Forensic Astrology - CASE REQUESTS only - #1

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We have opened a thread dedicated to the PATRICIA KIMMI CASE.

[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - PATRICIA KIMMI- last seen 11/6/09 Horton, Kansas - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]


Information confirmed by daughter in a private communication.

DOB: 10/6/1951 Hawaii - time of birth unknown

The last person to talk to her was her friend Kathy S. at 5:30 pm on 11-06-09.

She was last seen on the video surveillance at 5:40 pm. Daughter didn't see the video but police and family members are sure it's her and it fits the timeline of her leaving her friend's house and is the route she would have taken home.

One of her friends called her house that Fri evening around 7:30 p.m. and no one answered the phone.

Daughter arrived at her house at 8:45 am on 11-07-09 and notified police on the same day at 9:40 am.
Tuba and Fifth, thank you for the time you put towards Billy Smolinski's disappearance. His family desperately wants him home. His mother is an inspiring agent for change and has been invited to testify for the passing of the Help Find the Missing Act (Billy's Law) in DC on 12/15.

She has met with tremendous obstacles from the very agencies that are charged with helping to find missing persons yet 5 years later, she is still without her son. Add to that, a lawsuit was lodged against her and her daughter for reposting Billy's missing flyer after Billy's girlfriend continued tearing them down - even writing 'who cares' on many of them. Prior to the lawsuit being lodged though, she was arrested for this (fingerprinted, mugshot'd) for breach of peace for trying to repost her son's flyers. This is truly a miscarriage of justice.

Thank for the compasson and dedication you've shown in support of a human being who's gone missing and deserves the equal urgency be paid to his disappearance as is paid to all of our missing persons.

Dreamweaver, thank you again for the compassion you've shown for him and his family.

Tabitha, I think you will be able to learn what time Douglas Stewart's body was found on February 18. If you can determine that time, please post it here. Thanks.

Hi. Sorry to bother you. I replied with the time, so I was just wondering if there's something else you're missing in order to do a chart on Douglas.. or if you just haven't done one because you're busy. I'm just wondering because his mother had asked me and would like to know. Thanks


TUBA posted a chart in the CASE BRIEFINGS Thread

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only[/ame]

Respectfully bumping for Jennifer and Adrianna Wix...............very anxious to hear.

Thank you!
Hi Fifth, per your request I was able to confirm the missing persons report was filed at 11:20PM Aug 27, 2004.

B's mom estimate his asking his neighbor to watch his dog at about 5PM Aug 24, 2007. This is the best she can do. With that I hope we'll be able to lend insight into where he's been buried so his parents and sister can bring him home.

Thanks a lot - Michel


TUBA has added another post further to the chart she had posted in the CASE BRIEFINGS thread

There is a second horoscope based on the missing person report. I don't think you have looked at that. You will find it in the Case Briefing thread.

DOB: 12/24/1994
Last Seen by parents in home @ 2 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 17.
[ame=""]OH - Sebastian Mikkel Bragg, 14, missing 17-Nov-09 (New Waterford) - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

hello wonderful astrologers! i have a question; would/could you glean any info with just the dob's of the perp at dob 9-11-87 and his fascination/obsession with sebastian bragg dob 12-24-94 whom he has manipulated/kidnapped with a last seen date of 11-17-09. iirc the family went to check on him when he didnt get up in the am like usual and found his bedroom window open. the family is frantic. apparently this adult perp has been infiltrating their lives and gaining control of sebastian, it appears that at has successfully lured him away. the family has no idea where they are and local le doesnt seem to be very concerned since sb went willingly. the fbi are involved - but overall the family has bad feelings about at & need all the help that they can get in order to bring sb home. i didnt see an exact time of last seen other than what i listed above. i had also read that at had purchased $4000 worth of disposable cell phones and supplies - it is also known to the family that there appears to be 10 or more people facilitating this, including at's family whom have all picked up and moved to north carolina, - if there is anything else that you need please let me know and i will try to find it or ask for it.

QUESTION: what day & time was the call made to LE reporting him missing? or what time and date is written on the Missing Person Police Report?
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Sebastain Come Home
The exact time and date the missing person report was listed was 11/18/2009. He was found missing at 6:25 AM and it appears from the com's. he was having ,he left at 6:00 A.M. But B didn't call the police until 7:00 A.M. I'm sure that didn't help, too many times. But if we're going from the report, probably around 7:30 A.M. I would assume

the above is sebastians uncle whom i asked for the info. i do know that you will require the EXACT times, however, i may not be able to get them as i do not wish to make a pest of myself to him or you! other than of course wanting to know where these two may be going, the fear that there is some sort of organized criminal activity that intends to use sebastian some how is their greatest fear. i also know that you astrologers are always swamped - BECAUSE YOUR WORK IS FANTASTIC! and im sure the cases must be triaged some sort of pressure from me ;)
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They got him!!!!! They got him!!!!! They got him!!!! Not the monster but sebastian is found in north carolina!!!!! Thanks for all the help many things to do now!!! God bless you all and we can"t thank everyone near enough!!!! This happened 5 minutes ago please pass the word!!! Sebastian is coming home!!!! Thank you jesus!!!!! Sebastian is coming home!!!!!!!

They had better wrap him up in swaddling and place him under the Christmas Tree, so this doesn't happen again.

TUBA has posted a chart for this case in CASE BRIEFINGS

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only[/ame]


Last Seen 12/16/2000

Mother has set up a MYSPACE for him:
Mike's Story: On the morning of December 16, 2000, Jerry Michael “Mike” Williams supposedly went duck hunting at Lake Seminole in Sneads, Florida, and never returned. At the time of Mike's disappearance, he was 31 years old and had duck hunted at Lake Seminole for many years. When he did not return from hunting that day, the authorities assumed he drowned and alligators ate his body. No criminal investigation was done at the time.
Eighty people have drowned in Lake Seminole since the late 1800s. Mike's body is the only one that has never been found. Reptile experts have told Mike’s family that alligators don’t hunt or eat in December because the water is too cold. His family does not believe that he died in Lake Seminole. Mike loved and adored his daughter who was only 18 months old when he disappeared.

This cold case has haunted Tallahassee for years. Mr. Williams' mom has never given up hope of finding an answer to the mysterious disappearance of her son. In the years since his disappearance she has been cut off from her grandchildren and has suffered harassment at the hands of her ex daughter in law. This case is of particular interest, as the missings mans wife married his best friend shortly after the friend had written a large life insurance policy on her husband that went missing. They expedited the death certificate. This year....Mike's wife was the center of a domestic violence incident involving the "former" best friend of her husband. He currently sist in jail awaiting trial.

This case has a thread here on WS.


win1.JPG Update as of today 12/7/09 ..the current husband of Mikes wife is found not stable to be out on bail. I wonder if his bipolar issue and recent violence was a factor in Mike's disappearance?



[ame=""]ID- Hailey Elliott, 16 yr. old, missing from Garden Valley/Boise since 11/28/09 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Hailey Elliott D.O.B. 11-24-93 (originally from Boise)
Last Seen : 11:45 p.m. Garden Valley, Idaho 11-29-09

not sure whats going on with this girl, but her poor dad is out driving up and down the interstate looking in the ditches... they have her on surveillance video at a gas station getting in the truck of an unidentified male, looks to be in his 30's with mutton chops. some think that she is running from something/someone rather than to someone/someplace although they had some info that she may be trying to get to nevada. she had just turned 16 four days prior - WAY too young to be on her own, moo. tia if you can glean any info out of this one....
Project Jason reads she was captured on the video on Sunday, November 29. You have posted November 28. Which is accurate?

FOUND safe


Tuba - I'm not Nervous Nellie - but after looking at the flyers and reading the thread, I think Hailey went missing 11/28/09 and was captured on video at the truck stop at:

11:45 p.m. on 11/29/09, a Sunday.

She was captured on video a day after she went missing.

Hope that helps,

yes, salem is correct - i had the 29th and then changed it to the 28th. i was on my way to slumberland and not very awake...sorry!:blushing:
Tuba - I'm not Nervous Nellie - but after looking at the flyers and reading the thread, I think Hailey went missing 11/28/09 and was captured on video at the truck stop at:

11:45 p.m. on 11/29/09, a Sunday.

She was captured on video a day after she went missing.

Hope that helps,



NOTE: correction in time Last Seen on Video at gas station 11:45pm 11/29/09 per Project Jason site

DOB: 11/24/93 originally from Boise ID

missing from her school in Garden Valley, ID on 11/28 7:15 pm ( no one has confirmed what kind of school she was attending ie: school for troubled children? )
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - ID- Hailey Elliott, 16 yr. old, missing from Garden Valley/Boise since 11/28/09[/ame]

LAST Seen- comfirmed in video clips at truck stop in Marsing ID on 11/29 @ 11:45pm- getting into truck with male-photos in post.[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - ID- Hailey Elliott, 16 yr. old, missing from Garden Valley/Boise since 11/28/09[/ame]

The cashier at the Chevron said Hailey really hesitated before reluctantly getting into the truck. unfortunately he paid with cash.
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - ID- Hailey Elliott, 16 yr. old, missing from Garden Valley/Boise since 11/28/09[/ame]



I really don't know anything about Forensic Astrology. And I can't view the charts here at work, so I would have to do it at home on limited time. But I would REALLY like to see a chart done for Kara Kopetsky missing from Belton, MO on 5/04/07. Can anyone tell me if this is the best place to post my request, and what information I need to gather to help someone who might do a chart?


Also, are there any links anyone can provide that might help me better understand Forensic Astrology? TIA.

And Bless you all for the hard work you do.


TUBA has posted a chart in the Case Briefing Thread

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only[/ame]

I have been trying to PM you, but your storage is full. Can you please do a chart for my missing brother? Robert Stephen Brown, missing since 3/10/2007?


TUBA posted a chart in the CASE BRIEFINGS Thread

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only[/ame]

Robert Stephen Brown
Last seen 7:00 am on 3/10/07 getting on a city bus to head from Fort Worth to River Oaks, TX. His birthdate is 09/08/1957.

Key players include his daughter, Jacky (9/30/1992), ex-wife Tracy and the Cornstubble family (Mark, Ira, Steve, Diedre). The police report was taken on Wednesday 3/14/2007. The situation was first report on 3/11/2007 as a break in at his apartment.


TUBA posted a chart in the CASE BRIEFINGS Thread

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only[/ame]

I really don't know anything about Forensic Astrology. And I can't view the charts here at work, so I would have to do it at home on limited time. But I would REALLY like to see a chart done for Kara Kopetsky missing from Belton, MO on 5/04/07. Can anyone tell me if this is the best place to post my request, and what information I need to gather to help someone who might do a chart?


Also, are there any links anyone can provide that might help me better understand Forensic Astrology? TIA.

And Bless you all for the hard work you do.

Take a walk over to our LIBRARY. There are many resources listed there including books and links of interest if you are serious about learning the basics of Astrology.
[ame=""]Astrologers LIBRARY - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Forensic Astrology uses specific times, dates and locations of 'events'. For example, we will cast a chart based on the the Last time someone ( missing person ) was 'seen' on X date in whatever town/city, or we may use the date and time of a Police Report. From that chart, we extract specific details (clues not obviously found or noticed via conventional investigations) surrounding that 'event' based on the planetary positions including the luminaries-the Sun and the Moon.


As with any case request, we ask the inquiring member(s) to post the WS link to that case and be sure to list the Missing/or/deceased person's Date of Birth (location if known), date and time Last Seen & location, date and time of last confirmed communication she had, date & time of Police Report or confirmed time and date of call to LE.
SEE Post #1 in this Thread.
Soulscape has begun the work on the Wix case. She's on a leave of absence and you might ask her to take it up again when she returns.

No time was provided for the Kara Kopetsky case. I researched the news and the web and located the time of the incident with her teacher, causing her to leave school.
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