Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 2

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Thank you so much for this, Leomoon80

I will send the link to her family. Family is aware a chart might be done.
From Wikipedia:
[ame=""]Disappearance of Maura Murray - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:MauraMurrayin2003.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@en/thumb/7/79/MauraMurrayin2003.jpg/220px-MauraMurrayin2003.jpg[/ame]

"At a hairpin turn, she went off the road. Her car hit a tree. At that point, a person came along who was driving a bus. It was a neighbor. He asked her if she needed help. She refused. About 10 minutes later, police showed up to the scene and Maura Murray was gone."
&#8212;Joe McGee, The Patriot Ledger[4]
At 7:29 pm, police dispatch received a call from a Woodsville, New Hampshire resident, who reported an accident near her house on Route 112.

Mercury Ruler of the accident event Chart
found in house 5, connected (see broken green lines) with Jupiter on the ASC, and 8th house planet Mars (a traditional malefic planet) forming a Yod.

Suggests to me overdoing , a hallmark of Jupiter (found on the ASC and the ASC just 2 minutes earlier, in the critical 17th degree of a mutable sign, Virgo) led to the unfortunate accident of this young woman who must have been disoriented as well, then hitting a tree and leaving her very vulnerable to whoever picked her up that evening on the road.
Two Airbags deployed and the windshield was cracked, she had to have been quite disoriented and probably hit her head on the windshield.

On this date of 9 Feb. Anubis the symbol for suicide was transiting at 12Capricorn, which does make a square with Moira in the 7th and into the 8th of death &#8211; however, I do not think she herself committed suicide in a purposeful manner, but it (the death) came at the hand of another or by the elements.
Until I study further charts with more possible gleaned information given , I&#8217;m leaning towards ambush.

Paulette usually gives some rather unique input into asteroids we seldom think about, and I&#8217;m wondering if she has one that fits the elements and perishing in such a manner as this?

We can refer to her natal chart which I have inserted Anubis there, and see that it goes over the Sunrise Juno in her chart. Juno can easily be another person and usually is. Not necessarily at all the person you are married to, but can easily be the perpetrator in a murder event.

In this accident chart , Asteroid &#8220;Hopi&#8221; (ambush) is located conjunct the MC the public place, and square to the ASC. a critical degree for a Mutable sign (just 2 minutes earlier) which alerts us to this asteroid even moreso.
Hopi (ambush) opposing Tr Pluto on this date - 9th of Feb. - 21Sag. With TR Pluto over Maura&#8217;s BML in Sag. Creating there too, a natal YOD. Neptune (being fooled by someone) or being very disoriented &#8230; configured along with these natal positions triggered by Pluto&#8217;s transit.

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There has always been a question about this cold case –
1)Did Maura commit suicide, for her behavior was a bit strange in leaving school, cleaning out the apartment and buying a box of Franzia Wine among other alcoholic things reported for her drive with no reservation or confirmed room waiting for her, going to the Mountains into New Hampshire.

2)Was Maura ambushed and murdered as a result of strange coincidences, (the accident and being therefore, vulnerable in her state to a predator?)

3)Was it really Maura who called the boyfriend who claimed (voice mail deleted) that it was her and he heard her sobbing before the phone went dead almost 36 hrs. later as he waited for a plane change in the airport on his way to meet the search team with his mother to meet up with Maura’s family?

Transiting Jupiter conjunct Lachesis (time of a person’s death) and Transiting Lachesis (death) over her natal Mars and Sunrise Moon
Transiting Pluto conjuncts her natal Black Moon Lilith, which should be noted, ties in with her Natal Neptune.
Can this be a symbol of an extreme death, one caused by exposure to the cold elements in the mountains? That too, needs to be considered, as it is #4 on the above list of possibilities.

Neptune and Black Moon Lilith
are in Maura’s natal chart and in SAG the tropical sign of friendly, normally an extroverted behavior, one who would likely be open to an extension of help a ride or extending a hand, from a stranger. Imo.
I also think her Venus in the Anaretic and critical 29th, last degree of Pisces (another mutable sign) suggests the same. Being naturally outgoing , she saw no reason to fear and the critical 29th degree of Pisces suggests too, possibility of some intoxication (since we know the wine was found opened and consumed) and then again, certainly with deployed air bags, and a cracked windshield, she had to have hit her head.

I always believed that Maura took off on foot either because of this and the accident being afraid of the consequences of a 2nd accident in such a short period of time (she refused help from someone saying she had already called for help which she did not) OR she was disoriented from the accident (hitting her head) and wasn't really quite understanding her condition.

Note her natal Mars is in a critical degree of a Cardinal Sign, that being Libra in this case at the 0 degree opposing Venus and squaring Neptune which was triggered by that Transit over Neptune by Pluto.
These are natal promises in Maura’s chart that takes only the right catalyst to trigger them.
The earlier chart posts are #352, 353, 354 in the CASE BRIEFINGS #1 thread.

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[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 1[/ame]
A thread dedicated to the LAUREN SPIERER case has been opened. The posts originally in this Briefings thread have been moved over there.

LINK: [ame=""]Forensic Astrology - LAUREN SPIERER -Last Seen 6/3/11 Bloomington, IN - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Natal Sunrise Chart

Jodi was born on a Wednesday, the &#8220;Day that Mercury rules&#8221;&#8230;and she was a very intelligent Gemini, with her Venus conjunct the Sun with Mars in Gemini, a very good place for communications and TV work.
She&#8217;d have been and was perfect for such a career in Journalism or TV, as Gemini can&#8217;t be surpassed for curiosity, and conversing.
However, even &#8220;good positions&#8221; can be drastically altered in our natal charts by other things which malign.

For Jodi it was her Black Moon conjunct her Moira, both near Algol.

Her Black Moon was square to Jupiter, (never good, to be in harsh aspect to the spiritual planet Jupiter) then furthermore - opposed to Neptune (the stalker) no doubt,
Or attracting those via the vibrations of the Black Moon with stalking like tendencies, of a &#8220;fantasy i.e. Neptunian&#8221; vibes on the darker side.

However, we cannot change or help what we are born to, we simply try to make the best of whatever it is, and I&#8217;m sure she did the best she could as well.
Fate however, had different plans.

The Transiting Black Moon that fateful day went right over Jodi&#8217;s natal Mars (the physical body) at the 19th degree of Gemini, an exact hit.
Notice that Transiting Venus was &#8220;accompanying &#8220; TR Black Moon, also at 19 degrees Gemini, so this is the validation of the vibrations that attracted such a man to her, through no conscious effort on her part but totally unconscious to her, as the Black Moon is a shadow for us. So in this regard I completely would dismiss what you read elsewhere about Jodi or some purposeful bringing him into her "sphere of influence" for the Black Moon never operates so blatantly as this in the open or with such deliberation as you may have read elsewhere.
Moira (fate) was transiting over her own Black Moon and therefore, in the Constellation of stars that are the more burdensome to us, it becomes the dreaded reality for her this day.

Looking through her natal chart for the more troubling planet I see that Saturn is in the sign of it&#8217;s &#8220;Fall&#8221; in Aries, and as such, having a quincunx to 3 planets (Uranus, Neptune & Pluto)
Gives us the indications that her soul was becoming transformed in this way, through this terrible scene of abduction and terror she suffered through.
Uranus - the abduction unexpected
Neptune &#8211; the Fantasy prone Stalker
Pluto -- the control force that the Stalker uses, also the transforming catalyst

Saturn &#8211; karma for some who believe in such&#8230;.otherwise, woe and restrictions

Secondarily, I&#8217;d suggest that natal Pluto for Jodi was working overtime in her natal chart when she was born to this vibration from Pluto which squares her Sun, squares her Venus and squares her Mars.
The squares are often internal fixations we are working towards or opportunities for inner growth which sometimes come from outer sources, and in this case for her they came in the form of a stalker fantasy control freak&#8230;..out of her line of vision, the Black Moon Lilith shadow all of us have. Seldom good or inviting, yet always there for everyone. For Jodi, again, conjunct Algol.
The Stalker being the shadow from the deepest psyche that no one wants to ever come into contact with.

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T Square between the 1st house Ruler (Mercury ) and 7th house Ruler (Jupiter ) which includes on the leg, planet Mars conj. the 5th house cusp.
This may suggest as the other reading did (that you rec&#8217;d), the person knew or saw (more likely) Jodi perhaps from a Golf Game she played (5th house Rules recreational games) such as golf, and Sagittarius, ruler of the 7th house cusp of &#8220;others&#8221; (when I refer to Jupiter being part of the T Square) it&#8217;s Sag sign there) However, it could just as easily refer to someone who gambles a lot, or met her in a casino, one who may have played the horses, so the racetrack, all come under the sign of Sagittarius!

So in this regard, the person who did this to Jodi, indeed may well be a person who was stalking her from her outings, whether golf or otherwise, any other activities she participated in recreationally speaking. She was a very public person because of the TV work.

Since Fixed Star Antares is conjunct the DC or 7th house cusp, I&#8217;d say that he is a very violent person, has done this before and if still out there, (and it&#8217;s been 16 years) no doubt has done it over and over again until caught.

Saturn is conjunct Lachesis in the same degree, so the time of death is nearing, yet the planets have not yet reached the 12th house, (those in the 1st) so a few hours yet, and then probable death either unconscious (12th house at that point in time when the planets get there) OR, held captive, as the 12th rules both. The 12th house being a focal point does not occur until a few hours later.

Saturn falls in the 11th house of &#8220;opportunity&#8221; he saw it and he took it.

In Pisces, the lord is Jupiter, again refers back to the 7th house cusp and Antares (violent person)

Since this chart is the time of morning she spoke to her producer over the telephone
, the danger for Jodi is already seen and present as Atropos the symbol of cutting the ties on the earth, (death) is conjunct the cusp of the 4th house and the cusp itself, is near the worse degree of the zodiac, that of 15Leo (cusp is 14Leo 21minutes) so time is running out for her.

5th house Mars may suggest someone she met (a male) obviously &#8211; as mars represents,
Or in this house of recreation and lovers, someone who saw her out in a social venue somewhere and followed her home.
It&#8217;s really hard to say exactly, if she knew him or not., imo.

However, Mars is square the POF in the 1st house, and in the sign of Virgo, may have been quite methodical in the capturing of this young woman and well thought out plan ahead of time.

With Venus ruling the 6th and found in the 1st conj. BML so closely and then the Moon there as well, it appears to be a case of meeting the boogey man close up and personal, whether or not she welcomed him in her proximity and then was fooled by him, I cannot say, but logic alone tells me this didn't occur that way.

After all, her keys, and personal effects were found strewn in the parking lot of her residence, and her condo was not upset in the least - everything in it's place. Yet her personal belongings, showed in the parking lot near her car, that a struggle took place .

With BAM, Pluto and Jupiter the ruler of house 7 (the other) all in an energy stellium, my take is that it was quick, without notice, and not someone she welcomed into her life.

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Additional information found on this baffling case:

Jodi Huisentruit had voiced similar concerns prior to her abduction. In fact, she had written her best friend Kelley Torgelson in Mississippi and told her that &#8220;she was concerned for her safety, that she was being stalked&#8221;. Kelley turned the letter over to Mason City Police right after Jodi&#8217;s disappearance. Ironically, Kelley received the letter on June 27th, the day Jodi was abducted.

from the same site but different page: 2010 update: It is in reference to the same Kelley, she was trying to reach by telephone mentioned here:

It has been long reported that Jodi went to friend John Vansice's house to view a video tape of a recent birthday that was thrown for her. doesn't believe this event ever occurred.

According to a source, Jodi was spotted at the Mason City Country Club as late as 8:00 p.m. believes Jodi returned to her apartment sometime shortly after 8:00 p.m. as she placed a call to her friend Kelly Torguson in Mississippi. She spoke to Kelly's husband Todd because Kelly wasn't home.

Todd described the time as &#8220;8-ish.&#8221;

Jodi told Todd to have Kelly call her if she got home by 9:30, but no later. Kelly never called. She got home after 9:30 p.m
With Venus ruling the 6th and found in the 1st conj. BML so closely and then the Moon there as well, it appears to be a case of meeting the boogey man close up and personal, whether or not she welcomed him in her proximity and then was fooled by him, I cannot say, but logic alone tells me this didn't occur that way.

After all, her keys, and personal effects were found strewn in the parking lot of her residence, and her condo was not upset in the least - everything in it's place. Yet her personal belongings, showed in the parking lot near her car, that a struggle took place .

With BAM, Pluto and Jupiter the ruler of house 7 (the other) all in an energy stellium, my take is that it was quick, without notice, and not someone she welcomed into her life.

Thanks so much for your work on these charts. I copied the only part of your interpretation that im not sure about; There are a few indications that Jodi may have had a visitor in her apartment late that night. Perhaps he stayed over, or perhaps, after he left he waited for her in the parking lot. Those indications are:

Earlier in the evening, when Jodi was still out at the tournament dinner, she received a male visitor who knocked on her apt. door and said "Jodi open up, i know you're in there" (this was heard by the neighbor from across the hall. She didnt see him though). This man finally left when he received no answer.

There were 2 empty beer cans in her sink. I feel thats relevant because after a long day out socializing and drinking, would she really come home and drink TWO beers? If she spoke to a friend on the phone when she arrived home around 8-ish and indicated she would most likely be in bed by 9:30, would she really need them? Perhaps, though, she would have one with someone who stopped by.

The toilet seat in her bathroom was up, as if a man had been the last the use it. Dont know about anyone else, but the first thing i do when i get up in the morning is go to the bathroom, especially if i had been drinking the night before. And i doubt it was up because she was cleaning it at 4am, late for work.

One investigator stated he feels that the scenario may have originated in the apartment. If there was any viable evidence taken, LE doesnt share it. They keep most things close to the vest, but they admit they have little more info now than they did then.
Ref: Earlier in the evening, when Jodi was still out at the tournament dinner, she received a male visitor who knocked on her apt. door and said "Jodi open up, i know you're in there" (this was heard by the neighbor from across the hall. She didnt see him though). This man finally left when he received no answer.

My understanding is this was the dinner of the evening before.....
or June 26th.
While she was not home, I read on the blog that a neighbor saw someone shouting for her to come to the door, but this man eventually gave up and left, running down the stairs (there is a photo of the stairs in the blog)

However the problem I see with honing in on this episode of someone knocking on her door the evening before whilst she was at a party or social affair, is she was a social butterfly of sorts, having many many (friends and /or acquaintances) and which one of them, (when we have so many) do we then become suspicious of??

From what I read, she had innumerable such acquaintances.

As to whether or not she had a man stay the night?

Who knows? I surely do not know this and I don't think the phone call chart tells us this either.

And IF she did, then why would the apt itself be so neat and organized, but the outer area going to her auto be so chaotic as though a struggle occurrred only there, and all her things dropped all over the parking lot?

Sounds like whoever accosted her, did so out there
and not in the apt.

Perhaps a stalker (the one she mentioned to her best friend twice) tried to call the friend and then wrote her about him.......
finally met up with her and was jealous of whoever was there that night with her.

There is an old saying, "when we lay down with dogs we catch fleas":waitasec:
And this is not to say that Jodi did this, because I wouldn't know, not knowing her, HOWEVER, the point is, "when we associate with soooo many people, we have no clue as to who is being invited (unconsciously) i.e. BML - into our space ...and it sounds to me like this is what occurred.

Not discerning enough
, but then again, she was young and when we are younger, we have all made such naive errors of judgement . She was young and very social, engaging, as a Gemini Sun or Gemini Stellium and felt she needed to socialize as she was very much the career woman on the go and going far in her mind, the two go together.

For the rest of us, looking from the outside looking in, most of us don't know the amount of folks she came into daily contact with, for not being in the public eye, we aren't socializing to that extent (or I wouldn't think so) as a matter of course and everyday life.

There were 2 empty beer cans in her sink. I feel thats relevant because after a long day out socializing and drinking, would she really come home and drink TWO beers? If she spoke to a friend on the phone when she arrived home around 8-ish and indicated she would most likely be in bed by 9:30, would she really need them? Perhaps, though, she would have one with someone who stopped by.

The toilet seat in her bathroom was up, as if a man had been the last the use it. Dont know about anyone else, but the first thing i do when i get up in the morning is go to the bathroom, especially if i had been drinking the night before. And i doubt it was up because she was cleaning it at 4am, late for work.

One investigator stated he feels that the scenario may have originated in the apartment. If there was any viable evidence taken, LE doesnt share it. They keep most things close to the vest, but they admit they have little more info now than they did then.

You have made very good points here.

Sounds like someone was in the condo or apt. that evening prior to her going missing the next morning.

I know the only time the toilet seat is up at my home, is when my husband uses it, never when I do. :waitasec:
REF: Originally Posted by Leomoon80
With Venus ruling the 6th and found in the 1st conj. BML so closely and then the Moon there as well, it appears to be a case of meeting the boogey man close up and personal, whether or not she welcomed him in her proximity and then was fooled by him, I cannot say, but logic alone tells me this didn't occur that way.

Looking at this time of the day (early AM on the 27th), I am assigning for my own edification , Venus to Jodi, as Venus rules the house of decision making, and is found in the 1st house of the chart where we'd look for the question or subject of the chart.
In this case, her telephone call to the producer or vice versa. The call itself.

Jodi, i.e.Venus in the 1st
, is found wedged between the Black Moon Lilith, (that boogey man I spoke about) and the Moon (the co-ruler of this chart and ruler of 4th house End of the Matter)

Venus is stuck here, and will not be around too much longer as Venus squares Mars, Squares Saturn and squares Chiron. This suggests that Venus i.e. Jodi, will meet with harm's way very shortly. Her body or the attacker himself, (Mars) will be attacked with an agressive ferocity (blood found in the parking lot) Mars found in Virgo beginning of the 5th house of love affairs and recreation, social affairs perhaps, - and conj. Chiron. Squares Venus.

Yes, I would agree she probably met him somewhere and may have known of him in a casual way, one of hundreds, perhaps more people she came into contact with, and was frightened of him (the Venus conj. to the BML) and connection by square to this place.

That's why she told her friend of the stalker (as well as tried to call her to tell her)

Unconsciously perhaps, she knew it would be bad, and it was we often do these things prior to death, (reach out, try to warn people, say our goodbyes, have dreams of the impending doom to come, etc)
It's a common enough theme in life.
Perhaps a stalker (the one she mentioned to her best friend twice) tried to call the friend and then wrote her about him.......
finally met up with her and was jealous of whoever was there that night with her.

Sounds like someone was in the condo or apt. that evening prior to her going missing the next morning.

IF there was a man in her apt. the night before, he has never come forward to admit it. Your interpretation gathers strength when considering that perhaps this man was a secret lover(married?) and maybe THAT is why he hasn't come forward. Of course, he could also fear at having a finger pointed at him. If she went to bed around 9:30 as has been suggested, and was on a regular schedule getting up very early but on this morning overslept an hour or more than usual, it points strongly to her having a late night visit from someone....The stalker theory becomes much stronger when considering that perhaps this visitor is just an innocent(?) person who happened to be the last person to see Jodi before she was abducted.... out there but afraid to come forward...either way, looking at it like that sharpens the stalker theory considerably...

Saw on Facebook today that investigators are checking new leads and will have details posted soon on the website:

Thanks again for your fascinating and challenging interpretations :great:
I examined six timed charts in this case, four of which were most instructive.

1. REPORTED MISSING, Thursday May 12, 2011, 1:00 pm, Aurora, IL
2. LAST SEEN, Friday May 13, 2011, 10:10 am, Wisconsin Dells, IL
3. LAST HEARD, Friday May 13, 2011, 12:30 pm, Sterling, IL
4. MOTHER ALONE AT SUPERMARKET, Friday May 13, 2011, 8:00 pm, Winnebago, IL
5. HOTEL CHECK-IN, Friday May 13, 2011, 11:15 pm, Rockford, IL
6. MOTHER FOUND DEAD, Saturday May 14, 2011, 12:30 pm, Rockford, IL

Chillingly, the 1st chart, REPORTED MISSING, told the tale, confirmed beyond reasonable doubt by the last three charts, MOTHER ALONE AT SUPERMARKET, HOTEL CHECK-IN and MOTHER FOUND DEAD, all giving more information than LAST SEEN and LAST HEARD.


REPORTED MISSING testifies as to a journey (SUN in 9th House of Trips/Journeys) that ends in death of a child (Leo on turned 8th House of Death of the 5th House Child).

The SUN 21 Taurus is in critical degree (21 Fixed) denoting a crisis occurring during the trip (9th House); even more so because SUN's dispositor VENUS is also critical (26 Cardinal) in the same 9th House and dispositor VENUS separates conjunction both JUPITER, Lord 5 the Child (Timmothy), and MERCURY Lord 1 the Mother, both partile conjunct, symbolizing they were together at that time.

I note both MERCURY Lord 1 the Mother and JUPITER Lord 5 the Child at 25 Aries are partile opposed Timmothy's natal SUN, 25 Libra.

Crisis is further indicated by the 29th degree, a degree of endings, on the 5th House of the Child cusp.

PLUTO, symbolic of murder, crime and death, is intercepted (hidden) within the 5th House of the Child, along with the Arabic Parts of FATALITY and MURDER, which are both inconjunct (a death aspect) the EQ (a secondary ASCENDANT) and trine the SUN (making fatality/murder 'easy).

VERTEX (Fate) is posited in the 5th House of the Child, as well, and I note its position 24 Capricorn is close square Timmothy's natal SUN 25 Libra.

Timmothy's natal MOON 23 Sagittarius (sunrise position) is partile conjunct REPORTED MISSING NODES (23 Sagittarius/Gemini) and thus in Fateful Degree, indicating a catastrophe/tragedy/fatality.

ALGOL 26 Taurus, the most malefic Fixed Star in the Heavens, conjuncts the MIDHEAVEN (what comes before the Public Eye), with Arabic Part of SUICIDE 23 Taurus conjunct as well, and in Fateful Degree (catastrophe/tragedy/fatality). This is an evil premonition of what eventually became public knowledge: the mother killed herself; however, there is more to it:

The evil BLACK MOON 01 Taurus (the murdering Mother) is partile conjunct Lord 4 End of the Matter MARS (violence, murder) with both trine Co-Lord 4 End of the Matter PLUTO intercepted within the 5th House of the Child.

The REPORTED MISSING chart shows the child's death as hidden (interceptions within the 5th House of the Child), but the interaspects of this chart with Timmothy's natal, Secondary Progressed and Tertiary Progressed charts clearly describe the murder, and will be further illuminated by the last three charts, MOTHER ALONE IN SUPERMARKET, HOTEL CHECK-IN and MOTHER FOUND DEAD.

I will continue posting with commentary later today (possibly as late as this evening).


NOTE: PART 2 , 3 and 4 follow below in post # 256,257,258

UPDATE BODY FOUND June 2011 and it does appear that the recent Eclipse is making found or known, what had been hidden (the December event) in Capricorn 8th house of death : &#8220;Asteroid Anubis&#8221; was 23deg.Taurus (rx) when this event occurred) And Anubis was not shown in the original charts, for it's an asteroid which depicts a suicide.
Opposed to Last Seen 3PM - Venus in house 12 and at 10:30PM (last Cell call) is found in the 9th opposing the 3rd house phone call!

A suicide or an accidental drowning, as House of Circumstance (11th house cusp) lord is Jupiter found conjunct Uranus in the 11th and square to Mercury ruler of the event chart in the 7th.

Both Uranus & Jupiter are in the same degree in the 11th house 26 Pisces, which is a degree of drowning, because it conjuncts fixed star Scheat. Closer to MATAR (near Scheat) in the Constellation Pegasus (taken down a peg) is the keyword to this constellation.

Thus, the planets were after all, reflecting this drowning event. (looking at the 3PM last seen leaving home with dog chart)

2nd event chart erected
at the time:
There was another event or the last cell phone 10:30PM which puts both these planets in the 7th house, thus the confusion whether another was involved in his demise.
The last cell phone call to family at 10:30PM is the chart which puts Anubis in the 9th, opposed to the 3rd house of phone calls and messages, along with Venus and Atropos and the POF in the 29th degree of Scorpio &#8211; a degree of misfortune in this sign and ending or &#8220;end of the line&#8221;

Referencing the 3PM last seen leaving in auto chart, I wrote:
Moon square Sun on the take off, an inauspicious sign for the Sun is an indicator for the ultimate Ending of this chart. In inharmony with the Moon, a co - Ruler of the chart, while the Rising sign is Gemini, puts Mercury into the 7th house in Sag, a mutable sign and square both Uranus and the co-ruler of the lord of this house, Jupiter. In effect we have a ruler of the 7th, (Jupiter) squaring the house of &#8220;others&#8221; the 7th, signifying bad luck at least will be the outcome.

The 4th Hs. Cusp lord is the Sun found between Mars and Pluto in the 8th of death along with the North Node in the same degree as Pallas Athena, an indication of strategy, foresight and planning.
He knew where he wanted to go, and had the intention (North Node) as his purpose to get there., but Pluto intercedes and changes the equation.

Update: Found in the River:

Looking further at the position of Anubis when Kenneth was born, it was located in direct motion at 25degrees02 Sagittarius, a critical degree in this sign, and therefore, did square both Jupiter and Uranus location 26 degrees Pisces when he apparently went into the water. This occurs in the event chart.

Further examination of his natal positions, reveals Anubis is square his natal Pluto and opposed to his natal Black Moon all within 1-2 degrees, so quite close in orb to both.

From the Courier Press link I posted last, I do believe again, (as I&#8217;ve posted the same theory before) that oftentimes, the conscious mind is not in tune with nor necessarily at all, conscious of the subconscious wishes or desire to leave the body. Again, I think this case is what we term &#8220; an accident&#8221; and he may have fallen asleep afterall, to cross over. It&#8217;s also interesting to me astrologically, to see that Jupiter (the spirit) is conjunct his Uranus (accident) and Pluto (death) in his natal chart. With the Quincunx from Pluto to Saturn, predicting how he may die eventually, (when his time was up)

He was moving from Michigan to live with family in Dawson Springs and was last reported being heard from on Dec. 28, when a friend or family member spoke with him by cell phone when he was in or around Rockport, Ky.
At that time, said Lt. Frank Gropp, Jarrell reported that he was feeling sleepy. Jarrell was a diabetic and was driving along the Western Kentucky Parkway where it intersects with the Green River.

In the 10:30PM last cell phone chart, Neptune (sleep or unconsciousness) is conjunct the Vertex (fated event) in the 6th house of health issues.
With Saturn (the body) conjunct the Moon (water and end of the matter co-ruler) in the 2nd house, or soon to become fact.
We know Timmothy was alive at 12:30 pm on Friday May 13, 2011 because at that time his mother called relatives to advise the two were not in danger and Timmothy himself spoke to relatives on his mother's cell phone.

At 8:00 pm that evening, the mother was observed entering Sullivan's Foods in Winnebago, IL. She was alone. Approximately 3 hours later, Amy Fry-Pitzen checked into a Rockford hotel without her son.

This puts Timmothy's death window between approx. 1:00 pm - 11:00 pm on Friday May 13th.


The Supermarket Chart puts 22 degrees Scorpio on the ASCENDANT, directly opposed by SUN 22 Taurus. This is the 'kill or be killed' degree according to the Degree Theory of noted Serbian Astrologer Nikola Stojanovic. The SUN's sign Leo is intercepted in the 9th House of Trips with the Arabic Part of DEATH posited at 09 Leo within (not shown). The interceptions, occurring in a cadent house, suggest secrecy.

In the Event Chart, the violent SUN (22 degree) sesquisquares MOON 05 Libra (Timmothy). PLUTO, co-Lord 1 the Mother, at 07 Capricorn squares the MOON. The murdering BLACK MOON seen at 01 Taurus in the REPORTED MISSING chart has by now retrograded back to 29 Aries --- a degree of crisis and endings. It is posited at the very end of the 5th House of the Child and is still conjunct violent MARS now at 02 Taurus. Note well that MARS Lord 1 the Mother has just left the 5th House of the Child, suggesting the deed (murder) is done. Event MARS 02 Taurus Lord 1 the Mother is posited in the same degree as Timmothy's natal NODES 02 Taurus/Scorpio, another chilling testimony of catastrophe/tragedy/fatality. Moreover, this MARS symbolizing the Mother is close opposed Timmothy's Secondary Progressed SUN 01:59 Scorpio.

Notice also that Timmothy's natal chart places CERES (the mother) conjunct MARS, and he likely has MOON conjunct PLUTO as well ---- suggesting at best, a problematic relationship with the Mother.


I will continue with the last two charts (MOTHER CHECKS INTO HOTEL and MOTHER FOUND DEAD) later today (if possible).

The chart below shows the SUN in Fateful Degree (same degree as the NODES), foretelling catastrophe/tragedy/fatality. The SUN's sign Leo is on the 8th House of Death. Within the 8th House we see VERTEX (Fate) and MISFortune (because of 8th House placement).


The 'kill or be killed' degree, 22, is on the 5th House of the Child cusp. VENUS, Lord 5 the Child (Timmothy) is posited on the cusp of the Turned 12th House of the 5th House Child (radix 4th), a death placement. Lord 5 the Child VENUS separates conjunction JUPITER Lord Turned 8th of the 5th House Child (radix 12) --- he is already dead. As in the previous charts in posts above, JUPITER at 25 Aries is partile opposed Timmothy's natal SUN 25 Libra.

The child, however, is not the only victim.

Lord 1 SATURN RX 10 Libra the Mother is partile conjunct VINDEMIATRIX, a notorious Death Star, partile conjunct the Arabic Part of TREACHERY, and conjunct MOON, the natural significator of a mother. This shows a seriously depressed --- and dangerous--- female. The exact square of MOON to PLUTO in the 1st House points to violence and control.

Notice SUN the Event sesquisquares both MOON and PLUTO. This aspect, known as Thor's Hammer, suggests the tension between the planets in square (MOON & PLUTO) finds outlet through the apex planet (SUN), and here the SUN is in Fateful Degree and rules the 8th House of Death. She resolved her control issues by murdering her child and killing herself.

More testimonies regarding murder and suicide:

1. The Arabic Part of MURDER 12:28 Gemini trines SATURN Lord 1 the Mother.

2. The MARS/SATURN midpoint (brutality, cruelty) 21:40 Cancer conjuncts the Arabic Part of SONS 20:35 Cancer, both opposing Timmothy's natal CHIRON 20 Capricorn --- a death wound.

3. The Part of SONIA symbolizing 'transformation' including death at 24:43 Aquarius squares the SUN 23 Taurus and trines Timmothy's natal SUN 25 Libra.

4. Lord 2 Near Future URANUS 03 Aries opposes Lord 1 SATURN RX the Mother. URANUS also squares the ASCENDANT (sudden shock to the body) and inconjuncts Asteroid HOPI 03 Virgo (knives) which trines the ASCENDANT (the body). The Arabic Part of SUICIDE 08 Leo partile squares the Part of DEATH 08 Scorpio. It was subsequently discovered that Amy Fry-Pitzen committed suicide by slitting her wrists.

There is one more chart to check: MOTHER FOUND DEAD, which I hope to address shortly.

This is the 4th and final chart I will discuss in this case. Timmothy's mother, Amy Fry-Pitzen, was found dead in her hotel room on Saturday May 14, 2011 at approximately 12:30 pm. It was later revealed she had slashed her wrists. She also left behind a note stating Timmothy was safe with (unnamed) friends and, IIRC, he would not be found.


Leo rises. Lord 1 the Mother is the SUN at 23 Taurus in Fateful Degree (same degree as the NODES), partile conjunct the Arabic Part of SUICIDE and conjunct ALGOL 26 Taurus, which is close trine the Arabic Part of DEATH 27 Capricorn.

Once again we see the Thor's Hammer configuration involving SUN sesquisquare SATURN RX square PLUTO, as in the previous chart, HOTEL CHECK-IN. Notice MOON has moved past the exact conjunction to SATURN. With perhaps 4 1/2 degrees of separation, it is possible the mother's death occurred 8-10 hours earlier.

In this chart, SATURN RX rules the 6th House of Deliberate Choices and MOON rules the 12th House of Misfortune, Sorrow & Woe / Turned 8th House of Death of the 5th House Child. The Part of DEATH 27 Capricorn is disposited by SATURN RX which is quindecile (165 degrees) JUPITER Lord 5 the Child.

This certainly suggests killing the child was a 'deliberate choice.'

in Aries quindecile SATURN RX suggests a violent, brutal death, particularly with SATURN RX square PLUTO found within the 5th House of the Child. Once again, recall that at 25 Aries, JUPITER Lord 5 the Child is partile opposed Timmothy's natal SUN 25 Libra.

We see the 5th House of the Child cusp at 23:44 Sagittarius, also in Fateful Degree, emphasizing once again that a catastrophe/tragedy/fatality has overtaken the Child. The Parts of FATALITY and MURDER are also within the 5th House of the Child with FATALITY 12 Capricorn close square SATURN RX and MURDER 17 Capricorn partile conjunct the VERTEX (Fate) and the Part of MISFortune (due to conjunction with MURDER).

Note: The suicide note is assigned to House 3 ruled by VENUS, here at 28 Aries and disposited by and in mutual reception with MARS 02 Taurus.

According to Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson, the mutual reception allows VENUS and MARS to change signs but not degrees. If we place VENUS the suicide note at the mutual reception spot of 28 Taurus, we immediately see VENUS is besieged (trapped) between the malefic Fixed Star ALGOL 26 Taurus and ALCYONE (Pleiades, Weeping Sisters) 00 Gemini. With ALGOL symbolizing 'losing one's head, literally or figuratively,' and ALCYONE symbolizing 'something to cry about,' this is hardly a testimony that the boy is "safe with friends."

Meanwhile, if due to the mutual reception we move MARS at 02 Taurus to 02 Aries, it conjuncts URANUS, a most dangerous and volatile aspect denoting sudden (URANUS) violence (MARS), and, because URANUS feeds into the MOON-PLUTO / SATURN / SUN configuration (via its opposition to SATURN RX and square to PLUTO), one can only conclude sudden and extremely brutal unexpected death.

MARS rules the 4th House End of the Matter --- a violent and catastrophic ending for Timmothy, whose natal NODES are also in that degree (02 Taurus/Scorpio) and, as in all six charts examined, tightly opposed his Secondary Progressed SUN 01:59 Scorpio.

Very Sadly,
Heartbreaking. I was so hoping for a different ending, but was very concerned given the circumstances. Soulscape, thank you so much for your hard work and brilliant analysis.
Heartbreaking. I was so hoping for a different ending, but was very concerned given the circumstances. Soulscape, thank you so much for your hard work and brilliant analysis.

I too, was hoping for a different outcome.

I hope Timmothy's death was quick and I hope he did not suffer. Prayers for his father.

With the distance she traveled, he might never be found. :(

Thank you, Soulscape for your readings.
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