Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 2

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boxermom: You were born on a historical date, only yours preceeds the history of this country's trauma. I'm sure that everyone now remembers your birthday who may have gotten it confused before 9-11.


I do believe in synchonocity:

And so, I erected the synastry chart between Christina Green and Jared, her neighbor in Tucson within only miles.

They were in the same time and the same place put together weren't they?

Sometimes the synchronocity isn't readily seen nor understood I'm sure. How can we understand such an event as this one.

Here is what I found however in the chart (synastry) without the times of birth for both of them:

Jared's Sun & Mercury is 18 Virgo, 14Libra the same sign and degree as Christina's Sun & Mercury

Jared’s Chiron is 6Cancer exactly conj. Gabrielle’s natal Mercury at 6 degrees Cancer

Christina’s No.Node of the Moon is 3 Cancer conjunct Jared's Chiron and G.Gifford’s Mercury with Mercury the ruler of Gifford's own Sun sign in Gemini

His South Node (connection to ( past) or fate) conjuncts his own BML and Christina’s Moira (her fate)

The Child’s Chiron (inner wound) is conjunct his Saturn & Uranus ( symbols of karma & erratic behaviors)

Sorry, I posted the wrong date (year) and will put the corrected Natal Chart here for Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords: Her Sun remains in a critical degree of a mutable sign, yet does conjunct a fortunate Fixed Star (see Rigel) so more of a "mixed blessing" I suppose.
Rigel is said to be of the nature of Saturn & Jupiter. A mixed bag of blessings when dedicated to hard work, which she certainly was in her job.

North Node 5deg. 58min. Pisces is quincunx to Uranus (harsh health aspect) while Uranus squares Mars and Mars is square to Pluto. (Physical body may face consequences of harshness of Pluto to transform) such as this terrible event in which she is still battling for her life.

We can see TR. asteroid BAM over her natal Uranus in this corrected chart, and Venus transits over her natal Neptune.

With a natal T Square of Mars, Uranus and Chiron may have been triggered by Transiting Pluto activating that natal promise.

The Congresswoman has her Sun conjunct RIGEL a fixed star known for riches and success in life with effort expended.

Actually, it is said that those with Rigel in a prominent place, will not have their riches taken away from them, it’s life long and staying for monetary successes.

Let's hope that her physical recovery will be as fortunate for her.

Oprah is one for instance, the other I can think of was Michael Jackson. It is also said that those with Rigel in the natal prominent, will “stay on top” and have “lasting success accompanied by hard work and continued application and anxiety”

Jackie Onnasis has the cusp of her 8th house of “other’s assets” and Inheritances conjunct this star while Athena Onassis (daughter of the late Christina) inherited her grandfather’s massive multi Billion fortune with Rigel on the cusp of her 8th and Uranus opposite Rigel 16 deg.47min. 2nd House of assets.

It was the unexpected and sudden death of her mother that put her in this position of the only heir to the fortune and the 8th or opposite of the 2nd, is the Inheritance House.

Another that Congresswoman Giffords has Rigel in common with, in the Constellation of Orion, would be well known heir to a massive fortune, the son of Gloria Vanderbilt known as Anderson Cooper a CNN reporter with his own TV show.
All of these people are fortunate with Rigel in their natal charts at least in one area of their lives.

For Oprah it’s lucky Jupiter in her 6th house, for Anderson Cooper it’s the 9th house cusp and for Gabrielle Giffords, the Sun itself!

(re: post 372 Last SEEN chart)

SAD NEWS folks. Rest in Peace Debbie.
Remains of missing dancer found, ex-boyfriend arrested

Updated: Jan 09, 2011 3:24 PM EST
LAS VEGAS, NV - An arrest was made in the case of Debbie Florez-Narvaez, the missing Las Vegas Dancer. Her body was found, and her ex-boyfriend has been charged with her murder.

Gabrielle Giffords, June 8, 1970. She's 15 Virgo rising natally. I did her solar return and she has a t-square. Ascendant is 27 Taurus with Mercury at 27 Taurus conjunct her first house squaring Neptune at 28 Aquarius in the 10th and Mars in 0 Virgo in the 4th. No aspects at all to a first house sun other than to North Node in 8th house. Pluto in 8th too.
Gabrielle Giffords, June 8, 1970. She's 15 Virgo rising natally. I did her solar return and she has a t-square. Ascendant is 27 Taurus with Mercury at 27 Taurus conjunct her first house squaring Neptune at 28 Aquarius in the 10th and Mars in 0 Virgo in the 4th. No aspects at all to a first house sun other than to North Node in 8th house. Pluto in 8th too.

Can you post a link for the time of birth, or tell us how this was confirmed?

I can't find it on the internet when I looked. That would be interesting if her Asc. is the same as the shooter's Sun sign.

(re: post 372 Last SEEN chart)

SAD NEWS folks. Rest in Peace Debbie.
Remains of missing dancer found, ex-boyfriend arrested

Updated: Jan 09, 2011 3:24 PM EST

Not sure why I cannot find his date of birth when various reports say he was arrested and I can find the arrest only for the date he beat Debbie (in October of 2010) on the Nevada Link: (no date of birth shown however, for October)

Read more at the Washington Examiner:


Dancer Deborah Flores-Narvaez's body, dismembered and packed into at least two cement-filled tubs, was left by her killer in a downtown Las Vegas home.
Flores-Narvaez' 32-year-old former boyfriend was arrested on murder charges early Saturday morning, nearly a month after she disappeared on Dec. 12. Jason "Blu" Griffith, a dancer who performs in the Cirque du Soleil show "Love" featured at The Mirage, is being held without bail, jail records show
Detectives discovered that Griffith had purchased cement and had rented a U-Haul not long after she visited him at his North Las Vegas home on the night of Dec. 12. Financial records -- U-Haul requires a credit card -- confirmed the rental.
The U-Haul's global positioning tracking device allowed detectives to reconstruct Griffith's movements, leading them to the downtown house where they found Flores-Narvaez's remains encased in cement.
Asteroid Bacchus (drinking alcohol) is conjunct to Mercury (mindset) and ruler of this chart found in the 3rd house of movement on foot and vehicle.

Since his vehicle was parked (wrong way on the street) and his cell phone and wallet left in this automobile, we know he was walking when last seen on camera at the Bank that evening, this chart.

The 6th Hs. of decision making, is ruled by Neptune found in the 5th of parties and self-involvement and found in the sign of Aquarius, ruled by Saturn found in house 1 conjunct the Part of Fortune for this chart (last seen) sesquare to Neptune

The Part of Fortune however in this case, unfortunate for him here, as it makes a square to the Sun , a Semi-Square to Venus (drinking is possible with Venus and especially so, with Venus found in the 25th deg.of Scorpio ) and that sesquare aspect to Neptune in the 5th house, appears to be saying with the Stellium of planets and points in the 4th including both lights, he is deceased.

Since there are no planets above the horizon, I’d say he is close to where he was last seen on Camera. With Neptune ruler of the 6th found in the 5th house, I’d surmise from this, that he was disoriented and perhaps in less of a condition, made crucial but unwise choices, (NN conj. Lachesis) and Pallas the same degree as Pluto, suggests self-will and determination towards his own ending.

However, IF we could find his date of birth, I might be inclined to see this in a different way, but so far I haven’t been able to locate any mention of the date of birth. I’m pretty certain however, he is no longer alive from the appearance this chart gives.


(Part of Danger, Violence) 23Cancer17min.
(Part of Destruction) ASC +Mars-Sun = Scorpio 4 deg,50 min. conjunct Moira
And opposed to Persophone in the 8th House. (potentially kidnapped)
(PT. OF Murder ) ASC + Mars –Saturn = Capricorn 0deg.29minutes (conj. The NN in house 4)
(Part of Suicide (1) : 23Scorp14min) is midpoint of Atropos and Venus
(Part of Suicide (2): 27Libra15min) conj. 2nd hs. Cusp square Mars in the 4th
Zach's birthdate is August 5th I'm assuming 1977 as everything says he is 33. I got the date from his missing facebook page.

I don't really "get' most of this (you folks are amazing) so can you clarify as best as you can tell:

no one else was involved?
does it appear to be intentional suicide as aopposed to accidental?

Thank you Leo.
Zach's birthdate is August 5th I'm assuming 1977 as everything says he is 33. I got the date from his missing facebook page.

I don't really "get' most of this (you folks are amazing) so can you clarify as best as you can tell:

no one else was involved?
does it appear to be intentional suicide as aopposed to accidental?

Thank you Leo.

I'm not big on assumptions however, Sugarland.
I'll tell you why. Recently a young woman who was a dancer at the Luxor Casinos in Las Vegas was found brutally murdered stuffed (after dismemberment) into 2 plastic carry-alls purchased at the local Walmart store.
It turned out to be her ex b.f. whom I suspected of course all along. (Reference post 147)

However, it was reported online that she was born in 1981 when in fact the pdf recently posted here, says she was indeed born in 1979 (according to the LE ) in their affadavit for arresting him. (reference post 146)

I haven't yet gone back to her chart or her b.f.'s who is currently in jail, but intend to.

So, the time of birth should really be known and not guessed, even though it makes sense to believe it was 1977 if he just turned 33 this year.

I see you posted on "Case Requests" giving his date of birth however, as 1977, so If I see anything pertinent to compare with this last seen by video camera chart, I'll let you know.
Thanks Leo, the August 5, 1977 date is per the person running his facebook missing page. She responded right away, without hesitation.
I see what you mean by the date, thank you so much for the explaination.
I've taken 2 charts into consideration here , his natal and the last Solar Return (sans the houses, as we do not know his time of birth, and forum rules here suggest strongly we do not ask his family for it) actually one can be banned if doing so., so we will work with what we know from the media only or from Facebook for him.

In these two addt'l charts then, I can only give what I see (in consideration of not having more accurate timing of his birth placements).......and they do show us that this year (from August 2010) his last birthday and called the Solar Return chart was starting off on a rather less then desireable footing.

From the Natal (no time of birth known) ignore the houses:

When the chart says "Noon" it also says, "hypothetical (hyp) time of birth" giving the noon time.

Asteroid Hopi (ambush) is conjunct his natal Pallas exactly at the 22nd degree Virgo and transiting Saturn
Conjunct his North Node (fate) or karma being connected. Asteroid Lachesis (time of death) conj. Tr. NN
Within minutes and oppose natal Venus.
Transiting Neptune and Chiron between 26-27Aquarius form a square to Transiting Anubis and forms
Only a quincunx to his natal Pallas Athena (which as I said earlier, is being transited during this point in time by asteroid HOPI.
Thus, it’s possible that he was ambushed (Hopi) just after leaving the banking ATM machine, but was rather oblivious to his surroundings, always a very dangerous thing these days.



Last Solar Return (no houses known) :
For Zachary’s last Solar Return – he would have had Saturn on this birthday anniversary stationed at
the 1 degree Libra which conjoins his natal Atropos. He would have been advised then, to be particulary careful this year (depending on which house this fell into), because the 1 or (0-1) degrees of Cardinal signs are always very critical., and Saturn was conjunct on his birthday anniversary
Mars (2 Malefics combined when it's Mars with Saturn ) Over the death asteroid.

Another huge potential problem for him this year is his Solar Return Mercury was at 10Virgo23minutes
Conjoined his natal Mercury 10 degrees Virgo 15minutes, and this location is also quite critical for a death or at least a critical event in one’s life when conjunct fixed star Zosma.
Also conjunct S/R Mercury was Atropos at 8Virgo, another critical place. So all in all, he started this birthday anniversary in some measure of criticalness to the life.

The Solar Return moon was actually over his natal Mars and the Black Moon Lilith in Gemini augering some type of mental blockage going on. The shadow self being seen as the Black Moon and Gemini rules the mind.
Normally I would not include many asteroids in a Solar Return chart for a client, but in this case, since we are looking (in hindsight ) to a missing person, I see that S/R Hopi is also quite close in orb to a near exact conjunction to his natal Saturn (within one degree)……and of course, Hopi as said prior, is an asteroid that points to abductions.
For this 16 yr. old seen leaving her high school on this day (December 14th 2010), and "walking home"....we have her date of birth from the Missing Children sites, but not as usual, the time of birth (so please ignore the houses) for this natal chart:

I’d first look at her critical degrees or sign places in her natal chart where she’s most susceptible to harm coming her way.
With the Moon potentially very late Scorpio into Sag, (noon chart puts Antares into the mix)….stands out to me, as does Saturn (rx) at 8Pisces (conjunct fixed Star SKAT) always a troubling star to see in a natal chart, imo

11Libra (Vindiamiatrix) another troubling star is conj. her Mercury (square to the afflicted Mars and quincunx to Saturn ) is not helping her to stay safe as also Mercury is square to Neptune and semi-square to Pluto. And although her natal Mars is Trine to Pluto, Pluto itself, is in a very critical degree considering everything else in this natal chart for certain.
Jupiter is conjunct “Crux” or ACRUX the star speaks of a terrible burden in life to bear., or
“The Cross”at 11Scorpio.

Pallas 23Taurus is too close for comfort to the more troubling stars, and Vesta is critical at 1 degree Cancer a Cardinal sign.

So, we are seeing in her natal enough of what I’d term a “pile up” of critical degrees due to certain stars and placements that I’d begin to seriously worry about her well being, even “if” she went willingly. If she did, she simply trusted wrongly the wrong person with this Mercury outlined opposing her Neptune.

Her Black Moon is conj. Persophone (abduction, but also afraid to take one’s own power, so easily hands to another, that power) is potentially a big problem, as it does conj. The shadow or the BML and Pallas Athena.

For serious danger to her, I’d note Venus in Detriment in Scorpio which is also semi-square to the Sun, the personality.

As for the transits that day she went missing – TR Saturn is square to Natal Mars (for which we should not neglect noting on her natal that Mars is also conj. To Atropos) as well, not neglect the fact that her natal Mars is “in Detriment” (not operating sufficiently for her as for the energies in this lifetime) at least not to her material benefit being weakened sufficiently as to make her vulnerable (the opposition of Mars to Uranus & Neptune ) for instance.

Her Neptune is in mutual reception to her Saturn , and probably to her detriment (as Mars is in detriment, making that opposition and the mutual exchange combines with Neptune’s ruler Pisces in mutual reception with Saturn – and conj. “SKAT”)



Solar Return (last Birthday in September) highlights:

With SR Atropos at 24degrees Virgo 47minutes stationed over her natal Klotho at 24 degrees 25-26minutes these are extraordinary markers for serious danger for her physically.
SR Klotho is also square to her natal Mars.As if there were not enough alarming things seen in the Solar Return for this past September,
She also has her Natal South Node at 16Taurus conj. Natal Persophone at 19Taurus and S/R Persophone comes to conjoin these two places at 18degrees Taurus 46minutes.
No, it doesn't appear at all to be a runaway case Boxermom.

Each chart we create we can add new and interesting data to see what comes up.
Some use the Arabic Lots and I seldom do. But I may later on in this case.

For now I’ll show you two variations of the “Last Seen chart” and in this 2nd one, I’ll insert the TNPs in only one of them.

In this case we are seeing Kronos & Hades in the 2nd
and 3rd, the “near future” is Hades 29th degree and Kronos in the 3rd house not sure, but very close to the apt. she was in.

Vulcanus (like it sounds) often said to be likened to Pluto is very destructive (like a volcano) and here it falls on the I/C cusp in the 4th house conjunct the cusp. This “appears to me for now” to say, “close to home” or where she was in Pikesville, outskirts

Baltimore City (north) and generally speaking can be a rough neighborhood. There are malls nearby. And she said (reportedly) she was hungry, and was leaving to get some food.

IF this was the case, you’d think we would see something in the 5th of self-indulgence, recreation, but we do not.

We see only Hopi meaning “ambush”

All those many planets in the 6th house.
Zeus (overpowering) conjunct Moon (the event co-ruler) same degree and within minutes.

Next, Saturn and the Vertex in this house.

Apollon means many. Meaning more then one of anything. Perhaps I should not have inserted the TNPs after all (see what I mean by we can confuse our symbology sometimes by our choices) it appears to be saying there are more then one here. Sometimes as I often take on these cases by myself, I do stick my neck out a bit too much "me thinks",
but yet I hate when a request goes unanswered and someone is missing, so I make the attempt regardless.:innocent: I know what it's like when your child is missing.
I'd rather take the chance and do something, and be wrong then, if the other choice is doing nothing. So forgive me if I am wrong in the end. I don't claim perfection here.

Venus ruler of the Chart in the 7th house of the other. Venus is nearing the 21st of Scorpio, a “Definite Loss” degree.
Venus conjuncts Atropos, so I don’t like it here. It’s too frightening actually.

As I move to the 8th house I know I don’t like it for certain, as we see Mercury the ruler of the 6th of decision making, in this house perhaps the killer conjunct Cupido and Vesta.
Then there is also the North Node (fate) and Lachesis in the same degree within minutes, and Lachesis decides the moment to die.
Pallas is here too, (premeditation?)

Part of Fortune in 21Aquarius, squares Venus the Ruler of the Chart or the young woman in question and also is semi-square to the Sun (possibly the event itself) found in the 9th between Mars & Pluto
Death and destruction to the physical body, is how it appears thus far.

Asteroids Astrae (a witness) and Persophone (abduction) in the 12th. Take that as you may……sounds to me to be literal.



Update: Still no resolution to finding Phylicia Barnes.
Her mother on TV begs for answers:


She knows how protective I was as her mother. She wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend," Sallis said. "She didn't have men; we didn't have men coming in and out of our environment."
Sallis said she was "stunned" and "devastated" after learning from one of Barnes' siblings that "there was a listing of 20 different guys going in and out" of where Barnes was staying and that her daughter -- who recently turned 17 -- was allowed to drink alcohol.

A Baltimore police spokesman has said more than 100 Baltimore police, Maryland State Police troopers and FBI agents have been working on the case.

Sallis said she had encouraged Barnes to reach out to her siblings on her father's side of the family.

"I encouraged her to go on Facebook to look for them because she hadn't heard from that side of her family, from her father, in over eight years,"

Sallis said. "And I, as a mother, didn't want my daughter not knowing who her other side of her DNA is. I didn't want her going from man to man looking for her father in relationships, so I encouraged her to look for her half-sisters online and maybe she could find her father that way because she hadn't heard from him in over eight years."

According to police, Barnes communicated through text messages with her half sister about 12:30 p.m. the day she disappeared. The ex-boyfriend of the half-sister was moving out of the apartment and said he saw Barnes last on the couch at about 1:30 p.m., but when he came back to the apartment at about 5:10 p.m., Barnes was not there. The door was reportedly unlocked, and the music in the apartment was extremely loud.

Sounds to me like a case of a parent, "you'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't" scenario.
She did for her daughter what she thought best at the time, for her to know the paternal side of her family.
It seems to have cost her greatly, including the life of her only daughter.

Atropos at 10Aries in her natal makes an exact trine to transiting Persophone (abduction) within only minutes of exact to these two asteroids. Natal Pluto squares Saturn. TR Juno makes a square to her Saturn when she disappears, in the 21st degree of Scorpio, “A definite Loss degree”
Asteroid Melpomene (a tragedy) and Transiting North Node, separating from the conj. to her natal
Lachesis in SAG (2 of the Greek Fates in Fire signs) with only Moira in the Air sign of Aquarius.
From the looks of the Black Moon Lilith, it does appear she met up with the worse her mother could have imagined for her, and for herself I’m sure, the shadow or boogey man (men) of her dreams.
BML in Aries (ruled by Mars) , and 5 squares.
Yes, this man in custody fits the chart very well because he is indeed a tenant. In fact, I believe he lives in an adjoining flat that was once connected to Joanna Yeates through a door later sealed. Other than this, we don't know much about this man that would incriminate him. Thanks for providing his birthday. We'll have a look.
Dutch national Vincent Tabak has been arrested on suspicion of murdering Joanna Yeates.

Born: 10th Feb 1978 in Veghel(near Hertogenbosch), the Netherlands,
according to the Bristol Evening Post(

More information at

Friday Jan. 21, 2011

Vincent Tabak, 32, who police arrested on suspicion of Joanna Yeates' murder

Dramatic scenes unfolded in Clifton yesterday as the 32-year-old man, believed to be Miss Yeates’ neighbour Vincent Tabak, was arrested from an address in Aberdeen Road, off Whiteladies Road, at 6am.Mr Tabak, a Dutch architect, is registered as living with his girlfriend in the same building in Canynge Road where Miss Yeates lived with her boyfriend Greg Reardon.

The girlfriend of Vincent’s parents said he was “lovely”
and they hope the same thing doesn't happen to him as happened to the other suspect, the landlord Mr. Jeffries.
How does Mr. Tabak connect to the events of 17 December, 2010? Ugly to see is Saturn sitting on Tabak's Pluto. Bear in mind though, that everyone born at the end of 1977 or in 1978 had the same transit. But for Mr. Tabak it was dead on. He was feeling a compulsion backed by 60 lbs. of steam. His romance had soured and a vindictive urge grew out of that because he is another one who had a rejection complex (Saturn in Leo opposite his Venus Aquarius). His life now lacked direction and seemed meaningless. He wanted to regain control and to exercise that by dominating others. The loss of his mate left him fiercely frustrated.

The December Sun at 25:48 Sagittarius was working in his behalf, sextiling his own Aquarian Sun, trining his (self-restraint) Saturn, opposing his II Jupiter. That might have constrained his behavior but he was born with an out of bounds Mars in the last decanate of Cancer, Uranus was on his Moon, slippery move Neptune was on his Sun and Venus, Mars was square his node at Vindemiatrix. Venus and the Moon laid an axis over his Uranus, which was not well integrated into the balance of his natal planetary array. All of this is insufficient to indict him astrologically but goes a long way toward confirming any evidence against him, including DNA.
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