Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 2

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The Fixed Star Zosma conjoins Joanna's Ascendant, of the nature of Venus combined with Saturn. The day was a Friday, ruled by Venus and the hour by Saturn. She is a landscape architect and works at the same establishment as her fiance, who lived with her but was out of town for the holiday.

Mercury rules her in this Last Seen television capture and is quincunx Part of Death (seen in the margin), just as co-ruler Moon is quincunx Saturn. 150° is a death aspect and she was frozen when found at Longwood Lane, three miles north of her flat via the suspension bridge. She was clothed. Her ruler Mercury was antiscion our lunar eclipse of December 21, three days after the CCTV footage of her taken at Tesco.

Since she was last over Pluto and the node in Capricorn, she was sized up as the perfect target before she ever reached home. It also appears that she looked cross-ways at someone who took it big. (Moon opposite Venus). The missing pizza is an odd note but seen in this same opposition of the Taurus Moon.

I have been following this case on another Astrology forum, which gives a different timeline.

Here is the latest timeline I could find, and see a map or graph of the various stops she made, the last one at
20:40 Hrs. December 17th, 2010

Is there a link for the Timeline for the above posted chart showing the time to be 10:41PM?

Appreciate seeing the link for this timeline or background of the case .

Here is the one I have:
The CCTV capture time originally quoted in British newspapers has been corrected by police & this morning I prepared the horoscope. I will post it as soon as possible. Although the first report was wrong, of course it does reflect activity subsequent to her exit from the flat, so it has that value. Police are uncertain as of this moment when she was murdered but it has been determined that she was strangled. The number of days between going missing and discovery of her frozen corpse was eight.
This is the time being provided today by police for the victim entering her home. She has a cat, Bernard, and you will see the cat, Venus, waiting at the door. It's possible the scent of pizza was noticed by someone in her building or the next one and an inquiry was made, as in "Care to share that?" Whoever is responsible for her dashing out of the flat and meeting a sorry fate had lustful designs on her.

There is great concentration of planets in the Romance House and its ruler squares her (Jupiter sq. Sun) but all of these aspects are adverse. Neptune, in addition, is adverse, because he rules House 8 of homicide. With the critical degree on her Ascendant, the trouble began immediately she got in. What was coming next is shown by any planet in the first quadrant, in this case Saturn who represents a problem. Most unhelpful, we are also dealing with a violent Mars because he is out of bounds.

I used the 8:40PM chart (I see you posted it for 8:45PM), so within 5 minutes of my own.

Here is what I saw in this chart:

On the Last Seen at Pizza Parlour chart, we see the 5th house stellium, house of recreation and lovers, i.e. potentially a b.f. or lover, although it is said thus far, the current beau has an alibi and was out of the home at the time visiting friends or relatives and was not expected back home for a few days.

With Leo Rising, the Sun rules the chart and is found in this house

The house of “Decision Making” the 6th house is ruled by Saturn, (Capricorn's ruler)
found in the 2nd and quincunx (negative for health) to the Moon found in the 10th in Taurus,13 degrees.

The Moon is co-ruler of the chart event , and as such, is suggesting that the one who made the decision in this chart did so, in peril to the Moon (action) which also opposes Venus (a romantic interest)
Venus (the romantic interest) is found in the 4th house conjunct “Atropos” the asteroid marking a death.

The 4th is always the “end of the matter “ house and Venus conjuncts fixed star “Crux” or the Cross (a great burden is to come to this ending)

The 5th of recreation and lovers is also ruled by Jupiter found in the 8th house of death between the Black Moon and Uranus, and also is in the sign of Pisces, so we need to look at Neptune

We find Neptune where we might expect , in the 7th of the “others” and known enemies.

As such, the Ruler here is Aquarius, which takes us back to the 8th house and Uranus also conjuncts the
Part of Fortune always indicating “misfortune” when in the 8th, Scorpio's house.

Checking the aspects that the Part of Misfortune makes for this event timed chart, we see that
Part of Fortune (misfortune in this case) is square to Mars (death aspect) square Mercury (natural ruler of the house of decision making) and square to the NN (the fate of this chart)

It is said to look to the Moon (co-ruler of the event) in the chart for clues and timing.
Look also to Mercury for timing.

In this chart Moon is quincunx the Ruler of the 7th, the one who abducts her.
I meant to put Persephone (asteroid 399) into this chart, but neglected to find it.
Persephone is the daughter of Demeter in Greek mythology, and indicates an abduction.

Persophone is : in the 9th, the dark side of the next house, and conj. The cusp of the 10th
5 degrees Taurus conjuncts the MC and is RX in this chart.
Persophone is therefore within one degree of the MC (important to note for the event itself and how it will unfold) as well, is conjunct Fixed Star “Hamal” (ruthless behavior)
The first time I attempted to open this PDF, my computer crashed, but the 2nd time I had no problem and it opened right up!

It's a Finland Report on Manual Strangulation.

It appears that 59 cases in Finland over a matter of a few years were carefully catalogued.

They found that only in 1 case was it by a stranger and all others by known acquaintences, etc.

I haven't yet read the entire study however.

I do recall in this country, we had Jon Benet Ramsey as one unsolved case, and then I think it was Laci Peterson?
the other strangulation victim?

Anyway, here is the Pdf if anyone is interested in it, as this young woman was also strangled.

Perhaps 59 cases however, does not a pattern make.


Here is a case I am very familiar with. I knew this girl in my childhood.
She is now a grandmother and in prison for perhaps life.
Putting her tiny size 5 shoe on his neck (the victim) an elderly man, she scammed for years, taking all his money she simply couldn't tolerate him or his needs any longer the prosecution asserted.
She strangled him too, with a ligature......
So, she'd fall into the category of "an intimate" in the 59 list.

An Aries Sun 9 deg. Mercury in Pisces (she had/has an adoreable lisp when she talks) sounds "vulnerable" all the time, only less then 5 ft. tall, and was believe it or not the "Queen of the Hop" on a local TV show. Her Venus however, conjuncts
Algol at 25Taurus

She is still very pretty in her 60s, as a grandmother. But as they say, "Pretty is, as Pretty does" :(
Natal Chart with no time of birth known (ignore the houses)

Jonathan's natal chart has the South Node conjunct Medea (killing of one's child)
while Transiting Neptune and Chiron 27Aq. goes over this place and this Malefic Node.
These transits are also opposing fixed star Regulus., which happens to conjoin his natal North Node.
Often we see problems with the Nodes or angles conjunct the Fixed Persian Royal Stars.
Regulus is one of them, but usually, the fall is just that, a temporary set-back for one with Regulus in their natal chart.

Transiting Vesta goes over his natal Mercury which happens to conjunct exact fixed star Antares
at 9 Sag – always another problem for attracting violence into the life.
Usually subconsciously however.

I do not think from the looks of this natal that Jon is alive any longer for Transiting Atropos
always a death indicator – is stationed over his natal Sun exact orb – (not good for life)
nor is Transiting Venus which falls at near the 21st degree (a definite loss degree) nearing Chiron.

As to why he has been taken and harmed?

Hopi (ambush) tr. Over his natal Mars and Zeus conjuncts by transit his natal Lachesis.

It may have been a pedophile, for Venus Transit and the Black Moon Lilith seems problematic and likely to me, as to the reason, - yet his Natal SN conj. “Medea” I still have to explain to myself and for now, keeps me perplexed until I do.

I've decided to go with the "Emergency Phone Call to Mom" chart.
The mother of Jon was said to have been called to the telephone at her workplace,as an emergency all being made there to her, yet when she reached the telephone, no one was there.

This would be approximately 15 minutes AFTER the Stepfather said he last saw the boy.

Ruler of this chart is conjunct Hamal, a fixed star that speaks of intense ruthlessness and even murder.
From Constellation of Words:
(tropical position is 8Taurus, but the Sidereal is the Ram or in the constellation of Aries)

A yellow star situated in the forehead of the Ram and commonly known as the ram's Following Horn. From Al Hamal, the Sheep. Symbolically called the Death Wound and often incorrectly named El Nath. [Robson*, p.170.]
Influences: According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Mars and Saturn; and, to Alvidas, of Venus and Saturn. It causes violence brutishness, cruelty and premeditated crime.
[Robson*, p.170.]

So, we know from this rising Star that this event (phone call ) means serious business, that the child
will be in extreme danger from the caller or his friend (whoever called) the mother.
The big question is, who did call? Who took Jonathan on Christmas Eve day?

With the Moon in Leo, in the 4th house where it is the natural Ruler, and opposing Neptune in the 11thof Opportunity, we know that it is also a crime tinged with undermining the child through lies and deception.

The House that rules the child who is the object of the phone call, is the 5th house Ruler or the Sun,
which is also points to the chart being radical and fitting.

The Sun however, in the 9th house conjunct the North Node (fate) within 10 minutes points unfortunately to the child's death as it also conjoins Pluto here.

Why does Juno show up on the cusp of the 6th house? Just as I still need to answer for myself, why
Medea is conjunct Jon's South Node in his natal chart, I suppose I'll wonder for awhile about this position of Juno. Can it be pointing to jealousy of some kind?

I simply don't have enough yet to go on, to start pointing fingers.

But with Mars in the 9th of long distance travel and Pallas in the 8th (pre-meditation)
I'm very concerned for this child, and it reminds me quite a bit of Kyron Horman's case.

Sadly, I have just seen this latest report of a burned beyond recognition body of a child in Houston.

We will be looking at another chart for this time and place IF it turns out to be Jonathan's body. :(

Updated: Child Body found in a Ditch

The Houston Chronicle has reported that the body was discovered by a passerby in a ditch between two buildings along the 1500 block of Schilder in northeast Houston around 9:30 a.m on Tuesday.

REF:More information has come out regarding the mysterious phone call that Jonathan's mother, Angela Davis had received at her job.

"We believe Jonathan was actually on the phone and asked to speak to his mom and then a female gets on the phone and says this is an emergency," said Brian Harris of the Houston Police Dept.

"Angela called home and a woman answered and Angela asked for her roommate and the woman said the roommate wasn't there. Angela said, "This is Angela, I'm Jonathan's mother. Who are you?" Angela can hear the woman asking, "Is Angela your mother?" A boy's voice replies, "Yes, ma'am, Angela's my mother and then the phone went dead."
Leomoon80, the facts and times on this one may take awhile. Seems lies were told to the police by the mother, and there is missing time. First newspaper reports are notoriously inaccurate. Perhaps better information and times will be released today.
Woman charged in 12-year-old boy's death

Court date and DOB: Female, Mona Yvette Nelson 3/5/66

The apprehension makes me happy, so I am not really requesting anything.

SUSPECT arrested- Photo-time line & criminal bkgnd
Dec. 30, 2010, 8:14AM
A break in the case came when Nelson's Ford F-150 truck was spotted on surveillance video taken from an office building near the culvert.

Investigators spent hours Wednesday questioning Nelson. They believe she took Jonathan to her home near U.S. 59 and Laura Koppe, where she likely killed him and burned his body, said HPD homicide investigator Mike Miller.

He said a search of Nelson's house turned up an "incredible amount of evidence" that points to Nelson as the killer, but investigators are still trying to discern her motive.
"That's the million-dollar question," Miller said.

She had spent time in prison

In 1984, Nelson was charged with aggravated robbery and later pleaded guilty in exchange for 10 years' probation, court records show. In 1991, her probation was revoked and she was sent to prison. It was unclear from court documents late Wednesday how she violated probation or how long she spent behind bars.


  • Mona Y. Nelson arrested.png
    Mona Y. Nelson arrested.png
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Excellent full length photo in this link:

The Arrest chart's focus is the arrest of a retired English
Teacher and lecturer of Romantic Poems. He is also the landlord who lived above her basement flat, where the young woman Joanna lived with her boyfriend.

This may not be the exact minute he was arrested, but very close to the time:
He appears to be rather eccentric as far as looks go, yet we do not have his date of birth either
to study.

His students said he once showed up to a lecture with blue hair! Gemini? Aquarius?

We'll probably be finding out soon enough.

Note he was arrested when Mercury was still rx,
Venus found in the 21st deg. Scorpio, which Anthony Louis calls a “Definite Loss” degree.

I'd see the deceased Joanna as being represented by Venus in the 11th as it also is conjunct Atropos.11th house of “opportunity” in this case and square Neptune (she trusted him) and it turned out badly.

The Sun upon the arrest is in Facies, or 8Capricorn (ruthless behaviors) and is the focus of the arrest
and quite fitting.
Conjunct to Pluto and Mars and 1st house NN.

The murder itself, is also represented by the Sun by virtue of the 8th house ruler.
The Police in this case, were quite lucky in some evidence they must have gathered, as Spica appears at the MC.

If it turns out to be him, then one less crazed murderer off the streets of Bristol.
Fixed Star “Spica” is more often lucky then not in the charts.

Bristol police have arrested the man who lived upstairs from the victim and who owns the building or at least, was in the long term process of buying it. He is a retired teacher known for his eccentricity during that career. By age, he does fit the Saturn in House 3, the "problem coming up in quadrant 1". Venus rules the House of landlords, 10 and is member to the opposition with Moon, Joanna. He also resides at the same address.

He gave the police an account of people he saw that night when he pulled up in front of the building but later claimed the news and neighbors were making too much of it, that what he had told police was vague and had been distorted. Mercury retrograde could recant a story. I wonder if police inspected the upper flat and found some trace evidence of the pizza or of Joanna. It makes sense that she would not worry about leaving her keys inside if she were with him. He has keys to all the doors undoubtedly & in any case, she could have closed the door rather than lock it since she was going to remain in the building as far as she knew.

Looks like we cross posted Tuba, when the news came out this morn. :)

Looking back at your posted chart for the arrival to her flat (post 84 above), I'm now reminded that some witnesses, claim they "heard a scream" about 9PM that night.
I can't imagine what in the world anyone would be doing with a dead body for days until dumped?

Seeing your chart then, the Day Ruler certainly points to this horrible attack on Joanna, with Venus Rules - Mercury the Hr.

The 5th house of romantic interests.....stellium fits well,
as does Venus in the conjunction with fixed star "Crux" or Acrux at 11Scorpio, the "burden to bear" the Cross of life.
Not a fun Venus., although he lectures Romantic novels or poems . :(
Can't imagine what they might say.

Aquarius on the cusp of 7 - Neptune within the 7th house is a mixture of potent insanity, wierdness or a combination of the two.

With an 8th house Pisces Ruler, and Jupiter/Uranus within that house of death, the ruler of the 7th in the 8th.

I wonder of his Sun Sign and natal, which of course, I'm anxious to know when it's released. (or if with Mercury rx they may release him?) Perhaps, its the recanting of his original story?

Someone who lives in England says, his birth was recorded in 1945 between Oct-Dec quarter 1945 suggesting he was born somewhere between Sept-Dec 1945.
The man arrested may well have been loaded to the earlobes when he accosted Joanna Yeates. I'm sure police know where he had been that evening. He seized her so precipitously that it smacks of drunken "courage" to me. Of course, his zany quality may be way, way out and beyond all sane conduct even when sober but Venus in Scorpio, Mr. Jefferies, was parallel Neptune that night, Neptune which is printed small on every bottle at the bar. Venus was also sesquare Uranus, so he was bursting with the urge toward more & more exciting stimuli, aroused & sensation seeking.

The smoker's account of hearing screams fits the case with Mercury conjunct Mars and Pluto. Short (retrograde) and sharp (Mars).
:::snipped for length from post #93 above:::

SUSPECT arrested- Photo-time line & criminal bkgnd
Dec. 30, 2010, 8:14AM
A break in the case came when Nelson's Ford F-150 truck was spotted on surveillance video taken from an office building near the culvert.

Investigators spent hours Wednesday questioning Nelson. They believe she took Jonathan to her home near U.S. 59 and Laura Koppe, where she likely killed him and burned his body, said HPD homicide investigator Mike Miller.

He said a search of Nelson's house turned up an "incredible amount of evidence" that points to Nelson as the killer, but investigators are still trying to discern her motive.
"That's the million-dollar question," Miller said.

She had spent time in prison

In 1984, Nelson was charged with aggravated robbery and later pleaded guilty in exchange for 10 years' probation, court records show. In 1991, her probation was revoked and she was sent to prison. It was unclear from court documents late Wednesday how she violated probation or how long she spent behind bars.

Has anyone here had a chance to do a chart for Mona Nelson? As with everyone else, I'm extremely stumped as to 'why?'.

Thanks! :)
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