Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 2

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I did the chart, but I don't have the "why" :(

If we researched the moon's position for this day of her birth, (the 25th of Leo is a murder degree) i.e. "not good"
Nor would the 13-18th degree be wonderful either!

Then there is Uranus 17Virgo, is in not only a critical degree of this erratic planet (because it's in a mutable sign) , but also in serious inharmonious aspect to just about everything in her natal chart.
Add the retrograde motion when born.

I think that Uranus is the "why" of this god-awful deed this woman did.
Uranian influences? Perhaps a young soul (doesn't make this trip often) is one guess, another would be as Edgar Cayce pointed to, ....erratic souls Uranians.
The planet he says, is " one of extremes' when not evolved enough.

I am also asking again about Mona Nelson because LE had stated in a press conference that they believe that she has done this before and she could be connected to another cold case.

This one has mentally and emotionally whipped me.
I did the chart, but I don't have the "why" :(

If we researched the moon's position for this day of her birth, (the 25th of Leo is a murder degree) i.e. "not good"
Nor would the 13-18th degree be wonderful either!

Then there is Uranus 17Virgo, is in not only a critical degree of this erratic planet (because it's in a mutable sign) , but also in serious inharmonious aspect to just about everything in her natal chart.
Add the retrograde motion when born

I think that Uranus is the "why" of this god-awful deed this woman did.
Uranian influences? Perhaps a young soul (doesn't make this trip often) is one guess, another would be as Edgar Cayce pointed to, ....erratic souls Uranians.
The planet he says, is " one of extremes' when not evolved enough.


Thanks, Leomoon. Regarding the underlined (done by me) above, does this mean she was born destined to kill? She was just 'born into turmoil'? Not in the right kind of circumstances throughout her life to show her another direction/path she can take? Sorry, just trying to understand. I've also noticed her chart reading is shorter than others I've seen posted here. I'm still shocked by her actions, to say the least.

It's certainly a Philosophical question you pose.
Everyone pretty much having their own thoughts, I'm sure, but for me, I believe in Reincarnation,and time being negligible except for fate and necessity (necessary for the soul to be born into) i.e. space & time.

When I say she may be a youngish soul, I meant, via experience in the earth plane.

To answer your question, I see no soul being born to fail or failure. The soul is "of god" imo., and we all believe God is good. Human fraility in the dualistic world creates a double standard and evil deeds are done here.

However, even though some believe it is "easier to succeed then fail" I do not see it that way, because the vibrations to which we are born and must then (by necessity) vibrate to, (until we create a new one), some of them are very harsh indeed.
The "Path of Least resistance" then, kicks in, and can level some of us.
It's easier don't you think to do or to be, what we term our "2nd nature" than to rise above any more
(what other's may deem) negative traits?

I mean if you are a jealous soul, prone to jealousy, etc, easily offended and have a very touchy ego, don't you think it's far easier to then give in to that path of least resistance and then fall into lockstep this way?

Reading the natal chart successfully, may touch upon such traits inherent for that particular soul they are working on this time around.

But we don't "have to be" that way ......we can exercise our free will and rise above. Isn't Jesus the pattern for many of us to do this? I think so.....but that's just me and similar minded people who may think so.

How many do rise above?

I know in one Edgar Cayce reading he said "The Stars and Planets impel , they do NOT compel"
And I've also heard others from the time of Plato may also have uttered a similar philosophy.

I think that pretty much sums it up then.

The "impelling force" is the planets and stars, but the doing, or not doing is up to all of us (free will)
She simply did not , for whatever reason, rise above those Uranian vibrations which are seen by most (in that degree of a mutable sign) and all those harsh aspects, as indicative of lessons to be learned in that regard.

I think I also mentioned earlier, I see that BiQuintile to her Mercury (mind) as intriguing, because we often see too, this creative aspect to the more negative end results in life.

Hope this makes a "degree " of sense to you, (no pun intended)

I'm sorrier the reading isn't longer for her, but I see Uranus in her chart as the blinking 4 way light at the intersection of life., and she intersected with poor little

Didn't Jesus once say something about, "in life all must have some rain fall or hardships experienced? Yet "woe to him by whose hand it falls?"

(not exact quote) apologies to the purists among us, who know the bible quotes. It's the gist of it however.

Added: I found it, and it reminds me of this case and this woman who will need to face what she's done. The word sin supposedly means, "off the mark".

Luke 17:1-4
Jesus said to his disciples: "Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come. It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin. (NIV)

As to your other underlined questions?

Look underneath the chart at Uranus (the glyph for Uranus) and then follow across the chart and see the various "inharmonious" aspects it makes. Remember, it's the planet of extremes.
In her case, Uranus squares and oppositions are abundant.

This causes her to be extreme in her "bad " behavior, as we have seen in this horrendous Christmas event.
Arrested M.N. has:

Uranus opposed to Saturn - "Will challenge the prevailing social patterns in which they live" (Alan Oken)

Uranus square to Jupiter: - Can be very dogmatic and unsure at the same time of their beliefs. Often too blunt in speech and action

Uranus opposite Mars: "A person who is drawn to the criminal element in life or one who is always challenging" At the very least, one who is reactive before thinking.

Uranus opposite Sun: (The will challenges the intuition) "Alan Oken" from his book "Complete Astrology"
says that this can easily be a hallmark of one who is the most erratic and unpredictable of people.
Compulsive anti-social behaviors.

Note: we have to take all of this with other factors, and as Fifth Essence has posted before, not to panic if we have any of these positions in our own charts, because everything modifies everything else. This is not only Uranus rx (repeating in a retrograde fashion);but in a critical degree in a mutable sign, and complicates the "impelling force" for Uranus in a negative way for her.

Her Venus at 3Aquarius, remember, the natural ruler of Aquarius IS Uranus! also makes intriguing Quintiles and Bi quintiles to various planets, suggesting she is not one who understands what true love is, compassion or giving unconditionally, but instead, uses the energy of a rather non-defined and objective Venusian energy in a strange way as well.

We do not know (for instance) that all important question, the time of her birth. So we can only guess what may be in her life.

I can see her Sun opposes Pluto , squares Jupiter and opposes Uranus. This tells me it's very likely she herself was abused as a child, and life is all about her now, with her warped value system and strange thinking habits.

The Sun is usually the archetype we grow into, using this as how we see our fathers in life, or one who is in authority.
Having such a strained "Pisces Sun" is indicative of what I mentioned.
Pluto opposing the Sun, in her case, is someone controlling her and that someone was probably the father or other men in her life as a child she was controlled by.
Pluto opposes Mars, opposes Saturn and squares Jupiter.

This says that the controlling force she was faced with from outside of her - (probably in the home life) did some serious damage to an already iffy life proposition.

Pluto is the force of control.
Mars is the body
Saturn can represent the father figure or older man, and is eventually in us, that which contains and restrains us in life.
Jupiter non-evolved tends to "over do" and overcompensate for good or bad for Jupiter is the planet of Expansion, just as Saturn is the planet of restrictions.
There is something also to be said about our physical enviornment and how we are raised as well as I believe, "not coming into life with a blank slate"

In her home life, it's very probably she experienced some truly brutal things, both seen and felt, done to her.
Very brutal.

Chiron indicates where we need to be healed.

See her Chiron is opposing both Uranus & Pluto which happens to be in the same degree or 17Virgo (very very potent here) merged as "one" energy of two potent outer planets.

Now, check her location of Chiron on the chart.
It sits between two Malefics, (Saturn and Mars) and both opposing that potent energy in a maligned degree or vibration.

Something had to give!

It's just a shame of course, that the "something" was little Jonathan. Beyond a shame.

Sometimes i wonder if some of us play the victim as the other is the agressor for the sake of the Whole.
But that again is a Philosophical discourse which doesn't belong here.
Thanks, Leomoon for your response-post 104! I have very little understanding of charts, but did have mine done years ago. As a matter of fact, I don't know if it was natal, hortiery (sp?) or something else. I was told it shows my strengths and weaknesses, and that it helped me be able to see my weaknesses and make positive changes if I chose to. This of course is all paraphrased, best I can. I was also told some things could be changed by me. So I do understand a little of what you are trying to say.

Thank you also for post 105 that followed. It helped me understand more, especially the definitions and who represents what. Overall I am truly fascinated by what all of you do in this forum and appreciate the different viewpoints into cases that interest me.
There was a police press conference yesterday, and details published by the press may become a little more factual rather than the many conflicting tidbits given before.

"Woman charged in boy's murder speaks out"

"Police released more details in their case against Mona Nelson, the woman charged with kidnapping and killing Jonathan Foster, and they say the 12-year-old boy may not be her only victim."
"While investigators say they have their suspicions about a motive, they are not yet releasing that information. Authorities are also not saying how Jonathan died. "
"Once we arrived at her house, we stumbled into a wealth of evidence, evidence that showed perhaps his body was burned at the residence, evidence that showed the items he was burned with, evidence that had us pretty shaken up in collecting it."
Nelson is a maintenance worker & welder by trade. Just imagining what she did to Jonathan makes my skin boil and I seriously can't remember ever hating someone so much, such as how I feel for this woman. A flipping WELDER! So when you put 2 & 2 together, and knowing the police have said they believe Jonathan was murdered inside of her home then dumped, it makes you forget there's a higher power somewhat. My God these children should be protected. More and more are torchered. It's so very disheartening.


Nelson is a former boxer who currently works as a maintenance worker and a welder.
End Quote



Burned carpet and twine that may have been used to tie the young boy's hands were found in Nelson's apartment. Nelson's welding equipment was also found at her apartment. Police think the welding equipment may have been used to burn the fifth grader's body.

"Once we arrived at her [Nelson's] house, we stumbled into a wealth of evidence, evidence that showed perhaps his body was burned at the residence, evidence that showed the items he was burned with, evidence that had us pretty shaken up in collecting it," Miller said.
End Quote
Christopher Jefferies Birth Date

Christopher Jefferies, born 9th January 1945 in Grimsby, Lincs, England

The Uk's Daily Mirror newspaper displayed a copy of Chris Jefferies birth certificate sometime last week, also here is a link - - detail/article.html
Where this date is also mentioned.

I suppose I could post his natal chart which I have already erected, however, perhaps the others don't know that the police have released him as of yesterday, only being able to legally hold someone for a short time unless they have enough evidence to keep them over the extended or allotted time the law allows.

Reminds me of how they do this in Aruba when Joran van der Sloot was "arrested" in handcuffs but then let go, for insufficient evidence.

Each country has their own law and here we are very careful to not even call them suspects unless LE arrests them.

Over there in the UK, they handle this quite differently.

From the article:

Jeffries was arrested on Thursday morning and police had been given several extensions to the time they could question him for.

But last night the 65-year-old former public school teacher was released just before 10pm.

Police said the murder probe was continuing.

BTW: IF they displayed his actual Birth Cert. did you happen to glance the time of birth? :waitasec:
I ask because he's so strange and eccentric, not your typical Capricorn Sun sign.
This is my first time participating on a internet Forum, so here goes!

The time of birth is not recorded on British birth certificates.

Christopher Jefferies has been released on police bail, so he's not completely off the hook.

I'm a student of astrology, so not that adept at chart interpretation - a bit basic(just happened upon this forum while researching about Mr.Jefferies - looking for a birth time).

There has been a lot said about Chris Jefferies in the press, so there is a lot of imformation about his character.

He does have Venus(attire) in Pisces(theatrical) Sq Uranus(eccentric) in Gemini(intellectual), so this may explain his appearance and behavior.
His Mercury(communication/literature) in Sagittarius(expansive,over-the-top) Sq Jupiter(grand scale) in Virgo(critical,exacting). His former students said he was very exacting, a stickler with pronunciation and made them repeat words over and over again until they got it right.
He is said to be obsessed with litrature, has a large book collection(In one news report, just before his arrest he was being questioned by the press outside his home, he had a canvas bag from a national book store, it appeared to be brimming with his latest buys). He is joint head of the neighbourhood watch group(crime awareness), but was said to do 95% of the talking at meetings. he runs a literary group as well.
He has Mars(anger) in Capricorn(frustration,blockages) conj Merc - he could get verbally explosive at times, when in arguments or debates according to reports.
This is my first time participating on a internet Forum, so here goes!

The time of birth is not recorded on British birth certificates.

Christopher Jefferies has been released on police bail, so he's not completely off the hook.

I'm a student of astrology, so not that adept at chart interpretation - a bit basic(just happened upon this forum while researching about Mr.Jefferies - looking for a birth time).

There has been a lot said about Chris Jefferies in the press, so there is a lot of imformation about his character.

He does have Venus(attire) in Pisces(theatrical) Sq Uranus(eccentric) in Gemini(intellectual), so this may explain his appearance and behavior.
His Mercury(communication/literature) in Sagittarius(expansive,over-the-top) Sq Jupiter(grand scale) in Virgo(critical,exacting). His former students said he was very exacting, a stickler with pronunciation and made them repeat words over and over again until they got it right.
He is said to be obsessed with litrature, has a large book collection(In one news report, just before his arrest he was being questioned by the press outside his home, he had a canvas bag from a national book store, it appeared to be brimming with his latest buys). He is joint head of the neighbourhood watch group(crime awareness), but was said to do 95% of the talking at meetings. he runs a literary group as well.
He has Mars(anger) in Capricorn(frustration,blockages) conj Merc - he could get verbally explosive at times, when in arguments or debates according to reports.

We can look at the chart here in Case Briefings.

It happens to be I too am January 9th, and I can assure you with my stellium in Capricorn I am nothing whatsoever like Mr. Jeffries. :innocent:

You did make an excellent point however about Venus in Pisces and theatrical or artistry as we shall point to on the appropriately on this chart. Thanks for requesting it.
Here is the Natal Chart without a time of birth. We know that he is suspected or they would not have taken him in for questioning, but again, he is the Landlord.

WebSlueths is very careful about pointing fingers and people who are not arrested for crimes as well as only suspected of them.
If it were us, we'd want the same consideration I'm sure. :)

As for Mr. Jeffries?

Well, as you pointed out correctly Venus in Pisces may be artistically inclined because it's in Pisces, (ruled naturally by Neptune) the planet operates in such a role as Neptune governs. However, there certainly is a "down - side" to all with Venus in Pisces in that the planet then is also said to be more sacrificial in this sign then is good for a person to be generally speaking.
However, with a Stellium of planets in Capricorn, this would not apply to this native, as Capricorn mitigates greatly this ability to be giving freely without constraints or concerns (as with Venus in Pisces in it's optimum form)
Instead, the native will behave a lot as we have heard in the news thus far,
1) A Pillar of the Community (certainly a trait attributable to this sign of Capricorn)
2) being on various Boards for the neighborhood and the improvement of same
3) Being conerned for one's reputation and standing in the community.(same idea)

These are all "general" traits of course, generalizing and not being specific.

This being said, this native would tend to (be inclined to)
mitigate the energy from Pisces into a person to be seen by the community and others as prim, proper and conservative, both in politics and standing in one's community. The Venus in Pisces may come out in his personal social life, his love life (if any) and in this way, not necessarily as seen publically. Not having the time of birth of course, further mitigates the chart drastically when known.

IF there is anything wayward or not such as this, then we look elsewhere to explain the "other more eccentric" behavior that certainly does not fit a more general description of a Capricorn native with a Stellium or (many planets) in this sign.

Venus here is considered to be in the sign of it's Exaltation
so operates efficiently as long as there are no prevailing malefics or otherwise, hampering effects to the planet itself.

The native does have his Moon "In Fall" in Scorpio and it was in this sign from the early morning until the next day , hence, in much later degrees of Scorpio all rather inharmonious as vibrations go, from 15-22nd degree .
I don't want to give the impressions that all with Moon in Scorpio however are more sinister, but perhaps more secretive then with the other signs of the Moon's more generous nature of emoting outwardly, (except in Virgo Capricorn tending to restrict their emotions)
Scorpio's emotions are often seen as a "horse of another color" so to speak.
It's a water sign, but not like Cancer or Pisces, rather emotes itself, more strongly seen, anger is very possible and keeping feelings close to the chest (not sharing them) with others easily. Anger then, can simmer longer and revenge is certainly possible if further maligned in the natal chart.

Further tainting the personality perhaps, and may be adding to the eccentricity everyone has noticed may be:

Mercury in Sagittarius (in Detriment) Retrograde
Uranus in Cancer (in Detriment) and Retrograde
Neptune in the sign of it's (Exaltation) * RX - weird, strange may culminate from Neptune as well as Uranus
For the "plus side" Neptune is also about being able to think abstractly, helps in this regard if well oriented in the natal chart.

Puts the emphasis on things that are more intangible, (but with this native as I've already pointed to, the Capricorn Stellium and the planets in Detriment will not allow for the intangible to be given freely without cost to the native)

Pluto in the sign of Leo and Rx

(Note: Pluto, Neptune & Uranus are all what we call, "Generational planets" meaning, they move very slowly,and his peer group would likewise have similar signs for these planets born in his generation.)

We cannot generalize then, but have to get FAR more specific in our delineation of Mr. J's natal chart to see if the potential for such rage is there as accused of.
And even IF the potential is there, we need to be very cautious before pinning the tail on the donkey!

After all, many people are strange and weird but this does not a murderer make when it comes to personality traits.

In this natal (no time of birth known) so again, generalizing ;
what concerns me is the South Node so closely conjoined his natal Sun in Capricorn. The South Node, (also called the Dragon's Tail)
is seen as a Malefic of sorts, both in Vedic and Tropical Astrology, and seldom do we see it so close to the Sun as here within minutes.

Another thing that "creeps me out" a bit, would be the Transits made on the 17th of December to this chart.
Transiting Hades (a TNP or TransNeptunian hypothetical planet)
discovered by Alfred Witte (Astrologer who was in a prisoner of war camp during the Nazi era and observed his fellow inmates carefully and wrote about) , was transiting 29degrees 45minutes over his natal Juno at 27degrees 53minutes Libra when Jo disappeared.
Hades is as it sounds, i.e. not pleasant.

By itself, it means nothing, it's the preponderance then, of astrological connections that have to be made before we then say, "this one or that one" could have been the culprit.

I'm no where near there yet with this chart making such a determination.

Thus far, I'm seeing only superficial yet disturbing signs such as Black Moon Lilith
conjunct within minutes to Neptune in Libra, and BOTH Quincunx to his natal Venus. That's a bit much to digest for me just yet.

It speaks of a "shadow" as the Black Moon often is referred as- yet why a shadow connecting to delusionary and undermining Neptune having to do with love and social life? (Venus) .....and what may tip one over the edge if pushed? :waitasec:

Not enough yet have I yet discovered on this chart and the event chart .

Perhaps others have.

I have to yet go back to the actual Event 9PM chart, or when she arrived home and others heard her or someone scream around the 9PM time.
Could she have surprised someone?

This is a start on this case, we may yet have a long way to go.
Disturbing and then some: Pluto was on his Mars, which had just hosted a Mars return, his Neptune was squaring that Pluto-Mars and Pluto-Mars opposed his Saturn. The Sun was on his Mercury, dead bang, and squared by transit Jupiter-Uranus. He fits the event chart right down to the pavement at 44 Canynge Road.
Disturbing and then some: Pluto was on his Mars, which had just hosted a Mars return, his Neptune was squaring that Pluto-Mars and Pluto-Mars opposed his Saturn. The Sun was on his Mercury, dead bang, and squared by transit Jupiter-Uranus. He fits the event chart right down to the pavement at 44 Canynge Road.

Thanks for saying what I didn't want to say!

After all, we share the same "birth" day, but then again, my chart matches Joan of Arc's far more closely then his or Elvis for pete's sake, is a fellow Cappy as is Richard Nixon, lol:innocent:

I see too, that Lachesis is becoming more and more worthy of observation for me, "cutting off a life deliberately), in these aggressor's charts lately I'm noticing, moreso then Moira or Atropos, it seems Lachesis is activated in many.

In this person's case, it's conjunct FACIES, and we know how ruthless that star can be.:seeya:

added: case in point,just the other day, Mona L. said to have burned little Jonathan effectively ending his life and choosing the day, when
TR Atropos stationed over her natal Lachesis both 15Scorpio (within 40 min.)
A strange case (see background on the Case Requests)
of a husband and wife, leaving a party driving home, hit a utility pole in the ice and snow, causing the immediate death of the husband.
Wife wanders off in a probable disoriented mental state as the car was wrecked.

It appears they might have (probably have) found Tanya Shannon's body. Sorry if this is not the place for that:
Authorities in LaSalle County have found the body of Tanya Shannon, a mother of four who went missing nearly a month ago after a crash that killed her husband.

The body was found about 9:21 a.m. near the intersection of North 20th and East 27th roads in a rural area of unincorporated Brookfield Township, said LaSalle County Sheriff Tom Templeton. That was about three-quarters of a mile southeast of where the crash occurred, officials said.

The clothing found on the body -- a red dress and gray hooded jacket -- matched what Shannon was last seen wearing and her purse was found close by, he said.
last seen on 28 DEC 10 at 1330 hrs.

TR NN and Mercury over her natal Lachesis when she went missing from this Pikesville neighborhood in N.W. Baltimore City.

Both TR Sun and Pluto although a ways from a conjunction to her natal Stellium planets beginning with Mars, do create a square aspect to Transiting Uranus (abductor or strange and unexpected occurrence) which is now at 0degree Aries, a critical or crisis degree and opposes her natal Zeus exact degree at 0Libra.

Natal without the time of her birth:


Asteroid Melpomene, (a Tragedy) does conjunct her natal North Node within 2 degrees, quincunx to TR Jupiter and the Black Moon.

TR Mars is squaring Natal Hades and Kronos – and forming a square to TR Cupido and Mercury which may suggest a sexual motive by force.

Saturn, the planet of woe and karma, does seem to be the trigger here that is activating her critical Juno square Mercury square Moon and even square by association, asteroid Moira.Lachesis is transiting at 23Aquarius, coming up to her natal Saturn, and Transiting Neptune hits her Saturn smack on, suggesting she was double crossed, or lied to, perhaps trusting when she should not have someone. TR Hades is opposing TR Pluto and the Sun on that day, the 28th when last seen.
That would not be good for vitality and life.

Now, the question is, who took her by force? Pluto is force, and Hades is up to no good.
Has anyone gotten any further with the information I posted with a link from WJZ TV reports that she had contacted a Shelter and that the Shelter person contacted the police who came to get her?
What’s up with this??
Thanks for the chart Leomoon. I posted a link in an earlier post ( in case requests ) to some recent news stories on Phylicia, which state that the report about the shelter was false and that it was a case of mistaken identity by a shelter worker. Still not sure what to think about that though. I am very concerned for this girl's safety. I was honestly hoping that the shelter story was true and that maybe she had just run away. Is there anything in the chart to support a run away theory?
Thanks for the chart Leomoon. I posted a link in an earlier post ( in case requests ) to some recent news stories on Phylicia, which state that the report about the shelter was false and that it was a case of mistaken identity by a shelter worker. Still not sure what to think about that though. I am very concerned for this girl's safety. I was honestly hoping that the shelter story was true and that maybe she had just run away. Is there anything in the chart to support a run away theory?

I just noticed that TR Vesta is over her natal Pallas (shades of sexuality and attraction) and that Vesta is transiting conjunct fixed star "Fomalhaut" which we have seen before in the children's charts missing over the summertime in Az.
Two of them, Sylar and the other child the same week nearby. There have been many others too, I'll need to check who they were and post here later when I do.

Fomalhaut a Royal Persian Star - means, "An immortal name" and often can be seen to bring about events that puts a person in the news media or newspaper in some way in this century. Thousands of years ago the ancients noticed that when Fomalhaut was prominent, it meant "An Immortal name" in their midst.

We just hope of course today, it is not a name in infamy (like Sylar and the other children) but rather in finding someone after they go missing for awhile so a temporary time in the newspapers or media.

Look opposite this place in Pisces over to Virgo. You will see she has Chiron (inner wound) 8.55 degrees Virgo (the critical degree referred to sometimes as the "body in the ditch" degree) and it conjoins asteroid "Hopi" (ambushed)
This IS her natal chart.
And IF this actually happened to her, we might call it a "natal promise" that occurred when the transits were right to bring about and complete the promise.

Oftentimes however, we can read these symbols incorrectly, that's not hard to do actually, as astrology is a symbolic art subject to biased interpretation and that is what I meant earlier when I posted about Ascendents.

Not to say "this one or that one " is biased, that was not my intent at all. Just to objectively point out that it's easy to get lost in the symbology of it all, and we need to constantly be double checking our objectivity.

For instance, should "Hopi" or the conj. to Chiron in the "Body in the Ditch" degree be taken literally?

Sometimes it proves to be exactly so, other times, not so sure.

I'll post the Event chart to help along in the objectivity.
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