Forensic Astrology - CASE REQUESTS only - #1

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Not too sure if this is the right place to put this, nor do I have all the information but I was wondering if there was a chart done for Elizabeth Olten.
The Astros have collectively determined there is no need for us to further exploit the Elizabeth Olten case since it is quite evident LE is holding the correct person responsible for this crime.

Our focus will move ahead toward those 'unsolved' cases brought before us.

Thank you for understanding.

♥Beautiful Elizabeth♥ will be missed by many. PRAYERS go out for her Family.

Your derogatory tone and request is not acceptable.

Soulscape - did you get a chance at all to do a chart on little Alex? If you did, would you please go ahead and post it? You don't have to do the analysis, as it appears LE has solved this case already. I would just like to see the chart posted for little Alex just to have something for him. I think given the circumstances of his life, he will not get a lot of attention.

I don't even know what I'm asking for here. I feel so bad about this little boy.

I guess this is the right place to post a request if not someone let me know. I had a friend murdered in 1991 and there were always speculations to what happened but no one ever was charged.
Her name was Tammy Jo , On her tombstone it is listed as Sands which is her grandparents name but when I met her her last name was Charles(maiden name) and then her married name was Cross which is what she went by. Her BD was 3-3-1958 and her DOD was 2-3-1991. She had been to a local bar in Newburg Missouri their was a fund raiser going on that night for a lady in town that had a brain tumor. The bar was crowded that night due to the fund raiser. Also most everyone there was drinking heavly.
On that night 2-3-91 @ approix 11p or 12a she told her best friend she was going to meet someone to talk and if she was not back within a hour or so to come look for her.
Well for whatever reason she left and no one ever went to look for her. Her body was found the next day 2-4-91 on a desolate logging road about 7 miles south of Newburg Missouri. She was found by 2 men that were out road hunting. She was at the very end of the dead end road laying in the grass fully clothed. She had not been robbed there was money in her purse on the front seat of her car and her jewlry she had on was still on her body. She had one bullet hole in the side of her head. It was always rumored that she went to meet her ex husband who by the way was remarried and still continued to meet up with her at times. They had a stormy relationship and one daughter that was born in 1982. He had been abusive in the past and he had alot of unsavory friends and associates. He was just a mean kinda guy that no one would want to cross. There was speculation that when she got to the meeting place she was met by another person(friend of her ex) and he shot her for the ex. That person is now in prison in Missouri serving a life sentance for rape with a weapon, sodomy, physical injury 2 counts, burglary, armed criminal action his dob is 4-13-52. Also it had always been rumored that another fellow had come into pocession of the murder weapon and he had thrown it in a farm pond somewhere in Phelps County Missouri. I wasen't sure if I could name names but if I can let me know and any other info I can get for you. It has always bothered everyone that she never got justice and her poor grandparents went to their graves not knowing what happened to her. Her little daughter went to Idaho after her mother was killed to live with her maternal uncle. We never knew why her father didn't get custody of her or if he even tried. Thank You for any help you could give me
At 10:06 p.m. Saturday night, the pair was on 29th Avenue between East Yesler Way and East Spruce Street, discussing details of an apparently unrelated traffic stop that occurred a short time before, officers said.

Brenton was in the passenger seat when another vehicle -- described as a light-colored small car, possibly a gray or white Toyota -- drove next to them. Police do not know how many people were in the suspect vehicle, but one started shooting through the passenger window of the police car.

Officer Timothy Q. Brenton, 39 years old
October 31,2009
10.06 p.m shot and killed
Seattle Washington
West Seattle High school graduate class of 1988
Not sure how to sleuth anymore accurate info. Any help would be appreciated.
I will pass all information onto a member of the Seattle gang task force. Thank you.
I've looked, but I don't see a chart or request for baby Shannon, FL. Has one been done that I missed? TIA.
I've looked, but I don't see a chart or request for baby Shannon, FL. Has one been done that I missed? TIA.


A thread has been started in this case of Shannon Dedrick.
LINK: [ame=""]Forensic Astrology - SHANNON Lea DEDRICK, 7mo. old missing Chipley, FL - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

I've just recently become fascinated with this thread. How can I find out if any analysis has ever been done on Michelle Young? She was murdered 3 years ago.
There is a Tallahassee case of Mike Williams, a hunter who disappeared without a trace. It has long been thought that his wife had something to do with his case as she was having an affair with his best friend. His "widow" was allowed to fast track his death certificate, collect insurance, and then marry his friend. His mother has worked tirelessly to find answers. She has been shut off from her grandchildren and NOW her husband has been arrested for domestic violence. Her husband is connected to LE and has strong family ties in his community. This case weighs heavily on their town. Brian's Predictions posted a dream analysis indicating the wife was involved. It was forwarded to LE, but nothing has changed. Would it be possiblt to send you particulars for consideration? They need answers before Mike's children or family are harmed. Please PM me and I will gather anything you need.
I've just recently become fascinated with this thread. How can I find out if any analysis has ever been done on Michelle Young? She was murdered 3 years ago.

No, we have not done a chart for Michelle Young.

Please refer to the front of this thread where directions are with regard to submitting a REQUEST.

Because we are bogged down with so many requests, I cannot promise if and when we will be able to get to your request.
In the meantime, please complete the following details necessary to cast a chart.

Location and Date & time of discovery, date and time of Police report or 911 call, circumstantial details.

In addition, we need to know the date & time of LASTseen or heard from & circumstances.
She is the subject of the book
I do not know her supposed birthdate only the year says
She looks like a LIBRA to me?

hey guys,

would love to see renewed interest in the sabrina aisenberg case. is there a chance you could do a last scene chart for the baby?
I hope you can help me find some answers to these cases... Please.... This mother and daughter are missing..

I know you are busy with so many cases. I just hope you could look at this when time permits.. Thank you very much

and I understand if you can't.. Bless you for what you have and will continue to do for everyone at WS and the

missing.... I hope I have gotten you enough information .... my first time asking for a case done...

This is a cold case I found on here about 1 yr ago..

Link---- [ame=""]AL-Mother and daughter missing from Section, AL 6/21/07 *merged* - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Everytime I drive by this area where they live I wonder where they are.. I look over that mountain as we go down and

then back up .. coming up I think to myself no one would see anyone down there... I don't even like taking that way

back home .. I don't think Alabama even knows what a guard rail is.. I am sorry ,,I do not mean to offend Alabama

people or their state really but it is just soooo dangerous without guardrails on these mountains..

Kimberly Whitton (mother)

Birthdate July 7,1970

Last Seen Date - June 21,2007 the nursing home friends reported Kimberly missing it is in the charleyreport..

Reported Missing - June 28, 2007

Haleigh Culwell (daughter)

Birth date -01/25/1996

Last Seen Date - June 21, 2007

Last seen - section, Al

Reported missing - June 28,2007


The Charleyproject---- alot of info on them..


A pond on the 40 acres belonging to Whitton was drained Friday. Cadaver dogs were brought to the site to search it.

FBI spokesman Paul Daymond declined to comment on the progress of the search or what led searchers to the pond.

Kim Whitton and Haleigh were last seen June 21, and were reported missing June 28 by Kim Whitton's co-workers at

Cloverdale Manor nursing home.

Barry v. Whitton

Birth date - 01/01/1968

Living in Section, AL

Is in prison as of this date for firearms charges.. Not Murder .. just Firearms.. He received 10yrs for the

firearms charge..

Can not find enough on missing mother and daughter to bring charges on him.. Or his 1st wife which is dead also..

found buried shallow grave 1 mile from where he lived with Kimberly and Haleigh.. That mile away was in a

different county .. Dekalb county , Al

Michelle whitton reported missing dec.7.1997 by barry whitton she was found 1998 in the shallow grave..


LeoMoon has posted a chart in the CASE BRIEFINGS thread.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only[/ame]


last seen 11/23/1997 valrico, florida approximately midnight

date of birth: 6/27/1997 tampa, florida

mother found empty crip 6:42 am 11/24/1997

will try to find parents' birth info...

thank you very much for any time you can give to this. i know you guys are swamped!! we appreciate your hard work

All these cases are IMPORTANT and worthy of attention. Our prayers go out to the families of the missing persons and victims.


Our focus goes first to the most current crimes in an effort to provide forensic clues as quickly as possible. When we have breathing room, we then look at the request cases, work on them and place those charts in our Case Briefings thread. A notice regarding Chart findings will be added to the respective inquiring post at that time.

As you see, we're SWAMPED with requests therefore we cannot promise when we can approach the multitude of inquiries brought to us.
I certainly don't want to discourage anyone from requesting a chart, but must remind everyone we are doing the best we can given that we volunteer whatever time & services we can to WS, and like the rest of WS members, we have real life restrictions/duties/responsibilities we must attend to.

We thank you for understanding.



LeoMoon has posted a chart in the CASE BRIEFINGS thread.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only[/ame]

*************************************************** is a website i just found that has a last seen chart already done on sabrina aisenberg. do you guys recommend this site? the chart analysis is very interesting and conveys that she was taken out of the country to awaiting buyer/couple/family...said it was a "business transaction" and that the parents had nothing to do with it and could not have prevented it because it had been planned for months
Astros, I wasn't sure where to put so it wouldn't get overlooked because I wanted to post it for you...because you do so much.

It's called Rescuer's Prayer
[ame=""]YouTube- Music For The Missing Children 007[/ame]

I've included the words which sadly, are so very true for both families who've lost ones and those that go missing. Please delete or repost somewhere else if you want. Michelle

~ Rescuer’s Prayer ~

Oh that I could spare your pain
And tell the world how beautiful you are to me
I see your eyes through cloud and rain
Your spirit is a light beyond the cruelty

You trust in the ones that confine you
You love when the hurt has downed you
Oh if only dreams came true
Oh if only I could save you

Gentle is your heart so near
Broken in a world that never knew your name
I will hold your memory dear
Burning in my soul a precious candle flame

We rescue the ones we believe in
We care ever more in our grieving
Parting is our sorrow's work
Dear Lord make their voices heard...

Oh that I could spare your pain
And tell the world how beautiful you are to me...

© Maria Daines/Paul Killington
All Rights Reserved
(mcps) ASCAP


LeoMoon has posted a chart in the CASE BRIEFINGS thread.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only[/ame]


last seen 11/23/1997 valrico, florida approximately midnight

date of birth: 6/27/1997 tampa, florida

mother found empty crip 6:42 am 11/24/1997

will try to find parents' birth info...

thank you very much for any time you can give to this. i know you guys are swamped!! we appreciate your hard work

It seems like this case, Sabrina A., has been requested before. Maybe do a search or read the thread.
Also, you will probably need the time and date police were called about the missing child.
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