp. is already conj. the ASC in the 8AM chart.)
Thanks to the hard work and investigative skills of Belimom, WS member, we have a probable date of birth for the missing young mom, Amy Sue:

(Sunrise chart - no houses known):

Klotho which is the beginning of the Greek fated Moira- or what is set in motion is conjunct her Mercury both 28 degrees Aries and both are trine to that critical natal Mars and Jupiter (Regulus) and the North Node.
Regulus always promises a fall in the natal charts, but seldom something so cruel (other then as I recall the murder of the lady with the facelift recovering on her b.f.’s couch that weekend) also had Regulus Mars triggered when she was butchered to death.

Here in the transits we can see that Neptune and Chiron was tr at 27 and 28-29 degrees respectively Aquarius so triggers this area for the promised fall of Regulus.

TR Juno and the Moon goes over her natal BML when she disappears. That Black Moon shadow seems to be seen a lot in the disapperances and murder charts.

TR Saturn moves into a conjunction with natal Pluto which opposes TR “Klotho” and Moira completes the fates by being in 13Scorpio opposing Amy Sue’s Sun.

Natal Uranus rx:

I think what stands out to me the most however about her natal chart (time of birth unknown) is her Uranus rx when born at 24Scorpio. It is said, 25Scorpio is very critical as a degree, we see Uranus is Square to Mars, Jupiter and quincunx to Venus, Square to the NN and opposed to Ceres , Lachesis square to the fate of Moira. This speaks of a ton of expectation for the unexpected and even surprising events in ways symbolized by the aspects. :(

First Calls to Police:

The Moon rules this event chart found in the 4th house conjunct Saturn, not a good omen for the ruler of the chart to be in the “House of Endings” or conjunct to Saturn (planet of woe) Juno at the crisis degree or 29th degree of Virgo shows the husband’s and probably the entire family’s stress trying to find Amy Sue that day, exhausting their efforts and then calling the police when they did.
I believe I posted already on Demetra George’s writings on Juno and the asteroid also potentially indicating rape and incest among many other possibilities beyond marriage and fidelity.
For certain ,when a planet or asteroid is in the 29th degree it is a crisis or critical. Saturn ruler of the 7th house of potential perpetrator found in the 4th of home and Endings.

Thank you, Leomoon... Here is some add'l info and there are now FB "rumors" that a body has been found... Very sad, prayers to her family and two sons.


A Michigan private search team found blood in a trailer in woods near a relative's house on a property on County Road 687 in Hartford. Henslee's cousin Junior Beeve lives there. Our reporting partners at WNDU say the woods are used for hunting. Police said a lot of blood was found inside and outside of the door.

Police were on scene at the property Thursday night, and noted a camper sits in the front, where a "person in question" lives. More facilities are about a quarter-mile behind the unit.

That "person in question" is a cousin of James, and he was taken in for questioning around 6 p.m., police said. Shortly after, Amy's husband was called to the scene.

"Beeve" may also be "Beebe" - I've seen it both ways in different records.
Police source:Body found at blood scene
No word on blood, body's ID

Updated: Thursday, 27 Jan 2011, 9:50 PM EST
Published : Thursday, 27 Jan 2011, 8:51 PM EST

HARTFORD TOWNSHIP, Mich. (WOOD) - At least one body was found Thursday night at the trailer where investigators earlier discovered blood, possibly connected to the disappearance of a Hartford Township mother, police sources said.

Neither the body, nor the blood, have been identified.

A tip there was a vehicle spotted in the area of Henslee's home around the time she disappeared Monday is information her husband also heard. And, he told 24 Hour News 8, he knows the driver.
"It was actually a relative of mine, a cousin," he said. "And he told me he came, but nobody was here. But the neighbor tells me that she seen a girl get in the truck, but she couldn't be 100% that it was Amy."
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